'ossess my Quaiigies as one at r devoted research. ole order. . nothing t a tsinh t Is so! roduce‘ results. bat an Hansel, all) by _ sinllo a yew. 193cc, bud†o, be has d tho which about mind. (mg. 0.140- W It rrhb at“ mm rent rt " ever east Bot ttt who fas. , " " a!" 9" " the in " ot ll Buttermilk Sherbet Combine 2 cups buttermilk. is cup sugar. 1 cup canned, crushed pineap- ple. 1 teaspoon orange juice and 1 tea. .poon lemon juice. Place in tray ot electric tetrigentor, tree“ until mushy, remove trom tray to deep' bowl, and told in 1 egg white, slimy beaten, 11/. teespoons vanilla. 10 m. nachino cherries. cut in halves. Beat until mixture is light and ttuttr. Re- turn to refrigerator trey: and continue freezing "other Hubbard Meal [ Bake 1 Hubbard squash whole in a moderetely hot oven (376 dog. ro 1% to 2 hours, or until it is tender. Try it with a sharp pointed EttiN. Re- move from the oven; cut a. rather thick slice from the top ot the squash. remove the seeds and then scoop out the squash itself. Mash and season the squash with shortening. salt, and pepper. Have boiled together in salted water until tender, 6 whole small onions, 3 inurinch slivered carrots, % cup chop. ped green pepper and ilowers of cauli- tlower from one small head. Fold these carefully into the mashed squash and return to the shell, piling mixture up about the top. Cover with buttered bread crumbs, top with grated cheese. return to hot oven (too deg. F'.) to brown. about 20 minutes. When ready to serve, arrange a circle ot minced parsley around the opening of the shell. Place squash in centre of chop Nate, around edges arrange pork chops on toast. Top chops with fried apple rings. Garnish generously between the chops with sprigs or parsley. Quick Banana Cunard one 0:: yolk 1 cup mm mum-(i milk, I' mislmmium lv~mou jun'w. il will“ :[Nmm wuter, I Fig white, 3 bananas. Meat egg yolk and stir into it the milk. Add lemon juice and stir until mu. ture thickens. Add water and told in beaten egg white. slice bananas into sherbet glasses, pour custard over them and top with red maraschlno cherry. Special Muffins l Two cups prepared Boar, 4 table- spoons melted butter, 2/3 cup evapor- ated milk. 1 egg. Mix ttour and every orated milk, add butter and beaten egg. Bake with cherry, date with nut, rais- in, cheese, a little cocoanut or a dab of orange marmalade in centre. Special Salad One cup mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 menses cream cheese. 2 cups chopped apples. 1 cup chopped celery, 3 cups chopped cabbage. y, cup chopped onion, lh cup chopped Pimento. Mix all together with mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce. Australian Goon Have bone removed trom 5 lb. tem der shoulder ot lamb. Make stuffing of 2 tablespoons tat pork, chopped, 1% cups soft bread crumbs. % cup raw ham, % cup milk. 1 teaspoon onion juice. salt and pepper, nutmeg. _ " . ___ L W -a "WV. ___- _V,_ _ __ Cook pork crisp, add crumbs, and brown; mix with other ingredients, stuff into lamb cavity and fasten. Rub outer surface ot meat with 1 tablespoon shortening. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 cube beet extract, dissolved in 59 cup hot water, salt and pepper. Brown in hot oven. reduce tempera- ture to moderate and continue baking. counting 25 minutes to the pound. Serve with Noodle Kugel. Noodle Kugol Cook until tender in rapidly boiling water, p, cups noodles. Drtritt--thett add It; cup shortening. 4 Tell-beaten eggs. in!!! and pepper. Line mufBn pens with bacon strips, ful with noodle mixture and bake un- til well browned. in moderate oven. Spread thickly with orange marmalade and serve. Cream Kolatchcn l Cream until soft y, cup shortening.‘ add, stirring well, 5 egg yolks. beaten, 2 tablespoons sugar. grated rind of 1 lemon. 1 cup thick sour cream, % tea- spoon salt. 2 cakes yeast, dissolved with t teaspoon baking soda in 2 tabte. spoons lukewarm milk. Mix in care- fully. 3 cups sifted Bout'. Half ttll “used mumu pans. Let "A Woman's PM†In In the Homa.‘ Woman's World J - f tit 'G (p) .. ' Cy ', r†= I . x" 1;) I W ' /I a T , ' \\ . . I-tu-ati,." ct=rrt"ccT, 3: #3,â€:ng p 1‘3†(, a . - I r .m' _ .. . , ’2 \. _ ss". A", . , ALea "‘1'. _ e 'am b" 'tsS ,, ~...