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Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1933, p. 3

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all u the last 3 "Kendal to snails that pd the Sudan m Neolithic . Dr. Gland! list Nth the as ll Off ils with)!” sDee form In - nother is Bw halt worm lay! Egypt )iscase PARASITES rders Tan Go Aloft vorm “0.3899, has between "gnaw bf Milch Cows ree " Bee at.., MY. us 85 Pelt n at be ted but“) ops. all " V" J, unions. of " t will - I mutually through mature! ek-tailed at Poem d with the b speeies, Kn. brought Africa lid neat of the Dr. Bum cause there on: for the will not * of it." he type. the dis- , th: nin- , for steady that and: mm]. It do so '0' n5. gueh h at the that placed in a woman he mitten . This is for the on which The 08in anion an I every , so by fnihuo may to- intrseted Ind but um dis. celebrl‘ attached I. Again, air Win at: "d nad’s mt I " of ty oc- " " gt an m e even " I pt ued n " send Ad. " There are two ways ot making s Ish salad. One Is to place s portion of ttsh on a plate and "ttit it with sliced cucumbers, lettuce, em, sud then put a spoonful ot salad dressing on the side. This ls perhaps the popu- lar way, designed to serve "ere " peal"-and " accomplishes this very thing. " looks delieioua. PM For and; A Ush and does not necessarily Dell! canned duh. Canned nah does make delicious "lad, Ind some should may. be kept ready for than use. but pxcellent and: my be made from boiled or steamed Batt and. indeed, horn any leftover dish. But the proof ot the salad, like the pudding. is always in the eating. And the dish Just described will be dist pointing. Each item on the plate is unaessoned, innocent. even of salt. which reduces the whole pinteful to ttat insipidity. and the small size ot the tpate moles impossible any satis- factory mixing ot the dressing Ind salad materials. You _ sigh, then sprinkle little salt sround. getting too much here and not enough there, put a tor'stul of the salad in the dressing Ind eat it without zest, meditating on the waste ot one materials when "dressed" only tor eye appeal. This dish was once served to a Frenchman " a hotel. When the sai- Id came. Moonsieur, an epicure, looked at it. It was not necessary tor him to taste. He knew. . He called the waiter ttnd the head waiter and the salad was removed. In I minute or so it was brought back. It did not look as well. Salad mvcr does wlu-n mixed. But it had taste and ttttvor. The mixing bowl had him-n rubbed with a cut clove of garii., the lettuce shredded. the tomatoes and 1utcutubcr., rut. and the ful- tiaked. " was linen salted and mixed with a mayonnaise dressing (made with all) until each teat or portions was marinated in dressing and lemon juice to taste. It was redeemed trom a Bat, insipid sal- ad to a triumph of deliciousness and plqunnt relish. "Eye appeal" should always play lecond part; taste tirst. Your Diet Perhaps there is no time ot year when the appetite is so faded and in need ot healthful stimulants to I natural hunger Is itt the spring time. Tho foods which were perfectly Tho foods which were perfectly legitimate tor us to eat when we need. ed energy tor resisting cold should be put aside and fruits. vegetables, cheese, eggs and Bssh used in abund- dime. Tart foods such as grapefruit and rhubarb are especially desirable since they have I tendency to whip the " petite into action. Pickles, usually g',',t"dif, indigestible and taboo, Ire ound valuable tor their piquaucy and ippetite provoking qualities. Lemon sauces. tartar sauces and horseradish sauces whet the appetite &nd add food value to the meal. Foods rich in iron will do much to overcome "spring lever," and would be used freely. Watch Iron Supply. A study of many disstttrieg shows them to be lacking in iron, carefully selected thoulh they may be. Too iittie iron in blood and tissues causes them to misbehave. The external indications of this internal "misbe- haviour" are apparent in poor color, listlessness Ind lack ot vigor-NPN" lever." Spinach has the highest iron con- tent ot any of the vegetables and of course is rich in vitamins. but there are other spring vegetables that are splendid sources of mineral salts and vitamins. Dandelion greens. beet greens, mint and asmragua are in season and otter yariety. Radishes. spring onions and carrots are valuable raw foods and should be mad frequently. Endive Spring Favorite. Endive with its slightly bitter taste ls relished at this time gtt your and new cahbage with 1 lemon dressing is preferred to the rich cream dress- tine of the winter