" lORNERS 'LARSHIPS 't Be.. ' [I] Fcl com- W m rrda way of Mon o n ni- ill II w" M 'ur " ml program was given. There were mun†us by Mrs. It. Stewart; C. Noble. Howard Grierson, Hazel Mc- lmnald, Elsie Ewen. Billy Davey and Jack Chapman; readings by Mrs. Lamb and Florence McLean; Inatrw nu-nlal music by Miss Charlton. Mr., and Mrs. Murray Ritchie and Welliei Noble. A duet was given by Misses: Lois and Phyllis Wilson, and mo! solos by Mrs. M. Wilson. Ruby Mit. Ier and Wellle Noble. Heur- Mc- Lean and Charlton were the plants A humorous play entitled “Seein' Maw Off" we: given by the young people. “Auld Lu; 8m" followed by the Ntehtatat Anthe- M I very Mt enamel-neat to e due. The he]. {kennel-vole i.- on but. he... were 'tat. On Friday evening last. the Aber. deen Women's Institute held a social in the Aberdeen whool. The wheel was welt filled and with Mr. D. Me. Cormiek In the chair. a Bren womb Banister J. H. McQuarrie. Regin- trar of Electon tor Grey-Bruce. on Monday and Monday received the re. tmns ot the many enumentors in the riding who completed their work ot enumeration last week. Copies We been posted up at the homes or bus- iness places of the numerator: for pusual ot the electors and any whose? names have been omitted have the. orrporumity to appeal. On the after- noons and evenings of Nov. 13, 14 and 15, the enumerntors will remain: at their homes, or piece. of business; to make necessary changes, come-J tlcns or additions to the list. I be the old arguments of the machine Velsus hand labour. - Hanover Post Voun' Lina Computed to the made by truck. the work " ing done at a coat: which could not be met by team labor. This saving en. abled the council to lower the tax rate. To a certain extent, it seems to to our one, nnd at report. are that there will be a nappy nonunion meeting at the end of next month. The township council decided thin year to crush gnvel and but] it on- Anniveru Service. or North Glenelg Bapt t church will be held Oct. Mith an Mth. At 2.30 and 7.30 on Sunday. tor.Homer will proton and Mrs Ho or will supply lpeclll music. Come uly to ensure a not. Monday " 8 .m., a good concem and upper to wing will be provld-l ed for the umal nun of 15c tor child, ren and Me for udulu) We no ex- pecting you, an ll ll our birthday. Munlolpol nunb u from the good old townshlp of B hunch have come] Up to Sept. 30th, Hanover has ex- pended 84.746.04 tor relief purposes during nine months. The September “count. totalled $256.42. Hanover though only about halt again " large as Durham. I. paying about three or four times Durham's annual expend- iture for relief. '; Trinity Church ivemry lent-mm" imp: vices will be held nday, October†and ta 28th It 11 a.m. an 7.00 p.m. Al -. special service for th "asons, will: Mr Om be held at 3 p.m. 2:c?tr, Morris," paid a bun Masonic Grand Chaplain, ill preach‘ bro hers ht at all nrvices. Everybody YcricrrG to the Hanovor’o Relief am $4,740 I Pun-Mn The present humor? of the United; Church or Canada, revised to meet! their speck] needs, will be used by} To Baptists throughout Canada, “cord-f A ing to a committee report from Rev. j key Dr. Howard P. Whidden. chancellor ottlt, of McMaster university. 57.30 time was mud In contents. was and refreshments. Knox Young People's Society held 1 social evening in the church school- room on Tuesday, when a plemnt Keep Tuesda evening November, 6th, open tor t. Durham Agricul- tural Society con rt and Old Time dance. Renewed I ta 25c. Plan " MoFadden's. The Ladies' Aid o the Baptist Church are holding a hicken Pie Supper and program 0 Monday, Nov. 5. from 6.30 p. m. amnion Me. Varney Halt, Saturday evenlngIOcl. 27th, to be addressed try Miss lac- phail, M. P. and others. Everybody welcome The Durham men’s lnuituk Wm hold their month meeting " the home of Mm. 11am Smith, on Thursday, Nov. lat. FLAT To RENT:---" lower yg; an conveniences. Apply " Revie OtBee. VOL L m, NO Calder’s Drug Store with a purehue at 50c or over of my Nrnt product and a 150 Duh- m of Turtle Food. Tunnel on display In Window. Charon†and Film World's Fair LIV. with . purchase of FREE public meeting will be held in I Service. t " t church will 1 Mth. At 2.30 tor.Homer w', " er will suppl 0 uly to onllll‘ 8 .m., a good J,t,ec, will b FREE Baby Turtle Pm"ry--ttt Durham bowl“! on Sat- urday. Oct. 20, to Mr ud In John W. Potty, 2nd con., Bonttnck, A non. (Ron Laverne.) MtteARTHUR.