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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1933, p. 8

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The subject of Sunday's sermon, was the love of God. We may realize something ot the power and great- ness of God by His wonderful crea- tion ot the universe and man. But can we fathom His love? Our pastor Ipoke of an incident in the life of Meson. the blind preacher and the service was closed by the beautiful hymn 'O love that will not let me go' --.written by him at a time of great disappointment. Borrow and disur pointment may he our portion too, but they are sent to His childrean love from the Heavenly Either. an» Margaret Marshal returned to her home Saturday, after some mon- ths In Toronto. Kai/07M” FRIDAY, JUNE ttith GOING RETURNING (Standard Time) 2 00 Tickets honored leaving To- Lv. DURHAM '.h35 p.111. . romo up to and including Ar. TURHNTO 7.35 pm, RETURN Monday, May 19th. Usual Halt Fare tor Children - Tickets good in coaches only. No baggage checked. Tickets 'and Information from DURHAM,OM. Town and Depot Agents " wo do, it coon you nothing. You take no risk, You can't looo. Act Now'. Send in your deetts to-day. big or small, old or now. Wo will ourpriu you with results. Romittanco and report. ovory thirty days. Your dobtor will pay if " has to. We collect Notes, Accounts, Wages and Newspaper subscrip- tion. anywhere. Our emcee will astonieh you; we seldom fail. W KNOX CORNERS ANADIAN NATIONAL ALREADY you are beginning to enjoy the outdoor season. Wouldn’t you welcome a crisp breakfast tomorrow? Well, serve Kellogg's Corn Flakes. The refreshing crispness and flavor of these toasted flakes make appetites take a new lease on life. Good for you too. So rich in energy and easy to digest. Fine for the children. Order the red-and-green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Summer’s around the corner! CREDIT MEN or CANADA Box 22, Owen Sound, Ont. Mrs McAlplne, Toronto, and daugh- ter, Dr Margaret McAlpine ot Toron- to, and Mrs Wilson of Grand Rapids. Mich., visited Mr and Mrs John Mar. shall last week. Mrs McAlplne is an aunt of Mrs Marshall. Mr and Mrs Alex Aberdein, Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs D. Marshall. Mr Elma Wilton was in Toronto for a tew days last week. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Arthur Petty, on the birth of a baby girl Wednesday in Durham hospital. Mr and Mrs Ed Smith and family, Toronto: Mr Dan McGee and sister. Miss Kate, Arthur, visited on Sun- day at the Wallace home. irr and Mrs Geo Brown and child- ren, Holstein, visited Saturday with Mr and Mrs Wm Porter., mira"' A few from here attended the An- niversary Services in Knox United Durham. Sunday. Mr Arch. Turnbull, Guelph, Mr and Mrs Arch Searle and son Donald, vis: ited w.th Mr and Mrs Bert Barber recently. The Varney ladies held a lilac tea in the church last week, when after expenses, $10 was cleared. The young people are holding their monthly meeting on June 13th. Mr James: Booth and sister, Miss Tena, of Kyton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs James Leeson on Sunday, they having attended Anniversary services in Knox Church, Durham. Mrs Robt Matthews, Varney, and sons Milford and John, accompanied by Mrs Andrew Hunter, Holstein tuid Mrs Albert Kellar, Durham motored to Oshawa, Monday, June 5, to attend the graduation exercises ot Oshawa General Hospital, where her daughter Miss Amanda was one of the 1933 graduating class who received diplo- mas and prizes. The platform of the Collegiate tu-) ditorium was banked with tmwerg for) the occasion and the 11 nurses look- ed beautiful in white uniforms with ‘yellow and red roses and satin strait-l mers. The unique program tregan) with a march when the nurses ot the. hospital paraded in, led by their sum erintendent, Miss