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Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1935, p. 6

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[Ll r,lm,l 3 k...) J G . t 01M r We ca When Wethorby uncured he was Insured and m at one. Dan noticed R at CHICO. I" . CW" 0 " no boat was dee to an "on Clrcuhr Quay. " Sydney. Not that Dan miss. " Mn very mum. Wetherby w” all right in the built or " wort. but In I city like Sydney I. Jarred on Dan. They hadn't the ”no tastes. "Trust me." Wetherby promised. Next day he was " again. Ion- In; Dan alone in " Sydney hotel. Wetherby had hledns. when he who. ed to visit before sailing for Eng. bud. he said. Dan never aw or heard It him again until the In) Betore m. [junk-l Lardgo, WI. 0 and not“ a! In"! - "t “you it's all right." Dan um 'oubttttttr. "Keep your lamps open. Don." "What people?" Dan asked. "People who are likely to take mares. of course." Wetherby explain. ed. "Slade's principal buys "on? Bl. to all " a prom. He's a promoter. you new." the that "Medlieott. the man who's ttndintt the money. I'm going to show toecV mans, and tell people how we found "I'll stick about here." said On: Int"): "Keep an eye on things Who’s that ycu've trot to see in Lon Dan went ott with erherhy to the clipping once to book pas-age tor England by the next boat. Now that be had " money to the bank. We.. Ptrrby was - to get away. “I wish you were coming with me. Dam." Wetherby and. when the berth had been booked and paid Mr. "t don‘t know how m get on without you. No man over had such a good Into as you." "I'll stick about here." said Dan “I may need a bit of help with early development work. I'll say goodbye to you Wetherby. You'll not fail to an in touch with Mr, Medlicott as ”on " you reach London." "Look me up presently. -Mr. Pres- con." Slado and " they shook hands. Stacie» drew a cheque on the spot. He had htl agreement with the part- not. nil drawn up and ready tor gig- nature. Dan read it through carefully, unveiling " the ceienty and promp- made with which this sale had Men utomplinhed. He and Wetherby sign- eat along the dotted line; and then Blade accompanied them to the bank, to introduce them to the manager as clionts who wished to open accounts. "Leaving £50,000 as working up!!- M." Walter” upwind to Dan. "We at £5,000 each apiece. and are 1ett with a Bfth share each tn the line. Slade'n people provide, the working capital. Do you get it, Dan?" “I get It." Dan said. "I'm on. " you are, partner." "You've bought a summine, Mr. Made," Wetherby chuckled. "Yea?" "My Idea in B company at 15100,. .00. lot I "an. AI vendors you two “to £50,000. ot which 110.000 will be cut down. The rest will be 40,- IOO than: of Mt each.” “I've had a look round. " we; "and I'm a buyer, come to terms." Slade In: brief and bunnesaJlle When Wetherby tool Dan to his or. "No water,” Dan reminded mm "No run until the an! runs, any. "lt'n all net, Dnn," Wetherby um. “Slade had I look tor Mine", and he's ground to gamble on the mine. He has been on the telephone to In. )rlnelpnl in London. and he} now lead, to In]! money." "That nultn me," Dan salt! slowly. "Shae rented out the next lea-e. and the aviator claimed a chunk on than other aide.” Wotherby said. “There‘ll be I rush it the news get. Iran Prescott Ind Gordon Westerby 'h": [old In the arid but: of Annual“. They It“. their claim and "In (I. lent journey to the 0-0.“. We can give you the best _ whether you want to Red Ph, Fish mine. Blade is very keen on on a Holiday.' D, J. IcRu Mira said Dan K things. Prescott." it we can son, Winnipett's share of relief th'is you would be 82,000,000--8600,000 more than last rear. Winnipeg - Winnipeg was faced but week with mounting relief costs. At the present rate of expenditure, said City Treasurer Barry C. Thomp- Relief Costs in Dear common daisy, Whene'er I see a field of you, a quilt of waving snow, I tread forgotten footpaths where I I child was wont to tro--- " child who was myself in the years that used to be When wayside weeds were treasures to eheritrh fervently; Memories, deep and tender, in your wide fringed eye you hold; 1 Dear common (sisy, white star with) 1 heart of gold. BLANCHE HALES SQUIRES.