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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1933, p. 1

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tD ts up VOL. LVI. NO 26 ham hospital tor medical T"".'."'") " 'u well there was no other? on The Ladies“ (in of the Anglicamthe docket. for this notion took from mum, will hold a tea at the home! 10 mm. until nearly 10 run. before at the Misses Hug a. on Tuesday,'; it WIS disposed of. It was a jury trial July ith. . _ltnd of the twelve men subpoenaed. _ ithe rive selected were John T. Brown, This is the season where "f1rlraremont, foreman; Geo. Allen, Glo- bent and rusplwrry ineet. Ripe raleneur; Jag. Blyth, Normanhy; John berries BCI'" picdtru m the Revitty Bailey, Bentinck : and Louis Arm- Hdum‘s. garden on Monday, June “matrong, Durham. km. I' w he Cosens, of Stratiordi The action was entered by the Bell Parkview l‘niu-d Church, and a. new, Engine and Thresher Co. in Seaforth my... M Mrs H. McCrae and Mrs M. (court and transferred to Durham, in Kur-rhtel of Durham. has Iccepted a' which jurisdiction defendant Morri- unaninmus rail to Wesley Willis Unison resides. Acting for the plaintilfs ited f hum-h Ill Clinton, his duties to! was Barrister Meir of Seatonh. while ,, mumm- July Ist. 's éMr Morrison's counsel was Barrister A - _ , ... Roy Robertson of Walkerton. bert borne Edna: Ne hrk unani: ited I Knechtet The Du hold the home of July 6th wered b Knox United Auxiliary held their annual Picnic in Holstein Park, on Thursday, June 223d, when an mtlov- abll- afternoon wu spent by mem- bers and their friends. During the after-non. Minna" was played and a sumptuous supper wu served. On Wednesday evening. June 21tst, the members of All": PM]: U.F.W.h. conducted I brief memorial service in remembrance of the late J15. Turn- bull in Durham cemetery. Ree W. H. Smith otllclated and a ttower pot and stand were. placod on the grave as an unforxotten token of the esteem in which Mr Turnbull was held In this community noon and races and sports were also run oft, The attraction ot course at a pienir is the 'aats' and with abund- ance of everything that was good and ttice ttol lemonade. the occasion proved no cheptton. As a result of the hearty lunch, the ball game after naturally lacked pop and vigor. All rujoymi themselves but admitted the (1)an mm of rain that just refused in come to spell the wry successful nvitatk The Baptist Young People nan their annual picnic in Mr Donald McNatr's grove on Thursday after- noon last. This was the final gather- ink of the young people until tall. Th" ondurance contest of twenty wwks' work in B.YP.U. waswon try the was much 6731 points to their credit while the blues hid 6529 ponlis in their favor. The blues. whose Nader was Allan McLean. pomis in their favor. The blues. whose lt:uier was Allan McLean, y'unno-d the picnic and met amines. The captain of the reds was Flor- ”we McCallum. The ball game nap- tains were Allan McLean and George Lloyd, The score was 1-1-11 In [aver of the latter. The two principal ram .; wtre tttree-legged race tor young women, won by Misses Ethel Jones and Eva Redford and tor young men won by Allan McLean and George Lima. A walking race proved that Geo Lloyd and Susie Bell were the 'aslrst walkers. Many enjoyed a swim in the Saugeen. Mr Mchb had plated a long table in grove from whioh disappeared abundance ot pro- anada' wome n. and Ev: won by Lloyd. whose " 1021' Hanna! the pit The captain of knee McCallum. MrT Mrs A. C. wan. laid to rat The funeral of the late Mrs A, C. Wolfe was held on Thursday last. a private servire for the family being first held In the home and the public _cetvice at Queen St Church. About fifty relatives