NE 8, I933 DYEAR INDERS x265 Leaf lCKERS £3 bone It GE to $5. I 5 7.59 $9.36 I 0.09 his vicinity unrdayltu ~l Marya. Marl Mer. md our 'sin. , bone George Pd whh rt Dur. th Mr a M Oliv , Max sent. homo sing . Mrs M r 'tar- last and n i, rarmtDair3rMa,ehinery I The Review is well equipped for all kinds. of Job Printing COUNTER CHECK BOOKS "at TH E REVIEW, DURHAM , CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Local Agent F. w. Moon Dug-ham,0nt. CREAM SEPARATORS CREAM We bake bread second to none ; we must sell much more to maintain this low price. Come to our store for bread and groceries. and thus get your supplies at lowest costs. We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices Leave your order with JUNE 8, was Phone I on our pricu Won purchasing also when. " will pay you. Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock DURHAM MACHINE SHOP Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Canada' " Oat Pilot " C Keep in Stock for Sale the following Goods: HENDERSON’S BAKERY THE PEOPLE's MILLS Bread, 5c a loaf Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. JOHN McGOWAN Lacta, Lister, Anker-Holth, DeLavaI, Melotte, Viking-Diabolo Separator. Cockshutt, Frost &Wood, Fleury & Sons, Bissell Machinery. SEPARATORS REPAIRED " you are in need of a Separator, call at the Shop or ring 140, Durham. w. will allow you a good tradeUn on your old Separator. FLOUR ii purchased at our Bakeshop -- --- -____'.'_ PHONE 140 g .=o=o==lo=o=uao 6 c,off cart General Repair Work done Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED DURHAM. ONT. Shorts Mrs (Rem) R. G. Stewart, formerly ot Priceville, wants the readers of the Review, to share with her in the following beautiful poem, which she recently heard quoted by an elderly clergyman. Mrs Stewart, who now re- sides in Thorold, still carries much sentiment and kindly feelings for her husband’s former charge at Priceville and is a reader of the Review each week. So tender-like, so cheerln' - "Come on my lad, we're nearly home: That always kind of helped me some, and so I followed father, home. I'm getting old and feeble now, and trembly at the knee, But life is Just the same today as then it used to be; And I am very weary now that even- tide has come, And sometimes still get fearful-like, about the Journey home. But still my Father leads the way, and once in a while I hear Him The property of the late Edwin Johnson, situated in the village of Holstein. 2-stomy brick house, lights furnace, frame stable, good well, gar- den. Years and years ago, whenl was just a little lad, And after school hours used to help around the farm with dad: I used to get so very tired when even tide would come, That I'd get kind of fearsome like a- bout the Journey home. But dad would always lead Lhe way, and once in a while turn round and So tender-like, so eheerin - "Come on my child, you‘re nearly home"..' And still that kind of helps me some, And so I'm following rGhe/,%Ci.." At a great tstuMfiee price for cash. Lot 27 Con 7, Bentinck, Co. Grey, 100 acres. About 15 acres of bush: barn 44 x 64, a good driving house and a fairly good residence. No en- eumbraneess. IA mile from school. Im- mediate possession given, clear' title- Apply to A. McGlLLIVRAY. Good mixed Clover and Timothy Hay for sale in any quantity desired. Also pasture to rent. Good comfortable dwelling house, all conveniences: will sell on satis- factory terms, or will rent. Apply to J. W. Crawford, Phone 132W, Dur- Order your job printing from the Review - Letterheads, envelopes, statements, biilheads. invoices, ano- tion sale bills. dodgers and hand. bills. wedding invitations and " nonncements, etc. (East ot Wilder's Lake.) Apply to Jotr. Lennox or James Johnson, Varney, Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE "THE WAY HOME" FOR SALE OR RENT FARM FOR SALE HAY FOR SALE J. A. Henderson, Varney, R. R. 1 Chatsworth, Ont. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr Ed. Hogs, Hamilton, former a.- gent here, visited Iaat week at the McMeekln home. Mrs Alex McDonald (Elizabeth Me- Cuaig) ot Btrattunore, Bask,' and her her daughter Betty, Ire on a month’s vacation to her my friends in this part. Miss Mabel Nichol in visiting with Toronto friends. Mr Geo. McLeilan, Niagara Falls, spent the week end " Mr D. Camp- bell's. His wife who spent the put week here, returned home with him. Her mother, Mrs Kate McArthur ac- eompiu1ied them .back tor a month's vacation. place only In June. Mr and Mr: Jack McMeekin and son Jackie, Mr Earl McLean and " ter Alma, spent I. couple of days in Toronto last week. Inspector Wright paid his semi- annual visrit to the school here ‘and found everything satisfactory. Messrs Allie McLean and John Mc- Rae, Toronto, spent a couple ot days visiting friends here. Last week the most severe elec- tric storm of the season came and put telephones out of order for a- while. Part ot the steel root on Mc- Cuaig's barn was taken oft, along with sheeting and 16 rafters broken, also trees broken down near the house. Mr and Mrs Henry Richardson and son Donald, Toronto, spent the week end at her mother's, Mrs D. G. Me. Lean’s. Miss Doris Wright, Collingwood, spent a few days with Miss Sarah McLean. T Mrs Thos Nichol and daughter, Mrs Emerson Bennett, spent a tew days visiting London friends. Miss Kathleen MacLean. teacher at Aberdeen school, 'spent the week end at. her uncle's, Mr Dave Niehol's. Mr Alex McLean and sister, Mrs. John Macfarlane spent the week end at their parental home. Mrs Wilfrid Watson visited with Toronto friends last week. A number from here attended the Farm youth rally in Markdale Thurs day night. At the first match of the football League ot the surrounding villages and towns held in the town of Flesh- erton, between their team and Price- ville, the latter won out by a score ot 4 to 1, on Friday, June 2. Rev. Dr Mclvor acted as referee, with no sign ot molestation or dissatisfaction by the fans. Good comradeship pre- vailed throughout. At a. softball match held here on Thursday, June lst, 'between the home team and F'lesherton. the visit- ing team won by a score of 24 to 23. A {inc score not attained by the pro- fessional clubs ! ? Mr Innis McLean was the impar- tial umpire on this occasion. Miss Victoria Jelly and friend, To- ronto, spent the week end at her SIS, ter’s. Mrs Ray McLean. ‘Mr and Mrs A L Hlncks and farm ily celebrated their 9th wedding an. niversary on June 4, at Proton Stu. Mr and Mrs Henry Tucker and family, Mrs Alex McDonald and Bob ty, visited Monday at A L Hineks'. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was held at St Columba United on Sunday last, a large congrega- tion being in attendance, who limou- ed to a fine service deoorously con- ducted by Rev Mr Moir. A full com- plement of the session was present. as was also Mrs Chas McKinnon, at the age ot M, who was cordially greeted by a host of her old friends. Mr and Mrs Thos Hlncks and tam. ily, Long Branch, Toronto, visited on Sunday at David Hlncks†home. The past two weeks or more has been a source ot inspiration and ad- miration to many here, ot the move- ments of the heavenly bodies as shown by the gradual approach of the planets Jupiter and Mara until Satur- day and Sunday, when quite close to. gether, suggesting the sentiment, "Thro' the glory and the grace of the stars that veil Thy face" and “Hen- ven and earth are praising Thee, O Lord moat High." The recent storm of wind and rain last week caused considerable dam- age near here, unroofing a. small por- tion of A. McCualg's barn. _ . A committee meeting is eatied tor Wednesday of this week to further make arrangements for the garden party on 6th July. A fire in Mr Kelley's blacksmith shop one morning last week, caused a. little ttutter ot excitement thro' a spark from the