-tn Proton, on Oct. 20 to It m In Garden Multan: BORN MARSHALL-on Saturday, Oct. M, on 2nd can, Normnby. to Mr and In John R. Mmhall. 8 Ion (Wm. John). - -- """"" (By our Allan’s Corners can.) " -_---..... The Thanksgiving services in at. ' OLD LANDMARK . ‘Paul'. church, Emont, which were I CUT DOWN ON TUESDAV,‘ held on Sunny last, were a fair no if For possibly a century or more, be; cess owing to the inclement weath- , fore the white man came to Durham/ er. Rev. J. Thomimon 88W two in- , two tine old maples have been trrow-,'toirfntt addresses, both of which " ing on what is now West Bruce sugwere highly appreciated. The choir lon the lots ot J. P. Hunter and Dr.ltuusisted by Trinity choir ot Durham) J. P. Grant. On Tuesday of this'sans special 'rhanutrivintrhymns for) week the Jonathan or this David and the occasion- Mrs W. Freeman Gt, 'Jonathan pair was hewn down, hav-, Teeswater sang 8 pleasing Bolo at the; ing reached a stage of senile decarattermoon service. On Monday even.' through the action of the elements ing atowl supper was served in the!I and the birds. its companion still;basement of the church. It was torl remains in its rugged majesty in the) lowed by a program consisting of the' rear ot Dr. Grant's home. ethese numbers: Rev. J. Thompson' it trees could only tell their sec: very humorously acted as chairman,f regs, what a story this {alien mon.“calling on the various characters. AnI arch could relate of by-trrne days, opening selec’ion by the choir; solos:' when Durham was in its youth! by Mr Hilton and Mrs Mark 1viiaoni Fifty or sixty years ago there was on/ot Durham; Duet by Mr and Mrs R. ‘I ly one house on the west side of, Ramage; Trio by Mr and Mrs R Ram-; Bruce street north of Lambton, matinee and Miss Munoz: A reading oti, renovated and now oompied " Mr. gone ot Tennyson's poettttt, by Irwin! Robert Aijoe. Where are now iinenratthewtr; Also a very tine reading< residences, was then a sport field/br Mrs J. Lennox; instrumentals by"I where cricket was then the popular, the Holstein orchestra; and music by“ game and many of its devotees and/Baker and Torry orchestra or Gleneig:I on lockers, reposed in the shade f) Centre. The program Was brought to‘ I these same maples. The rivalry a. close with the Lord’s prayer nndli which contestants here created, thelsdnging of the Doxology. L' i For possibly a century or more, be. fore the white man came to Durham, two tine old maples have been grow- ing on what is now West Bruce Bt., on the lots of J. P. Hunter and Dr. J. P. Grant. On Tuesday of this week the Jonathan or this David and Jonathan pair was hewn down, hav- ing reached a stage of senile decay, through the action of 'the elements and the birds. Its companion still; remains in its rugged majesty in the) rear of Dr. Grant's home. i .'trip to the World's Fair at chieairo.,lady in each home. Th J Partridge season in Grey, _srer'2.h, '1"rit,ti,t'C.' fl - and Simcoe closed on Saturday, but Mrs. jag. C,f2,fid , one didn't wait to be shot and 5'y')tiEaT/.ei'i: Mrs T M lif 7 ed through the storm-window and an! Mariiiii"riiii'tea, The . inner window in the .home of Mrs. J'.were Miss J 'ii.' Weir , Gordon in Dundalk. " “8 quite alvldge Mrs idiii, mm l dear meal to have drop in when "liG'i'diiii .Mies H Be Icame to paying for the glass. McDonald: ici, Jan. It, (Hockey Club Holds Splendid Dance. Armstrong, Mrs. A. A i The town hall was crowded Moe'errtr. J. McLaughnn' N. :day night by local young people and ( Clarence Elvldge, T. l runny trom Markdale, Hanover, Ay-gJohn Lloyd, Percy Wil lion, Priceviile, Walkerton and else- reau, M. McClymem, A where, to enjoy a night ot stepping At eleven p.m. the i ithe light fantastic to the strains iii,')",',",.',';' broken up and al iWright'a orchestra from Branttord,’ the Town Hall where it which provided snappy music. Fest ved, followed by dancing lures of the night were exhibitions offtwo o’clock. Mr and M Ttap dancing by Min Betty Daniele. and Miss E. Harding and Scotch dancing by Mia. Anna music for dancing. The Mchcar, of Priceviiie tuseoenpaiLi,li"iii' over $100 from the by Piper McDonald on the Mgpipee. The Hockey Club,, which staged the I . . event will have t balance to the good swell] senmes al towards a fund for new uniforms for] _'."