Iii Mavkdale 33 ’umps LRAITH USUAL COTTON - r pair. Mrs T. M. McFadden eotttritmteda solo. accompanied br. Mrs J. A. Harding. the service! of both being much appreciated. . ' Hairpin: God in His house and our hope of life everlasting through Christ who died for In. Rocoption at Mr David Adlam's on Friday evening, June bth, a pleasant time was spent a home of Mr and Mrs David Adina). the occas- ion bring a reception to their daugh- ur Eva who was recently married to Mr Stanley Micheal of Toronto, son of Mn and Mrs Edgar Micheal, prn Sound. The evening was spent in gamma and dancing. music being fur- nislml by Clarence Adlam and his cousin. Elton Adiam. Friends from it distance were Mr and Mrs Mich. mi. son and daughter, of Owen Sound. and Mr and Mrs Geo. Adlam. of Toronto. day last, when Florence Irene Mc. I'lure. daughter of Mr and Mrs Jesse McClttro ot London, formerly of To- ronto. was married to Frederick Al- rmunlrr Swim]. n. ot London. The happy couple afterwards left on a Burns' Presbyterian Church. Rockv Steumwn “us hold on Sunday last, “hm Rev. Rhiannon Millar. of Mt. Fawn. was the speaker for the or- union. H" took as his text, Exodus 15:23. "And they came to Elim where there were twelve wells of water, and three score and ten palm trees: and they eneamped there by the wa- ters.' He pointed out God's wondrous care and provision for His people. the children of Israel. Yet how often they murmured against their leaders to r having brought them out of my. Then he woken! tho Muslim the holiday on Monday. Durham ttttty iness men however, have decided to "lose on Saturday, July lat, and ob, sm‘ve our National Holiday on its 'proper day. Friday, June 30th, will be tho usual Saturday business day tor that weok with all stores remaining open FYidary evening. Wedded in Toronto happy couple afterwards left on a trip to points Morth, calling Sunday armnmm. at the home of the bride's uncle. Mr Herb. Atkinson. out of Irtttham. The bride's mother was formerly Min Emma Atkinson. well- known Itvre, the daughter ot the late Mr and Mrs James Atkinson. Narrow Escape from Serious Injury Mr and Mrs Edgar Weppler. Hano- \*er,~rhe former a brother of Eldon \Veppler of Durham and Charles of the Rocky.~had I narrow escape tron: serious injury during the ten-l!- ic wind-storm that preceded the thun. der storm Sunday afternoon. when a huge limb. nearly a foot in diameter, was)“ 1 down on top of their car as they were driving along Main St. In Hanow r. just east ot Selm's garage. " was lucky there was no person'm the rear seat at the time as the whole back part of the top was (rushed in. u took srvtrttl men some time with Mes to clear the branch ott the street. A quiet and pretty wedding took place in Castletieid Baptist Church, North Toronto. at 4 p. m.. on Satur- wer enjoy every Sabbath: the day of rFgt--our great privileges for wor- a Saturday this year, a few kn ping open that day and The Burns Heads London Conferenco Dr. W. A. Hall, M. P., Walkerton, and the prospective Liberal candidme for our new riding of Grey-Bruemhaa a brother. Rev. Dr John R. Hall, of Saruiu, elected last week as President of the London Conference or the Um 3m! Church of Canada. He has tor 2r, yours occupied his first and only charm: as pastor ot St Paul's Church. Sarnia Durham will observe July let holiday As Domininn Day. July Ist, falls on a Saturday this year. a few towns are kuping open that day and observing the holiday on Monday. Durham bus. On Sunday eve ntt, June 18, It 7 o‘clock, a Convent! service. [allow- ing the ancient Be Ian forms, I'll! be held in Durha Presbyterian Church, with Rev. A, . Budge, the rhurch