including members of the immediate family and four sis- ims and a brother ot dammed were present. Friends came trom Vaneou- ver. Winnipeg. Napanee. Toronto. o.; Sound. Mealord, Port Elma. Tara. i:obbinton.. Mount Hope, Ceylon, and tmatsworth. The services were con-l ducted by her pastor. Rev W. C. All mack. assisted by Rev J. E. Petersl of Mentord. a former esteemed poo-l tor ot deceased. The church service, was my attended. poll bearers This week’s close we m n 52x month up ot 1933. wire H. McCrae. Dr Grant. Robert Aljoe, J. A. Rowland. W. Glass, Sun Chapman. The non) tributes were trrm the family, Mrs Montana. Mrs Sn wart. Mrs Culbertson. Mn Ro'ad- house (tour slum-s): Mrs R H Wal- lace. J. D. and Mrs Poole. Gertrude Bradley. Mrs Geo and Mrs Charles Moore. Queen St Church may Aid: c. o. Chosen Friends: Irma In R. Mectae, Mrs R. Twunley. Min Ef- fie Hu'ton. tr, DDS 3nd visitors “than todisphy your m on s 66th birthday. . Luchla is a patient in Dur. rspital tor. medical treatment. rh will hold Nea " the home Mr lam Women' Institute will monthly m in: at the Irs T. K. Brow . Thursday, The roll cull Ill be ans- current events. A cordial is extended to l mem- sii-Y21.rJf,tiiil,,Y EzéEOPICS- Youmz People had ic in Mr Dourtt10 on Thursday after- on the All Day Trial at Division Court Friday Morrison had purchased a second- hand threshing separator in August 1930 mm the plalntift Company for ‘two $250 notes and his old machine, but finding after delivery, that the separator was not in good running (order, as promised, he signed and 'paid only one 8250 note. in July l 1931, he visited Seaforth. got some ot 'ot missing equipment, and paid $45 'on it. He had spent a great deal ot time trying to make separator with .cutter attached, work properly. and Lhad lost over $500 business in 1931, ion account ot its defective working 'in ran ot 19N. The Company added iinterest on note, but threw oft all in icxcess of $200 owing, and sued Mon {Hun for that amount in the Division (Court, while Morrison entered a icounter claim for damages for loss of r business. Only one cue was before Judge Morley at Division Court sittings here last F'tiday,--thtrt of Robert Bell Englne and Thresher Co. of Sea.. forth vs. Robert W. Morrison. ' Witnesses for plaintiff, were Earl tBell, VicePres. and Manager of the IBell Co.; E. H. Epps, truck driver, i, who delivered the machine, and Wm. SGolding. M. P., tor South Huron, who [is foreman of the Bell Machine Shop. 3[)efendant's witnesses were himself, gAnxus SmRh of Mount Forest, tore, iman of Ernst Bros. foundry and a jl A scotch Dcubles Bowling Tourna- ment was held in Wallrerton Tuesday evening, when 36 rinks competed tor the honors. Messrs Roy Sparling and ‘Aaron Ries came fourth place. They 'were first in games but dropped to Itomth. owing to their plus count be- "irtg low. They received copper cups. and while this may suggest good lag. jer drinks. our townsmen feel that l Adam's Ale will have a more cooling ieensation on their throat during the lpresent hot. wave. Dr Pickering and 3)“ Val Hahn formed another rink ifrom town in Walkerton. , At the close of three weeks of enc- cial services. Rev. and Mrs Jaa. P. Lowen, pastors cf the Foursquare Church, Rev. A. D. Britton. Gener- al Supervisor for Canada and Evange- list E. Jones, motored to Welland. on Monday to attend the first Four square Ministerial Conference to be held in the province. Other members of the party trom Durham were Mr. W. Button Vancouver and Mr John Connor, Durham. FIRST FOUR8QUARE comm. . ENCE IN THE PROVINCE Returning Wednesday with ww. and Mia Lowen were the pastors ot Trenton Foursquare Church, Mr Hag- garty, a gifted musician of numerous instruments and Mrs Hagrmrty,, a singer, will be conducting the regu- lar services during their visit in Durham. Br'ng the bacon home l, Like a swift meteor passing in the -...