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Durham Review (1897), 5 Sep 1935, p. 5

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'. 5 PMS Will Cortett no tha.. Mrs R. Corlett, 0'- trot her Ju- Whl. - LBECK I. Design. . tand the ”hind“. tut Mills of brnoch I. tn " to” to: did I". I. M I“ it! Mt. M W1 FORD land M daugh- Brown. Smith. M "I l "on: Toronto. Gumball m In: Corlett. Mr r attended the l Thursday, 1amptren up.“ (Wesley. "new a Friday "an. i In same-ad 3 "mm Bailey Noble; " D. ". In th Had My. ter's hug, w, ml two Winn“). l were ha- -r's Inn-u. we". Owen mm " M llrs w we liver, Pri. ' Middle- . Mr ind unday. Preston, , Shim I Mr and mm f the "r. Mills, a a speedy it sons Po Mary wetland Mekech. " of Iran son Itt . Agr. “1 Mr . Wayne the tar n men an the hold " ture Mae n on of " CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Central ONTARIO BUS LINES TORONTO EFFECTIVE MAY s, 1935 ’NORTHBOUND, leave Dmll’m 12.50 p. m., Mo.... m. STANDARD TIME SOUTHBOUND, leave Barra, 310 a. m., 0.10 p. m. H‘INRRIES PLANNED To ALL POINTS IN CANADA l'nlled States and Mexico. i'INS'ULT LOCAL AGENT Hahn House, Tel. No. 24 or 173 Central Hotel, T.I--In-- ". -- on our - mm mm” do. when. " um pay you. l and family. Mrs Angus Met 'tpent laat Wer at Mr and Mn Du "ollimorood visited Thos. Niche“ u when mow BUS SCHEDULE Mrs Round New Imuzlaa of Colllmod Tun-day at A. L. nine!“ [.41de the (linen! of the l Il, Arthur. Mr and Mm Alex Hem tiict ot the week for Batt m- spending 3 few day. frirutds. Messrs Rom. and Alex '.rned to Toronto In". "w) me time visiting there l Urn McKenzie. Mis, Delia New} of rgwill weekend at Met Me] Mr and Mrs All KM Mrs Gm. Ruta and damn of Niagara hm. spent In “Uh Mr and Mr- A..-. .. ‘ Travel by Arrow Coaches “For Your Convenience" Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock Why be Uncomfortable in - Baking Bread in Summer Time There is 1 wide ot live stack mm d Mrs Ray “an and l 'he weekend in Shim-n. at me stock these darts. By our careful aorta; and assured ot BEST Will/rs. Threshtng I. the q Albert William of ', Monday on the Non Mr. Innis new 'n last week “a is t mbitlon. hon Henderson's will deliver to your door the best bread you can possibly buy. empting Buns, Cakes and Pastries On Hand for Your Selection anada’s Royal Household Flour Bran ' O Canada . " Oat Pilot " C DUNN and LEVACKLtd Keep in Stock for Sale the following Goods JOHN McGOWAN Will 1 1 n9 remaking ertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. HENDERSoN's BAKERY THE PEOPLE'S MILLS. ruINTS IN CANADA ted States and Mexico. ULT LOCAL AGENT ouse, Tet. No. 24 or 1 Hotel, Telephone No. FLOUR Your Cattte, Calves Leading Live Stock Salesmen. Union Stock Yards -- Toronto “SERVICE THAT SATIFIES" SEND THEM TO cs Falls, GG' Mrs Angus SEPT. 5, 1935 MCCannel LET US PROVE THIS TO YOUi Alt Knack. Mr “d And. Hineu' I MeNiUter New" " l d attended l dimxhterV‘Corun, muck" Gii at, t the late A. B, McArthur left r Hailerttur, " days here um. Alex Brodie re utter unendin- I went to Toma. taking In the Ex. range in prices on the of Toronto, ”choking . tturt Week Newman Spending no; sister Mrs av- visited Glen Proton up»: salesmanship Mr. the 1eiii, 9 Spent , Lambs and Hogs Mrs. Dingwail (Maud ' daughter Debra, a stenoi for their home in Presque U.8., on August M, a pleasant visit to relatives of long ago. The pleaaui too, ot meeting with our iated organist of 28 year: ing as Winsome as ever, :thing. taller. Already mentioned in y( a Harvest Home servim and thaakatriving.win be Ebenezer church (towniin mom) on Sunday nvnninu I Mr. Thos. Binnie of B. C. was a worshipper at St. Columba on Bun, day and visited at the home or Mr. James Weir and