historian in char . and Mr J. s. Itvsdale acting as pre ntor. A rnrdial ittvitatlon is extend to all. vim Boy Scouts will Parade Next Sunday evening Boy Scouts will parade to Trinity Church, along with other Scout troopa from sur- rounding towns. A dedication of the Scout troop Batt will be a feature of the service. The pastor. Rey J. Bil- lingsley will have charge of the ser- The Review its well prepared to fit the summer bride out with all that is newest Ind but in wedding ststlon- 6- ry. At prices that lull the average pocket book elm. In Durham, bet en human and south end ot town. "Montroge" on tace ot watch. Re on leaving name at Review Ottiee. VOL. LVI. NO 24 Sowing and dreu , cations mire, Apply to Mrs w A La ence, R. R. I, Vamey. _ Lamar Gold watsh Lost if; 2,cC--)ao1rrdigl!d iiiiillliiisa)fd?rh?itll?, nd Anniv Service of a gain. after the scorching heat ot a few days previous. The refreshment tablu was a study in ttoral beauty and silvt I" accessories. Pouring tea at the urns either end of table were Mrs A. Jarkson, Mrs Rudd, Mrs Mather, Mrs T. Brown Mrs T. Henderson. Mrs J. Robb, the assistants belugabevy of young ladies. Approaching the close of the tea hour, Rev. W. H. Smith, vciced the thanks of melodies to Mrs Jamie-eon for her kindness lnopening her home for the tea, to which she .fgraciously responded. The proceeds of tea were $36.00. Potatoes don't grow by the side ot the pot. years, in conjunction with her sister. the late Miss Maria. deceased for some years conducted a private tut- nrship or training school for young children in town at that time, deceas. ed especially developing the art of fine needlework. Possessed of a re- tentive memory and an interest for everything that went on around her. Miss Mockler was a delightful lady to (OliVCl‘s‘l’ with and much of the his. tory and romance of early Durham is last by her passing. Refined and cul- tured in her outlook -on life,, it is with regret that such souls should leave us. Miss Mockler was a lifelong member of the Anglican Church and its ritual and traditions were. very dear to her. She was the last of her family 'ev- el, two sisters and a brother prede- uasing her: Miss Maria, who died 15 years ago : Sybilla. (Mrs Chadwick). 40 years ago and Herbert William. deceased 27 years. The funeral service will be held from Trinity Church, Thursday, at 2.30 p. m., interment taking place In Trini- ty Church cemetery. The Lilac Tea, sponsored by the Ladms' Aid ot Knox Church, was out) ct season for the beautiful heiiotrope' tiower, but thc peony, ms and other) bright bloom of early June came mi the rescue for decoration purposes and the atmosphere was practically? unchanged. The last statement in ti' sonse should be modified, for while. the ttoral beauty was maintained, the) atmosphere and surroundings were difretent. Mrs David Jamimn Otter- ed lu‘r verandah and lawns for this) function this year and the day prov-l in,r too fresh and cool for outside; mmtoxl, she opened her home tel the feeling of warmth wuss pimaut‘ , Death, it might be said, has come lax a happy release to the trail tene- Iment of Miss Frances Sophia Mockler, who died Tuesday evening, June 13, at her home in Upper Town, Durham. While always of a delicate constitu- :tion, the last few years, largely due 'to age, had left her in somewhat ot an lnvalidic condition andastroke ot paralysis hastened the end. Since last February, she has been practically Walnut and throughout these many days and long months, her constant nurse and companion was her niece, Miss Edith Chadwick, who has been 'tttost unremitting in care and atten- tion bestowed upon her aunt. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Davidson and her early girlhood days were spent in Durham. She was mar- ried to Duncan McDonnell, a lawyer here, who was reeve of Durham in the early 70's, the second reeve Dur- ham ever had. Her husband died a n w years later, leaving her with sev- in or a family, all now deceased ev- cept one daughter, Mrs Hugh Hatch, (Maigaret) or Dunedin, Florida, with whom Mrs McDonnell resided. Th family removed from Durham to Palmerxton over fifty years 219:0, thence moved to Detroit where they resided for many years. In recent years she has been in Florida. The rrmains will be brought to Durham for interment in Durham cemetery, beside those of her late husband. Funeral service will be held on Monday, June 19th, at 2 p. m. at the home of Dr J. F. Grant. MRS ELIZABETH McDONNELL The sad news reached Dr. J. P. Grant on Monday of the death ot his aunt Mrs Elizabeth McDonnell, m Dunedin. Florida. on Sunday, June 11. The deceased lady was the aldest sistvr of the late Mrs C. L. Grant and Archibald Davidson, and was over eighty five years of age. MRS D. JAMIESON HOSTESS TO KNOX LADIES' AID TEA short time the home occupied by Petr-r Hepburn, until the well-known cottage was built and where she has resided continuously for seventy The death of Miss Mockler removes an historical figure from civic life of Durham. She was born in England, " years ago, the daughter of the late Wllllam Herbert Mockler and Ann At, kinson. She crossed the Atlantic for Canada, with her parents " seven wars ot age, living tor a time in Per. ns and Weston. They removed to Durham 78 years ago occupying tor a (ii1tt iii? itttlitiiiti, tiltgitittt FRANCES SOPHIA MOCKLER THE ROLL CALL Keenan's girls team ot Owen Sound ....,.......... "W"- "V "w' will meet Durham D.D..D's this Thur- amen. 1',1,ea',", 3:73 Jii sday night at tr.45, at High School Tho. “Emit; Beginning June IN), Rev A D. Brit- ton, General Supervisor from Van, couver. will opcna campaign tor five days. Special services every night at 8 p m except Saturday. Sunday 11 a m and g p. m. - .. T-tre- Gio, are cordially invited to attend and enjoy these services. GIRLS BALL TO.N|GHT: . OWEN SOUND " DURHAM the evangélist. motored trom Welland and Toronto to participate in eve- ning service. order to rcmiin. in Durham to contrur ue the speeial services being conducl ted Friday evening of this week at S Last Sunday evening the CotWre- gation ot the Foursquare Gospel Church enjoyed a half hour of sacred music. rendered by a group ot eight- een Welsh singers. Many of the numbers were sung in the Welsh tongue as well as English, including special duets and group singing. "Evangelist E. Jones, now speaking at the Foursquare Church. is a nat- ive of Wales. The singers, friends of -iittiouv,h Miss Jones was booked to sail tor Wales, this v trek, she has de, terred sailing' until a future date in groimdsr in an exhibition game. Rev. John Bell, Brandon, Man has had a signal honor conferred upon him recen’gy.»in that he will now be ministeria head over two of Brandon†United charges, Victoria and Knox Churches. t they having amalgamated. Mr Bell hat pen to the present the pastor of Knox Church. He offered to resign when this union took mace. but on a vote of his people in Knox Church, there was with one exception a solid vote that he remain. The Itople cf Victoria Church went into this amalgamation on the condition that Mr Bell remain as their pastor. The two congregations will carrra membership of over 600. It is grati- tying to the many friends of both Mr and Mrs Bell that their work among their pcople is meeting with such 'ac. ceptance. WELSH