- 1 night, might the death of Miss Kate Durham 12, Allistoir6, was the re-l McDougall be characterized, who pas- suit of the first o1tqitstt here Tues-i ‘sed away at her home on Queen St, day night to decide not No. dtotl at 2 a.m., Tuesday. in her 64th year. the Tri-County Box msse league.) Making his home with her was Mr. Durham had finished first place. Andrew Hay. Mr Hay states that and Alliston in The 'second) Miss McDougaii had shown no prev- game is in Alliston _ ursday nighti ious symptoms ot illuess,--in fast and goals count on t. round. Seven! had felt unusually well that day and goals should be a so“ margin for" ispent two hours in her garden Mon- Durham. The winner will meet either‘ A”. morning. About 10.30 Monday Huntsville or Orillia, who play ottin) evening, Mr Hay :heard a strange No l group. {I i call trom Miss MeDoagall's room, The game may tidesscribcd as ?where she had retired forthe night. "tast and furious" aid about the lHurrying to her side, he found her in best and liveliest "a. staged here. Ethe throes of a stroke ot paralysis. Close, hard-cheohintr, predominated, 'i'I' he patient immediately became un. and at times the some almost got a- (conscious and her right side was way from referees Coates and s. iheav_ly paralyzed. Medical aid was Burgoyne of Orillia, who as it was, (summoned but nothing could be done, imposed 29 penalties' 'turirur the game (any, she lingered until 2 am. --16 to Durham and 3 to Alliston. I For most of her life, Miss McDoug- 3 of Durham's were ven to players 'all has been a resident of Durham. running inside the g crease minus Aorn in Pricevllie, the daughter ot the ball. With such envy checking, 'ithe late Colin and Mrte McDougall. several injuries were tnMeted. E. Me- ithe family eventually moved to Dur- Donald suffered a gash below left ham and here has been her home for eye requiring medical aid: Sherwood ‘the past 45 yearB. Her father we Rowe’s foot was jumped on By an Ptrre/, her in 1918 and her ninthri' opponent, giving him a broken unk- ':three HMS Nto. _ " -., le, and his services Vere lost the I Previous to her marriage, Mrs Ruth- ‘erford was Janet Jack, daughter of _th' late Richard Jack and was born in Wellington, N.Y., near the shores ‘0: the Rt Lawrence. With her par- 'ents she moved to Glenelg when young. After her marriage to Mr. 1 Rutherford, they lived for a few years . in Torbnto. 28 years ago they came ‘to Durham and here has since been I their home. to ham. Nine month's ago deceased's husband answered the last call and their only son James is now bereft of both parents. He has faithfully attended his mother tn her last ill- ness. At time of Mr Rutherfortl'a (hath. members of the tamlly knew she was not Well. though she was al- ways able to be around. She sold her property and household contents and six weeks ago came to live with her sister. She gradually became weaker and tor the last four weeks has been ballast. Previous to her marriage, Mrs Ruth- erford was Janet Jack, daughter of The late Mrs Rutherford was re- spected as neighbor and friend and many kindly memories linger over her kindly acts and manner. Had she lived to 29th July, she would have attained her 72nd year, Alsomourn- ing with the son. are three slate-rs. Mrs McKeehnie, Durham: Mrs H. Williams, Edge Hill: Mrs J. Cush- nle, Toronto: and two brothers, Sam, of Winnipeg,- a. visitor to the East at present and William at Zion. The funeral takes place Friday at. telnoon from the residence of Mrs. McKechnie, at 2 p.m. Interment in Durham etmetery. services tobc mn- ducted by decease-l's pastor Rev. W. H. Smith. of Knox Church. Barn dance at rian Noble's. 2 miles north ot Durh ' Friday, June 30th. Round and sq e dancing. Pri. zes given for best st dancing and old time fiddling come Admission Me. " Co. Treasurcr Parker Retires Grey County Council, in session last week at Owen Sound, decided a- gainst any paving on Provincial High- ways within the county this year and reduced the tax rate trom 9 to 7.