Rina. The Industrial Devolopmmt of Canada. Canada is today the second in im- portance. from the point ot View ot industry. or all the countries ot the British Empire. and her exports to other British countries consist prin- cipally of manufactured products. Her exports to the United States ot manu- ncturod or "IL-unnamed prod- uct: no.“ her Imports ot nw ma. tchh. Tho end-mica and was no. at W- trad defend may on tho hm dado-out at tho conn- WI mini "ttqreq. in nil its uni- IOII ".eeta-an Nouvoilisto, Tim .0...“ countries Were regarded as tho dan. zvr wot ot Europe. Today the Bal. kan States. including "on Turkâ€. hare agreed upon conventions that will maintain peaceful relation: be tween them, while the major powers, who used to regard the Balkans as the home ot Arrrtrrnmt.. are tirtdinr it didleult to arrive at any undet- xtandiag that will aunt. Peaee.--.-ror: William Timwoumal. NOV! Name for Lu And new In!) is tathing "ne ot tits, curious feature-i ot we I'm-lily politics in Europe In the ex- tutttrle which in being get by the Bal- kan Stat" in the peaceful settlement ot dHttcultien. A few years ago tho stock plan» In that there was truublo tn the Sultans. and than th b D inn» Of equal listen-t is the editor’s w- ting lute-ant sized to the bottom or the story: “An editor who won’t put his own Inform“ In print but no right to publish â€others." . No fault to Ind with the attitude or Mr. Thomas. not the least. Nir an tho readers ot bin paper utu‘ that he um! his position to save his own hide. When he sobered up he strut-k " on the right trail.--"dtrat. turd Him-un-lleruld. The at The [titer Come Glen. --Icott M. The... in editor at the Richmond County 100ml. published :1 McIInIhln, NC. In this week's edition under A twocolunn lie-din. on the front me he published the new: that he had been drunk, VII arrested and paid I one. He then the details as follows; Scott Thomas. editor at the Jour. nal, mixed South Carolina corn liquor and Pennsylvania beer, drank too much and landed in jail. He to mained inrarcerated two hours. being bailed out hr I friend at 2 5.111.. Sum day. In Mayor's court yesterdoy he, WB4 taxed with the costs. 85.85." I "my 'ttfa,,., . I National Hockey been. directors mum ion an . lent mm the book od Nero and, It tho um of new at... have tho Dunn lino up and say: “We who are that to die salute rotr-Hatrttitott Speculum l Peace in the Balkan themwlves with dinnr - led shirts and all In. other trimmings. And, we suppose. ll bow trom tho waist bolore hair hillies~Hnmiltun Spec. Prosper“. Brim»: 'rtdustrr, Justus. ad .an‘ n mmm Perfect Police. tiirers ot the Metropolitan Ion. have bean ordered to suls were stoic-n on Satur- k. The burglar was caught ":qu recovered on Satur- mn, On Monday the bur- ummined by a maximum in trial It the Old Bailey. , he was duly tried, con- dal ably At It: Speedsâ€! ima waves me we the It" no British " up I tor. game or invnrinbly tindirur that in Germany." Today, "god. During the last British toys industry nous strides. and many men and women are WI with diam jack- nd .11 the other And, we suppose. 'ti'pttt' PM: rt in Qlwho his: min: we)! do so testimony, which In obja 'urreswmdent In was to commend and courts Inf disposing of I whlch he was ot having tt mole-d out In vortholess. it courts to bert. ich I recent NE an capable of is no wow have much I." such " r from In ' Chronicle alone there ple working lumen and xporled to mamas, be. I draws It- al In this xcopuoual. least. Nir paper In" to save his trad up he rail.