West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1935, p. 4

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Le., h Reg. McFadden. l Brand new Stock of Notions, ladies'. and Gents’ Wear We Greet the Returning Old Boys and Girls GENERAL INSURANCE insurance is our - - -..->.--.- -_- , Make our 50R THREE QUARTERS OF A CENTURY PUBLIC OF DURHAM AND VIC Edward Kress W. Harry Kress House F tarnishing: and Funeral Service Visit our New Store in the Midas-gin Block Rousing Time During Old Home Week Celebration GENERAL MERCHANT wish all a Happy Iaie' Old Home Week J. W. Ewen McEECliiitmys MILLS HIGHEST PRICES PAID T. F. HOUSE DURHAM CREAMERY mica sun Hog. ........C.....C./. © 89e. a pair Ibex Flannelate Blankets .......... at $2.29 per pair Fancy Indian Blankets, Extra Special. at $3.29 each Welcome Former Residents WE ASSURE You DON McQUEEN TH E: VARIETY STORE Flour, Cereal, Feed ttttd Grain Dealers CUSTOM CHOPPING We welcome you to our Store Old Home Week. A lot of new Goods await your visit. We will sure be glad to no you. alcomes an Reunion of SPECIAL VALUES IN The Arcade " years in Business at Durham Best Wishes To The Visiting Old Boys and Girls. urban) Old Girls and B , Your Visit in the Old Town Be Happy and One Long To be Remembered KRESS’ Store your Headquarters During Old Home Week A. A. ALJOE WELCOME Carroips 't Saunders and Staff - NOTHING am Business ALL LINES POR CREAM ‘RY SERVING THE VICINITY During INSURANCE Proprietor Phone 47 the oys _-. - mg bundle of old paper- at the Review can Only tre. Two bun a- or more at the”. rule. Salt- “to for level-u "than... Mr and Mrs Noble and Mr ter, a the: . ghterg Mr Duncan McMhur while visiting their -u tives around Dnth . Mrs John Vegsie, St spending a few days wi; emu-law, Mrs. John Vet Mr. Hugh Smith and Minnesota, were guests 1 Mr Duncan NIH-“"- "a. a guest the timt of the week with Mr and Mrs Malcolm McKech- nie. Rev. Bert Stone, Toronto, will oc- cupy the pulpit here next Sunday. Miss Irene Lawson ls holidaying with her parents, Mr and Mrs Robt, Lawson. I Miss Kate Andrew, Owen was a, guest the tirtst of th with Mr and Mrs Malcolm Mr and Mrs Marshall family of Hanover, and Morley and son James, a were guests Sunday of G family. Rev. R. Barley, M.A. of Wisconsin was a welcome vi the home of Mr Geo. Brow Tuesday to Saturday of last. Mrs Jenkinfand Mrs “We of Van- couver, are visiting with Mr and Mrs J. Porter. R. Mighton who has been seriously ill last week is well on the way to recovery. Mr and Mrs McCrae of Sash, are visiting friends here. Mrs MoCrne was Irene Britton, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs Bob Britton former real-1‘ dents of this place. Misses Dona and Gladys Patterson are holidaying with their aunt, Mrs Fulton. Glad to report that little Miss Shir. ley Yvonne, daughter of Mr and Mrs, Mr Stevens Toronto the parsonage with his Homer. Miss Edna Porter ls spending sev- eral weeks holidays with Glenelg friends. Mr and Mrs Homer and daughter Joyce and Mrs Stevens of Toronto and Mrs Fulton and Janet Patterson visited with Mr and Mrs Aubrey Fos- ter, Markdale, Tuesday of last week., Janet Patterson remained for a short} visit. Sixtieth anniversary services will be held in the church here, Sunday, August 11th,---moming, afternoon and cven.ng. On Monday evening an anniversary social will be held. Rev, John Galloway, beloved former past- or, now of Huntsville, will be the guest speaker, also Rev. H. Crick-, ington of Dixville and Rev. John McDonald of Harrow will be present.’ Mr and Mrs Mark Wilson and son' Ross and daughter Phylls of Durham: Mr and Mrs John Lynn and son Clara ence and daughter Margaret, Aber-, deen, were guests at the home of Mr.) and Mrs Howard McCallum, Sunday. we urn Wm. McLean, Mrs e and Mr Walter McCrle, K ,, are visiting with their I J. W. McKechnle and numer relatives here. ( Mr and Mrs Luther Torry and son of Markdale, were guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Torry on Sunday. ‘ trig [audio of -_ --9wr. _- I'UIB' around Domoch and Durham. ' Wm. Fez-man and two dau- ' and two grandchildren from so, are holidaying with her sis- lrs L. McLean and other rein- cries cling pupils in Durham and nearby Schools and or the years with them in the classroom. some most pleasant mem. uua oeen blessed with good health and many blends, who are glad to meet from time to time. On this glad occasion of the homecoming of for- mer Durhamites, he.wishes to add 11‘s quota of good cheer. Some of {belie coming "home" were former pupils in Durham and nemhv "ohio., ROCKY SAUGEEN f CHARLES RAMAGE _ Senior editor of the Durham Re. view, who has been at the helm since that far-gone date, 1804, when he succeeded the late Charles McArth. ur. Ye Editor in taking over the Re- view, went back to the work of his youth in Haddintrtonshire, Scotland. where he learned the printing art. In 1867, he came to Canada, ---two weeks before Confederation. He has been blessed with good health qi-u-----."