% mills. E. D. Bonnell. assistant Co. Treasurer, was appointed Treasurer. succeeding Mr John Parker. at a salary ot $1700 per year. Mr Parker, whose health is not good, is retained in an advisory capacity at $700 a year, making a saving of 8200 annual- ly in the two salaries paid. h; iiiirtritliritiiti, THE ROLL CALL Durham Decisively Defeats KATE MgDOUGALL DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE 29, 1933 With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader flan Noble's, 2 le, and his services Vere lost the balance of season: Juk Lauder not a slash across wrist; and Preston of Alliston who had beat out of game with a broken hand, had another fin- ger broken in falling against boards, laying him oft again tor the season. Preston is counted . star, and he scored the first two goals of game. T. S. Cooper and Mrs. Frizell Inst. Guest Speakers The annual meeting ot South Grcyi, Women's Institutes. convened in the! lecture room of Knox United Pye?) Durham, on Wednesday, at 1.0 a.m., and 1.45 p.m. " delegates were in attendance and were presided over by Mrs v. Damn, Ayton. After opening eyr‘cises, comWtsteddty Mrs Voelkel, Ayton, and Mrs P. Kramer. Craw- ford, Mrs Mather welcomed the deio- gatos and the reply was given by Mrs F. Sutton, Hanover. Reports of branches, executive and chairman of standing committees was next in or- der and showed progress and good work accomplished. The President's addxess contained tood tor thought, and commended the Institute as an organization in which many lives have been brightened through con- tacts made and knowi ige gained. A nominating com. was then appointed to meet at the noon hour and bring in a report in the afternoon. The meet- ing then adjourned for lunch which was served by local branch. The Institute yell opened the p. m. session, also community singing. The report of nominating com, was as follows: Hon. Pres. Pit T. McGirr, Mrs S. Patterson Mrs W H Rogers, Mrs Sutton: Pres., Mrs P. Kramer. Crawford: lat Vice Pres., Mrs E. J. Thorne, Holstein: 2nd Vice, Miss C. Flvtcher, Aberdeen; 3rd Vice, Mrs G. Mackay, Campbell'a Corners: 4th Vice. Mrs Schnurr. Neustadt: repre- sentative to Co. Convention, Mrt V. Damm. Ayton: rep. to Prov'l Conven- tion, Mrs M Huber, Hanover; Audi- tors, Mrs Glass and Miss M MeGirr: Sec’y 'l‘reas., Mrs Mellralth, Durham. Mr T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale. and Mrs Thos Prize“, Bognor, were guest speakers. Mr Cooper using a blackboard to illustrate, gave an in. structive and interesting talk, He took for his subject one, he mud, he had used in talking to boys, but as applicable to Institute women. Mrs Prize" with am, made very clear the work of the Federation of W. I., for which sheil themember for the subdivision of Grey and Duf- ferin. Both speakers were accordeda vote of thanks for their help inmak- ing this event a success. Mrs Sutton, Co. President, made an- nouncement of the Co. Convention to be held in Hanover in August. The new president was called to the plat- form and was greeted with applause. Community singing and a golo "I love a cottage" by Miss W. Blythe, com- prised the musical part of the pro- gram and the Nathnal Anthem clos- ed the meeting. The Treas. statement showed tho receipts of the