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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jul 1935, p. 4

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i¢ dles or more at the same rate able (or several purposes. Get a big bundle of old papers at the Review Office. Only 5¢. Two bun. 810 a. m., 6.10 p. m. ITINERIES PLANNED TO ALL POINTS IN CANADA United States and Mexico. CONSULT LOCAL AGENT Hahn House, Tel. No. 24 or 173 Central Hotel, Telephone No. 36 Centrai ONTARIO BUS LINES TORONTO SOUTHBOUND, leave Durh‘m EFFECTIVE maAyY 5, 1935 NORTHBOUND, leave Durh‘m 12.50 p. m.. 720 p. m. STANDARD TIME ARROW BUS scHEDULE Travel by Arrow Coaches "For Your Convenience" Beautifully wooded lots, on wide, safe, sandy beach, with or without cottages. Terms Buy before increase in price towards end of month. Apply at office on beach. or write Springhurst Beach CANADIAN NATIONAL For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tficu.cm“;m O .". 'l’!.’“"â€"â€"l â€"(}'r'; 'm“-W,Bl; Sound, Sudbury. All tow ns in New and all adjacent C.N.R. Stations FRI. JULY 5 to ?SHAZ&G’.’Q:‘”HMBW . »’30“""11& oee conl, ie frpficen,oengin mu&h'n Grt;mhnm Sutbapge s 3 swdh ul.l.l?Ag'___g?d'“ alord, Barrie, CENT A Ml..'.‘.E..BAE..G,é'y.. ExXCURSION SPRINGHURST SUBâ€"DIVISION The careful motorist can be rewarded f-m- his exercise of Care, Courtesy and Common Sense in his driving by securing substantial discounts from his Automoâ€" bile Insurance as follows: These discounts are applicable to all classes of Automobile Insurance: Public Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Fire and Theft. g SAVES MONEY _ Our Merit Rating Plan of Automobile Insurance for Careful Drivers Provides for Substantial SAFE DRIVING (On Georgian Bay, 4 Miles from Stayner) w P. RAMAGE, Agent, Purham Canadianâ€"Owned Companies should be given preference by TORONTO GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY 1 O% 15% 207 257 A FURTHER DISCOUNT OF 10% WILL BE ALLOWED WHEN DISCOUNT to Motorists who have driven for the past four years without claims. DISCOUNT to Motorists who have driven for the past three years without claims. DISCOUNT to Motorists who have driven for the past two years without claims. DISCOUNT to Motorists who have driven for the past year without claims. s: Adult 75¢,; Child 40¢. DURHAM In Durham Centre, like others, a much smaller class wrote, due to the ruling of the Department whereby the work of the term was a baromâ€" The change in the Education De partmeni‘s manner of letting Enâ€" trance pupils through, finds much commendat‘on in some circles. And again there are those who think the hard and fast rule of written exâ€" aminations at end of June should be the only test. But changes in Educaâ€" tional eystems as well as political dynasties are the means whereby we show the progress of the times. Cae Durkum Rrvirm sPCUSime IOfP ‘ne speedy work in gotting them before the people. It is not ten years ago, when the printâ€" ers received them rnearer the first of August than 1st of July, as it is this year. The Entrance results for South Grey are published this week, and we must congratulate whoever is reâ€" sponsible for the ‘speedy work in C. RAMAGE & SON. Editors Proprietors. L * actmstines) ~% Nemeiipaiegs (lpiriccs % C ~esmmesevenomeneme i t tepit n C hngge ce S nant 141 nt 57 s inA the Regular Automobile Rates HIGH STANDARD SUSTAINED Stayner, Ont. _ The accident that