‘ Mattawa, Ont., July 17, 1986. l The shipment is the first of a.ser- lies. to be brought here before the close of navigation next Autumn. It has been bought by Elias Rogers and Company, Limited, of Toronto, and will be transhipped by lake boats to that city for distribution. A part of future ship" ents will be sold here, James T. Quinlan, Montreal repre- sentative of the company, stated. I Montreal-First import of it kind through Montreal, anthracite from French Indo-China-a load of 8,000 tons carried in the Norwegian motor- ship Bonneville-arrived here recent- ly to be sold on the Canadian market. Winnipeg Increased Half " Million To Dan's immense relief Slade on- tered the recoption lobby at this on. portuno moment. "rm going to and Dan a mre wife for himserf. now that he's a rich man,' said Lorna confidently. "Just you wait. Dan. until you see her." "Than the war. Lorna." Wether. by encouraged. "Give the old damp. " hound the thrill ot his life. Dan's not used to girls." Dan's head was swimming. An over- powering atmosphere ot perfume sauna] to emanate trom this strung. or. who was treating him as an in.. timate friend and taking for granted all aorta ot favours. He looked up- pealingiy at Wetherby, who only grin- had at his d_'seomfiture. Toronto Firm Imports Coal From 'Indo-China "Do you really think so?" gushed the bride, laying a gloved hand on Dan's arm. “You don't know how pleased I am that you like me. Don thinks you are the most wondertul man in the world, you know. And you will go to England in his place. won't you? because I could not bear to be separated trom my hubby so Boon." Which was not what he wanted to say; and nothing like .it. "How do you do, Mr. Prescott?" asked the bride cordially. 'tve heard so much about you trom my bus. band." "Oh, yes," Dan heard himself say. "Well. Don always was a good pick- er." "Thin is my mate, Lorna," Wether. by said. "Meet the missus, Dan. We are on our honeymoon." "Dan, I cannot go," Wetherby blurt. ed out. “You'll have to so in my piece. Dan; I can't get away." "What on earth---" Dan began. "H11 show you," Wetherby laid. catching him by the arm and drug- (in; him toward the reception room ot the hotel. A pretty fur girl, in a festive frock, blushed as she met Dan‘s wondering gaze. "You’ll be all right, when once you are on the boat and at sea," he re. marked. tearing one of the displays ot emotion to which his partner was prone. TO BE CONTINUED TO A DAISY The Press provided a great engine of teaching which might be made I use of more extensively. She knew that in the minds of many there was _ " objection to publicity and pro- paganda, but, speaking with all re. _ ference, she said that Jesus Christ understood the value of and prac- tised publicity and propaganda in quenching and in sending out “his ldiseiples " messengers. Lady Bridgeman, speaking on "The Church and Publicity" at the annual conference of the Press and Publicat. ions Board of the Church Assembly , said she was sorry there was a gen- eral ignorance of the simple teach. ing of the Bible, which was largely unread. Regrets Bible Not More Widely Read If you are home at lunch, another shower will help you to get through the afternoon in a more peaceful manner. If not, at least wash your face, neck, arms and hands and pat on a skin tonic before you apply fresh makeup. I Remember to put on fresh ling- erie and stockings each morning. Incidentally, it's better not to wear the same pair of shoes two days in succession. Take two baths I day--. a lukewarm one before you go to bed and a cool shower when you get up in the morning. His idea is a good rule for all of us to follow. It stands to reason that the less you think about some- thing unpleasant, the less it annoys you. , ing about the teruerature and thhought of more pleasant things." "No, summer weather doesn't bother me," an executive told us last summer. “I simply refuge to think about it. After all, we always have hot days in July and August and I decided long ago that I mind- ed them less if I stopped ioiniiGfi/ Dark Sheers Best Town Frocks For Hot Weather The purchases of household fur- niture and equipment by the newly married couples and the number of wedding presents showered on them greatly accelerates the machinery of industrial production and retail trade. This is reflected in the in- creases registered in the Dominion Bureau of Statistics' report on the changes in the value of retail sales during the popular wedding mouths,, particularly in the furniture store} reports. Ottawa - The fact that more young couples are now getting mar- ried and setting up house indicates. possibly better than any carefully prepared index. returning public eonfidenee and improving ponnnmin Mpre Couplesare Government Figures Reveal 73,023 Weddings Perform- ed in t934--.. Largest in Five Years. number diiiiiiiflC7diCi,, I88. ) last with with lat- "Consideration for the rights and sensibilities of others is merely n general definition of courtesy."-. Emily Post. In his splendid quarters there his friends feel sure that he will not disdain to take notice of the chil- dren whom he. has come to regard as playmates. To these quarters Singh was transported from Dover in his own ear; in them he quickly settled down, becoming, if possible, even more good-tempered and more tract- able than he had been before. But, alas! he has grown so much in health and strength that, while his man. ners axe perfect, the responsibility of keeping him has become too great for any but the skilled attend-, ants of the Zoological Soeiety's) Gardens. 1 The visit of an inspector of the Ministry to the country house which was to be Singh's temporary abid- ing place resulted in the declaration that, within a. few necessary pre- cautions, a large conservatory and a walled rose garden would be suit- able quarantine. the most inane itching instantly. A 35c trultsottie, at anydm‘ua-e, hthrgt teed to prove it-or back. . D. D. in mode by dream a? ITALIAN Bun. tortua -orFiGEvtiiii,iek' iia'kiiiii',"it other insect bites. rashes and other thin “My? Fm?“ "'g,tt1t'euti: ceu. no Dell No tini-no mun. . nude- and tstaittle-dries up almost immediately. Try D. p.. D. Pr.ir.ri.ptityt M115? Emmmsem iteiltirtg war- A But interest in the journey of an Indian lion cub so young to Eng- land, and the ready acceptance by the Zoological Society of London of ail responsibility for his future " soon as he became too massive for a country house Jointly evoked the; sympathy and helf of the officials in,l the Ministry of Agriculture. I It is. autumn. maxi)?!" p. Dennis coo anuaepuc h'.f?'."i'iANJtflit'1',uht1u'fi'?g'itnit The Italian and the French Gov- ernments gave him special facilities for crossing their frontier, but in England as a lion he would fall within the four corners of stringent anti-rabies regulations; and for a while his owners were in despair. It was found that he flourished best on a widely-advertised infant food to which raw eggs were added. He was' brushed and groomed every day as carefully as a prize Pek- ingese; his coat became sleek and glossy Ind he remained entirtly, free from any trace of "zoo smell." Travelling in the suite of His High- ness the Maharajah Jam Sahib, Singh quickly became in every sense the lion of the party. As soon as he was strong enough to walk I small collar and chain were provided for him; the sight of Singh at his daily exercise on the boat deck of the liner soon became an event of the day. He proved an affectionate and playful as a kit- ten, early learning to recognize, friends and to keep his already for- midable claws carefully sheathed in playing with them. STOP THAT "on In One Minute .. a..-“ - v“: or two's rest there, and then placed in -n sheltered nook in the liner which was to convey him to the West. When the time came for his final separation from his mother he was still to young to lap, and wos fed at two-hourly intervals by having milk poured down his throat. He put on weight steadily, was safely transported to dombay, given a day, Singh was then barely a fort.. night old-an odd little bundle of (rough fur, the size of a large kit- 'ten. Plainly, he must be gradually weaned. Accordingly, he was separ- ated from his mother for some hours every day until he became accus- tomed to human beings. A strong‘ and amply big enough travelling} cage of hardwood was constructed end fitted on the outside with ope- que blinds which could be pulled in order to give him the darkness which he loved. The chain of events was started by a letter from a small boy in England, in which he asked his mother, then staying " a guest ot His Highness the Mahaajah Jam lSahib, to bring him a lion or a tiger from hdia. One night at dinner in the palace the request was laugh- ingly mentioned. It met with an im, mediate reponse. Singh, the only‘ male in a litter of three, was then and there presented to the small boy, whose mother charged herself with the transport of the gift. Singh was born in the Zoologictl Gardens " Jamnngu towards the end of Much, but there In: noth- ing to indicate that he would soon be fated to travel as far as to Re- gent's Park. ( Lion Cub’s Travels India to London Zoo nunmspaaaa' m.[ London Times Weekly .. 31 "We have over 70 breeding stock The largest fioek in Canada. In face more than all the rest of Canada put together, and have been the mean: of starting the other parts to pm- [agate them, and supplied the breed- ing stock for most of them. When iaised under the ordinary hen they treecme'e. tame " domestic turkeys whereas they are otherwise very wild." I "The wild turkey,’known in the U. S. as America's grandest game lbird, is the finest eating there is ‘in the bird line. There is more white meat in proportion than a domestic turkey and the meat is of a finer texture, sweeter and not so dry. Many of the most successful domestic turkey breeders in the United States are buying wild tur- key gobble" and crossing them with) the domestic turkey to improve the quality of the domestic birds that, through time, have become too coarse and larger than the market u-nlls for. l "In 1929 there wasn't a wild tur- key in Canada, and our society im- ported three birds at a cost of $100 ‘in order that we might show the public the difference between sand- hill cranes (so often called wild turkeys) and wild turkeys. The only similarity they have is the noise they make while in the air. The birds themselves are about as dit. ferent as birds could be. We have since imported several more turkeys and have raised and sold turkeys to various parts of Canada, and last Fall had a flock