m th it coals - ,__,_-,- _....u lynx thereon, with coats. notice is hereby k" coats are sooner paid. I than on Fridax at the hour of , o'clock in the afternoon. Town of Durham. proceed to sell the an of them as shall be gum-hm on Mun-- m warm: or A WARRANT'uo me directed, bearing we the Mth day ot Mar, 1934, Aligned by ther, Mayor and under the Seal of the Municipality of the Town of Durhtunh, instructing me to levy upon the lands and buildings hereinafter menlfpnod for the arrears of hue. due thereon, with cool... notice is hereby kiven that unless the said taxes, and coats are sooner mid I nhnll " â€-1 "-c, -. -- _ To Wit Treasurer's Sale of lands in Arrears for Taxes TOWN Br DURHAM BMW...“ The Property of the “are ot June: Ritchie. one nus out of town. Good brick house um harv- C . ... an; anadian Pacific 41.13 Leaving Nov. " to Return"); up to Ind it Apply to Horny or Bert Ritchie. Going Nov. " Returning Nov, Going Nov. M, Ra'urning Nov. Full "talt. from any mm '. M. McFadden. Town Ana-I0 l BY vm'rua or A toxono ---'e November 21 " 29, 1931 longynnn rant FOR SALE OR TO RENT unuczn nus shall be sumcient to ducharg\q such up to And Including Dee “no... .......Iyy. Emmi". THE DURHAM REVIEW one}; Iotate, Cara w. 21. Queen E. rims pt 17, 18, Ganfrm St E ... 83.85 TO a. lots 77,96, W. Hunter’s By; N A, Lambton N; b11473. 83674. lot pt 2,Caratraxa St E T, Gantraxa St E. .... 149, William St W. .... " inclusive 53,78,79,80, W.H'tr's " 8.56 PETER RAMAGE Phone 21 " 30 TODAY and a I The lissionary 'l‘lssnkoirering meet -ing of Knox United church was held in acheolroom on Wed. Nov. 14th, with Mrs. Mather presiding. Among the business matters discussed. it was decided that a committee " I lcs: tie.rs, for the coming year, Mrs ’Rowland. Mn Mcilralth and Mrs Ab l- der to act as such. Visitors reported Imaking 20 calls. As this was the /rhartkotrerimr meeting a sui able re- sponsive service led by Mrs. T. E. Grir,Ci,' was held, followed by prayer 'try Miss McGirr. Rev. W. H. Smith [was the special speaker and gave a l splendid address on women’s work. Among many other things he stressed (the life of the woman in the non- {christian lands. He also spoke of the xgreat itttluertee ot medical missions l land noted the fact that Jesus first I lheaied. All who heard this tine ad- 0 dress should be interested in mite , sions. A duet 'Read the Missionary A Monthly' by Mrs Stoneouse and Miss ti Blythe was a fitting closing for the it address. Mr. Smith gave the closing T prayer. Refreshments were served “1 K, the 7th day of December, 1934, r, in the Council Chamber, in the I lands and buildings, or so much rs such arrears of taxes and social hour followed sun-:- on 3.1.0. ..., mummmovmcx --"""""--- Plea: clip “at of Humane: after checking 3 Publica- tion; desired. Fill out coupon artfully. Gunman: T.meurt..........f. Plenumdmthe 't"ggteeiiieiiuiirvriitrc'rTA"2lS'll,titg tue m- RAMAGE, Treasurer. 534.83 66.86 72.23 72.82 134.00 Taxes Costa 6.36 140.76' election next month. This ' teee'y-treats., Associate helt N 16.37 551.20 ply work, Systematic giving, Iii; 71.53il arr Monthly, Mission Band, I ly 77-04, reporter. Singing of the Mig 7.36\\181.82f 5.10 ' 8.8.95 3.22 11.78; $3.10 4.85 8.33 4.88 4.33 4.32 10.35 4.08 .81 4 82 "..W â€was, a: ulner caste, was the ttrat" winch 84.17 to accept Christianity, and as as aystate. 11 57.65 group, required careful instruction) sacrinct 56.62: and patient discipline. Mrs Gagnon' Corps 304.15 presented Christian Stewardship. Mrs laid, I 47.0t Halbert, Pres., conducted the busin- would t ess period asking reports for the li war- . year from all omcera, in view of the greed M 140.76 election next month. This includediwar. ' see'y-treas., Associate helpers, Burr. 551.20 ply work, Systematic giving, Mission) Twenty 71.53! ary Monthly, Mission Band, and press , ideal co 77.04 reporter. Singing of the Mlzpah ben- (far dista 77.64: ediction closed a spiritual feast of (iii have 140.35.I good things. Total ' 7.33 79.02 221.59 84.17 57.65 56.62 304.15 47.0t Glenelg and nominations will of this week. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO High School at Indore created great interest and won approval and a grant from the local British authori- ties. Mass movements are general in India where people do not act as In. dividuals but as castes or groups. The Pararas. a fisher caste, was the. flrr" V --- ............u... and inspiring Ray of Hope messages were presented in our! Every soldier carried the te study of “Mass movements in lndin.â€; hope that civilization by his t Those taking part in the discussion i would become t'omething nobler and prayer were Mesdames. hamleyl thereby the principles of right I McCrae, Winter, Wilson, Halbert “a dominate in the affairs ot, men McClocklin. We learned that Christ! of nations The my a! hope shot ianity was i1rat introduced in India.’ the hearts ot the men ot the th 1541, A.D., by Francis Xavier, a‘enheartenins them, giving Ihem, young Portugese Catholic Priest or, age to endure the ditrcomtorts, great courage and untrelt1tsh devotion. t'11iterintrtr, the passing of comra Our Canadian Missionaries went to; Home Tie. _ India in 1876 and established 'ere Among these men who om for the children. The flrtst Christian , themselves were manv fnthar- n, High School at Indore nae-om! ----4 l A reading by Mrs Prue and the devo- tlonal leaflet by Min Cozena were followed by several short prayers. The 3rd chapter of the study book, "Bullden of the lndlnn church." was introduced by Mrs Glen and my splendid educational and lneplrlng messages were presented in our study of "Maas movement. In nu"- "' Queen 8t. United W. M A very full and lengthy was prepared by Mrs. Gian regular meeting of the Senior ot Queen St. United " the 1 Mrs McClocknn, Thursday N( "............ " KNOX AUXILIARY Bentlnck municipal be held on Friday Lhursdny Nov. 15111. Prue and the devo- Mlu Cozena were lengthy prom 'B. (Han for the 1e Senior was. at the home ot the Russian Hue nurlu, or remedying many injur- F lies, or making life easier for those, o ’who through no fault of their own, ;are deprived of the advantages of R leoentoriaNe living, for whom there is A, {little of the colour or beauty of life. W ( l is the hope of the veteran that l. (these things may be accomplished J. [through the peaceful co-operation ot P. lair-that in the chart to bring about_E. Ethe necessary adjustments there may H. i he no clash ot sum. There is none, P. {except those who have gone through W. , it who can be expected to realize the P. horrors of war. E. Danger of bustle Measure- H. We should be very careful to pre- H. vent the tttttheaded enthusiast tor re l. l form from over-turning our cherished D. institutes of Government until he can Ed: convince us that h in- ----=.. t d --__... m... aver-turning our Cherished institutes of Government until he can convince us that he he something worth while which to replace them. Like lighthouse. dong the come of hintnrr ' 'L’ _ - great i Theorists suggest all kinds of rem- .edies including a complete reorgan- ‘izatlon ot the Industrial and tlnaneial systems, and even the over-throw of all axis ing governments. In the tinam cial field every sort of policy has been advocated from rash extrava- gance to miaerlinetm. With all sorts people tugging at the economic tatr ric. stretching it this way and that, I is 'sadly ditcorted; with plenty of ‘food to feed the multitude there are (yet throngs of hungry ly I material wealth of every l there is yet the direct nee ‘ls confronted with the