[um F) "e In!†Mt 'i'i'T" EW "33 luv iiii%ltl u..-_. .uannunn ulllllll nan-o...- ...Io.¢---. bolch-olll _'!!.,....- y..." "In? FEE: r-iii Prom Knox Church W. M. S. rm prr'srertt Mrs tRev.) W. H. Smith, Mrs Rudd, Miss M Hunter. Miss M. Mum-r, Mrs Middleton. Mrs Tswmt- more. Mrs Mellnlth, Mist, W. Birth, Mrs Perdue- and was Bury. In T. Young. Mrs C. Manley, In June. Mather. Tho speakers of the day were two m ssionartws of the church at large. a! prrupnt home on furlough : Miss Kaw- Rutherford of Angola. Alden, and Mrs (Dr.) Kilbourn, t China. nu?!) were very 21',7g'ul» their addresses carried a real message. At the afternoon session. Mrs M. Knm‘htel and Mrs Wilson at Queen St. Auxiliary. favored with a duét. Others present from the Queon St. Church. were Rev. and In Munch. Mrs Glass. A conference of South Grey Worn- en's Missionary Societies ot the Unit. Ni Church. was held In .Elmwood United Church on Tuesday ot this week and carried a good representa- tion ot members of the various So fif‘tlt’s In the Riding. Eimwood Um ited Church was run for the after- noon session. At the luncheon a de. licious chicken dinner was served for the modest sum ot Me. press m only Ol omeers idem ; Geo. ov On F'riday last, on Durham Bow, ling turn), Dr. T. H. Sheath was no unlortunate as to suffer a bad ttte ture of his left leg above the knee. The Doctor was in the act of throw. Irs,' 3 bowland while in this attitude, his knee cap became displaced and thus powerless, he fell over on the green. Dr J. L. Smith was near by to administer Brgt aid and the Doe tor was taken to Durham hospital. wnure the x-ray revealed a Mirac- ture ot his leg, in the shaft bone I- bmu- the knee. He will be a patient here for some week: and now ro- (rive-9 the attention he formerly COOPERATIVE COMPANY RE-ELECTS FORMER OFFICERS W " ling gn-en, unlortunate tura of his gave SECTIONAL CONFERENCE AT ELMWOOD TUESDAY Bell mu in the chair. Refresh- ments were served. the feature be. ing a tine large birthday fruit cake. lettered l. O. o. P., which all samp- led. " was the culinary work of Mrs Wm. Black. Danclng closed the eve- ning’s enjoyment. Hold Third Birthday Party Lady Grey Rebekah Lodge were hostesses Tuesday night at their lodge rooms to the oddteliows lodge and their wives and friends, on the occasion of their third birthday an- niversary. The early part ot evening was spent in progressive euchre. Mrs R. McLean won the prize on a draw, several ladies being tied tor high and Clarence McGirr captured the men’s prize. A brief bright pro- gram followed, with communitysing» ins ted by Hill W. Blyth and Mr P. Ramage. solus by Mrs. C. McGirr. Messrs. John A. Graham and Bert Saunders, a duct by Mrs M. Wilson and Miss W. Blyth and a short ad- dress by Mr J. F. Irwin. Mr. Allan Bell was in the chair. Refresh. ments were tserved, the feature be, The Ladle-"Aid or the Presbyter in Church sustalned their reputw tlon as excellent cooks on Friday last at their annual [owl supper. The servings were extremely generous. and the service good. They dispens- ed with the usual program this year. $77.00 were the door receipts. The Novem meeting of the women's lnstitut will be held at the home of Mrs Wm. Smith, on Thursday. Nov. 2 . This will be the Irish program. ' Knox United Church‘ ladies' Aid are holding their nnnunl fowl supper and entertainment on Friday eve- nzng, Nov. 3rd. Keep this data coon. Servod a Splendid Supper Dance in Dram e, on Oct 27. " for the best wgltze Admission 250 and We. AWSOH BORE FEET do muse other tutr--trtge Crea- Corn sun. At Caldera Drug Store. t VOL. L " NO " " SNEATH FRACTURES w r 31m ham Farmers' Cmoperative Co. heir annual meeting in the Lite Nednesday afternoon, when the It Board was re-eieeted,. with one change in Directors. The s are: Jos. P. Crutchley, Pretv Mrs. T. Turnbull, Secretary; Weppler. Manager; John Bailey I. Turnbull. James Petty. R. A. In, Murray Wells, Directors. Ritchie. H. H. MacDonald. An- Ritchie. H. H. MacDonald. An- In a dittteult tirxaneial year, npany showed a net profit of 3-417. ii--:,.)