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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1933, p. 6

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!tis, i,,,1.,lli,i " f! H tl Cl t' CANADA l The Pei-hot Policemen l Nobody could look ordinarily quite be wise as a policeman on his but. either in London or Winnipeg. end at the some time not know anything. He is at least a tradition and has inherit- ed the esoence of a principle un- changed sine. he was originated by Peel 104 years ego. He is the admir- nblo policeman in whom old ladies in- poae their trust and tor whom citizens are willing to be taxed. He is the princely. gorgatuan fellow with a lot of leisure on his hands and not much else on his mind. He is often a good sport, end the citizens he may have to arrest feel more like standing him a beer than he feels like placing the culs on their wrisu. lie softens the rigidity ot the law with human tolera- tion. and only pinches you when he can almost make you believe the in- traction of your liberty is more tor your own good than needed for the preser- vation ot the peace. He has no pre- tense about being a criminologist, but Is ashamed not to know what goes on on his trmi--Winrtipeg Free Press. " Depend. When a man “is for Idvlce he hopes tt will “tee with his own opinion, pre- vlomly formed. It tt doesn't In not s, good.--4tuetrec Chronicle Telegraph. 125 Varieties Canadian hardwoods, at which this southwest portion of Ontario torm- erly possessed the richest reserves. embrace more than IN species. The leading ones in the Dominion are birch. maple and basswood, the term hardwood being used as generally equivalent to deciduous or broad- leaved trees. Elm, beech. ash. oak, butternut. chestnut. hickory, cherry. black walnut. tulip, black gum, red alder, sycamore and sassai‘ras are all valuable woods and are still sawn tor lumber in Canada. but the supply has dwindled to small proportions. Bott- woods, or conifers. number some 31 wecies, but form about 80 per cent. of Canadian forests and 95 per cent. of the annual cut of lumber. The total stand of timber in Canada was estimated in 1931 to be approximately 214.47? million cubic tert, of which 167.636 million cubic feet were ot coni- towns species and 46.841 million cubic feet ot broad-leaved species, or hard- troodr--Lottdrrtt Free Press. The Beginning of the End Though it may not appear so to Ivery observer. there is nevertheless every sign that the depression has passed its moat acute phase and that economic life is on the path ot con- ynlescence This is brought out by the encouraging tone ot the oftteiat re- poru on the progress of business in Canada and the United States. Marked nine of Improvement can be seen In em end Industry. The condi- 313 of at: " better, employment meaning, and trade T. .. . _ tor tttptr" than last rtmr.- " e, Montreal. Bridge New: an they are making contact bridge a matter ot nice millennial calvulatiuns, with logarithms thrown In spite of the strangeness the plan has been approved by both the Exeter Diocesan Advisory Board and the Be- etesiastCal Commissioners. The new church will be an added “traction to Newton Abbot, which numbers among Its buildings the tower ot St. Leon. Brd's Church. near which William ot Drange's first proclamation was read In In“ -Toronto Mail and Empire. in. In View of this, what II to become of those lively and garrulous plan" who cannot remember what trump is? -Toportto Globe. New Type of Church Building An unusual plan has been adopted tor the new church at the Mllbor Hono- Ing Estate. near Newton Abbot, Do- von.shire. Eng. It a a complete dew- ture trom the basilican and crud-[arm types, to one or other ot which most churches in Christendom belong. tor there are three ntves. These naves converge Into a hen:- onal central space. on the far (or eastern» side ot which there In an " mlal sanctuary. The alter than forms the focus point ot each nave and is In lull view trom all the seat: In the church. The three have: no not tut. duly isolated from one another, tor there are open double nudes be. twee" them, allowing a view right Icrnss the church. In arrangement brings Pae congregation neurar the sanctuary and altar, and makes the choir much more part ot the congre- gation and the congregation part ot the choir. Easy An intricate jig-saw puzzle of many pieces may be made by dropping the handpainted dish that Aunt Em gave you as a wedding Irresettt.