anvil it is supposed. falling thro' a crack in the floor from the night before. Rev Mr Mair left Monday for Con. ference sessions at Toronto. ' PRICEVILLE PRICEVILLE Mr: R. Heard, Guam. spent 1 few days with her niece, Mrs G. Glue. Mr 1nd Mrs Thou Spence and son. visited at the Macphall home the first ot the week. Mr A, ‘E. Elliott spent the past week in Brantford. Mrs Elliott and children returned home with him on Friday. Mr and Mrs A. Campbell, Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr Mae McTaggan. Mrs s. Vanalstlne, Chicago, spent last week with her niece. Mrs Chas Wale, Miss Bernice McT-ggurtr vlsited her gnaw“, Mrs Geo Sham! ov- er the week end. - 'Mr and Mrs Clark Tomato, were visitors with her parents. Mr and Mrs D. Mclnnis. Mr Young, student pastor of Unit.- ed Church, called on members of his congregation in this locality last Friday. Misses Laverne McEachnle. Bessie Wale. Bernice MeTagtprrt,. Messrs A. and Lloyd McEachnIe. Geo Shana and Alex Sturrock, attended. the Rural Youth banquet in Markdale last Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs Booth Wilson and family, Toronto, and Miss Lena Wil- son. Ceylon, were early week visitors at Mr Geo Chrhrtie'tr and Mrs Mary Dezell'a. Miss McQuarrle, Shrigley, is stay- ing awhile with Mrs Jae. Wilson. Sorry to hear Miss Irma Dingwall has suffered a nervous breakdown this year. She has taken a heavy course of study at Dundalk High Sch. ool and it seems too bad to be forced to give up her studies so near mid- summer exams. George Haw unfortunately lost aUtiep to his principles. he is not yet cow on Sunday. Maury ot the'far-_ prepared to sit up all night to ac- mero in this locality have hedloases commodue the worker who cannot of stock this spring. Horses. cattle‘; afford to meet during the daytime." and sheep have been dropping otr,l It was decided that while the ma)- tuthomm Iota ot feed and animals in I or interest of the C. C. P. is in the good condition. federal field. it will place candidltes Mr Howard Watson one night fast'ln provincial riding: wherever organ- week while fishing with ily. trot a iution is trutBdently advanced toper. Iurpriae when two urge trout grab- mit their nomination.’ Mr and Mrs Ed. Scott and family. visited their aunt. Mrs M. Kinsman, who we are sorry to hear is getting weaker. Mrs Kinsman is over ninety and until recently took a great inter- est in her family and friends and was so bright and cheerful. ' The United W.M.S. will meet on Thursday at home of Mrs Jan. Mit- ehell. Miss Mary Plaster, Markdale, was home for the week end. Mr and Mrs Seymour Heard spent Sunday at the old home here. along with mother, brother and family. Mr Howard Watson one night Fast week while fishing with tly, trot a guhpme when two large trout grab- bed on at once. Had his feet not, been well planted. they gave mime-l lent pull to have is1ipped in Be. lng unable to lend them he trent out an 8.0.8. ttttd Mr Flood with land. ing net helped land them. . These at: View over , lb. But uk C. Nolan than the big fish um. cot, nay. t Mrs Laura Rose Stephen, the well- known pioneer Institute worker, will speak to the ladies of this vicinity, po-n Monday, June 12, at Stewart's Hall, at 2.31). Miss A. M. Fates and members of the MeEaohnie family. were in 0. Bound Saturday. (Intended for last wéek) Misses Dell Scott and Ruth Hatton, are spending a. while at the farmer’s home. Business conditions of the Co., where Dell was employed as a stonog'rapher, made it necessary to dismiss over 30 employees. Mrs Thos Keith, Holstein. visited her friend. Mrs Geo. Shand Monday. Mrand Mrs R. MoEachnle and ram- ily, Buffalo, spent the week end at his parents, Mr and Mrs Arch Mc- Eachnie. - Mr W. Nicholson, Brantford, atal- ented violinist, was much enjoyed at Bethany chapel services Sunday. We have heard old and experienced men say they cannot remember of the grass ever being so good