righting the economic co the world, of remedying I ies, or making lite easier who through no fault of are deprived of the adv comfortable living, for who little of the colour or beau I, is the hope of the w guilty of Raining Standard of Civil- ( ization i Civilization has fallen far short of [the height dreamt ot by the men who (went into the war - by those who lie in the Battlefields, of France and i Flanders. We have a duty to raise the standard of civilization so that these undesirable conditions may be over-' [come. The hope that the children would benettt by the heroism and the sacri- flee of the fathers has not been real- ized for nbw that these children of the war period are grown up, they are spending the early years of man. hood and womanhood idly at home. I Duty of Raining Standard M mun! ; Twenty years have passed and the ideal conditions are still in the dim gfar distant future; in tact, they seem P' have receded. The veteran home Iis rare indeed which does not suffer Isome deprivation, some aftermath of war. Indeed in many ot these homes the men who fought to save civiliza- tion sit idly at home because no work is offered. them to do. Surely a man, who serves his country in war earns the right to an opportunity to make1 good in peace. I THE DURHAM REVIEW } Among these men who o, i themselves were many fathers, 1 title children. it was hard to I home and loved ones but it had I done for the sake of the cause i Poot that a better standard ot ,ization would be brought about ling the children all the hen (which should characterize the state. It was for this reason that traeritieed. Many of the men at Corps laid down their lives in Cause believing that their chil would be forever tree of the me ot war-ot the tselthshness and greed which is the cause of all war. r; The call to Arms, August 1914 {I Twenty years have passed since . g the clarion call to arms sounded ’forth. in response to its summons , men flocked to the colours, regard- H‘iess of the diaexmttorta, the losses. ‘Ithe suffering or the possibility of it,':,',,':; The men of the corps offered themselves tor the high purpose' ot bringing» shout a better, a happier and s nobles form of civilisation. When Germany repudiated her treaty. it was teitphat the whole interns- ytioual structure would crumble, for Ishe was denying, breaking, scrapping the highest principles of diplomacy. From recruiting platforms the mes- sage rang forth: this is a war to end War-Otter yourself in the cause of home, ot country. ot civilisation. With courage mounting high, the manhood , of Canada volunteered into the Ber, vice, into the bettletieid tor the sake 1 of the cause. t Remembrance Day Address '3 Given By Gen. ali. Draper Chief, Toro/to Police Force, at Dur. ham Ext-Service Men’s Avoc'n Banquet on Nov. 12th. lunch Revolution and (In human ma forth of hungry people; with aith of every description the direct need. Mankind I with the problem of economic conditions of Ideal Not Realized red ones but it had to bel sake of the cause in the better standard of ly) I be brought about giv-l lren all the benetttts,I the affairs of men and 'he my of hor/d shone in f the men of the Corps, them, giving them cour- e the ditrcomtorts, the Le passing of comrades. Homer Tie. _ this reason that they , ed--, of the men of the, a 501 a their lives in the the 1 that their children _ Civil! ' free of the menace: The tseltitshness, and lhelmade he cause of all this, as t1 , men who offered many fathers of lit- waa hard to leave still in the dim tact, they seem I veteran home the fervent his effort ideal I pleasures ct r that would Voucher No. 10: R. Lamb, my aheet plies .. .... ........ Henry Otstott, relief supp Fred Torry, commission One meeting council .. I Wells-Torry: That all accounts, in. eluding voucher No. 10, be passed and cheques issued by treaa.--Ctu.. tied. i Accounts as follows: R. L Saunders, school supplies: McFadden Drug Store, relief sup plies .. .. .. .. ...r.r...... Farmers' Co-operative Company, relief supplies .... .... .. .. Jae. McCrea. relief supplies .... P. Lawrence, relief supplies .... Alex A. AOoe, relief supplies .. 3 Green Front Gnocery, relief sup- members present. Minutes were and adopted. lure no officers back of you to give you orders-you must make your own But if we bring to our civilian prob lems the same comradeship, the same co-operation and the same courage we will play an effective part in bringing about the ideal common for which our comrades laid down their lives. Ilpleasures ct life with others is need. r , ed-when a box of comforts came to 918. soldier on active service he shared a the contents with others; and so in lfciviltan life we must be generous. "The quality of cooperation which " made possible such a gigantic victory H as that ot Vimy Ridge would be a tremendous factor in righting the ec- Ionomic ship and in smoothing out the rough places. The courage to face (adversity and ditt1eulty which was [so abundant in the army would have more far reaching results than you jwould perhaps imagine it it were 'transterred into civilian lite. There in still work tor every an as tor every civilian to do to the world measure up to the i dreamt of by the soldiers ot the adian Corps when they went that terrible war. The work is n clearly laid out, but it is than n Met Saturday, Nov, Comradship, Coagulation, Courage. The same eomrtuietship, the same co-operation and the same courage which won the war, are needed to build up a happy Canada. The kind of comradeship which shares the ' Rumors of NFttr cuule society to tremble, but society has still one great instrument for peace that it mar wield in the face of rumors; the intluentse of the ttunity. Notwithstan- ding changing conditions through the years, the family as the basic unit inj ell former society has remained the 'me. It the family lite is well direc-i ’ted the community benefits and by? same degree the national lite, ot the country is improved and its ittiluettee for good felt throughout the world. Respect for the rights of others, prec- ticed ttrat domestically then nation- ally will go far in solving our present day dimcultiea. The one great cause today is world " the home of Mr and In Alberi pesce. Like all great ceases it in: Davis, Sundsy. . small beginnings, and they originate Mrs Mary Emke of Elmwood was in the family. More than ever before: a welcome visitor " the home of In our complex living and economic in- Fulton lest week. terdependence necessitste co-opers- The ladies old of the Baptist tion among indlvldusis end nstions. church met at the home of Mrs ml- The peoples of the world are slowly ton for their November meeting. Hrs discovering that there is no such MacLean, the president presided. The thing as a satisfactory settlement of meeting opened in the usual way; their disa'greements by warfare. Only the scripture lesson was rend by pes- internstionsl cooperation will bring tor Homer followed by prsyer. The lasting peace and the ttrat steps to roll call was snswered with a verse this are taken by the individual in of scripture on peace. Business part‘ his dealings with his fellow men. of meeting over a quilt wes put in! Rumors of war cause society to frames and quilted. Sandwiches and: tremble, but society has still one cake were served " the close. Next', great instrument for peace that it meeting to be held st the parsonage,‘ my wield in the face of rumors; the Dec. It. All members requested to Lil influence ot the family. Notwithstan- present. I 'ar-r, LL uri be iriiiiiii, Intro. The "rmtur 'rtmtttnq of the B.Y.P ar.! Mr. Alder-on Byer- returned “A.