tt equal. Rich in energy. Refresh- 1/ ing and wholesome. Serve Kellogg’s Corn Flakes l for lunch-a late snack. Splen- _ 5 9 did for children’s suppers. So easy to digest. ' Always oven-fresh in the scaled inside WAXTITE bag. You’ll like the package that's so "easy to open." Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. as fd ts/or, /lro §LocAL AND PERSONAL g ‘Wmmmmmm’ Recent guests WM: the Allan fam- ily, were Messrs I. Bttrrett and G. Walker, Harritrton: Mr and Mrs T. C. Rathweu. Palmerston: m! Jan. and Miss B. balm-.9. Dromore: Mr. Woodland. Mr and Mrs Wm Aitken, Mrs (Rev) Aitken and Mrs B. Christie were in Stlatford last week, the three ladies attending the Prov'l Presbyteria! of the W.M.S. held in St Andrews' Presbyterian Church. Miss Marie Att- ken also visited Stratford and at- tended the Musical Festival. THE DURHAM REVIEW The Fidelis Viga, C.G.I.T. met on Wednesday in United Church, when the main topic was given by Islay Sim. Mrs Fenton led a discussion on "Courtesy" and the meeting closed in usual way. . l Mrs A.†Mgrrison and family who Shave been spending the winter with! Ihox' parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Brown, _ Miss Elizabeth Harding, wasaweek end guest with family. "iii.' And Mrs N. McGuire and tant- ily, visited with Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie, Zion, the first ot week. lutvluc, - u“, "._..r_ -_ r _ I Mr and Mrs Wm Troup and tamily have moved into Jae Reid's home. i Mr and Mrs Robt Watson are liv-! ing in an apartment In connection'! with his garage. ': are moving to their farm near more tor the summer Mr and Mrs Merton Reid, Seaforth, visited his mother for a tew days the latter part of the week. Miss Florence West, Heathcote, ts visiting. her sister, Mrs Erie Sharpe, ot South Bend, and spent a .fewdays with Miss lrlma. Rife and other vil- lage friends. HOLSTEIN LEADEB The Saugoon branch. C.G.I.T., met in the Presbyterian Church on Thurevlay. The first section'ot eve- ning was devoted to business, the remainder 'in song-song and games. The meeting closed in usual way. Mrs Drumm will entertain the Ead- ies of the village and vicinity on Thursday afternoon at a dattMil tea, in aid of the Parsonage repair fund of the United Church. Thornbury cuts oft their tree meal to transients commencing May 1. In 1911 it was a Liberal Govern- ment and a. Repubilcan Government that attempted a better trade agree.- ment between Canada and United States. Now it is a Conservative gov- ernment and a Democratic govern- ment.--Mearord Mirror. Judge R. L. McKinnon in Welling- ton county Court, reserved judgment in an action brought by Leo Quinn, against the town of Mt Forest. Quinn sued for $1,000 damages and an in. junction restraining the municipality trom emptying its storm sewers and ditches on his land. guest: wAh the Allan - -- Mensa 1. Bttrrtstt tt'T, Mr Alex Sim. Holstein, we out'r Iarrdatotr. Mr and Mrs T. 'ee,',", It',"',",', and give an LT-) --------- vein Pal-norm: me Jan. tb e young people of Amos.r . . , I B. new“. Drum: Mr. A few ot the ol der people were allâ€Muss Muplml s Weekly Let R. McKenzie and son ofl present and he Elven: game straight} ------- . V ' l thoughts to think about on our mode The House has now got dam Mrs Wm Aitken, Mrs (Rev) l of living. ;odda and ends. The Railway Bil' 7 ., I Misses Edith Drimmie and Murmur 1‘ become more or less steady diet ' -- . . w, --A the detailed items of the budget . _t-- carving f Harding, Durram, guest with the Arnill . a'i"it w. it The Mission Band ot Amos church will hold their May meeting Sunday of this week It the Manse. et Leith, Messrs Wallace Adams and Russel Drlmmle rendered a quartet. while Misses Florence Patternson.tsnd Jean Brown dung a duet. We hope Alex will see his way clear to come again “a.-. Nurse Fettes Durham, also Mr and Mrs A. R. Henderson and family, spent the week end with their son and daughter in Guelph. l, Mr Victor Adams while taking a _ Mek horse into the barn tor exermse, a hit it with a gad to get it in the ‘; barn door, when It up and kicked ',hirn cutting his lip and losing some i teeth. Mr Adams is fortunate that At i, was no worse, as it he had hit him a little higher up, it might have proved serious. The annual meeting of Saugeen Presbyteritil, will be held in Amos Church, on May 10, commencing at 10 sum: There is hoped to be Marge gathering ot the ladies. Mr Will Lawrence. agent for Mr. Moon, Durham, was in this part the first of week, trying to sell farm ma- chinery. May 7th, being the first Sunday in May. Amos intends startling their Sunday School that day. We are hop- ing to see all the boys and girls, who belong to this community pres- ent next Sunday at 10 a. m. Seeding is fairly on the way in this locality. 1 Mr and Mrs Wm Nelson spent Sun- day with Durham friends. i Mr and Mrs Chas Lewis visited rrecently with Mr and Mrs Milford l, Bilton. l Mr and Mrs Bert Lewis had their ‘lbaby boy christened on Sunday eve- _ ning. Very lithe has been done on the land around this part, this 2nd ot May, and a heavy rain last nighg. will delasteeding' operations for few more days yet, -ii1. Wm Brown bad the misfortune to have his cow hit with a. truck last Saturday, hurting her foot. Mr and Mrs WnrAva11ace. Durham visited recently at the home ot Mr. and Mrs David Davis. l In speaking ot our trip to Toronto ' in our item last week, we failed to mention the kindness of Mr And Mrs Mack and family, at whose home we stayed. Though complete stronger- i, to us yet through their Undue. we now much of the city. which other. . who would hove been denied In. Mr and Mrs Reggie Ramage, North Egremont, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Jos. Lennox and attended St Paul’s service. Mr and Mrs Jas Kerr spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wm Porter, of Knoi. Corners. St Paul'ti S. School will re-open tV gain on May 7. Hope to see a. good attendance out on Sunday. It com- mgnces at 2.30. attendance out on Sunday. It com; Mr Coote suggested that the Act xii-tnces at 2.30. ‘governinz insurance be amended to Mr and Mrs Milford Lawrence and provide protection for the policy hor family, Sarnia, are visiting friends tiers, that is, where there is a loan and relatives in Durham and sur»i value urslcr the policy sumcient to ""g'f2i,gie/f,ti' inieet the premium, that the pr-nium Mr o t Davis, Yeovil, spent Sun-'would be advanced automatically. He day with his ote"sMr and)!“ D. , Hated that. it had been brought to Davis. _ [his attention that many policies Mr Joe Campbell is engaged with) were lensing through a misunder- Mr Albert Kellar ot Knox; lean/ling on the part of the policy- Miss Kate Davis is engaged at theVtolders, they thinking that having a home ot Mr John Hamilton of Dur- ', suftieicnt loan value to cover the pre- ham vicinity. Emium they need not write the com- Mrs Robt Lewis, Orchard, spent aipany to make 81,6011! arrangements. Mrs Robt Lewis, Orchard, spent a recent week end with her mother, Mrs Jas. Eden. Mt and Mrs T. Walnut»a spent Sun day with Owen Sound relatives. Mr and Mrs Will Thompson and Victor, spent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs W. Lewis. l Our pastor took tor his subject on Sunday, "Wonder," from the Old Tea. tament incident ot Moses and the burning bush. Moses was