months. Fruits and vegetables must be re. lied upon to furnish the necessary tromgruns and keep the body "tit". uus,. " Woman'. Placo I. In "at Home! Woman's World ttr “AIR M. “ORGAN Bulky foods that will give the disea- tive tract its much needed exercise Ire essential. Nearly all fruits and vegetables are mineral rich foods and have a decided tonic-like effect. FUR RUGS Motor rug and cushions which are made ot fur should not be overlooked during spring-cleaning. as such " ticles harbor dust, which is not pro. perly removed by brushing. Take the articles out ot doors on a fairly windy day and beat them thoroughly. Then rub them all over with hot bran, pene- trating right to the skin. Clean one small portion at a time, leaving the bran on the fur tor a time; then beat again and leave out in the wind tor several hours. Alter thls treatment the fur rugs or cushions will be clean and fresh. PARBLEY-4bPRlNG TOUCH. It is a good idea always to keep a bowl of chopped parsley on the kitchen table when you are' preparing n spring meal. Almost everything you serve can be garnished with the bright green leaves and they go far toward tonlng up languid appetites. BABY'S "PLAYGrtOUND." It is an excellent idea to cover the sides and bottom ot the baby's play pen with oil cloth. Oil cloth is eas- ily washed with soap and water and, in gay colors. presents a very cheer- ful appearance. London Tennis Courts Feature New Fashions PLAIDS FOR STYLE. P‘oiul silk dresses are smarter than printed ones this spring. Many of them have jackets ot solid colors. urd it is very chic to have a Jacket of the Squares London, Eng.-Miss Mary Heeley and Mrs. Whittingstall (Eileen Ben- nett) have started the lawn tennis sea- son with sensational dress fashions. IN COOKING MEATS. Tough meats will be made tender by adding a teaspoon ot lemon Juice to water in which they are boiled. Mary Heeley led the way. She ap- outfit designed for shoulder freedom, outfit resigned tor shoulder tredom, held up by cross straps. People cran- ed their necks to see. Photographers snapped Mary and her shoulders a hundred times. Then came the popular Eileen to the Paddington tournament at Maids Vale, and showed Mary how the thing really should be done. She appeared with her back con- siderably bared, and nobody can say but that she was greatly admired. It is thought highly probable that the Heeley-Whlttlngstall lead will gather adherents. _ Made That Failed. This march in clothes emancipation became pronounced two years ago, when, after the bare-legged brigade had almost won the day, Senorita Al. varez appeared at Wimbledon in wide- ly cut, um~pantaloons, a kind of di. vided shirt that suddenly went all trousery down to the ankles. The fashion did not catch on. Next year Miss Tomblin appeared at Chlswick in shorts and a sweater. But shorts did not become popular. Men are taking to shorts. Brame Hillyard has worn them for years with 'a linen cap to match. "Bunny" Austin has taken to them recently. One prominent player has started on the road to bare-backs for men. He has gone in for a one.arin tshirt- lett arm cut short above the elbow, as usual. right arm cut right ott at the neck and shoulder. Independence, Kai.-in of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dragoo, born in the Neode- sha, Kansas, hospital after arrival there of Canadians injured in the aeroplane crash which resulted in the death of five persons, wns named Col. Bruce Dragoo in honor of "Colonel" A. c. Samson, President of the Toil- ers' basketball team, and Bruce Dodds, player. Named After Canadians ume colored plaid In larger May 14. Lama Vu-o- Ascent His Kittgsttip--MaNt 11: 1-10, 1548. Golden Terxt--thrhotd, thy King cometh um, thee: he I: just. and having "ltiatiott.--Zetthariah 9: 9. ANALYSIS. l. THE rune: or PEACE, Mark 11:1-11. II. mi: mucu- AND TH.) mums, Mark 11: 15-18. 1NTttoDUtmoN---rnto the strong- hold of his enemies Jesus was now about to enter. Holding nothing back, he hnd submi tee himself to his Fath, er's will. That submission brought him to the gates of Jerusalem--Jeru- salem that had slain the prophets. He, himself, expected no other fate. I. THE PRINCE or PEACE, Mark 11:1-11. After the long ascent from Jericho, l (Mark 10: 46), Jesus and those who went with him arrived at the Mount of Olives, within three miles of Jeru- salem. Standing on its rocky prom- ontory twenty-five hundred feet above sea-level, the holy city was about fifteen miles from Jericho. Across the Valley of Kedron it lay, now thronged with pilgrims arriving for the Passover. Jesus now completed his preparations for a