-Htunilttm Spectator. Sportsmen Go Forth venture. They are to play for the Bri- tish clnsslc. the amateur etsampiousttip of the British Isles. They will meet the leading golf stars ot the world. Canada could not have two tttter re. presentatlves. They are not only splendid golfers and outstanding an. letes. but they are real sportsmen in the tttteat sense ot the word. They are youths who are imbued with the best Ideals ot sport. Win or lose they will acquit themselves wth honor to their native land. The best wishes, not only of all Lon- doners, but ot all Canadians. go with them in their quest across the waters. --Londott Free Press. stage and screen, but you would and little evidence of that in looking at what stage and screen generally have to otter. Yet, oddly enough, the great- est combined stage and screen success ot our time is a play about England and the Engllsh, "cavaleade," which ls essentially no more than a tew snap- shots culled from 30 English years. Fundamental differences between the attitude of this country and that of the United States seem to be im- plied in a new suggestion tor dealing with the problem ot the gang gunman. In this country the deal is to limit, and, it possible, to eliminate, the num- ber ot private citizens who are in pos- session ot those f1rearttts whose only real purpose is to serve as weapons ot offence. But in the United States. where over 10,000 people are said to be killed every year. exactly the op posits system is now advised. Colonel Goddard, who is rather oddly deg. cribed as “professor ot political science at Norttt-Wegtertt University. Chicago," and “arms and ammunition expert," recommends that every good American citizen should be equipped with a revolver and told to act as his own policeman in a great national campaign against “gunmen and hood. lums." It would he "tir contrary to the English tradition to encourage pri- vate citizens to believe that they must look to their own protection. That is the business ot the police, who in most cases heartily resent the slur on their own eillciency which is implied in any suggestion that a citizen needs a re- volver in order to protect his own life or propertr--Matichester Guardian. we possessed some secret magic. There is no magic in the process. The successes ot England are won in the tieid ot chsracter. and it is in the Eng. lish character and in English settings that stage and screen impresarios should look for inspiration. England will not full them. We are writing not only of good patriotsm. but ot good trusirtei--The Era (London). The world wants to know what kind ot country and what manner of people it Is that has survived such tremend- ous buffets and blows, and solves problem after problem almost u it The sale ot the remnant ot the Com- monwealth line of ships tor £500,000 to a new company to be called the Aberdeen and Commonwealth Line, Limited, concludes a melancholy ex- periment in Government intervention in trading. There was, perhaps, a show of 'ustitieatiort tor Mr. Hughes' bold venture in 1916, when he bought 15 vessels tor £2,050,000, because at that time there was a danger ot Aug, tralia being deprived ot shipping fa- cilities for the movement ot our pro- duce to Europe, owing to the shortage ot tonnage produced by the require- ments ot the war and the losses from German submarines. But there was no Justification for continuing the line and buying more ships after the war; and, as the Parliamentary Committee ot inquiry reported, shipowning was " task which the world’s experience has proved is beyond the power of any Government to carry out efBcieat, ly."--Melbourtte Australasian. When a setting of eggs was discard. ed in pr mm” to a pile ot hot aches at Colorado Spring: recently, the result was sixteen baby chicks. The incident seem. to point to the unwisdom. also. of discounting one's chickens before they are ttatehed.--Chriatitut Science In!