West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1933, p. 5

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Lis over “so, have has... iro or the 't er Mr C. was." volley-holders t. By the “was: no. , data. had Heel” No W at 'Amerlaao‘ of in. broaden:- Btar the and "rtioet- e'ttesterfuld Tat. . on the nor- '3 Bay. MMNY Conn-y by Mr A. W. gamma. n- I. New hu- umed to over In. envelopu. Invoices. alo- rs and haul Lions and I. DDRESS "O VERLEY ' i933 "which. 30mm In minim ting from tho LIFE G REPORT 76-9321 of the at weeitty 10!. why not It." no new: of the the troubled say each wool but after har- wu found m a will ttare no a at _ yearn“ laud-mono "I no to M.at " AY for can. Co. Grey. of hash: irttt house '. No en- :hool. I.- lear um. h Md I, M Otgt i,, We can supply ‘ you with all '! of them MARCH 2, 1333 W " bake bread second to none ; we must sell muvh more to maintain this low price. Come to ..ur store for bread and groceries. and thus get ynur supplies at lowest costs. Blettero Folders Prmted form: lave um. and simplify many othorwiu tedious tasks. Call us and ennui". You know the numb" - Fm. Outlonory autumn Form. IntrieItO Rule Form Factory Pom. Intorlnf Form. Cheques Envelopes, all kinds Fair Printing Auntlon Sate Bill. Let us help you with. Printed Forms Pamphlet. Report. Factory Form. CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Boom." Financial Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock Etc., Ete, Bread, 5 H EN DERSON’S BAKERY Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Canada' " oe Pilot " C Keep in Stock for Sale the following Goods: THE PEOPLE'S MILLS our prices more purehulng 0|..an tt will pay you. Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. JOHN McGOWAN -- FLOUR if purchased at our Bakeshop 'N, off cart Phone No Businm local-d Form. Manifold FOrm. 8an Bull: Window Cards Receipt. Tickets, ail kinda Businou Cards Pomona! Card: Wedding Statlomry Funeral summary Announcement. Shipping Tag. Prize List. Color Printing Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED Shorts The regular monthly meeting ot' Hopevilio W. 1. vii be held March 8, at home of Mrs W R Dickie. Roll all: ‘An incident in school days! Pa- lper: 'Parliamentary rules and proceo 'dure' by Mrs J. Sinclsir. Question box, community singing and the us- I uni social time. I Wise Marjorie Lyons, teacher at S.S. No 13. and a. number of young folks of the section, put on a succes- ful and amusing play, 'Mr Bobe' in the schoolhouse Friday night. There were good musical numbers on the program. The play will be again I presented Monday at Ventry church. . We regret much to learn that Mrs Howard McLean is not making as much progress towards recovery as she should owing to heart condition. Mr Walter Benham, Br. has been spending a. tow weeks in Tomato. Mr Wm McKinney has taken over the Hopeville mail route and com- menced duties a couple of weeks ago. Pleased to see Mr Alvin Scum out again after an attack of appendicitis, which was bed enough whim lt last.. The W.M.S. of Hopeville United Church, will meet Mach 3, at home of Mrs Hector Jack, to take part in the World Dar of Prayer. Messrs Robt and Walter Stewart have bought a. piece of bush for fuel Mr Geo. Wale was called hack to Ms tanner position in mm last week. BUNESSAN SUPERIOR CLUB I The Bunessah Superior Club met at the home of Miss Jessie Nichol on) Feb. 17th. There were 25 members) and T visitors present. Three new members were enrolled. The meet- ing was opened by the Opening Ode after which community singing was enjoyed. Minutes of but meeting were read and adopted. Roll callwas answered by naming your favorite fruit. Program consisted of a hum- orous reading "the cow” by Gordon MeGilltvray; a Scotch reading byPat McMillen: 'The suction Bale' by Fred- die Arnett and 'the old barnyard' by Donalda Nichol. Walter Renwick sang several good songs to his own guitar accompaniment. Community singing and music by orchestra