overtook a Durâ€" ham family on Sunday evening last, but emphasizes the need for cauâ€" tious and sane driving. Especially on a holiday weekend, is the precauâ€" tion more needed with heavy traffic both from south and north, as well as east and west. All chaffeurs should take it unto themselves "Am I my brother‘s Keeper?" and err on‘ the side of safety. The traffic over holiday periods has become a probâ€" lem to handle and the other fellow as well as oneself has to be considâ€" ered, to allow for a minimum of acâ€" ciden‘s. The citizens feel for the McaDonald family in their bereaveâ€" ment, and injuries suffered. When we stay out in the morning, we litâ€" tle realize where we will land before night comes upon us. There are many more ways in this 20th centâ€" ury, to meet death than there were 100 years ago, but meanwhile science has advanced to check disease. l The result of the Provincial elecâ€" tions in New Brunswick | last week was a sweeping victory for the Liberal Party. The voteâ€"43 out of 48 seats, â€"was so overwhelmingly oneâ€"sided, that it should leave no alibis as to why the Conservative par‘y failed to make the grade. Premier Tilley (a son of one of the Confederation Fathers) and his entire cabinet were wiped out. With amazing ca,lmnessJ did Premier Bennett receive thel news, and credit must be handed tol him in facing a pending Dominion e‘ection as leader, in the face of such odds. He will sink and die with the ship. Durham‘s Old Home Week will be a splendid time and place for the former Entrance students to come forth and tell Mr. Graham, what the year or two, in the Fourth book unâ€" der his tutorship, have meant to them. Durham School. Many a man has been knighted for less achievement 27 pupi‘s through in 1935 will be 27 more to Mr. Graham‘s lengthy di list of students who have made the ha grade in their first Departmental * | to amination. The records show well | an over 400 pupils through the Entm.nce'w, under r. Graham since starting 1:1'm year,â€"up for _ Entrance â€" honors. Twentyâ€"one of these passed on term work, the list on another page showâ€" ing several honor cases. Nine wrote on the papers set forth by the De partment and of these three failed The three thatâ€"failed to make it will never regret another year in the Fourth class. eter as to deciding whether a pup‘l should write or not. Principal Graâ€" ham in Durham School had thirty pup!iisâ€"his average number each THE PERILS OF MOTORING ALMOST A LANDSLIDE D D OPWT TS DARATE ARVUEVETT ghter Sadie spent Friday with their ly 68, Wallace Livingstone 60, Wm. aunt Miss Annie Hobkirk. Paylor 60. Jr II to Sr.Ilâ€"Ross Boyce Mr _ and Mrs George Turnbull atâ€" I to Jr IIâ€"Murie! Smith, Margaret tended the Hastie reunion picnic on Sheldroth, Dorothy Brodie. Sr. Pr. July 1st. â€"__RinmLew â€" Hinbnae W uon nkk e ce ay s troit, were guests of Mr and Mrs G. Wise on Sunday. Miss Bernice Wise spent a few days last week with relatives at Campbell‘s Corner. Mr and Mrs H A Reav and Aawâ€" Following the ceremony a recepâ€" tion was held at the bride‘s home, when 35 guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour left on a motor trip to New York and points south. The bride looked smart in a yellow crepe suit with white accessories. COn their return, they will reside in Burgessville. carried a bouquet of carnations and ferns. Frederick Griffin, Burgessville, attended the bridegroom:. The ushers were