amazed, not at the bush or fire but because it was not consumed. And we to-day may well wonder at the mighty works ot God, He who created the earth, sun, moon and stars. yet He Stoops to care tor His children 1nd loves us with a love tar surpassing that of any earthly parent. May wt strive to follow Him faithfully md be obed- lent to Him in everything and ap- proach Him in reverence and humil- ity. Mr and Mrs Mark MeClymentpoent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Geo Small- man. Mrs Thou Renwick, Egremont, visp her Sunday with her niece, Mm B. Watson and family. We are glad to know that Mra Watson is somewhat‘ Improved. I Mr and Mrs David Mutual] visit- ed Sunday with their daughter, .n Alisa Craig. Mrs l. Ferguson and children of Egremont accompanied them. ALLAN’S CORNERS DROMORE KNOX CORNERS ORCHARD '""'"'""""'"ijiN iAR'o ARCHIVES TORONTO in this (tht Radio Commission serum; as (relish. Mr Pouuot went so for us to {jowlarly threaten to twig the whis- 4kers of the chairmm of the Radio leer??",',',': Let us hope it will not ieome to that, but should Mr Poultot so far forget himself, he would find the whiskers luxuriant. . --- ".. Phnrh‘s News of Forthcoming Tax on claimed to have Leaked Ou aovernmentati clrcies. the Wins-ma â€0-.."... Two Liberal members. Mr Charles Howard pt Quebec 1nd F. G. Sander- son. Perth, levelled serious charges. maintaining that the news ot the sugar tax had leaked out and several ttrttttt had bought up large quahtltlns out ot which they made enormous profits " the expense of the Domin- ion Treasury. The Finance Minister, er E. N. Rhodes, said Department mad investigated and reached the {com-Josiah that the revenue it had lost. would not amount to more than ‘two million dollars. It seems enourrht ;Mr Rhodes admitted thls was "com Mary to the national interest" and um, -- --- gave assurance that such an occur- rence would be guarded against la future budgets. He said the main trouble was the spread of time be- tween Ottawa and Vancouver. This, however, does not account for the very large prottttt made by Toronto and Montreal firms. It looks as though the new: got abroad before (the budget came down, or else a large number of people are very de- .ver at forecasting budgets. in speaking on the subject, Mr. Howard said 1 "i would not suggest that any information leaked out from the Cabinet (regarding the Sugar tax.) But i will say that war rc- Cueries in Canada thirty days prev- ions to the bringing down of the budget were stocked with sugar: the storage houses were Med to over- ttowing. The supply was being " sorbed very slowly because of the low purchasing power, but shortly Petore the Budget was brought down sugar suddenly started te leave the {refineries and warehouses. finding " Amy into the hands of wholesaler: ‘tmoughout the length and breadth of Canada, so much so that one concern iin Montreal is rumored to have tak- ‘en 70,000 bags on which in twenty lmlnutes it made a profit of $100,000. ‘You can go to every city in Canada. land you will, find that these whole- salers were tipped off and that car- lloads of sugar had been shipped to Whom prior to the Budget. "r, will go further than that. The day before the Budget was delivered, in therity of Montreal alone on St. Paul St, they could not get motor trucks enough to take the - out to the refineries, so they hired taxi- cabs to haul the commodity “my from the refineries to the wholesal- On the last all-day debate on the Railway bill. a fiery interchange took place between Dr Manion, Min. of Railways and the Rt Hon. Macken- zie King. Mr King said that Sir Hen, ry Thornton had been asked to