'EB. M. 1934 be. Ia. mounted at use. Brandon}. on r, when the Raw. I marriage It. might" of Mr. rm A.) Mr. at Mr. nad Mn. l of Durban Mr. we “I... " ore EAL ‘cEACHNlE mm. Jimmie " Jean Patton. infer. Tau-Mr " High KUd Del _ Marion. trd RM mar but. Inez Rn.- punchy 'eaeher - Lorn- Stew“ Inchâ€. c Ril- Teeter. , "" irglnh r Rob. Green- sober Hood. M on, om [elm M De- He wr. 6 \bio VoG " " " 50 in An HI- Md BM " 64 Ire ttlt 68 " " L cos rom CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. We were pleased to have this week from an old um- monted upon ttnd bring: old times, mmcunm of wood before the days 1 awn. when cut with In "chlphm. " The eucceu of the boys ia wit. an: recent games I: I matter ot congratulations, the lcorel being 4 to 1 in their favor with Metsherton, and g to 4 with 8'1an Park. Mr Colin MuArthur. has we team, moved to Owen Bound, where he will a.svoist his brother there. The old time winter " h-a-I- _ Got our - â€for. aurora-In. on. when. It will pay you. A ttne, interacting end 1ueitudtr instructive, production, well thhy of hearty and generous mm. Lantern View. at no“ will be given in connection with the eve- ning service, at the United Church. in Feb. 18, tuseHtrtivo of minion- ary work and oucceleee there anon; the people. Then etc Very popular and interesting religious service: where one learn: by the eye uwell as the eat.. The skating rink in well patroniz- ed when weather permits and prove. to be a popular and hulthiul resort, all nicely lit up by hydro and pro mind with a dressing room. A mu- querade festival is planned for the near future. The Women’s mum ol Bt. Columba Church IMrTtttqe putting on an old-time Soiree in the church. on March 16, when a â€count will be given of Mona women In history. m the B'hlo. tn royalty, in mule, in Patriotism and Art. 12 pairs. sizes 11 to 6 YOUTH) AND BOYS' . Olllans in following sizes; two -6. two-61f, two-7, three 7yi, two-8, two-9, one- 10. To clear at $2.25 Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock All (mo price, $119 REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Men's Oxfords Bargains for February IS, Iii, 17 J. i. MclLRAlTH The Pi a cat THE BREAD OF" HEAITH Rorat Household Flour Bran 'O Yanada' " oa' 'ilot " C JOHN MCGOWAN ltr thing made to order Keep in Stock for Sale the following (tooth: mixed lot of Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. THE PEOPLE'S MILLS H ENDERSON’S BAKERY gRIcEVILfé FLOUR Laver Cakes Jelly Rolls Doughnuts FEB. 16, 1934 and brings to Aid winter is freely com. men or "eurintrtire days of cross cut to ttttve a letter Old time ehoruter White and Who e Wheat Bread ot The regular monthly meeting ot lw. I. will be held Feb. 14, at home [of Mrs Jug. Ferris. Program: Roll While working In the bush one day last week, Mr Robt Stewart cut a nasty gash In his toot with the ax, Muss Jean McTaggart Ja, visitor with her grandmotlm Gtorge Shand. Mr John Armstrong spent a. few days lust wegk in the city. . can 'My Father's Birthplace'; Ad- dress, Rev. A. Bum: Ever, 15 a Woman'a Time worth anything?" by Mrs Fell. to attend. \Admission 10c,'in;ldv;§ church. Friday ight of this week, there will be a rlor social in the Mac- Cuaig ho . everyone being Invited Mlllnn read the purpcrse of the CG. LT. and Miss Nichol led in prayer. Miss Nellie McLean sang a well- rendered solo, 'Jesus Only.' Mr Dave Hlncks visited Brst of week anm MeLeod'a. On Sunday last -,the "d.ii.i.rF." took part at the morning service. under the leadership of Miss Jessie Nichol Mrs Wm Hincka Lui Mary, spent a few day; visiting in Markdale. Mr and Mrs Geo. Campbell vi; with her brother, John McMurdo daughter at Dromore. Messrs Arch. Calder and son. are busy cutting wood Sinclair. P. R. Oliver, M.P.P., spent the week end at