."-...-- the players. '“-- ___, Awt _ -- 399/ Mr Oscar Bell, Kirkland Lake. paid a hurried overutight visit to his bro hers here, en route back from a A meeting of all lnterea'ed in hoc- key will be held in J. N, Murdock‘a omee next Tuesday, Oct. 30th, at 7.30 p. m., to elect omeem, and for other important business. All play- ers and fans requested to attend. a' To Mr. Aiian" Bell on Saturday; Bgrglarized " Sunday hat, came a telegram from Winni- .'. peg, disclosing the sad news that iii/l About four a.m. Sunday morning. , nephew, Lorne A. Brookest of that l one or more burglars gained entrance , city, had been killed that morning in“mo the Durham Farmers' Cooperat- 1 an explosion while installing an oil, ive Co. store in the Middaugh ttlock, furnace. His son Lorne, aged 20' by breakink the glass in the door at l was seriously burned in the same ac-ttet entrance from an alley and then; cident. He is now a patient in a Win-i' inserting their hand. pulling back the; , nipeg hospital and may not recover. I bolt which locked the door. Once inv Two others were killed including J. (side, an attempt was made to drill J/ C. Collinson, K. C., aged 56 yrars.‘pry open the sate as three holes were, Legislative Counsel for the Manitobaimade in front, two at top of door,, Government, in whose suburban Port I and another near the handle. It was Garry home, an oil burning turnaeelevidently an amateur's Job. I was being installed. The tour men! Loose change of a dollar or twol were trapped in the basement as the; had been left in the till, and this was explosion occured and only raoriilcleaned out by the marauder, but as; Brockest was able to get out. He! tar as can be seen, nothing whatever, dashed, a flaming torch, several hun-l of the stock was carried oft. The. dred feet through the yard of theidoor at entrance to storeroom alaoyl home and jumped into the Red River. 1 bore marks of attempts to pry it open " He was able to get out of the river and Mr E. Weppler, the manager.†again and fell in a faint on the bank, _ has had extra locks put on all doors. il where he was found a few minutes} Mark WHEN†dog nearby, tret up 1 later. Mr. Brockest was 45 years of“ furious, barking about four o'clock] age, and watt wedded to Mary Ann l but apparently no one got up to its-‘5 Ben. daughter of Mr. James fllllfiFiiii the cause. It possibly seared ' tormertr of Glenelg. iotr the burglar. who we imagine mm. d TO RE-ORGANIZE FOR Killed in a, Explosion 1ltr-trperatire Store iiiht Emma. _ w“: uul. recover. ! Tr "-u-u IVVAKU lute u00r. Once in- killed including J. {5109: an attempt was made to drill or C., aged 56 yew-339W open the safeas three hm“ warn yard of the re Red River. of the river HOCKEY mun. were former Dun-hunte- and niece: of the deco-Jed. In. Mecor “d am Itourtatm (Lotti. Ind In. m0.) at an]: Bu. Ila-lo. in this community and moot her childhood day- In Durham. Her mu- The funeral of the late Mrs. Mil- lar, formerly Miss Eliza. Falkingham, a sister ot Mr. Wm. Falkingham of town, took place on Sunday to Dur- ham cemetery on arrival ot motors (tom her late residence in Brantford. The service was conducted by Rev. David Gowdy. Mm. Mmar was born} Special Services at St Paul's we --.... u-.. "nun: “men WM tret" ved, followed by dancing, until nearly two o'clock. Mr and Mrs J. Teeter and Miss E. Harding supplied the music for dancing. The society real- ized over $100 from the event. 