-'".'-,-..."-".".-".'"--'------------------- _ ",', a I .yr".-'.ry T I _ v ’ '/riri:iticcrtt" ri , I "k'atir,e,, . ' ll. H; I , . x e" a . g r ' f? _ I ad'" ', q .4? g. , .3“ A "r. i,; , "r, ,' DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL , 'lllili school home of many former boys and girls, who will am, Et? b;:s?rre: , 7 remit the scene of early triumphs and sorrows. .3?” ”if”?! N“ " T y, if, n . . qMr7, and Mrs Rabi. McCaslin. and Mrs. "/7Vsir " .. 'el, _ 53375.4. Wilfred Wright and Mrs A. Haslie; (79/1,?5‘W 2 _ .rilo. ' , Bee,', ttttW. ", piano selections by Miss Florence fe _ P. a gig/.3 /fi" H " Bil.' '," “ McCaslin. The topic 'How can na- of old "Peru, only " loo. Just the "I... m ' aacuraay or last week. Mrs Marshall Jacknn and tart ---'"'"". MULOCK a welcome vistor at , Geo. Brown from 'er, and Mrs James James of Elmwood, Toronto is visiting at . Brown and daughter Mrs Sound, Beloit, 7"- _. .y.... nyvut. AVIL'" ’Caslin's inst Sunday evening with a! (good attendance. The scripture " son was mad by Edward Mclmug'allj ind roll ttttll was answered by giv-Y ing the name of a peaceful chalacler/ F'. MacDonald presidedover the pro; gram. which consisted of readings,i by Mm G. Haslie. Mrs Edgar Boyce,) and Mrs Andrew Hustle; tt solo by 1 Mrs D. J. MaeDomud;.duet, by Mr I Ravi and Mrs R. Barley of Be- Ioit, Wisconsin, spent an evening re- cently with Mr and Mrs D. J. Mae. Donald. . j Miss Vera McCasiin spent a few days recently with Mr and Mrs Kline McCasiin Derby. Rev. and Mrs Young of Horning's Mills visited with a number of old friends around Crawford last week. Miss Lizzie Henderson returned to Toronto after a few weeks holidays " her home here. . . , Mr and Mrs John Hem, Durham, Mr and Mm Howard Forester, Mrs Gordon McDonald, Mrs W. Hender- son and family. all of Toronto, were visitors with Mr and Mrs Fred Hem last week. Mr. Russell Moore and daughter of 'Meatcrd, Mrs Coskrill. Thornbury,, iBumiayed with Mr and Mrs James I Cmtchley. Mr and Mrs John Widen spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs C. Shevwell and tai%ly of Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs John Coriett had a. narrow escape on Sunday, while cros- sing a street intersection in Owen Bound, They were hit by another car the engine receiving the force of the impact, and it was badly damaged, but beyond a fright and . bad shalt. ing up, Mr and Mrs Coriett were unharmed. Mr and Mrs Mel Petty and daugh- ter attended a Petty family reunion at Knox, Normanby, on Sunday. Mlss Esther Petty, Fort Frances.‘ visited with her brother, Mr. Mel Petty and tamily last week. Mrs An- drews-and two.daughters Allan Park were also guests ot the above on Monday." Who gave most of his life. to the teaching proteasion. He commenced on Durham Public School staff in 1885, and became Principal of the Public and Middle Schools in 1888. and later the Continuation and High Schools, retiring in 1919. He also served as Mayor of Durham in 1921 and 1922. He passed away in Jan. uary 1932, leaving a revered memory. ory. THE LATE THOMAS ALLAN CRAWFORD . met at Mr. Robt. Mo THE DURHAM REVIEW WELBECK . uem anniversary on Sunday August {11. and the members, are looking tor. (ward to welcoming many non real- ;dent members and friends. Services‘ ‘will be held at 11 a.m., 2.30 p.m. land 7.30 p.m. The speaker at the Imorning and evening services will :be Rev. John Galloway ot Hunts- ‘lville, a former pastor. Pastor Arthur 'Homer, will speak at afternoon serv- fice. Rev. H. Criekington ot Dix.. ‘ville, Que., also a former pastor will be present. Since the services are bordering on Durham Old Home Week, it is hoped ‘ that the Old Boys and Girls will pay a visit to "The Little White Church on the Hill." During all these years the little church has served the community well under faithful services. A ttour. ishing Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. as well as an active Ladies' Aid are all marks of its force for good in the community which it serves. The church is celebrating its six tleth anniversary on Sunday August 11, and the members an Inn“...