home. His wife Intends going to the city Tuesday tor a. hol- lday. A nee cutting the poles for the church. will be held this Thursday, Feb. 15. ttumqtBt+ in bat droning. The young people are busy pre- paring a Nay, “The Gate to Happi- nests". to be given in the near future. M's: Margaret Mactarlane has gone to Rochester to take a course The Willing Helpers and W. M. S. will meet on Feb. 20th, at home of Mrs Colln McLean. when all the lad- ies are cordially invited. Lunch com. -Mrt, Sutherland. Mrs Bolce: topic, Mrs Bolce. The Worid's Day of Prayer will be held Friday, Petr. 16, in Presby- terian Church, when the ladle. ot both churches are invited. in th Baking line Oat Chop Crimpled Oats " Ptmrherton, ' of the FEED kpple Pies L herea Buns Mince Pies HOPEVILLE Wm J. McMillan. Mk, cutting the poles short, man was a. recent grandmother, Mrs. A " "(HINT Campbell visited rum-2‘ for Mrs. Canadian Full Particular. from any CANA- DIAN PACIFIC AGENT, or T. M. McFADDEN, Town Agent Phone 21, Durham Equally low fares from _ adjacent points GOING - Fobruary 23rd RETURNING - From Duran up to 2.15 a. m. Feb. 26th. and to Windsor " Detroit Pacific FRIDAY, FEB. 23 Canadian Honor Post Graduate Alma College Pupil of Parnell Morris, A. A. C. o. Thorough mtrtruetion in Voice Cul. ture, according to College and Con. servatory methods. Special attention paid beginners. Have Commenced Teaching Studios Tuvaday afternoons cam- now: gray pants, Give my gallu: other Jerk, By gosh! I am work. other chance, As fuzz grows thing, Less cash now than I Some folks say there Shucks! They never can they tell? When spring rolls 'ro fence; Joints all aching. muscles in a. Jerk, Whoop. Fit as a tiddle for a, full day's work. Work all the summer 'till winter is nigh, Then figure at the bank and heaven big sigh: ' Worked all the Year. didn'o mnlm - chickens: Clean out the stable, curry Rhoda and Jiggs, Separate the cream and slop all the pigs. Rustle two hours, then eat breakfast like a Turk. By heck! I am ready tor a. full day’s work. Then I grease the wagon and put on the rack, Throw a jug of water in the old grain aaek, Hitch up the horses, slip down the lane, Must get the hay In, looks like rain. Look over yonder, sure as I tunborn, Cows on the rampage hogs in the corn: Start across the meadow, run amile or two, Heavmg like I am wind-broken, get wet clean through. Back with the horses, then for ree. ' ompense, Rhoda gets a-etraddle the barb-wire Out in the yard I run like the dickens To milk all the cows and feed ullthe four, I slips on Down on the farm 'bout Pa .Mr Garfield Anthony writes IM from Toronto, that his name appear- ...I c- AL, -- Last Tuesday, Bobbie, the small daughter of Mrs Sephronla. Glass met with a very painful accident, when she had one of her ttngers badly smashed in the cogs of the wringer. Dr. Martin was called and dressed the wound. We hope it will heal up quickly. Miss Flora MePhait visited recent. ly with her friend, Mlm Bessie Wale. The W. M. S. ot Hopevllle United, wlll meet Feb. 18, at home of Mrs. Milton Gillies, a, take part in the World Day of Prayer Service. Last Tuesday, Bobbie, the small Ann..|_4.A~ " =- - The weather he; been ot the Are. tle region brand. The frost has nip ped many a hardy resident of this burg which to almost an unheard of occurrence. I suppose like Pat and the hanging, we could get need to it through time. The attendance at the achool has dwindled to about halt. The weather moderating during the week end is a welcome respite from keeping tlrea replenished, The men ot Bethany Chapel had a “1M. K,, I, e ' The men ot Brat}; wood bee hat week, Mark Wilson Mre has been quite sick. but glad when he is now improving. The Amusement Club ere holding. Valentine Social on Feb. 15. There will be a