--Ntrat. nine save, Elf» trad m m: esson when "-e""M'_. .,vvv \uuylv. "ur.. ine his 35 your: in once and granted beth 300 and 400 dim. Slit the truth. Disease still stalks abroad in tttdia, but rUld precautions ward much on it " from. cling and can- tonmem. Relax the precaution AMI not ing Public Health Precautions. According to the Director of Medical Servives in India. the sickness rate tor the lndian troops is at the pres- ent time actually lower than that tor British troops. Compared with the IUures ot 35 years Mo, the pres- ent-day statistics are so remarkable that those who take "ttres as Bttttl are apt to conclude that India is now a health resort. Major-General Nick. I The Turn or the Economic Tide. There is a quite deitttite, it still Night. turn ot the economic tide. The tremendous slump of world prices that followed world dethttion has appar- ently been completed. Prices hare been brought down to the level de- manded by I crazy currency policy, have even begun to recover I little. There ls now a possibility ot a long, slow improvement m trade end in, e"mirlormeut.--Yomton Daily Herald. 1 Poplar mun. Mo. - judge D. yam has married 7,900 coupler. d cruel tyrannies. 'Neir agents are 'everywliere tricked out in lair dig. guise. mashed as pacitists, cosmopolb tans and the like. We mast look back upon our history and see that we have triumphed over racial antipath- ies. 0mm apathy. and countless forms at human stupidity. Courage and sympathy, as Lord Curzon said, have brought us through our troubles and these qualities will guide through future centuries the Empire ot liberty and order.-w. A. Hirst, Jn The Em/ pire I TH! EMPIRE. _ Ninety Var. of Empire. This Empire of free peoples h not yet a hundred years old. it has grown up slowly, it has been retarded by discord» and jealousies. and it will not our-ma its course by its own momen- tum; it demands eternal vigilance and prudence. It has enemies all over the world know knows " to he the main barrier against Communism and Some Other Winter. When last seen the prophets d! a short. mild winter were stamping their feet, rubbing their ears and pre- tending they mean! some other win. t»r.»-[£urdnr Cities, Star. Judge Marries 7,000 ! u. n. c.' might have amplitud the thought. Some people have ditBeultr in tmaleing their enemies, and equal diMralts in refraining from forgiving [menu-wives: hut there is another cl": who. with the greatest ot use and ttsjity, forgive other people's enem-l ies-and this class t-rtalnly deserves a place in the Chestertonian epigram.-- Tho Halifax Herald. emle be I n is, says G. k. ctGilrto,, mm: to he twitt to forgive Curfew In Montreal. In their establishment of a 2 mm. curfew law tor cabaretn, night clubs and such establishments. the Montreal pollve are actuated by apeclal could- }eratlon tor boys and girls of 'toou ages. In the last few years the pros- em-e or such ehildrmt--tor that .1: wht they tmr-tttts been a striking feature or life In the night haunts. M ttteip parents. apparently, will not or cannot make the young new]. keep reasonable hours the duty do wives upon the police. It will be Well if their exerts meet 'wlth Mtecetrg.- Montreal Gazette. ot lt was not the least achievement of the talking picture that it lessened this moronic adoration ot "stars" who couldn't hold a part in a "eorttbrnttf stock company. One by one thet disappeared, with Hollywood gradual. ly introduced to actor; and actresses who could act. and million- ot "tang" made aware that histrlonic ability1 consists ot more than some female rolling her eyes and tearing out her hair. the while showing Inn-Mannh- the League. Pretty noon people will be culling It the Lane ot Resign.- tiot".--Edtnottton Joan-l. Review (London) It her Utrs.-4 "tdo-British Trade " In: 't'"" IO IOT‘IVO our en- but It is a ttner thing not to mm to forgive ourselves." C." might have ampulud the Forgiveness. G. K. Chesterton, “a tine Better Pictures. la showing ttrica/tiii, Ottawa Journal. knows " to he the. out Communism and Their agents are 'd out in Mr dig. pacitlsts, cosmopolb iew tit; dur- Luluugo gangsters used they spent three hours gm: bank. Here's the result Gets 30 Days for 30 Eggs Boise. ldaho.