Dist. as $218.84 and the expenditure as $166.85, leaving a balance of $51.99. The combined re- ceipts of Districts and branches as $1790.85 and the expenditures as $1254.00, leaving a balance on hand of $536.85. _ The annual rden party of Burns' church, Rocky ugeen, will be held on Donald Stew 'g grounds, 3rd con, Bentinek, on Th day evening, 29th June. Good pm . Ballgame. Bum per served from 6 o 8. Admission Me Ind 15c. Alliston in 1st Play-offs Continued on Page 4 t pkryiotr her cide annex I Box crosse ishcd firm Deco The ston . ursda) on t” rbund a. sale man Mr Norman McIntyre Jr. has ac- cepted a setx'etarial position in the oftlmy, ot the Good Roads Dept., suc- ceeding Miss Ella Black. who resign- Mlss Bessie Smith B. A., of Fe- trolia High School staff. is spending a few days at Knox Manse, preparato- ry to leaving tor Toronto to take a summer course. Mr Creighton Luster, a recent grad- uate of the Faculty at Education, To ronto. spent a few days last 'Week with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Rom. Renwick. MeO Mr and Mrs Bert Smith, Guelph, spent Sunday with the Misses Annie and Julia Weir and Mr and Mrs John Burgess. Messrs Arthur and Harold Raving-é. Thornbury, were visitors at the par- ental home over week end. Mlsa Janet Kerr. R. N., of Albany, Miss Janet Kerr, R. N., of Albany, N. Y., is spending her annual vacation period with her mother and brothers at Varney. Mr and Mrs Arch. MacDonald, and the [owner’s mother, Toronto. were week end guests of Mrs Robert Mac- farlane. Mrs MacDonald will remain tor a longer period with her sistrr Mrs H. M. McElroy, Hamilton, spent over Sunday with her mother. Mrs Thos. Allan. Mrs Harry Fall, Edmonton, with three children, are guests from Ed- monton. with her parents, Mr and Mrs Robert Aljoe for two weeks. Mr and Mrs Lloyd McClocklln, ac- companied by Edward McQueen. all of Toronto, wane week end guests at their respective homes. Mr and Mrs Wm Laidlaw and son Ronald, St Marys and Dr Fred Laid- law, Detroit, have been recent guests with their mother in town. Mr Peter and Miss Alice Ramagc. accompanied by Mr and Mia. Bert Stoneouse. are spending over Dom. inion Day and the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Fred Stoneouse at their cottage at. Turkey Point on Lake Erie. Miss Dorothy MacDonald also went along and will remain a week at same summer point. . GLENELG NTRE BAPTIST GARD PARTY On Mr Neil M rlane’s lawn, Fri. day. June 30. Sp ndid musical and elocutionary progra . Supper serv- ed trom 6 to g p. nt. Admission 25c. Children. 15c. Miss Agnes Macphall. . P., will be present and address t gatherinz. Two ball teams will be hand and Show their agility. Mrs Mary Dyer announces the on ---"_ __ 7'7" - ' gagement of her daughter, Cora rPive-) Phone IM, Durham lyn, to Herbert William Sills. of Dur- ham, the marriage to take plum. wry quietly the end of June. -qoqtqqq.o00.000000.0.00 Mal Purctost Drugs and Toiletries More Iron gives New Strength, Energy It's thelack of iron that makes you a, slave to “tired feeling," headaches. nervousness. and other ills. Once this iron is restored, you feel like a new person. But b, sure that the iron is easily ttattimiuted--like the iron you get in Peptona. Thousandl puke this iron and malt compound for new strength and energy. You can get it only at Kenn Drug Stores. til,tgitittr ENGAGEMENTS llkiihl)l)lill's DRUG STORE "Everything in Medicine for Man or Beast" I |.0.0.F. and Rebekah: hl 4 Tums Tied in ". . 