If?! a couple“ night’s "teruiiGGit7. Brannon knock". Plenty ttf Material When Doris Warner, daughter ot the president ot Wunor Bhos., screen produce". was married in Now York, a sound ll- wu made of the proceed-‘ Inn and wound to her. If this not: or an. extends to movie actress- " may of then will soon have .rutttgh record- to Mtord their Mona. Well Eli-nod Lord Willingdon has been given tour months' leave ot absence from India. He hu earned it by his combination of thattmras, sympathy. tact and in. oight in dealing with Indin'l political problems. The fact that he uh tor a long nation 11 proof that. he {can no tun-oil in the no" tutrtre.-ton. don Advminr. iit-- and Mary Pickford. Among other immortal sentiments uttered therein h the opinion that the best things in lite are free and that wealth cannot buy anything worth while. No doubt this is true, but it is a curious met that hardly anyone "o " out until utter he has made A lot of money. And while wealth u recognized in every child's copy book end in every Inter- view with the rich as n curse end I burden. yet herdly anyone ever at. tempts to oer-ape it utter acquirinptv. --victorie Times. M M p tt "0!"..an Quota A speaker tells a local service clul that only ttrty per cent. ot the tota population of the world are thinkers; the majority. he says. are mere imi tutors. However. the situation isn't ts had as " milht seem. for probably Ibuut " per cent. class themselves as )e-innxing to the tire. They‘re satis- le, anyhow, and personal satisfac- ion. an we know, is the kind that trunts.--Border Cities Star. m Btute When mhlnd emu to belle" in the Dublin; power of Ilnplo words, and the beauty ot rhythmic, ttowing sentences that so "night to the heart Ind the head, it Jrin â€than, take heed ot the nyrlad critics ot the Bible. To countless millions, leehlng the Bible, tuning to it for help. tor wig, dom. tor It: beauty ot words and phrase; turnlng to It because " breathes . new" ot divine Inspira- tion, badly-published or not. it is heavenly poetry. These millions and no fault with it. The modern publish. lng house mlght produce a de luxe edition ot some modernist» work, with illustrations by Dore. It is not likely to produce such music, such fundamental truth, such economy of oxpreulon wlth barren simplicity, as in the sentence: "The Lord In my b'lrroherd."--vanrourer Sun. Wk The Poor Rich Dnuzlas Fairbanks. who is o hm-ome Miss Mary Pickford as given out a loving inter. New York all about God and Mary Pickford. Amnn- nth-"- h hihited have M Sta ll he A Tip I for automobiles hare land that they may be vantage the cats will tited with tartan and pup" rob" this In Urtderstartda.ttle an old-world charm about I of millions ot Japanuo irth of a son to the Em. mo and Empress Nagako. Ix day of tottering dynas- pulistie torment We of the a vessel with 300 bar. on while another like bottom of Lake Michi- tou Island. Between and Erie rests a boat orth ot " zinc which led to get. There are cat on the Great Lakes, ch no serious attempt . There are possibili- om it ocean diving ‘e brought in for this ton Whig-Standard. tour most a as Elizabe In h swim with a cargo the middle ot the rel istory u tor ur tt Ider Japanese t ascend the 'y, on the con- ost illustrious math and Vic- lng queetp3.-- de I) th he hare b B y have our House of House ot p ' We have been told that airplanes i with poison gases could wipe out the ' population or a city in a night, but Lord Mottistone (formerly better known as General J. E. B. Seely) de. clares it “a' complete and fantastic de. lusion to suggest that London could be paralyzed by one single blow trom the air." Poison gases. to be eitective, must be light enough not to spread themselves on the ground and heavy enough to resist dissipation in the at- mosphere. There is perh'npe as much tendency to ovornte the danger from as u there Inc to exaggerate the terrors ot Big Bertha, which wu ale to project shells into Aries lrom 30 miles "by. but for - “all tint. was and leo- than on. moon was Ail1tul. No one dean-u to have u do- an "And risk your neck!" To which the depraved young ledy replied: "Well, it is my own." She was fined a pound. The temptation is to leave the facts without further comment - as the superintendent presumably did. But those who still walk should bear in' ‘miud his professional opinion that to become a pedestrian on the spur of the moment is to risk your neck. We propose to leave it to the pedestrians on the one hand and the apeedsters on the other to argue the point wheth- er a "modern pedestrinn'e†neck is still his own.'