of over 150 birds. l l On the Prairies the sandhill crane is known as the "wild turkey" of Canada, but though edible it is a very different bird indeed from the genuine wild turkey of the Southern States which is the progenitor of the domestic turkey. In this connection it is interesting to note that the Wild Animal Park, Society at Moosejaw has been ex- perimenting with the wild turkey of' the South and from young birds im- ported now boasts the possession of a fioek of 150, the largest in captivity in Canada. Wild Turkey Makes Come-back in West Recently. a colleague ot mine pure.. ed out a dozen specimens ot writing trom my tiles, and, hiding the names of the writers, asked me to state which were written by men and which were the work of women. This We all know men who write in a teninine hand, and vice vex-:3. wo- men who write a markedly mucuune hand-the reason ls simply that these people typify these same trans in their characters. Some men are almost feminine in thelr habits, and there are women who act in an al- most masculine way. These charats terlatlca are shown In their handwrit.‘ ing. l "Does handwriting show the sex ot the writer?" This question has been asked me quite trequerttiy ot late, and my answer is that while it is possible tor the trained graph- ologlat to make certain guesses ot the sex of the writer at times, there is really no definite sefentitie i'oun. dation for this. ' "How can handwriting show one's character, when we are taught how to write from the same copybooh In school?" The answer to this objec- tion proves how strongly handwriting DOES show character. Beeause, it you will study the writing ot a single class ot students who have learned ‘wrltlng trom the same copybook. n few years atterwards, you will NOT FIND TWO WHO WRITE ALIKE. Each one writes ditrerently--a dir- ferent slant, :1 different pressure, and dittering conformation ot letters. This is to, despite the training they have had in a standardized writing hand. and proves that, as one grows, one'. character changes or strength. ens. and one's handwriting changes, too. Recently, 'several correspondents have asked qua-lions about the an. in: ot Graphoiogy, posing certain ob- jealous unmet it, and in this Ir- ticle I will deal brletiy with some ot these angles: TORONTO (Medicine Hat News) Ill-“hush! O‘Wolodul'ulao and “.mdxmmmllwmww'fim m 1%mdrwmdhldeMQMo-Im dfiiertied, m oru-u.n.-ealt.-esetbeg- 'uesuir-t&eetltteidtetttb-dd-b.s-iir.edui HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA -iist? ---.-.-l- --_ a". --__ _-_-_ ‘6’ herhowto ".."U tgtd'i'tiiciii9rL1ri"qlllllllllli, critical time. When gheie ‘MM. pe, wife Ind mother she will WHEN Y0git "hllimt COMES To “MAIN” In accidents other than train ac- cidents 68 persons were killed, main. ly through misadventure or careless- ness by the victims themselves. London-Only one passenger in 96,000,000 carried on British rail- ways last year was killed, according to Ministry of Transport figures pub- lished recently. The proportion of in. jured was one in 3,000,000. British Railways Kill 1 in 96,000,000 w‘mmddncm - i ""'--..'NrBVhN V - I. “P3, ',t,telc,,wy..igyjiritrt [ Would YOU like to know what YOUR handwriting reveals about you? The truth, not so you might like it, but " it really is? And have you friends about whom you are anxious to know something of their characters? Send specimens of the handwriting you want analysed, stat. ing birthdste in each case. Enclose 10c coin for each specimen and en. close with So stamped addressed em; veiope. to: Geoftrey St. Clair. Room] 421, " Adelaide Street Wcst, Tor. onto, Ont. All letters will be treat. ed in strict confidence. Now and again It " possible to help tt writer to know a little more about his or her health as I result ot a scrutiny ot tttutdwriting, but " yet there la no accurue 3nd perm- anent means of determining ailment: or disease, In all cases. 1 "Can disease be revealed try one! handwriting?" This is an ungie ot grephology that in exercising the experts continuully. t might say that information is being chained continually concerning thin very im. portant eagle of the science. and it is true that, even now, certain die. eases can be indicated by handwrit- ing. But to any that there in my} "cut and dried" scale to 1leteHe1'f these seientitictrlU is to go beyond the facts. I test revealed that l chose nine out ot the twelve correctly. i might no that my friend had purposely cho. sen specimens that he thought would prove puzzling. it all goes to show that it is sometimes dialeuit to spe- city the sex of the writer, and u there is very little to be gained try this, not very much particular re. search bu been expended on this‘ angle. However, it is probable that before very long, " . result ot tbel various researches that ere being eer- ried on in handwriting, some deiin- ite tueientitie euluntion will be tNm- sible to determine the writer's sex. a amounts! nu up wit 'GOLDEN VIRGINIA" and enjoya rcally good smoke.' present a dine-IQ; xTaiiiiii't', is vim! may." In. Falti, “y. Vii} _come when , t tair numerical in the Home of on The women Sen. has made a wide survey of political history, and in addition to studying Hens-rd When the Home is in union, she has read every biography of famous men Ind women she could get her hand, ti . -.