..?,.')',!,';)" Fall Fair Exe.n:ives féOPICS' Meet in Durham HIS LEFT LEG Lots Numbers Sev (7) and Eight co, Concession nty-two (22), Egremont Township, awning 66 acres and Lot Numbe Seven (7). Concession m: (4), th of the Durham Road, Glenelg Township. containing 55 acres. . Apply to J. H. Meomrrie, ham, Solicitor for George Mek 9 and Mar HoCiocklln Executor- ot El- Following were 15 contestants who received cash prizes of $10 each, followed again by an "Honorable Mention" list. To receive mention at all in thousands of essays submitted. bespeaks literary merit tor the con- testant. In the “Hommble Mew tion" class, Mr Ernest J. McGlrr ot Oshawa. has his name appear among the number. Rev. S. E. Annie. of Thornbury, has his name in saline column. Mr Herb. Corbett of Proton, point- Od out that instead of electing offi- (rc'l's, only recommendations could be made tor the election at the Febru- ary meeting in Toronto. Mr Young was appointed local Sec'y. and he is to notify all Secretaries of the tee to the Association. Mr Corbett moved that the President, Vice and Sec’y. be the Executive. "WHAT I LEARNED FROM C. N. E. EXHIBITS" The Toronto Dally Globe has cre- ated much interest for their paper and its readers, over the competition they have arranged the past few years back. Visitors to the Cana- dian National Exhibition in Toronto, were to visit the Fair with mind alert, as well as eye, and exprer in as graphic 3. way as possible, what they saw and how it retleeted Can- ada’s progress. The topic is styled. "What I learned from the C. N. E. Exhibits" andthe prizes and rewards are not to be laughed at. There are ten main prizets,--drom the flrtrt, at Plymouth sedan car, to a $25 cash prize, from the Globe ttself._ Mr H. Steiger of Mllverton, was the lucky Plymouth winner and to Mr A. S. Thurston of Thornbury, son of Edi- tor Thurston ot the Flesherton Ad- vance came the. tenth prize, and $25. Views were given try tive different fair representatives, regarding re- stricting tyrttitrips to We locality. The question ot advertising was discussed, some advocating ar joint poster with adjoining fairs. No de- cision was arrived at. It was the general opinion that no discount should be taken from spec- ial prizes. lncrvased grants was one ot the problems to be discussed at the annual meeting in February. Accident insurance was brought up and instances given. Mr Bark Pattérson iiioke on behalf of Holstein Show and quoted the number of exhibits in cattle, equal to any in numbers and quality. The question of a committee to se- lect dates for fairs to avoid eontrtct. ing, was discussed. Some dates, it appears, are get by mid-ways. It was moved by John McGirr, Bee. by Mr. Whyte, and carried, that t"sec'y of each Fair inform the Executive of their dates and if trond1ietfng, to try to settle satisfactorily. _ Mr McKay. Teeswater, said they would not allow booths or stands on the grounds. They held concerts both nights ot (air. The president of Owen Sound fair reported gate receipts a- bout the same and thought the plow- ing match had detracted from the attendance. . thanks tendered him on the dating minutes presented. The first speaker was Geo. Foster of Honeywood, who thought this an opportune time to meet and consider matters re fairs. He thought it was treading on dangerous ground to at- tempt to close up smaller fairs. look- ed upon as they are, as a friendly meet together. Minuutvs were read by the See'y, and adopted, also statistics relating to grants, and a hearty vote of Mr MoGirr called upon District Ropreswntative Montgomery, who in turn introduced Mr Young, the sec- retary. Mr Cooper was voted to the chair. Mr Jnhn McGIrr, President of the South Grey Society. called