and, It's very h- m: Sucre to that .3 “I and was a when. mu VIN-I no. to nu â€my. " It! be In“ at _ m. Artett ". m (other at thor wank end with her new. jut. In. Pruner can." it a let's A." w and eshnthqat m-u- an hid-y and uh oi when! on.- athns his smug "has with In T.. and, whose main ‘atntdsy Ina-Mug an is .n 1‘ng .1 medical tremtIgtq" an. In D. A. Ca» a hat weekwithm "I grandparents. In and Mrs M as: may. P! as 1 was the - " l. Summit-M. st mi». Sullivan. In a Wuhan at Sun Tun†" m REPORTS 6, 1933 Tren M - - m-.---"-". H M " LENTINCK le, Jr nr-am" “Tunis. Gordon rs. (1m Help Prank Shun“.- h'l' "r-M-et ariveBrowtt. Mar hmn. mm Por- Puupmon. 10h. kl». mum AW and Duncan Me.. -.:uy Mame. Jan. thur High“. L. anim' Kenny. Br " Jean William '. Jr 'v-au. Sr Ill-430:“ ' " Ill- Hamlet Wil- marm Kenny, :hmnnsn. Btrt. ,nny 86.0.3â€- ~118ch minute“. Boyce. m Isabel “Wk!†uecuaitr. Br. nwz Noble (nb. Y Pr-irtto mu; STD“ hing ar- view' to ersI they mlph Moun- Mountain " Sr t--.Domud prindpll pie-nun Mr bure- {BobMonr .asiune' ion ta." 9.15 teacher Better We wish tol appreciation to bores. for their thy shown, during illness and at (1mm of our dear er, Mrs May Mather. 1 horse caning 5 years mu 2 horses coming 4 your: old White races and white legs. Apply to JOEE! ECKHA1uyr, APRIL 6, 1933 We can supply you with all of them CARD or THANKS Folder. Fin. Stationary summon Form: Intrlcnto Halo Form. Hénses FOR SALE Factory Perm- Blotter. Pamphlets mun-Inf Form. Cheque. Auction Cal. Bills Envelopes. all kinds Fair Printing Factory Forms Booklnn Financial Statement. Let us help you Forms Printed forms an tasks. Call an a CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out l while you turn around. Ete an our prlcu â€for. purchasing also when. Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock it. R. I, Pricevine Keep In Stock tor Sale Royal Household Flour . o Canada' " Pilot " THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. amour than and friends and tteigtr JOHN McGOWAE‘I FLOUR {he old Phone No time and simplify many otherwise tedlom td enquire. You know the numb" -- The passing away after a compar- atively short season ot sickness of Mrs John Mather, cast a wave of sor- row over the community. She was universally loved and highly respect- ed. With a blendly acknowledgment to All she was held In the highest |esteem by all who knew her, as was PRICEVILLE Tickete, all kind. Business Cards Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Stailonery Announcements Shipping Tag. Poster- Bueineee Record Forme Manuela Farm. Sal. Bulls Window Cards Receipts Horn Bill. Prize Lists Color Printtrttt the following Goods l MRS JOHN MATHER with Printed PRICEVlLLE Bran Shorts Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED " will My you. Shorts DURHAM. te8titled by the large turnout at her funeral on Saturday last. The set- vices were conducted by her pastor. tun ing Honorary pallbearers were Mr Ray best. Yat the ministers were able to McLean and Mr W. F. Shackleton. come from Prieeviue. Wm we Iaay Active pall-bearers; George Jacldin. or indifferent? Communion on Basted- Frank Jacklin. Chas MeAlitster, R.W. Sunday in the park. should call tytltty Vause. George L. Sharp, Wm H. goodly number. Mather, Thog. Cross, Robert Harri-i - son, all nephews, but Mr Vause. l There were sprays from Mr and Mrs Jas Mather, St Columba W.M.S., Mrs D. G. McLean, Olive and Harry; Mr and Mrs H B McLean, Mr, and Mrs Fred Karstedt and Jane; Mr and Mrs Ray McLean. Friends from a distance at the fun- eral were Mr and Mrs Thos. Cross, Mr and Mrs Geo Jacklln. Mr and Mrs Frank Jackldn. and Mrs .R. McKinnon I of Chesley; Mrs M. Lynn, Rom Lynn, iMr A. Park, Miss Bessie Laidlaw, I Mrs Gordon Smith and Mrs W. Sharp of Hanover; Mr and Mrs Wm. H. I Mather, Mrs Bryson Morlock, Mrs G. Bell, Mr and Mrs Jas Mather, Mr. and Mrs Chas MeAlister, Mr and Mrs Geo. L. Sharp, Durham; Mrs R. G. Harrison and Robert, Chatsworth; Mrs John Ross, Weston; Mrs Thos. [ Chase, Dundalk. At the morning services Sunday, St. h Columba worshippers were favored o by Mrs W. Brawley, of Beeton, g with a finn solo in a clear sweet tone. n devoid of tremulo and yet with wlen- i did enunciation in "My Lord and l". s f'he again assisted at the evening i service in the Chair's voluntary. Thru E the