Gordon Gilmour, Burgessville, and Bruce Easton of Peterborough . The Burgessville choir assisted in the ceremony by rendering two fitâ€" ting selections. During the signing of the reg‘ster, Pearl Lee, niece of the bride, sang "Because." A very pretty June wedding took place in the Burgessville United church, which was beautifully decorâ€" ated with flowers in season, on Satâ€" urday afternoon, when Rev. Stanley Moote united in marriage Dora Franâ€" ces, youngest daughter of Mrs W.H. Lee of Holbrook, to Allan Hunter Gilmour,. son of Mrs. David Gilmour of Burgessville. The bride entered the church on the arm of her oldest brother, to the strains of the wedding music played by Mrs Charles Boughner, of Norâ€" wich. She was lovely in a gown of white ruffled mousseline de soie and a veil which fell in train fashion. She carried a bouquet of roses and fern. The bridesmaid, (Miss Ruby Cowper of Lockport, the bride‘s niece looked pretty in peach net over tafâ€" feta, with picture hat to match and Mr All this has taken place in one year. The next year is bright with promise and with a continuation of sound business methods, the govâ€" ernment and the citizens will see order rising out of chaos. The provincial Hydro system has been safeguarded by vigorous steps, and the power consumers of Ontario have every reason to be thankful to a government that did not hesitate to act quickly and with wisdom in the face of a grave crisis. The story of hydro has not yet been comâ€" pleted, but the Hepburn government will write the concluding chapters in the same reasonable manner that they have written the beginning. The T. and N. O. Railway, the provinâ€" cial air service, the Workmen‘s Comâ€" pensation Board and other provincâ€" cial bodies have been placed upon a practical, orderly basis. In one department of government alone, perhaps the most important branch of operations, that of welfare and relief, the Liberal regime â€" has saved the taxpayers of Ontario enâ€" ormous sums through the creation of an efficient system of relief adâ€" ministration. When the new governâ€" ment took office, the relief system was found to be hodgeâ€"podge. In fact it was anything but a system . But that has been changed now. Toâ€" day welfare authoritie from all parts of the continent are looking at Ontario and holding up the proâ€" vincial system as a model for othâ€". ers to emulate. 5 3 They have seen one year of achievement and they are convinced that it is no flash in the pan. Exâ€" ipenditures have been rigidly curtailâ€" ’ed without harmful effect on the deâ€" partmental services, numerous ecâ€" | onomics have been effected in every phase _ of government operation, ithe costs of financial operations have been cut heavily, there has been a weeding out of the incompetent and unfit from departments and there has been a general shakeâ€"up which j has resulted in tremendous benefit to the province. Interest rates have been lowered to a reasonable point and _ defaulting municipalities â€" have been taken in hand and competently administered . THE DURHAM REVIEW of the youthful Prime Minister his colleagues. They wanted to just how long it would take for Liberal government to develop nesia with regard to some of planks in the party platform. there has been no forgetfulness. ers decided to wait before expressâ€" ing a definite opinion on the calibre to implement the promises made to an electorate tired and disgusted