-u-.- _ nun, WHAT'S THIS I Hi. Ann scar, MAR ABOUT JEFF , seam, Hes acme "nae HostL. WWW"- A r DIDN‘f Know Me. was BLOOD _---...- -.-.4 TRANSFusmu' .., a, tuna M. MORGAN I’r rise until light, in warm place. Put a raisin or cherry on top of each cake. spread with beaten egg white. sprinkle with sugar and bake in moderately trot oven. Spiced Angel Food Combine and beat until trothr--1% cups egg whites. lk teaspoon "lt. Add, Ind beat unul whites stand up in peaks. 1 ten-spoon cream ot tartar. Bitt and beat with egg whites 1% cups sugar. Sift and fold In gradually 1 cup cute ttour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/8 teaspoon cloves. Add 1 teaspoon van- 1 llla extract. Put in ungel cake pan, in cold oven, turn on gas. get regulator at 325 de- grees F. Bake 1 hour, Cover with orange marmalade and top with dou- Ible boiler frosting. Apple Fritters These are a popular dessert in Eng- land and it you haven’t had any tor some time--trr this recipe: _ Peel. core, and slice 1 lb. ot large cooking apples, roll in caster sugar. and leave tor half an hour. Make a hatter with 2 tablespoonluls ot flour, the yolk of an egg, 1 dessertspoontul of butter, a pinch of salt, and a little warm water. Beat thoroughly and leave for about an hour. Beat the white ot the egg to a stir! froth. add to the batter, then heat a little tat in a pan, place some of the apple slices on a portion of the batter, cover, and drop into the pan. Fry both sides a golden brown, remove, and drain on paper. Continue in this manner until all the butter and apple slices have been used. Sprinkle wnn can as hot as possible. Banana Fritters Skin and out a number ot bananas. L 'lip lit hum-r, and try a golden brown. . mwinki- lightly with lemon juice. and s serve with cream and caster sugar. For Kitchen Files 1 on Bottles l When bottles of olive oil or caster r oil are in use a thin film of oil usually ' finds its way down the outside and leaves a greasy mark wherever the bottle stands. To prevent this a col- lar of lint should be slipped over the neck ot the bottle to absorb the oil, To make the collar, take a small square ot lint, cat a round hole in the centre just large enough to lit over the bottle neck, and trim the corners oft neatly. When the collar becomes saturated with oil replace it with a fresh one. To keep the cork of an oil bottle firmly in place lay a small rub. ber band across the top ot the cork. stretch the ends dow non each side of ‘ the bottle neck, and secure them just '. below the rim by tying a string tightly round. The band will keep the cork in position, but will stretch sutticient1y to allow it to be taken out and replaced. [ _ To Mend Lamp Shade , Parchment lampshades which have ' split may be mended with an adhesive ' transparent tape, which will be scarce- tt ly perceptible. sof . JEFF-- By BUD FISHER Washing Rug. Small rugs maybe washed quite simply at home. Shake Well to re. move loose dust and rinse thoroughly in cold water. Then prepare a large vessel ot lukewarm soapy water, using‘ ttahed soap and squeeze the rug well in this. Rinse in warm, and lastly in cold, water, using one teaspoon ot vinegar to every quart of water tor this last rinse. Put through wringer with a. very loose tension and shake vigorously to raise the pile. Dry in a warm place or in the wind, shaking once or twice during the drying. Cretonne and colored cotton curtains will look much better it washed in bran water instead ot with soap. It does not harm the colors, and imparts a slight sstittttess to the material, so that starching is unnecessary. An excellent ironing blanket can be made from old newspapers. Stitch to- gether several large sheets, keeping lthem quite fiat, It will be found that {the newspapers retain the heat. When making a milk pudding or a baked custard, stand the dish in an- other dish containing cold water. The custard will not boil over, and will be quite am when cold. Tjvr/rnne stains on , carpet with salt. and remove with a spoon, apply- emove. and drain on paper. in this manner until all the I apple slices have been used. with caster sugar and serve Illustrated Dreamaki'ng Lennon 1 nithed With Every Pattern So easily made little frock, yet st effect. And all h details. The bodice with its pretty and un- usual neckline is quite plain. And Hote the clever placement of the shirt seaming. Softly falling silk (either plain or patterned) such as crinkly crepe is delightfully smart for this model. Style No. 3409 is designed for sizes 14. 