his sister Belle af- ter service. He purposes leaving for home in a week's time. He arrived in Durham, August 3rd, thast dayof Durham', big shine. Mrs. Dintrwan (Maud Kelley) and daughter Debra. a. stenozmnhm- In" Misses Ellen rell of Toront Weir for a few tore your new Mrs Rom. M ghter and two hibition Ian on gamma! ev -.. m... uxe. A commendable purpose, with some ot their own, they need never borrow or loan.' The W.t. purpose holding theér next meeting at home ot Mrs Gordon Klrktown on Thursday, September 5 at 2.30 Pan. A good attendance is ex. pected and desired. _ Oat Chop Crimpled Oats “ “mu m Jective In to secure kitchen, without be: feeds, and ‘slch’ like. Purpose, with some they need never bor lor social at evening, Sew Church tve Visitors " Mr and -seTi daughter of Mr and Mrs family 5mm a Barrie recently Mr and Mm , FEED The W. A --, all. u "ve.- H. Leipold and son Victor; us w secure cutlery for the Clark of Buffalo mm over x, without borrowing" for It, day at home ot Mr John 8t nd ‘slch’ like. A commendable: Mr and Mrs Harry D. S a, with some ot their owu.’m;I Jimmie and Miss Buelah ted never borrow or loan.' Cf Durham visited the ilrtst W.l. purpose holding their week with hits mother, Mrs l Benn; at home ot Mrs Gordon} Mr and Mrs L. Fowler, m on Thumb" September 5§visned with ttta brother Mr. Pan. A good attendance is ex'jFowle r Mrs Fowler sang and desired. 1 . t h Bunda, toht. McConkey with her dun-:13: at United churc ad two sons. took in the Ex-g . _ Mr Petrie will speak on tl laat weekend, ”'“mmg'in mills at the W.M.S. met rday evenlng train. I of Mrs J. , Ellen Bolwell and Elsie Tr. tiuel1pta/tt'.riet. Toronto, visited Miss Belle Mr and Mrs Walter Mlddlei r a few days the week be ltamlly, of Mt. Forest spent Ir holiday. with relatives in this vieinit: hos. Binnie of B. C. was a; BORN-At Oranzevllle hm, war at St. Columba on Bun, - W. A. of St. C are holding a ial at the pm ', Sept. can " I its being prep mentioned In your columns Home service of praise 'trivintr.win be held in the church (towane or Glen. Sunday evening Sept. 8th, Established 1893 different classes Shorts u (Maud Reiley) and b, a stenographer, left in Presque Isle, Maine u --"'"o “all“ "‘ -._. C","ff',1"'by Bert Scott and Clarence Harrison. “is g $8330}: t'lt _ gave most of the farmers around the ' il’ark a lick and a promise last week . and are travelling east at J. Lane’s be1eiVg1ropo,eg,t,:lit', present. In this locality machines will be held in the are few this Fear, which means abusy (townline or Glen. season for those on the Job. evening sept 8th l Labour Day was the end of the ‘ . ' holidays and many had to return to ""'"""ere----. (duty, Miss Brown going to her school ----- lat York, Haldimand County; Miss IS ‘Tressider to her school in Toronto; (Mr. Tressider. Mr. Cunningham. P. logs 5Klnsman, Mr and Mrs Jack Norman. ,all back to the city and work. We rent classes 1 will miss their cheery faces and help. ing hand around the Park. you will be This Tuesday morning, Mr. os. Wild Dingwall. teacher and the pup; 113 are on the Job, looking spic and Ji span and will help us carry on for another term. We enjoy the racket Ltd of the playground and hope all may; . have health. l Archie McKJnhon_ and Winnipeg, were recent r. Angus Malachlan's. , Anna McLachlan and! a. day with friends at! 22, after a. very relatives and friends r pleasure was ours with our old apprec- 28 years ago, look- ,3 ever, and it any- “In? Purges; parsonage I th " 7.30. A Prepared. Th Ire cutlery for borrowing" for St. Column; United 1. Durham or Friday bull. wedding ttthtnttontt and n nonncemenu. etc. Fifty twins--25 sets of them-are to be shown at the C.N.E. baby shew on labor