“ The British League of Nations The British public ask nothing bet. ter than to see a peaceful evolution in the ripening process of time of In- dirt's genuine independence, in the sense that Canada and Australia do not speak ot independence. They guard zealously their right ot self-gov- ernment, but they speak ot their loyal. ty to the Crown, because they believe that a Commonwealth ot Nations is a fitter thing than an array ot independ- ent nations accepting as the basis of their independence the possibility ot making war upon one another. In the world to-day the British Empire is the one real League ot Nations, because within its bounds the possibility ot war is neither recc:nized nor pro- vided tor.--Caleutta Statesman. THE UNITED STATES . It's a Gift Women make better listeners. No man can wear an eager little smile to tool you while his thoughts are miles awar.-F'ountaitt Inn Tribune. Governments and Shipping Revolvers For All True! London Zoological Society to Provide Funds for Fam- ous Animals Britain to Perserve Wild Cattle Herd Pigs Buried 30 Days in Straw Still Live Chillingham Park, some 700 acres in extent and almost in its original con- dition of rough pasture and woodland, has been so thoroughly ineloaed within ita stone wall for more than 500 years that the breed of these white cattle has been kept pure. There are 44 of them at present, and they are small in size with black tips to their up- ward pointing horns, and muzzle: originally black but now ted. They are very wild and shy and the only safe my for a atrlnger to approach them is said to be on the haycart which takes their fodder to them in the winter. Legendary law says that they are the descendants of the aurocha or primitive wild oxen of Britain. Mondovi, Wis.--Three of Selmer Lar- son's pigs were buried beneath a straw pile when it was blown over more than 3 month ago, and he gave them up for dead. But two of them emerged from the straw the other day, he said, thirsty and a bit thin from their 30- day fast. The third one was killed. Lmdon.--The Zoological Society of London plan to preserve the only re- maining herd of British wild cattle which has lived for eentaries in the park of Chillingham Castle, residence Ls the Earl of Ttuaerville in North- tuttherltutd. Lord Tankerville is no longer able to bear the whole cost of upkeep, though he is willing that the herd should remain in their ancient Bluenoae skipper is guest ot R.C.Y.C. durlng the visit of famous racing fishing vessel and crew at Toronto. When the dinghy Beet set " tor the season's iirat race, Captain Angus Walters watched with Norman R. Gooderham, commodore of the yacht club, and tor year: one of the outstanding racing captains on the Great Lakes. When an: youngster: from the PIISIIC orphu home for boyl ttagged 1 mm and and it from I washout, they “so sued "vent baseball players. As a round. they were Visited by Babe Ruth, who showed them how to hit homers. . Two Famous Skippat Babe Ruth Rewards Orphans Canadians Are Honored For Ambulance Work Toronto.--Ardertt supporters ot the St. John's Ambulance Corps and first aid work in Canada tor many years, a group of prominent Canadian citizens were presented at Ottawa for an inves- tlture try 'His Exeelleny, the Govern- or-General, admitting them as tttettp beta pt the venerable order in the Bri. tish Realm ot,the Hospital ot St. John ot Jerusalem. Their admission to the order pro-‘ sent: them with insignia which is the King's recognition of meritorious ser/ vice performed in the interests ot the order, which sponsors ttret aid work throughout the world. Toronto has hen the only licensed air harbor in the world, according to BrittAlen. J. G. Longton, general man- ager ot the Toronto Harbor Commls~ slon. Planes can be landed at the foot ot Scott Street. within four min- utes of the main hotels and railway station. Toronto.-An invitation has been ex. tended by Mayor W. J. Stewart through Chevaler G. B. Ambrosl, Ital- ian Vice-Consul, to the Italian air ar- mada of 20 planes, asking them to visit Toronto on their way to the Chicago world fair. According to pre- sent plans the planes leave Ortebello the latter part or this month and ily to Newfoundland. Among those trom Ontario in the group are MajorGeneral J. T. Father- ingham, admitted as a Knight ot Grace ot the Order; Dr. Henry A. Beatty, Dr. W. J. Bell. Col. Henry Brock, Col. H. B. Lockhart Gordon, Hon. Chief Justice Hugh E. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cawthra, admitted as Com- manders; and Dr. A. T. Macnamara and Lt.-Col, o. A. Hamilton will be do mitted as_ofticerir, Italian Fliers Invited As Guests of Toronto Toronto Man Is Chosen By B.B.p. Warden Bickerateth Reported New British Radio PrO' gram Chief Iarttdort.-g. B. Biekerste'A, warden of Hart House, University of Toronto, has been chosen by the British Broad- casting Corporation as its new pro- gram chief and in invitation sent him to assume the tuiminiatrative end of this department of the newly-organ- ized corporation, the Daily Herald slid Ssturdly. - J. Burgon Biekersteth assumed his duties as warden of Hart House in September, 1921. He came to To- ronto from the University of Alberta, where he had been on the staff for two years. The newspéper says Mr. Bickersteth will leave shortly for England, sailing from New York on the Olympic. In addition to the book on Canada, Mr. Bickerateth hu written a history OI the Sixth Cnvulry Brigade for which Lord Hsig wrote a preface. Htt, spent four years in France, win- ning the Military Cross and bar dur- ing the retreat of March, 1918. He has alwuys been interested in branches of athletics, particularly BS- socintion football, having “pained the Oxford soccer team in his under- graduate days. Peer Must Pay JMife Last year Lady Lengtord, who. had worked " a waltre'as in s Lon- don teashop. obtained a maintenance order against him ot Et e week. Re. cently she told the West London magistrate that E14 arm“ were due during her husband's absence shroud. to her. --Lord Laugford said it was Impou- sible tor him to pay St 3 week. He had no means, and was being helped by friends. He expected to get a Job soon, but in the meantime all he could offer was tire shillings I week. Lord Langford, who, after work. ing " a farm laborer, night wutch- man. land agent, fruit picker, and concert singer, succeeded tto lug Irish peerage in 1931, has been or- dered to pay his wife ten shillings a week.' Lady Langford agreed to accept titteen shillings, but the magistrate pointed out to her that her husbmd went to prison the last time he wn sued tor “roan, which showed that he really could not pay the s, I week. "t shall spllt the diiterence." he said, "and reduce the order to ten shillings a week. The arrears ot su must be paid " At the rate ot tive shilling: . week. The tttttUra of Lord And Lady Langtord have been before the courts on a number or occasions. They were married in 1922, and the tol- lowing year Lord Langtord, then C. W. E. T. Rowley, went abroad. When he succeeded to the.peerage he wu- itt Australia. Four in Family Were Killed At Same Railroad Crossing George Meade Lee. former star athlete " the University of Rich- mond, is the latest victim. He was killed by 1 Norfolk & Western train at the crossing when returning from spending the evening with friends. Lee’s father was killed at the same crossing in 1921, and his uncle and his uncle's daughter lost their lives " the same spot five yenrs later. Another strange uspect of the ser- ies of accident: is that the engineer of the train which killed the elder Lee in 1921 was a brother of the en- gineer who run over Lee's brother in 1926. Winchester, Va. - Four members of the Lee family of Clarke County have been killed in three separate accidents in recent years at the snmo railroad crossing near White Posht. APPOINTED IN 1921. Jobs For Women Prosperity in Industries Ret ponsible - Not Caused l By Replacing Men Lmdon.-Insured men in employ- ment in Great Britain decreased by 65,740, while women increased by 314,270 in 10 your: from 1923, it is shown in the latest report of the Charity Orgnniution Society. This is not directly due to women replacing men in industry. it is explnined in the retort, but owing to the work in which women Are employed prosper- ing while industries employing men have declined. an; Blunts. 