16. 18. :0 years. mi. " and 40i Style No. 14, 16, 18. inches bust iSi; iiri/equires 3’8 yards Mrinch with % yard 35-inch lining. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enekce 15c in stamps or eoin_(eoin preferred; wrap it iiiliuasrto'r each number, and address your order to Wilson Putern Service, 73 West Adela, h. St., Toronto. By HELEN WILLIAMS. ing fresh salt until it absorbs no more ink. Then rub the spot with a cut lemon and rinse with clean water. It a cleaning powder is not' avail- able, a sprinkling of flour on a damp cloth will remove dirt trom tiles or white enamel. Keep a piece ot fiatutel under the needle ot your sewing machine. It will ‘never get rusty and work will not be soiled. For Washing Gloves l It your chamols leather gloves have lost most of their color, this can be revived. Soak some orange peel in water for a day, and then add this to the warm water which is to make the soapy lather tor the gloves. This orange water will give tho gloves the correct yellow tint. Easily Made When chamoa leather gloves are very dirty they will come clean much more quickly it a little olive oil is added to the soapy water. Man, Aged 83, Wins At Knitting Competition London. - The All-England lace knitting competition recently held at Leighton Buzzard has been won try) a man. Moreover, the man is 83. Ur. David Rush, who by trade is a master printed, possesses all the require ments tor this delicate craft-keen eyes. steady fingers, and a line per- ception of art,--and so exquisite was the lace he submitted that the work to! tho numerous young lady compel {tors was put in the shade. A poll tax of 12 cents . week, im- posed on all adults in the federal capl- tal of Canberra, Australia, provides free treatment for all residents at community hospitals. sily made is this fascinating ock, yet so professional in its And all because of its smart Pays Hospital Bills Fur- April 9. Leuon Malena: Requires Confession and Loyalty-Mark 8: 27-38. Golden Tttxt-who-r will come after me, let him deny hinge". and take up his cross. and tollow me.--Mark tp. 34. l ANALYSIS. I. THE conrnssxou, Mark 8:27-30. 11. rm: CHALLENGING CALL, Mark ti.'. 31-38. IwntooucrsoN--LeNrittit Decapolis, Jesus made His way into swme desert region. After satisfying th physical needs of the crowd (Mark 8: 1-9) he crossed the ltke to "Ihrhnanutha." There he encountered some Pharisees who engaged him in the mm] con- troversy, vs. 11, 12. The departure for Bethsaida seems to have been har-" tied; the disciples forgot to Erovision the boat, vs. 13, 14. The Inc of real understanding revealed in what fob. lowed (vs. 15-21) indicates how urg- ent was the need for training. The hraling (Vs. 22-26) had the usual re- sult. Jesus moved on again. I. THE CONFESSION. Mark 8:27-30. Going northward. Jesus and the disciples made their way up the south, ern slopes . o_f Mount Hermon. until Cl ll alvr‘w ___ . they came into the towns growing up around Caesarea Philippi. Here again Jesus seems at last to have 'ound the quiet retreat which he had been seek- ing so long. We now come to another Stage in the Costly Way. This stage (Mark 8. 27 to 10: 45) is marked by wiemn and repeated predictions of ayproaching death for himself, and persecution for his disciples, Mark 8: 31; 9: 31', 10: 33. They "ring out like the muffled strokes, of a bell," giving the whole section a tense and sombre character. L - I - a t, “Amnnf_ broke the silence with tus. fession, v. 29. The discipl coming to this conclusion time. Their faith, wave, often was, would be sl made raore definite, by 4 sion of it. "No impress expression," say 'he p _,',':,',',",'.,", the evangelist at meeting calls for a public ikmws that it will st) |faith of the convert. workers call for a pledge. Iii be a Christian it one nChurch. __ . , L rAm†" exptNSule Not