Mchlllams. Fol-j lowing the Invocation, chairman's ad-) dress by Mr Gordon Conant and a solo. addresses were given by the Hon. Dr Robb, Min. of Health: Dr o.l, Archer Brown. Pres. Medical Board:': Dr Hoig: Lt Col. R. S. McLaughlin and Mr R. S. Morphy. Mrs McLaugh- lin presented class pins and T. K. Creighton the diplomas. The Florence Nightingale pledge was given by the graduating class and their Bup't. I MISS AMANDA MATTHEWS NOW A GRADUATE NURSE The prizes were donated and pre- sented by different members of the Hospital Board. Miss Matthews re- ceived the Dr Bird prize for surgical nursing, a beautiful morocco week- end case. Miss Ruby Matthews from Ompah. was present and accompanied the motor party home from Toronto fora few week! holiday. The annual bee of Mtutiawood ceme- tery, will be held on Tuesday, June 13th. All interested, plum attend. Those in Me, kindly amuse. MAPLEWOOD GEM ETERY BEE MN'EFEH. Gordon Grant, Secretary VARNEY ‘gé/l Cs" '6‘ 'fait), (rf/ 5424 iii.ogai. All) PERsouLg Emma-ass: “can“ Recent guests with Mr and Mrs D. Allan were Mr Alex Allan, Toronto: Mrs Rathwell, Palmerston: Mr and Mrs RI McKenzie and Kenneth,Wood- land. Mr and Mrs David Bruce had as guests the first. ot week, Mr and Mrs Wm Aberdein. Bobby and Glenna: Mr and Mrs Alex Aberdeln and lamdy. all of A1133 Craig and Mr and Meg. Lind, Mt. Forest. Mrs Wm Aberdeln is visiting her mother, Mrs Pollock, who has been ill. Mr Andrew Henry has not been well for some time. We hope tor better things shortly. Mr Campbell of Continuation School staff. visited his home in Dutton ov- er the week end. There was a meeting of managers of both Holstein and Fairbaim Pres. churches to discuss business matters. Rev. Mercer and Andrew Hunter returned from Conference in Hamil- ton the last of week. Rev. Mercer and Dr Brown and others, are busy getting tablea, raft, ete., ready tor the summer camp. Messrstlex Sim and A. Mophan attended the Farm Youth banquet in Markdale, Thursday last. At a meeting ofthe trustees last week, it was decided to rte-engage both continuation and public school staff A large number of relatives and friends met in home of Mr and Mrs H. Cowan Tuesday, and tendered a reception to Mr and Mrs Ewart Alles. They have the best wishes of the community and we welcome Mrs. Alles to our midst. . -iii.s Dingwall has not been well for some time. We hope she may soon regain her usual strenggp. Messrs Bert Eccles and Clarence Ross started to-day for a trip to Lon- don and other points in that district. A Gand Master’s Dinner was held in the Orange Hall on Monday, when the Hall was packed. W. H. Dawson, Grand Master of Orange Lodge for Ontario West from Iroquois Falls and l The tournamént has been organiz- :Hi to raise a benefit fund tor Bert Gibson, who had the misfortune to break his wrist in a practise game last Monday evening. Team No 1 vs. Team No 4 at 6.45 Team No 2 vs. Team No? at 7.25 [Winners df lat game vs. winners of 2nd game, 7.45 1 Following are list of players on each team: Team No. 1 Ken Alles, Howard Finder, Norm. Patrick, Bill Phimpa, Jim Calder, Doe. Brown, hymond Ptnder. Team No .2 - W. J. Miller, Deputy Grand Master. were principal speakers. There were several toasts. among others, one to the Grand Master was proposed by Clarence Fenton. Brothers from o. Bound, Hanover, Chesley, Bognor, Mt Forest, Durham and the surrounding country were present. Some of the v Iatreuesidents have had damage done to their gardens by live stock running t large. The own- ers are asked to k p their' stock on their own property t prevent further annoyance and also o preyent the enforcement ot the b -law concern- ing this. Messrs C. Fenton, Geo. Burrows,, L. Woodyard and Earl Hunt, accom- panied Messrs Dawsqn and Miller to Arkwright, Tuésday night where they attended a meeting of that lodge. MISS EVELYN GRAW SPEAKS TO FIDELIS VEGA