solemn and conspiecous entry to the city. From Bethany, where he lodged for the next few days, he sent to the neighboring village, probabi: Bethuage--whien “as not more than a mile from the city-for the colt, Mark 11: 2. We may assume that he had arranged the matter with the owner beforehand. He was able to tell the disciples where they would find the colt, and to give them the necessary password, v. 3. "And straightway he will send him hither" is a p:omise that the Master will return the animal promptly, as soon as he has finished with him. The picture we so often give of Jesus as a man going up to his death deserted by all but a few faithful friends, his popularity completely gone, is not correct. The Master err. tered Jerusalem on a tremendous wave of enthusiasm. On his way from Galilee he had moved leisurely, halt. ing here and there to preach, teavh and heal. His followers had doubtle, , thrown out hints that he might prove to be a greatei man than any one suspected, greater even than John the Baptist or Elijah. He was thus sur- rounded by an atmosphere of excite- ment which grew more tense every day. The Cc"ilil pilgrims. knowing that he was on his war, “ould wait for him on the Mount of Olive. There they formed a procession. They cut branches from the wayside trees and together with their garments, carpet- ed the road as he rode along on the ass which the unknown friend in "the neighboring village" had provided. As they went along, they sang a triumph- al hymn,ys.48-9. _ A - _ Why did Jesus, who had always avoided parade and self-advertise- ment, enter Jerusalem as the chief figure in a shouting procession? One reason was that he knew that his ene- mies were waiting for him in the city. The danger to be most dreaded was a secret attempt on his life. If he en- tered Jerusalem as an unnoticed pil- grim, it would be easy to assassinate him. If he must die, he would die openly, in the sight of the world. Also, by surrounding himself with publicity, he would be able to avert the end until he had time to make his mission plain to the multitude. Later meats show clearly that what protected him for the few days he had still to live was the continuous presence of his enthusi- astic supporters. See Mark 11: 18; 12: 12r14: 1,2. _ Another reason was that Jesus had resolved to assert his Messianic claim. Jerusalem at the Passover was the place and the time. He had no rea- son to hope for anything but death. Therefore he must take precaution to ensure that he would die not only pub- licly, but in his true character as Mes. siah, not of war, but of, peace._ Therefore, not on a horse, the sym- bol of military power, but on an ass. the symbol of peace and service, would he proclaim the nature of his king. ship, Did the prophecy of Zech. 9: o come to his mind? Only the few whom he had taken into his confidence would understand the meaning of the act. The others, as we gather from their songs (vs. 9, IO), thought of him only as the herald of the kingdom. Some- time they, too, would understand that humility, love, service can conquer ‘the world of material power. II. THE PREACHER AND THE PROFITEERS, Mark 11: 15-18. Next morning Jesus did that which sealed his doom. He drove out of the Temple the ill-gotten gain by which it flourished. It was a sweeping de- nunciation of the religion of his time. Religion had been commercialized. Every worshipper was expected to offer a ssaeriiiee. For this purpose droves of animals, cage: of birds, were always on hand. These victims had to be purchased with money specially A Jumper Suit Practical and Smart Illustrated Drnmaking Locum Fur- nished With Every Pattern That bowl And those c.te little puff sleeve?!, - - - And besides. it has a smart cape, has this attractive jumper dress. See the miniature view! A navy and white crepe silk print, so lovely for Spring, made the jumper and cape. _ _ The separate guimpe was plain white crepe. It can also be made w."..', long sleeves. It's so entirely simple to fashion.' Grey crepe silk with a yellow and Crt. checked crepe silk gui: p is an- other adorable scheme. coined for the Temple. The money- changers were charging oppressive rates of exchange. The religious au- thorities winked at the way in which the money was made for the sake of the revenue. Jesus saw that his first act of authority must be that of driv- ing the profiteers out of the church. His flaming anger overwhelmed them. They fled from the place. The heedless pedestrians, using the Outer Court as a short-cut from one side of the city to the other, he ordered to keep to the street, v. 16. A _ Sit 16 requires 2% yards of 35- inch material for dress; 1% yards 35- i .ch material for short-sleeved blouse; 94 yard 32-inch material for cape. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 15c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Style No. 2517 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust. Challenged by the enraged author- ities, Jesus denounced the institution that neglected to take notice of in- justice and anti-social business prac- tices. The word "thieves" (v. 17) suggests a more serious charge. The Temple had unintentionally become a place of refuge for any Jew who had injured a Gentile. Gentiles dazed not enter the sacred precincts on pain cf death. These traders were there, at least some of them, because it was the only spot where they could escape the vengeance of those whom they had wronged._ f'put with. them!.". said Je; My“--. -_- '___-_ -____H sus." In driving out the profiteerts who hedged to make religion prosperous, in aring to assert his own authority, Jesus sealed his ftte. . Niagara Falls, "6nt.--Ten loaves were found to be 20 ounces short. in weight when inspected by Detective George Hughes, who is also bread in- spector, and the Sun Ray Bread Com- pany. Welland, was ttned tio and costs. The remainder ot the wagon- load ot bread, 60 loaves, was contig. cated and sent to the municipal din- ing room. By HELEN WILLIAMS Underweight Bread brown. " Inch, is “VIII unable; it becomel o subject ot interest only by the colon it bears, ad the inn- prouions it receive. tron some tor- eign form or force. All noble drap- eries, either in painting or sculpture (color and texture being at present our ot our consideration), have, so tar as they are anything more than necessities, one ot two great tune tions; they ore the exponent. ot ino- tion and ot gravitation. They are the most valuable menus ot expressing pest " well a present motion in the tttture, and they are almost the only means of indicating to the eye the force ot gravity which resist such mo-' tion. The Greeks used drapery in sculpture tor the most part as an ugly necessity, but availed themselves of it gladly in all representation ot action. exaggerating the arrangements ot it which express lightness in the mater- ial, and follow gesture in the person. The Christian sculptures, caring little tor the body, or disliking it, and de. pending exclusively on the counten- ance, received drapery at tlrtrt conten- tedly as a veil, but soon perceived a capacity of expression in it which the Greek had not seen or had despised. The principal element ot this ex- pression was the entire removal of agitation trom what was so Dre-emin- ently capable of being agitated. It tell trom their human forms plumb down, sweeping the ground heavily and concealing the feet: while the Greek drapery was often blown away from the thigh. The thick and coarse stuffs ot the monkish dresses, so ab- solutely opposed to the thin and gauzy web ot ancient material, suggested simplicity of division " well as weight ot tall. There was no crushing or sub- dividing then. And thus the drapery gradually came to represent the spirit ot repose as it before-tad ot motion, repose saintly and severe. ........ Thus treated, drapery is indeed noble; but it is an exponent ot other and higher things. As that ot gravita- tion it has special majesty. being lit. erally the only means we have of fully representing this mysterious force ot earth (for falling water lsrless passive and less defined in its lines). So, again, in sails it is beautiful because it receives the forms of solid curved surface, and expresses the force ot an- other invisible element.--John Ruskin, in "The Seven Lamps ot Architecture." Sunshine Each of the three classrooms has its own color scheme. The furnish- ings are green, yellow and blue re- spectively, matching the pnintwork. The school, which is claimed to be the best-equioped in England, cost $30,000, and has accommodation for 120 infants between the ages of two and five. A sunshine nursery school in which each child has In overall to match the color scheme of its classroom has been opened by Miss Ishbel Mchon- aid, daughter of Premier MacDonald, .t Ssltaire. Shipley, Eng. Two bathrooms are walled with glass tiles, on: of them being equip- ped with a special shower bath from V hich the water falls in I gentle rain- like spray at I controlled tempera- ture. The rooms are heated by a panel in the ceiling. The walls are glass. 9 a.m.--Puttintr on overalls, hair tidying, handkerchief drill, and hy- giene lessons. 9.30.--Prayers and singing. 9.50--Milk lunch. 10.15--Eurythmieis, color work, tttV tare talks, stories and free play. THE DAILY ROUND. Each child has his own toothbrush, hairbrush and comb. Here is the daily round of the sun- shine children--. tloon--Hat dinner, with food scien- tifieally adjusted with balanced vita. mins. 12.30 pmt.--usisons in hygiene. 12.45-2.30-Rest. 3.10--Free play. 3.30--Prepartrtion for home. Infants living some distance from the school are taken home by omni- tus under the supervision of teachers. The Shipley Town Council has giv- en special consideration in allotting places at the school to children who are likely otherwise to be andernour- Lhed. Calves/in' Holland are baptized be- fore being sent out to graze, in the belief that the sprinkling is In anti- dote against anthrax. Drapery in Art School Opined by lshbel MacDonald "Hard physical work. once the lot ot the majority at people, is gradu. ally being relented into the category ot the less usual experiences ot daily lite," continues the writer. “As a con- sequence the bodily conditions tor- merly resulting so largely from mus- cular work as a part ot the custom- ary routine of living are now being developed through voluntary exercise and athletics. It has been stated that athletics consist ot physical exercise plus more or less ot emotional exer- cise, while work is likely to involve less and less of the emotions. The evolution of I mechaniwd so- ciety, about which so much I- heard " the present time; hu Mount about chase- in the physiologic tune- uons ot the an ot may us well u in MI economic relationships, an The Journal ot the American Medical Association. "A modicum ot muscular ettort--ot qrork--ht" always been regarded as wholesome to the healthy organism. There is n widespread belief that cer. tain physiologic “vantages and degir. able bodily clauses Ire attributable to physical exercises and training. How real are they, ttnd what is their at ture? An elaborate discussion of these questions has recently been pre- sented by A. H, Steinhsus ot the Young Men's Christian Association College ot Chime. “As he points out, increases in mns- l cle size, strength and endurance are‘ probably among the belt recognized chronic elfects a muscular exertion. One cannot proceed tar in the consid- eration ot the contractile tissue: with. out being brought face to face with the problems ot their blood supply; tor through this the removal of waste and the replenishment ot energy alone can be insured. The inter-relationship between the skeletal muscles and the circulatory apparatus seems to have been recognized by the discovery of the circulation of the blood. in 1628. Harvey wrote: " 'The more muscular and powerful men are, the tteater their Besh; the stronger. thicker. denser and more tits. rous their hurts, the thicker. closer and stronger are the auricles and ar- teries.' Haldane once remarked that the circulation and respiration may be looked on as the servanta ot the mus- cles. Today there are added factors that call for recognition: Chemical changes in the blood, adjustments ot the respiratory functions, involve- ments of the endocrine organs, and new coordination; in the nervous sys- tem. It has been stated that the greatest and more lasting changes in- duced by training in man and animal, namely, changes in behavior, take place in the nervous system. "Aeeording to Steinhaus, increase in strength is no doubt primarily associ- ated with the hypertrophy of muscle in which largely the sarcoplum parti- cipates. Too little in known ot the way in which chemical energy in transform- ed into mechanical energy in the mus- cle to speculate on how the chemical changes observed in muscle contribute to the increase ot strength. Endurance. or the postponement ot fatigue, la a measure of the organism's ability to balnnce catabollc with appropriate an- abolic processes. Primarily this means a truMeiertt supply ot oxygen and, sec- ondly, a tood supply." "it the thesis that exercise incresses the capacity ot the orgsniam to per- form work is accepted. it becomes in- teresting to consider the ‘interlocking division ot responsibilities' for this general outcome. The physiologist Lindhsrd recognizes improvements in strength, in endurance and in sureness ot perfection ot movement, sud he at- tributes them in general to changes in the muscular system, respiro-cireulr tory system and nervous system. res- pectively. Belgrtuie.