-An egg a. day sent James Waller to Jail tor 30 days. He allegedly stole 30 eggs; from a farmer, taking one at a time. The court called for more facts. Sn far, he said, there WIS no evidence that Mrs. Bluementhal was an unfit mother. "Do you think I am going to wrest a child from a mother's breast?" de. manded Judge Alfred C. Erickson of an assistant stage's attorney who presented a fugitive warrant for J16- year-old Mrs. 110 Blumenthal. The young woman is wanted at South Bend, Ind., for child stealing. Chicago. - A municipal judge lent aid and comfort to u weeping young mother leaned of stealing her six- yvsr-old son from her divorced hua.. band and castigated instead the com- plaining father. Judge Sympathizes With Mother Accused Of Stealing Child Miss Halpern was for a time an instructor in bio-chemistry at Post Graduate Hospital, New York City. She led the third-year class and had the highest average grade in I group ot 593 students. mostly men, who took part in one ot the national board examinations. New Haven, Conn.--Mir,s Lena Hai. pern, ot New York City, is the vim mar ot the Perkins scholarship in the Yale School ot Medicine tor the best record in medical and biological sciences. Girl Wins Scholarship In School of Medicine Chicago. - A The venerable on king and recovering from a severe cold concern is felt tor him. Amid: tau... D. ', king and dime donor, John D, New York. - The New York Times says it is considered probable that next year when the northern fly- ing season is good Col. Charles A. Lindbergh may make another trip into the arctic for further aerial sur-) veys. I Further Aerial Surveys .. Planned for Next tor economy in house building. Using the plentiful gypsum of hls vlclnlt. Briles manuactnred his own brick and constructed t farm home complete in all detalls Including door and window frames and roofing for $25. Hutchinson, Kas.--Lon Brlles. farm. er living near Hooker, claims a record tor economy in house building. Economy Record; A Home Built for $25 During the lt months, January-No- vember, of this year, births registered in the same cities and towns totalled 78,896, deaths 42,171 and marriages 27,210, as against 79,298 births, 48e 376 deaths and 27.131 marriages dur- ing the corresponding period last year. This comparison shows de-l creases of seven per cent. in births, three per cent. in deaths and 'e) half per cent. in mrriagea. During November Ottawa. - Births registered in 70 :cities and towns of more than 10,000 population last month numbered tr,- 097, a decrease of almost eight per cent., as against 6,615 in the same month last year, says a report issuedl by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Deaths numbered 3,774, as compared’ with 3,765 in November, 1932, and 2,641 marriages, a 4 1-2 per cent. in- crease over the corresponding month: of last year. " I More Marriages Due to ', John D. Rockefeller, it his 'advnnoed age grave ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO alarms, whlfo in a Chicago -----..-, I The moral is that competent writ-i er: Ire not born, but made. 0c-I cuionnlly. the world my throw up: a (genius, somebody whose sensitive-' no“ to the music ot worda and; whose insight into things are so great that be an write without ar trrenticeshfp, and write gravy. Such leases, however, are terribly rare, Mid, I:iu 999 case: out ofa thousand pro-' Incioncy in Mint. u Pr0deieeter in: -most other thin“, In the product ot! [hard work. "again." um . a--.» 1ondon.--For the first half of the current i1nnnetW year Imperial Air.. wcys have registered receipts of more than 260,000 more than for the some period last year. The distance Bown in Sept-riser showed on increase of 24.197 mil†and the tan-mile: an in. crease of 44,551. Air one. "Genius In ,_ "W'""'" p.†u I hick Writer for the magazines, getting not more than $25 a story. Yet he had patience and Industry, and by dint of lard work, by trub- tectine himself, an it were, to an an ttrentieeshtp, he ttttally reached the point where he could turn oat a tthh. 000-word book In two months, see it become a best mailer. He died com. paratively wealthy. l To laymen, and perhaps to many writers, there is one thing worm noting about the success of Vance and Chambers in their profession. It wu that they became Proficient, be- came eompete'nt craftsmen, by sun- tained toil and practice. Vance wrote score. of stories before he had one