c.G.l.T. An enjoyable meeting was held in the United Church, June Ist, when the C.G.l.T. group held their meet- ing in the form of a parents' night. The president, Islay Sim, presided, and followed C.G.i.T. procedure. After the business part, Miss Evelyn Craw, Sec'y of United Church Board of Re- ligious Education, spoke and her subject was "The art of living to- gether," which was .both helpful and interesting. A pleasing duet was sung by Margaret Irvin and Wilma Bilton, and the class paper read by Hazel Smith. At the close, Miss Craw dis- played some plctures of different camps held in Canada. The guests were then invited to basement where a dainty buffet supper was served by the girls. The tea table Was artisti- cally arranged centred with a silver basket of white tulips and at either ends blue candles were lighted. Mrs Mercer. and Mrs Mather poured tea. Miss thaw conducted a few group games after which "NPs' closed the meeting and parting, word ‘Thanks for the evening, comrade.’ A tseven-ty-side Football tournament has been arranged for Monday eve- ning, in Holstein Athletic Field when teams drawn from football players will engage ont another. Henderson, Art Haas. W. Arnnl. Bert Eocles, Murray Ross, BiliFid- ler, Sandy McKenzie Team No. ' B. Irvin, Geo Brown, Rev. Gibson, John Outlet, Jim Chrlatle, Harry Finder, Eddie Patton. Team No. 4 P. White, P, Com, Geo Patrick. HOLSTEIN LEADER THE DURHAM REVIEW Alex Sim, Morris Fuller, Lynn Mer. cor, Run-ell Ttylor. FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT By order Villagk Trustees A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized on June 3rd " high noon, at the home of wand Mrs Henrrfoy an, when their elder daughter, Myrtle Margaret. became the bride of Ewart Aitken Alias. son ot Mr Geo. Alles, and the late Mrs Alien. all ot Em mont. Rev. R. F. Newer otticiated, assisted by Rev Geo Althea. The bride's sister Blanche. dressed in a fairy-yellow-like frock, played when-i grin’s bridal chorus. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a gown of Dolce blue cavalcade. with white mesh gloves. She carried a bouquet ot Ophelia roses and wore the grooms gift, a pearl necklace. Her attendant was her cousin, Miss Margaret Halliday who wore a be- coming gown of nile swlss green or- gandie and carried a bouquet ot mauve sweet peas. The groom's sun porter was his brother, Kenneth Ai- lea After the signing ot register, a sumptuous dinner was served. The happy couple left on a motor trip to Hamilton, Niagara Falls and other points, the bride travelling in: dress or brown crepe with hat and shoes to match and a beige coat. On their return they will reside on the farm home of the groom, near Holstein. Council met May 29th, members all present, minutes adopted. - Alecorn---Patterson: That the re- port of the Road Sup’t for work on roads and bridges be adopted. Car. ovemr-Aldcorn: That Joss. Hilton receive the sum ot $2 tor relief to transleata. Car. Patterson-Ovens: That the Coun- ty Treasurer be notified that the council admit the responsibility of the National Sanatarium re the R. B. Long account. Car. Aldeorn--Philp: That the assistant Clerk be instructed to notify the parties owning the dogs suspected of killing sheep, to have the dogs de- stroyed at once. Car. By-law No 7, amending By-law No. 4, passed in Feb. 1933. changing the rate ot payment for men working on road from 15c to 17 1-2e per hour Aldeorn-ovettg: That the Council form into a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1933 with Reeve Hunter in the chair. Car. The membsrs subscribed to the re- quired declarations. The following appeals were disposed ot: May Com nolly, owner of lot 25 con 13, no change: W. O. Finder, owner of lot 1 of 8, con 1, reduced $275 on. house. and he to .return dog tag: John Mc- Eachern, owner of lots 23 & 24, con ll, reduced $1000 on land: Randall Lamont, owner of lot 5 con 6, no re- duction: R W Carmount, owner 2 R: 3 of IO, case left over until next meeting: R.. P. Halliday, owner, lot 12 con 9, reduced $100 on land: A. P. Mayer. owner, l, 2, 3 of 23, con I, re- duced $100 on land: E. V Matthews, --iett over for information: W: J. Nelson, owner 1 of 15, con 1, reduc- ed $300 on barn: C.N.R. railway as- sessment, sustained: Alex Aitken, owner lot 7 con 12. services $70: Members ot council for; services. W. Hunter, council meeting and inspecting roads tti: taunting road scale 83: W J Pulp, council meeting and car hire two days, 39: A. Ovens, council meeting and car hire two day: 89: s. M. Patterson, 2 days 85: W l Moon, 2 any: 86: R. Christie, use of room 82. mm to meet on my thy of Oni, for general Dunne. 1nd " u att. Journed Court of Revision " 1 p.111. Duh! Allan, clerk The following names were added to the roll: Thos Johnston and Jane Johnston, tenants, lot 1-2 con 22 '. Robert Johnseon and MebelJohnston, tenants, lot 20, ccn 6: Eugene Me- Deranott, owner, lot 2 con 4: R F Mc- Mullen and A. J. McMullen, owners, 3 of 18 con I: Oswald R. Bodwell & Ruby Bodwell, owner, lot 20& ti, con 20: Ernest Baxter & Margaret Bax- ter, tenants. lot 7 con 3: Thos Percy and Laura Percy, tenants, lot li), con 6: Albert Moore, Lillian Moore tenants, lot 4 con 20: Geo Harris, An- nie Harrie, tenants, lot S , con 20: Colin Ray, Mary Ray, tenants, lot W. 28, con 3: Delbert Rainsberger and Laura Rainsberger, tenants, lot 60, Patterson-Philo: That owing to the difference of opinion regarding the exemption of bush lots, that .the clerk write the Dep't to get a ruling in ans- wer to the following questions: "Can a man claim exemption and take out wood tor home use? Can a man claim exemption and make map- le syrup for his own use? Can a man clalm exemption and cut wood or logs for sale so long as he leaves the required amount of timber on said lands? Does the exemption refer to reforestation only or does it apply to natural growth? Car. ary $25: Equalizing Union Schools, $24: adjusting ass't ot C.N.R. rail-way and the Bell Telephone Co $6: Page & telephoning $2.82: Pay sheet No 8, for work on roads 8177.11 and Supt's services $70: Members of annual! on. con 3: Kathleen Gilstorf & John Gil- stort, tenants. lot 7 con 4. Philly-Ovens: That the following accounts he paid: Wm Smith, sheep killed 830: Wm Pollock, do, $5: Chronicle Ottiee, Auditors' reports, 848: Mun'l World, supplies $13.38: M Hooper, balance collection of taxes, $72.70: W. A Reeves, balance ot sal- Christie, use of rooenis." "I ... Pattertron-oveur. That council ad- EGREMONT COUNCIL ALLES - COWAN HYMENEAL Continued. from page 1 stop until the rural schoolhouse was scrubbed each week as were our homoe. At present It doe. well to be scrubbed three times yearly. She " - *A-"-- " Inn“. Practical ideas brought Detore nu: members was an asset to any brunch. The word "share" has a large place in Institute work and where know- ledge can be extended to others in daily labor-saving hints and practi- cal ideas, the sessions will never be in vain. Economy in saving what we have in left-overs, was a faculty all should develop and an old truism used by Mrs Stephen 3 mother-iu-law, inever was more fitting in this line: "They who use what they Dive - dom want." Mrs Stephens then went on to 'i') scribe some ot her experiences in; Europe and the diilculties arising in many cases from the contusion of l tongues and no interpreter. She had; occasion to visit many ot the titledl homes of England through her pot-li-‘ tion as Canadian delegate and tell) of the great work English branches, are doing. The Government do not: tter, their branches " in Cann- lpia and are thus left more on their "own resources to make funds. They ldo a great work in eugturitur,iturtrue- tors to teach the school children to ‘eing. with the