at this date in this locality Truly there has been wonderful growth during the past 2 weeks which should help the World Conference to see better times ahead. We also hear of many speculators in wool these days, which goes to show you will have to pay mom tor your shirt next February. Mrs Ed Haw and Mm Garfield An- thony went last weet in"rorortto, re turnlng Saturday. Mrs Hardy, Sr. spent last week in Tom. Mr and Mrs 13:; Hardy motored _down on Saturday to the marriage of Richard Hardy and Miss Tressider, at 8.30 We were sorry to hear that Mrs. McMillan slipped on the cellar stair- way one day last week and in the tall dislocated her shoulder. causing much pain. On Sunday last we had with us for Sunday Sdhool, also church. Mr and Mrs David Wiltshire of Bethel, and Mrs Wilfrid Black of Salem. Mr. Wiltshire is president of the Town- ship Sunday School Association and is making omcial calls on the var- ious schools these days giving en- couragement and advice. We are sorry there are not as many children as might be, attending the Sunday School (these days. Who is to blame. the children or the parents? (This Week's Budget) SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE AND VIC rt'sl, and tseltdenial--that'tt the way to get "tte best out ot lite. In closing. Rev. sot Mr Martin told how the Prince of 0. !Ws.les is cheering up those out of work and courage. and also ot his visit to the "Altar of Remembrance" ton, at Ottawa, containing the golden book er’siwith the names of Canada's 60,000 the dead in the Great War. ii) Rev. J. R, Morden to In the evening, Rev J. R. Monien, lor Wellington St Church. Mt Forest, ited I preached to a good congregation, his lay. l message being the need of great con- 'am-i victions to deepen our spiritual if». t at I such as the old prophets of Israel ex- Mr.. perienced. There’s a great difference lbetween opinion and conviction. o. ttly,' pinion: have made more trouble than Ian,‘anything else in the church, over ting creeds, dogmas, etc. He asked Chris- tel)" tian people to replace shitting sands net-3 of opinion with convictions born of I "rt has often been slid that the ‘iurmer and the worker cannot be Ibrouaht to cooperate. However, here :1; 1 case where the eity' mu. woun- _tomed to his Sundey' meetings is wil. iling to postpone action to accommo- Idlte the maples of his farmer us- 'sociates. The farmer on the other lee, shows that. though unxious to we): to his principles. he is not yet ,prepured to sit up I." night to ac- .eommodue the worker who cannot you red." These vetoes are exquisite in charm and loveliness. Jesus in us- ing these words was ten-lees and positive: it was His way ot announc- intHo was divine. Such words or rest, relief and peace are doubly wel. come today. In seeking relief from our great social and economic prob- lems today, we hue forgotten Christ and the church. It there'a a solitary hope for human hnppineu and Well- being, it'I the cell hack to the man ot Nani-em u the Saviour ot men and the nations. i, Thirty-six delegates to the first all [provincial gathering of the C.C.F. ad- journed Monday after an all-night sit- lting, drawing up the eonatltuttogt and ‘by-IIWS and discussing mum of provincial politics. Inspiring Services for hm Anniversary Josu- theed the luau at Me with a. aplendld and invincible courage. There ia nothing mystical about the way rest I: to be bestowed: it's a simple pm. "Learn of me" He says "and I will give you rest." We're ttll prospectors: all have our packs to carry; when properly adjusted we can carry it easily; but it we nllow the drums ot lite to become putrid and poisoned, it makes our burdens heavy. We have iesrned out ot these dit. ficult times that none of us live to ourselves; our defeats should be re- garded as a Llsrion can to new en- deavor and purpose. Jesus fused facts with a. tremendous mm in the eter. nal-rightneu ot things: it's the