't'xab',--lt1U (“a His newest plane-he now owns Anyway Mrs. Clinton Jenkins tour-is n monoplane and momma- frail heroine of I lake rvsw dates ten passengers. It is one oil Suntan, Tens. the fastest and most luxurious planes Answering her husband's l in the world, Ind bu I mximum' help after his tirshitte boat cc speed of 160 mile- on hour. The plane, In. Jenkins “ripped " he in equipped with concealed parachuta’ and shoes, removed her gin which fell on I pmmr': lap when I posited them all upon the shop or. emergency button is _ out. and towed him to uteur. In the recession years 1929-32 men to the extent of 11.1 per cent. lost their employment, it is stated, but only 3.1 per cent. of females suffered similarly, end this as without the in- clusion of privato domestic service. school teaching and nursinr-<hief occupations of women. The report sums that for 1932 out of some 6,000,000 insured muons only about 72,000 were known to have been dependent on a precnrious 3nd irregu- lar source of livelihood-that is, not in a constant job. The “means test," by -whieh a diawer of unemployment relief bus to show clearly what the total means of his family amounts to, The Charity Organization Society in Great Britain has operated for 64 years. It bases its relief work on the conviction that people meet life's vicis- situdes best by their own sagacity and exertions, and that if these have to be supplemented from outside sources a sympathetic study of all the circum- stances should be undertaken. idi been accepted when" properly ex- phined, sum the report, in spite of endeavors to work up grievancgs. _ _ Auckland, Nt-That, contnry to expectation, the national budget had been balanced. has been announced try Mr. J. G. Coates, Minister 0. Finlnce. London.--Last week the Prince of Wales used his new airplune for the first time when he flew from Windsor to Cardiff City, where the itrveatiture of the Order of St. John of Jerusa- lem we: held. Thia is with the nid of £2,500,000 taken from the national reserves, and with the help of Britain, which con- sented to a further postponement of pnyments under the funded war debt agreement. Argentine Reports New Wheat Variety 0ttawa.-Black jull wheat, I. newly evolved variety, has just been otrered for sale in the Argentine, according to a report received from the INenos Aires correspondent of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. A parcel of about 183,500 bushels “as offered at the equivalent of 55 cents a bushel in Canadian funds or 25 per cent. higher than the current market price for ordinary wheats. New Zedmd's Balanced Budget Exceeds Estimate Even with these aids, Mr. Castes had estimated that the final defieit would be about ST,00,000, but he ew. plains now the position continued to improve right up to the close of the fittettcial year, Much 81. The revenue received exceeded expectations, end this, with the operation of A policy of economy. was isutfieient to bridge the gap, and give the Treesury e few thouunde to the good. The new variety is said to be suit- able for the [res Arroyo: district in the south of Buencs Aires province and combines the characteristics of Argentine berletu end Kansas red whats. Considering the serious position we faced when the yen wu opened," Mr. Cones sud, "I think it will be gen- ernlly considered that the result is very "tiauetory." latestfargchute Invention Safety Calendars to be Issued by Organization Torottto.--The formation of n ha. tlonni Orgnnizntion on Accident Pro- ventlon wns urged by R. B. Morley. General Manger ot the lndustrinl Ae. cident Prevention Association, It the monthly meeting at the Administrative Committee held here. the year 1934 us I part of the genenl scheme ot ntety education in indul- try throughout Candi. P. J. Wood ot Ottawl presided at the meeting. Reports presented " the meeting showed outstanding progress in aeei- dent prevention work being done in the Ottswn-St. Lawrence, Weniworth snd Essex-Kent Associstions. More intensive work in the‘Nisgnrn Penin- sula, however, was found neceunry and the nesocintions in that district will be asked to curry on n thorough cnmpnign. With I View to furthering the in. ftuence ot the organisation, it was " clded to issue I ntety calendar tor Show Big Gain In British Isles ONTARIO In RIO ARL'HIV a: TORONTO Chance of Murine Worth Fifteen Dollars It has been ruled by I Paris and that the dance of obtaining a In» band, mu though he he not the ided of a woman's dream, is worth at leaat $15. The case was one in which a