with the=actions of the Conservative party . After the first three months of Liberal rule, cynics expressed the view that it was just a case of "new brooms sweeping clean." ‘Othâ€" \ By The Watchman Toronto, July 3}35: On July 12th the Hepburn government will be able to lock back on one year of office. It has been a year of achievement and promise. When the newlyâ€"elecied prem:wr and his cabine. took over the reins of office on that midâ€"sumâ€" mer‘s day in 1934, the civizens of Onâ€" tario locked for the carrying out of campaign pledges. They were not disappointed. Not in one instance bas the Liberal administration failed One Year under Liberal Govt. GILMOUR â€" LEE HYMENEAL VICKERS the But and | $.8. No. 3, GLENELG |_ Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"Margaret Wil liams. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"Billie An derson, Danny Edge (recommended). Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Alvin Vaughan, 8. Brawn. Jr. IIIâ€"Beatrice Kenny, Sr. Ir IV to Sr IVâ€"Wm. Smith 64% . Sr III to JrIiVâ€"Angelne Brodie 14%. Jr III to Sr IIIâ€"Earl Pavior 69 &._ the Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"Hazel MacDonâ€" ald (H.). Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Isabel Mouuntain (H.), Donald Campbell (H.); Marjorie Mountain. Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"Coony Eidt (H.). Jr. H to Sr. IIâ€"Basil Shewell. Jr. I to Sr. I â€"Ian Campbell (H.). Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.â€"Vernon Goldsmith Irene Bolâ€" Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.â€"Terry Hamilâ€" ton, Kenneth MacDonald, Royden Noble, L!oy® Atkinson, Billy Staufâ€" fer, Alice Jeanne Gagnon, Marjorie Herrington, Lawrence Shippam, Joar Darling, Pat Morris, Margaret Chatâ€" reau, Pearl Wilson, Nancy Bryon, L. Dewar, Catherina Trafford, Gloria Rimmer, Norman Lawrence, Ivan Davidson, Mary Burns, James Morton Raymond Dobney, June Wilson, W. Thompson. Promoted to Jr. Pr. A.â€" Annie Alexander, Kenneth Caswell. _ 25 names. \ TORONTO Sr. Pr. to Iâ€"(The first 19 took honors and last 3 a pass.) Honors: Adele Noble, Irvan Mighton, Marjorâ€" ie McDonald, Gertrude Thompson, F. Clutchey, Billie Aljoe, Meville Watt, PDavid Long, Kenneth Whitmore, Irez Lawrence, Delford Davison, Lourdes Lake, Kenneth McCallum, Marie Mcâ€" Auliffe, Midford Long, Jean Daniel, Gertrude Levi, James Jevi, Emma Warmington . Pass: John McDonâ€" ald, Buddy Lauder, Elmer Lake. Proâ€" moted to Sr. Pr. A Class: Jean Patâ€" ton, Inez, Randall, Robert Alexander: Jean Alexander. 22 names. 1 Sr. I to Jr. IIâ€"(First 19 took honâ€" ors and last 10 a good pass.) Honâ€" ors: â€" Gladys Greenwood, Margaret Greenwood, Donald Watt, Foster Saunders, Virginia McDermid, Vera Dewar, Eldora Cordick, Graham Pust Lorna Town Gerald Pierson, Harry Watson, Margaret Davis, Elmer Robâ€" ins, Irene Connolly, Jean Teeter, N. Wyville, Joy Hastie, Norman Dunsâ€" moor, Leonard Vollett. Pass: Caroâ€" line Thompson, Russell Caswell, Elâ€" gin Wilson, Ruth McEachnie, Ruth Newell, Hazel Styles, Stanley Pust, Cecil Wilson, Kenneth McGilivray, Garry McLean. 29 names. Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Robin Lowe, E. Teeter, Hubert Hay, Jean Lauder, B. Simmons, Reta Heft, Bert Bailley, Pat Smith, Effie Collier, John Levi, Charlie Moffat, Norma Herrington, Lorna Aljoe, Bernice Randall, Lorna Cain, Ray McQueen, David Standin, Archie Dewar, Orval Hopkins, Audâ€" rey Herrington, Ross Robins, George Thompson, Wilfred Dunsmoor, Edna Morton, Harry Voisin, Vera Rimmer, Clarence Caswell, Ross MacDonald, Andy Schenk, Harold Voisin. 36 _ Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"Ronald McQueen Helen Renwick, Bobbie Braithwaite, Nelson Dunsmoor, Edih MacDonald, Agnes Thomson, Jean Levi, Mary Gagnon, Russell Long, Norah Kearnâ€" ey, Ethel Atkinson, James Scott, M. Thompson, Grace Cordick, Stanley Wyville, Donald Dewar, Marie Morâ€" ton, Wilfred Lake, Angus McGillivray Jack Caswell, Jimmie Wells, Kalmon Gerber, Doris Herrington, Jessie Watâ€" son, Vernon Aljoe, Douglas Dobney, Homer Gerber, Bobbie McGowan, B. McDermid. 29 names. J Jr. IHI to Sr. IIIâ€"Keith Greenâ€" wood, Stella Connolly, Agnes Atkinâ€" son, Alex MacDonnell, Doris Robins, Catherine Robb, Donald Kenndy, J. Watson, Edith Hodgson, Jack Wes ley, Stanley Greenwood, Andrew Dewâ€" ar, Audrey Collier, Norman Robins, Ronald Watt, Howard Chatreau, H. McCaslin, Marie McDougall, Bertie McMeekin, Ivan McEachnie, Hazel Becker, Lorraine Pinkerton, Jack Cain, Jack McGowan, Billie Sharp, Velma Vollett, Wilmer Vollett, E. Lake, Ina MacLean. 29 names. ] Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"Vera Lauder, A. Tinianov, Mae Levi, Gladys Gray, J. Towt, Helen Atkinson, Ross Cain, S. Osborne, Margaret Derby, Florence Martin, Mary Noble, Douglas Wilson Anna MacLean, Hector Dewar, Ross Greenwood, Ishbel McCormick, Lorne Long, June Elvidge, Esther Styles, Bertha Glass, Emily Whitmore, Harry Schenk, Willie McG‘rr, Evelyn Beckâ€" er, Ralph Wilson, Irene Atkinson. 26 names. | (Names in ordor of merit) 1 (Jr. IV to. Sr. IVâ€"Emily â€" Pinkerâ€" ton, Gwynneth McGowan, . Thomas Connolly, Vera Pinkerton, Philip \Sparling, Catherine McMeekin, Phylâ€" lis Wilson, Fred Town, Gilbert Trafâ€" ford, Will Noble, Evelyn Aljoe, Archâ€" ‘is McDougall, Laura McGowan, L. Erwia, Annie â€" Rimmer. â€" Marjorie Middleton, George Aljoe, Doris Kerâ€" ton, Starr Jamieson, Iva Sibbald, B. Lauder, Mary Bourne, Helen Gerber, Jean Herring on, Audrey Wells, Will Halbert, Helen MacDonald, Rita Morâ€" ris. 28 names. DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL . PROMOTICN EXAMS. No. 13, BENTINCK 15%, Marshall McNalâ€" 15% and over. and Mrs. David Hastie, over Mrs. Will Anderson and son Manâ€" rice visited with Mr and Mrs George Harvie of Owen Sound on ‘Tuesday. Mr and Mrs A. Brillinger and famâ€" Caslin. Mr and Mrs Robt. Hastie and dauâ€" ghter Evelyn of Toronto, visited ovâ€" er the weekend with Mr and Mrs 3. Sherman and attended the Hastie reâ€" union in Elmwood Park on Monday. Mr and Mrs Reg. McLean returned to their home in Toronto on Monda~ Southampton . Mr. D. J. MacDonald attended County Council in Owen Sound last Mr and Mrs Ronald MacDonald of Seattle, Wash., who spent the past three weeks with Mr=MacDonald‘s relatives here, left to visit friends on the Atlantic coast before returnâ€" ing to their home. Mrs Chalmers of Kitchener was the guest of her daughter Mrs Wilâ€" fred Wright last week. \ Mr. Elmer Fisher and son Jack of Detroit, visited with his father and sister, last week. friends in Detroit (Intended for last week) Mr and Mrs Herman Kaufman and daughter Pearl, Miss Cora Fortune, Messrs Johr Bailey, Will and Albert Mrs Charlotte Wolfe and two dauâ€" ghters, Mrs Hudson and Mrs. Bond and daughters of Detroit, spent the weekend with the former‘s sister, Mrs. Richard