debate and varied program. games, contest and lunch. Practise for the play, 'Always in Trouble' to be lamented in the near future, is in program g which M. CHARLTON $5.00 FROM DURHAM DOWN ON THE FARM gallushes a hitch, grows longer on the year, dldn't make my pants and sneak out ready for a full year's than I had last sprig. Pa,cifio there ain't no -heii tound, I take am hing Studios Other Days Jno. Caswell farmed, ho'w RETURN Scott's infant son Clonedtorr Harold Love is my old barb-wire belt an- half . THE DURHAM REVIEW vided by a tour-cylinocr motorcycle engine which drive. a. two-hurled pro- peller " the heck. Running don; the level mad. the sleigh makes good time. and the mechanics ere continu- ing the work on ih-nrrgtta N--lte Miea Meta Willis is vitrcting with friends and mlmvea in Smtfordum Kitchener. sod with pnyer. The W.MS. of Knox Chu y met no the home ot Mrs Tho». acGfrr, on Feb. 8th, w1th Mrs Mather presid- ing. Miss Belle McKenzie read the Dev. Leaflet, "The Busy Feet of Je- sus." Mrs Thos. Brown read the Bible resdlng and Mrs Mather the topic, "Livag Issues in China." was Belle Meoirr also spoke on the topic and Mrs W. R. Alder gave a. talk on Christian Btewtudtship. Hymns 662. 380 and 388 were sung and Miss M. Meairr led In Myer. Mrs C. MeGirr sang a betuttiful solo. 'Am I worthy ot the Master? and Mrs Mather City PRESBYTERIAN Y. W. A. The Young Women's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church, met at the home ot Mrs C. H .Darlina. Tuaday evening, Feb. 13. 18 members were Wosent. The meeting opened with hymn 545 followed by prayer by Mrs Howell and scripture reading by Mrs Wallace McGowan. Miss Ina Milne gate a vet y interesting paper on “Hungarian Neighbors" and Mice Jean Harding sang a solo, “Evening Puuer.’ Arrangements are being made to hold a pageant on March 7. t'ue mot-ting closed with hymn 250, tulowed by the Lord's Prayer in un- Itiori. At the close of meeting work was begun on a quilt and a social hour was spent in which Mm. Dar- ling served lunch. The next meeting will be held at home of Mrs Hustle, on March 13. A short business meeting of the Ladies' Aid followed and social half hour spent. and roll call answered with a. verse, with keyword ot love. Miss Redford gave a reading on 'Lite', which ls so great and shout, tor there is somucb in Life: Topic by Miss Mottet, on that wonderful missionary. 3133st- mea-her wonderful work in Bolivia. The meeting closed by all repeating "My Faith looks up to Thee." The Baptist Circle met on Wed. nesday, Feb. 7, at home ot Mrs A. Ries. The president presided. After slag ng "More love to Thee", and a prayer by the president, there was scripture reading by Mrs Robt Mc- Lean, followed by a season ot may er, led by Mrs Moiiet. Each prayer was on Bolivia. and ended by all re- peating the LONT"Pi-ayer. Mrs Priest then gave a talk on the different part-3 ot church work. Minutes ot last meeting were read and approved was held, The February meeting of the W. M. B. was held at the home ot Mrs. J. H. McFadyen. on Feb. 9th. The meeting opened with singing ot the hymn 787. Mrs Derby led in prayer: Mrs Edge gave scripture reading : Miss Calder spoke on the subject, 'Our Task Abroad' or 'Reasons tor Foreign Missions." Mrs MeWdyen read a practical story on 'Tlthing; Miss A. Renwick gave Missionary gleanfnga, dealing with the duties and benetits derived trom “Student Secretary." Mrs Hepburn and Mrs. Gray led in prayer. Roll call was ans- wered by a scripture verse on Trust. Prayer in unison closed the meet. ing. Eighteen members were pretr- ent and a most Profitable meeting - ,,_-.