the meet- ing to order, and introduced the Mayor of Durham, W. H. Kress, who extended a welcome on behalf of the town and referred to the rdendid work of T. S. Cooper, Aggrlcultural Representative. Dplo‘gates from the various fall fair Societies throughout Bruce and Grey counties, met In large numbers in the Town Hall here Monday eve. hing, to discuss ways and means of improving the fairs and other busi- ness relating to them. iiiijlitt Bl trtltggt Emma}. FOR SALEVDR RENT (luci é Deceased was one ot the Itll-i 1known McDonald family of Aber, deen and over thirty years ago, he: ‘wedded Miss Jane Smith of Durham,. sister of Messrs Robert, George and; Names Smith, Their elder daughter, .Miss Jennie, resides with her moth-i ier here, while tleyounger, Miss Anne'; is engaged in Occupational There-i 1py in Kingston. Mrs McDonald left ESunday morning for the West, arriv-l’ ’in}: too late to see her husband bed jfore his demise. She will return with :the remains on noon C.P.R. tram} fFrlday, Oct. 27, and the funeral ser-I Ivice will be held in Knox Unitedl ichurch that afternoon " 3 p.m. and {interment made in .Durham cemeteryi Mrs Wm Ritchie and daughters, Lily and Kate, entertained a few old friends Monday evening for son and brother Herbert, previous to his re- turn on Tuesday to Bagot, Man. WHY SUFFER with Rheumatism, Backache or Lumbago,- use RUMA- MA-CAPS. On sale at Calder’s Drug Store. Miss C. Fettes, matron, and Miss Humphrey, R. N., of Durham Hospi- tal, are in Toronto this week attend- mg the Provincial convention ot the Nursing Association. was Mahory McLeod. B. N. I. on the Matt m their than. Died in the West as Result of Stroke 1 Since last issue, Durham lacrosse team has played two games with Orangeville in the district schedule ---lotsing ir--13 in Du.rham last Fr:- day and winning 8-6 in Orangevllle on Tuesday. The last game wits a icruclal one, as upon the rnsult larg- ‘er hinged the chances of both teams of entering the play-oils. Durham's win practically assured the locals of at least second place, with Orange- ville in th rd. One more Durham vlc- tory will cinch it, and the probabili- ty is that F'ergus will finish on top. having lost only two games so tar. " change and surprise to the large ot"attgesnlo populace and team! Dur. ham displayed their best form of the season and revealed the lacrosse of which they arD capable. To hold the strong Orangevilie crew scorelpss m their ownHint [or half the (game, (2r,1 and 3rd M363) was no MERE font. Period scat-es were 2----3 tor Orangevllle. 4---0 for Durham, 6--e, 11x- lmrlmm and 'l-I', for Durham at finish. There were numerous penal- tst and the ttatereess, Lovell ot Fur- 2345 'md Houston, Elma, didn't hand the "breaks"D'srham's way. The boys " :ln, 1 their lead. With the team go in: like clockwork, it there were any outstanding stick artists, they were McEachnie in the n: ts and o. Mcs Donald and Murdock In the hold. Murdock 4, Dean 2, Snell 1, Becker 1, were Durham's goal-gettertr. Don't miss the Fergus in Durham game next Monday. Durham defeat. ed the leaders 8---7 only last time here, and another tough battle is w tieipated. JAMES MCDONALD Surviving a few days only after aut. fering a. severe stroke. James Mc- Donald, a former Aberdeen resident, died on Sunday evening at Dlsley. Btusk., where he was farming. He has farmed in the West for many years, and in 1926 purchased a home on Countess St., Durham, where he re- mained for about a year, then return- ed to his Western farm, while Mrs. McDonald and their two daughters continued to reside here. He was 63 years of age. . Monday night the boys chose a new coach and manager, Sherwood (Red) Rowe, a former player, who suffered a broken ankle last spring, but was recently in harness again. Then they appeared Tuesday gaily bedecked in nrw uniforms and what The Durhams were very erratic in passing, team work