--G. K.'a Weekly. . The cyclist was a young lady who innocently imagined, when she found the red light against her, that she could become a "pedestrian" on the spot and walk forward, ahead ot the motor trnmc. She went to the un- paralleled length ot wheeling her cycle between two motor cars, whiehi we imagine must be a very gelling thing for a motorist to experience. In the police court she said she thought that it she walked she came under the "pedestrian category." The much- shocked superintendent retorted: ill l malted Her Own Mock A superintendent ot police at ox. ford spoke with commendable, even it unconscious. candor to a cycllst summoned during the past week tor disobeying a traftic signal. As the lay press missed the whole point of his remark, We cannot let it pass without pointing the homily. 0 "I'll tell you what to do. Take them with you and try them on. and it they are not long enough 1'11 knit new mes tor you."----, Daily Mail. . "Yott're a big man-- wonder It these will be long enough in the toot for you," she said. "l know from my own boys that they are so uncomfortable it they are short. b Selling a Pair of Socks Here is a charming-and true--. story of Lady Strathmore. the Duchess of York's mother. At her bazaar in London the other day there were dozens of pairs of socks and In the midst ot selling some ot them she‘ looked up at her customer rather} anxiously. The death of moves a very trom the ranks at the Dominlot on being called am the Courts of Justic underwear. Lawyer Brantford Expositor I Letters in Mourning The year 191:: should bear a black mark in the English literary calendar. So tar as can be Judged at the mo. ment. it has brought to light no-work ot outstanding merit. but it has re- moved from the scene several who had established themselves in the field of letters and an unusual number of those of lemser fame.--Vaneruver Pro. vinve. um: Gas and Destruetion w ma ttttland. Gazette High Praise for I Prince certainly. in close-fitting dark ti. with a pink 'earrtation-pre. to him by the little son ot R. said. chairman of the Edgbas- 'upttt'ioual Cetttre-ami his fair 'ek in the wintor sunxhimu the Inokr-tl aw hamlwmn and am or Mr. I. H. Cameron re. vory remarkable surgeon, ranks ot the great operators, rmlnion. He always insisted called Mr. Cameron, not Dr. surgeon, he said. not a medi. and chose to maintain the udiiion,--Hamiiton Herald. THE EMPIRE Doctor I: "Mr." Looks Like It l mar was arrested near , Justice clad only in his Lawyer won his 'tttit?-- M in ha mm st ill‘ rming \ Farm pickets dumping milk The milk strike his reached 9 getting Into city in for hospita He said the stock, valued at .g50.. Mo, was given to Lindbergh in re- turn for "services." D. M. Shutter, chairman of the air company‘s executive committee, told Itt a complicated system used for what he said was "income tax pur- poses" in transterrlng the stack to the noted pllot. Wasltirurton.-An omcitri' of Trans- continental Air Transport, Inc., re cently told United States Senate in- vestigators 25,000 shares ot the com- pany stock were given to Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh. Lindbergh', "Services" Worth $250,000 Stock i The "Royal Scot" Now, it not before this time, the "Royal Scot" is the best known train in the world. To hundreds ot thous. ands of "Century ot Progress" visitors she is the Incarnation ot English rail. roading--even ot England herself. And in every way she has done her country proud. Whoever conceived the idea of sending the “Royal Scot" to Ameri- ctr-tttttt whoa. evolved the plan tor her vitslt--knew his showmanship. The ttying tour made by the train before she took her place at the "Century ot Progress" was Just sumcient to stimu- late an enormous amount of public in. teregt.--R. M. Van Sant. in Modern Transport. (than the number in the June quarter, but theibinhs were 8.101 fewer than In the 19re quarter and the birth rate dropped to 14.6 per thousand. France. Getrmany and Italy are now Intent on raising their hlrth-rate." They realize that a nati n's greateut asset is its citizens. I' Zrain cannot afford a tall. ing him: '1- now. - The Sunday Chiouiclt. The English Birth-Rate More marriages, fewer births.' In the third quarter of this year the number ot persons married was great- er by 15.903 than the corresponding Quat'ler ot 1932 and ttreater hv 2h' um monstramm ot gas warfare, but we must be prepared to defend ourselves, whatever be the consequence ot attack from the air.