until he had a chance to ac- l quaint the people with the new idea of Messiahship would Jesus permit the truth to be told. Divulged now, it I would do more harm than good. ll, THE CHALLENGING CALL, Mark 8.: 21-38. To Peter and the others, “Mes- siah" meant the national deliverer for whom Israel had hoped for cen- turies. All that was needed m w was to give the signal, march tn Jerusa- lem, and there inaugurate the new kingdom. But they had to learn a disappointing lesson. Their Master was different from the Messiah they had planned for. Jot by the way of military stratagem and triumph, but by the way of suffering, rejection, death, resurrection, was he to win his spiritual kingdom, v. M. Peter's vehement protest must have reminded Jesus of the first time that an easier, more popular alternative presented itself to him. Did not the l Tempter suggest that God would pro- tect his faithful servant? Matt. 4: 6. , Quick as lightning came his answer, . "Get thee behind me, Satan." Once -- i. ",7" ___ o 33. He now called openly upon Ll the people to undertake with him this hazardous venture, v. 34. The terms of discipleship were self-denial. To "deny" oneself is not to do without sugar in one's tea and put the money' h the missionary box, desirable as that might be. When Peter "denied" Jesus in the High Priest's palace, he 1"repudiated" his Master. Here is the name word. To deny oeself is to re- ppdiahe oneself. "It doesn’t inane; . .. __ A c, t .. nun" a n NI u. Nor THE. mm THE ouet Pchwc? Doc AND 2 warmer: t . ' you cam no“ t60 IF ct Yoo WANT “ To. A I _ T, , . s". r. . _ (ell. Let , ls _ V l Pa! " k «a I ' = Mt" 'itjii', .Brrs w, " t I 72/1 7 t: N puaiaw (meant. u. aw“. - W, about me" must be the attitude of every follower cf the Christ. It is only the one who can take this attitude toward himself T ho will be able to take up the cross, v. 34. A "cross" is not one of the many trou. bles which life brings to UB--' pain: ful illness, tt financial loss, a wayward ‘son. It is the hard and dangerous iway which we deliberately choose . "‘H- --m_.. " Anna tn when an easier, safer way is open to us. Dr. Maclaren said: "The law i) every disciple is self-denial and tak- ing up his cross. How present his own cross must have been to Christ's vision, since the thought is introduc- ed here, though he had not spoken of it, in foretelling his own death! It is Gk Christ’s cross that we have to it 'i'vir"iiiis" caily Way, vs. Jd ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO reign. and in June the splendid anni- r "nary was oelebrsted in solemn I pomp. Victoria, surrounded " the i highest dignitaries of her realm. es- r oorted by a glittering gelexy ot kings F i and princes, drove through the crowd- It ed enthusiasm ot the capital to render l 1 thanks to God in Westminster Abbey. 'l In that triumphant hour the last re- 'i' l maining traces ot past sntipathies and _ past disagreements were altogether swept away. The Queen was hailed at once " the mother of her people and as the embodied symbol ot their imperial greatness; end she responded to the double sentiment with all the srdour ot her spirit. England and the people ot England, she knew it, shei felt it, were, in some wonderful and yet quite simple manner. hers. Esul. tation, "eetiott, gratitude, a profound sense of obligation, an unbounded i pride-such were her emotions; and, . colouring and intensifying the rest, I there was something else. At last, " 1 ter so long, ttiuetur--trturrrtentt"t . perhaps, and charged with gravity, é‘but true and unmistakable none the - less-had returned to her. The unec- customed feeling tilled and warmed her GUciousnesrs. When, " Bucking- ham Palace again. the long ceremony over, she was asked how she was, "I said. tl Gut so, after the toils and tempest: VB. cu, u: . Verse 38 does not appear to be clearly related to the rest of this sec- tion. It deals, not with a suffering Messiah vibich is the them" of this passage, but with the Son of man in glory. Nevertheless, it is likely that Jesus did, in some way, insist on a personal loyalty wAhimself. Youthful Woman Diplomat Spain's Latest Appointment Madrid ~The daughter of the writ-' er, Don