tempted. Later on he spent your " I lack writer for the manual -wsaAt-, --= _ Vance saw the color ot tar p‘aces, wrote of mystery and crime, publish. ed many novels and short stories, made a place tor himself. Cham. Aers' prolific pen touched hiatorical [romance moiety. adventure. roamed is far tUield as plays and children's 38001195. Boil!) were competent in their spheres. and while neither will have a place in the American Val- hall- ot literature, it can be said of them that they gave pleasure Ind ionic manure of happiness to mil. lions ot people, something which. that all, is n tremendous thing. I Two writers, foremost in what might be called the sat-0nd class of novelists in the United Mates, died recently, observes mIeOmuwa Jour. ntl. Louis Joseph Vance was bttrtt. ed to death in his chair, apparently having fallen “Peep with a lighted cigarette in his hands. and Robert W. Chambers sum-umbed to a long 1114 new. I As a result of the successful oper- ations in 1932-33 the Saskatchewsn Wheat Pool organization wu able to meet commitments aggregating $3,- 324,000. Net earnings of the system amount- ed to $1,434,000 after allowing tl,, 363,000 for depreciation and interest on mortgages. Net earnings of the Pool since it came into existence in 1925, to the end of July, 1933. stand at $13,507,000. - Regina, Stgakatchewp.--A autistic. tory year's operations of the country Ind terminal grain elevator system during the crop yen- 1932-33, which ended July 31, 1983, is reported by the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, I farmers" eo-operative organization. "akat-' chanson Pool Elevators Limited hand- led through its country houses a total of 87,382,000 bushels of all gains, or 43.02 per cent. of all handling: in the province. In addition, platform shipments consigned to Pool terminal elevators during the year under re- view amounted to 3,988,000 bushels of1 all grains, or 58 per cent. of ths class of business transacted in Saskatche- wan. Successful Year In this contest the teams are re- quired to judge both carcasses and wholesale cuts of beef, pork sud lamb, place them Incoming to grade, and give written reasons for their pluings. l Members of the winning um from:! Canada were: Charlie N. Heath. of; Campbell, Ontario; Alfred D. Hues? of Guelph, Ontario; and C. M. Brodie,) of Gormley, Ontario;' with E. H.l Saunders, of Chralottetown, Prince; Edward Island "ts tuternate. E. Ci Stil-lwell, of the animal husbandry‘ department, Ontario Agricultural College, was their coach. I Causal-y Reports Gains Ontario's strong points were in the judging of beef and lamb, ftnitrhing first in both of these meats. Alfred D. Rules of the Ontario tum won the highest individual score of the contest. with 821 out of a pos- sible 900. Hales' home is in Guelph. Ontario scored 2,358 points out of a possible 2,700 to win first place. They were closely pressed by the team from Iowa State College which was only six points behind. - As champions of 1988 the Canadiui team as swarded the National Live Mock and Meat Board trophy which it will keep for the next year. The trophy must be won three times to become the permanent property of an institution. Guelph. Ont-The "tttarid Agri- cultunj 0031... at thaelptt'eariUd " highest honors in the eight hunnuai intemolkgUte meat-judging con- tent, feature collage event It the 1983 International Live Stock Expouitiott held st Chietrgo. It was the first time thlt Ontario had ever" won. DnhrioTeua Win Two Writers Die " ia the product of mm." tsaid a great limb]? taking Mu," Ift,tsc- 3:222:23“; ., Cut 32 Per Cent. F or Wheat Pool Dumb wnlieu can usually carry anything but koala. Pilot UumOched Br Lindbergh Cnble Washington. - Col. Charles A. Lindgergh came within I cable length of losing his Department of Com- merce tampon pilot's license white he was aerial touring abroad. thBeula here disclosed that jut before his' license expired he cabled from The Havue tsu. an extension at time. Active 24-. .' must be rem- 'rd.every six '.' r. . ‘ Washington. - A possible potential market for About 50,000 airplane: to sell at about $700 each ha been found by the teronautlcs branch of tho United States Department ot Com. merce. Twelve thousand pilots and neck- anics, answering I qt"rtrtiotttmirer you! out by the department mm: weeks ago, dMniteir tsild that they would buy such 1 plane. They eottsetiveir) knew ot 38,000 other persons who} would be In the markéi After hearing the plaintim allego- tions that she wu driving neklculy Ind didn't have control of the m. J udge Davison gunned I motion foe non-suit. _ Waukesha, Wis.