-- -yyv-uuucnt, LII‘IIGI'S Bets and lady Senator. Mrs. Howard T. mus, carries on her household hold duties " usual Peterborough. Ont. - L'npert by her appointment; Can-dry; A-AI I I - Appointment Honor To Farming People Sava Mrs. F allis I There is no road through in Prince Rupert. The road up the North Thompson out of Kamlocpm retelling up towards Jasper. ends‘ in the wilderness. A 200-mile trail continues the cut-West road from the Caribou through the Chilcolin to Bella Cool: on the coast. Most of our great inland empire of British Columbia-do you realize itt--after seventy years of discov- ery Ind settlement-is still wilder- ness, still almost the country of the unknown. ritory in order Journey by road, We suppose it in not much use to expatinte upon all these highways of ours that end in the wilderness -we have got to get them made passable before we can extend them-but we ought to remind ourselves about them every little while. Do you realize that the straight road between Van- couver And Colury is out " by an eighty-mile up between Reve'stoke and Golden, and that you must make I 500-mlle detour in our own ter- ritory in order to complete that We speak of all this just by way of reminder. It is useful, it seems to us, that we should get such rc- minders from time to time. We know that such reminders are little likely to eventuate. for a long time to come. in the project of opening up our unknown British Columbia. I The Island Highway ends at ‘Mcnzier Bay, north of Campbeil River, and there is u [GO-mile stretch of country beyond, practically unknown, with the little coast settle- ments, of Port Alice and Port Hardy cut " from communication except by an and air. The occasional explorer--- timber cruiser. government surveyor or 'Crtrtnn--hrine, us back word of thin country from time to time, n- groeing that it is a beautiful wilder- ness, but nobody else ever gets into it. It in an hour by air from this city, und it is beautiful country on- known. But when it coma to talking about the inaccessible mtural beauties of British Columbia, where shall we begin and emit That very country of the Della Falls, which is to all intents and purposes still a tetra incognita. is less than halfway up the Island. Nearly all the north end of the Island. too, is that sort of country. [ A genuine waterfall, 1.580 feet high. even if the volume of it in not great (ten time: as high Ill Niagara), is indeed a wonderful sight. We do not doubbt that the Publicity Bureau in right in thinking that it would be a great tourist at- traction if it could be made neces- sible. It is inaccessible by road, and to reach it you must, go by boat to the head of Great Central Lake, and then by a forest trail for thirteen miles, until you come to Della Lake and glacier. If the other information about the Dells Falls. as given out by the bureau, is true, then we agree that they should be better known. We are told that it is not very large in volume of water, but I genuine waterfall, nevertheless, snd I beau. tiful sight, the noisy music of it to be heard for miles away through the Island forest. The gnu-teen do not support the claim that this is the highest water- fall, but certainly it should rank among the first half dozen known falls in the world. consider the to be 1.680 feet high. As the story comes to us, the Publicity Bureau in Victoria believes that Vancouver [alsnd possesses the highest qraterfall in the world. It is the Delia Falls, thirteen miles north. west of Great Central Lake, reputed MANY u. ROADS END IN WILDERNESS f, plare for them (Vancouver Province) ' she hopes the du women would luv. "Presentation bod Common. and tho , f Uettrerturtreu which Brork, a lulomutive building tt homology, landscape , NMry are Week in n pl "ered. The I Vinkiy wa “if rates, at will lose 1 d: Ochool. Sluder ton: on Bdterne t acquire i Of ltudif would no lent. + Angela: tration Ir lie lnltru pendulum The pu than, a they min dents beg h, perk-y the Unite, " we: 10,000 Jobless Attend S th The ur Innd ad} that min “I friem dance. ll Irnun I not three In" ”gr that had Europe-y Spell Chum!» are on Bres hildllll Cult of Wren» of tlee durum ofUhe t France to I Warship n Wh a Its, By Wr ll n In k " Of lay The Our h In Sta In mm She lea M The With The" A th, t'Ott " I'd" rom Of w, An Th run Th, Wh A Song at! .Wa Jun in Ulster. "an: E of " Sister; A 10-: n. has have b. fer dream, Lama does with silver I 'rhite crepe (1 “Mil. [thug Pirittes; and ted crepe aft Vet pimng in tu " ll

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