was enjoyed by all. Mr Nichol treated the Club to a very line 5010 with Miss Jessie at piano. Mr and Mrs Neil Macfarlane invited the club to meet at their home on Mar 6th. A humor- ous Gazette was .read t Kouhnle. Refreshments _ and a social time 'spent. m EMORIAM sToTHART-4 tender loving mem- ory of our de devoted sister, . Minnie Stewart, ho passed away Feb. 27, .1930. Lot 27 nearly all SINGER SEWING MWCI‘IINESE Come in and no the New Mo. dels. - We are Authorized Agents for Durham and vicinity PARTS and REPAIRING Clocks. Watches and Machinery Gazette was .read by Bill Me- of all Kirtt_alred. SNELL'S Oldsund. BUM GEO. .VIIR.K HOPEVILLE for any make of Sewing Machine. 'ARM FOR RENT 21, Iilgremont, 80 acres er cultivation. Apply JAMES WEIR, N, Priceville, Ont. were served l Friends of Mrs Wm McBride will extend to her their sympathy In the ‘recent death of their mother, San l Darmch. widow of the Lane John Hen- ,ry Marks. Mrs Mun passed away 'atthettomeofrrttnGeorge,tstBue ington. Vermont, U.S.A. and spent ‘most of the summer with her daugh- Iter here. er-with- the inéreuing mm of Old Bot, is playing 'hob' with _tlse. tiotrrintr of the now rink. The how are wishing for just another ounce to display their embryo powers. that betel Mr. Colin A. New. in falling from a load of hay on gong!” big room for a. while. Mary), his daughter, arrived home here on the Thursday previous and“; a. welcome visitor at this tune tome home and her many friends ot the neighborhood. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr Wm Nichol took a. truck load ot stock to Toronto Monday. Mr and Mn Henry Eckhnnit spent a couple of days visitng Mr and Mrs Edam Patterson. Mist, Mabel Nlchol spent the last two weeks visiting Toronto friends. On Frlday ntght the young people presented their play '0ivft Service'. ln the basement of the new church. The night was ideal and the place was full to the doom. There was a fine caste of characters In the play. and was in three lets and humorous. portraying a. series of wrong identi- ties .each player doing his or her part in a. very realistic manner The imam were Misses Donald; Nic- hot, Erma McLean, Nollie Manna, Olive McMeeken, Monica Lambert. Mrs Elmer Watson, Messrs Rout Wh- ittaker. Ray McLean. Wm MeBrfde, John MeMeekin, Brady Irwin. Mlas Johnston sure some line in- strummtal music between acts, also Master Kenneth Nichol sang ”Drink to me only with thine Eyes' and w companiod on piano by sister Jessie. Kenneth has a splendid voice and his solo was greatly enjoyed. The C.G.l. T, girls also sold candy during in- tervals The proceeds were nearly $40 and will go toward buying more brick for the church. " was re- ceived from Calgary for the same pur- the muse. where refreshments were paw. Amer the play Rev and Mn. Melvor asked all taking part In the play, also the C.G.I.T. girls over to The prevailing ttne weather mun: served and greatly appreciated. Mr and Mrs Wm Hincks and Mary, v'ia'l‘od Sunday with Mr and Mrs C. Tucker, Ebenezer. At the Willing Helpers' meeting. on Tuesday, it was decided to haves St Patrick's Supper and social on March 16th. lira J n Dobson, Toronto, attend- ed the funeral of her aunt, Mrs Flora McDrmam, who died at the home of Mr and Mrs Donald McLean. aztdtroodattiiurue. tgrNegtMeusmt-met'rttseiaat ,week at Humor. may and; While we In the Park have had a great variety of weather during the month of February. ret It has not been extreme, ..