1 Mrs G. B. Kearney, Mrs J. F. Grant Mrs. Jas. MoLaehlan, Mrs Philip Ir1awrence, Mrs T M McFadden, Miss [Margaret Hunter. The prizewinner‘s .were Miss J. M. Weir, Mrs. C. El- lvidge, Mrs. Hugh Firth, Miss M. J. {McFaddem Miss H. Decker, Mrs. A.j iMcDonald, Mrs Jag. Rutherford, Mrs‘ Armstrong, Mrs. A. Aljoe and Mes- srs. J. McLaughlin, N. McIntyre, Jr., Clarence Elvidge, T. R. McFadden, John Lloyd, Percy Willis, H. Chat- reau, M. McClyment, Arnold Noble.! At eleven p.m. the house parties! were broken up and all repaired to! the Town Hall where lunch was ser- About 300 of the citizens of Dur. ham and surrounding country were guests of the I.0..D.E. last Thurs- day night at their annual community party, and all enjoyed the night's gayety. Eight of the members ot the society gave their homes for; bridge and endure, prizes being ovum? ded for the highest score, man and, idoor at entrance to storeroom also f bore marks of attempts to pry it open and Mr E. Weppler, the manager, ‘has had extra locks put on all doors. l Mark Wilson's dog nearby, set up ‘a furious barking about four o’clock but apparently no one trot up to as- ‘certain the cause. It munihlv “and COMMUNITY PARTY uul. apparently no one got up to as- certain the cause. It possibly scared " the burglar, who we imagine, lives within the town limits. THE LATE MR8. MILLAR Burglarized " Sunday GOES OVER srnona DURHAM. THURSDAY With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader These were Mrs.l C . Webster, for the coming you am president) W. J. Greenwood; Bee.-trma., Mr. A. A. Attoe; auditors, Noun. Cur. enoa 30me ad Cecil Mottht, beet Donald, retiring president, presided for the business nation. 'Slnoen beef were Bhughteged with an wer- as. weight of 449 lbs. The omega 3 The Baptists of Durham will hold "heir anniversary services on Sunday Oct. 28th, when Rev. L. S. Haver- stock B. A. of Guelph will be the lguest preacher. Mr. Haverstock held [important pastorate: and has been? pastor in his present charge for over ‘elght years. There. will be a ehoir, ‘0! well blended voice. assisted by' :slngen from out of town. I Beef Ring Mum. I The “mull meeting of the Edge Hill beef-ring took place at the home! of Mr and Mm Robert Eceor on Wed- I nelduy evening Int. Mr. Hector Me. With these two highways finished for the year there will be nothing but maintenance work for the balance ot the year, requiring only a. llmi’ed number of men. An effort will be made to induce the Department ot Highways to pave the ten feet on the east side of the road on Highway No 10 next year, but at the present time there is no assurance that the work will be done. Mr. Alder says that the work on {Highway No. 10 la pnetlczlly ttniatr) ied tor the Year. The roadway on thei ion the west aide of the pavement! lSouth of Mesherton, which is but 10I ifeet wide for a distance of nearly 75 'miles, has been levelled off and grav-I yelled and is now in good shape torl travel, but there is still a little shoul- _ der work to be done on a portion of, this highway. i “i When the road was designated as , l a provincial highway by the Depart- l ment, it was decided to include that ti part of the road south of Hamilton, _ running through to Port Dover, on L. ', Erie, the entire length of the highway ’.being 178 miles. The value of this I completed highway will be obvious to ‘fthose who study the route, as there Esra many other highways intersect. ‘ving it at Chatsworth, Durham, Mount ' Forest, Arthur, Guelph, Clappison's Corners, Hamilton, and other points fsouth. It will prove to be an attrac- ‘tive highway for tourists from the, :United States. bringing visitors to; Ithis section of the country for iUhing, hunting, camping, etc., Mr. W. R. Alder, District Engin- eer. stated that it would require "trout two or three weeks more work fto tintah construction or the shoul-' 1tiers on each side the road, s largel number of men being engaged on that! work st the present time. Mr. Alder, says he has heard no hint of my cer- , many or celebration ot this highway' which now is one of the tinetrt in the! province, intimatins that is s matter,' I for the municipal authorities. I _ Guelph, and " the sections were 00: there, and now the covered with as fi §there is to be four province. M It was nearly 15 years ago that the {late Mr. G. B. Ryan, of Guelph. con- r' ceivul the idea of the organizing of i this distric for the purpose ot