- ., ' On April 2, 1875, the Beutinck Barr tist church was organized with a membership of eight. m January 1876 this little Gaelic church was united with another neighboring Ben tist church, the total membership then being twenty-two. Of these charter members two survive: Mr. Alex McGiliivray of Chatsworth tutti) Mrs John A. McDonald of Weat. hope, N.D. In 1877 the present church building was erected at Mur. ovk. To Mark ia/itnoirsarr 0f Bentinck Baptist Church ”a“: ago, anuques, relics and keep- sakes. Mrs Krauter read an appro- prlate poem as well as her ‘Prices in Toronto 71 years ago'. 'Origin of mar- riage customs was read by Mrs How- ie. Mrs. George Basile gave a read- lng. Mrs. Kramer put on a guessing contest (a candle 'ruutter) which was won by Mrs. Wm. lioness of Tor. onto. Mrs. Rouse]! and assistants served a dainty lunch, Mrs Anderson introduced Mnrc K. Dolby, president ot the W.C.T.U. in Chesley. Mrs Dolby is an attractive , speaker and the subject, "AteohoI", F was exceptionally well given. She told of the origin or alcohol. It comes trom the Arabic language, meaning ‘Evil Spirit'. Alcohol haa: many uses but it is not a beverage. it is a habit forming drug. produces poor digestion and never inspires the user to any greatness. With the increase in accidents and destruc- tion of life, never in any time did we need our eyesight as we do now. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs .Dolby for her excellent address. A chapter from History of Grey County was given by P. MacDonald. The roll call showed old pictures of 60 years ago, antiques. relics and keep- sakes. Mrs Krauter read an appro- priate poem as well as her ‘Prices in Toronto 71 years ago'. 'Origin of mar- riage customs was read by Mrs How- ie. Mrs. Gianna: unau- ----- _ _ piano selections by Miss Florence McCulin. The topic ‘How can na- tions cooperate against war', was taken by Mr. D. J. MacDonald. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mr and Mrs McCainn tor the use or their home. The next meeting will be at Mr. James Copp's. The July meeting ot the W.l. was held at home of Mrs. John Rus- sell. Wednesday, July 17 with a good attendance of members and visitors. It was decided to hold a picnic on Sept. 7th. Mr. Cooper, Markdale, is expected to be present at the picnic and give an address. TORONTO ms are bordering on no Week, it is hoped ttr and Girls will pay Little White Church ill 40 Years in Business ! u IN DURHAM i' 1;; 2l Years as Ford dealers E I Smith Bros. Extend a tte'ii'i1, We!- i i come to Old Timers to Durham I THE LATE C. L. GRANT One of the est-nest merchants of {Durham and possibly the oldest in length of service. Mr. Gum com- menced business here in 1878 u at' partner in ‘Hutie & 'Grant', and a] few years later assumed full chuge under his own name, continuing in' business until his death in 1926. Mr' Grant was a variable ItomhmI-A at l The town of Durham and District is no exception to my other com- munity in that they have lost through the Great War, a great many of their bravest and best boys. The ‘Bmuity ot Wnr'hu beenltrequent essay topic: in High Schools and; Collegiatea. Yet despite pence trout-1 itttt. League of Nations pact, etc.,’ there are yet warn um .....- _. uouegiatea. Yet despite itttt. League of Nations there are yet wars and wars heard in the land. Durham Giriiii, DURHAM'S HONOR ROLL L in 1926. Mr 'mmhouae or history . {i F" 2F2 IU.' - and '"ao=====. I Visitors with In _ Bumur were Mr 'and two daughters, jtoty. and daughter or the The weather mu co: Ivan: and dry, (Wing t! good opportunity to get Ht In. , Mr and In C. McGin Winter of Owen Bound, SI [the Melatonin... H. Dirguel, sill' lite of Bath. Visitors witirtiri the weekend were Mr t Darqravet lad daughter The closing day- or the Great Wu' [an rise to and: discussion. as In what tom of memorial Durham should undertake. Borne fm'm‘w! but!“ I than of snake In meme!) of the desad,othem wuhed for a mom- orm hound. The town now has bmh sud they ll". . credit to the lnun and district. The monument was unveiled in September of that yo-av. " Hem. mm P..mh.l.....| .. .. [er weekend " her Coachman. t AUG. 1, 1935 In le. chinnla and With In E. Meintosh 1rN M ot Tomato spent inter Ethel Mr W Hunky. Mrs Top Dunner homu tt Mr and Mrs h were married on their honey “I the beat of I. may“ " itlt In B. Met n Owen Sound . Dara-Nels fox continues very I the farmers a M their harr. "tended or Owen house Btttith da (D NEXT KRE EXTRA HEAVY co TONADE. all: reg. 81.75. SALE PRICE T Hetvy duty & Dress wear. _ " MEN's Work Pant Men's Ore Shirts. il Men's Balbn'gg Underwear Men's Suspenders CUSTOM ctmpl) Workin 316 mu. w. per piece Men's Heavy qualit I.49, sale prit reg. 3.95. s " Sp Men's Blue reg. ssc Over co Gunn's Meis Assn Men's reg. tug tc - - Wow Ladr You'll he Everythi; Durham. values an Roy JOH 1.29 Keep in tit of the leave thei THE Men 'Ot "Where FLO Ties H ME,

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