†duoed into our preeent hymen. " in we. tgeid Thunder evening. Nor. 3-] only In the week from I threw Vrr, neceenry that men would put; their in m of In. Huh 'w' 2'Y' halide! with friend. " St Cath, ' shoulder to the wheel in the†an meeting opened with - tugd hm: In. A. Corbett of South li: t at woe to atrettt the momplioh- 847. Sml’i'm "tading " m“ pe spent an pet week with hp; 'r. meat of the happy condition. which mm“ Ttte PM WIN 0': In Andrew mum. we" antieipated in the 2"U' days. readings try El“. Elmo Vera tt,.t'.1 Mr. Wilt!“ Crowther with .1 ‘Funiiy irtthtengre and Need of Steady art end Ml Anderson; . few charm mu Dora, the In. Crowtio. -r .mm were enjoyed. The topic on 'tuc-l of the Menu. Peninsula mom. Pei-elm aw" irince' W triven try Mr. Homer. The! over the week end and vimnn: l Tum in no m“ for the dim- Lord's "my" cloeed the meeting.‘ the hiber'l deter In H. Punm. ',' /' came: ot the times. The and. my on-' Come-u followed. l Berber-e Byere teamed with th, ' fr' ty be attained thmush steady persist-, Mr and Mn Chris. Binkle and Mr ' her n, to m, Mass. _ en: alien in spite of All rover-ea. 'md an. newâ€: Aria were â€an! “an M “A Arrwrr,i.. .. waning III to evoid the rock.- of too [madden or too drastic chancel. What ever 15 done must be gradually intro- duced into our present eye.em. It in neceuery that men should put their shoulder to the wheel in theee days ot peece to enact the accomplish- ment at the happy conditions which were anticipated in the .war days. Family inttuqrute and Need of Study Bentinck Council Conclusion when they went into ar. The work is not so , but it Is there. There civilian to do to make supplies . supplies . . .. 1.45 supplies t .57 10th. with all the ideals 12.10 34.28 9.90 6.25 read veter- Mr 40 Can.. h we units. met " the home of Mr and Mrs Jae. Copp last Friday evening. The scripture lesson and ex- planatlon was read by Alma Ander- son; two papers. '"Sixteen years " ter" by Mm Jon. Copp and “er or Missionary" by Mrs A, Hustle were read the topie, “Jesus’ standard for civilization" was taken by Florence Mae Donald; a solo by Edith Rude and a 4..-. L - The C.Y.P.S. met Mr and Mm Jan. I evening. The scriptu planauon was read son; two miner-1 "l! Master Ivan Mac with his aunt Mrs Welbeck. Mr. Alex MacDonald. Myrtle and Mrs A. Hustle visited recently with Mr and Mrs In Summon. Port Elma. ".s.i,.. ...7 -- -- The Louise Crawford Junior nus mers met at the home ot Ronald and Florence Inbound last Wednesday night. remained for a. few dnys v Mrs A. Hustle visited Cheater and Elmwood over end. Guests, at the home of M Brown the ttrut of the week Mr and Mrs W. Vance, Mrs A, and Master Allan Neelan of C and Mrs Man of Guelph. Mrs Miss I days In week end with u Mr and Mrs D?) wood Township. Mr and Mrs Joe of Allan Park ape with Mr and Mrs I Congratulations to Messrs J. D. and Alexander Brown, sons of the lute Archie Brown and Mrs M. Brown now ot Owen Bound, who were married on Saturdey to Misses Reta and he". Knuttle, Port Elgin. (Arrived too late for Int week) I Mr. D. J. MacDonald is attending County Council In Owen Bound this week. Born-on Wednesday November 14 to Mr and Mrs Nelson Christie (nee Elisabeth Fisher) 'Windsor, a dung):- ter. . Mrs Andy Hustle attended the wed-! ding of her nephews J. D. and Alex) Brown in Port E13111 [at Saturday. ( Mr and Mrs Alex Anderson ot Scone and Rev. and Mrs Dolby ot Cheater,' visited on Friday with the Sherk and‘ Anderson families. I Mr and Mn Russel Flddls, North Brant spent Sunday wich friends, here. Leslie of Southampton. visited on Sunday with Mr Wilbur Anderson and mother. Mrs Matheson la staying this week with her mother who is not well at present. at the home of Mr and In Albert Davin, Smithy. . Mrs Mary Emke of Elmwood wu I. welcome visitor " the home of In Fulton last week. The India std of the mum This Week's Budget Mr and Mrs Jno Matheson and non Mary McGulvray spent a, few " week with friends in Elm.. with the Inter: -pamsnii, C.Y.P.S. CRAWFORD 8010 by Edith I Florence and I , enJOYed. The the benediction the home of Mr Alex timt of the week were T. Vance, Mrs A, Brown Han Neel-.11 ot Chesley . of Guelph. Mrs Marr Joe Brown and family spent Sunday evening [rs D. J. MacDonald. D. Hustle spent McDutty in Coiling MULOCK' ' dun visit. Visited friends tn mud I: visiting John Corlett ct the week a were' A shower Wu held an! for Mr and Mrs J. Walsh 'lorence honor of the bride, N Rude who received many Ct Ronuld gifts. also a. pair of , meet- the Cathotte Women‘s n. and dancing wu the at “Emlyn. Lunch was new new“ ion. All wish an in Frella this now I The Domoch W. I. met at tho ho' rot Mrs R. Hartley. Nov. 14, will r members present. Minutes were u {and adopted. Roll all was enema. {by a kitchen equivalent; paper ti. ', given try Ills. E. B. Dargavel on "I Ilest hour and death of Edith Cttvr) ‘The three older Howey childxw an; 1 song. We hope that some (in !they win - on the Institute. (contest wu put on by was Harem “Robertson, which was won by Mr: :‘R. Hartley; rectmtlon by Mrs Mm faith; address by Mn R. Kramer Tr Elmwood. She spoke on the possum 5we: of - day life, which was ex. otsd by ati; community emgim- "Now the tHy in over." Meeting chcc ed by naming God Save the Kins Lunch was served by Mrs V. Sum-r, er, Mrs E. Dararnvet, Mrs Manley mu: like Manon. Next meeting will In- held " home ot Mrs. A. Livings or Chmtmu gift. will be exchanger} A uhower we. held at the home of Mr Ind In J. Wattsh of Domoch. In honor at the bride, Mm. E. Sweenm, Mr and In Joe Crutchley and l, " were sue-t- this week with M Ind Mrs [Inc Hooper, N. Fizz-mm: Mr. The. under um sish'r \1' Wm. Suter, Toronto, were gUt'sh their parents over the week Mu: Mr and In Gordon spent . any the titat of the Mr and In Nell McLean. In Nell lichen and Mrs I Lou: were guests Friday with l loQunn-le. Aberdeen. Mr. Junel Miller has Nahum Property here a the “are for buniness l Mr Ind In Cllrence Thon Crawford wane callers the the week with relatives at In. Mm Shirley Hopkins spun! dun recently with her grand; Mr 1nd Mn June; Ewen, Ab, Mr and In Cllrence Thom, Min Janie McDonald. Alu- Wu . week end vistor “in: M um Mr and Kn Malcolm Mrii, sad mm Jean were vismm tow day: this week with tum Hamilton. Mr and In Reid Haslip, ('1 were Vulcan with Mr and Mr, Tammi. Sunday. Mr And In Bern Coutts the mum ot a friend, Mr. in Gteneig, Saturday. I Tho (LEO. held their annual In“ ‘W ct the home at Mr Inâ€! Ifry George Turnlmu on Friday m::..mv last, when around ninety an! an. '1, well laden We. of fowl and " 02‘] of M m to eat. The 0.0.1:: was very plmnntly Spell! in a»: r at And loch! chat. lour batman the 4rettine Tery mm] (it, with PIC!†ot rttta In plan: A tttue mvol In these places w.†4,", hurt them. Mr. Borden Toronto min. i [can acorn and Archie “WM son an In Phe-fue this week I A door {1 Icon now am! m4,†clinging " place of lbode 0' pâ€. h" -taum new. They an I!“ " [mum in un- loamy. mad- lut week In um par Mr. A“ Byen returnmx Mn". mnmmtmmn Harw- \-..,, holiday with friend- " St Cam. t I In. A. Mt! of South Bt-r.‘ L ROCKY SAUGEEN ' Women's Magus. Game I In the feature of [hr h van net-wed by the Ian} III the bride and groom though life. DORNOCH my costly and uson Wt of blankets trot NOV. 88. ts3q VICKERS Gordon Mrr " very unsemwi Tor, mild this Mo, Emu is home hm and wil this we Week VII on his Andc ll londly Very mud. at, her you Min “In ter " OH . CUSTOM Phone I do! our " All ki handl Gun for AWA 19 CM Mt Try Ha. " tte,