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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1933, p. 7

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reliance Of Spray; to“ to Meeta Spring b Hung Taking Over ngle Jobless Camp! and of Silver . quired No Candi Ming Bored When am lthorltns ll. inistratioqg of min for single an under II wing to a merican I. Dresden y drove in pro- ved u we tons £100.- v.9 OI " fl tr. it the ade ll Holland Plans Vanishing Foreign Trade; Brings Drastic Proposal I To Curtail Production The Hague.--A bill introduced in the ,,'erond Chamber of the States General purposes to give the Dutch 007011!- ment dictatorial powers to "organist the affairs ot the lame" and trun and flower growers of the country. The agricultural crisis In Holland baa ari+ on chiefty " a remit of the recently erected barriers against upon; Land owners and their lemma, u well as the manhunt: and the gov- ernment. are realizing that the export markets. tettiertly In End-ml 3nd Ger. mny. lost by rising mm walls and onerous regulations, will not be recov- ered Boon, and that consequently the production ot vegetables and dairy commodltlea must be entailed. Preliminary measures are being tak- en to reduce druticaily the output of eggs and milk. The annual export of butter has fallen from 41,000,000 kilo- grams to 10.000.000 kilograms while the wholesale price has dropped. The surplus thus created is being elettredl ap by compelling margarine monume- :urers to include a larger proportion at butter in their products than hith- erto. This regulation came into force an April 3 and ordered that the pro- portion of butter in all margarine would be raised from 25 to 40 per .eent. In the cheese trade n similar regu-l lotion has been made. Beginning in April and continuing for " least three months on wholesnle Dutch cheese makers must reduce their output by so per cent., the consequent loss of profit being wholly or portion) met by note eonuremratiort. The market- garden trades will receive 1 subsidy trom the government only on condition that they considerably reduce the mount ot the planting. This last restriction will be applied in . most comprehensive manner to the cultivation of bulb pints. n trade which is suffering from the home cul- tivation in America and England. Ab ter the flowering period of the present wring, enormous quantities of crocua, narcissus. hyacinth and tulip bulbs, Is well Is many planting beds tor mesa bulbs, will be done away with. This view. that the Dutch new: of production must be reduced, In: brought about I modulation in the policy of subsidy hitherto followed " the state. The government haa worked out an "empowering aet" un- der which the carrying out ot these unsure: ls hacked by extraordinary authority. The Government, in the preamble to the bill, cites well tmb.) stemmed atstements thet In the u- rtcultural lands exhaustion and im. poverlshment no rapidly spreading, and that in putlculsr the onset of vegetnhles, fruit. eggs. potatoes, but- ter and cheese is in n lunentshle con- anion Three-Fold Course Proposed. To prevent a complete and collec- tive collapse of the rural retail trade the government desires to proceed along a three-fold way; ttrat, try subsid- ies to the trade trom a not yet estah~ lished central crisis fund; secondly. by restriction of cultivation, and. thirdly, by the "ing of atsndard prices. But n0w comes the most im.) portant point. Tho proposed new law gives to the government the authority in case ot necessity to use force in putting into execution the proposed measures. There is to he no persua- alon and no argument. The instruc- tion of the authorized omcial is to he a command to which obedience must be as explicit as that ot the soldier to the command ot his other. To this bill giving dictatorial pow- ers to the Department ot Agriculture, no objection or complaint in: been niaed even by the growers themsel- ves. so that it is virtually eertain to pass through both Chambers without serious opposition. Welsh Capital Building Modern Railway Terminus Cardiff, Wales.