--btrt we think very trying on the heath. Many are suf- fering from colds. Tun -‘-1 Friday at thin week the Ownin- Society are holding that At Ham, when the sum you»; people w'll present their play Mother Mind. in: of Grey and Bruce his. Oo., tho Bu bundle of old upon. only " Tomt. new": unit. town '- mm»: mm. u m one. Just an mu to! use and vanished- Awly " rmmmmngmnmuunm I‘m-alum otBe.hrprttm1nm. SWINTON PARK hwnnnedto homeanatrintt on the your“: farm in Glens“. , Mil: Guys Firth mun-med homo (IMHO Mrmde-sJ.C. Cootvisltedu few days last week with the runners aiMer, Mrs W J McMen. Orange Valley. It My MoClockun was operated upon in Toronto hurt week for goltre. He In doing as well " an itre expect- mm Reta Gleam-cue. Cherry Grove ape". the week end with her sister. Mr and Mrs Henry Benton and son Gordon. visited the ttrat at week with Mr and Mra In Part. B. B. NO 9, GLENEII} ', Br IV-AFI Brown, Sam: Dyan? Charlie Brown, Olive Newell, Violet, Cowman, Vetor Amen. Clifford Lindsay. Sr "-aatat Jacques. Doris Pratt,Ctrtharine Dyer, MumyGreen-j wood. Jimmy Amen. Jr m---Amh- le Lawrence. II-ith Greenwood, Glenna McFadden, John Weir. Sr I--.. Auster Alice. Bert Chapman, Claren- ca Atkinson. Irene Nowell. Jr 1- Beatrice Bailey, Ruby Bailey. Pr-- Murray McFadden. Newman Pratt. Sun Life Assmnce a. Show: Steady Growth ln s year when Maine“ statements are on the whole, In: from cheerinl the published experience of life insur- ance makes heartening reading. While other investments have too often proved diaappointistg, every por. icy held in our Ute insurance oomp- nnies is still worth one hundred cents on the dollar, with substantial addr tions in emulating dividends. The steady ttow of insurance funds ittto productive lndustrylsaneof the greatest mainstays of business todcr. But few realize the extent of this financial support in the use of in- dividuals. Payments to policy holders and their dependents during the year. tor instance. by the Sun Life olCan- ada. climbed to over $108,000,000. A portion of this represents moneythnt the assured could obtain only on the value of their policies to meet the special exigencies of a distressing poritvi. These and other conditions during the past three and tour yeu's ttive subjected life insurance oompaniesto a most exacting teat, The war and the influenza epidemic by abnormal” increasing mummies, produced a situation against which human fore- new could scarcely provide. The tut- ancial tartastrophe by which they were so closely foliowed created con- ditions that only the strongest Itttst.i- tutions could withtrtand. Companyinereaaed by nearly tbre hun- dred million dollars and its assets by forty three million dollars. The num- ber of its policy holders increased. during that period, by over We hun. flatly I. ml'alon. Thur redlency under sbnormaj strum is both amazing And reassuring to the man In the street One explanation of the ability ofan nuance company lo meet all it: Hons is that its oblignuons are so trtfsentititiiy qtgrthnated that it is able ' t 'ww'de for all expenditures out of the ordim'y menu. This renders It Innocent-y to dim of mu dur- irttraper9trdotdm-d prices and makes the tittettgtitiott of security pri- po" " trev/ter of no special m. The report of the Bun Life raters totttasNctthatthetotnlor " usur- uncel in f6reo--n+ three billion "rhtgthe-peqiodtrrotlutrtrt- v.'-~- arm be 'payable during the present generation. It to um huge mun be added the mm pubic sow' nee otroet upon the manic and social seameirboovero.tfrnaud. Yet, during the three you: in aug- .'=~Mr\n= nnder such mm: condi- SCHOOL REPORTS TORONTO Jessie M Nichol, teacher II-data Jacques. Dom e Dyer, MumyGreen“ Amen. Jr m---Amh- II-Ami Greenwoodp den, John Weir. Sr b-- Bert Chapman, Claren- IN DAYS OF YORE " YEARS AGO mun Review Me M. M, 1918 On Healthy. “as Jean Derby ot B. Bentlnck. lea tor Peruse 1: We. when the will commencedwelu A ,ttuadoetnrr name at the lndhnwhool there. The events; of - tNtaa. "tst Am Moons-mat a the MY. I- boot 8% mile- north of Durham. VII has now been completed and has to mum in the turn-over of eel-(unbu- enl members who were elected by the clvllhn vote bringing the govern. ment'e Matty up to 60. The aoldler vote went very strongly for the Na- tional Cons. government M w.