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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1933, p. 5

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ON 17th '" my on! urham " will ok HAM, Soc NS ga Can.. coming “mouth it as a ssh and E 15, I933 Ont caf ham op one: any belt tor o , Mon " 20 00 00 70 ,0 " " 0 S"lll""tll===a= Paxk people. And wttr, shouldn't he? That pea: " had good Judgment as well as rare beauty. _ Thrsre are tew saushctmns In life mow tnjm'able than the friendly clasp or :11» hand and the sincere greeting or friendship that has endured or own nmpxuu-d across a wide span of years. Many M-w the manifestations of this spirit 'he witnessed and experienced. nu! as love! as Hardy's (nthletlc) field. W'mss trom Swinton Park store, " “as the scene of a. speedy(?) foot.. ball game, and races tor young and um so young. At our picnic neat rear "' arr to have a football game-Bw. Park's national sport. To complete the rural effect the ms. was bounded on one side by wire enclosure: of the Park animals. A matmitieent peacock! “as tho attraction over that way, I and he strutted and paraded " it he’ considered " 'a great honor to display! hm brilliantly colored ensemble to B. m- north-W99! corner of Proton Tp. Th" spot had an topmnriue rural wrung with a. clump ot pine. Iodide the eight tables where, “out 6 Fm.. all sat down to a toread--thanu to th" ladies- which upheld traditions of thru Park in every respect. The nur- mundmz area was not unlike the cor- nw of a rolling mature 'ieid. Altho' Swinlon Park Picnic at High Path, Toronto 131» day was ideal .on of those an lrrP.ro' mat the poet writes “out. Old At l shone bright. and warm Just u be tr.oui to do--when a his trest--. up in ... Tun mo and dutriet. had I delight- ':1 plruu' on Saturday, June 10, In Hum Park. Toronto. An :mon Park folks and their friends Approximately 100 In at who live CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Local Agent r. W, Moon Dtsrham, Oni. CREAM SEPARATORS REPAIRED Phone I CREAM SEPARATORS Farm & Dairy. Machinery We bake bread second to none ; we must sell much more to maintain this low price. Come to our store for bread and groceries. and thus get your supplies at lowest costs. Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock JUNE 15, 1933 DURHAM MACHINE SHOP Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Cannds' " 031 Pilot " C Review is well equipped for all kinds of Job Printing keep in Stock tor Sale the following Goods: our prices before purchasing one who". " will pay JOHN McGOWAN THE PEOPLE's MILLS Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. HENDERsON's BAKERY Bread, S: a loaf FLOUR Lacta, Lister, Anker-Holth, DeLaval, Melotte, Viking-Diabolo Separator. Cockshutt, Frost &Wood, Fleury Sons, Bissell Machinery. If you an in and of a Separator, call at the Shop or ring 140, Durham. We will allow you a good trade-in on your old Separator. if purchased at our Bakeshop 6c ,off cart . This function was so thoroughly enjoyed that regular otBcert, were ap- pointed who wilt arrange a similar get-together. at least tumually or per- haps twice a year. It we: suggested ithat the next event would be a social evening and dance in winter. i Officers' elected were as tollows: 'Press., Herb Hannam: Beer Treasur- ,'er. Jessle Campbell; Corn.., Mrs Pai. imer Phillips, Mrs Robt Davies, W. J, 5 McLeod and Booth wnson. Man in Seattle hid $70 by putting it in the barrel ot an old gun. Then some person stole the sun. ot course that's not the ttrat time money has been shot to pieces in the barrel of a gun. Nations have been doing the same thing for many years. We cannot think of mentioning all who were there but per-hep: we may be excused .1 we select a few for spe- cial mention. The gathering Would not have been complete or unique without Donald Campbell, one of Bw. For“ beat known and most highly respected pioneers and John McLean. ot South Line, Pricevllle. .Though having passed tour score years, both are unusually active physically and alert or mind. Dick Hardy and his bride Just returned from their, hon- eymoon in Nor.0ntario, picnicked with us