SINGERS AT " was not as fast or thrilling a contest as the Camp Borden or Al- liston clashes, the Durham forwards except Dean. being seemingly lethar- (Continued on Page 8.) Decoration ervlces of Grey Lodge l.0.0.F., will be held Sunday, June 25th, at Durha cemetery, at 3 pm. All Rebekahs nd brethren w'll kindly meet at t lodge rooms at 1.eo. The 'ite,tuhaee cordially in- vited to attend. WILL BECOME PASTOR OVER TWO UNITED CHARGES The last home game before play- offs in the Th i-County Box Lacrosse League, was staged Monday night here, who Owen Sound after lead- ing up to nearly half time, fell be- hind in last halt and lost out to Dm- ham by 15--0. The small crowd was again a disappointment to the team and management, who looked for brt, ter support of the winning brand of lacrosse played. However Durham is now sure of first place in the dis- trict and perhaps the fans are all waiting to Melt to see the play-off game with Alliston, probably next week end. . . Though no polltlcal campaign is on hand, it is not many months distant, and all citizens regardless of politics, should avall themselves ot the on Itortunity ot hearing these distinit- uished speakers discuss the problems ot the present time. Won from i). Sound 15-9 in Tri-Couniy Labrosse Durham and South Grey citizens will have the rare opportunity next Monday night at Durham rink, ot hearing one"ot the most famed men in public life to-day, Mitchell F. Hetr burn, M. P.. leader of the Liberal party in Ontario, and predicted by many to be Ontario's coming premier. Mr Hepburn is the youngest leader, we believe, ever to lead one ot the old parties in Ontario, being now a- bout 38 years of age. He is a splen- did public speaker and hasathorough grasp of questions and policies of the present day. With him will be Mr A. G. Slaght, barrister, of Toron- to, also an able platform man, who spoke here a few years ago. liberal Leader Hepburn Speaks in Durham Monday L.-, 73156 Sunday' at 11 a. m and 8 FOUR SQUARE CHURCH DURHAM, THURSDA:Y JUNE 15, 1933 With which is into: GLENELG CEN RE GARDEN PAR Y On Mr Neil Ment ne's lawn, Pri. day, June 30. Splen d musical and elocutlonary program. Supper serv- ed from 6 to 8 p.m. A mission 25c. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.' P., will be present and address the gathering. Two ball teams will be tt hand and show their agility. TORONTO’S CHIEF OF POLICE IN DURHAM SUNDAY Hon. Dr. and Mrs David Jamieson were hosts for a time Sunday to To- ronto's well-known Chief of Police. Brigadier-General Draper and the Mayor of Winnipeg, Colonel Weir. Later the some day, they also had as guests, Mayor and Mrs Burrows of Walkerton and Mr and Mrs Goode of Toronto. MeGIRR--0n Wednesday, June 14, at Oshawa City Hospital to Mr. and Mrs Ernest J. MeGirr 3 daughter. (Olive Isabel.) _ EDDY -. YIIRS The marriage was solemnized vow quietly on Saturday, June IO, at the Faith and Truth Temple, Toronto. of Miss Myrtle .Yilrtr, daughter of Mr G. Yiirs, Durham and, Mr Orloff Eddy, son ot W. E. Eddy and the late M25 Eddy, Toronto. The attendants were Mrs S. R. Carey, sister of bride and Mr Clark Eddy. brother ot groom. Rev. Mr Croektord oMeiated. After spending a few days with the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs Eddy will reside in .Toronto. The Canadian Order of Foresters. some sixty strong. paraded to the Baptist Church Sunday evening last. where Rev. J. T. Priest delivered to them an inspiring address trom Luke 4: 13.19 on the Brotherhood orChrfst, comparing the principles of the Ordr er, "leeity, Benévolrnoe and Con, cord", to Christ's principles. Chr:st- ianity broke the Burden ot