Jose Salaverrla, Senorita Margarita Salaverria, has become Spain's ftrgt woman diplomat. She was the only successful woman candi- date at the recent examinations tor entry into the diplomaic service, in which women were allowed to take part tor the tlrst time. Senorita Salaverria is under " years ot use, and had always want- ed to be a lawyer. She studied " Madrid University, specializing in ’mercnntile law in which she recent- ly took her diploma. very tired, but vet); Jar," the sureeofrtGihtiet's Heart to Perform Special Operation Stockholm, Sweden. - A remark- l able heart operatoin, said to be the eighth of its kind in the world, during which the patient's heart was stopped for four minutes, we: per- formed recently at the Hospital of Subbatsberg, in Stockholm. The heart was laid bare and its beating was i stopped during the four minutes need- ed for the operation. L.‘ _..,.., The surgery the patient has health. March 7 m'arked niversary ot the " der Graham Bell l Invention of the March 7 mgrked the tittymirtth en- niversnry ot the issuance to Alexan- der Graham Bell ot a patent on the invention of the telephone, but 't parently everybody was too busy tnlking over it to talk much Ibout it. - R . __ A- nun-Jen'- Mlmu.€'~ “I‘m-.4 -roqnt "ts.'. Queen Victorit't'rrhmtph Tejeproite.Pttttlt the ttttleth ot her was successful and now reguined full A ru-cone Mean Trick On Jeff. ---. ot the day. a long evening totio,red--', at“. - and lighted with a golden} roam glory. For an uneumpled atmw‘ phere ot success and adoration invest. California t ed the lest period at Victoria's the! Mav Lh Her triumph m the summary, the . : , crown, ot a grater triumph--the out Nona mlnating prosperity ot a notion. The tuna-1. , , l , I solid splendour ot the decade between .uu r jm; ;,v__. ivictorit't two jubilees can hardly he lu'an-r 1.“. m ’psrslleled in the annals ot England. (mmn Cu. I.o The edge counsels ot Lord Salisbury U' ch: mistry. I seemed to bring with them not only ', u mu, t,nl ,weslth and power, but security; and lam-u tsud gt ,1. the country settled down. with calm mun thumb in assurance. to the enioyment at an es- that. unlinuq tshlished grandeur. And--it was only Hull. xv“ “an moral-Victoria settled down too. ldm 161.31; .- l..- I The last and the most glorious of nun: lol' it rht such occasions was the Jubilee of IMT. the um.“ .u Them as the splendid procession pur‘ “on: us B? :1 n ed slong. escorting Victoria through; The n. u Ad l the thronged reechoing streets of Lon- ls rmnpuwn ' , don on her progress ot thanksgiving to _ and two amm ' St. Paul's Cathedral. the greatness of atoms or l y I . her realm end the adoration ot her', class or mum ' subjects blued out together. The They are. .wu V tears veiled to her eyes, and, while atoms of Md: 3 the multitude roared round her. "How weight oi e i; 2- kind they are to me'. How kind ther new Lo'wls d are!" she repeated over and over water contain t- again. That night her message tuw gen is prrsel , over the Empire: "From my heart I minute qunvlti l thank my beloved people. May God that as a re e bless them!" - Lyttou Strnchey in minty into ll "Queen Victoria." (New York: llar- and mum-urea in court, Brace). ‘t'Ollslallt'y of __-----.----- “mu-m. trrrqrr Shanghai Honors Mme. Wang Chinese lenders of Shanghai ttsth- ered, writes the correspondent of "The Christian Science Monitor," to honor Mme. Y. K. long, the mother of three brilliant sons. Mme. Wnng is the mother of Dr. C. T. Wang, twice the mother of Dr. C. T. Wang, twicei Chinese Foreign Minister; C. F.l Wang, director of the former Man- churian Mining Administratio. and C. H. Wang, a leading Shanghai banker. All are active in the counsels of the present government. Mme. Wang was the daughter of a wealthy family in Shaoshing and married an eminent Chinese scholar ‘who was later converted to Christian-‘ ity and became a clergyman. The sons have been raised in the Christian faith. The Wang and Boone families are regarded as the two foremost Christian families in China. 