“ ex» ,peeted. Mr Ball's majority In South ’East Grey is now 1062. l, ' Glenelg Centre: In John o. 1Greenwood who last week took her little son Gordon to Toronto, to con- ‘sult I. hospital doctor regarding the 1chlld’s ailment, met herself with In imiortuname accident. mum; on the 'alippery ice there end banking her 1 leg. She we: removed to the hospital. "I. A memorfat eel-doe In honor of the hie Eu! Vollett. will be Md In the Presbyterian church nn Sunny morn- uing next. loom Ethmed and " Burt my ted their brother June. here annou- dar, en route to Owen Sound. when they hue preamble employment " manners with the Corbett arm. The companion of the Met vote i, Holstein: Mr Will Altken'o Hula ‘girl. aged Mt lye-rand a hattwaa {operated upon by Dr Grove. and Dr. i, Mair for pleurisy. Iket ground, green Mn and muons “in front, nag staff, etc. would have u ‘commandlns malice and the 1mm leading past, would render " vsilnble two building lot! tn them. sowear-uredougoodttuthorftr, .whlc‘h would tell tor 1 can that would help to meet the out cums " YEARS AGO From Review tyle Feb. M, 1908 The question of Amory an In not yet tUM. “magnum McKechnie 'Park', Wu obtained,----- 81400.00. The councii met Friday but we understand nothing was dong. 'iii,, idiidirur we believe has _ be Mr and Mrs G. Ledingham and daughter Eula, Vunoouver, who hue been visiting rehtlves here for the out two months. left Saturday tor their home. It is tour yarn aim Mum! In 151111ng had the plea- sure of a good sleigh ride,but uter- were quite aatutiod to re their own mcderue climate Miss Kate and Mr Ju. umber In " and illness. Miss Dick, Durham, bu been visit- ing her brother and sister. J. Dick and In S. Tait in Thornmry for the past few weeks. Miss Rubens Fletcher returned to her millinery mm In mm. " ter a month's vacation at her home at Welbeck. H. H. Miller M. P. has been nott- tied by Deputy Post Master Gen- era! that his request tor a letter box at the G.T.R. Station a Duehamhan tremaoeenedtoandthatitwtube An enterprising number had our- ted a. new business. Hits budneu card gives the following Worm-Mon: Brick More, " x 100, main ttttor and basement : cenml ; good tml new location ; vault and shelving. Apply B. Stoneoune. Sec'ry 10.01., One hundred and my um. lots 50. 51, M, second oonceuion. South DurhamBnad. Bam45ttx60 n. good house. spring creek. 1% mue- tnom school, 1% miles trom PHeevuie, eiear title. Apply to Mr Gerald Allen. Jr. Fem We. Tots 1nd Kiddies took Mon if received that “Y. Hillary Wm Rates Me a week. Round oonrertmattin. No excr- Aluminum. NOSE WIPING FREE at FARM Hill SALE Norman McIntyre. Executor: ttf mm. R. R. l, Prteeviue, Ont. TO RENT to Visit their HAROLD E. MOUNT MN. M. . moans. ONT. on. Noun: nun“; 0008p... J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. M. EDWARD LAU DER H.D.,C.M.,F.A.C.I and mm of 1'de can... no Dim oi Eye. -rimtermg W. C. PICKERING. DDS. LDK Guam» Ron] Coll. Dent-1 amni- ot Ontario. HOURS: 2--6p.m. Booms: Over Royal Bank, Danna X RAY GA. EXTRACTION! on“: Mitt Street, BUM, Ont. ROYDEN BURNETT. M. B. Onnrio & Dominion tand Surveyor Registered Protector“! Meet Surveys, 3mm, Plus. Mute. Damage work will receive oped-l attention end the ttqntettta or I with Experience. once and Residence on Falkner M. Telephone SI, Granville. Ont. mm mod n autumn- duk. momma Durham-u Um Auction”: for Co. " in. Llano“ Monomer for My 00.". Flo-hm “men. Goo... D..- Dtgndath P. o. Phone " r " try Chiropraetk “him." no. and Ultra View any. DURHAM 131116131 $CIBI©©IL J. F. GRANT. 0.0.3.. L.D.S Intending - .hould m a. new “the “an; dun-M “rainfanuuouuwm-u booWtatnedftmrttttePtfnd." 'rtteBettootiathtteougtttre1tt+ totauupthettrttoqrtngert-.-. t.gtmtor'"tr-qet LEMmumlem ”Mn-Mm! that“ that... with“ catamaran-lilo“. Job-IMO}!!! " SECOND AVENUE EAST OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO J. H. McQUARRIE. B. h. C. G. Alto 1th-lrinatitlhgi-tttmttd Donut-y In all m lunch“ All lop] document- may and annually m. muuummmu GEORGE E. BURCH on“: t door north d I.- Lau'hlln'o an... P. F. hehllmlll CHIROPRACTIC JOHN O’IEIL BESSIE McGlLLIVRr

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