3 Hold Decoration Service Town Softball League Sunday afternoon in Durtuuti eeme-' What a rice! When Hockey Club tery. the brethren ot Grey Lodge. I. beat Furniture Co. ll--5 last Friday 0.0.F.. together with the lady mem- night. it eluted in four-cornered tie here of lady Grey Rebekah hodgu, among the teams. such having won 2 assembled tor their mnual Decora- nnd lost , games. This unusual ttit. tlon Service. This event always at. nation reveals the close competition tracts a large audience. several hun- being staged. and will make for ken-n- dred being in ttttmtdattee, but prob- er play. to pull nhead in remaining: ably owing to the bent ot the day, plumes cf schedule. the gathering was namely as large HOCKEY CLUB 11. FURNIT. CO. c, u formerly. _ n The hmkpvists nlnved a smoofln-r Noble Grand Thos Whitmore was in charge and Durham Band preced- ed the sisters and brethren in their march into the cemetery, rendering tine sacred musical numbers prev- ions to and during the service. Tho scripture lesson trom 1 Cor. l3 and :ddresa ot the day was delivered by Rev. Jeffrey Bt1llntprley, rector of Trinity Church, who inspired the gathering with his thoughtful, eatmeut message. The Oddfellows address was well given by Pam Grand E. D. MNNock. lin, the chaplaln's pmyers by Past Grand P. Ramaxe, while vocal Be- lections were given by Bro. Bert Saunders, and a. quartette compris- ing Bros. Saunders. Lang, lander and T. V. Bell. About 50 brethren 'were in at- tendance. including I few from Han- over and Mount Forest lodge, and sweral Rebekah, from Hanover. Bell-Morrison action settled after all- day sitting GIRLS WON BY t5--5 A large crowd saw Durham mm's win here on Wednesday night from Markdale without undue exertion. Markdale girls hit well but lost by wild [Mowing around the bums. Dur- hum got o.tt to shad "art but Mead- led down tttter at inning, to hold the visitors to 1 run annular. Jenn Rowe pitched am 6 Innings for Dur- ham. then Clara Thompson made her debut as pitcher in 7th 1nd perform- ed well, striking out the ttttal butter 1 2 ' 4 5 6 'l total Markdale 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 Durham 206007x 15 =rr=ao-===r=rroraor=====ae"-===="=""====5, All accounts owing me must be paid by July 15, 1933, as after this date, they will be placsd in other hands for collection. Plan-nod Woolly a 88.00 i you tn nd-. " um m 38.60 I you In .4ch C. “to: t ION. In” 10=0=°=0=0=0 FROM MARKDALF. . SAUNDERS Stomach Sulerers Marvel ct New 3-minute Relief Rex, NOTICE ! ONTARIO ARCHIVE: TORONTO The hockeylsu played a smoofher brand of ball on Friday to take their mud - from the Furniture Co. While hits were evenly divided,- 7 mush, the Hockey Club made best use of theirs and med 3 6 run rally In 4th. New" and Connor pitched well, the former being smaller. Furniture Co Hockey Club UNRtN SERVICES OF KNOX AND QUEEN " START JULY ' The pastor: of Knox Ind Queen St. United Churches In town, haw ur- ranged for union services of the two congregations for July and Annual. commenclng July 9th. All morning united services will be in Knox Church during the two months and nll evening services In Queen St. The Sundays taken by the two pardons are: July f) and Its-Rev. W. C. Altttark July " tutd 30--Rev. W. H. Smi'h Aug. 6 and "--Ree W. C. Altuacl: ‘Aug. 20 and t7--qlev W. H. Smith BIU4-tYER: At the Premtryter'iatt lune. Durham, on Thursday. lure 29, by Rev. B. D. Armstrong. Mr. Herbert Willlun Sills. to Cora '".r. elyn Dyer. WATT-BLACK - At the Presbr. terlu) Mature, Durham, on Thurs- day. June 22, by Rev. n, D. Arm strong. Ella, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Black of town, to Irmw Watt. adopted non of Mnmd Mrs Mel. Stormy. Durham. . ”I” BANKS--" Durham Ila-pun, Sun day, 1th Junr, lo Mr and Mrs W _ Banks, Zlcn. a. daughter. MARRIED Phone 20 01010 01260 rieketr-- Rail and Boa t, 6 7 rum ll Presby- Thurs- . Arm- Mr and

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