prevailing colds; the choir is l lacking the fine 'eftieieat voice of Mrs 1 H. B. McLean at the present time, I while for ourselves, we were able to ream the "cellar" better than for many years. Bat in the words of the old song. we are hoping for 'bet'er times, when the Springtime ooimns," gentle Annie." At the evening service, Rev Mr. Mair spoke of the union of qualities in the character of Christ. His power was combined with gentleness, His enthusiasm with calmness, His suffer- ing with joy. In Him, al the desir- able eharaeurritstim' of humanity were perfectly wmbined and He letheper- "feet example (for all of us. . Mr and Mrs H B McLean who hue had their share (perhaps more than their share) of colds, are now pro wrestling favorably and able for pas- , l, sing duties. off of many pit 1 ‘in braid m I i l We were Pleat D. G. W“. I mum’s any in aa-h..- (Hive. Liu, 'isrt,his form of the one de- Miss Etdn Frock too, under the Dr's care for a week with the pre- vailing cold. ls again in amendapce at the High School, Fleshertom, much to he delight of admiring mama's. We sympathize with those who were lately oalied Into to mourn the loss of onederr to than. We oursel- ves feel the sensation in the cutting! off of many pleasant conversations in braid Scots between us. We were pleased to meet with†n tT, Man. on returning from a man». my In T01 Ma- Olive. Mrs A " VICINITY onto; with her . . R. “Mm Canadian Pacmc T. M. McFADDEN. Local “out THE DURHAM REVIEW We believe he is the last of his tun- ily. Mr Ferguson was married to a Miss Ferguson of Mints township and; to them were born tive daughters and I two sons. Mrs Farm died in 1902. The youngest daughter Agnes, wife of Robert Aldoorn, died in Moose Jaw in 1928. There are left to mourn two daughters and one son in the West, and two daughters and one son, yet In Ontario, but only Mary, Mrs Leslie Watson, Dundalk, in this locality. Also a. numberofttieees and nephews, among them J. A. Fergus- on of near Holstein; Chas Ferguson, con 22, Egremont. Mr Rom Knox,' SwiIIton Park, is spending some time at present with his daughter, Mrs Wm Meade in Ar- temeaitr, at present. Mr Edgar McLeod has gone to To- route tor a few days. James Sturrock is working in Rid. dall’s mill at Hapevllle this week. Walter Knox ls assisting John Hill in preparation tor the building ot a barn, at present. M1135 Jean Hill Is visiting with Mrs) Wesley Heard, con 15, Proton. I Dick Hardy can be found up an apple tree these days, busy pruning. Most of our farmers are among the maples, trying to catch the sap, but as yet, in this locality. there has not been much to catch and is mixed rain water. But one of these days there will he a. rush. Our churches in this locality were poorly attended last Sunday. Weather and made of course were not the best. Yet the ministers were able to MERCHANT PRINCE, T. P. LOB. LAW, HA8 PA88ED ON Toronto and tho Province of Ontar-l io, are saddened over the death ota good man, T. P. Leblaw, President of the big Gtxreieteria that bore his name. His has been a remarkable, career, rising to the head of a. bus- iness known over the continent, the creation of his own dreams and tun-, bitions. His munincence and sueces! in the financial world did not spoil him; rather he felt his mom: should be used as a. trust for extending the good and true in this world. lately he has been much in the public eve, through his vital contact with the famous Oxford Group and the chang- ed outlook on life it had brought him. /It is this feeling," says the Toron- to Daily Star, editorially, "that he had not reached the peak of his car- oer, that he was capable of still greater things of bemsiit to the com- munity, that his life was cut short at its most promising period. that inten- sifie; the regret over his passing. As it is'it shows how a poor boy conquer- ed his dimeultieg and attained to wealth and how a hard-headed busi. ness man acquired and gave expres- sion to the spirit of the Nazarene." Sr iv---Vehna McNally‘. " IV-- Bruce Clark, Stephen Hughes. Br m -Esstrel Hastie', Gordon Marian)". Hughie Hughes'. I-Esther Peart‘. Pr.--Edna MoN-lly. 'denotes perfect attendance t.--Edna Mchy. u." . denotes perfect attendance i Hampden; Miss Lizzie Park return- Sarah E. McLean, teacher (ed to her home at caruruhe, after . lsome the or " months " tho Post w. - .