slavery, which has now became practically ex- tinct. Men like Livingstone, Lincoin, Wilberforce. John Brown are exam» les of what Christian men have done to free the world frtim its thra2dos.u. Good ,ttrutt'iesottrNiaf â€meio- lence', -goodness must go with tho deed. The best life ot Christ is to be found in five words, "He went about doing good." Can. Order of Foresters j Worship at Baptist Church doing good." "Concord" is an affair of the heart --'cou' with and 'cordia'-heart. T belong to the-Brotherhood of Godth heart. must be right. Concord mean harmony and iruggests tho blendin Mrs P:iest and daughter. Miss Joy, rendered a duet by Tullar. "He was Nailed to the Cross." The morning service was given 0v- CY to the children of the church, It being Children's Day. Rev Mr Priest pave them a blackboard talk on 'The Hand of Jesus." Rev. W. C. Allison, Hanover, assis- ted, reading the portion ot scripture appointed tor the Lesson. Bishop Sea- gar preached the AWrtnoti, a thought- ful and timely mean-9e on grace and love, taking his textfrom Gal. 13: ll. At the close the sthop presented cards and congratulations to the can- didates eotttlrme'd, who were Mrs. T. Collier, Mrs Erben tkhutz,.Miss Thol- ma Hulme, George Hopkins, Lawr- ence Hopkins, Alfred Nicholls, Alm- amlw Wclhr, Elmer- Glenholmo. Ar." propriate hymns and music mm) sung tor the occasion. At the moxning "crvico. Rev. J. 1rillinrsley as a prlysl. administruvd Holy Communion for the first timo, being ordained junta week Irreriotsc- ly. Bishop Beagarhpsisted and pram died a very illuminating sermon on the Holy Trinity. Bishcp Seager of Huron Confirms eight Candiiates BL ol HYMEHEAL BORN be blended w red the Holstein Leader ir, '; shall and ir. [ Hampden h I _ Exercises _ e. be Homital mt. Miss lsah 3 forty-four SPECIALS t (ill! Pills 39c; lroniud Yeast $1.W, Phillips Milk Magnesia Ilk and We Puretesl Drags and Toiletries was one of the graduation class of mines from Hamilton General hospi- tal last week. Miss Isabel has done extremely well in her course, secur- ing one of two scholarships awarded, entitling her to post-graduate work at university in hospital administration and teaching in schools of nursing or public health nursing given by the board of hospital governors. Mrs Alex McDonald and little daughter Betty. from Stranraer, Sask called on Mrs McCannel and Mrs Me Pherson Saturday evening. Mr T. M. McFadden is this Mon. day and Tuesday attending the pro- vincial Retail Druggisis' Convention, in Hamilton. Mrs McFadden and her aunt, Miss Davis, accompanied them, the latter extending her visit with Toronto friends. . Mr and Mrs D. B. McCoy . and you): son Ken, ot Toronto, were tivek and guests ot Mr O. B. and Mists Margaret Hunter. Mr and Mrs John McQueen visited a few days with relatives near Stay. ner. Miss Isabel Marshall, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Marshall, Hanover, but formerly from Hampden vicinity. visit to Mrs McK's father, Mr J. P. Hunter, in town and Mr McK's folks n? Fry-wine ’aud digtrlct. Mr and Mrs Slanley Mead, Unity. Frccic., Lave arrived East in Durham, GU a visit to her .parents, Mr. and Sam Patterson. _ Mrs Thus. Bothwell, Inlay. Alta., has come East to spend a vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs Abra.- hazn Hooper South Glenelg, also her sisters and brothers in this district. Mrs John Bryon had the misfor- foxtune to sprain her ankle in her home on Albert St, and is spending a time with lutr daughter, Mrs. Arthur Grrrttwood in Upper Town. My and Mrs Wm Marshall, Hano- VU'.' and Mr and Mrs Andrew W. Nar- shall and little daughter Wilma, of Hammett. attended the Graduation Exercises of the Hamilton General Hermite] on Wednesday last. where Miss Isabel Marshall wu’one of the forty-tour graduating nurses. Mrs A. E. Finch, Toronto, was a grunt over the week end with Mrs. E. Kress. Mr and Mrs W. G. Coulis and (â€'uugmer Evie and Mr and Mrs Hud- son. London, spent the week end with the farmer's parents, Mr and Mrs J. P. Giles. Mr and Mas A. Risely, Mr Bruce McKay, 1.11m Laura Whitman. and Mrs Ferg. MeGraw, all of Toronto, visited over the week end with Mr} and Mrs Allister Saunders. Mrs Me. Graw is remaining tor a few weeks. Mr and Mrs C. Ramage, Mr Peter and Mhrr, Alice. were visitors recent- ly at Mr John Aldcom's, Swinton Miss Sophia Nahum, ot Etupttss, Alberta, Is spending a month's vaca- tion with her sister, Mrs Arthur Rit- chic. Mr Norman Hamilton, Gait. occu- pied the pulpit in Knox Church on Sunday monlng last, in the interests of the Ontario Prohibition Union. Mr Hamilton is a cousin of Mrs J. S. the week and with th Murray Smith and taml Mr Wm Coleridge, 0' szpmding a coupie days ten Mrs Chas. Ramage Miss Olivene Yllrs has returned from Toronto after attending her sis- ter’s wedding. Mr and Mrs L. Webster, Seatorth, were guests Sunday ot their cousin, Mr J. S .Mcllraith. A 30 day Return Ticket to (sign-y or Edmonton. $43 ' Going Dates, May 3lst to June 15th. to McFADDW'S DRUG STORE 'l?:"':,',',?", June let w. a PHILLI , R. o. a Spocialist in Eyi Examination and Jui"P/i't'stlfl" Prices in keeping w h thetimes Make appointment " Drug store Cdming aim ran'f'g Optician Smith spent over 1 their son. Mr. family, Windsor. F, Owen Sound, is lays with his sis- lHkllBliri DRUG STORE n innon ot “Everything in Medicine for Man or Beast" Mr Ind Mrs R. W. Cal-mount an- nounce the engagement of their old. est daughter, Mary Florence. to Ron- ald Meander Smith ot Normanby, the marriage to Lake place quietly the end of June. June l6 at 8 p. m., also June l8 We have decided to discontinue our Sale on Saturday June 24Lh.as prices are advancing and wecannot replace the goods at the prices we are selling them to you for. Sale Ends Saturday, June 24th This Advt. is worth SC on a $1.00 purchase Buy Now while the Buying is Good Men's Work Boots ...rr..."w. $1.65 Men's Light Summer Caps. . . _ . . At5e Men's overalls, good weight. . . .. tt9e Men's Felt Han, good quality _ .81.59 Men's Balbriggan Underwear. 39c gar Men's Cape ....r......... Ne Men's Ties ..r..F..r'. Every Day Straw Hat.....13c BowTieo............ Men's Work Panto ....$1.10 pr Baseball Caps .o...o.‘ White Handkerchiefs . . . . .. lie Shoe Laces .t_..r.'t' Fine Sox..............15c pr Work ttox.......... Carhartt Overalls .. .... “.55 Nugget Polish '..r"r. A FEW LADiE8' RAINCOATS at GI VE-AWAY PRICES Men's Caps r............. Ne Every Day Straw Hats.... 13c Men's Work Pants ....$1.10 pr White Handkerchiefs ...... tie Every Night: June 20th to 25th FIVE BIG DAYS (Except Saturday) at 8.1!) p. m. Sunday. 11.00 tt.m. and 8.00 . C-EatgtEEEEEE3tgl THE LAST CALL Pttttltattett Weekly " 88.00 I you to advnnee. To DIM can; an 3 you tn Manes. c. [Mums & SUN. humm- ENGAGEMENTS at " a. m. and 8 p. m. Evangelist E. Jones, Speaker PASTORS - REV. and MR8. JAS. P. LOWEN. Evetybody Welcome Foutsquare Gospel Church REV. A. D. BRITTON Cut this out and bring it in. . SAUNDERS Men's Men’s Men's Men's Men's ‘NERAL SUPERVISOR FOR CANADA ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO at The splendid minim ttext the Post once, now pied by bevim-s‘. the property of the '. midlaw Rs. tate. P09309310!) :Ivexlluly 6th. Apply to Mrs S. I tyne. Duzham to Vancouver, $56.25 STORA TO RENT Phone 26 Yletretr- Rail and Boat " 19c