--) £1,000,000 gait. wny station which will be one ot the most modern in Britain is being con- ltructed at Cardiff. The old main-lino station and the station linking up the industrial ral.. ieys and the Glomornn coast no merged into n centrni terminus under the new scheme. Tunic has not been interrupted during the extensive ro- construction. A whole street of houses has been demolished to allow tor extensions. Three level (grade) crossings will dis. eppenr and 16 new bridges lave been built. A specie] newspaper distribute intt centre, in itself a miniature Ita- tion, is being erected. The whole terminus cover: In no: or 30,000 trquBre yards and 200,000 cu- bie feet of earth were removed to prepare the site. The Bow, Turkey, police have n4 dueed the speed limit of motor W" hicks to three miles on hour, mad taxis now cruise voinly trying to pick up ”new“ who are rushing put them on foot. "Only by united action can mm he estnblished gun} autumn“ ma eventually “for"! "mum." -Benry Norseman. Chceu Output Curtailed. Farm Dictator WHO WANTS TO RIDE". ‘You 0an’t Fool a [“000 mt On November M, 1932, e pole,i thin girl walked Into a physicinn'l once nnd ind her hiood tested. The tenson for her condition we: at once evident. The hemoglobin content ot her blood was only " per cent. Red corpuscle count only 4,640,000. She Just had to he pole. And her weight was but 0135 pounds. Tho physician. who knew the (ennui: ot the remedy, told. her to take two ot Dr. WUBatna' Pink Pine liter each mesi and to come back in e month tor another test. She fol. lowed instructions 3nd took no other medicine. On December 14 her blood show- ed " per cent. haemoglobin tad Stokowski to Study 1 Early Music in Turkey Philtrdelphia.---Dr. Leopold Stokow- ski, conductor of the Philadelphia or- chestra, will leave for Turkey after the close of the concert season, to spend part of his vacation studying ‘tncient Byzantine music " it has Jreen preserved by the monks of Mount Athos, according to a recent I amwuneement. Horizontal b-To "copper" 1 bet 6--Senees ti-Portion of tood 12--Itt in accord u-Formerly tIF-Evil spirit IT-Negative ttr-Residue 19-Wtrs ill My-rosette-od 21--Prortoun M--Mttrgitttt 'F-Measure "-Untidy persons 26-Steamahlp M-Corded Iabrics tg-Rounded root 'tF-Disttursed "--rndeiinite in number tb-Real estate map 86--Billows "I do not expect to adapt the mss-' teries of this music for performance by the Philadelphia Orchestra,” Dr. Stokowski aid, "or otherwise to ex- ploit it for modern audiences. My interest in it is chiefly for my own background, and to widen my own musical literature of all times and places." Dr. Stokowski has made I study of music from all parts of the world, having spent last spring in Mexico gathering material for a sub. sequent musical production. Answers to Lot Week Paulo "I always keep a supply of BABYS OWN TABLETS on hand-they keep my children healthy and happy," write Mrs. James Wilson, Lomvilk, N,B, E; Wihon's plan is com ed to others everywhere- Literally. kw .or Medics. leg “WM, ........-_. -- -WWV _ mitten their the; thanks for 3.“st OWN TABLE 5, the atrsohsiehP SAFE may for the common illness- es of Miles and ttatren--teething mm #mrk {em mt 'tteh Happy Helth Br. MIG-1' WE an: own tum: 37 " " Eff OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE ifaik Jiiiedttm. to" Me I pulm- M) $6-Ptsrt at irttinitirtt M-To free M--voiee $8--To prohibit "--Type unit. 41--BerVtutt 42--To carry 43--Wtstem ot morals "---Diisehargets 47--Moorland 48--Eats l-Hero ot fairy tale 32-Lessena 2--To engrave 83--Ursmspirttted F-Mold M-Natives of 1 4--To depart Britain 6--r1ags M-Diplomacy 6-Godtiesgeg ot destiny 39--To preaage 7-Expletive 41--A1ong 8-Unit ot work 42--Caalt 8--F'reneh article M-pronoun IO-Aged 46--Elevert 15 rs PIA UIR Tits BIT RIS El TIT IIR EIS AIP Rltt Vertical 31 Yul lam he I. married. The most} a _indtimite' number " “uvenl lull." j It the won't talk ah" a sick 'deli) The human mm would he like I good) 5 I ,0" 000 md carousel“. Her weizht hotel-open the you round. I Va 100% pounds, . gain ot nine, .