Day. Entries have closed with a total of 746 babies, quite a number from United States The baby show this year is larger and mor commodioua quarters- the big dance hall. Babies will weigh in at 10.30 aan. Order your job printing from the Review - Letterheads, epvelopel. statements. manna. Invoices. sue During the next week there will be {all fairs, school fairs, excessive sales and election winds of many shades, but at present we are wondering I what the Alberta results will be. That $25 per month is a mystery,--. something tor nothing. A curse, which many are hoping for at pres- T ent. ( And what of the Ethopian It:'; (Will Mussolini take time to consid-I (er? We hope the war cloud will, the meted with a form of flu and were1 Owing to the fact that some ot the oft work for a day or two. lF'all Fairs in the County had not set .Lou Kinnell lost five sheep and l their dates previous to the printing lambs last week, supposedly from ‘of our school Fair Prize Listschang- wet alfalfa, Bob Pride lost one ot l'es in our School Fair dates are made his horses while at work. Such is necessary. We remet this. The fol- the trials of the farmer. ‘lowlng is the final draft of dates tor An event of unusual interest wasiCrrey County School Fairs. _ a tea last Wednesday, given by Mrs , Sept. : Tressider to some thirty ltuiies,(, ir-Hanover at Hanover whereby an opportunity was givenl !)-'3ullivatt at Desboro for a. shower of fruit to be bestowed ( 1(r-Noramutby at Ayton [ upon Mrs Brown who lost all her, Il-tpint at Holstein fruit and Jars in the tire. The ladies I 14--South Kennel at Shallow Lake I all made a good response, and were 16--North Keppe! at Wolseley fittingly thanked by Miss Brown 'ii) 17---Bentinek at Lamlash. l behalf of her mother. A couple of 17-Sarawak at Balmy Beach hours were spent in plays, /erGurii,i--iiiriii'iria at Rock'lyn j and social chat. You could hear a 21--Derby at Kilsyth I pin drop,--me Buppotre,-and the wea- M-st. Vincent at Meatord l ther cleared up. 24_mmmi. of um... um ob. Several families last wee tiieted with a. form of flu oft work for a day or two This Tuesday morning the sun is shining and the atookt, are dry, every one on the Job. Two or three days will clear the fields. The Swamp College threshing machine, manned Mr and Mrs Walter Middleton and family. of Mt. Forest spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. BORN-At Orangeville hospital on Saturday, Aug. 31st to Mr and Mrs George Shana Jr., a son. Mish Evelyn Hardman expects to return to Toronto this week. Mr and Mrs family, of Mt. with relatives, "sV6'b um ma mother, Mrs J. Scott. Mr. and Mrs L. Fowler, Detroit visited with his brother Mr. Chester Fowler. Mrs Fowler sang a sweet solo at United church Sunday mom- ins. Mrs Petrie will speak on the work in India at the W.M.s. meeting to be held at home of Mrs J. Sinclair Thursday afternoon. u... mummy meeting oi Hopeville W.l. will be held Sept. ll, at the home ot Mrs. Wm. Jack. Mr. George Wale, Toronto, spent over the holiday weekend with his parents Mr and Mr: C. Wale. Rev. and Mrs. Huxtable and son, a former pastor at Bethamy church were holiday visitors " the home of Mr. George Christie and called on other friends. Mr SWINTON PARK Hugh Sinclair; My regular HOPEVILLE use "we, Toronto, spent holiday weekend with his r and Mr: C. Wale. Mr John Sinclair. - Harry D. Scott and MitBuelatt Burnett of flu and were monthly meeting ot will be held Sept. ll, week were at. on the work meeting to I J. Sinclair "A few months ago one of the most unsightly corners in St. Marys opposite the Baptist church was pur- chased by Mr. Lind and is being converted 11150 a beautiful public “park which will be quite a resting prace for miter: to the town and ;others during the summer months. VLlnd Put should be t greet met to St. Marys in future know}; ii only one of may benefactions which Mr. Lind has contributed to his edition of the St. Maryé "csGi.iiiir. Argus," it speaks ot Mr. Idnd In the following kindly way: WHAT ST. MARYS TH’INKS OF JOHN LIND _14--South Keppel at Shallow Lake _16--North Keppe! at Wolaeley 17--Bentinck at Lamhsh. 