way to find rest. God is not dead: ioveis upon the throne ot the universe. When civilization is on the verge of collapse, a voice comes "learn of Me." We should engrave the words "Heavenly "ther' in our hearts. Viv- idly the speaker portrayed the insig5 niticsnce of the sun. and of ourselves in the mighty universe. Jesus says "our Heavenly Father feedeth the birds, are we not better than they? This is the optimsm we need totake us out ot the depression. Do not yield to emotions ot sorrow and despair. God is not dead: the beet is yet to be. We should interpret lite " a. holy sacrament of service C. C. F. " Enter the Provincial Field Queen St. United Church kindly withdrew their evening service and the congregation worshipped with Knox brethren, the pastor. Rev. W. C. Almack taking part in the ser- vice. 'Workers with religious convictions‘ see nothing inconsistem in holding meetings on Sunday which one devot- ed to the improvement of the‘ooclnl or economic order," aid D. M. Le Bow-dais. treasurer. "The people of rural Ontario however take . differ- out view of what may be done on the Sabbath. . the spirit ot God, Are we in touch with the right source of power? We need the redemptive saving passion of Jean in our hearts. Salvation is not from the hills, but from Eternal God, who is our refuge and strength. At each service two beautiful an- thems were rendered by the choir, 'Come ye Blessed': "Open our Eyes": "Praise ye the Lord": "Ere another Sabbath closes." Miss Margaret Hun. ter presided at the organ and as dir- actor. J. Scott. Beumve. H. H. Human, The meeting was originally called for Sunday morning, but was " Journed until midnight owing to ob- jections to Sunday unions. ofrieers elected were: president, A. C. Macphall: vice president. John Kitchener: secremry. D. Robinson, Toronto: treasurer. D. M. Mom-d- ds, Tomato: executive com. Elmore (Continual from P130 1) t0Nt'AtFitr0ihCANEs TORONTO WE APPRECIATE CENT A MILE l Canadian Pacific HAROLD E. MOUNTAIN. M. B. DROMORE, ONT. 0mm Hours: 12:02pm. stoSpJn. J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. P.S. 0mm um nuance: Honor Graduate Tomato University Quanta Royal Coll. Beam Surgeon of thttarto. L F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. Dentistry In all In Branch“ x RAY ttAtt EXTRACTION. omce: um Street, DURHAM, Ont. Ontario & Dominion tand Surveyor Registered Protetttsionnt Engineer Sun/en, Estimates, Reports, Plan DRAINAGE WORK A SPECIALTY Telephone 81, Ouncevme, Ont. Dom mod n Reunion“ munmnuhmw-o To remove the clue or try Chlrxtpraetk "Netmett no. and Ultra VloM My. anhton St, Durham, Ont. one. Noun: 1.80 to " an. 7,30 to 9.00 p. In. Limo“ Auction." hr Ge. Tom,reuoublo. Baudat-- bounngodu thq We... Llano“ Auction." for any Goon. Flo-hm “mu. Goo... 0-. Duncan P.0. Phonon?“ TOURIST BLEEPiNtt CAR PRIVILEGEO tht laymen! of . slight additional puns;- fu'e chute tor and: pets son tottrhtt sleeping on Accommo- dulon my be secured at regula- tatm. stopover: muted u all nations went at Port Arthur The prompt payment of my In- lew subscription: at an. men. Them no yet may who hue w glected end we would like to but from them. A few account; for nr-tteq-tt out some time too have not been responded to. Win it be neon-q to place these in other hund- (or collection! We hope not. Full Partlculuc trom my Agent. C. G. AND R0YBEN'BURNETr, M. B. Office ovu- Roynl Bank, Durham HOURS: 2 - 4 p. m. teu and [ammo]: Strata, Durh- IBtntso-.'to1ta.m., Lute! an. T to Dun, Bandu- "out“ ’. C. PICKERING. DOS, LDS it-lri-ialhi-tt-ttd All lea! document- stBttkrM. unlawfully M. J. ti. McQUARRlE. B. h. GEORGE E. DUNCAN Hogan Public, Daily lay " to June " Return Unit: 80 my: P. F. MARTINI! T. H. SNEATH. M. o. ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSION. To All Station. In WESTERN CANADA ' Over Royal Bank, Damn CHIROPRACTIC JOHN O’IEIL BESSIE McGlLLIVRAV F. M. EAGLESON Going Data: