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Durham Review (1897), 27 Jun 1935, p. 6

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$.4 wÂ¥ There is one impor:ant general conâ€" kideration to be remembered when claims of this sort are being advane ed. When rays have effects at groat distances, as with radiq waves. it is due to the eMorts oft the receiver to AIRPLANES AND RAYS. Recent reports from Italy of the methods of stopping _ airplanes by rays sound rather faniastic to the ears of professions! physicists. UNCONGENIAL OccurpaTions The most unhappy people on earth are thos» who are in uncongenial ocâ€" cupations#, who got the wrong kind of educat‘ons and jobs and had to be content t, be forever square pegs in round holes, With good advice from the vocational guidance council, many suoh mistakes will be e%iminated. â€" Niagara Falls Review. It was a feature of this year‘s ra. dio and electrical exhibition at Syd ney, in Australia.â€"Brandon Sun. There is no end to inventions to make the 1i tening to radio proâ€" grams comfortable to the very laziâ€" est of fans, There is one new idea that is also a comfort to those who do not want to listen, which someâ€" times is a whole neighborhood. With a pillow of the type now inâ€" vented it is said you will be able to go to bed and listen to the radio all night if you choose without stern injunctions from others to turn the thing off. A sensitive set is concealed in the sponge rubber interior of the pillow and the reproduced sound can be heard only when the ear is restâ€". ing on the pillow. \ such collision ed and 1865 The associ Canada as we Canadian mo done the‘r fai aceldent total Today the mys mains one of the the book store she emphatically not b tion has improve« ham New : was boing served up ;oâ€"it other forms of light read take its place Pernsal at lake its place, Perusal of ci;’cuiatlon cards in the public libraries does not bear out this opinion, Predictions of literary prophets that the craze for mystery fiction was on the wane and would soon be ended does not seem to be working out that way. For the last half dozen: years wiseacres in the book world have persistently stated that the modern detective story was losing â€" ground. that its . day was about done. ‘The public, they safd, had sickened on the diet of murder and horrop which O1DC _ DACCemer wIidk UH¢ MaAMt for speed nor with that dangerous comâ€" plex which exprésses itselft in the taking of chances. They are ever on the alert, guardâ€" ing against the possibilities of danâ€" Ker, avoiding risks, neyer plunging heedlessiy into situations in which the nnknown or unseen constitute a potential menace. In other words, they proceed on their way, with their eyes wide open and their minds cantrad on the responsible Mamilion Spectator The majority ot drivers go along year after year without mishap; they are the conscientious people who re. alize their responsibilities and are not obsessed with the mania _ for speed nor with that dangerous comâ€" plex which exprésses itselft in the taking of chances. lllacs are in bloom and sttnivl;eâ€"l-;y whortcake season ts in the offing.â€" London Advertiser, WHEN THE Litacs BLOOM The world may be going complete. Iy to the dogs, as some people afâ€" firm, but it is hard to believe it when HEKES AEW ME BEGGHs ABH SEFAGHKars W. R. Thompson, Main Street, has a curiosity in his flower garden this apring, where an oldâ€"fashtoned yel. low tulip has crashcd to the front page by producing five blooms on one stem. Both motherâ€"p!lant and blooms are doing wellâ€"a fine family of "quintulips." â€" Petrolia Advertiserâ€" Topic, FASHION NOTE Talking about epidemics,, have you noticed how the ladies are coming out in spots*"â€"Hamilton Spectator, I CANADA THE EMPIRE RADIO PILLOws AND NOWâ€"QuinTuLiPS MYSTER YFICT \ oc* tore shelves. And it is most lly not because mystery fic improved. It hasn‘t â€"Chat. GOooD pRivers CANADA mystery story «till re. the biggest sellers on t one out of m motor veh. _ the side of this happened 6 it, and that reading would her words, they with their eyes minds centred vrk in hand. â€" s lines in ted States. certainly ing up the 10ON FARM PROBLEMC iN BRITAIN, The decline in the number of men employed upon the land has within the last sixty years been very great; at the same time the small farms have beon diminishing in numbers, in sp te of the legislative attempts to THE KING‘s TuTor. James Neale Dalton toured â€" the world with the young Princes in the Britannia and the Ophir. His sturdy character and his mind, as human as it was scholarly, were a strong influâ€" ence in building up the character© of King George; a character which has slowly impressed itself vpon a troubâ€" led Empire as the ideal of wha: a constitutional ruler should be. During the months of Jubilee celebration the‘ eyes of all the world are upon King George, But we may allow ourselves to glance aside from the central figâ€" ure for a moment to the wonderful old man who was his tutor, Only a few years have passed since Canon Dalton stamped through the Cloisters of Windsor, a loudâ€"voiced veteran, striking terror and awe in all who beheld him.â€"Hector Bolitho, in The Fortnightly (London)}. ¢ the THE OLD Books anp sonas, An anchor of sanity in a bewilderâ€" ing world.â€" That is how we should regard the old songs and the old books that Britain has befriended for many decades and still holds close in her heart. "Lorna Doone," "David Copperfield, "Treasure Island," _ still live, And "Home Sweet Home" and "Love‘s Old Sweet Song," still live, too. There is a revealing glimpse of human loyalty in the publisher‘s list of the 100 Best Selling novels. We cling to those books because their sentiment is true, universal and for all timeâ€"Manchester Sunday Chronâ€" icle. ‘ Last year, on farms of the Dominâ€" ion, 37 persons were fatally injured by animals, 11 by falls from loads, 28 through being struck by animalâ€" drawn vehicles and implements, 10 as results of sunstroke, etc. The toâ€" tal of 150 fatalities gives some slight indication of the number of nonâ€"fatal accidents that occur. â€" Woodstock Sentinelâ€"Review . A CAT AND A Birp. } It is possible to domesticate a cat and make of it a delightful indoor companion, but let it out for an hour and it reverts to the life of its anâ€" cestors, The cat has not improved a particle in a thoucand years of world progress. It will rend a young robin as ruthlessly as its ancestors did in the days of Julius Caesar. â€" Toronto Star. | CHASING THE HITCHâ€"HIKERS. Hitcaâ€"hiking still continues to conâ€" stitute itself a major nu‘sance along the highways, although those who engage in this cheap but bothersome way of travelling report tFhat drivers are becoming increa ing‘y hardâ€"heartâ€" ed and free ridos are correspond ngly more difficult to ohbiain. After all, why shoulid moto is‘s hbe expected to pick up individuals along our roads and supply them with free transpcrtation?..... . The hitchâ€"hiker is sometimes _ a danger, and is always a nuisance, and it is not surprising to find the authâ€" orities in many sections of the conâ€" t‘nent declaring war on the persons who beg free rides..â€"Peterboro Ex. aminer. STRIPPING THE FORESTs There is and always$ has been too much ruthless stripping of the {orâ€" ests, particularly the watersheds of this country. And the results are with us today. What with this ruthâ€" less cutting and the ravages of forâ€" est fires and incests, the ('unad’an‘ wood supply is being depleted with all the attendant detrimental effects. There is, as one example, great concern about falling levels in the St. Lawrence waterways, and the greatest cause, we are convinced, is’ this very stripping of the watersheds and the banks of streams tribntaries’ to the St. Lawrence and Great Lak('s., â€"Halifax Herald. I § to those books because their timent is true, universal and for time.â€"Manchester Sunday Chronâ€" to protect an engine or delicata part of a machine from any known sort of electrical ray coming from a source more than a few yards away.â€"Manâ€" chester Guardian. It is very much easier to make insensitive than to make sensit‘ve apparstus, and in fact an enclosure of thin metal foil should be sufficient do everything he can to detect the rays. HMe uses receiving circuits and valves of extreme sensitiveness, But If a person does not want to reâ€" ceive waves that might interfere with his engine or himself he does not need sensitive, but insensitive, ap. paratusâ€"that is, armor to protect The EMPIRE FARM FATALITIES. 1e THE WORLD AT LARGE ' ‘"Nothing great '. , without enthustagm."* In addition to the ugsual attractions, the following were suggested, having been tried by Societies and requiring little cash outlay: Antique displays. Oxen demonstrations. Hitching, driving and riding comâ€" petitions. ’ Milk maid contests. J Horse drawing competitions, Classes for jumping horses. Teams for horses, versus six or eight men. Horse back wrestling. Sheaf binding competitions. Log sawing. Potato races. Musical chairsâ€"mounted. Band competitions; old time fidâ€" dlers‘ contests, etc. Interâ€"community competitions were recommended, such as special prizes for Women‘s Institute displays. Junâ€" ior classes have been found to arouse much interest and this year Agriculâ€" tural Societies are sponsoring over 180 clubs for boys and girls. It was agreed judging should be arranged to afford educational opâ€" portunities and be as attractive as possible. Suitable rings should be provided for all live stock and the names of winners should appear on hall exhibits. The Directors of the Ontario Asâ€" sociation of Agricultural Societies, at a recent meeting, discussed at length attractions for fall fairs. Demonstrations of various kinds And then he went on to tell of the bull market on foxes and sales conditions in the good old days. "As a matter of fact I sold options around May 15, 1913, for other ranchers at $14,000 a pair and a few weeks later sold six pairs for the Tuplin _ Fox Corporation, acting through their Charlottetown agents, for $16,000 a pair." \ "That litter said, "would least $65,000, 500 apiece." _ Charlotietown. â€" P h otographers have been out taking pictures of 10 little baby foxes all of one litter, at the ranch of Col. Fred Andrew. This litter of 10, although it does not get the spotlight of the Dionne quintuplets, would have caused someâ€" what of a sensation back in the boom years when fabulous sums were paid for Prince Edward Island pups, a‘ prominent rancher commented. [ro,tore thein. The small mixed farm ,has become definitely uneconomic in Britain, as in most Continental counâ€" ’trles, and every year of progress, evâ€" ery invention of science and machin. ery, increases the efficiency of the llarge farm as compared with the small. | Further employment upon the land is to be obtained, not by a return to earlier conditions of subâ€"division, but by an intensification of the methâ€" ods of production on larger units of cultivation, Under organ‘sation even modern production of certain select. ed commodities will admit of the parâ€" ticipation of s‘ngleâ€"man units, the lack of efiiciency of which is offset by. the social and psycholog‘cal advanâ€" tages they confer.â€"A. D. Hall in The Nineieenth Ceontury and After (Lonâ€" don). itter Of Ten Silver Foxes Once Worth $65,000 In Cash Five hundred families awai in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska W. McCormick, first to draw, an VALUES DOWN ENTHUSIASM Fair Attractions in 1913," the rancher have been worth at or an average of $6,â€" was ever achieved a." â€"Emerson await their turns to draw lots for __" . , . nothing is more attractive than to see a young man . . . bending all his energies in the direction of truth anrd duty and God . . . to be such a young man is to be like Christ, the highest type, the most illustrious example of enthusiasm the world has ever seen." â€"J, McC, Holmes ka, U.S., rehabili't'at;t.n.l'"pr‘(‘)'j‘ect. announces his luck to the crowd "Inherited" shyness is no one‘s fault, but certainly not the boy‘s. It is a mistake, too, to try to force any small child toward courage he does not feel, "Roughage" is actually most successful, it applied in vyery almall and rather gentle doses by people he likes, at first, It will gather its own momentum, Then suddenly someone expects, everyoneâ€"expects, these boys to deâ€" velop biceps and calves and pugnaâ€" rity over night, They expect the «mall hermit to go out and lick all the rough lads in the neighborhood. First we unfit them and then we expect them to right our mistakes, "They might get something." "They might learn something they shouldn‘t know." "They might get hurt." They must be "good" boys, Others get it by criticism and ridiâ€" cule when little, Still others are renâ€" dered sensitive by overâ€"soft existâ€" ence. They are coddled, protected, treated like fine china and never learn what roughage means, And they are kept apart, alone too long. Some boys develop a sort of antiâ€" social attitude (or just let us call it shyness) when babies. They seem to be born with an inability to face the sandpaper of life, Every one of them is a courageous fighter in the world of wits and science and law, â€" with the courage of his convictions and "moral" courâ€" age to persevere. And these are the strange one who wouldn‘t use their fists or shinny up telephone poles to watch a baseball or football game,. These lonely ones that some people called "odd", Yes, in a way they were retreating from life during boyhood. Not from life exactly, but from life as they found it around them. Why do we think a boy isn‘t a man unless he likes to whoop and punch and doJ cartwheels and swat a ball? In time he grew up. So did the rest. And lo and behold, few of them are strange any more. There are Richard Jones, head of the testingâ€" laboratory at the Institute, and Mark Smith, a promising young lawyer, Fred, Art, Samuel and William often get their pictures in the paper for come‘bhing or other they‘ve done in their business or chosen profession. He had jut about a miillion broâ€" thers â€" under the skin â€" but he didn‘t know it Neither did his parâ€" ents; And neither did the parents of those other "odd" youngsters. He liked books and fishing, or anyâ€" thing one could do alone or with anâ€" other quiet fellow like himself, Oh yes, he was very, very strange. Naturally he had to enjoy his company more or less becau« the others liked the same things couldn‘t understand a boy who w more or less a roughneck. Once there was a boy who was ever so strange. He never flattened his no e against a plate glass win. dow to gaze at catching gloves, or masks, or nice smooth bats. He wasn‘t jealous of his cousin who had a new hockey stick, H didn‘t get exc‘ted when two felows bozgan to pummel each other ard ro‘l in the gutier. Shyness Has But Most Children Are Rendered Sensitive by an Oversoft Existâ€" enceâ€"We "Unifit" Them For Life Many Causes enjoy his own s becauce all me things and oy wio wasn‘t ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO _tracts Martiri __2, Whenever you put on a new tire, whenever a tire has been off the rim, do not start on a long drive with imâ€" plicit faith that its air presure is correct, _A tire may lose several pounds of pressure immediately after it is put on the rim. Have it checked three or four miles down the road, 1. Maintain recommended or rated air pressure at all times. The recomâ€" mended pressure is a minimum beâ€" low which tires should never be alâ€" lowed to fall. Nor should pressure be kept much above this figure. There are twelve simple rules for tire health, which, if followed, would cut the average motorist‘s tire bill anywhere from 25 to 50 per cent, anâ€" nually, according to Technical Superâ€" intendent, for a tire company, Those rules are: A skilful architect has modelled the house from an ancient Swedish counâ€" try residence; there are loggias openâ€" ing from every storey, which gives upon the river or the pinewood, And here, too, a sure hand has blended the colors of furniture and hangings into perfect harmony: reds _ and browns that suggest the forest and the bright berries of autumn; blues that mirror the river or the sky; green of birch leaves and purple of heather; gray of the plumage of the mountain birds. \ 12 Simple Rules For Tire Health AMONG THE PINES There is one villa which is a revelâ€" ation of what can be done in this way. It happens to be the gift of a wealthy Swede to invalid members of his own profession, but the exâ€" quisite taste displayed might be that of an art connoisseur, High up in the wonderland pine forests of Jamtâ€" land, backed by the mountain of Areskutan â€" in, winter a paradise for skiâ€"runners, in summer a delight for the city dweller and a surprise at all times for the tourist â€" the brownâ€" walled house stands, the music of a waterfall behind it, pine needles a‘ carpet outside the garden, There are few hangings or drapâ€" eries, and the cushions and covers for window seat or table are severe and richly colored, In one or two of the tourist centres where the big hotels have been carefully furnished after old Swedish traditions, I have been surprised by the beauty which color and the right use of material can give. | _ Love of color is a highly characâ€" ‘ teristic feature of Sweden, and a visit ]to the summer homes on the islands around Stockholm or in the beautiâ€" "ful forest scenery of Dalecarllia is an | education in its use, writes Honor Stuart, in the Gl&sgow Herald, The Swede has the good taste to ‘insist upon simple furnishings for his sumâ€" mer house, but the plain painted I wood furniture is $so charming in hue â€"limeâ€"green or blackbird‘s egg blue, warm russet or a sunny yellow, the: natural gra‘n of the wood being uti‘â€" ized for decoration. with perhaps some simple "motif" in addition â€" , tiat the eye is perfectly satisfied and ‘one feels instinctively that anything more e‘aborate would jar. BROWN AND GOLD | In a country where the timber inâ€" dustry is a staple one, it is, of course, natural that this should be the medium employed, but it comes almost with a sense of surprise that its decorative use should be of so advanced a nature, If the walls are but of pitch pine, the wood is painted or oiled into a beautiful symphony of gold and brown; the floors are wood too, and the carpets are woven from ancient designs where peasant instinct, usually sure and sound, is evident. Swedish Use of Color Impresses S cots w om a n a dog who brought a physician to a house that sorely needed him,. An old lady was taken suddenly ill, and her granddaughter said, in the preâ€" sence of the dog that she wished Dr. Dr. Everett related these stories of dogs and persons whom he knew well. One of them was in regard to We shall not undertake to tell our readers anything that we know about dogs, though we know a good deal; but we propose to relate two stories that the Reverend Doctor Charles Carroll Everett, the dean of Harvard Divinity School 40 years ago, uced to tell, Both of them may seem to most of our readers almost unbelieveable, but those wio knew Dr. Everett are aware that he was not given to gassing, and that he was not the sort of man who gave ready credence to "old wives‘ fables." ‘ Sir Walter Scott once said he never heard a dog story he had the slightâ€" est difficulty in believing. ~And Sir Walter, like most old British Tories, had a knowledge of dogs that will be denied to every Bolshevik, for we are convinced that no dog ever liked a rabid Bolshevik, or ever will. From the San Francisco Argonaut, Stories of Intelligent Dogs As Related By a Divini could be reached. (This was _ "Couples do not seem to want to have the ceremony caried out in the hours of darkness during the cold winter months, Although the Act of Parliament is there it is not, and will not, I am convinced, be largely taken advantage of, "It has certainly caused no inconâ€" venience to registrars or the clergy. Get married early in the day and leave town without delay seems to be the motto of most _ bridal couples," pa h9 s y ceremony early in the day, â€" a midâ€" day reception, and then leave town for the honeymoon, "Of the few marrliages that have taken place between 3 pm, and 6 pm. an analysis shows that most of them were solemized in â€" summer months and in sunshine, ‘ "Couples do not seem to want tof W m qy comin in the afternoon, and in the whole of England the figures available show that the number of marriages after that hour is fewer than 100. "It was believed that the extension of three hours granted by the Act would meet a _ really‘ widespread demand on the part of business people employed in offices who, while wishing to marry, could not afford to get away before 3 P.M.," a London registrar said, FACTS AND FIGURRES ‘‘This, however, is not borne out by facts and figures. Rather has it been the more emphasized um‘ couples prefer to have the wedding Fvnsteees n dn l sc oc y d 12 ' During the past yenr;c. 20 couples have been mar don and Greater London This is the experience of registrars in the London area after a year‘s working of the Act which allows wedâ€" dings to take place up till six o‘clock in the evening. MHitherto the ceremony could only take place between the hours of 8 am, and 3 p.m., except by special license issued by the Archbishop ot Canterbury‘s Faculty Office, LITTLE DEMAND Tradition, especially in so far as it concerns marriage, dies very hard in England, British Brides Prefer E a rly Ceremonies "Get Married Early In Day And Leave Town Without Delay" Their Motto 12, If your car begins to stee ly, slow down, pull off the ro inspect all four tires carefully this action comes when a tire paring to blow. Inspection m vent accident. 10. Start up gently; do not spin your wheels, ; 11, Do not bump into curbs or run over them: Tires have not yet been so poriected thaat they will perâ€" mit this k‘nd of abuse without inâ€" jury, 8. Look over your tires occasionally to see how they are getting a‘ong, 9. Do not drive top fast on mot, dry roads. In extremely hot weather on dry roads, high speeds heat the tires, and hasten deterioration. 7, Have your whee!l alignment checked occasionally, rear as well as front. 6. Except to prevent an accident, do not s‘am on the brakes, The most gradual breaking possible is best for tire . 5. Don‘t go around corners at high speeds, It wears tires faster than anyâ€" thing else, 4. Do not rely on the generally acâ€" cepted theory that it is all right to run old tires on back wheels, because a rear tire blowâ€"out is less dangerous than one in front, A rear tire blowâ€" out is every bit as dangerous as ons in front. 38. Do not run a tire constantly on the same wheel. Shift your tires from wheel ty wheel, which will produce even wear, _ Finally one of them returned home on a visit, and the dog maniâ€" fested an almost unbounded delight in his presence, Later he went to the home of the aiter cgo, evidently having reasoned that where the one was the other would be also. But the other had not returned, and the grief of the dog was almost inconâ€" solable . ‘ The other story is of a dog who was exceedingly fond of two young Cambridge men who were aimost inseparable. In course of time both of them went out into the world in search of fortune, and were both gone for several years, Suddenly the doctor walked in, to the surprise of the lady, and when she asked how he knew he was wantâ€" ed, he told her that her dog had come to AMis place and set up a tremendous barking in front of the door. When he came the dog indicated in various ways that he desired the doctor to follow him and he had done so. Perâ€" daps the moâ€"t remarkable feature of the story is that the dog was not in the habit of calling at the doctor‘s house. l before the day of telephones and there was nobody she could send for him,) bast year not more than begins to steerâ€"queer ull off the road, and tires carefully. Often London after three and in the whole ires available show of. marriages after s when a tire is preâ€" Inspection may pre. married in Lon But the « stuff C000 ooe . Nelocke â€" onl shape! I‘ve got no use for golf as a game, But I speak the language, just the same; There‘s too many drives, an‘ too many puttsâ€" Plenty cold feet, and not enough guts, You aint my son, but if you was mine I‘d_darn‘ soon teach you not to whine! He. wasn‘t cultured, and his words bum Trere‘s too many people with alibiâ€" I‘d rather listen to a darn good lie! As soon as folks quit hangin‘ crepe You‘ll see business is in fdarn on There‘s too many experts 1 come Tbe_wholo blame‘ world is That aged man, he tapped my kneeâ€" "D‘ye know what‘s wrong _ with things" said he. "I‘ve been in fights," and the old boy glared. "And I always got whipped when I got scared. * Folks have forgot how to stand and grin When hard luck socks ‘em on the chin, There‘s too much groanin‘ â€" not enough laughsâ€" Too many crepeâ€"hangers, too many of those graphsâ€" It sure don‘t help a sick man‘s heart To think of nothin‘ but his fever I said that things were mighéy_i;;a: And somehow or other, it made him An aged man at the union station piug;ud the business sitchâ€"eeâ€"ation Reniember, you will save yourself endless misery by choosing your footwear with care and common sense. In chronic cases no home remedics are likely to be of any lasting beneâ€" fit. The joint is probably permanentâ€" ly deformed and the bunion thick and hard. Surgical treatment holds out the only hope or relief. I Anothor condition which the great :toe is heir to is the bunion, rnd | hereâ€"again it must be confesed that | the cause is the sameâ€"badivâ€"=itting ; shoes. _ The bunion results from 'bending of the pgrovt toe outwards so | that its foint is loft unsupported and Try first of all to get the toe back to its proper shape. Get a pair of shoes with a straighter inner side and a broader toeâ€"cap. Place a pad of cotton wool or other support beâ€" tween the great toe and the second one. It helps if you have your socks or stockings made with a separate compartment for the great toe. For the bunion itself, if the case is an carly one, paint it with tincâ€" ture of ijodine. The joint at first tries to protect itself by growing a kind of cushion, but with pressure continui®: this cushion soon becomes enlarged, red and painful. pressure In all cases, whether early or severe, treatment must always be followed by providing yourself with properlyâ€"fitting shoes. _ Neglect of this precaution will incvitably lead to recurrence. So much for the early cases. Where septic infection has taken place it is necesary to clear this up to begin with. The best dressing to use is the hot boracic fomentation _made by wringing boracic lint out of boiling hot water and changing these dressings every two hours or so, When the skin is onse more clean and there is no discharge you should proceed as mentioned above. Oldâ€"standing cases will hardly beneâ€" fit to any great extont by home treatâ€" ment, and the only way to cure the condition is to have the nail removâ€" ed. ’ The first step is to cut the nail across in a straight line and not to follow the natural curve of the nail. Then try to cut out a Vâ€"shaped piece with the open part of the V pointing towards the end of the toe This helps to make the nail grow towards the centre. The next thing to do is to file the rounded surface, of the nail as flat as you can withâ€" out injuring the quick. When this has been done successfully it gives great relief. In the early stages of ingrowing toeâ€"nail, it is possible to cure the condition, and here is the best way to set about it. You should bear in mind at the outset that any attempt to cut away the sides of the nail will only make matters worse. Each time you do this you leave a sharper edge than before to press into the soft tissues. as Ingrowing Toeâ€"nuil, In these casâ€" es the sides of the nail are squeezed into the flesh, which they cut, and the wounds thus made are apt to become poisoned. A Common Sense Talk On a Sore Subject Despite its impressive name the Great Toe is a comparatively small affair; it is only when something goes wrong with it that we find there is something in a name after all, Tight shoes inevitably lead to trouble. One of the commonest results likely to follow from pressure is that known a~. | Amta e t old boy seemed to know his out many experts tellin‘ how Unhappy Feet Diagnosis must be confessed that he sameâ€"badiv=itting bunion â€"results from proot toe outwards so s loft unsupported and ready prey to any on the ernment keeping which a pub ieat motice much b« unsuccos: eopy, O wed, but i Into the Ihe se# wre ccirey reas. Tim busir of t publi Gove in w The 1 law ofi the Jaw ©Ooon & is onee advant progra easy 1 when c but mo towns grown first pr hide ©; establis €ontrol the be: publ ness trac busin appea not ap; store, < kins, men, azin« but resid whic fon dly ehildr $8 a c Here‘s The Way ani .h( W trip fire her wif bluc ingt Tashi ficial the 1 ()) She talking choice lightfs Oper where to the her fir After with th. Mull an Andre 1 Lebrun Mouse â€" events ; ble v throa straw rings. came hands bowed All €d taine forma two fron the B wwid To Mme. Of W Mc Nobods The re n M GIVE 1¢ W P} »HVC () H 1

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