27--Sarawak at Balmy Beach 19--lih1phrassia at Rocklyn 21--Derby at Kilsyth M-st. Vincent at Meaford 24-Glenelg at Edge Hill 2ir-<lollintrwood at Ravenna 26-osprey at Maxwell 27-Arternesia at Flesherlon 29--Houand at Holland Centre My-south Proton at Cedarvllle Oct. the l-North Proton at Ventry 2-Sydenharn at Annan 4--Markdale at Markdale atives Miss Margaret Flinn accompanied by Mr. Flinn. Mr and Mrs W. J. Greenwood and Mrs Howard Ritchie and babe spent the ilrttt ot the week with Mr and Mrs Hanoi: at Cree, more. Mr. Thos. Cook Sn. returned to his home in Markdale on Sunday af. ter spending several weeks with his brother W. J. Cook and other rel- at.ivos, We are glad to ht Edwards is progre after her recent on wood clinic, Toronto Mr. Thou. Flinn and and Isabel Flinn of To the weekend at the Gree son and Ritchie homes. Flinn who has spent the months with Mr and N Greenwood returned 1mm: Mr and Mrs Frank Heard 3. Lloyd and Waiter and dautrhte visited at the Robson and Gre homes over the holiday. Mr. Murray Cook of Det spending the week with his parents Mr and Mrs W. J, and other friends. Mr and Mrs Lorne M near Durham visited the week with Mr and Mrs thur and Mr and Mrs W SCHOOL FAIR I Mr and Mm Ray McCrae of Palm- erston and the latter’a mother Mrs. Atkinson visited with Mr and Mrs. J. R. Edwards over the holiday and while there visited with Mr and Mrs Jog. Atkinson at Owen Bound. Mrs. JOB. Edwards and family accompan- ied by Master Charlie Atkinson, who has spent the summer here, returned home with them. Miss Clara Jack spent days with her aunt Mrs n'e. Durham and attend entatlon given in Queer in honor of Miss Emma Mr and Mrs. ECiiriiiio Hugh spent the holiday at home. Mr and Mrs H. , ited a few days last and Mrs R. T. Edw I Mr. Ernest Cook and son Howard of Detroit visited from Tuesdly to Thumdny with his parents Mr and [Mrs w. J. Cook. Mrs Cook and' {daughters returned home with hittr Lafter spending a few weeks visiting! her mother Mrs John McArthur and, the Cook (amines; Mrs McArthur ac-‘ companjed them " far as London,‘ where she intends spending the win-,f ter with her eon Donald. I Mr. W. H. Edwards of Toronto spent the holiday at the parental'1 home. I _ Mr end Mr: Harold Lawrence and family of N. Egrenmnt viaiwd the beginning of the week at the Devin home. Mr and Mrs Bryeon Moriock 1nd family, Durham spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Hugh McArthur. _ l Mr and Mrs Stewart Gtamia visited the Brat with Mr and Mrs J. C THE DURHAM REVIEW has spent the past two ith Mr and Mrs W. J. returned home with them. glad to hear that Miss M, is progressing favorably recent operation in Lock- tehie homes. -id.' her and dautrhter%LG Robson and Greenwood re holiday. T . Edwards DATE CHANGES in Queen St. church iss Emma Halbert. Ray Mche ot Palm- latter's mother Mrs. d with Mr and Mn. Lorne McNally trom ZION t Mrs N. McKech. attended the pres- Stefan Jackson. of and Misses B. Toronto spent Greenwood, Rob. Spent a couple of Tun. Detroit m. Of Detroit 15 week with Mr Hugh MeAr. '. J. Cook. 3353' is Brand- J . Cook, the John two Bong , ', Finest light Honey, new crop at 8 J Another splendid Entrance clue _ cents a pound in your own container. ,eord is that of Mr Herb Ham, w. A. MMDOMld, Durham (304 jPrincipal of Nottawa P.S. Seven of his pupils wrote and alt were suc- --"--""'"-"---"s---e-er-----zr=s:r--ez=ees.