too. And perhaps the biggest and best surprise wns to see Robbie Ald- corn, the Park's enterprizing merchant in days gone by. "Bob" had read the announcement of our picnic. before leaving Governeur. Bank, where he has resided the Inst 19 years and he arranged his trip in order to reach here the day ot the picnic. The very atmosphere seemed to charged with it. . General Repair Work done Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED DURHAM. ONT. Shorts PHONE 140 be Miss Edna McHugh is unable to teach this week due to illness. Miss Donalda Nichol is taking her place: this week. Congratulations to Robert Parslow Miss Nellie McLean went to To- ronto Sunday to visit friends. Mr David Hincks left Tuesday tor the West, to visit his sister, Mrs D. McKinnon at lnvermay for a month's vacation. Mr Thos, McKeown. Br. left on Monday tor a thp West. The W.M.S. and W. H. willhold a monthly‘meetlng, June 20, when Rev. Dr McIvor will give the topic. Lunch com: Mrs McMeekin, Miss May Stewart. Mrs Dave Nichol spent the past week Visiting Toronto friends. Mr and Mrs Edgar Patterson visit- ed lriends in Walkerton Sunday. Mr Gordon McLean arrived home from" West Saturday on a month's va- cation. It is 6 yearsjince he has been home and his many friends are glad to see him. Mr and Mrs Thos Harrison, Mr and Mrs Stanley Harrison, Glenmount. visited Saturday at Mr D. Hincks'. Mr Chas McKinnon and John L. of Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. The Prieeville Old Boys and Girls' Association are holding their annual basket pienie on June 29th in High Park, area 3, entrance on Bloor St. Sports ot all kinds and dancing in the evening. Miss Jean McLean, Toronto, and Gilvray McLean, Tiverton, spent the week end at home here. Mr Robt. Aldcorn of Governeur. Bask., arrived home Sunday on a vis- it to his father's and other friends. It is twenty years since Rob left the old home for the West 'and all are glad to see hlm looking so well. Mr Neil McLeod for some time an inmate of the R. C. Hospital, Dur- ham, arrived home on Sunday to Mr. F. P. Kelley's. much improved. :Mr and Mrs Wilson, Miss Mundell and Miss Ogilvie, were recent pleat ant visitors at the home of Mrs Jno. McMeekln and daughter Olive on 4th ot June. Mr and Mrs Chas McKinnon, broth- er ot Mrs Jos McKee, from Bassano, Alta; Mrs John Gray and son Donald, of Portage la Prairie, and Mrs Dr. Blake of Hamilton, are visiting rela- tives here and creating great pleas- we. ; N dance in the interests ot the ‘Agricultural Society was held in their ‘Hall, on Friday evening last wherea pleagsant time was spent in good tel. lowzhip ot 100 or more. The orches- ha pt local talent were C. McDonald. L. 1.ieKeown, Geo Renwick and oth- The Misses Bertha and Edith James paid a. visit to Markdale and their sister. Mrs Bowes, on Sunday last, and took in the services there. Mrs Thos. Bothwell too, from far away Islay, I Alberta, was the re. cipient ot many a hearty handshake, from old-time friends on Sunday after service. She, too. is working up a record of service 27 years as organ- ist in the West and tour years here before leaving. She has a daughter an A.T.C.M., who teaches music. We were indeed pleased to meet with our friend and onetime ehoris- ter "Donnie" McLean from near Win. nipeg, down on a vigit to relatives here. His niece, Anna Mary McLean, now Mrs John Macfarlane, Toronto, is up tor a week's visit to her parents A meeting of the garden party com. under the convenorshlp of Miss Jewel McArthur, was held on Wed. nelrdtry evening when arrangements were made to secure exceptional tat- ent for the concert part on July 6th. Moving pictures will be given by T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale, Agr'l rep resentative, in St Columba Church. on Friday evening, under the auspic- es of the Ladies' Aid or Y.P.S. These views in the past have been fine and much appreciated. h public' meeting is to be hold Thursday in the basement ot the new church, to discuss and arrange tor the annua! memorial service, probab- ly some time in August. Die to meetings ot Conference in Toronto, no service was held in the United Church Sunday evening. .the pastor returning after the p.m. Ber. vice' at Salem, to Toronto. in the absence of the pastor at the Markdaie church, Principal Shackle- ton pt Priceville school, took the ser- vice; in the morning there. , PRICEVILLE PRICEVILLE I MRS KINSMAN On Sunday, just at break of day, i the call came tor Mrs Mary Ann Kin- lomen. at age ot 92 years. 