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Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1935, p. 1

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an. and wont into main; unuochi "‘mn "m ““3 m. loKinnon died in ms. or n _ tight "my. new crop at tt - at noun. only on. non Junk-I cem- n pound In your on container. en,C-attto--tttegtmc pv. A. unbound. Durham (:04 At (ha farm home mu Imm- aning. Manitoulin “bud. Ont,. an old rea.dent ct Durham died on June " la: -Hmtover " 1urrtaton Tuesday. Aug 6-Chestey at Durham -lurruton at Hanover lf Harriuon And Durham both win an anticipated. the mall at at: Wed. Aug. 7--Durt-n at Hartman. Friday. All; '---5urrtatmt at Dal-ham Wed. Aug. 16--3rd me if new. In Tri-County league nonhuIIJ-hr- listen tututted Ist, Durham tnd. Man- over 3rd. ('hcsley uh. Flawl- Are: Fr'duy. Aug. 2--Durham " Clam. t, _ Mrs Erwin Geddes. mraratrie. Queen an. Lhurch. on Old Home ' Week Sunday, mark 60 years of celved treatment st Durham hoopltal church worship. On August 4th and tor a ttttil mum“: in her foot. August ll, the management are hold- ing special services to mark the oc- "YMENEAL (Radon. when tanner pastors of the "‘ -- church will once more occupy the ELLl0T---MottttttgoN pulp”. Former pastors who have in. 0n Iatyrday, July 20, 1935, at the “mum. a desire to be here on Presbyterian manse. Chatsworth, tttore dates are Rev. R. w. Wright Rev. Dr. Boudmm united in mar- Rev. w. w. Prudham. Rev. E. S. wage. Catherine Margaret. youngest Mayer. Rev. Harry Caldwell. daughter of, Mr ttnd Mm Duncan Queen Street Church Have Diamond Jubilee siderable business was dealt with. A duet mu sung by Miss Marion and Mrs A. Boyd. The apecml item on program was given by Miss Marion Boyd and took the form of a spelling match, Miss Evelyn Eadie being the winner. Choruses were contributed by the Boyd and Eadie families. Mrs. Boyd And uni-tents served refresh- ments and n social halt hour was spent together. Next meeting will be at home ot Mm MmQuarrle on Aug- ust let. PLAYOFFS IN GIRLS' LEAGUE at the home Wednesday, attendance c T he meeting preaident, Mi reading was and was um The terian The special speaker It the Bay tint church for Old Home Sunday. will be the Pastor's new son-mlaw. Pastor W. John Inbound, minis- ter of the Baptist church at Harrow Oat. The Baptist church cordially welcomes all home-comers. The Bun, day services will be at It mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. (lienelg Contre Baptist Church will withdraw their service and come to Durham, August 4th, for'lhe great occasion. of We The annna den party or Zion church. (Blane will be held Friday August 9. in E. . Penn's tield, op- posite the chm Supper served from 6 to q. Th will be a ball game and good pros ' including a play by Dromore peo N "The Antics of Andy." Adrnlstsion-l 5e, Children BLUE BUNOC l comm it: Porto _ its mucosa... a y only Blue Sunoco Blue Btutoeo.... and mums. ita retular g only by Sump. Brothe Save Thunxy. August IS, for an- other of thou splendid urden par ties to be held D. J. MacArthur'a under sunning f GIenolg Centre Baptist church. lightfui program. delectable cooking. Supper aerred from ' to x. Admission 25c. Booth on grounds. The 1.0.0.r. and Rebekah Lodge. will hold Deconuon Service " Dur. ham Cemetery on Sunday. Any. 4ttt. All members will meet at Lodge room! Immediately aft-r "Pt-ot-. rooms immediately uter Minion service " tte Cairn. urge Happy Thought Heater, for coal or wood. 'Apply at once a W. A. McGowan. Durham. (314) Docoratlon Sonne- VOL LVIII. NO. 31 Calder's Drug Store ”New Humm- M. Puma, Confetti Coax Son "'.--...-.......', Dixie "tter Cups -.........1 Imbw Nait Point ......1 010mm and CIGARS. .Ladk churt home , tne Pastor's new tson-in-law, W. John Inbound, minia- the Baptist church at Harrow h DIED , Aid of Burns Presby- I, Rocky Sangeen met ot Mrs. Allan Boyd on July 24th with a good members anu visitors. was in charge of the E55!" WELCOME m . . .meuure know why pace with The Aown of Durham is deep in reparation for the coming Old Home Week eelebtation--the first that the town has had. In keeping with the. ettortg of the citizen on this occur “on the Review has "dressed up" thin lune with oonmdenble color to mark the event and has printed an page- ol [out nutter " well,brtng- in; greetings from most at the town'- buuneu people. Speck! old the stories "pear on was two and three. so readers will not overlook than em new. . 1 Special Pages in the Review This Week After the ceremony the young coo ple left on a honeymoon trip to or tawa. On their return they will re aide in Williamsford. Morrison. Glenelg, to William John, son of Mr and Mrs T. J. Elliot. ot Wimamstord. They were attended by the bride's sister and brother. Walter Aldcorn, Priceville, was the subject of another appendictomy op- eration at the hospital on July 27. Mrs Erwin Geddes. Egremont, re- ceived treatment at Durham hoopital for a nail running in her foot. . Mrs Archie cfgenwaod was ed upon Monday, July 29, tor dictomy. Rev. John Bell, Brandon, a son of the congregation, will have charge of the evening service, and the pas- tor, Rev. W. H. Smith, in the mor- ning Kathleen Stokes will render an; organ number during the eveningg servlce at Knox Church Sunday] night, as well as give a halt hour! recital at the close ot service. I 20e 10e is known from coast to coast, tori The Calithumplan Parade on Mon. her “ondert'ul broadcasts front Shea's i day morning promises to be one ot l theatre. This past year she organiz-ithe highlights ot the Reunion. Art I ed a ladies' band which travelled McGowan, Chairman ot committee in l with great acceptance in the leading! charge said the thtst ot this week ' cities of America. ithat over two dozen floats, and dec- l Kathleen Stokes will render an , orated cars were entered in the par- l organ number during the evenimritde. Equal interest will doubtless be . service at Knox Church Sunday| found in the antics of the clowns - night, as well as give a halt hour‘and in the antique section. This lat- Kathleen Stokes was born in Dur- ham, known at that date as Kath.. leen O'Connor, her father being an electrician. At an early age, the family removed to Thorold, where; Kathleen was educated. Prom evenl, youthful days, she Was regarded " a child prodigy in music. and her later training at St. Joseph’s College Toronto, made her a gold medallist.‘ Since that date she has devoted her; whole life to pipe organ work, and[ is known from coast to coast. tori her wonderful broadcasts from Shea/s; theatre. This past year she organiz-l ed a ladies' band which travelled] As one ot the early daughters of Durham, Kathleen Stokes, the tumour radio pipe organ artist. will be Lil, Durham Sunday evening next, when! she will be at the pipe organ in Knoxi United Church. This is a great pri. vilege to hear the continent-wide radio artist. Kathleen Stokes to be In Durham on Sunday HONEY FOR “if HOSPITAL NOTES (file (iiiiititttlttigt liltgitttt was operat- ‘, tor appen- mum, mu. In: an" " home - - __ "I."--") - -. RENT at " am. In. has. new", on What M the box hero.” game The home ot late in Thom Batman. to yam“ only lunch, in the Ann: on My night? The Wham. nut St.. for “I. or went (in: and Mouth. “Ht .1!“ PrP"to-ine%ttiGU-,iii side for rent. A 'yr"""-,..'!'.-'--,...-".')"";"":", a""'"tureverto.anddilG In. W.A. u (a) egg-mitigmuxm. nygone days, as they go into action in the Old-timers match on Monday afternoon. Jimmie uvelle who takes the tickets on the local C.N.R. trol- ley, says his brothers Bill and lam will be on deck and horses couldn’t keep Mulvey Conn away from the field. Then we have Bert MacDonald Al, Mac and Bob Sounders. Jim and Cam whom. Guy Kenna. Alex et"ttandotherCaawdii"Liiiii'i Wanda-t and Bid when ot Manor er and Morph Ind Mint lower of Mtrkdnier. Oh "% than names are do bring you (lone. to mind. E One ot the best drawing cards ot ,the Reunion should be the 48th High. Ilenders Brass Band and Pipers com- ing from Toronto. Under the renown. ‘ed leadership of Capt. John Slatter. (this organization will present a real Tmusuical treat to Monday's crowds. It is understood that Priceville and i vicinity will have a, large contingent ion hand to hear the pipes. l A surprise has been sprung "on the troops" at the last minute when :arrangements were made to have Al- 'rfie, Phillips, British Empire diving 'champion, give an exhibition at Jno. McGowan's dam on Wednesday next 'rrt 10 a.m. and 7 P.m. And believe it or not, this same Alfie was born in Durham where his father owned a butcher business around twenty