result that every child grows up with a competent knowled- gge ot the rudiments ot music. ', While abroad Mrs Stephen was privi- illeged to visit tour “Unknown :Soldiers" graves '. (1) Westminster lAbbey. England (2) Paris, France: (3) in Brussels, representing Bel-- glam; (4) In Munich, representing Germany. in the latter centre she ‘states, the feeling of hate she was tostering toward Germany, dropped, [at their tomb of remembrance, for ithe German heartache was " ml :9. thing and the ttaeritiee paid as [great 'as that ot Canada. _ The return to her native soil made the speaker give rise to the stale- ment that she was "content with Canadh.' She made a stirring plea to develop the higher things within us that help in mining life worth- while. There were three things in Canadian life that mitigated against this development, especially in regard to the youth or our land. viz.- (l) the radio (2) moving pictures and (3) the comic strip in the daily press. Until the extreme is wiped out in each of these cases, higher civiliza- tion will not be apparent. been appointed president of the C. C. P. Political Watson. One. can only wonder what We.“ food she uses that keeps her m to so out tt- mong the people n she does, dey In and any out. Her enemy Meme ex- An Interesting Speaker Mrs Jan. Mather, President of the Durham branch. was in the chair, and conducted proceedings. Miss M. Sharp contributed a reading “Prayer and Potatoes' and Miss Winnie Blyth a solo "in the Garden of To-Morrow." Sr Iv-Harvey Leith 84, Bill Wat. son 82.. Jr Iv-irate Eccles, Elsie Hooper and Howard Keith equal, Alex McMurdo. Carlyle Geddes, Dorothy McNalty, Beagle Moore fill during the month). Sr lil-Muriel Watson M. Jr m-Ruth McKenzle, Charles Watson, Bill Morrison. Jr li-Bill Mitchell 72, Ethel o'Katflur 64. Sr r-Kenneth Leith, Dorothy Harrison, Colvin Geddes. Sr Primer-calvin Nott, Douglas Nott, A, J. Morrison, Hector McMurdo. Jr Primers-John Harrison. The National Anthem closed the meeting proper, followed by light refreghmenttt. About 80 guests were present in the schoolroom of the Presbyterian Church where it was held. B. s. NO 8, NORMANBY Br IV-Norman. Fulton‘, Velma Davis‘. Jr Ihr-Andersson Byers‘. Bermeda Kraft, Clarence Fldler. Sr ur-Beth Byers‘, Lloyd Fritz', Nei. lie Byers'. Gertrude Hartman, Leslie Ball, Jean Henderson, Russell Vandt. Jr Itr--Nelgon Wldmeyer'. Betty Henderson‘. Irene Heifer, Georgina Ball', Ivan Fldler. tr-Marion By- ers', Clayton Fidler, Albert Ball, Sharp.‘ l-Shirley Davis‘, Mildred Gerhardt, Beatrice Ball', Florence Gerhardt! Br Pr-aah Widmeyet', Violet Bchenk,* Howard Kraft. Jr. Primer ---Marie Henderson. Bernard Garvey. Begtnnemr---wi1urd Rum. Edward Fldler. Reta Gtrvey, Lloyd No on roll tr. avenge atttemHttee 32.7. Present every dnp. S. S. NO 13, EGREMONT SCHOOL REPORTS ONTARIO” Atiro . - TORONTO Lorne G. Ries, teacher Beth much. teacher haul hm “It. Banquet at [trickle io to work out the new tmu wen by our economic laden. To this end we must dedicnte Ill our powers. mental. moral and physio“ " think through the problems we have to face. We must follow the Great Lea- der 1nd like Him be willing to make "eritteets." Mr Alex Sim in reply, emphasized the need of being willing to ohm with others. The smoker of the evening was James A. Ginon. M. A. of Toronto University end London School of Ee onomics, son of one of Ontario's not- ed livestock men of Haldimand co. He'hu recently taken over his tatle ed livestock men ot Holdimmd Co. He'll.