-ie Weekly Scotsman. The We Chief John George Watéon, tor 25 years head of Hunts- ville police, ex-member Irish Con- stabulary at Belfast and friend of the late Lord Kitchener, whom funeral took pface In Huntsville on January 11th. 2 and greater by 35,408 Chicago Scene of Milk Battle for hospitals 1nd k from truck near Chicago city “mitt such proportions przcticany any mi?! '31s and emergency milk tor children ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Washington-The United States reconstruction finance corporation has made known it had purchased more than $50,000,000 of foreign gold in the administration's effort to boost com- modity prices. l Spends 50 Millions "mu me uream come true. Veteran farmers stand at attention and mechanically click their heels to- gether before uttering a monosyllable. A good many lately have been com. Ing from the Frluli region. Property is so subdivided and scarce there and so thickly populated that lots destined tor farm-sharing often meas- ure less than a hectare. Hence they become wanderers in search of work,) almost gypsy-farmers. The Pontine ex-l periment is curing the disease. Men are falling in love again with their soil, their plow and oxen. , ---'-H. “I.“ yttortNtaiy.--rrawoaid of peas- ants arrive here every month and thousands ot these hardy tarmhauds start lift afresh in this city, which was once the centre ot the now re- claimed Pontiue marshes. Here at least there is no depression]. These rugged folk come trom the most varied points of the Peninsular and their one wish is to till the soil. The vast expanses of the re. claimed Pontine marshes today make their life dream come true. 14,200 Italian Settlers flret? Reclaimed Lands and I learnt to social and Phys the natives. T ly worth whiln seven years' residence in Sourth At. rica, I had ample opportunity to see the work done there by missionaries. and I I--r~ . . The Princess, who was attended by Miss Heron-Max'weii, said she was Miss Heron-Maxwell. said she was happy to support the work ot Eng- lish church missions at home and abroad. "t think these engaged In church work at home." she said. "ot. ten tail to realize what the lite of the Workers abroad is like, My knowledge is limited to my South' African experiences, but during my] seven years' tuxnidartr,e, i., own AN A big London event recently was a church bazaar in aid of Anglo-Cath. olic home and foreign missions, held tor two days in the Royal Horticul- tural Hall at Westmicister. Out of the 60 special stalls, 10 represent Africa. south 'trFThe equator, and St. Helena. The bazaar was opened by Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, in recognition or her special South African connection. 1 Princess Alice, Opgns Ugly boarding, which do not com- ply with the council's regulation will be pulled down. Owners ot buildings with pillar verandaha will be urged to demolish them, or to replica them with verandahs of the cantilever type, within the next ture years. The coun- cil's view is that pillar verandahs, he- eides interfering with traffic, mar the appearance of the city streets. Many have been demolished in recent years. r After tram aoineg, which the coun- ell cannot stop, the chief causes ot noise are regarded us being sqnenking car brakes. radio loudspenkers. and "tspraikers" outside thentres Ind shops. The pnctico ot having uni- formed "torttfkers" outside shops, un- nounclng bargains in stentorian voices, has grown in recent years. All such noises, the council feels. could‘ be subdued by stricter enforcement ot the council's anti-noise by-llws. i y natives. The worehi, so'extreme- worth while, but none of It can be "an; ,... u“. - Helbourne, Yie.--r'resh campus“: quills: city noises. ugly poster advet- titretnenta and plllu venuanhl are " ing planned by the city council for the coming municipal year. Melboerrtooust In Purciiasing Gold Uzi: Sir-Tana NoamI '-Trainloads of peas- re every month and ese hardy tarmhands t in this city, which Loridon Bazaar ‘ Sydney, N.S.-sir Newton president of the Dominion . Coal Corporation, has amour corporation had closed n cont; an order of 6,000 tons of It: to be rolled It the Sydney pin did not disclose the name of t pumhuiug the rods. Sydney Steel Plant Mourner is Ki Matt, Franee.