--The Woman driv- er is not always to blame when in.. volved in an nummobiie accident, in the opinion of Circuit Judge Chariot M, Davison. Katherine Fitzpatrick of Madison/ Wis., was sued for 82,000 diam til, I Chicago railway after 3 car she was driving crashed into A locomotive at n crossing. Woman Driver Not I London. Eng. -- A big increase in i when acreage and production in Eng- land and Wales during 1988 in shown in the preliminary statement of mi- cultural returns just issued. ' Wheat acreage is shown It 1,660,- 000, an increase of 29 per cent., com-, pared with 1982. Wheat production1 we estimated It 31,476,000 hundred-i weight, an increase of 9,385,000 hun- dredweight or 42 per cent. On the other hand, barley some: docreued by'209,000 acres, and the estimated production of 12,624,000 is 2,718,000 hundredweights below 1932. . ‘. 1~v-r.‘ 1 tr, and to appreciate the giving." England's Wheat drop Shows Big Increase "Let us not forget thtt everything; “hich we do for the children howl may make an impression and count1 as an influence years later in theirlr lives; and let us try to give them ill chance to develop the qualities whichl will make it easy for them to live without greed Ind therefore without var, and to appreciate the joy of. I responsibility to future eiviliratuetri. New York.--lt may no: he neu- md that they might just us well. when I dog bitei: a mu. but how fake armies of young foresters mag-bout when a dog falls ol a lu-slorvy farmers, and model mines, and mm: bquhxg and ttite . mm on the had" with model workmen, and tiii7til That's what. 40-pounu ruler named houses and model machinery? Such, "Tell" did, and as I result Albert E miniatures of real life would .1".va Barrett. 46, ot Morristown, N.J.. is it, find equal favor in children's ereB. (GGGi with I poulble fracture m _ "Why should we not suggest to toy- makers the world oy-er that they have we not only can encourage ingenuity and build up imagination in children by the types of tops, tiarnes, and books that we provide them with, but I believe that we can also give them tastes and interests which will be helpful to them later on. I should, lite to see the nations of the wor'd“ gradually do away with weapons of war. I know this must be done simui-i taneomiy, and therefore I should like , to begin with the children of to-ths" Ind teach them to do without toss' uhioh tend to make them think of war,' as a game. l Her appeal, made public in her monthly department in the Women's Home Compcniqn, says in pnrt: "Very often we sow the need: in youth for an interest which will later engross the man or woman. I believe that 1 According to "ure. releaeod by e the Department of Immigration. It.. . 505 m'en. women and chi'dren. repre- senting 41 races. entered Canada be. ,tween January and October. This wa-a a decrease of " per cent. from 1932 "totals. Ixumigraglon into Can.“ reached a peak of 402.43: In 1913. I In the 10.monut period. 7.549 Am- lechans entered Canada. 2."?! Bruin]: ’subjecu and 571 Northern Ettroit.ttuts. I New York. - Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt urges toy manufacturers to make "armies of 1'0th and farm. era. and mills with modern workmen," and abandon tin soldiers, cannon. taks, battleships and other warlike toys, which have a tendencv to teach children to be little soldiers. she" avers. . _ l Ban oh Warm“: Toys ottawa.