___ -.' pounds in thirty days! She had'; gudee--'Wnd Why "O You think I nined color ami "traetirtttttrsa. The should be littiettt J'ith rout I. this your Brat offense? doctor noticed tor the first time that Prisotier-"No, your honor; but in she was positively pretty. imy lawyer's ilrttt cue.” Blood teats treietttitiealiy prove the red nine of o tttood-building remedy. It you ere anaemic, pale and under- weight; it you lock umbition end energy, get . box ot Dr. Willinma' Pink Pills from your druxziat and begin the treatment today. Revit- Iiize your blood stream and build up new resources ot strength end vigor. You are tolling no chances. Dr. Wil- ilinma' Pink Pills Ire clinically tested. , l2 Bhe-Bpettking of germs in kisses, what do y0u think a girl could catch that way'." He-volt, lots ot them catch hus- bands." There are two periods when the fish. ing is good-before you get there and after you leave. Jertkints-"My wife has the worst memory in the world." - Bampaon-"Fotgets everythng '." Jenkins - "No; she remembers everything." Mrs. Miggs (to husband who has been tor twenty-tivo years unpaid sec- retary ot Savings Club):“lt'a all very well 'aving an 'obbr, but I man with more sense would 'are got one that was more ludicrous." Teeth On Edge Second-Hand Car Salesman (on trial groundJ-"Thls car Is sound in every part." - _ Little men, like minnows, keep ' 'se to the shore. He who can bottle up 9. little sunshine for n rainy day in n carter. While our joys may not ex- ceed our expectations. our expenses el- wnye do. Political birds know how to teether their nests the best. A men with e high aim in lite seldom cer- ries n tun. Most times the prodisel son and not the tstted all should be killed. You cen't keep “saline down by stepping on, it. Be e self-sinner tend don't nuke e crenk out ot thei toss. Drive your work intend of per- mittu it to drive. Look towsrds the light, end the shadows will all tell he- hind. An ounce‘ot enoonmement is worth n ton of scolding. It's hard to do n clean business in n dirty store. Every now end then you miss n men Prospective Buyer-"Bo I hear." Unremarkable Remarks Ir-wanders 13--Sedtrte 16--Bevertrget' 19--well skilled 20-Nieer tg-Happening M-Actors gg-Mountain nymph 26--Buitor 2tr--Euthtttriatst 2b-Germtul river $6-A sub-base 81--Cahn 32---Letusens M--utstuspirued syllable M--Natives of part ot El LI El i1? twice " much as you." “sign-$713” (tlmldly) - "Please, Mr. did he get it.'" "Nurse," and the patient, "I'm . t love with you. I don't want to get bet- ter." -"Doit worry; you won't." she said. cheerfully. "The doetor'rin love with LU/too, rand he saw you kiss me this morning." . the liner. "Man overboard'." was the err. "Gentleman overboard, It you please," said Mrs. DeSnobbe, indig- nantly. “That's my husband." eatient---"Doetor, do something t r me quick; my temperature is 130." -Pii;riciuv-Usrtrciouss, . .r case ls beyond me. Youd better send tor the fire department-Pen oniy a physician." mouth." -iiLon-"wen, thath natural. I'm a dentist." The rest of your days depend Tr, ‘n the rest ot your nights. Mtut--"Why are you lugging home that expensive box at candy?" Netghtror--'Uust playing sate. My wife kissed me this morning so I think it must be her birthday or our wedding anniversary.” Mrs. A.