-cs- oeui’ul, two Seniors Ind one Junior, SMALL FARM son SALE capturing honors. This nnd the {not} On Lambton Bt., one In“. of that hits entire qtiaaa Paid 1‘“:an of Durham, tro acres, 51"“:- year Nor maBtafng the "NM“,erod. containing Inger huh and mix- for momma:- and mum that, ed timber, hemlock and can. Good characterised Herb when n student: brick house and frame bun. Apply u 0.3.3. and In»: I. n moat mo-‘to Wm. Thump-on. 3.3. 4, M coastal teacher. (um. “a." Duncan Clark. Ben Calm. e""'"""------, Joe. mar-on, Bontinck; Harry wu. AGENT. WANTED To ecu. i liama, Itotrt. new”. Geo. a“, WIT78 FERTILIIEI ‘ Mr A. W. H. Lauder left Monday:' 3for the annual trip ot the Great West! {Insurance Co., this year down the, ,Sagenay. He was also the recipient, Jot a handsome fountain pen from the, 'Company as a recognition of writing! up the largest number of individual; ‘policles in Ontario for the month of June. / Durham with two lacrosse teamsvi in the 'semi-ttnth, (Int. and Juvenile) " is the only town in the Province mus it in the limelight, and the activities oft Taken from its teat interest Ripley, nia till June 15th instead of May Ittt, He will be out for the season. Man- ager Harding and Mr. A. B. Currey represented Durham at the meeting. Two new teachers take their place on the public school stall, Miss Sadie McDonald of town in the Primarv ed by the late Christopher Firth, was completely destroyed by fire, about 7 p.m. Sunday evening. Mrs. 'Grimn, alone in the house, in putting her youngest ch'ld to bed, let fall the lamp she was carrying, which broke and the t1amesfspread so rapidly that she was unable to extinguish them. The hearing of Durham's protest by the 0.A.L.A. executive in Toronto last Thursday resulted in the throw. ing out of the Sarnia game ot two; weeks ago and in its place a sudden death game is ordered to be played Friday ot this week in St. Marys., Allan Kerr centre man of Sarnia, last year with Durham, was proved inolegible as he did not reach Sar-’ ,,.r._- " "w. ‘one home last week, while Geo. Rit- 'lehie and Robt. Eeor purchased two i weeks ago. l Durham Presbyterian. called Rev. Av. H. Smith, B.A. ot Thorold as their minister at an important con- gregational meeting, Monday evening. It was with pained surprise and sorrow this eommum'ty learned last week of the death ot Mrs Wm. Moun- tain in Calgary Hospital from a heart affection, having thus survived her husband by nearly eight months. The home ot Mr. Robt. Grimm ot, Durham Road. Glenelg, formerly own-, Taken from Review fyle, Sept. 2120 Probably in no district in this cor- ner of the Province have the farm- Ers more cars than along the 2nd of Glenelg between Glenroaden and Dar. kiea Corners east ot town. In this thickly settled tive mile stretch. om ly tive are now without an auto and there's no telling how soon they'llbe in the swim too. Ernest Greenwood was the latest in line taking a new Edge Hill corn: School opened last Monday with a. fairly good at» tendance, Mr. J. L. McDonald, our popular teacher at the ttetm...Mituset, Mary Edge. Maggie Firth and Funny {Ector intend Modelling in town this tall. ....Mr. David Ritchie is engag- ed with Mr. Arthur Greenwood tot the fail months as Arthur intends going West Boon.... Miss Emma Rit- chie intends re-eutering into her car- eer as student in Durham Continua. tion School. We wish her success. l I Hopevnlle corn: Our roads are ‘good here but hardly safe tor people to go out on foot tor buggies and bi. cycles are going at full speed. T Hampden corn: We are pleased to see Mr. George Sharp around a- gain after being a. few days under Dr. .Easton's care. Pricevllle corn: Hector McKin- non is engaged in Prioevllle School to tutitstt the year. Mr. Roger-son is still teaching till Sept. lat. Rev. Dr. Farquhnruon returned last Thursday trom hollduying in Kent Co. and on Sunday preached to union eontrregtciontr, occupying his own pulpit in the morning and the Methodist in the evening. 'nmay. The company in return agree ‘Lo employ 100 men additional work- men and give a, mortgage on their present factory. mills and property as security. The loan will be repaid, 81.000 yearly beginning in a year, so the town's cnly loss is the interest toi provide thla loan, about 8604 per an-l ( With in ulster lay-luv the exemp- tion ot the proposed new furniture factory from taxation for ten years, the by-loan to Ioan the Furniture Co, $20,000 to assist in the erection ot a new 850.000 factory will be voted on Friday. The company in return arm and Miss Kate McDoniidf‘b't " YEARS AGO Taken from Review tyle, Sept 'C"ld,"J', tram: 13133112333; NOTICE (T9 CREDrroRs IN DAYS OF YORE Review trie of Aug. 5:20 Who has not on " YEARS AGO attracting provincial I moueuung in town this) Notice is h eby given that I have David Ritchie is may i compued with action 7 of the Vot- Arthur Greenwood tot ers' List Act d that I have posted tin as Arthur intends I up at my om at Durham on the on.... Miss Emma Rib; 19th day of tdiie 1935 the list of e-eutering into her car- ; persons enti led to vote in the t in Durham Continua-jsnid Municipality it municipal elec- We wish her success. itions and that Bait list remains there --- >!or inspection. YEARS AGO I And I Itrrr..ey) upon all voters ', to take immediate l proceedings to leview fyle. Bept. 2120 have any errors or missions cor. no district in this cor- l :ecte‘d according to aw; the last AGENTS WANTED To CELL WITTS FERTILIZER In or neu- tollowtnx centres: Mark. duo. Ceylon, Pricevllle, Dad-ll. Hol- stein. W, Mt. Mt. CHM, Anon. Hanover. unread. Donut cents a pound in your own esdtainer, W. A. MacDonald, Durham (30-4 i 150 acre tum tor sale, well situat- _ed on con. 1, Egremont. ubout two miles south of the thriving town of Durham and right battle the noun- shlng village of Varney. Good bulld- im; well watered; suitable for eith- er stock raising of gain growing. A great chance for any mu: with . few boys willing do work. Term reu- unable. No mtettentteranee. Apply to For Micah". apply d, -iiirriiiii. lm. R.R. l, Varney, Ont. t2tr-85y 200 acres. Lot 15, con. lg and " N BURNETT M. lt. Township or Egremomt. Good com- ROYDE ' tenable! house, good water, near one. one Royal Dank. Dum- achool and church, store. blacksmith ton, containing 200 acres. the prc erty of Donald Campbell, Swlnu Park. Good Buildings. Appir:--gn A. Campbell. Room 810, 137 Welun ton Skeet, West. Toronto, Ontario. Finest light honey, 3 m., in your own l Cutler, Eight St., Du; Ili0 I Duties to comm e October M, |1935 and Roll to be eturned to the 5treaaurer on or be re March 15, 1936. Taxes are to collected in two installments; tl installment becoming due December ' 1936; 5er ond installment due Ma h l, 1936. Salary is $100.00. By Order of the Council, Applications w be received by the undersigned, to Friday, Sep- tember 6. 1935. f the otttee of Col. ector of Taxes for e your 1935. John Kerr, VIM. aui; .. -- "'""' - nut day for appeal being he 9th day ot Sept. 1935. , --="--"'-'-eu"-""-"-"-e---i------e---eeraser-e-,,, FARM FOR BALE Lot: 5 & 6 - concession 16 Pro n, containing 200 acres. the prom ty of Donald Campbell. Swinton trir. fhtesn RIIIIAlnn- A--. - Dated at Durham this 19th day of August, 1935. Clerk's olice of first Posti g of Voters’ list VOTERS' IST 1935 so MUNICIP LITY or Dun cou TY or can - persona hum; lune uunst the - Estate of Marg t Jemima Clark. P late of the T hip of Bentlnck. , in the County of rey, widow, who , died on or nhout t Seventeenth It ' of June, A.D. 1935. It the Township _ of Bentlnck. lathe ty of Grey, ,are hereby required send or deliv. (er to the under-men oned Solicitor ffor the Administrator full articular: of their claims duly p ved on or be. tore the Twenty-seven h day ot Sep Member. 1935. _ distribution. DATED at Durham, On 27th day ot August, 1935. J. H. McQuurrie, Durham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. then have notice, and will ble for said assets to my whose clnim notice dull been received " the time AF'PER such date th Administra- tor will proceed to " me the u- Bent ot the Esiate ' In as regard only to the chime of win he mini] then have notice, and will ot be lia- ble for said amen: tn gun ..--- ' (8-15) TOWNSHIR 0F GLENELG IN THE MA OP THE ESTATE OP MARC ET JEMIIIA CLARK. mm of the Gunship of Deanna. in the Count ot Grey, Widow, de/ HONEY FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE HONEY FOR oNTArt'I "to" noney, new crop " So your own container. Wm. on W be " isned. to FI 1935. f the ow Be: tor e ye. :0 comm e l toll to be etul on or be re 3tett are to l "menu; a He December rm) action 7 of Anne Vot- ct , that l have posted om " Durham on the t Amiga. 1935 the 1m of POR SALE MacDonald; hark . Durham """""“"‘ aq ”u Licensed Auctioneer for oo acres, the prop Campbell. Swlnlo: Sales taken on ran-a no... man". u. I. H. WILLIS, Clerk of Durham 1935 FOR THE SALE by given that att DURHAM swlnto: Sales taken on rumble terns. [rt-gn. Dates amnged ct Herald Otttee, Dun. Wetting dalk, use through Durhtun Review nut-lo. tad Flesberwn Advance. Geo. E. - Duncan. Dundalk P.O. Phone " r44 than) - . ____- _..-‘,u ”mun": new! 10. and Hesberton Advance. Geo. , - Duncan, Dundulk P.0. Phone " r, -eeeeeesee-u----eeee---- Ut ROYDEN BURNETT. M. D. near on“ our loyal luck. Dun- nub our HOURI: I - . . Ill. L35) , - I . In. (29-3) w h eatta,G at " arm. h" m “In an.“ HO” Poe CM Alma “I.“ Pupil of Pan.“ Mon-II, A A e. o. Piano. Vocal. My. Mtrmorx, I. with and mun-I 0mm a...“ m I. m ”In "mm Mind “It“ - Amt GOUINM‘, " try Chlmpnctic adNatmeetta, i no. and UM Viola! any. Boo your [on] Mun-ur- Rem-med Mouton] Engine.)- Surveys. Reports. Ethanol. Plum Telephone " ORANQEVILLE. om. ontario a Dominion land “may" C. G. AND . M. CHARLTON, A. A C Dona-try In all It. Branch. x RAY CAI EXTRACTION. omce: mu Street, DURHAM, Ont. of Ontario. Rooms: Over Boyd Bank, Durham. Honor Graduate Toronto University. Graduate Royal Coll. Dental Surgeon '. I‘M-M lion! 1 u . J. tt. momma. n. Hamilton, Ontario Speech“, Eye, Ear, None and Time In Durham "or: other - one. Hour. t J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. P.S. Omce tad Residence: Corner Om- ten Ind umbton Streets, Durh- Ottiee hours: , to 11 mm" 1.80 to C Fm., 7 to ' Fm., Sunny: em J. F. GRANT, 0.0.3., '. C. PICKERING. DDS. un GEORGE E. DUNCAN CHIROPRACI tt $2.25 to $3.00 Prices no likely to adv“ soon so wholesalers report Be wiIO and buy now. REPAIRING " UOUAL F, I. EAGLES“ now in. Priced at A General and Financhl Business Transacted. All Ion! Coca-um "ted-tt and ”My -. Office: Over Vollett'l Store. Your ”My all.“ BESSIE IoG' MY Notary "t'trnes, Realtor, In W0 have still some the. of thou Richmond Oxfords. I) your use is here, don't min the chums to so: a pair at Lambton St, Durham, Chat. GIs' School Calf Ties J. S. MclLRAlT g T. ti. SNEATH, M. D. New line. of P. F. lliaehlt1'gglt Richmond Oxfords DR. C. P. PARK no u on I... " to no p. n. Km“. . any County Eh Advnnco MI

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