-. _-----.-.-...--"' - .Olllce. Little's constant cherfulnesa 'ttaa mule her . great favorite at the SPEC| A L {omen and she will be udly missed. 1 At 11 a. In. Friday but. the Town Low FARES Hall was crowded to the door with in- bteresued citizens assembled to wit- FOR Entree the proceedings against about. 'i50 voters ot the town at Durham, al- tleged to have voted illegally. Among the number were Returning Ottieer . _ Volletzt who voted on the By-laws and Return Fara ham†any two points seams to have Justification. As be- tween asndidator, he has no vote un- in Canada at regular one-way less to break a tie. In regards to a fare and a quarter. By-law however, 3. Me is not regard- - ed that way. a tie simply killing a GOING DATES manure as a 100 majority would do. mm Arrest 18th to 16th Mean Jam mm. H. H locklerutd I RETURN â€MIT . C. Evidge the three dmmties, etch I Midnight, Tuesday, April 18th, 1933 voted, and you would think they have |lnlormatlonnndmtromyourlocd " right to do, but their vim, tr1at ,remreatiedinoteesttt'et. Autumn S. S. NO 5, GLENEUI ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO " YEAR. A00 5, Prom Review trim And! i. 1918 " it what we but in true, me In- ‘mcrs around Din-Elm m m intent' ‘on towing sweet clover then when. 1A1. this time ot food crisis, it in noth- (iir"iiickFttetett1,t'ct',,t2'ci,',1 '/ii"ii"railiitett1tetet'A,td', lemon, when the need for cared cm: ie?? so great We notice that new lure being taken in Wellington Co. to '13umuiate wheat production end we ','hopeitytto.tte late toimpreaa I farmers in this district with the 1m- IN DAYS OF YORE GGaG, - d to the rescue try devoting more, acreage to spring wheat. Mr Wm Lawson has sold " 75 Bo. re farm immediately north ot town. together with all stock and maple menu to John W. McKechnle, who ether two yea! of mu life, will go back to the land. 1 Mr Mumy Smith, an old Durham boy, b.3151; 1)th to the mana- gership or the Standard Bunk uCan- - A m-_-__.--- urn" iiimrton, and Percy Mann-no. wen known here, from that place to Har- stants Jear in dentistry, Arthur A. Backus has returned to Poplar Hil, where he Mlsa Marion Marshall ox lumuLu Normal. lg home tor the vmtion. All single men placed by the Medi- cal Board in Category B, who are in Class 1, are to be called to the col- there were "A'g". There are about» half a dozen young men in town and immediate vicinity in this class, we understand. 1 Nurse Gas-mount has disposed at her private hoepw on Canines: Sm! to Mr Peter Glen. I . Yeovil; last Wednesday one of the pleasant events ot life occurred. lat the home of Robert Nicholson, [when his daughter Lizzie became the bride of James Dunstan. I Holstein; Mr Joe Bilton and fam- ;ily. are getting commmbly settled in .thelr new home in the village. UG/ine mcceutul}v " YEAR. AGO ', From Review fyle, April s, 1908 The announcement that 20,000 men would assemble in Quebec in July,to take part in the Tercentenary eele- bration going on this summer, “out. Torry has written to H. H. Miller, at Ottawa, with a. View to ttnding out ‘what chances a. detachment momDur- Iham might have. _ Monday last an engine of the C.P. 1 Monday last an an! R. made Durham on and we presume tour: as the altitude tell. o Prieeville 800 feet abc ‘banks were many and Born. at Cleveland Aw. -.'..%. -_-" and we presume found the line open as the altitude tell. On the heights ot Prieeville 800 feet above Dam, the banks were many and heavy. Born, at Cleveland on 23rd March. to Brand Mrs Edward lander, a son. me--". an Born, near Vmey. on Mar to Mr and Mrs RON. Pottigrew son and daughter. On Sabbath. March 29. Re Wu and __-"- _ On Sabbath. March 29. Rev Mr. Ma‘heson complete-d men years of Mt viety to the congregations ot Price- ville and swintoit Park. Mr Brad Jamieson is home at pres- ent and attending in part to his fath- er‘s practice. Dr Menu-in, we re- gmt to hear is ill in Toronto. Mr Art Pickerng, brother ot Dr. Pickering, who played lacrosse on the Durham lineup for a month or so two years ago, intends going to Parr ama this summer to engage in con- struction work. l, Dornoch ', Tuesday, the easy home of Wm Looheed was the scene ot an (rheumatic gathering. the occasion being the holding of a. farewell party in honor ot Maud Mrs Locheed, prior [to their departure for their new home kin Western Canada. __ - -* ---_-- An A: on- Tuesday, March 24, over 40 of the friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs Geo Smith, con 3, Glenelg. assembled mt their home to say good-bye tor the sake of 'Auld Lang Syne.’ Mr Smith has sold his farm and is moving a- Marion Marshall ot Toronto u, ..... --" . _ ed that way. a tie simply killing a manure as a 100 majority would do. Hour! In Smith. H. H Heckleruu! C. Elvidge the three deouues, each voted, and you would think they have a. right to do, but their votes also ,rereseattMinttuesttioet. Amino- portion of the other: were young people who were down a mum or owners with “will chm u to “mm [W by Mr - many fewer "B' men J f“, engine of the CP. m on n, my west. well ', twins, his m..-----------"" now, my of them routed to give evidence Med for. the objection be lug noted and they were allowed to go. The evidence k to be cent to Toronto and will be called there be- fore a bench of Judge- on April 2nd. 30, " [IRES of NEW ladies' Footwear Thou I" Ties, Pumps and Sims " very modorau prim mo MISBES' n CHILDREN’S or In!!!“ an: _..- -. A. D. 1932, at the and Township orl 1Bent/tte% axe hereby requested toi :send to the undersigned Esme Ag-1 v'ertt'mr the Execute“. Mount. ct itheir chm. duly proved on or be ‘m me "why ttrat any ot April, .1933. and after such due the mute will be distributed. having regurd ou- ly to the claim. ot which notice "hall than hue been received. irhumtatthe'NwnoUhTlePe this u not any at lunch, A. D., 1933. P. F. McARTHUR. “en's WORK BOOTS from Sl. ()ht The prompt payment of low mum-muons " tl There Are yet many wt glected and we would 1 m them. A few accounu tor We: not out some time am hue not been responded to. Will It be news-try to place these in other hund- tor collusion? We hope not. . FOR SALE I 800 Chopping mill, arwmiU. shingle In.“ C a equipped with 60 h. It. engine and' . q boiler, in truno building 30 x 50.1 with chop house Joining. 2 acre: oil, land and dwemng. Must be sold 1.0;, close In ante. l I." REPAIRING " USUAL Young working horse of the tttte type: mar conMer " exchange on young amok. Apply u. Review once. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Good mixed Clover wt! Timothy Ray for we in any quantity delimit Also pasture to rent. i J. i MclLRAITH APPRECIATE (East ot Wilder's Beddrwertport Itt for sale at I. new“ Review once. Quantity of Timothy th for Bale. Apply to Mn John Sweeney. Dornoch but 27 con ti, Est-mm. so I nearly all under euttMttgtret. J JAIN WEIR. Brick store. " I 100. and moment 2 ceml neu button ', "an . Apply B. "Swneouse, St an now ready for your in-tion In DAVENPORT FOR SALE mum: {with Gd shelving. B. 'Stoneoune. Boc'ry l.0.0.F.. k may who have ne- we would like to hear HAY FOR SALE FOR SALE of the - of Jam" HAY FOR SALE FARM FOR RENT Tum-bull. TO RENT for A. Honda-non. Varney. R. R E. Ridden, Hopeville. Ont . Pricevlllo. d condition. Apply u. the 80 IIAROLD E. MOUNIAIN. It. B. MOMORE. ONT. om. Noun: l 120029.11 Gatli- omumuuuonoo: Oat-ura- wand â€Mumm- otbtettettgm:0tqua.ttc who J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. M. one. Noun: 1.†to Q." pin. 7.†to no . IL W. C. PICKERING. DDS. L08 HOURO: 2-6p.m. Honor Grunts Toronto 1mm (ix-Mutts Royal Coll. Dental m of Ontario. ROY DEN BURNETT. Doom-try In all It. lunch. x RAY GAS EXTRACTION. once: Mill Street. DURHAM, on. Onurlo & Dominion land Barnya- Regutered Proton-low maneu- Iomn. Emma... Reports, Plum L F. GRANT, 0.0.8.. L.D.S. DRAINAGE WORK A SPECIALTY Telephone 81, Granville. Ont. Home“ “an..." tor any M C. G. AND J. H. MCQUARRIE. B. h. a. Ue utr. View my. mmxawm alMal 503mm T. tt. SNEATH. M. B. [Ito-dint Null- Ihould propr- n. on. stun main. “the†urn. Ina-mm u to count I" be “and from the Principl The School In manual: scum-0 to m. up the follow!“ 'ttture.-- t. Junior Nutrient-coon 2. Satan“ to the New“ - no any bu . eeoettnM. and! . . - u .-- M - GEORGE E. DUNCAN B..-'"'"'""-","'" hunt-Km “â€"u’m tntntntHNtur_ Amwnmgmry thy town and W mm" m be obtained at with III.- John Mon-loom 'Per". All lop] documenu calcium and unruly mund- Your patron-.0 â€Mum P. F. MacARTllUR JOHN O'IEIL F. M. EAGLEDON CHIROPRACTIC BESSIE McGILLIVNAv :0: i door north " " Lnu'hlln'o Gar-I. o. Phone " r " the ot