--Vietim of a fa,' eoffin, a French aviator Iittot, s Giardin, is dead at Bouluy, near & He was riding uphill in n he - Wonderfully Happy Marthe had listened to us till then, but she here interrupted. “He did, too. He was a great so!- dier. The whole war he fought. Very near to ttto . . . And they gave him the Military Crom, and bar mad the French Croix de Guerre." "But Marthe. . . ." And to avoid any argument I in. tervened. "You both germ your cerv." They are charming people. Won- derfully happy and very Mmple in, their living. I "I was a spy." said Martha " can. not regret it; I would be 1 spy again." ( "And I am a spy's husband, and it! Marthe is the any I cannot regret 'that for one moment either," aid, fNeosrest.. II‘IPV~ 7 ls Hit by Coffin 7‘ w~ - new “1 "And I am a spy's husband. as Marthe is the spy I cannot t that for one moment either," Captain McKenna. I left them together, one o: happiest married couples I have met. "I like Marthe immediate‘: it was some time later that I I ot her work. I felt even h when I realized her bravery . ' very humble. Por she had great work." "My friend spoke to her. Ht ed her if she knew the place. spoke to tterflrst. It was her qfiri', and she was coming back to find nothing but the ruin 4 her memories. "We plodded over the field, and saw a woman standing 3 little wu in front of us. looking over the field of crosses . . . That was Marthe "My friend spoke to her. He ask. "We met on a bleak November morning Just a week or so after tho wâ€. A friend and t were visitinl' the cemetery at Wesurosetreke. look-l ing tor graves of some of my f2it'I' who were buried there," he said. "Captain McKs-nna is tha husband of Madame McKenua, please. and l fun the wife of a treat so'dier. The rest we are trying to forgot." That is Madame Mckenna's emphatic Wlnh. She is a wife now. Her husband is her hero. And like all good Belgian women, she left all the talking to hint. - l The other person of the "we" in Marthe Cuockaert, though I am breaking a promise in describing her in this manner_ "Out of the desolation of mud, min, arm-ea and crores tune th. grout- est happiness which we two had ever known." he said. [Marthe Cnockaert, wife of Capt. McKenna. Ex- British Soldier Yesterdav I heard the truth about one ot the Great Was"s greatest love romance, writes a woman correspond. em, ot a London daily newspaper.“ was the love story of a famous SPY. who is now in Britain, told by her husband, Captain McKenna, ex-soldier. Famous Woman Spy Happily Married Vincent Harris t trom a. long “a! c tects to design th ment buildings in -uuon, nu mmumed the had closed 1 Contract for 6,000 tons of steel rods, It the Sydney plant. Ho lose the name of the ilrm cent Harris has been chasm a long list of British ttrchi. to design the new govern- buildings in Whitehall. Cemetery Meeting Gets Em Order frnmrrdiate'r, and later that I learned felt even happier tma's emihaue “an Lortdon.-By the Britiah Nationality ow. Her husband la and Status of Aliens Act. which Ike all good Belgian recently. received the royal assent. an the talking to the lot at British women who marry .. foreigners is somewhat mitigated. 'y Meretlng The act, which was originally inim- a blank November ad.ueet! into Parliament u the " "eek or so after the tionality at Married Women bill, en." and t were “swaruabies a British woman who marries Weurosebeke. 100k.lan‘alien to retain her own mitionalitr, some of my meruui"1"f'il,su acquires his. were." he said, Ciiriiii' "'ft of} husband who re-l l bravery . . . But 'or she had done was a neat not. war he fought. . And they â€we “is 3nd bar Ind Guerre." of a falling Iittot, Sergt. r, near Metz. in I hearse one ot the her home ever : to " ot all no --N.-"_r.e9 lvl' 1 ter ftyintr, the motor mm heat and he hurried to the «a: um he took " from the city airport on a projected tlight to Mc- Murray. With a ground temperature of 45 dimer, Cumin Gilbert glided into the Air and bumped into In air cur- P."toff0deeroeadt lmoteet. With his whine regulated for his“ Irin- 5-- Ink .. ' Captain Walter ihiiiiii? Airways, pilot, to land here “M after he took no t... Airman " Won; Gets Rude Sunrise Edmnh... n ' --- -""'e".+ _ trastkatoon.