woman of 50 sued another woman who kept a matrimonial agency for the ret .1 of a fee of $15 which she had paid on a promise to tind a husband fol her. The matrimonial agent did {In best she could and introduced two men to the candidate for matrimony. But neither of the men met with approval Ind, u no more were immo diluly forthcoming, the would-U bride liked for her money back. This request WI. refund. Hat of " Years Ago ls Hdled as New Styli Twenty-tive years Ago Mrs. B. . Jones bought tt modish hut in I atom here and bu worn it ever since. lrreo pective of changing fancies. The other day she wu in the same More And “I mum:- of the millinery departmeal waxed reptumuc about her hlt's style and begged her to sell it so they could model others like it. Hi: plea fell on deaf an. Finally they compromieed with the store giving her I new hat on condi- tion she lend them her old one long crouch to copy it. The chimera told the court um she had been swindled. one of the me- introduced being A hunchblck and the other etubfootad, neither of which do feet: appealed to her sentiments. The judge appuently agreed, Ne u dismissed the one. Ewan. tu..--; pendulum than swing: back 3nd women's fashions In no exception. Minimum 40 Miles An Hour - In Streets of Chicago Chieeeo.-Judee Thomas Green at the Tulle Court told police otfie- that driven of automobiles ranking less than 40 miles an hour on throw streets and boulevard, in Chieaet should be promptly arrested. Tl - idea in to prevent tratfic jun especially during the World's Fair. Contrtantinotrie.--A Turkish Journal- lst who has just been on a visit to London. Parts. Berlin. and Rome, nu ho liked London best, And the thing that planned him most in London wu tho hundrtes. Ha " loud in " prunes or them. Answering her husband‘s call tae help after " 'tshine boat comp-cl. In. Jenna. stripped " her are. and shoes. removed her slum. do posited than " upon the shore. swu- "What can any client expect foe $15?" the defendant exclaimed. "t did the best I could for the money.” Mlcon in Air Eight Ham Akron, ohio.-.-), Macon, tU World's largest dirigible, made a rain- shortened test flight last week and unwed the verdict from Rear Admir. al E. J. King: "She looks good to me." Admiral King is the navy's new chic! of oserotuutiea, succeeding Rear Ad. min! William A. Moffett, who wu lost " set with'the Akron. The " con w“ Iloft almost eight hours. Big Sprint. Tei.--The deal wife. AttrwV In. Clinton Jenkins in tho (all heroine ot u lake rescue non Danton. Tenn. Waiter Marty It the Frau. California, college "orts jumped ' feet 85/8 Inch”, braking tho world record. Saves Husband's Li 'urk Praises London Leap. to Fame The expedition . -ters It Asmara, Brttrea. Atrtmu mm 'etor. Mum The n " Premier m u Council of 'III Guxllrlm tutor, In on ran Run we n lisp t M/loo I gimp ti ttio RH “MUN deheht " ‘(H t ”Bled [his l “I: em I... Ffl fea, am Polylul; ghirm “but A “rem Wm, M it. been - time “and am hitrttr, hibttc, up for a put a. undertakm Journey in nu Typist Sculpture in HI tht', Turn to I. New Study " Interuuom C“, have m n more than, a b this comm; h” already be ten. are an nun “as " fou Mee in hue" my parties countries n. .0001 Amer , I.“ Albl “and by No other Idem ttei/ . no much ir Inch. The Itali MU " but! here t triamtph (m the italian haul Europe "Wk. Enginn " the prestige the world's mam vars ago Engla Brain. last In none difficulty “I! to 8. The that the Con: mqehed the kr, Ind-rad oikii n F - in its origi is. impossible atrt we.“ t in! made been: Many of " n British tntt in England 521-11. while Conti “but nuns. “It. the Italians - for their cc, -utives of ull C ITALY HAS ml the few " unparison bamq "a. of thou-an Qua-y watch “the: at the pr an at ml! col - (other on w boys to viet "can“ from neig Hundreds Watch hfat -.--ot .11 " no the {not of maeinm rendered (MIC. none l " -intioet fool - “It Italians h m proheiene, - no consider: h eontinetttal I land all their In "tably Austria _ it Middle Ages, ht modern more: "aaeorxiintr to “I! 'u pls Therefore it i "tieipatioet, not ml. trepidn . look“; forwar the, at Rome, oer-national new in. against the ”(anion-ls can clay (in " pl con lnlt rose ptt ll M M

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