“ recently taken over " (ath- er'I hm tor practical demonstrvion of his faith in Agriculture. He was introduced by Miss Agnes lupiiaii. Mr Gibson gave I lengthy address, saying in put that the greet need at present “a a real Condinn policy. designed to meet Canadian conditions -not one imported trom sane odrr country. Such a policy mutt ruse Hi- ces and then stabilize them. This he believed could be done try monetary men-um dawned to keep the vol- ume of cumncy ennui to the volume of goods and services. The young former from 8|!de Co expressed n desire to no insurance and other neceonry services natiotgatieed. I Mr German J. Queen returned hum fWeltern University recently, and than marge ot the service at S'. ‘Puul’l Churet and 8.8. on Sunday, An the absence of Rev l. Billingslry, iwho was attending ordination ser» vice in London. Mr S. H Fault ot Australia. rpp- renenutlve ot Ganglion CoOperathe Wool Growers. “CL. Wu given five minutes in which to present the ben- efiU of loo-operative selling ot wool Little Anna McViear, Priceville. pleased the audience with on exhibi- ilion or tstepdtuteing. Mr Orchard of Menard. mmpnuied try Mia Ruth Armstrong, contributed a plasma solo. The Dory orchestra, Cednrvme. provided exceuenP music for the dance which followed. Mn Wm Finder and (may. Orch- ard, have recently moved to the vac- snt house on the (um of Geo Pollock Mr Mervyn Renter. Clifford. has been reamed as school teachertor the coming yen ll B. S. No. 2. Mr and Mrs C. Raymond of Wash- ington. U.S.. visited with the Balm-r and Allan fami'llei last week. Mr and Mrs Geo. Cownn and tam- ily. Mt Forest tad Mr and Hrs Witt Boolean. Dromore, were “about Sun- day with Mr and In Ed. Lindsay. Mu. Kate 1):le visited with Mt. Forest friends lut week. Mr and In W J Nelson. Orchard. waited It home ot Mr D. Davis ree (may. Mr Alex Nun, Tomnm. is spend lug I few days among hh relatives. Mr We Allan with Mrmd We. Austin Hum, viaited atWm Gordon's on Sunny. Mr and Mrs Wm. J. Allan Hshud Sunday with Mr 3nd Mrs Cecil Bat- ber of Knox Corners. Mr and Mrs Herb Noble 3nd daugh- ter Doris, with Mr Lloyd and Miss Beckie Allan. Toronto, visited at the home at J. C. Queen Inn week. Ialies'hnrs A Medium Mel KID STRAP or TIE at .............. $1.25 That rollablo Dollar Queen OILK HO$E. new 69e per pair, In diftemrtt shad“. from $1.93, $2.25, $2.95 and ' than of Nice COTTON H00Eat................. 20c WHITE SHOES in Pumps. Tlee or Straps, from $2.75 to $4 new ready tor Inspection. J. l llkll,lllhmll REPAIRING " USUAL JUNE 3.1933 We have panned Into stock tom. lines of Indium: and the all. and "Our pile? " In T. I. Mmddon lob. accompanied by Minx. the nor-vices of - Muted. , rhildrun of lsravl. l lhvy tnutattured again! to r having bmuxm my. Then he awoken we enjoy every Subb- "qt--oer ml privih WW" God In His hope of We “admin: '5. did (or u. PI " um - from 5. Mr Ind Mrs Edgar We ver,--Atte forms-r u hrml Wonder of Durham and the [wasp-had a nu: from serious injury durh to Wind-storm that [WITH der Mom Sunday ttttern hm limb. nearly a too, H mm plnm’ in Ctwtie North Toronto. day Int, whet (Ware. dartwtttm Meciutm of Lo ll Wedded in Toronto A mriet and trrct that week with all open Friday evening Soul“ cl kupiluz the ho] in“: In "ioeae " W600 " Mr " 0n Ptuay mum; plenum time “as ti Mr and Mrs David 1 ion being a l'n‘t'l'pllul UH Church. with Rev. church Immoral: in 8. Dry-due main; cordial Iuvtuuou I pl Mrer an the usua M 0n Sund- o'clock, a Ch in the Inc Boy Scouts will Parade Neat Sunday evening will parade to Trinity 1 with other Room tron. tit Mud. London Confer: trr. w. A. Hall, M Durham Vim churn J As Ibomimun Mu. .h The Review In the stunner brid, new”! 1nd beet 0 ry. At prices ( porket book alum rounding town Room troop th the service. ' LOIS“ OOH W h L In Durham. bet m can!!! end of town. _ hoe of watch. Rem We 'tt Review Ollie! onto, VOL. LVI. Bowing Ind Gm II Apply to Mrs w A la! Vuney. _ Inga "ttut T the W) p to 1min. distal Sal d the pro-91 ' our new t brmln-r. Re an: rm tted H M H01 ROI the Inch held in " Inc le londow Chumh c ty in“). m 1 dow, lilo ou M In and b M w ho M pl Con h' H m Mi ha ttt M Pt clung Jt2.t II M M hon od

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