--rhe Soviet Government has bought 16,000 bushels ot Western Canada wheat tor distribution in die. tricts of Siberln needing early when, according to information received by Neil Stewart ot Dunbinne, But, pre- sident ot the Sukatchewm Reqiater. ed Seed Growers Allocation. The! grain, now stored in I Moose Jew ole: "tor, will go for February delivery It! New York. Soviet Ber, Chdh “a. uurmg we encounter: . numbet' at the angry Women opened their cans and Poured out the milk. _ fl“. - nunwlluull. A number ot "milk mothers" (u the milk sellers going from house to house are called in Hungary) refused to obey this summons and either de. ilvered no milk " all to the capital or tried to force their way throulh the police cordons st the octroMrott. tier. During the encounter: - nun-Im- Edmonton.-': The Ministry ot Agri, ly issued tt decree f direct supply of milk n era in the Claim and It ducers to deliver their Budapest Dairymen's A Budtoei--Five tit, milk were poured on ot Budapest I tew detnomstrntion of Hun, ers against I decree meat. i in the use ot a husband who re-l linquiches his Britigh nuliomiityl after marriage, the wife may retain her British nationality. On the oth-‘ or hand, an alien woman, marrying a British subject. w!!! only become British at her own request, while at British woman married to a citizen of an enemy country will hare the right to return to British nutionclity.; New Nationality Law Help, Women in Britain The check was drawn in connec- tion with 1 government transfer of fund, in Chicago. After dinp'aying the federal check to the doubtful driver and n consid- erable debnte as to his identity, the driver allowed him to enter the Union League Club to borrow " cents from the desk clerk. The "new bill was 40 cent: and he was In Chicago. Watrloingtmr.---A $48,300,000 (beck In his pocket and not enough money to pay I axles!) bill was the medic!- ment in which Mr. Lloyd Landau found hlmaeTt. I Mr. Landau Is a solicitor for the Public Works Administration. Millions in Check But Borrows Taxi Fare And then for good manure there In a nice, shiny yardstick. but you don't need one to gauge western hog. pltality in Ca'atrrr. I Budapest Hus Milk Row There Is “so I bouquet of roses: a complimentary library card and the mun-loQ-houae Is not forgotten. Ho may have his hat cleaned and blocked free and his ctr washed and oiled,, also without charge. I But that is not all. The “welcome lady" greet- the new Colgury house- wife with two baskets Men with toodtttuttt- quort of milk; a lot! of bread: butter; n tin ot meat; several packages ot biscuits; a In; of ttour and I boat ot other household sup- plies. . l First there in a letter from Mayor Andy Dulson inviting them to "can. up and see me sometime." And then an invlutlon to dine tree at a oow downtown tea. room, followed by a trortur0tnetttarsr ticket to a movie and a tree taxi ride home. A "welcome man" arratia the new- comer nd " family. It I: covered but not drawn. "to the pioneer ones. ‘by Nodding oxen or iterr steeds. It 'hu an umawcalnul. motor amt " the wheel alts . genial driver- hosteu. The “welcome wagon" is loaded with glfts trom local mer- dhlnta tor the newcomers and letters ot welcome. Calgary. -- Wooten: hoapimuy than. something In Cllnry, not just' a hand-nuke and "volcano to our city." Showers Them With Gifts and J. M. Johnston. M.D.. Barks the "Clad Hand" 1 Up Advice With Actual Cam. - Woman hoapittuttr . Facts ur' Canadian What for Siberian, Welcomes ViZito'rs F or; F Jikiirtr, poured out In the-“at t a few days ago I on of Hungarian milk .-.. “v. "a " run: received his early education in Hungarian milk “with Public and high schools of his one ot the govern. naive town, and graduatud trom Mac douid~Coiie¢e (loam! with the de I Agriculture recent. Cree of 8.8.4. in 1912. tree forbidding iii) Mr. Davin was appointed assistant milk to the contain» to the Dominion horticulturist in 1914 and forcing an trri.lms served ovmua with the first Mo- their mods to aural" Battery trom May. 1916, to Ite, en'l Asuroeiation. loelnber, 1918, He was appoimnd (infer 'milk another." (an assistant in the division m I,.-...'.',.., l for frigid mn- mm b over- 'eueor, Ion-cod thousand mere 0mm} I few min- a mere otl the Itreetsl . number - ,_....v.