- -vwv-wu solo ; there was also 3 play, “The Lan Hwn Dispensary". The last chap. ter of the study book was taken up at this meeting, ‘Shnring the Un- finished Task", with excerpts on the topic by Betty Rudd, Anna Ritchie, Catherine Rowland, Evelyn Baird, Ol- ive Black. At close, Miss Norma Kel. sey moved a vote of thanks to the Senior Auxiliary ladies who tendered them this supper, which was second- ed by Anna Ritchie. Mrs Jae. Mather and Mrs Alder also spoke to the mo tion. P"'"' CIRCLE ENTERTAINED I BY KNOX M. w. M. a. On Tueedsy evening or this week. at 6.15 in Knox Church. on inter- esting study of bees and mtmonali- ties and interests ins evmeed, when the Senior Women's organization of the church entertained the teen age girls of the Mission Circle. The invi- tation also included tho mothers ot the girls. in all titty tive at downto a. tempting hot supper. Mm W. R. Alder is in charge of this Junior group ot girls in their mission study work. With the 'Piresident, Miss Vei- ma Blyth in the chair, and the secre tary, Miss Jessie Grant, near by, the regular meeting [wowed the supper. withoutttbreae. It took the format a special service of worship for girls, in which the audience also had a. part. Mien Marjory Noble rendereda KNOX CHURCH W. M. 8, MISSION CIRCLE MEET PRESBYTERIAN and some of his ttt excerpts on the Kid, Anna Ritchie, :, Evelyn Baird, 01- 3. Miss Norma Kel. of thanks to the ies who tendered hich was second- Mrs Jas. Mather Spoke to the mo I Tubing; Missionary the duties 1 "Student If you hub something you no not using. why not an itt A null att. utinth-rnsarGiFiiiri7. Mr. N. w.'cu.mpbe1i iii-LII;er for Ban Antonio, Texas, where " daughter, Inlay. had preceded him by was performed by Rev. Mr. Newton and immediately after the happy con. pie left on their honeymoon trip to Arthur, Wingham ma other mam: I week or two in company withing. (Rem) Newton, when Ion. Cart, In Annie Petty united hand “digâ€: a; travel life's Journey; The ceremony the Baptist mumouliiCiiiGiieii: day, when Mr. Alt. Vollett and Wu ,‘__ -'i..Tr.'W. “cu-1.. Thursday, to train for a. nurse in the' Guelph Hospital. ! A quiet wedding was solemnlzed a: mer Lut Friday night a spectacular test of speed and endurance took place in New York between the re- douhtable Omaha, Longboat, and the hitherto inv'neible Englishman, Shrubb, which waa won by the for- Friday of this week will mark the completion of 100 years since the birth ot Abraham Lincoln. and far beyond the bounds ot his own country hearts will warm. to the memory of " man, a mental giant, with gigantic soul, in forefront ot the people, wield. ing power as trust from God." a fancy dress costume with an enor- mous Merry Widow lid, Russell Gun. Indian: Janie Caton, historical, and Fred [4.1th " clown. For years back annexation talk has been rife between Brooke and Owen Sound but last week matters were brought to a. head and Brooke unex- ed. This gives Owen Sound tr much larger area and 900 additional popu- lation. The tirtst carnival ot the season and the first in the rink was held Monday evening. There were two races, open and boys', resulting as follows: Open --AI Saunders. W. Lavelle. Geo. Me- Murray. Boys'--Mtut Saundem Floo- ter Saunders, Wm. McGlrr. Promin- ent prize-takers were: W. Laldlaw in Durham outclassed Walkerton 12 to 2 in hockey last Wednesday, and lead the dfatrlct with 6 wins and " losses. Hanover with 4 wins and 4 losses is second, Walkerton third and Mildmay fourth. The swift local tor. wards skated rings in and out and a. round their opponents, who appeared stunned by the dazzling teun play. Durham: goal, W. hldhw: point-- Cowan: Cover Iroint--Wikson: rover -AJamerun: centre, Livingstone: R. wlng, w. Lavelle: L. wing, Begley. Miss Ma Wilson â€J, -- -v... gnu, to Mr and Mrs Wm J. Flrth. a. daughter Durham defeated Hanover 5--4 in Hanover in a. thrilling 20-minute over- time battle. Johnston Allan occupied the nets. Bob Saunders played centre and Eric Elvidge left wing. Jim Mo- Lachlan was the backbone of the team at point. Zimmer at cover Ind Morlock at right wing both played a dashing game. Mr. Donald McCormick of Castor. Alta., under date of Jun. Mth, Bart, they have the most beautiful weath- er, just enough snow tor detailing. and all old timers Bay it is the mild. est winter on record. Horses and cat- tle rustle for themselves and seldom come near the barn. Born, Mr and _ --, w...