1 Joan Crawiord. whose marriage with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., ins gone the vny of most Hollywood romlnces. left tor I quiet retreat to forget. I know I slender winter tree, Ethereal and grey u mm. With bunches curving to a brief Translucent spray of amethyst. Poised over water like a " Colosnl bird ot paradise. It plunges tnlons in the cliff From which It seems about to rise.) And I must linger by the stream Instead of going on my WAY. Because I cannot bear to leuo A thing so lovely and so grey. _ >Elennor Glenn Wallis, in "The The moon in hiqlt: The budding branches of a tree Stand out like uncle-m tlugree Ania-t the blue and silver a sky- The popular" quiver in and a In wonder for the night'- rhupsody. Amt gently sigh. Leaves To Forget February Beech Lyric of Spring yer in sud can†the night's bit" -geatutette Eyre Water Discovery Found Important of the even than“ it is 10 per mun. Imam-x “in. ordinary water, Ind (at dons-4‘ that: sou won I'. And its discovery in declared at b" of tretgtenuout, itupctT- lure for it challenge: and may nun-l the existing international standard .1 waging and measures. The new water, like common sum-r, In compound of one atom or mum and two mum: ot mammal. but the mom: of hydrogen belong to a your clan ot â€can known on "isotopes" The: are twice on - in ordinary non: of hydrogen. having an atomic i would ot , III-toad ot 1. ', Deon Lovi- explained thni he"! I voter containing the “Hope ot hydro you in present in ordinary wttter in ' minute quantities which may vary. on! jthoi u o recall this injects uncer- alifornia Chemist Sxs May Upset Interns tional Standard tainty into the standards of weighia and meanurea which depend upon the constancy ot the weight or water at a apeciilc temperature. It one were to substitute the nev water for the old, the kilogram would weigh 100 grains more than it should. and the liter would contain 100 lean cubic centimeters than it should. it was announced. The "heavy water" just diacovered cannot be diatinxuiah. ad from ordinary water by any known chemical taut. still heavier water may be obtained sun hauler water may be obulned In the tutu". bee-use oxygen has two Isotope: of name weight " and ll. trtetead ot 16. tt water made up of the intone of hydrogen and the heaviest Immune ot oxygen could be camou- trated " would weigh 20 per cent. more than ordinary water. Dean Lewis bu alveldy succeeded in concentrat- I ing small amounts ot those isotope" or oxygen. The atom ot the hydrogrm m was Int detected a year ago. ttotgtie spectrum in identical with of ordinu'y hydrogen except that powerful Ipectroacope each am “no In shifted try I barely perm; amount. A water made up of the he: oxygen Isotope and the halo hydrogen would tune I greater de Ind consequently a greater bun: than the water ot Great Sun " Is declared. Mental Patients Increase in the Dominion The Bret spec“! census of me tnltltutlom when by the Donna Bantu ot Statistics is covered 1 preltmlwy bulletin. This am WI. In“. In raponse to repel queu- of urloul public bodies “rested in chaining more adeq autistic: mural“ this impor branch of 900“! welfare. . ed 31.1 During the year 1930 tl:" I pendiiure on the mental inst ot Cumin is given ttt 813.448, total expenditure in Gunny being 34,765,083. The bullet' may deans u to rve, relix "tniuistrativ'r can. etc., ai [tortures to sociologist. Tin of mental oilmenu may be ad in port to worry arising prolonged worm depression A Mail and Empire. Bulgarians Exchange Silk Cocoom For F Bela, manru.--ma'eritn xillar- an are now trading their siik cocoon. for silk duo-cl. though. of can no. an silk dresses are not really for the pen- an“. This only means that I Agrarian Bank tttttt m unto to ship the prodw cocoon cooperatives at receive silk cloth in them. Mans housewives here not only look ttter a room or two fall of an we do“ silkworm: every sum, but, in addition. they spin the Cotes' int: threod and wave the thread into cloth Fulani“ of Biblical fume has six- bou sound oquippod mono. picture iiGtres.--Assocuted I'm-I. Palestine Has 16 Film Hons:- m of tbe old kind niacin-oral t dean ot the "msity of (In T the hitch, ney no that the Bulearurts bu. made. “Tim!“ te products ot the silk the: throw. 'gui P th in exchange fee he, d " eetral pt "H. ir " Ill My tho id de d " " ut. H