--A valuable find of bur- ied treasure nus been made by cus. t ms officers near Skoplje. While searching for smuggled tobacco be. lieved to have been buried in the fron. tier village of Kocunn, they dug up . clay vessel. When opened it ms found to contain 3,000,000 ditutra in gold and silver crowns. The un- sure must luvs been buried during one of the Balkan was and the own- ers subsequently killed. BURIED TREASURE FOUND. Changes German industry. which is also be. :inniug to "cocaine the full unea- Iure of politieo.eeoetomie importance of the woman " a consumer, seized the opportunity to portray its own doth in helping the women in the ditrieult talk of maintaining _ sound standard of living, despite the low- end incomes. Distribution in Professiurv. The section, "The Woman of the German People" presented a signifi- cant picture of the distribution of women among the profession. An illustrated dispiay showed that of 2'2,- 500,000 women in Germany 11,000,- 000 eonfine their activities to tht home. Of the professionally employ- ed, 6.800.000 were single women and 4,700,000 married. Of the married professional women the earnings of two-thirds were indispensabh to the upkeep of business of their husbands. The charge of the "duoolution ot the family" was also strikingly re- futed by the taet that 4 per cent. of tho German population am living “one, while 96 per cent. are living in families. Their economic impor- tanes as “consuming commanitief waa shown in specially attractive il. lustrated form. Apartment Data Given. The apartment question which has been of so much concern to women, was illuminated by figures “hick show, for instance, that in Berlin, t).'i,- 000 perEons live in 52,700 one-mum apartments. Statistics show the connection be- tween marriages, the World War Ind on economic situation. Today about 900,000 women have remained unmar- ried in Con-equate: of the male sac- ritkes: of the World War. The next decodes are looked forward to for the necessary bulunee of population. The mutter in which the life of the country housewife, too, has been placed in the foreground through set- tlement activities us shown at the exhibition. One exhibit portrayed what I typical Thurintriau peasant wow achieved in thirty laborious The groups in which more than 109 German women associations with about 8,0o0,000 members render ac- count of their own work and aim: gave a glimpse into a world which expresses ability, proficient, and euritr--rolitieal, social and economic dkeerttment and ready helpfulness. Their activities depicted courage, en- ergy and confidence in a better fu- ture. The abundance of material dis- played almoet burst the limits of the - at their disposal in the exhibi- tion halls. Work for Youth Shown. The Federation of German Women Auociationa. the organisations oi housewives in city and country, pro feasional societies. sport and gymnas- tics, art and crafts, public work of women, welfare organizations - all complemented one another. yuan. She baked 23.400 loaves of bread, fanned 1,800 pigs. raised 2,880 chickens, but at her market stall for 9,600 hours. The youth we: elm represented and for the first time the Voluntary Wom- en's Labor Service, started to halt the devastation produced by unemploy- ment Among the youth, shows what bu been done in this direction during in one yen of existence. For the first time 1190 the German brunch at the International Federation of Busi- rels and Professional Women faced p"hlicity with works of its members under the motto: "One Woman Helps the other-One Profession “tips the Other." otriees for "vice in professional matters and labor erchtcttr “we constantly It work gratuitously dur. ing the exhibition. During the 37 ex- hibition days this show, which em- braced all All aspects of women's life, has been supplemented by sessions of more than uo women organisations with coup-cues, lectures and perfor- mance: of various kinds. When cows have tree access to salt they will keep in better health, will the more unlit. Ind the cream trom tru milk wilt have u better tueor than cream tron cows that do not get my an at all. or receive It only at long luternls.-Delry Bunch. Ottawa. George-Mosh, no! But it I had that Incl money I could make tho down payment on that straight eight do" In Charlie knot-'1 nun." From London (one: word ot a link. and (lichen being forced by circul- uuncel to ate in boarders. ,eaei-"rto you want to get martial no and?" " Just imagine the embarrassment 0! having to look a (aches: in the ere on Saturday night to uk It she'd will letting the room rent slide tor moths! ,reea.--Hamiltogt Sweater. Counting the Con George-N certainly I'lllll I nu ”out honey to get married." _ - Would Be Embarrassing Salt and Sweet Cream

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