“ unuucr. At the last meeting of the High School Board, Mr. Hugh McCrae Watt appointed Chairman tor 1919. Corp. W. Browning arrived at his home here last Thursday on a Via‘t to his parents. Win enlisted in the American army in Detroit last spring in the Wolverine Division. He re cently received his honorable " charge and leaves this week for his former position in Detroit. --_- ._.._-...., .r%'.o%F&Be, m m Hum-l "wt“ SOUND “my mum. lady - Miss L3bera fhitr-two (62) and Sixty-three; Walker, Minnie Limin. Gent, Earl Mel, (63), Concession Two ter, Well tr,------------------------ Donald, J. H. Harding. Girl, Marjorie _ the (lamina Road , Township of ; Pickering. Katie MeAutitte. Boy, Ar,Beatincir, eor'taiauw.Nirust.vewo (92)! FOR SALE bert Xmas. Lloyd McCloc-klm jacres, more or less. well {needy Two houses 'one large, on, m COMIC costume, lady ---Neltie Lev- ' water, house 1nd barn, adjoining of the Into E. T. uwlooutn‘ Witt d ine. Gent-gun Rutherford. Boy--Wib q town. . . together or 'emmely. Good m lard McDonald. Girl under 12-Dor-:' Tenders received lu','. the not for on,“ ale. Apply on prom!“ othy Pickering. Boy under 12--uxF of March, 1934. No ten er necm - nard MoComb. 1y accepted. . 'ud about lull “m ot land, M Best comic couple -- Mr. and Mm. For further particulars apply to t',i'----eer-ee----e--e----,-.,-, Guy Kearney, Misses Edna Patterson H. McQucrrle, Solicitor. Durham, and Sadie McDonald. Ontario. ' I Em dressed couple, My “d my -----------------------------, HAROLD E. MOLNTAIN. M. B. --Mitra Grace Hunter. D. C. Town. ; FOR SALE OR To RENT l DROMORE, ONT. Smallest girl in cotrtume--Elimoethl v with Harding. Smallest boy--gtusk Lauder. L_P‘l:rm of -200 ff res impro ed cocoon. Br ' p. In. My. Dru-bun rink wan tilled with a gathering ot obout 800 citizens, young and old. in- cluding chant 80 returned soldier» who ell enjoyed the am onrnivnl oft the season. Attracted trrtherspteadid prize. ottered, vuued at 8100. m queraderl were 11umerouB,--over 100’ of them and my costume- were hulking and original. The 111%.! Mrs. Rev. Cole, Rev. P. G. Hardy and] Principal Morton had no ainecure.. Mr. Ed. McClocklin was in his occur tamed place as Director ot events. A! burlesque hockey game between the' fat men and fat women (1) resulted in a 2--2 tie. Then followed the races and Judging with winner. on follows: ', Historic or National costume, lady--) Maude Kress (Joan of Are), 2nd, Mm. _ John Tobin (Liberty). Historic or; National, gent, Howard MeDougsui,: Harold Mange. Girl-idle Hartley; Kathleen MacLean. Boy, Martin Lau-i der. Born, In Glenelg, on Feb. list, to r and Mrs Clittord Howell, a son Born, in Durham, on Feb. 2nd, to r and Mrs Wm J. Firth. a. daughter IN DAYS OF YORE Fancy - costume, 25 YEARS AGO " YEARS AGO leave. today. was 1 big Oil Oil. It NGFADDEN'I Drug “I. THI VARIETY "ORE, thgrftqrtt tiiii'rii'iitiiiiiiiiii Gin - Pubs. snafu-cum ___ 0mm GGariii'ii; "sei-iid/eds-tbelow. _ - - ___., H“... -. - "' mm... drlt6d-ritandeuinkoGj;trGit :55 Pf - lt 'tr, m}: ample ff? ILeetees."e sold ltr Mn: Omee. Two good dwelling homes, Imbton M. and another on Bt., Durham. Electric lights, etc. For particulars I.wa It Begi- n can: to correct that complexion Inn. Gum GIL Olive Oil Fate Powder will help you. This luxuriom powder feeds into dry than the Mime, swsftlrattsodted " which your that needs to mum soft, {that and apple. With just , few apply..