Banks. Mrs. Tom Lauchlin visited her mother, Mrs Clement on Monday . Quite a number from our burg atâ€" tended the shower for Mr and Mrs Nelson Schaefer in their new home. Miss Edna Bell goes to Durham Tuesday to start her examinations from 1st to 2nd form. m Mr Alex. Vaughan has treated himâ€" self to a new hay loader. Mrs. John McKechnie from the West is spending a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs Dan McKechnie Mrs Gillen Boyd returned home after visiting at the home of Mrs. W. B. Patterson of South Glenelg. (Too late for last week,) Mr and Mrs M Kenny accompanâ€" ied by Mr and Mrs Macinnes visitâ€" od with Mr. and Mrs Fred Horst of Elmwood. Mr Horst is in a critical condition . Quite a number from our burg atâ€" tended the party given by Mr McInâ€" nes and Lorne Bowman at Haywards Falls. All report a splendid time. Visitors at the home of Mrâ€"and Mrs Mike Dwyer over the week end were Mrs Cox and daughter Ilene, Mr Douglas Bowman. Mrs Cox and daughter are remaining at the forâ€" mer‘s brother‘s, Mr Tom Bowman, at Haywards Falls. Miss Marion Boyd returned home for her holidays from Toronto. NO. 6, BENTINCK Jr IV to Sr IVâ€"Mae Hopkins, Edâ€" na Porter, Maurice Brown, Bobbie Mighton. Sr III to Jr IVâ€"Janet Patâ€" terson (H), Duncan McDougall, Alâ€" fred Sharpe (R). Jr III to Sr MI â€" Lawrence McCuaig (H), Art. Migh ton, James Porter (R). Sr II to Jr. IIIâ€"Meryl Noble (H), Beverley Boyâ€" ce (H), Isabel Hopkins, Marie Hopâ€" kins (absent for exam.) Jr II to Sr IIâ€"Inez Noble, Lioyd McCuaig. S8r I to Jr IIâ€"Eileen Mighton, Glennn‘ Nob‘e, Bruce Boyce, Donelda Hopâ€" kins. Jr I to Sr Iâ€"Murray Gibbons, Charlie Shanpe. Sr Pr to Jr Iâ€"Murâ€" ray Twamley. Jr Pr to Sr Prâ€"Lois Mighton, Percy Johnston, E Johnston Farqubar Hopkins. Jr Prâ€"Ivan Mcâ€" Donald, Dougald McCallum. y NO. 10, BENTINCK 8r HI to Jr IVâ€"A. G. Goldsmith T70 %, Clarence Lynn 50%, Norman Lounds (R). Jr III to Sr IIIâ€"Velma Goldsmith 70, Ruby Miller 68, Bill Davey 64. 8r II to Jr IIIâ€"Howard Grierson (H), Oliver Goldsmith 70, Jessie MacDonald 70, Cliff Noble 64, Della Lounds 54. Jr II to Sr IIâ€" Amy Lounds (R). Sr Iâ€"Ralph Daâ€" vey, Elsie Ewen. Prâ€"Jean Grierâ€" son, F. Goldsmith, Mel. Goldsmith. Catherine McLean, teacher Sr III to Jr IVâ€"John Weir, Glenna McFadden, Grant Greenwood R. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Allister Aljoe, Bert Chapman, Norman Noble, Clarence Atkinson R. Jr HI to Sr Iâ€"Murray McFadden R. I to Jr IIâ€"Newman Pratt, Mary Lawrence. Pr to Iâ€" Wilma Noble. Sr IVâ€"Sadie Eckhardt, Josale McKinnon. Sr III to JrIVâ€"Ada Eckâ€" hardt (H), Earl McKinnon (H), Jno. McKinnon, Joe Eckhardt, Alex Smith (absent for exams.) 8r II to Jr IIIâ€" Evaline Eckbhardt, Annie Smith (abâ€" sent.) Jr II to Sr IIâ€"Jean McKinâ€" non. Sr I to Jr liâ€"J L. McKinnon. Jr U. NO. 10, GLENELG & EGRET (This Week‘s GLENROADEN CRAWFORD spent last weekend with NO. 9, GLENELG M. C. McQuarrie, teacher Anna McEachern, teacher Irwin Matthews, teacher is spending a Mr. Mr. Chas, Weppler was in a ance at the De‘ltz reunion in M ell on Monday. Miss Myrtle Mcelean, of Tor spent a day recently at home h Mrs. Fid Kelsey accompani~ her daughter, Mrs Mudge t sp~ week with her daughters in |» and Sarnia. Mr. Alex Morton with his ter, Mrs Jack McKechnie we~ ors this week with Mr and M Lamb, Aberdeen. Miss Elsie Miller is holidayi: a week with friends at Sauble | _ Mrs. Paul Mudget: and little son of Alpena, Michigan, are holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs FPred Kelsey . Miss Catherine Mclean is attend ing summer school in Hamilton a present . Mrs Alex Mitchel and | daug):~ Miss Betiy of Hamilton, were ho!