te- uign as director ot the Royal Bank: Dr. Manion said he did not believe it. Mr King then stated that Sir Henry had told him that he had been asked to resign his position at the Royal Bank, "at instance of this Govern, ment." Dr Manion said no such word; had been sent to Mr Henry by this! government or any other member of i“ this government. The leader of “lei Opposition then asked the Min. ori Railways it he could speak for the, Prime Minister. it he knew whether', the Prime Minister had given cut-h; orders or not, to which the reply, was that Hon Dr Ianion had (them most of the orders himself. Once? more, Mr King put the .ttuetrtlott:, "Will the Minister say that the Roy-i al Bank did not at Sir Henry Thom-l ton to resign his dictatorship at Pei" instance of the Government of Can-i ada" And once more Dr Monica re- plied: "So tar as I know. I absolut- eiy deny it. The Royal Bank may have asked him to resign : I know nothing about that." Dr Mouton then took the ottetttrive by changing the Liberal gth with having induced Sir Henry to nuke expenditures which the hood of the railways knew to be “mad. stating that Sir Henry had told him Io. Mr Kinguidtlntlhwonlmusood u that ot " Ron. and (Dr Maw ion) And be natural to soy that Sir “in; that Involved public by Wholesale gasses to resign as President ot the Can:- jiao National Bunny: or was froz- en out. The Inn. of Balkan thought , Fort-tmg Tatt on tbugar there wu no good puree served in to have Leaked Out from bringing tint up. On Why a tab noun“ circles. grim was read to the - from the _ tRoyal Bank, satin; that Sir Henry L“ " 'A-‘m " is of the budget and won “Wing tut went so mr “a to to twig the whis- m ot the Radio Wt ekly Letter Rainy Bums away diet with ttot down to I who!“ we xruunu y.v,...-- -' mm! will noun from the World Economic Confusions. However, we have had such act-Ming headlines and bullyboo an conferences that We Are now waiting to In convinced. [launch of Commons. Olav“. 29th April, "" Johnson. Br "e--"."'" an...“ -. Davis. Clifford Gordon, ChmmGor- don. Jr IM-loot Webbcr. Norma Lindsay, Indory Tucker. Robert Webber. "--mu'oid Mention. Stu- an Pollock. Mtnetta Webber, Vincent Campbell, Vernon Campbell. Lawr ence ALL-him. I-altar' Gordon, Br tv-Bert son. Jr W Mellie Don C sinner say ' (Enter new) . Sr nr-Harvey usith. tto, Bill Wat- son' " Jr 'v-utr" newâ€. til. Elsie Hooper" 69, [Jessie Moore 64, Howard Keith. 61. Alex McMurdo' 57, Carler Geddes' " Dorothy Mt'. Nully’ 61 Br m-Muriel watson. M. Jr m-4fttnriess “luau 76. Ruth McKenzie " " "--Bi" lllchell' H. Ethel oauHtrn 61. Sr I-ken- new Del“: Tti, My Hudson“ 74. Calvin Gadden' 67. Br Pr-CF' Non. Baud“ Non. Hector MeMur do. " Pr--atthtt Hum-out . Indie-1a perfect attendance tor the ..U.BB., NO 2. MT AND NOR‘BY.. V-Arthur Thump-on. “Thomp- son. Br tv-lid Cunnouni, Loyd Dickson, Edith Dickson. Vernon Pin. der. Jr nr-Ae" Dickton, Murirl Nelson. Carma Diciuon. Sr In -e- Velma Irwin. Doris Finder, Beatrice Carmount. Hyena Dick-on. Jack Pin, dor, Victor Kirby . Jr "r-M.vtlo Westerveit, Essie Dickson, vau Camouut. Horace Thom-on. Frank- lyn Finder, Raymond Bull. " it-trl- ma Finder. Genld Finder. Irwin Nel son, Thelma Brown. Dorm Kiri»). Luvaon Lewis. Keith Dickson, Earl Nelson. I--43eeil Weaterrveh. Sr Pr .-Mit.drod Johns. George Thompson. Ray Neiton. Grant Dickson. Jr Pr - Joyce aPiadesr. Dorothy Brown. n The igteMeett a.