-"Bhall I wk the cook tor references?" Mr. A. - “References don't mean very much. Get her to submit sam- ples." Boss---") last boy I had was worth Creates Energy Some folks are naturally tat, but there's a lot ot people who put on pounds ot unhealthy tat because they haven't got enough energy to move about to keep it oth It's not laziness in most auses--but a condition brought about by sluggish- ness ot the internal organs-the liver, bowels and kidneys. A: . result, poisons and harmful acids that kill vigor, ambition, and energy get into the blood-the whole general tone ot the body is lowered mnd tat accumu- lates. There was great excitement aboard "son-"You are looking down In the EXCESS FAT MELTS Thousands ot overstout men and wo- men find in Kruchen Salts a perfectly safe, sure, and beneficial means ot re. ducing. The "little daily dose" of Krnschen Salts keeps the organs functioning properly every day, and an: you with such a. feeling of radiant vitality and vigor that before you know it you are fairly "dumping out of your skin" with energy, instead of moving around-- and reduction follows as a. matter ot courae---Nature attends to that. So, bluebells, you are here at last'. Bpring's tight with winter overpast. Today the great trees, sheltering, bend Over the magic beauty that you lend To woods In May. Before you come, the field and copse are yellow With daftodils, Dog Mercury between. The April sunlight, waxing mellow, Lights on anemones‘ white sheen And your green leaves. Then faintly shlmmers in the wood A tremhlng thought, until I ttood or blue goes surging through its ways, Blue ground, blue stems ot trees, blue haze, Bluebells, because ot you. --May I. E. Dolphin, in “Stars and Chimneys." (London: Fowler Wright.) Nanking Building Program Includes Plans for Future Nanking.--City planning in the na- tional capital reaches so far into the future that uses are decided upon for out-moded government buildings even before they are built. Construction began here this week of the new home of the Ministry of Foreign Atrairg. In the city that in to come it will be converted into n building for recep- tion of foreign liplomtts. The new home of the Ministry of Communieetions is almost finished. It will later become the central post of. fice. Facing it is the Ministry of Railweya, a striking building of Cute. Weetem architecture, which will take its place later among the unique rail. my station. of the world. Mrs. A.-"l prefer girls to boys. You ""hTltAmti'i"i'"ih. 1 never know how I boy I: going ml It. Evil -tahls turn out." In. B.--"Wett, girls are a lrM,"dfu"'" troublesome. too. I never know when ' ------"" my daughter I: going to turn in." l ISSUE No. Under Treatment Proof of the Pudding A,--") I Is]: the cook tor Bluebells It its noteworthy that the tirgt et- forts to enlble the blind to read bc-, 1 in 1617, just 6 years after the King James version of the Bible we: first published. Various systems ot raised letters were used. Progress was slow at tirtrt, In 1882 the Gospel of St. John WIS pub- lished in a system ot raised Roman letters and by 1840 the Bible was com- pleted in that system. Braille, the system finally adopted and at present universally in use, was invented by a blind musician ot Braille, the system ttntuir luopleu‘ and at present universally in use, WIS‘ invented try a blind musician or France, named Louis Braille. This dotted system. which may be written as well as read by the blind. is now completely printed in universal Braille and is distributed by the Braille Bible Society Incorporated ot Lon Angelee. It is comprised ot 21 vo1ameis,.tutd al- though costing $8 a volume to produce, is distributed at the price ot $1 per volume. Teaching the Blind to Read Cinderella Story May Be of Chinese Origin Ouc indebtedness to China for many things that have been handed down through the ages is generelly admit- ted. Now we have an American pro- fessor in the National University of Peiping, who has spent seven years there in adavming the theory that the original Cinderella was in all prob- ability Chinese. He bases this theory on the fact that an ancient Chinese document dating from the ninth cen- tury, and but recently discovered, contains a complete version of the story so familiar to this generation. Some authority has said there are but seven basic themes for all stories ever written or to be written. It may be, indeed, that