- ""'oculrurust tn Mu, ' 1 the Dominion Experimental Farms '.ftilet, branch. Dominion Department at Ag. 9 the rlculture. Thin position roronlly be, alltr. I came vacant on account ofthe passing at Dr. W. T. lacoun. Mr. Davia hll the years of sorvlvo, . training and experience which admit- " ot up!" at him tor this l‘Psponsible past rectal tion. m, V“ born in Yarmouth, N 8., u .llnd received Ilia early education in 1uiltht public "I! high whom. M " in mama}; tenary eelebr “Hymn Sir Charles °k7£fgsruru Smith to net in an advisory canon, on all "ht-ion 'tMeters. He wih' lr thd With the company"; :1- mueh chain. and engineers. l'ne Iteret will not interfere with b,.., tPrtieipation glee on p.157}... tnodom " cur Smith to let. in u: " "w. '""tpalia, - Vacuum 0n MY. "minty of I great Am qtriena, (3...--- . . -'__. .uu IIIAIHL‘ ol this ville. ham much in common. .Their mother. are sisters who mar- nod brothem. Both infnnts Are boys. The, Inn born the same day, in tho C"'t2t: and their weights dim-m y , I ferter-pound, l Getter “on, eight pounds, uh born to Iultert and Winnifred Cronk T'ikll'dl, “no Rodney William " m, I“ born to William and lam 9m Twitchwoll. The him}; " the home Crank, this "er""...'."" 1:33 to the Dominion horticulturint in He served oven... with the Brg cm Battery from May, 1916, n eember, 1918. He was Appoints-d “shunt tn the division 0' hot tttre in "" on his return from nu. i New SWIM. Apltl‘llim - -e'-'iqlt. ("In M. B. Davis, B.S.A.. MSc., haw Inn-n appointed Dominion 1torticulturist In the Dominion Experimental Farms branch. Dominion Department of Ag. ricultilre. This position rommiy be, than ha boen dc sum. t Dr. Stett War-cc .Denenre, my 'wo Infamy Have I The late Dr. Rankin. tutreriviud ot Methodist Minions, told me t call, sad story: At om of his law: in the want. a young man on l fled in. hands and feet oil. He ! been brought from a hospital in in 'Dr. Rankin. Thai youm mm: returning from . drive found hands too numb to tttthitch his hm \and asked someone if Co and NH away. His kind friends (Imor so" they knew not what thee dim , his hands and feet in snow mum t doctor could get more. or. I doetor's arrival. he hid the ynu mu removed to the hospital whe hand- and feet had to be tttntrtttate Mood poisoning set in and ended I: entering. " have used warm “in for mm J. Ion, came in. skate: in hand. 'Oli, .luve you Cot your feet from" atain ". l but! the mother excl-Ina. I wont into the kitchen It"! naked for a mi! of warm water. "Warm Water'" I we'd-ea the mother in Inllzmuwnf, 1"the doctor told us In“ Winter to ', rub them with snow." "Yes." said J. “Ind last Winter your um lay m bed for three months letting his in: but" The warm water was brought [and Into it the boy put his rm. TIN next morning he walked to Baum:- [where he worked. his feet "mu: tht, 1mm. ' Dt'doat Wauare in his book. "Ti W Latrrador Trail," says or th, Eskimo noses. “They're VPI'V thtt, one: mulled mine more remnhm khan." By the way. he adds. "i you "or got your new tron", dot; rub new on it. ym, will only ruh the “In oft And have a wry Hm member to nuns tor a lone Mu F afterwards. Hold it in um mm hull. This I: the Eskimo may and he knows. I speak from experimm " One utterly? cold Winter' In. In a tenant's trpartment eelebratiad I VII one ot the ludlencv wh tel“ to Dr. Susan In Ma: say Toronto. some yum: alga. He tn fact, the same thing as Ibr. tan-on. no condemned mow an: commended but for froH4rites. Dt'don Wallare in his hunk n hit I centurv and mm: alwnu n ddkhm with the happy rw I. t think I In: In good oomnanv. Stelhmon. Dr. Nunson and m: n "A“ __. -w wut not interfere math hm num in the world's greatest ' in. Mild to Anna-11m. “a! I'," the Victorian Cen- In, you. ago Pr. tttettanamtt, ma - northern explorer. u'd. "tr, not put. no. on 1 {mu-bite; y.» I!!! only aid to the Injury and drive It donor.†When he was In Toronto I Vol: to liar him and he repo‘alrd this “mt. writes J. M. Johnston M.D., II this article. I met him and at lily 'rt-tiota he gave the ttutl, once a chuwe to uk quantum. I gated him about snow In a cute tor, trout-bite. He told the Indianâ€. H.“ can. n he had told me "Why," 2e exclaimed. “out your whole hand :n snow, It will freeze tuslid and rut " If you leave it long enough." mm. ocean-ed Dec. 19. Po0u, heme of Mr. and Mrs. John â€M11 the two mothers. 015cm Appointed ,AA:Iiuyriiirtenig F arm rm with the tttnrt Me. In. May. 1916. to he , II. was appointed chief the division 01 harm-m. on his return from over- warm water for mor e-Iso infants of Common ads Heat Air night ll H 0 h pooh-menial: Mfr-on- that; in who! the d “handled! gin ontbee%itt but Paris Seeks Of Stu, tr an“. Much“! rill iml would tl bud "an In I Mays mm Bil-min: a ma Is " d W