years ago. And the lacrosse fans w of the chance to see the used to wield the gutted bygone dun. " they no 2 iter smacks of days that used to be land will be borne out by expected 'entries of two pair of oxen. One iwill be drlven by John Stothart of :Pi'iceville while our own 'Jaek' Kin- Inee will have his pair ot yearlings lin the line of march. Mr. Kinnee al. lso promises another exhibit when a ihorse of 40 years ot age will be doll, ed up in old time harness. Its bridle he helped make " years ago. the backhand In about 75 years old the collar 47 years, a bell of 90 nails and behind the horse will be a cart of three score years. The Review was grateful to receive from Mr Angus A, Mekelvie, ot New Liskeard, along with his renewal sub.. a cheque tor $10.00 tor the Old Boyn’ Reunion Fungi“ He and Mrs. McKelvie are undécided about com- ing but we hope to see them among us next week. The Committee warm- ly appreciate your donation, Angus. .i There is one thing that all the re- iturning Old Boys and Girls should (not forget to do while in Durham, and that is to record your names in the Visitors' Book at the Town Hall. The Old Home Week Committee is desirous ot having all names and ad- dresses for possible future events and thus urge attention to the little matter of registration. For conven- ience in the record, names should be signed according to alphabetical or- der in the pages. is Durham’s tirgt Old Home Week, and the citizens are very conscious ot the event. Since the tirst mention of the homecoming last tall, it has struck a empathetic chord in all hearts and we are now ready to hand our homecomers the keys of the town. Preparing for this event has entailed much thought, expense The time has arrived for the tprth- ering or old boys and girls of Dur. ham and surrounding country. This BE SURE TO REGISTER Reunion Notes DURHAM. Tmre8DAy, AUGUST 1, 1935 fans will be glad With which is incorporated the Holstein Iesder hon who sticks in Durham mg Boys aid Girls At the Baptist Parsonage. Durham, on Thursday, July 25th, 1935, by the Rev. J. T. Priest, B.A., Robert Whitehead td Sheridan, Ont., and Dorothy. May Ashley of Owen Bound, Ontario. MAYOR W. H. KRESS quuucu " nut-mum; mm. Who has been one of the leading Mr and Mrs Will Mllne and two futures in promoting the success of children ot Toronto are visiting at the reunion and who will give an of. the home of his mother, Mrs. Rom. tieiat address of welcome to the vlslt- Milne. or: " noon on Monday. [ Mr and Mrs Cecil McLean and two spic and span. The citizens are to be congratulated on having their pre- mises so orderly and attrmive. - ”wig -- --F..M.r mullulB’. " Dominion-known ex-pro, will have a set-to with the Durham squad cap- tained by Bert MacDonald and com I posed ot nearly the same personnel that went into the finals, of the Tri, county league two years ago. the coaching ot Ernie Menaray. a The former citizens who have not visited their former town for some years back, will see many ehantress,- tor the better, we hope. Many will notice the growth ot trees. others will note Durhun': paved highways, while again my will never for- and work, on the part of the many committees, but in turn they will feel well reps. it it goes over with the degree of 'ec, that it should do. " it is a pleasure and a duty for me to extend most greetings on behalf ot the citizens of Durham and to welo on your return to the old town. May your visit be a moat one and the reunion with old associates bring back recollectio to all of you. I trust that our Reunions in the future will so far apart and that this one will always remain green memories. .0 cpltt th,, fame Week MARRIED His many friends will be glad to know that Wm. Moore, who ls tarm- ing near Dromore, la slowly regain- ing his health, after six weeks in bed with ittfhunatory rheumatism. Dr. Burnett is attending him. Mr R. L. Saunders, of town, Mr. and Mrs Bert .Eccles, Holstein and Mr and Mrs Frank McLaughlin. of waen Sound, were guests at the Mc- "ntyre-Acehaon wedding in Sullivan (TP.. Thursday last. Mrs John A. Graham and son Gor- don, are in Toronto tor a couple of weeks, visiting daughter and sister Mrs David Morrison. Mr and Mrs W. G. Breen and family of Port Stanley are visiting at the home ot her parents, Mr and Mrs John McGowan. Mr. Breen re turned last week and will likely be back for the Reunion. . Mr and Mrs Roy McCracken and three children ot Munaon, Alberta, arrived Tuesday on a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs John McGowan. Mr and Mrs Ernest McGirr and children, Niagara are guests of his mother and sisters this week. I Miss Bertha Sehomeld, Winnipeg, and her sister, Mrs Packard of Bar. 'rie,.were guests Friday last of their cousin, Miss Hamlet L. Hunter. Both of these ladies are granddaugh- ters of the founder ot Durham, Arch- ibald Hunter and were anxxous to be represented in some way at the re- union. Accordingly the registration book tor visitors was put before them and they were the first to leg- ister. Mrs Packard who was born here, left Durham 68 .years ago. mer Many famlllar faces will be missed for Death 15 no respector of per- sons. The past yedr, Death has made great inroads on the town's older re sidents. who, were it possible, would with they were here today. to wel-, come in person, many of their for- get the "flat rock", Durham 11:11.me Fall Fair grounds. with Lu; natural' Wm]. grand stand. Rombough's hill, and'ade; many other pet corners. I, m h, friends. The popinatio//G Dur. 'ioitors THE LATE ARCHIBALD HUNTER Founder of Durham Who was born in Renrrewshire,Srot land, in 1799 and died here Sept. 1m MOTH KILLERS, FLY SPRAY ICE COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM, SODAS, DOUBLE DIP CONES, 5c FLAGS Red, White & Blue Crepe Crepe Paper Picnic Sets Crepe Table Beta Napkins, Lily Cups Spoons. Forks. Plates. Confetti, Paper Towels Sun Hats, Beach Hats, Kleenex, Face-Elie, Wax Paper Kodnka, Films. China, Brushes, Combs. Razor Blades, Table Mirrors with Glass ships ham is something over 1800. and while the depression years have put adentin many of the citizens‘ pock- et books, they are rich in the good will they extend to her returning sons and daughters from near and afar. That they 'tind in this return Visit, all they ever hoped for, and carry home with them memories that will Ibide with them tar into the future, is our sincere wish. "OLD HOME WEEK” Every "Lorne will Need The first Durham Resident To the Old Boys and Girls, Greetings! M cli'adtien's Drug Store Published Weekly " 82.00 82.50 I you in “mace. TORONTO PHONE 21 L00 1 year In nuance. To Unit“ Rum, a. C. “MAGS & SON. Paul-hon Bis-Mn-Rex ..........75c &' Milk Hugues“ ....25c, tree, One-minute Hendnche Tubs . Parakeet A.S.A. ...2 down. Buyer's Aspirin ........ws.. Health Salt: ...... 15c, Me, Cum sun ............ Mc, Gypsy Cream for Sunburn . Limt.eptie Liniment ........ Peroxide, Iodine. Lyaol Pound Tum ......._..... Curie. Bile Tablets ........ Chuck Nerve Food ........ Edward G. Robinson in the bfst picture he ever made THE WHOLE TOWN'B TALKING 2 show: Monday, August 5 at ti Ind 9.80 p.m. cairn, in the shape of en Indian wig- wun. u I. mark of esteem to their Inca-try. The Ritchie Brother: gave of their mason work. mun, u did lino Mr. Hnrvey Wilson in mpply- in; the bran mine plug. wheneon the inucription in curved. A Inge. crowd is expected at this unique Ber. vice. Paramount Theatre Hanover tsam,-Aretuttatd Hunter. We honor the living by honouring the dead. The founder: of Durham wens of no man ulihre. and the hemluneun tank ot cutting down the form and having out a home tor themselves, is a feat worthy of the lumen. The heritage they have left is something to be emulated and admired. To day the fork-are of the Hunter famine- in Durham. have erected this stone cairn, in the shun» of In India ' On Sunday situation at 2.00 p.m. tut interesting memorial nervice well be singed on the Anglia-n Church hill on Chester Street. when tribute will be given to the founder or Dur- Here in a deserted lodlu: "I ARCHIBALD HUNTER Memorial Cairn to be Dedicated on Sunday Mom, Tues., Wed Thum., Pri Soda toe, [and nun: Dumxsc COMPLETE LINE of TOILETRIES Toilet Water, Eu: de Cologne, galder's Drug Store Air conditioned to "THE CLASS KEY" EdWahd Arnold --- Claire “odd VENOUS Visit our and: Mama and Ice he inscription is as follows I Boy- and Girls Reunion in Durham August 4 1985 George mm in M Sal ..75c & 1450 tse, troe, 76e cool comfort Aug. 5-6-7 Aug. 1-2-3 “mum 15c 50c 40c G0e 50c 79c 26c 5oe it!

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