6 mos. Mrs Kinsman and husband, came to Proton from vicinity of Port Hope, well over 60 years ago and have lived on lot 1 con 17 since. To them were , born one daughter Ida, married and now in Western States, and Wm, on the old home. These along with Bel" eral sisters and other friends are left to mourn. The husband and father died 35 years ago. The funeral is from Swlnton Park church this Tues- day, service conducted by her pastor. Rev Dr Mcivor. Mrs Kinsman wuss wonderful woman, enjoying stood health and of a cheerful disposition, ) able to walk with the young folk un- til quite recently and also " church, She also attended the Bible class. who are remembering her to-day with; flowers. All in this locality will res-l member her for her many kindly) Mrs [aura Rose Stephen give I talk touching on vuioua subjecta. grave and g", 1130 interesting and instruc- tive incidents relating to her travels thread and many practical ideas, gained in her 'wide experience. Mrs Sam Bryce, Holstein, is spend ingthis week with her mother Mrs, Over 50 were in attendance at Stewart’s hall Monday and were de- lighted to have the favorite speaker. Vlsltors from the West taking ad- vantage of the lo-a-mlle excurslons, include Mr and Mrs he Spence with the Spence and Sturrock families: Mr and Mrs J G Spence and children at home of her mother, Mrs John Russell: Mr and Mrs Richard Scott. at the Scott and Walton family con- nectlons. Mrs Stone. Hume, Sask, is visiting her cousin, Mrs Wale. Mr and Mrs Albert Ridden and daughter, Fergus. spent the week end with his mother. Proton Tp. B. S. Association will convene at Hopevilie United Church, June 19. Afternoon and evening ses- sions. Bethany Chapel B. S. are a; sistlng with entertaining. Rev Mr Bannister. Canton, assisted at services ot United Church Sunday morning while in vicinity for the funeral ot the late J. McNaulty. Mrand Mrs W R Scott and family attended Conn reunion church serv- lces on Sunday. Deceased was " years of age. Left to mourn are three daughters, Edith, Mrs Neil Campbell. Vulcan, Alta: Mary, Mrs ' Toronto: Mamie, Mrs Fred Fall. Salem: one son Roy on the old home farm. But the one who will ohiefty mourn is his aged wife, who has long and pleasantly lived with him. I Mr Neil McLeod enjoyed a trip ‘through the western section ot our Ioounty last week, also touching on ‘Bruce and Hanover, and claims the ‘country looks beautiful. He says nothing about calling at Walkerton '. you never can tell. JOHN McNAULTY This week we teel called upon to chronicle the death of two ot our old people, first the passing ot John Me- Nauity. who died last Thursday, at his home " Proton Stu. Mr McNauity came as a boy to Proton over 60, years ago and lived on lot 19 con IC, until a few years ago, when he reil, tired to Proton Stu. The funeral on Sunday, service at Salem church was one ot the largest ever here. John had been in habit ot worshipping at Salem, so was laid to rest among his old neighbors. He was a native ot Scotland and never lost the Scottish accent. He was also endowed witha large share of Scottish humor and many a frown he turned to a smile. by his quaint sayings. Rev Mr Ban, nister. recently ordained and a stud- and minister at Proton Stn last year,‘ and great friend of deceased, came by'; request to preach the funeral sermonl THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr and Mrs James Kennedy and children. Shelburne spent Sunday eave- ning at Mr John Aldeorn'a. We were pleased to meet Mr and Mrs C. Ramage, also Alice and Pet- er, at church Sunday and renew old acquaintances at: our home in the evening. For about 58 years we have been acquainted since we all attend- ed Amos Church. Then Friday evening, the Proton Station school children played our home school avery close game. Score 