mm- 'stiucting this highway. His sugges- / tion met with the instant approval of the municipalities between Owen Sound and Hamilton. and a meeting :was held at Guelph when the whole i plan was on lined. it was the unan- imous feeling of the meeting that rep- 'retsenutioru, be made immediately to Ithe Ontario Government, and a denI ‘utation was sent to Toronto to urge; the claims of this organize ion, which ' was called the Hamiitonm1eiptrowen, Sound Highway Association. The‘ government was sympathetic to the demands, or the deputation and prom- ised to make it start as soon as pos- sible. The distance trom Hamilton tof Owen Sound is about 115 miles, and it was obvious that the road would have to be undertaken in sections, and the ttrat section to be completed was that between Hamilton and I On Tuesday evening last, the last Ifoot in the paving of Highway No. 6 between Williamron: and Chats- worth was laid by the Standard Pav. ing Company, and the highway in its entire length from Owen Sound through Guelphand Hamilton to Pt. Dover, id now an all-paved route. It was nearly 16 years ago that the Pavement now Completed " on " ii Highway s the years passed short completed here and v the entire distance is as fine a highway as found anywhere in the ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO m Review. , OCT. 25, 1934 l. Thhlathe nutothd-OEIITII. ! ion Prayer 1nd Praise Service. which wilt be held on the [at Wednesday evening of each month - Decen- On Wednesday evening Oct. 3itrt there will be I union Payer 1nd Prune Service of III town â€when. Rev. David Gowdy will when. the meeting and tho m and “no of meeting a. Knox Chum " t p... Farmem' Cooperative Company will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 3151, in the Public Ltbrarr, at , 9.3. There we: a. large number of friends present tor the services. were many messages of sympathy expressed in flower.. The remains were laid to rest in Durham cemetery by Messrs. R. E. Richardson. Doyle Braithwaite, Harry Falklagham. C. Moore, Chas. Wilfred. and George Gagnon. I The funeral servlce of the late Mrs " Saunders was held from her resi- ‘ldence on Countess street. The pu- itor, Rev. R. G. Hubert, was assist- ed by former pastors, Rev. J. E. I Peters of Meatord and Rev. C. G. te. Cole, ot Kenilworth. The hymns sung were favorites of the deceased. "Unto the hills" and "Near the cross" and Mr. J. B. Drysdale of Hamilton sang "Beyond." The friends from a distance were, Mr and Mrs C. Wil- fred, Mrs. Beale, and Mr. Newcourt of Toronto; Mr and Mrs J. S. Drys- dale, Hamilton; Mrs. Burnett sud son Jack, Burlington; Mr and Mrs. James Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh, Roy Graham, Edwar‘d McBeath, Paisley; Messrs J. W. West, all trom the head ottiee of the Bell Telephone Co., Btrattord. There I Mr and Mr. George Ritchie, Mr ' and Mrs Howard Ritchie, and Mr ttttd [Mrs W. P. Ritchie spent the ttmt of , the week with relatives st Pinkerton The man's} meeting FUNERAL OF THE LATE MRS. T. SAUNDERS um Elizabeth Lawrence of Cree- more, spent A few dun last week with Mr. and Mn. J. A. Rowland. Rev. W. H. Smith conducted anni- vernry services In Eltnwottt1 last Sunday. Mr and Mrs G. Meyers were in l Holstein on Tuesday, attendind the Mr. and funeral ot the former'. brother. announce I Mr and Mr: J. H. Harding and Irina, Ont Elizabeth were visitors in Hamilton of their d: on Saturday. to Mr. Roh Mr and Mrs N. Bell of more. mot- ored to Niagara-on-the-uke and to Niagara on Sunday, accompanied by Mrs James Kerr or Vamey, to visit Mrs. Kerr's sister. Miss Jessie Derby who is seriously m. Mrs Earl D. Snow of Houston, Tex- as arrived on Friday last on a few days visit to her father, Mr. J. W. Mr and Mrs John McIlralth and son John of Toronto were visitors in the formel's home on Sunday and Mon. day. _ Rev. Mr..Heeney of Elmwood, was in oharge of the services at Knox and Hampden United Churches on Sunday. While in Durham he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs J. A, Row- land. Mr W. J. Erwin returned to work in Mt. Forest the first ot the week. few days. Mrs. Irwin returned on Friday lust. Mr Prank Irwin is making a good recovery since his recent operation in Toronto, and will be home in a Miss Jean Simmons is a patient in Durham hospital this week end. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie were in Tomato On Tuesday. Mrs A. Austin, L.0.S., of Orange- ville, accompanied by the Misses E. Legs. M. Logan and E. Mills of the same town, were guests at the home ot Mr. Cham Ramage on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Heeney, who has been a pa- tient in Durham hospital the past tive weeks as the result of a motor accident, re urned IO her home in Ayton this week. Mr and Mrs W. J. Freeman and son ct Teeswater, were guests ot Mr and Mrs Joe. Lennox, of Varney, on Sunday. Mrs Harry Wkingham is very ill at her home a' present. Mrs and Mrs Jos. Patterson, Ches- ley, spent the iiratt of the week with the farmer's parents here. of the Durham KANE---RocKtg-At the home of her parents, Mr. not! In. John H. Rocks. 4 G-lenholme nvenue. on Friday, October 19, 1984, by the announce the marriage at St. Cath. arina. Ont., on Semndey. July M, of their daughter, Myrtle Eliubeth, to Mr. Robert P. Cowan, son of In W. H. Comm ot Tomato. l llkllhll)l)M'i DRUG STORE Murdock Hm den Snider Edgar McDonald Slrtchan Lauder McGregor Wilson Reta MoConnachie Jones Marjorie, to Mr. John Kane. To- MURDOCK TOPS POINT ."“°°‘ MAKERS m LACROSSE: With 0. victory over Allsndsle last Friday in which one dozen souls and JACK seven] assists were made by the lo. I col lacrosse squsd, Murdock was still loading the point-mixers todsy. He 3 Goo had tt total of M, 6 more than Chuck Herden who is running him I close a. Mgt second. Harden is the leading goal- lbs.) getter with sixteen, Murdock leads in assists with sixteen. Snider is 3rd. Geo. At a step behind Harden and the rest (150 Ire trailing. The standing today: l Games Goals Assists Pts. Carmen Murdock 8......15.....16....3i Handel: 8......16......9....25 Snider 7......14......9....23 Puretest Drugs. Quality Stationery, Books, Wallpaper "THE “nu. "our mow: m. 31.95, 19.5. “d " In I. listles- me in o. Sound last Friday, the DnrhemOwen Sauna com- bines tied for titat piece in the Tri- County Box Lacrosse League, when they defeated Allendnle " 'o fl. As Aurore he. defaulted their Demin- ing mes. this win gives the local combines 6 wins and ' losses tor tg' total of 12 points with one game to play in Aliandale on Friday night. Richmond Hill also has 12 points' with 6 wins. 2 losses and 2 to play. Caledon has won li, lost3; Auiston4 and lost 3; and Allandaies and lost 2. As, the titat three teams participate in the play-oils, all have yet a chance. with the Now PM Lacrosse Team " [ q IM from Allandale Final Shy of the Year ---- Under auspf 1‘s ot [Ulhiihl Alltstic In a listless lamp in n emu"; .M. , AT* . See the Latest C0WAN--DEAN HYHNEAL Published Weekly ct $2.00 82.50 c year In advance. MARRIED . Dean, Durhnm.' .. .../.. IDs-M011» PURE OLIVE OIL, .... ....., PURETEOT 000 LIVER OIL GIANT SIZE KIU.CHEN ..00c . the names of the relatives or friends "who would unprecinu- an Invitation. ‘The response we: not " heavy " “the necretery expected. and he feels [that there In yet my more who Have been oveNotAed. " It In new I he has over 1,000 mee end uddreu- 'r"dttetomtheeseottsrrear. love- to have u my mom. Pl Send In Your Name And Adda-tea Genenl ttttht; Children lor Rum-Me seats 5 Plan at Calder) Drug Store. Carman Allan " Geo. Athin tNS (150 lbs.) 3 Good Prcllniinlrics G. McDonald tm.IA. McDouuall, (100 100 Ontario ghtweight Champion Bill ttadttetd Forms Welsh Champion Ptv Rounds PADDY HOEHN: Mama vi. tN K ATKIN, Durham Fin Rounds Harvey Ned. ml: it) “Vince. To friday, Iki. 26, BM it 8 p. m. th' r1GAs, RIM’ Cahier's Drug Store I BOXING Nrat 0m ."......... 01.00.. Nyat Vlad-In; Salvo ..... 500 Nyat Bod, In. & Who ....79c )1":le ............... 79c Nyal Metric- ...50c. "e [Inn 7 BURNET VANCOUVER Vt. JOE VISON, DURHAM See mu tir" aiiriGTar" JENNY LIND cuocoLA‘res mun: & 30$" In 'r't,tl2c,', Armstrong Three Rounds Thai Rounds Thre‘ Rounds Club a.) vs. F. Kenna .__.socL no. 31266 United sum, m, Publisher: