'ne meeting the Lord'l Watt served. rs attended bower which on Wm Rhtmtt " hero and Ill. m- ttet out d loo! tor . Niel-on and I... .5. b OCK ICKERS 'on he ‘ked K '0 may a web I. has a. I tear to 'vivo. '+ Adams. splendid B. when Mr ('I'IIOOD Morris kotrer M " Wan spout home od Mr. I in honor d bride. At sn and you. was read " he M 'te Club w" 'ell. A beau. a, the neat _ unwrapped using M The min; ther. Mm mm to: 'e as fol- Homer: re M Mr and Mm . were Mr. il and mu. MacDonald ' “trawl. Gtr VIII. ll " Mo om an Kenneth. a be held M (than , adorn an!" il “but!“ "th, 1934 a , the other t. Ho an the W ol "etMattg ILD, Clea '0- mamb- e bride Ed . W. mph Mr, at at con last wax Walk he he In“ '00? " It be ‘on " ot Mr Earl Nee ed were tor, " Rear and It by CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. " - m“ m â€nu..." " mâ€. Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock Eat Henderson's Bread this Summer " Pure and Wholesome Pleas ask for seed. No c prompt and Orders taken far anything in Baking line Everything In Lumber, Timber WINDOWS - noon SAW a PLANING MILLS Phone No. Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Cunadn' " Oat Pilot " C JOHN McGOWAN Keep in Stock for Sale the following Goods: Will thue requiring ertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. 1934 Refunding Loan Bonds THE PEOPLE's MILLS HENDERttON'tt BAKERY An Order Placed with JPllCrtartrtrsorr O SONS C1 FLOUR on vert t our P. RAMAGE, Durham ws - DOORS - STAIRWOIK Comblnat‘on Storm and Sen"! Doors SUPERIOR QUALITY HARDWOOD FLOORING Gyproc and Donnacona Wallboard Denominations tm Phone and have our rig Keeping Your Liver Ate, phone or call on our Security is Canada You will be delighted with its flavor Win Repay nvest Assures {didactic- i. 1934 order too small m l careful attention. in In mam. Oat Chop Crimplod Oats our Cash ', $500 and 81000 FEED victory Bonds, and Mlllwork DURHAM. ONT. " will pay you. call f "WI" ==='="e'"'""'""t,"ci"et, It, m Atrt'i.t'tmltr-tr- a l South with i1mm ' CO. LTD. if,',',',"),', OWEN BOUND (iii rm " (the ne - i manta Mlllwork NW Mr STAIRWOIK ll land on Ion Doom ‘Agricul FLOORING {as it is Ilboarrt 1 Mess nor too large for a :gus Cla n. to Sat! mnemo- 'evening I "r-'auaaac-s--.. - _ , s 'e"-"-"-""-"-""-"-"-'-----"--"-, We h Shorts Loca Dealer Active ", V We noticed in last week'. Review that the Editors of Whrton end Fergus upon are much interistmt In the coming election in ther--- Bnee from their gqgrtnghx We would judge they do not lame thet'lllu lacphul will an: . bottle while We are sorry to learn that In. Christie of Port EUtn is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs Inc. Hill of Boothville. at present. All will hope Mrs Christie will won tool name better. , mree or our young men, Messrs] The evening was given over to Neil Cameron, Mervyn McCannel music and dancing. Mr. Wm. K. and Russel Haw left last Saiurday Johnson presided during the program .for Sudbury district, looking tor, of musical selections and an inter !work in the lumber'woods. We wish 5 rating number was a mock marriage (them success in this their tirat verv Mr Hall impersonating the groom, iii,','.,', far from home. The home folks Miss Florence McArthur the bride, (win ell be thinking of you. boys. Mr Jack Gardiner the minister, Mrs Next Sunday, Oct .28, the sacrn- James Hall playing the wedding ment of the Lord's Supper will be) much and Mn Dow. Milford mg dispensed in Swinton Park church, 5 during the signing of the register. ' Rev Mr Miller of Mukdsle condue‘ The bride ot so years ego was! ting the services. Rev Mr MeeDon- Elisabeth Copeland and was born in aid will preach-Anniversary sonic. I Hosting: County. near Bellevllle, " es st I-‘iesherton next. Sunday after. seer: ego last July, daughter of the noon and evening. lute Mr end Mrs Wm. J Copelend. _ We m m On In". H... t.-- In, --- 5 Mrs Richard Hardy is apt this week in Toronto, also Mr 'Haw In visiting city friends. Three of one} young men, Messrs Neil Cameron, Mervyn McCannel and Russel Haw left last Saiurday for Sudbury district, looking for work in the lumber'woods. We wish them luccens in this their ttrat ven- ture far from home. The home folks will all be thinking of you. boys. l We had a splendid rain over the week end which was much needed, yet somewhat disappointing on Sun- day, as it was Salem Anniversary. _The gatherings were not so large as if the sun had been shining, yet ve- ry good congregations at both ser- vices on Sunday at 2.30 and again at 7.30. Rev. Mr Johnston, the pastor, conducted both services and Price- ville choir led in the music. In the evening, the male quartet, compris- (intr Messrs Fowler, Richardson, I Weir and Heard, gave two tine tttune; jbers. Then on Monday evening, the; Badjeros Dramatic Club put on a new play, "The big Cheese." A 'good play, well given and enjoyed by all. Badjeros young people . have! ability along this line and we hope; that in their every day life, they' tell only one story - the straight one, and live up to it. They almost convinced some ot we old people in i this backwoods, that cheese making l was big business. l [have been secured for ladies and gentlemen, and also one for the per- Json aiding the lucky number. Splen- did music has†been secured, so with the new floor and firm but courteous Imansgement a good time is assured [by Mr w. G. McBride, the pushing ’and enthusiastic President of the aaiiiiiiii'i Society in which suspic- ‘es it is being held. Messrs. Wreford McLean and An- gus Clark took a. motor trip to Toron. I to Saturday returning on Monday,’ evening. A big masquerade dance is to be held on Friday night of this week which, we are promised, is-gomg to be the biggest event ‘ever held in South Grey. Fine handsome prizes have been secured for ladies and uuupeleu tor by the athletic clubs, to be won twice before becoming the property of any team. The cup sent to Mr. John Mevicar mar be seen in the store of A. J. Mchcar. Boys. show some enthusiasm, get busy, at- tend all practices end function: there- with, be loyal and above all agree- able. Some real gentleman in Toronto who wishes his name to be withheld, (a one-time resident of Priceville), has kindly donated a silver cup to be competed for by the athletic clubs, to The choir of St. Columbn United braved the blessed min and muddy roads to the anniversary cervical " the sister congregation of Salem in Proton on Sunday last and any three anthems. Great doings here on the Provin- cial highway through town, the old catch basins and tile not proving ad- equate for requirements. are being raised and larger and bigger are be-, ing installed. Mr. Neweli ot Durham) is in charge. I I me My. P. and Mrs. Sullivan and family of Thistletown, the for- le. on the way to an anniversary service at Owen Sound. stayed oft over Saturday night " the kind and hospitable home of the Misses B. and E. James, and again on Sunday evening after service there. I Mr P. Shackleton, Principal of Arthur school, also visited this lo- cality Saturday on the way to Owen Sound, taking with him mi his re- turn, Misses Anna McLean and lab. erta Harrison on Sunday morning tor a short visit to Arthur. __ ‘Mw lucacul. were :Mrs Hector McLean and Mr 'John Burgess of Durham. ' Mr. ased In; Angus Naclionald or (North Hue. Priceville. entertained a few [made Orr. Thursday evening, Oct. " at 7 p.m. to witness the christening ceremonies in connection with their daughter, Catherine Amen ta Burgess, born July 12, 1934. Rev. I N. MacDonald of Priceville Presby- terian Church, gave the rite of bap- I tum. GM present were Mr. and SWINTON PARK gRIcevnE every day life, they tstory - the straight up to it. They almost ty ot we old people in is spending Mr. and and Mrs “MD where tsr-au",, but and proceeded to how g The groom. Walter Broughton, was born In England 84 years no and " the use ot two years landed In Owen Bound with " parents, the late Mr. and Mrs Thou. G. Brighton. On February 8th, 1875, We“: Cope- .__‘ --= -- -. - no ing attained their diamond unniverbl South Grey spoke in no uncertain c- any. Best wishes were aso expres-‘mne for it unseated Dr. Jnmieson. by V " d for many more years of compan-i far the strongest candidate that any l- donshlp. lparty has had tor many years, and 1-] The festivities commenced at 2Jelected Dr. George M. Leeson by 953 y , o'clock in the afternoon and eontin/malorttr Dr. Jamieson has been de/ ued throughout the evening. The hallmm.ted by a force rather than by an was srtistlcale decorated with white': individual and in saying this we have and golden streamers, wedding bellsjno intention of belittling Dr. Lee. autumn leaves and flowers. lemon,s success but heartily COrttrratul- a cream, candy and bride's cake and ate him on his great victory, a vity ' other refreshments were served and ( tor, for whieh he gives the credit to - at the guest table a large three-stors the loyal support ot his brother tar- Iey wedding cake occupied a consplo- mers and to riot a few in the towns l uous place. The wedding cake was“ind villages also. ' .itrent as a token of love from an ab.: Five ot Toronto's eight Beatty have .llsent son and daughter in Coronation, elected Liberals and by large major- l I Alberta, an d was made by the daughr itles. This is both a revelation and a I ' teran d ice d by the granddaughter. An revoultlon in Tory Toronto, and they 3 address accompanied the cake and weren't farmers either, these voters. Was signed by Mr and Mrs T. o.' An interesting function took place Broughton, Mr and Mrs Jacob Parr) Tuesday evening at Allan's School, I rot. There were also other addres-l Egremont, when there was a dual un- it")" received and read, from Mr and veiling of the honor roll containing I Mrs Walter Broughton," Proton town- the munea of seven young men of the! ship; Mr and Mrs. Bert Broughton, district “a who had enlisted, “at? Mr an d Mm Chas Kennedy. The ad- that of the pictures of two who gave dresses were accompanied- by tlowers the supreme "eritiee, Letut. Thomas (An address from old neighbors in Allan and Cecil Davis. Two other " Proton community and from Ravenna pictures of boys who had seen active community was read by Mrs Alex Me, service at the front, since returned, Gowan and the presentatlon of a also adorned the Walls, those of Jaa. t boquet of flowers: made by Mrs. A. Barbour and John Davis, To Mm. Brown. Among the many tokens of P. strence, Durham, Wag given the! T, esteem received was a wool comfort-’honor ot unveiling the roll, while a er, presented by Mr Rowland Patter-‘mv" Smith ot Dromore tutd Hardy , son, M.L.A., and Mrs. Pattersonnunveued the pictures. who were present from w l t with other friends. o en sound’ as YEARtt AGO an response to an announcement that Mr and Mr: Walter Broughton of Ravens, Collingwood Township, would attain the 60th year of a hair " wedded lite on Wednesday, the residents of the community Joined with relatives and friends from far and near, numbering in all 300, at Ithe township hall. Revenue, after- 1neon and evening and offered the ‘highiy esteemed couple hearty con- gratulations and {elicitation on hav- ing attained their diamond anniver-l sary. Best wishes were 350 expres-' eed tor many more years of eornparvi donship. I Former Proton Couple Celebrate Diamond Wedding Mrs. Barkrop, Hanover; M Bailey Shrigley gave an l Temperance address; Mrs T. per of Markdale sang a solo. I A splendid Sectional Conference of Grey Presbyterisl W.M.8. was held Friday a Hopeville United church in morning and afternoon. Delegates from the various auxiliaries in the district were present. The guest) speakers were Mrs. E. R. Young, President of the Toronto Conference Branch: Mrs J. H. Oliver, First Vice! Pres. and Mrs B. D. Pearson, PressI Sec'y all of Toronto. Mrs. Scott l F'lesherton ably presided. Other speakers included Mrs. Murray, of l Flesherton._ President ot Grey Pres. with Miss Merle Sinclair. _ Several members of Bethany Chap- el attended tl Rally eervlce at the Christian and Missionary Alliance church at Owen Sound Saturday. Mr and Mrs Wm. Hester and tam- lly are this week moving to their, new farm in Luther. I Severn] from this vicinity were) present end enjoyed the nnnlverury? services " Selem Sunday. f Mrs merge Shand spent most ot Mat week with her mother Mrs Gil. bert Christie who has been very in at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. Hill, Boothvme. Mr. Hamid Love went to Toronto the itrtet at the week tor further me dical treatments. )0!!me overijhe riding which they might t,reretretstied. editors are intelligent men a: forth their vfwt very clemy they have you something to Wait and see. Mrs THE DURHAM new}; HOPEVILLE Scott. spent Sunday A ND VICIKITY ' we groom, ur the bride, minister, Mrs the wedding Bent men and set very elem-1y. But 'mething to learn. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs Hugh an excellent ( " YEARS AGO _ Taken from Review fyle, Oct. M, 1909 I Markdale (air proved a great Bury. fcesa as the lovely weather ensured ‘all held that week, mam, Mare. C', Five ot Toronto's eight seats have I: elected Liberals and by large major- ' itles. This is both a revelation and a 1" revoultion in Tory Toronto. and they I wtren't farmers either, these voters. ' An interesting function took place , ; Tuesday evening at Allan's School, :1 Etrrernont, when there was a dual un- veiling of the honor roll containing l the names of seven young men of the - district and' who had enlisted. and, ' that of the pictures of two who gave‘ , the supreme "eritiee. Letut. Thorns", 7- jut of the tore-t tor them-elven. "her encountered‘nuny ham-Mpg. in is understood that for Ave "km 'Ye' 1 the] Small {long wi,thout even the ’lronu litigancqot ' teattrett oxen, Twen- Thet'tr-ave yam (so they :sold out and ' set; moVed to Collingwood township But‘where they have lived ever since. lno intention of belittling Dr. Lee- on's success but heartily congratul- ate him on his great victory. a vic- tory for which he gives the credit to the loyal support of his brother tar- mers and to riot a few in the towns and villages also. 1 an, P. Gagnon. P. Irwin, J. 3; in, llmlth. J. H. Hunter, and Dr. Pick. erdng ' Committee to push the stock lists. An organization meeting of all in. terested in retaining the rink in Dun ham was held in McIAchlen'a stone Friday evening. It was the unani- mous decision to proceed with the 1formation of a local company who would purchase the rink for $4000. Shares valued at $25 each were de-, clded upon. P. Gama was elected chsirman of the meeting: P. Ram, age Beer: J. A.Rowland Trees. and J. McLachlun. J. Snell, W. McGow- " YEARS AGO 'Taken from Review 'yle, Oct. 23, 1919 Durham War Veterans met on Wednesday and elected oftieert, tor the ensuing year as follows: Hon. Pres., Miss Jessie Munro; Pres., B. Willis, (acclimation); 1st Vice Pres. Anson Lloyd; 2nd Vice Pres., Frank Mollnlth; Beer, J. L. Stedmsn, taus eltunation); Trees. Thou. A Lauder; Executive Com., C. Wolfe. W Thomp-i son, Fred Kelly. Robert Lindsay. The) boys have arranged tor a grand ball in the hall on Nov. 7th, for which the London Harpers will supply the music. IN DAYS OF YORE community in Proton. among them was the aged James McLean, who minted the Broughtons to erect their ttrtrt cabin of logs in Proton. Nine Revenna school children with ltheir teacher, Mia: Annie Hogg, [marched to the home on Wednesday 'tusd in honor of the event sang 'When You and I Were Young Maggie.’ and "Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet." Dancing ended this function in honor of Mr and Mr: Walter Broughton, who we both hole and hearty and en-l Joying the good things of life in their home in Revenue. I grandchildren. Wttitors were present from Owen Sound and Dundalk and forty old neighbors from the former home boys and two girls, all married and settled down. They Mee also a num- Six you: I89 they left the {Arm and have' since lived retired in Ravenna. They have six 1ivinCehildren, tour I Town of To Wit ' Br Virtue the Mayor bearing dot May. 1934, for taxes td Will be held Canadian Pacific =rC'1T,-r."'"-- To leave destination up to mid Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1934. Information and - from local agent. TREA8UttErt'tt SALE OF . l FOR TAXEtt, Round trip between any two in Canada at regular one-tol and a quarter. 1lllllilillBllMa DAY '. M. McFadden, Town Agent, You and roll courage to to forward when yon'n druid. mum Idlonou will destroy “you“ post-ies. Don't beam with thou nothing tolou. from until I Diplomncy often 1 Priceville Corr.:-9t a meeting of 'jd,',',":': Council held last Saturdsy. 'n by-lsw wu passed to take a vote {on loos! option " the next election 'held in Jnnuuy 1910. Bo we my look out tor a dry summer next you} again in G-leneig. but hope it Won't: street the crops to say extent. . Priceville Corr. - Den MeDoutrau,' .Esq.. ot unlock. Bentinck, gnve a brief mil to friends " Priceville,‘ while on his way home from the ’West. Mae nys it snowed eight ,'.',"i ches in Winnipeg on Sundsy. Oet.l GE. Thst beats u. " Prieevtite. ( ‘Mr and Mrs. Arthur Jsckson one today, Wednesday, moving into their new red brick residence on the hill above the mnrket. Our beat wish is I that they any spend my hsppy years in their new home. Mr. and I Mrs. George Tt1rntruu sre moving to t the cottage they have just nested. ii Indl-crouon bu mined may I repnu non. A quick temper ruin: Judgment. Anger kills Justice. .inou. T. magnet. Durham No.1 in. dished tat end Owen Sound 2nd. Fur. Iiold Attoe la invincible in the boyl' '.)raee " or under, at any '*tqonattie "distance. But " you. old, " or " [only in size. he made the half mile 'in2rtun.andtstsee., andatthat irate he is increasing in speed, and will soon be nble to tackle Schrubb. (ads. Krees t1nisrhed Md, Fluker 3rd and McDonald 4th. Roy Welter: won the mite me in 5.01 and Vern ET "ridge wu second. three feet behind. Ted Vlckers easily won the 5 mile iraee for a $15.00 prize, belting ‘Heron ot Owen Sound. Between tho some good wire walking stunts Mr 'a, FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER' REDUCED FARES l Noon, Friday, Nov. ' Noon, Monday. Nov. " REPURN LIMIT Charles crawut, ia a n clerk an the Stamina Bank HON FY FOR SALE or a “mm issued by I the .Town of Durham, the tweatreighttt day of ale of had: in weâ€. the Town ot Durham“ the Council Chamber) rum, at the hour , F the daemon, on the beam, 1m, iiii) GOING DATES " ALFRED BIGGI FOR I, County of Gray mm trom luck ot Bound. Between the Saunders displayed to midnight, two Pointe -‘"Y tare LANDS who tare your Earn-Suntan in Eiarii'iiid%"ll f 'pta-g-.-.. A‘__, _ WW“ Llano“ Auction.» for .0, M DOW"! tn " m In»... x my an sxruc‘nou. Ottiee.. Mitt Smut. 0mm, 0:. Honor anon-u Toronto Dummy Graduate Rorat Con. Damn an... of Ontario. Rooms: Over Rom M Durh- Hamilton, Ontario Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose nndThmet L F. GRANT. 0.11s; Lamina. St, Durham, Ont. one. Noun: 1.†to 4.“ pJI. 7.30 to 0.00 . In In J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. PS. one-mum“: can†mmmsum,n-_ Danton-slant... Lug. EL1~.’.-WM GEORGE E. DUIGAI HAROLD E. MOUNTAIN. M. B. I",',',',',','; Pout Graduate All». can. Pupil of Farm“ M00110, A. A. c. o. 'Piano, Vocul, “neon, Harmony. lo cation sud Play-Ion] alum. 8m course for advanced pupal, Including Hand Culture and Ann couches no sinner: I specialty. Kindergart- method for chlldnn of on when!“ Have commenced teaching. Sunbel- er P. uwrence'l atom. Hour: 1 to O J. u. Me00hitittti, Mount: 2--6p.m. r-0p.m. ROYDEN BURNETI. HOLBTEIN, ONT. 0M0. Noun: " to , an. O to I p... B. M. CHARLTON, T. H. SNEATH. M. o. mcxemuc, DOS, Lo: Some other lines of Women's in broken sizes at reduced prices leca. 00min.“ '..0. may“ on 15 Pairs Boys’ Tan Oxfords, sizes 1 to 6, on riday & Szturday Reduced Prices J. S. MclLRAITH on. C. P. PARK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY we?! other weekend $1.89 SPECIAL