1 in favor of Swinton, but the Pro. ton midgets are real sports. Mr and Mrs E. McLean, Walturg' Falls, spent the week end with Mr Flood and family in the Park. one seemed to enjoy the social eve- ning which was fittingly finished off by Wm McEachnie and the bagpipes. renewing the youth of some old boys. Thundty laat we enjoyed a friend. ly game of noftball between Prieevil!e young people and is picked team In the community The score was rather one-sided in Prieeville't, favor. But our hay seeds did very well. Every- On this Tuesday morning we feel as though we were in Greenland's icy mountains, Just hum; come from In- dia’s coral strand, so extreme is the chnnge in the weather trom the heat of last week. and Miss Bella McMillan, who were) married Wednesday, at home of her punts, Mr and MrtrDontud McMi1-', tan, by Rev. J. A. Mair. ' SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE All. li The property of the late Edwin Johnson, situated in the village of Holstein. 2-starey brick house, light: furnace, frame stable, W woman- den. oae of munid a candidate for the Provineitu 1'luc"e. The meeting will be addreaqed by D. J. Taylor. M P.P, North Gréy: T. K. Slack. M.P.P. Dutterin; F. R: Oliver, M.P.P.. South Grey ind Miss y C. Macphlil, M.P., South-Em Grey. Everyone welcome. Rotrertjawson, President Wilfrid Valium, Secretary The an al meeting of the South East-Grey Political and Coopsrtrtive Associatio will be held in the Pta. ternal Hall Flesherton, on "turoy, June Wth, M, " 1 pm. Following the election of oncera, a nominating convention Mil be held for the purp- Walkerton high school cadets were under inspection recently from Major Jeffrey the District Cadet Othjcer of London. He struck one ot the nice 'hot' days that have been handed out to us this season, and with the boys in their heavy uniforms, there have been cooler times for them. Com- menting on the Inspectors' visit. the Walkerton Times ssys: "To say that the boys "dyed" in their uniforms on Thursday would not be stretching the truth u many mothers discovered when the lsds took on their tunic; and exhibited blue streaks that in the heat sud swelter ot the day had run into their shirts. The tirat of the week in many homes was "Blue Monday" and if Agnes Mncphnil the opponent of cadet training. who is to contest this riding in the next election. could capitalize on the wrath of some mothers last wash day, we wouldnt give two hoots for Dr. Hall's chances ot getting their votes away from her in the next campaign." The physical condition of candi- dates tor the aviation force is tested by a wobble-meter, and it has been suggested, says the Bruce Timea,that the same machine might be tried on political candidates. Agnes Macphail "in'" with mothers Rev. Crossley W. Krug, B.A., B. D., son of Mr and Mrs John Krug, Chea. ley, who has been the assistant pastor at Bloor St. United Church, Toronto, has been called to Chats- worth United Church. The monthly meeting ot the U..F.W. o. Club at home of Mrs Neil McLean with a. good attendance ot membeis and a few viaitorg. it was arranged to hold a picnic in the near future in Mrs Thos. Young's bush, the ad. mission fee to be set at 10c and lad- ies to provide lunch. Mrs Stewart McArthur gave a couple of good read- ings and Mrs L. Lian gave a ta'k on modern dress viewed trom var. ious standpoints. " was decided to accept the invitation to visit Hold. fast Club on June 14, near Flesher ton. Mrs McLean served lunch at close. Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie and Miss Clara Greenwood visited ree. ently wlth Mr and Mrs Geo Newell, Darkles Corners. Miss Sara McLean has been re-en- gaged tor another year at 8.8. No 5. A meeting was held in the church, to make arrangements for the B. s. picnic, to be held In the Pearl-Ed- wards' grove, June 24th. Mr Beverley Farr. accompanied by Miss Margaret Farr and Mr Harold Scott, London. spent a day recently at J. H. Rotmon's. Mrs Clarke re- turned with them. Apply to Jon. Leemox1 or James Johnson. “may. Ont. _ Mr and Mn W J Greenwood and) Saugeen Valley: Miss Clara visited an evening rec-'Iamiiies had a. trl ently with Mr Angus and Miss M. when their cousin, McIntosh, Dornoch. lot Vaughan To. (up: Mr and Mrs Clifford Cook tspent a, few days with the spent My with Mr and Mrs W J my in. retired tra McFadden, Orange Valley . ‘13 now living in W1 Mrs Ralph Staples, Edge Hill, spendover so years since a few days with her parents. Mr and . Glenelg. Mrs Thos. Timmins. 1 Br IV Class hone Mrs Agnes Clarke, Edmonton, vhr)Publie School, for itedyt week with her brother, J. H. [ nu, Sadie Russell, G Robson, after spending the winterfden Burnett, Amelia with friends in England. I 1: mm man. a Mr and Mrs Oren Pearl spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs Freeman. Tees- water. Mr Geo . Penn underwent a. ser- ious operation in Durham hospital on Saturday. We wish him a speedy re- covery. Mr and Mrs Jtuy Atkinson viaited Sunday with Mr and Mrs J. R. Egl- wards. Mr and Mrs In Crutehley, Dor- noch, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hugh McArthur. Mr and Mrs W J Greenwood and Mr Chas Robson, motored to Moles- worth Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs Geo. Robertson returned with them Sunday to spend a week here. ROCKY U.F.W.O. CLUB MEET Mrs H Smith returned home Amer spending a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs K. Vaughan, Arthur. The regular monthly meeting of Zion W. l., met at home of In W. Baker. with " ladies present. After business of meeting wu over, Mrs R T. Cook read a. - on the care of the feet. Clara. Greenwood had a. short reading. The roll call was ans- wered by toot-savers. Lunch Wu wr- ved by the hostess and assistants. The July meeting will be " home ot Mrs Herb Allen. PROPERTY FOR SALE MNUAL MEETING ZION Cook Spent a few days with them. Mr Mobil“- nnd Mrs W J my bu retired from the {arm and Good comtomble dwelllng house. all conveniences: will Dell on unn- tnctory terms, or wlll rent. Apply to J. W. Cmwtord, Phone 132W, Dur- barn M x " a good driving house and I fairly good residence. No en- eurntrranees. 14 mile trom school. In- mediate possession given, clear Iitie Apply to A. McGlLLlVRAY. At a grant ttaerttitMt price for cub. not 27 Con T, Bentlnck, Co. Grey, 100 act-ea. About " acres ot bush: The town wu trtartityd Tuesday by a rumor that our Cement Works was likely to close down. Everyone was asking what for? [inquiring n the ofBee we no Informed that paying mart In about done " the me. but the works were to be kept running not" connection wu made by the C. P. R. with the Hnnover property purchued from Dr Jamison. The chem-t on Tuesday had to order sev- eral can dumped owing to exoeu of l The country has spoken in the irecent Provincial election lmdslido, and spoken very decisively. its ver- 'diet is plainly that a second term lmust be given to the Hon. J. P. iWhitney. Not in the wildest nights ot limngination did any one guess the majority would be incmsed. yet such gig the case and the lesson of the de. iieat has to be learned in the hard ’sohool ot opposition “varsity. Jam- lieeon's majority in South Grey, over (Neil MoCsnnei. UbenI, WI: 263. I Mrs Elder, near Nenngh, died on Monday night very suddenly. Her husband had been calcining " the polling booth all day and as he and Malcolm were about startlng for Hal. stein with the result, word was brought that she had been found dead in her chair. After your potatoes are out ot bloom, mow the tops oil. but not too close and see it you don't have the finest and most beautiful crop you ever had. This is an Irish kink from a potato grower in Washington Co. The idea is that top: have done their duty after blooming. The town wan ltartled Tueldav he Test examination Junior Matricuim tion, Durham High School: Maggie Weir, Katie Clnrk, Muscle Firth, Ber sie Ritchie, John L. McDonnld, Agnes MoG-irr. Edge Hill: Miss Amy Edge who has completed her enms ttt Normal Col- lege, came home Snturdly. Miss Katy Mchriane. Buneasan. went to Fergus Hospital Suurday,to be operated on for appendicitis . l Saugeen Valley: The McGiulvray 'families had a pleasant surprise, ‘when their cousin, Nell McGlllivray. lot Vaughan Tp. drppped In to spend ienrljr Saturday, in which tive people flout their