Cinderella and, in fats, all the six other original stories were of Chinese origin. Ten centuries constitute a compar- atively short period of time in the annals of the human race, or the realms of literature. Cinderella, re- marks the Providence Journal in dis- cussing this question, is probably one of the oldest of the basic stories, and it would be absurd to think it did not originate until the ninth century. The ancient manuscript just found in China was discovered under a stack of papers in the university library, but evidently it is but a redocumentation of a legend incalculsbly old, when Chinese scribes of the ninth century gave it their attention. In any use the scholars of I'eipisg university irc'ine to Pe behet tea: the Cinder- ella story originated in the Orient.-- Taunto Mail & Empire. 'lee""."""'""""""."'",-))'):.: ', mmfi”: mmeWWa: ttgttffAothlflQlllflrlG'lll"'tilG I t.8ltigiyittrcn,tuaartat '| LiTifgUi',"ehhtuh'iulitilt , tittrM,"dib'g a 739 ram VGieht St" Wake up you Liver Bile L-tht We! necessary BIBLES for “IE“BJIQID 1Gik"r"y Ton7ribiiion. app! Special Price: " per volt tgt complete. _---.- --n¢.-1 WIRED tlil THE Tnttilt-1llllf't INER It pays " The -iirGu of Every Mother so" ase? 71w cA,t . W” Ber Children'o Skinned”! (mo {use VEIJ!OI) Wuhan-d in - mm an MI of. "113??"°P’ who fad our. M AGauttemii.uhiit4 Best Quality Shaving Brush FREE POKER HANDS EG Links. Fia"aiee J1me- CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS -'33 trtrRlliUiil/lll.? for EI'N'E'CU'!’ Calls Shot and Holes in One Detroit.--A. E. Dixot walled his shotl and got . "hole In one," but it ttldn't count. He dropped his tee shot on the lac-yard green, six feet from the pin. "That's nothing," he told his fellow- players. “Give me mother shot ttnd I’ll out in the hole." He did. Feen-a-mint is the answer. Cleansing union of smaller doses etteetive be- uune you chew it. At your ilrustiuitsr--the safe and scien- son CONSTIPATION _jieIjili K! With an nmv-i of on Iinimr a “mu.- DAY AND IVENINO CLAOOEI may to ootutuetett In accord-no. with the minimum In... U the Department " Edt-tlon, rttEttMYtCAt. AND PRACTICAL tttaTttUemt* 7 In given in various and“. TM «in». and an.“ m Ink .0 direction ot AN ADVIIORV CONNI‘I'TII. mile-Non hr attetuUrt" would to - b N m u on “but COMMERCIAL COMIC?‘ NANUAL MINING. NWIINDLD IDIINOI AND AOIIOULTURI AND iittttTitttn.Ty" I. W mnmmmuumnnmmwmmuuu - _ - - -.- -_, ..__...._.n mun-l g-tgt-tts M In the Own“ " "my III "use. up"... --..-...__V V molt. calculate Imam“. Vacuum “but. and tt-trtteett. - .0 an Mutation. mm by the mom a! that!” my Mind "on the - mam". Parliament InlldIm - _------. ON SALE i""irraArtrriiuiirird GENERAL , aid: &holtt Ber.1teUhteut ttg-tk. Your own” INDUSTRIAL, trtsnvaei-te-itlotute ostmritnvirtatmtahiiimtt1ti-ro, mmhmbba...uinyw’u surely atattreeiatenndttse. Givenin exchange foe only I couple“ gets of TtsrretPtttrerHdrtds oneaoest-strurretrineott wiiipeovetheeiitvnndeemtomrU eignrette' from one pack“. . . . and We. of sweet Virginia trauma and Bavttur . . . supremely satisfying. G Giiiuia Tim u mum UN I AKIU ARWIVBB TORONTO 15 POUND! PRINT OR SILK QUILT- ING Remnants, $2; I sauna '" A. Mchx-y Ser, Chungm. t. FT/ W 121‘ 44“.: u...----__ -- - treated. 600 mined “mun. 02.00 per 100 90-well. v. w. Krona. Guelph Guano. - _---.------- TNow I FEEL FULL or PEP" After taking Lydi- E. Pink- m’. chuuc Compound That'. what hundtodl of women In- " ttHfltt the "fee. a; gnstheq "a: up In: “an!” DOCTORING YOUR DAIRY HERD Cow! aren't Mines. They on get sick or hurt. But Wmard's Liniment makes it usy to care for their ilu. In. Thos. Bulmer of We, B.C.. found one of her herd with . lump in her udder. " rubbed it with Minurd’s Liniment", ah. an. "and it soon got better." Hinll'd'l in best for Cats, Bruises, Colic. Distemper, em. 3nd equally good in sable or in house. Wei and “King of Pain". u Lo w r: n we" 9249.12”. STORES W

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