West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1935, p. 8

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W Ci it Street Dancing Every Evening. Good Orchestra. Good Fiddlers. Round and Square Dancing. Join the crowds and come to Durham Aug. 3, 4, s. 6, 7 wan Iv nun: - ""tr in Durham. 3 moat successful afternoon of sports is assured. Parade to Fair Grounds headed by Owen Sound Band " 1.30 lone Races in Afternoon, Good Prizes. Good Horses 2.28, 2.22 and 2.18 Events. 8600 in’Prizoa Durham track w " never in batter condition and with the largest entry list ever to appear in Durham, th most successful afternoon of no». q., a........--" Do as you please until noon. - There will be Swimming end ageneral get-tagether of vislto . Wednesday, Old Timers' Day Durham and district Veterans to Groundsat 1.30. Theyhave a Gltls' Softtra1t-----wawanoas, n Old Time Get Acquainted Lawn Social Monday afternoon at 4.30, there will be a Lawn Social on the Publis to which all are invited. Come and meet your friends Ne admininr Tuesday, Veterans' Day good teams, Old Timers Lacrosse. Foot Races Hig] Boxing and Wrestling in Rink at , p m. A good program has been arranged by Du: Parade to Rink, headed by Bands, at 7 p. m. Be sure to hear the Highlanders' Pipe Band Findlay’s Dairy, Toronto J, Reception to Visitors at 12 o'cloek noon on Town Squar to Grounds at 1.30. headed by Highlanders' Military ar which will render music all during the afternocn. Boao and his Pals, the Clowns that make Clowns laugh Parade and at the grounds all afternoon. T Ambassadors of Dance in National and Tap Dancing, 1 batic Dances and other entertainment. The Persian Troubadors in native costume. Baseball at 3 o’clock "2 slithutnpian Parade at 10 sou Special Services in all churches. In the afternoon at 2 o'elooh. tho dedication of the Cairn en the spot where the first traveller spent the night. . Sunday afternoon at 3 30 o'clock,1he annual memorial service of Grey Lodge Oddfellows add Rebekahs. will be held in Durham cemetery. Band in attendance. Mppday, Civic Holiday "How do you do , How are you?" since the days of the Old Swimmin' together and get acquainted again. Sunday, "Go to Church Day" Something Doing Every Minute Saturday, Registration Five Pull Darts of Friendship, To Know." Conveniently situated near town, wlll furnish varied an crowd 24 hours a day. CLEAR THE TRACK ! WE’RE OFF FOR ALL TELE TIME - COTTON’S MAMMOTH MIDWAY . Durham Old Home Week Tug of War 48th Highlanders’ Band, Toronto August 3-4-5-6~7, 1935 trict Veterans.headed by St. Marys Band,~will rarade _ They have a military program that will be interesting Wawanekas of Owen Sound vs. Alerts of Toronto Foot Races Highlanders' Band Concert Owen Sound. A good game between Pun and Frolic in “The , headed by " by Durham Shske the hand you haven't 'tshook' Hole and the School Picnics. Get Band Concert at 7.30 p m ar the centre of the amusements for Ge Bowling, Tennis, Town Square. Grand Parade , Military and Pipe Bands,--. on the Publis Seheol grounds Ne admission charge, Athletic Association. Band Concert at 7.30, Horse shoe pitching Horn;i;e,A(1(- ' will be in the Town You Used n We Halon "tttme, Tel. No. " or 173 Central Haul, 7mm. No. " Central ONTARIO BUS LINES SOUTHBOUND, leave Durh’m no a. m., 0.10 p. m. ITINERJES PLANNED TO ALL POINTS IN CANADA ‘dsy for will rem I Mr an IAllenforc "d with the qt' Misses il, Leith an sr Durham. l, Mrs " (a few d: ithe tirtst Dr. am Mon Han a; Week for 1 burg. i Mr and mily vial Ithe Teeu i remained l Mr and aims: ot TI I! Mrs N. R - Recent United 1 CONSULT 12-50 p. an, no p. m. . STANDARD TIME Mr and Mrs Pete Cornish spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herb Vol- lett of Bentinek. Mrs Sweet and Netta of Toronto are visiting this week with her Bite ter Mrs F. McCaw. Mrs James Vincent and two child. ren of Agincourt visited Sunday with her sister Miss Hoeflin. Mr and Mrs George Moore, Ham- ilton, spent Sunday with the Carm- ount family. i The s.s, picnic was held on Tues- day in Redfern Pinder's bush. Mr and Mrs George Smith and Mrs Manary of Durham spent the tlrtet of week with Mr and Mrs E. Smith. Rev. Mr Andrew ot Thornbury will preach in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. b We are sorry to report that Mr. Wm. Wilson is quite ill. We Wish him a. speedy recovery. l Mr and Mrs R. J. Arnlll spent the} Mr. Walter MoCrie. Suk.. is vis- am of week with their (tget."",?',,",,",],': carsin, “Mr Thor-:1. 'lI‘ucker Mrs N. Rounding " Grand Valley. (',2Le'loi,',t. 'd "lt,tl'2,t e B re- Recent Euests with Mr. and 51:13. 1’er l an l il',',':,',',),,, to o . . k were: r.; . arm . . fe/ld/ly,":,?,,",,' ee d family ot 1 Sound on Sunday next to take charge a} . Mrs Mek Prieeviile: ot the services in St. Thomas 8317. . ht iehurch in the absence ot Rev. E. o. Mr Roluts, Mr. Wilson and dang 'riiiGi'thl','. of Napanee, and Mr and Mrs A. J.i . _ McMillan of Dundalk. l Mr and MT! Wm. Wallace of hum Mr and Mrs IL J. Arnill spent the itrst ot week with their daughter, Mrs N. Rounding at Grand Valley. Mr and Mrs N. E. McGuire and ta. mily visited the tlrtst of week with the Teeter family in Durham. Jean remained over for a longer visit. Dr. and Mrs. Mountain and little spa Harold left Wednesday ot last week tor their new home in Amherst. Mrs Jack McDomld of Orlllh spent a few days with the Amin family the titnrt of the week. Misses Norma Smith Ind Hazel Leith are holdaying with friends in Mr and Mrs Fulton and funny“ Allenford spent the Brat ot the week with the Fenton family. Mr Robert Beartett left on Wednes- day for Saautettermut, where he will remain for I few months. There will t teneent social on Thursday ot week on grounds ot Mrand Mrs . Hostetter’l home under auplces of e Women's Au'n ot the United Ch Lunch served from 7 p. m. to 10. THEDURHAMREVIEW HOLSTEIN LEADER" TORONTO LOCAL AND PERSONAL ORCHARD be unable to attend the Old Boys Re. union in Durham though he expected his father, Joseph Clark, one time printer's devil on the Review and now editor of the Toronto Daily Star would be on hand. , On the opening morning the dele- i gates were welcomed by Premier Hepburn and by Mayor James Simp- I son both of whom in their greetings. 'acknowledged the important place weekly newspapers occupied in the life of the country. During enchl business session of the program,’ w'ery profitable addresses on various, phases of newspaper work were de. livered by expert men in the busin- ess as well as by such prominent men as Thos. Bradshaw, Canada's leading authority on municipal at- tains. and Col, Chappell'ot the Pub- lie Relations Dept. of General Motors of Canada. At one of the noon luncheons, the members of the} “fourth estate” were made much happier by a prince of story-tellers, Gregory Clark of the Star Weekly, who spoke while his sidekick, Jim! Frise fascinated the audience with his cartoon work. Incidentally Mrs“ Clark informed the Review he wouldll A trip to Toronto may be quite a commonplace event tor most citizens of Durham and vicinity but last week a Review representative made the trip and found it interesting and plea- surable from several new angles. This city was selected this year for the annual convention of the cry: dian Newspaper Association. which brought together about two hundred newspapermen from all parts of Can. ada, through the courtesy ot the two railways. Business sessions were! held on each of the three mornings! of the Convention, in the Royal] York Hotel, leaving the afternoons! free tor entertainment of the visiting: editors and their ladies. I The picnlcpl' the Dromore Branch Women's Institute will be held in Holstein Park on Wednesday, August 14th instead ot on the 7th as first planned for. The A.Y.P.A. met son's on Friday eve present. Usual prom dulged in. Next tt held at Mrs T. Tm Wrbam tsmoitaL es. Mr and Mrs si/a Forest visited Mr ttton and attended Mr. Wesley Andrews Mitchell recently. home of her daughter, Mrs wil. don. We welcome Mrs Ham: to neighborhood. home ot her tra rendered some tine instrumentals. mdlngs by Misses Dorothy Eagle and Florence Bolger; songs by Mr. A. Nlchol, were well applauded; songs sud reading by Mr H. Sales; solo by Mr. Sharp. accompanied by hls brother on violin; also two sweet solos by little June Andrews. The program was brought to a close by the.Nationat Anthem. Proceeds were $M.00. I perty was held on church grounds. with the usual good attendattee. Buts per was served by the ladies in the basement ot the church. utter which the following program entertained the audience, with Rev. Thompson " ehairanan, Ming in with his usuui humorous jokes. The Sharpe orches- Guests on Sunday with Mr and Mrs C. Queen were Rev. J. Thomp- un and Miss Humphrey, R.N. of TORONTO The Anniversary service. ot St. Paul. church, Enema“. proved to be quite o eucceu. Rev. J. R. Thompson you two inspiring ad. drenes. -hoth afternoon end even- ing. The choir wu mined by Trin- ity church choir and an; appropri- ate anthems at each nervice. The following Mend-J evening a saloon tr ma Mrs Wm. Wallace ot Dur. t were the guests of Mr and Mrs Davis on Sunday. ALLAN'S CORNERS Seeing Toronto DROMORE Mrs Wm. Morrison ot Mt day eve last with sixty tal proceedings were in- Next meeting will be T. Tucker's. August 9. . met at Mrs R. Wat md Mrs J. John. St. Pauls servic- moved to the visited in ,1 Mo PRICES HOLSTEIN Elizabeth Aitken-Hint., Physlogmphy. Zoology Arthur A. Wise-Eng. Gram Geography Gladys Young-Br. Hist.. C Botany " Physiography 'iganei Robb-Br. Hist., a ' Botany " Catherine Rowland-Br. Hi Art, Botany. William Betarook-Br. Hity Art, Botany George Simmonds-Arita., Zoology {Jean simmono-Art, Geog: ,Erma Btewtut--Aloog., Bow Names Btorrer--oe-tsy I Anne Tinianov--ahur. Gram, Phynsiotrraptty, Zoology Howard Watson-Art, Bot: Edwin, Wellts---Br. Hist, ( Eldon Whitmore-Zoot. Lois Wilmm---Enar. Gram Physiography, zoUG Grace vouett--Etur. Gr Physlography - -". -- Lucille Trtutord--Arith. Zot Eileen Tueker--Eng. Gram, Phytsiotrrqurtty, zooUry N --'. Mary Town-Eng. Gum, Arith, Physsiogmotty, Zoology Doria Pmtt--Br. Hist. Geog., Botany Kathleen Renwick-Br. Him, Geog. Reg. IljeB--Eaur. Gram., Arum. Zoot. Art, Botany Jean Murdock-Art Ruth Nichol-Br. Hist., Art. Botany Robert Noble-Eng. Gram. Arith. Physiography, Zoology Jean MeGirr--. Eng. Gram., Arith, Physlogmphy, Zoology Robert Marshall-Br. Hm. Botany, . Geography Margaret Moorir--Br. Hist. Geog. Zoology _ Gordon Mecomb--zoology LItrine MeCme--Eng. Gram, Geography Louise Mtutustur.--Br. Hitt. Jean MacLean-Arithmetic Gordon Mttcutut--Art . Clyde McCallum-Aria., Physio; Boyce Howell-Eng. Gram. Arab. Physiogmphy, Zoology Rosa Ketmsey--Br. High, Geog., Art, Botany Ross Lauder-Br. Hist., Botany hum MacArthur-Arithmetic Gordon MtueDomu6-. Br. Hist, Art, Geography Florence Maeustut---Br. H., Art, Bot., uunu r1rm LAMBS EASIER Selling at 80 Ship your Inn!» and Bogs now before prices go off And don't forget to ship them to as {or top market prices. Photography. Zoology Myule Hodgson-Br. Hut... Geog. Art Phytsiogragrhy, Zoology Herbs. Hetui-2hur.. Gram. Zoot, Agnes Hett--Br. HM. Geog., Elizabeth Henderson-Eng. Gum. Norman Gltusts---Arith., Boot., Physics. Elmer Gleethoune--En. Gram., Arum. _ Zoology Jessie Grtutt--E. Gum, Arlth., Zool.. Phyalography Florence Gr-ood-E. Grun..ArIth. Physiography Muriel Gibson-Br. Hist,, Geog., Art, Jenn Elmein--alntr. Gram, Axum. Zool. Physiography Jean Firth-Eng. Gram. Arith. 2001.. Saul: Dyer-British History Margaret Edge-Eng. Gram. Arith., A Phrsiographr Coleen DoataW-4ilntr. Gram., Allene Dartpwel---Eng. Gram, Arithmetic Emily Cornwaii--Eng. Gram., Zed. Elizabeth Daaleu-E. Gram., Punt“. Cecil Brown--Artth, Zoot., hay-tog Marjorie Brown-Br. H., 0003.. Bo Dorothy Caldwell-Eng. annular Violet Couimron--Br. Wat., 0001 Canada's Lending John Atun-43eoq., Art. not. Br. " chk Atklnson-4Nroq., Art, Bonny. Norah Baird-Ent; Granular Ad: Boelrer-Art, Bot., 0003.. Earn. Belt-ig. Gram., Geog. Jan Bhey--Br. H., 0003.. Art, Bot Thom mai-Br. H., Geo... Art, Bot Esther Bourne-Art, Botany Ju. Bmitttwniter--Br. It. 6003.. Art, DUNN and LEVACK Ltd Physiog. Zoology Hist... Geo l~Br. Hist, Geog ' Botany Geography Higt., Geog, "' Amt... 390k Edema 0n ' Arith., Phyalog. ' Br. H., Arith., 1 Mile from No. HYDRO. KITCHEN FIELD, 0000 I For particulm, apply d, fan. RR. 1, Vumey, Ont 200 net-es, Lot 15, con Township of Emmonlt. romble home. good , school Ind church. tttore, To Rem-. Brick hot 10 lore: land, " noun ham. Apply to In Durham, or n P. 14w __ -_e- - -quCl \ABJ. Mr and Mrs D. Marshall. Miss & Jar-lull Ind Ill: T. E. Byers Vis- ited with Mr and In I. Ferguson Ind attended mniverury aervices at AM. Mr and In; #arattan also via. ited during the any with Mr and Mrs Victor Adams. In Hubert McDonnell, (Mugaret Wltllm) of Holstein, spent 1 few darts [at week at her former home here. Shortly after they commenced home-muting in their new home, near Holstein. their neighbors met in their home tor n socinl evening Ind presented the young couple with I beautiful table nnd fem nun! children of Hutton Hill. Mr and In Irwin Maryann and hmiiy of Ettremont and Mr and urn Alex. Aberdein and children Wiarton visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dnvld Martstmtl. Mrs. Aberdein and children remained tor a longer visit. Mr and Mrs D. Marshall. Miss S. Mush-ll Ind III: T. E. Byers Vis- ited with Mr and In I. Ferguson null _..-_‘-. - - ‘ Mr nod Mrs James Petty and fam- ily 1nd Mr and Mr: Albert Mmhnll Ind family spent Sunday afternoon together in the grove our the Petty home. Mr and Mrs D. McLean and children and mu Myrtle nut-shallot Toronto were among the number pre- sent, also Mr an! In R. Noble and chlldren of Hutton mu. Mr And In Alex. Smith or town, spent I. by recently with Mr and In Ronald Smith. The former spent the dar moat enjonth. "ttintr. Mr and In Harold Barber and (ti.i,iitiir, In. Porter of town and In E. Rankin. of Portage, Innlto ba, were visitors on Sunny with Mr and In W. Porter. Mrs Andra» Pickett and Mrs In. Picken and Raymond and Mrs And- row Stuart visited with the Lawr- ence families. North Egremont. on Sunday and attended anniversary ner- vlcea at St. Paul's. Mr and In T. Wallace visited on Sunday with the law's mother and liner: In Owen Sound. Gould Noelle-nay of Hanover vir- itod last week with " 00mins It the cudwell home. Ground Stagec- Lake, Holstein cured eervnnt at God. When he landed them, there were no Christ- lane, and when he left it 40 years In- ter, there were no heathen. Mn. loam read from the study book on the canton: of the people of Formo In. also the 23rd palm. Ilsa Ann Wilton cloeed with prayer. Splendid ATourisl Camp The [union Band and Y.W.A. met in the church Mu mm Greta thrtui---Hut. Coop. Art, Edith Hold Fir'm Terms Reasonable AUG i, 1'35 FARM FOR SALE KNOX CORNERS Y to In. Wm. Porter, It P. Lawrence's store. TCHEN, ATHLETIC GOOD SWIMMING No. 6 Highway home “a table nttttttt and ot Dur. ir Whom met I sock] evening young couple with no! fern sand, water, ttear v. blacksmith (25-35) t 20, com- gm b M Mun-mu "on of of Mel! MI). I: mom my on - iwive one l lxth Ruin Mum day High VOL. 1 Old Ho Calder' M MSG-v Knacks. I Highlu plum Wtrtte Tttt I " TI Pl Mr

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