live. by the. About 1 . m. [neighbors noticed the home ot Rich- .nrd Lyons In namee; may ot them :were soon on the scene and tried to !nrouse the Inmates. but to no “all. ‘When timt seen the heck put ot- the frame dwelling and despite econ: of neighbors ,the hon-e wu completely destroyed. The curred remains were ‘found of Mr end Mr: Lyom mdonly son: Mb: Edie Neely. a high school girl and Alden Mchughlln of Owen a Sound. I The wedding took puree on Wednes. ;day. June It, 1918, of Mm Kane Mc- ;Corm}ck ot Durham, to Mr Neil Sin. clair, of Sault Ste Marie. by Rev. s, M. Whaley, tumiated by Rev. Mr Mom; Ewen of the Baptist Church. I The home of Mr and Mrs R, Nelson. 3rd con Egremont, Wu wronged with friends 1nd neighbors from Holstein north almost. to Glenelg townline, to bid farewell to their aon, Wm John Nelson, who leave: this week to en- ter military service It Munro. Mr G. Sherk bu left for Soak. where he will be employed on the JtuniesonAutton farm. Mr G. Yiirs goes west on Saturday to the same spot and will have oversight of the two tractors recently purchased. and with which it is planned to break 1000 acres. At high noon. on Tuesday June 4, Mrs Charles Ritchie was united in mar-rinse to Henry George 'rolehard, of townline Bent, and Sullivan. Holstein: Miss Fettes has returned to her home " Mr A, Henderson's. and Mrs Crewson has taken her plme u nurse to Mr: MoKinnon. who we are planed to uy is recov- ering. E Class Junior Primary--. Victoria Young, Eddie Miller, Myrtle Watson, Annie Ritchie, Wallace Thompson, Ada Holmes. Public School, for Mtty---Erben Sch- nu, Sadie Russell. George Johns, Roy- den Burnett, Amen: Blur. in now living In Woodbridge. " _ Rev Mr Meyer utter three success- ful years in Durham, hll been trun- stexred to Ridgeway. His successor ls Rev. C. G. Cole. One of the most. dlitreulng nun- lies ever in the county, uppened tV bet. 7 miles north-cut of Markdale, iN DAYS , OF YORE " YEARS AGO From Review tyle June 11, 1998 Sr IV Class honor roll,, Durhnm " YEARS AGO From Review {rte June 18, 1918 FOR SALE OR RENT PAR! FOR SALE Ghau.rworth, Ont . his lut visit to ON I AKIU ARCHIVEu TORONTO try Chiropractk .110an an. and Ultra VloM My. Bee your [on] Chimp“ Date. mm a ammo. “It. 3.1th Durham-n Flo-henna Adv-nee. Goo... m Dunduk P. o. Phone " r " Limo“ Auctioneer tor In, M Luau.“ mm hr ta. [nun-mud“ an Ontario & Dominion land Surveyor Registered Ptofemionat Moor Surveys, End-mm, scum, Plan: DRAINAGE WORK A SPECIALTY Telephone 8t, Cumulus. Ont, J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. Dentistry In all m Bunch“ X RAY GAO EXTRACTION. Ottiee: Milt Street. DURHAM, Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto Univeralty Graduate Royal Coll. Dental Burno- of Ontario. J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. P.S Lambton Bt., Durham, Ont. one. Noun: 1.80 to 4.” pm. 7.30 to no p. m. C. lt. AND Canadian Pacific HAROLD E. MOUNTAIN. M. B. anemone, ONT. EMT A MILE! Notary Public. Mwnmi, Realtor, lunar-non, on. l and li-tid lam TM All lea-l documents "he-tttr and my an“. TOURMT OLEEPING CAR PRIVILEOEI On' payment of a ttlight additional pause tare chuge for each per- aon tourist sleeping car Accommo- dntion my be secured " renun- Stopover; granted at alt nation: was: at Port Arthur on“: 1 door not”. d I.- Lasqhtufe at... WE APPRECIATE moo no undone: Corn-r Goun- tou and mum Strum, Durh- manomzlwllmn..1.uw| 9.... 7 to 09.13.. and”: exam“ Full Pnrtlculus tmm uny Ottiee over Royal Bank, Durham HOURS: 2 - 4 n. m. outmenettate9ouvarnot been mmded to. Witt it be ”can" to Dime the" In other hand. for collection? We hope not. ROYDEN BURNETT, M. " GEORGE E. DUNCAN The Mount pun-eat o! my Rev- [tw ”Inscriptions at (his ten-on. There in yet my who have ne- glected and we would like to hear from them. Office Noun: 1tto2p.m. 61089.13. P. F. MARTINI! .. Over CHIROPRACHC Daily my 8t to June " Return Limit: 30 Day- BESSIE MOGILLIVRM JOHN 0'llliill. . tt. SNEATH, M. o. PICKERING. 008. L08 ROUND TRIP COACH EXCUR‘IONS To All Stations in WESTERN CANADA '. M. EAGLEBON Going an“: Odom-.- m0. "It " regular

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