and shootingand allowed Brawley on the Orangeville home to break away tor a large mare of the goals. The absence of Dean. the spark-plug of the team, as a result of injuries in the Owen Sound game, may have had something to do with the lop-sided score, but at any rate, the locals got a bad game out of their systems. Last Friday Orangeville were enu- mm to them honors here, but Dur- ham had mgr? of the play than the score, 13-5 for orangevll1e, would indicate. Durham has yet two games to play with Fergus. in Durham on the 30th, and in Fergus, Thursday, Nov. 2nd; also two with Owen Sound but the Olymplas, with only two wins so tar, aw rtnorted to be dropp'ng out. This will ensure Durham a play-off berth. Won‘ and Lost with Orangeville in lacrosse DURHAPJ, THURSDAY OCTOBER M, 1933 With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader i The pastor. Mrs J. P. Lowen, at ithe evening service, gave an impress. 1slve message on "The second com- ,ing of Jesus Christ, taking as her (text, Luke 17:32. Miss Marjorie Ves- fale and Mrs John Caswell sang a Auet, “Face to Face" very sweedy. fAbOrdun Women’s Immune The Aberdeen Institute held a suc- cessful meeting at Mrs. Jas. Ewen's on Oct. 20th, there being 22 members and visitors and 8 children present. The roll call was responded to by superstitions which were very hum- orous. An invitation was received from Mrs R. Mortley, Domoch, invit- ing this branch to the Dornoch So. ciety’s meeting in November, also to Miss C. Fletcher to address the meeting. Singing was beautifully rendered by Mrs Allie Hopkins and Mrs Nelson Hunt. Mrs Frank Hop- kins " organ. Boxes of Christmas cards were given out. An lntetest- lug paper was read by Mrs Roy Hop- kins. "You Ind I a nation builders." Mrs Wm Noble mad . paper ‘Look- In; the right way.†mu Metehcr Rev. Jas. P. Lowen occupied the pulpit at the Foursquare church, on Sunday last and delivered a very Inspiring message on "the Believer', Jusufieation." Rev. and Mrs Lowen rendered an effective duett, Since the veil was rent in twain." followed with s poem. In Ewen "e-ttsanta-mat-ttat-tee, Miss Mary Walker, B. A. of the High School staff, Orangeville, was a week-end guest of her former cor league on Durham stall, Miss Helen Genie. bride and groom will reside on their [ uni. The Doctor was in attendance farm, east of Lewvan. I;at a medical convention in Cleve- The bride has her A. T. C. M. cer- I land and with his wife, embraced titicate, and has been a. successful the opportunity to Bee her old home music teacher in Lewvan, where her " town once more. Mrs Peterson IS the father, a. former Durhamlte, has been' mother of five ctrMren, the eldest station agent on the OMB. tor the now in their 20's, but has always past number ot years. Her mother,' found time to interest herself in mat- was formerly Florence Barber of tern or public interest. Her visits to Varney. She is also a grand daugh- Durham since her removal over 25 ter of Mrs Richard Barber of Dur- 3 years ago, have been few and far ham. The groom is a former gradu- i tween and she naturally notes many ate from the Agricultural. College, V changes in the Durham she once Saskatchewan. i knew. After the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at the home 0? the bride's parents, after which Mr. and Mrs Johnston left by motor for Saskatoon. . son. only son of Mr and Mrs A. J.' Mrs John Johnston, Lewvan, Rev. W. H. Hay [went a few performing the ceremony. Dav“! Leith The bride entered the church with monctes iN her father to the wedding march’ Mr Thos. tyotp "Lohengrin,", played by Miss day of this Lois Crain, pupil or the bride. The New Westr ushers were Henry Downs and w. pleasant su H. Colllns, Lewvan. ers Thos. During the signing of the register, j nephews am Miss Lura Phillips, accompanied by Ontario. Mr Mists Lois Crain played as a viol'n virile man solo, “I love you truly." Milli-m beimz The ldtsie wore-gtâ€); of white tarlo and B The bride 'travelled in a. smart, brown swagger suit with hat and fox fur to match. On their return the bride and groom will reside on their farm, east ot Lewvan. The I.O.D.E. are holding their an- nual bridge and euchre community party to-night, Thursday. JOHNSTON - MoRTON The Lewvan' United Church, Bas katchc wan, was the scene of a pret. ty wedding, Wedmitday. Oct. 4, when Norma. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. C. Morton of vaan. be, came the bride of Rosa A. W. John- son. only son of Mr and Mrs A. J, Johnston. Lewvan, Rev. W. H. Hay performing the ceremony. The happy couple left on a short honsymoon trip to friends in Kiteh. ens-1' and Listowrl and upon their return will take up rosidmce at thc groom's farm at Holyrood. Thv hide was “actively atiired in white satin. camhur a boquet ot pink and white minions and mal- den hay tern, Her travelling dress was a grey crepe gown, gray can! and matching accessorios. Best wishes follow the young cou- ple, in which the Review wishes to be included. Following the ceremony, the trip was made to home ot bride's par- ents at Durham, where a splendid wedding supper was served to the immediate family " ding party. A- doyr1ing bride's ttt was a. strik- ing three-storey w Eng cake. A pretty fall wedding was solemn- ized at Kenilworth, Saturday, at 4 Ir. m, by Rev. C. G. Cole, when Miss Chma Donalda Burnet, only daughter of Mr and Mrs George Burnet ot town, was united in matrimony's bonds to Mr James Leslie Conley, son at Mr and Mrs Jcsoph Conroy, of Holyrond, near Lucknow. They were unattended, the ceremony being wit- nvssed by the bride's parents and her brother George. CONLEY - BURNET HYMENEAL l Mr and Mrs. William B. Watson ot r Detroit, were week end guests of his 'brother Bert and family in Norman. l try Tp. "W. S." has a warm spot in his heart for his birthplace, and , early school days. in fact the tradi- tions and characteristics of his for- itretuns are so impressed upon him, lthat despite the kindness of Uncle [Sam to him, he still likes nothing bet. ter than roaming the i1eldt, surround- , ing his early home. On Saturday he [did some caricature work on the blackboard of the school at S. S. No , 1, wherein an array ot children were l'ned up before the dominle, one thaple-ss student about to receive the ‘tawse from the master, who is pie- , tured us giving; him the first chance l‘by asking, "Now young man, what ‘have you got to say for yourself?" 3 Past school days and occasions such ‘as this cannot be obliterated trom l one's memory. Nretest Drugs and Toiletries Willard's Miss Maude Stewart of St. Davids, spent a. few weeks' hol'days with Mr and Mrs. John Stewart and other friends. Miss Mae McCreath, Kincardine, spent a few days last weck with Miss Gladys Ritchie. PADS & FANCIBO Dr and Mrs Peterson ot Saskatoon, (nee Georgie McRac) were interest- ing visitors on town over the week 25c, Mte, 31.00 t Freeh this Week You'll Ilka them. et, were in Orillia Sunday, visiting A group of young people now resi- the farmer‘s brother, Mr Thee. Turn- dent as students in London. Ont.met hull of Orillia. who is a. patient in on Friday 'xvettintr. Oct. 14, It the a- the hospital there. partment of Miss Gertrude Glass, Mr Mack Graham, Misses Barbara 434 Pall Hall St, for the purpose of Ritchie and Dorothy Pickering were forming tt "Durham Students' Club of in Stratford Friday eventing last, at- London." tending ' the "n'ght" arranged by An election of oMecrg was held the Bell Telephone Co. tor their em- ard the following were chosen ‘astho ployees. ttrigt Gtfieiahg of the new organization. Mr and Mrs Newton Philp and President, Mr Edward B. Burnett children, Hons Head, were week end Bce'y Twas, Miss Gertrude Glass guests of Mrs P's aunts, the M Bses Publ‘cations Correspondent, Clen A. mean and Mrs M. Campbell. Rowe. Dr and Mrs C. C. Ramage, Corrie, Foilcwing the election ot omeerm, “we a: the Flritte,t"i, parental home a constitution was drafted, in which on Sunday. it was 1onflrmed can the club Mitra Margaret Watson, R. N., Nor- should meet oneeursrerrtortnight, Miss Margaret Watson. R. N., Nor- manby, accompanied her uncle, Witt. S. Watson of Detroit to London, "on Monday, where she will make ar- rangements to re-enter Western l'n- iversity to complete her pcst-gradu- ate course in Public Health Nurs- ing, which she won from victoria Hospital'as, an honorarium for lzrr high standing on graduation. This course was broken last year by " ness in the home. Mr Mack Graham, Misses Barbara Ritchie and Dorothy Pickering were in Stratford Friday evenling last, at. tending ' the "n'ght" arranged by the Bell Telephone Co. for their em- pioyees. Mrs Jag. McRonald, Wm. and Jan- et, were in ()rillia Sunday, visiting the farmer's brother, Mr Thee. Turn- bull of Grillia, who is a patient in the hospital there. Boxed Chocolates ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Builder 'lldiiklBlil)i'i DRUG STORE PURETEST GOD LIVER OIL (Norwegian) Vitamin-Tented A pun all, only to tako, on!†mum and star- dy bone structure so. and 01" “Everything in Medicine for Man or Beast" 5? Durham al, The president. m his inamturatad. dress outlined the hopns and aims cf the organization and particularly stressed the value of such a mop as a social and intellectual centre to the students from Durham. The next media: of the Durham Students' Club, will be held on Oct. 28. ard will be in the tman of an evening bridgc. business and other sociability. At the close of meeting a, sincere vote of appree'atiort was tervieredto Miss Glass for her graciousness in allowing the members the use of her apartment. Anyone desiring tq attend these HERPISON» meetings, should communicate with on Smut-Jay President Burnet, at 9 Renwick Are. l Tabvrnach- I Olive Jm I tHughter ot Mrs Lecmrd Mekcown was open! Dunsmore. sud upon Tursday in Durham hospi- ' non Norms: Lai for appendicitis. , Herbison, 0 18 Henderson Bt., Ottawa, Ont. . Buy roar Tobacco by atgil---Get quality and "" money This advertisement and $1.90 entitles you to ONE SAMPLE PACKAGE containing 10 POUtirs OF GOOD MILD or STRONG LEAF TOBACCO with Real Briar Pipe and Lighter Free, or 20 lbs for $3.00. SAVE THIS ADVERTISEMENT Agents Wanted Address SHIPPED ANYWHERE ON RECEIPT OF $1.90 20 lbs for $3 , 50 lbI for 86; 100 lbs for $11 . Ohm/lug 6M.†Tooth â€US: Betts M “I: You Need These Anti septics Mi 31 SHIV. 0mm MI St Tooth Pane Mi31 Atttietttie In Allthm tor m hound Weekly " 38.00 g you In mum». To num- Sum 38.50 a you tn adv-neg C. MADE A SON. Human Organized in London FREE PIPE G. DUBOIS Plant Bulbs NOW Tulips ...â€: do: Dub ....d for 16e Linn ..'.. 'tte a .IIUIII DDAK KL“ at 6.20 p.m. 1lowing Sumwr tl nation“ program ill kw given mun ludltorlum. Addres a by Rev. W. C Almuck, n "Why I Inn the Irish." Rev J. T. Priest, on . thy I love th Scotch." Rev. J. Bittttfzste.v, on "Why I lov the English.“ l Ilusloal Ind “teary p ram inw Ipeued . 1t,r,t'iu'ttC, . Harm Home Services The people of St Paul's Churr' Barman. will hold titvir "Har Home" Serum-s. on Sunday. Oct Home" Servim at , mm, and On the Mon they will hold supper. A tine Yhornbury Ccntintuttit rocenlly insxalled a blo betting plant at the sh power is water pow.)- present time there is s use of that conunodlt School Board found " Inna! a gasoline enuim blower. IN KNOX U ITED CHURCH. DURHAM, F DAY NOV. 3rd FOWL\ SUPPER Quelnel Lent. ti Ibl. for $2.00 MARRIED Agents Wanted M' ,n Dunsmorv. Mr and Mrs C Durham, to Jun Ttt, son of Mr Rum 7.30 Fm. ay following. Oct. their annull hln' program will fotlot I'NSMM .TOCK Foot" and REM EDIES Owe-r Excelsior Condil'n inder (N Royal Purple T'ieirets-... Rail and Boat unalion a blow 2Se, 506. 31.00 Sound tye " m n If“ love