- In that A My towards dullum , A line o.ewnutkiette_dttteee?asuiieutiGGi drr--evert tum-m) Daft do“: that Man! In important 9rreuarttetrinVitrmlkiAkdii skh . be "tmarie to odters. your mum . hiGG iiaiuiTitTiii you see? At a grout net-lace price for cub. Lot 27 Con T, Banach, Co. Grey, 100 tom. About 15 acre. ot bush: bun " x " a good driving home and n fairly good residence. No en- tnttnttrtutemt. IA mile from uphool. Im- mediate possession given, clan ml. Apply to A. MeGrLuvRAy, Chatuvorth. Ont. Good comfortable dwelling house Ill conveniences: will sell on nth factory terms. or will rent. Apply to J. W. Crawford, Phone 182W, Dur- Firm ot 200 acres improved with buildings; Lot 30 In Concession 6 and 7 North of Durham Road, Town- ship Benttnck. County Grey. Apply to GEORGE MOODY. Barrister. 805 Me Arthur Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba Solicitor tor Owner. --tt The Easterly portions of Lou Num. I bers Bixtr-two (62) and Sixty-throef (63). Concession Two ter, West of the Gordan Road , Township of: Beminrk. '3o"tauauw.Nirtet.vewo (92)] men. more or less. well fencedJ n/amu TMT ttttPTnfftTEtt MEN , In the mm:- of the am. of JOHN "GLEN. In of the Tommie at Glen“. in the County of Grey. Farmer, m. NO'HCE is hereby given that ell 'Dm hnving clum- against the il?1e ot JOHN IcLEAN. leteotthe (romuttirr ct Glows. tn the County lot Grey. "raner, who died on or F bout the Twenty-fourth any of Sep-i tuber. A. D., "M, n the Township; at Gleneig. in the County of Guam1 um hereby required to lend or deli-l ver to the underlined Solicitor tor the We, full perticulnr: or their chime. duly proved. on or More the Sixth day at Much, 1934. After such date, the amt: of the! Estate will be distributed among? tho-e entitled thereto. having reeard, only to the claims of which notice has been received. 3 Dated at Durham, Ontario, this'; Sixth day of February. 1934. l J. H. McQUARRIE, Durham, Ont.,; Solicitor tor the Estate. NOTICE TO OQEDITORS FOR SALE BY TENDER HOUSES FOR BALE FOR SALE OR RENT " RI FOR SA " ONTARIO Review To roman the out try Chiropractic ad“ no. and um- View JOIN 0'lllEl L Lam... Amount to: Go. m Tanya. â€at“: Baie 1tatese he armed I! m. 'tretoo .a Duran. ““000. R. R No. a Prto. Phouo qtw. mu 1-6 Dunno t Dominion land Surveyor Registered Profession-J Ramon Surveys, sum-m. Rm. PM DRAINAGE WORK A SPECIAL" Telopbono " Onngevme. 0m GEORGE E BUNCH “can... M00007 M a... 1.. C. G. AND 1%rnlti-irlhri-tt-rtrt "t,r,,ta',tnutt-tr Limp-mm x “V on EXTRAC Otttee: Mitt Btmet, DURHAM Honor Gruduue Tomato Unlvonlty Grunts Boyd Coll. Dental 8m of Ontu'lo. TORONTO one. Hour- t J. L. SNITH. M.B., M.C.. P.S. one. an mulch“: Corner 0. a. “a Umtrtmt Show. Dun can“: 01011;... tat 0-... , to Dan. may. our. J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. LU: Noe-37 Mb. ind a dozen P. f. InARTHUR . C. PICKERING. MS. we w. have to“ so: can um Jan tet, 1038. We Now on" for In“: 1031 CHEV. COACH 193! FORD COUPE 1081 DE SOTO I CEDAN 1030 FORD TOWN IEDAN "so CHEV. COACH 1930 FORD TUDOR "so HUPMODILE C CEDAN 1930 WHlPPET ' CEDAN 1.29 CHEV. COUPE 1920 FORD COUPE "" CHEV. SEDAN 1929 DURANT 6 SEDAN 1029 WHIPPET 4 COACH 0M0. over Royal Bank, Durham HOURS: , - Q p. m. Dentistry In .n Used Cars ROYDEN BURNETT. "to Toms' Garage CHIROPRACI 'lt Lambton St., Damn. OM BESSIE ttco l T H. SNEATH. M, o. F. M. EAGLEOON Over Ron! Bunk, Durha- OWEN SOUND '..er-etas. Omee Hours: 2p.m. Chan. McQUARRIE. B. A. for Sale at .0119 urge, one Ill-I. l T. leClocthn. Will ail â€namely. Good hum. Ie. Apply on prawns. tif acre ot had. M 3TH 8T. EAST man, all mIkOC a mod... " It. lunch. GA. EXTRACTION. 1.80 to 6.†an 7.80 to no p. a.