> day guests with Mr and Mrs Malooim McKechnie. Master Buddy Lamb, Toronto, is spending the vacation with his p= ents, Mr and Mrs F. Kelsey. } Mr. W. H. Dargavel and sister Mrs. Klein, Mr and Mrs Robt Point of mw, spent the weekend with the former‘s mother. Mr. H. J. Fcard and five child ren and mother are spending a week @: their summer home here. Mr and Mrs James Collinson a son, Toronto, Mr. Frank Cairns . Ceylon, visited with the Dargavels « Sunday . around once more. Mr and Mrs E. Hat‘on and family were guests of Mr and Mrs E. 1 Dargavel, Sunday night. Mrs Perc{(&nppam and son were guests . of rs. E. Dargavel last Wednesday . in attendance. . Congratulations . Sorry to hear is under the do by good care be around once mo Sorry to hear Mr. George Sken, is under the doctor‘s care. We hop by good care be may be able to b, CANADIAN NATIONAL over the arrival of a bouncing bab m’ dl'l- Dr. Bllme(l, I)ul‘hi“ll‘ WA in attendance. Both are doing we) Miss Margaret Mcintosh is spe» ing a few days with friends in 0w ment. We hope he will not have ; go back to the hospital for a wh, He may not have to return. Mr. George Tracy returned home last week from Toronto Hosp:}; much improved after six weeks tm Mrs Hendry is spending a days with Mrs E. Dargavel, Mr. C. R. Melntosh visited a days with his sisters and bro game of ball after lunch. All e»;j,, ed the afternoon and felt it was w spent, everyone trying to make i; ; success. Miss Susie Mclntosh spent a (»y, days in Toronto. Friday last the W.1. held their pio nic in Mr. O‘Mara‘s field, whiop was a great success. Four schoo}s aitended the picnic and the childro; all enjoyed themselves in races ; all kinds, and ball games. Some o the older ones enjoyed a game o; horse shoe. The junior boys hai , â€" If the farmers are not satisfeg with rain by this time they mus, »» hard to please. It rains nearly every day, it will only be a week or so y;); they wili be praying for fine wea er to gather in their bheavy crop ; Ask any Agent about low fares and vacation resorts. TRAVEL BY RAIL June 29â€"Sept. 10. SPECIAL SUMMER FARES National Parksâ€"Jasper, =!c May 15â€"Sept. 30. 45 DAY FARES to Western Canada and Paci‘c Coast. May 15â€"Sept. 30. 16 DAY FARES to 21 DAY FARES to weekâ€"end trips to the country © seashore, ask about LOW WEEKâ€"END FARES ning vacation. Save money Tu'io‘:y rail and avzxd cor gested highways. Arrive "Frosh gested highways. A and ready for fun ! " For long or short v Get particulars of these Barc«ins in comfortable travel before p!«: SPECIAL Vacation FARES GREAT LAKES CRUISES ROCKY SAUGEEN to Quebec and o%mu?fig Maritime Provinces, June :5 Maine Coast, May 15 Friday Noon to 2.00 mndcy; returning leave destination up to Monday midnight. On sale all yea: JULY 4, 1935 vacations, or are all smil« little son, holidaying Mrs Fred nto r her Uphold Live is Worth Rea HELP US iN U That J JV Union Steck PHONE 114 d HOG Cconc AGE for the | Afull line of W.M.PORTE DUNN ‘Mas servil in ing McKFC Start you with the CcUsTOM I%t @ it regul Cons U 8 Hend Thi CHOPPING Phone 8 t} Get our pr FRENCH Gun bi Kov a keep 1 HE H T H leay BOV nt TH live t

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