-Mmt+tm Into Canada which swelled Into t mighty ttood a few years no; dwindled to a more trickle in “a. titat ten months ot IMS. I2,505 People Enter Canada Prince in First IO Month of I933 ' _ For S0,000 Airplanes Available Urged in Ah Nations Always to Blame toy- 5’ Dog an. on i Roof . wat'e Knocks Man Unconscious peace, her power Ind her 'security"- thU is the tout Rudrard Kipling of {and in mm» to an upped by uh: on"... has.» to write a simpl' tout b the Empire to be dt 'nk I Chris-nu, " an other tio, Montrei-a, Trim: 'ot "iv, “at. C Srowitttdetnnnd tor Guuln ttren!" _I.nd cram his been created In Ontario. Guernsey cattle are now being 1.7.61, bred In that pruwlnce and my hill: :11 being DUI‘CIIBBM from Hon Beau... when the Guern soy cow In. long been established. New Toast to -Eme,iee Presented by Kipling Iondpn, - "Our Empire ___ he: Demand le Increasing For Guernsev In his w to Premier Alejan- dro Lemma. president of the Spun- id: Council, lean; Secretgry Phil- lip. add: " take this opportunity to m in the nun: of the American nation it. friend-hip to the Spanish mph aid to' land It the some time moot - with: for the prosper It! tad continued P'Mrress of yum N nation." WWW. - A new radio m trunk mics (roan Now York to W. thid was indium may, whe Mr. Wililm Phillips. Acting Secre - of State, lent . message express in! American {Whip for Spain. Radio7eugrrh links [forming n new service for farm 'tltmtughout the Dominion. Then we" 118 mauve dairy cremation- in Cam in 1982, the Ingest being the WM!“ Go-operative Cram. orie- with a meettheeahip of 39.000. Manitou Comm“ Dairies and the Alberta Milk Pool in large organi' “ion- in this lieu, each with a (l: borihip ova 6,000. thil dam" or AGii' kiGEir,"U, oerative chit-i. were mbliohed In Ottawa, Cumin. - Cooper: among farmers in by no mum cent imtovation in cm Th . eo<rperative dairy in Prince EI Island, the Shaky Bridge 1 Company, which ha ha: in tr business since 1885. For the pa forty-eight you. as. company ha Ween manufacturing chest. at bu. ter,andeoetduetitteatm-on C cooperative plan. In tha am pro ince an wan later, the Hindi!» Chou. Factory. M in "liatu with the Kdrtatrtetoes Duh-yin; Ae, ciation, 00mm bush-s, and I 1900 there won dawn cooper-nix dairy Netorie. on the blur! Davin; their farmer muons. Coincident with F umen' Barrett Ins kndckod unconscious and the dog w“ taken to am animal hospital. when he was found so uri- ouly hurt "he '10- put out ofâ€. misery. Th. doe unnumb- tell " the root while chains A bird. the skull k Her mother', walling Hug. trrttall " " ll, oou'd hue‘ mrvod In a brace- let for the child. She had been kept alive did/iii-e" led through a medicine droppur or wig]: a doit's nursing bottle. “Doll baby" had gained I quarter of a pound Ind the child‘s mother expressed the hope she would llve. She aid she wouldn't gnu her litre cm a lame until slu- lived a month. Born on . Saturday. four month below we ‘1. expected, the pound m a quarter child of Mr. um um. Charles Curmen died recently. "Doll Baby" is D Lived Only Findlay. Ohm Tlie (land. ' The Prince George nu aground on the Observatory lulu reef It 11.21 pm. Dee. 21. "an macaw! and moved Into Anyox Hubor the next day. Her crew of to and 17 passenger. were and. A newspaper rep: rt apgr.vcintt in Vancouver. Decemhm z], 1913. zeal: â€the thte. Prince George. wand " from Prince Rupert, wan- nosing into the drum-e ot the Nnrr'tws a; 7 pm. yummy Ind the lookout thought he saw the tight under Prospect Point The Itelmgr came slowly on thin qtterh and then came P, Judd†and "pro ashore on Bismett Rock. ’f 811mm. gunned out to he thou of the ‘tuotor craft Marine Emma. tid. l, which had run. ashore jun ahead of the Prince George." Vancouver. -Y'rett'.- run -J. " - to the hour I'uell .‘ us Mace George ran onto a Jazz-d r04 In Observatory lulec on the p, tlteot British Columbia can t. the name steamship shh'ered cum the b " outside Vancouver barium A t, we in; prevailed. Ya, and Mum Ortmniantior,s "ol' ’ Baby" to "He's out," n "Well, H II "He's out, n "Well, ITl w "Heh out, a “Gm! Icon! "an.†out? "You. Thorn a 'ere loot in." ll rr In Ho We " Hue I] seem: and“. aid sh