“ tor tttnt .. _.._AA-inn B. s. NO 8, NORMANBY Br Iv-Not- Fulton 81, Velma Davies 76. Donna Blush; 60. Jr W --Camttee Fidler 68. Andrew Byeist M, Boned: Kurt 66. Sr iH--Bts',lt Byers 88. Gertrude Mn 80, Lloyd Fritz 76. Leslie Ball 75. Jean Honda: son Ti, Nellie Byers 70. Rune! Yam}: 59. Jr Itt--Fn Euler " Betty He'ndemn 74. Nelson Widneyer 69. Irene Heller In. Goorginl mu as. n --,Meei:on liyors " Albert Bull Tti, C, 1‘3er 'IM. “My Slum 68. I--tgttirley Davis; 83, Milalled Gerttamit M, Bea- Davis 83. mulled Gerhardt M, Bea- mm Bait 80. Florence Gerhardt 66. Br Pr-Violet Schenk " Lttltt Wid- meyer go, Howard Krnft 64. Jr p, --...Harie Henderson Mi, Bernard liar. my 68. Beginners: Willard Hahn. Edward Fuller. Rita Garvey, Lloyd Allenoon. No. on roll tt: Avenue ntt‘ce 33.7 Beth linen. teacher At I â€Landau price for (":n" Lot " Ottat T, Beatinck. Co, m. 100 newâ€. About " new: of hurl “I. u I " I good driving house d I - - residence. No t' “a. lk mile from school Im m -ittas given, clear mu}. " 'ou “Ye â€nothing you an 1.. m why not sell itt A small WW in the W will tind I buyer. um. guy-eyed Philip an," at You hortully. Perhaps you an - In dun-god tort Yen, mu cl. soon be dooo.-trtat to help mend lulu unwed luau. his wenkem-u little tune, I. . Work of In! -rtor_Jnorxtent. Bank. satin! tint Mr Henry it been and to resign. It in Sir Henry will not have ind I on the newer. centre of Interest is Vultu- riu: everyone hoping that the nations between the Prime er and the President will re- 1 understanding and n detet. on to tackle with n will the any trade and debt problems It will Lu ul the can and mu of the klndly doctor- uld nurses of the Gum Mary Hanna-l for PM: lumpuve Children to bring thir about. However, there in hope Hr" for Philip. u there In for In mum other little chllaren who ll‘c twins curd ter In thlo 1ttqtttotton. s. B. NO 2, EGREHONT Contribution. to 1mm Hus yrâ€! work I." Mod. however, and n trttt of money from you will be mm! volcano. Pious and " to a. A. m "I Coll... Bt.. Toronto t, b"""". _ -,__, Audubon. '-aynm Gordon. Tucker. lay Install. Evelyn icon. Br pr-Myrtle Mushad. Campbell. Corinne Pollock. no. ers-Jack Atehitson, Edna Lind- MAY 4, month -Bert nus-dull. Ronni war Jr tv--Petty Gordon, Ivan t. Br m-Helen Lindsay. L. Ctittord Gordon. Chmoeum-- SCHOOL REPORT Kerwin E. Reubor MMthxd ka, “it?“ tackle NO 13, manuox'r [All NI SALE J. A. Usdintrtuun, teataiet Lorne G. was. macho! of the Cunn- 1. Ont tea VOL. LV Tu! In obsor an: m. con (or the summer neudny omen maml How's the tin" mute the coal Ia hi coal. The regular mm a. Junior lnnthuu mor- wlll be held MM- Iny It. at l hut-an of Durhi All you" people l No. I load Pot Mort The 4&5 of I M M It her WMy menu: Died In Priceviue ed than Ill-.0111“ yuan of m. ret, not yet Ian-nu! t Rundown. Sum Mr Dry-on Nor (merry new rea rm “not wit! other (Imam m. Wilmer: was to ngtitstt Who can Mode - Clyde h victorious in mm ttale of bonds tor 1 and Tall but!†mad-l. but EN! ttte In winning " boudl new.“ hm Boyl' Puritan-out sum w “an“ and I! MUM. 'ttaqidety Dr DIV†Jami Morey frame a built on his an weat " Wilder's churn Mr A. who (hill fur the Dr's Humttl Tho has» wll at the been the enchant:- lat-o Idea" Mon. MCI. Pare The raw [an Path 1 tith. It hon: ten mambo atttemtnnce. Lllthdly (a Gullown)‘ m on ‘Ilu‘rhu gave an mama Fulton. Mrs Gui solo. 'M.x Tm'. I In 000 Migluol In: readings: I put on a contest by I my I Accepting ttte kit and In Neil In and are looking I bl evening meet {as “ll be held PM Torry. Jun, Will mm Co Wellington Cou, have about 8mm: win-lull which Home of Indus! tuned Immune" 38.800 to " tau " Robert Mcledy tron t in! phat 01 tor rubblnx elm-k turned to commmdvd him the wtul. "no of hi- can u revolver and while um piper money t Wanna: I they left the on Queen at. l “at m [ in annual d the I “are short [laminar (Em-bio: " 100." treap tt of tr " M " " If d Mar Kill "" Mr MI "