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Durham Review (1897), 12 Sep 1935, p. 1

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use Ily DI- h. " " ISM ed municipal polluchn uni possibly is u well-known to "the electors u my that could be chained to enter this laid. W'th W. L. Taylor. ex-warden of Grey County, in the field of North Grey, as the Re-eonstruettonist can- alldate. things are shaping up nicely hr a race in the northern who of Grey County. Wlth Victor Portetous in the new as Conservative Stand- ard Bearer; W. P. 'reltorc, “heal. Hudson Bout. C. C. F. candidate and new Mr. Taylor. there qr'it be consolation to the denoted candl- dato. that they my. - ot can- “. W. L. Taylor is an "We. Messrs J. C. Howell and George McLaughlin went on tk tisstting exped- ition recently over to Paisley when the big has: lie. Why not land some ot them, they said. hilly equipped and with spirl’s high, "J. C." hnd one at last on the line and the size must be one of Snugeen': biggest, the way the pole was bending. He used all his phonon-l skill in bring- ing it to the surlnce. and called Geo. near by to come to help him land the monster. On the end of Ctitrtt line was a mud turtle! George .130 went after it and the little wretch bit for him also. The moral ot this tale is to shy in your own country if you want "the real thing. Bruce County hu- do not bite for Grey tounty (all. or vice vent. Charles Batman. senior Editor of the "Review," had a pleasant' sur- prise on Sunday morning ot this week. when his nephew. Walter Per. guson. w'ith his wife and son of tgtevemwilie, came to see him. Mr. Ferguscn is retiring this yenr from teaching as Principal of Cnledonin Public School where he has been tor many years. He has taught " years in an and thinks it about time to stop. He is the second son ot the late Alexander Ferguson. many yarn a teacher at 8.8. No. 13, Egremont. I: in twelve years s‘nce he was in Durham. Stay in Your Own County, Mr. Cameron Lauder, proprietor of the local dairy, is incurring con- SIlPrilble financial expense for the benetlt or his milk patrons. It is ttct eompulsory to do so. but as a further step to ensure his customers there are no bacteria germs ttoatinx round. he is installing a pasteuriza- tion plant and anyone who knows anything about this matter, willwsnt to congratulate Cameron on his in- Lustry. While it wilt not turn milk into cream. or anything so remark. able as that, it purines what we do tret. Back to Early Haunts. wan Dunk Sanitiud Milk. Community singing I be led by Miss Winnie Blyth. M . (Prér.)sw sons and Agnes Macp I will deal with public questions fr the stand- point of women in the evaery woman welcome. mu, 1935 at 2.3 p.m. The Tmuucal woman: will has ure Margueritta Sultan, golden vo coloratura so pr'mo, well known dto unlit, as- sisted by Gladys rnlleld Howey. Lommunity singing I be led by Miss Winnie Blyth. M . (Pro!.)Sls- A public m ing for women will be held in the Town Hall, Durham on the alternoon l Wednesdgy, Sept. On Sunday its! in Durham Presby- twian church, the members named out in goodly numbers to greet their pastor. Rev. D. Gcwdy, in his pul- pit, after his vacation tb' his early home in Ireland. A. well there was morning and even'ng a male choir of nearly thirty voices, who rendered special voiuntaries at each service. and were complimented freely on the excellen' music they provided. As a. slight recognition of their cooperation with the Durham Fall Fair directors, the business men are closing their doors during the after- man of necond day, from 2.00 to 4.30 p.m., so do your shopping urly. or later. Male Chou. Future Services. Will Mark Golden Wedding Date. On September 28. Mr and Mrs Wm. Conleld of Detroit formerly of Dor- noeh, are eelettrtrting their golden wedding. Them were ten children born to mem, of whom' nine ere liv- ing. The family intend to mark the event in a suitable manner. Store. will c305. 'or Fair Day, Mr. lacAnhu will be in Durham, Sept. 16th at Mr Vollette'a Beauty Shop. permanent waving, tintrer waving. Make up ntment if pos- slble. THE MORE THE MERRIER MR. Poor writes: For twenty nun I Inland with : corn. Cress Com sun removed it. At Guide“ Drug Store. , VOL. LVIII, N0. 37 fleets Drug Store Cocmut on We Poms/it, Face Brmmmne . . . . . . . . Almond and TIEAOURE CHEST 8s.fo Vulne for Me., eon! Tom Vslue "a All for .934: and tt String of Purl: FREE raw cream 45041.50 ”.31 No Reconstruction Candidate it??), To Run in Gar-Bruce 81.00 Two main items ct business were 'he appointmen. of two laden to take rah in the leadership training class. and that the Institute as n The Durham WH. met Thursday afternoon a: home of Mrs J. M. Burgess. Mrs w. D. Erwin presided. A very interesting talk was given by Miss Jean Harding on her duties and work in MacDonald Institute and her. txperiences at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka.' She unlined the dime-rent courses of study and told something of stud- ent lite in Macdonald Hut and War; son Hall. Mrs J. B. Mclltnith gave a short report of the rally of Insti- tutes at Ravittna. Mrs G. Common? spoke on the mot o for the day, “In you want to be happy begin where', it be on, than that of our old friend, Herman Haw, formerly of Egremont Township! He was pikJ'ng that in. timate machinery that bu supplant- ed binder and thresher and has made the harvesters’ excursion a thing of the past. Prem’er Hepburn was also introduced to the header and the barge, both of which are machines tor the harvesting of crops where the s law and the yield is too limited to Justify binding. Premier Mitchell Hepburn is cam- paign‘ng for Liberal Leader. Mac- Kenzie King M the West, but " the same time is not losing and side- lights of how modern taming is carried on in various parts of Sask- atchewan and Alberta. While speaking at Swift Current. he was taken to Pennant. to see a combine in action. \Vhose farm should Dr. McCullough's talk, interspersed with stories and incidentsrwars moat attentively heard, while the views also were enjoyed. A standing vote of appreciation was tendered him at the close. PREMIER VISITS HERMAN HAW'S HOME There are three methods of treat- ment tor cancer: surgery, which is used tn 70 % ot all cases and is best for ineerior cancels; the use ot x rays, and radium, which methods are best for all surface cancers. Can- cers in early stages can be removed or burned away; even some advanc- ed cases can be successfully treated. People, he said, should have no fear at cancer: only tear of delay in at- tending to it. The chief means of avoiding can- cer, said'Dr. McCullough. are to avoid irritation. and to tself-educate, yourself as to the disease, discover its early signs, and get prompt med- ical attention. He advised a period-3 ical health examination; every man' and woman over 35 years, should have a thorough overhaul every year. Dr. J. L. Saw h, M.O.H. for Dar. ham, presided and introduced the speaker. Time and space permit ot only brief mention ot his talk. Before a tair-sized audience in the' schoolroom of Knox Church Wednes- day evening, Dr. McCullough, Chief Oftieer of Health for On'ario, dellver-' ed a most informative address on cancer: its prevention and cure, " terwards throwing pictures on the} screen showing how cancerous grow-' ths have been removed and cured in a few weeks, or sometimes, several months' time. 1 Institute to Make Exhibits Spoke on Cancer ' Warren K. Cook, Dominion com- l missioner of the Reconstruction Par- ty, stand on Wednesday that no Re. construciicn candidate will be placed in the Grey-Bruce riding opposing Miss Agnes Macphail, Independent U. P. o. candidate in the forthcoming Federal elections. He timrtly spiked the rumor that his party would or- ganize in the lady member's constit- uency in any way. "It has been; brought no the attention of the Na-l t-onai Executive that mmors are cir- culating, particularly in the Grey--, Bruce district, that the Reeonntrue-i ticn Party would put another candi-l date in that riding Lo oppose Missj Macphall". Mr. Cook stated. "The Reconstruction Party has no inten- tion or doing BO, since he United Farmers of Ontario and Miss Mac.., phail are giving their full Co-opera- tion to us. Miss Macphail has pub- licly announced she will support the, Honourable H. H. Stevens in the House of Commons to effect Lexis-y, lation in the interest of Canadians",', Mr. Cook added. I 'iifi'jltt and its Prevention shest Mayor Kress stated several merch-I of x ants had suggesed that the strings' s are ot colored lights on four sides of! Can- main corner be left there to brighten loved and beautify the heart of the town! vane-" He thought it a good idea, and new. eated. tioned $50 a year would be probablel harvest ict. current supplied. Coun.l n at- Duffield and Reeve Hunter were per- j'sonally against it, not that they 011-. arsed I jected lo making the corner more at- mostnractive. but it was an unnecessary) views added expense and the town's tinturt vote cial condition, while sound, warrants. m at strict economy. The Mayor anal lCoun. Mekeehnte concurred, but Ssuggested pu.tlng a meter on and inslng these lights only on special: \w's occas’ons and paying only for pow-i i" used. The Mayor is to take thej ‘matter up with the Board of Trade: Ito see it they will sponsor it, and cam-, ;he lights are to be leit as is at ircl Mac. sent. I than A complete report of coats of in- stalling new toilets in Town Hall basement, was presented, the total being 8385, which has dmdy been paid. A motion mud refunding taxes to Durham Red Crou hoopla], other The Charity Com. was authorized tc take Mr Mountain'a recommenda- tion and bring in a report regarding it at next council meeting. suggesting some names of citizen. who might act. Conn. Duffield thought 9. Relief Com. independent of the Council would hit quite a burden ctt them, but feared a Relief Com. not respon- sible to the Council might run away with a lot of money. This relief pro- blem, he believed will always be with us as long as the Dominionand Proviner'al Govvernmen'ss continue to agree to pay. We need not expect a return ct prosperous conditions un- til the Governments cut down on their heavy taxation and say to the municipalities: "You my 100 per cent or your relief costs or go ott relief." Ccan. Stoneouse remarked he had served on relief committee six years and would be glnd to be relieved. Some expressed the view it may be dimeutt to secure citizens to act on this ccmmis tee. The Clerk reported a visit trom Mr Mountain, Provincial Relief In- spector. He suggested the appoint- ment of a. Relief Committee at once for Durham, entirely ou"side of the Lcuncii. Also the appointment of a paid relief investigator, who would work, say 2 days a. week, one day weekly making investigations and another day keeping the books. _ Mayor Kress reported Lhat the Hy- dro Commission of Ontario has threat, ened to send a man up to Durham to cut " services if the local Utilities iCom. doesn't do so. or collect ar- rears. Flooring in the cattle pens at mar. ket stockyards requires repairs and the cook house at ruver bank in rear of Clerk's otruse might also be tid- ier, it was reported. These will be locked after. Chairman McGowan of Board or Works repored little street work. Two tenders had been received tor building culvert under sidewalk at Queen and South b'treets,-W. J. McFadden at $le and Geo. MacKay for $12. Council left the matter with Board ct Works. s Taxes and Relief were the two lead- ing subjects before Durham Council at their regular monthly session on Monday. Accounts totalling $622.89 recommended by Finance Com., (were rassed, also Relief accounts for Aug- ust amounting to $102.54. , Chairman Dufmy'ai of Finance Com. stated that they had instituted a ‘drive to collect tax arrears at middle ct August and since that Cate al. most $1000 of 1934 taxes and those ict previous years has been paid in. "There is yet some $3700 of 1934 tax- ‘es cuts anding and approximately $5,000 of arrears. The tax collector‘ is to continue the campaign ot per-1‘ sonal solicitation for another month' anyway, and those who fail to re-l spond in making at least part'al par) ment, either to the Treasurer or the! Tax Collector may expect some more; stringent measures talien-tseizure of goods, garnishee. or some similar! means of collection. l 'whole would have exhibits of cream puffs and sour cream pie at the (all Emir, each member having the privil- ,ege cf compe ing, the branch sup- ,plying the prizes. An invitation was given to all members to be present on the evening of Sept. 11 to hear the address given by Dr. McCullough on cancer. Council Makes Drive to Collect Tax Arrears The planning or the program and lunch was done by group 2 with Mrs J. A. Mchirr convener. Mrs J. Me. (Jnslin contributed a. solo and Mrs. Bomne a. violin selection with Miss Leah MeComb accompanying on the piano. school an: inprovénient mg. With which is incorporated the Holstein le "in DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1935 ! Deceased was a smart, progres- sive farmer in his earlier days, and inever knew what it was to be idle. ‘He was born in Normanby Township, and wed a girl from some township, Mary McAulme, sister of John, David and M‘chael MeAulitte of town. Four Echildren survive ot the union: AUce and Mary, Mrs C. McKinnon and 'Mrs Creamur, both of Guelph; Eddie land Leo on their farm in Glenelg. Shortly after their marriage, Mr and Mrs Burke moved over to Glenelg Township to have nonrer access to school for their children. Since that taste be has been a continuous resi- dent ot Glenelg. Some Mme after his wife's death, he wedded Margaret Dude who survives him, as elm awo sisters, Mrs. Purick Burke ot '§ormnby and In Jerry Masher, by Ther'e d‘ed at his home on Tues- day, August 3rd. on can. 4, Glenelg, Michael Burke, after a long illness. He wgs 83 years of age. Queen Street Evening Auxiliary spent a very pleasant time at sup- per In Harrlston Park, Owen Bound, on Thursday. Five car loads were present. A.Y.P.A. CORN ROAST The Anglican Young People's As- soc!ation began their tall meeings with a cam roast in Orchard Grove. across the McGowan dam. A splen- did big bonfire with plenty of corn games and singing made a plenum evening for thirty young folk. l. A number of Bentinck people me‘l {at the home ot Mr and Mrs George thrown Jr., last Wednesday night for. th purpose or showering one ot Ben-l ‘tlnck’s popular young men, ML! Paul A. Schmidt and his winsomei bride to be, Mia; Martha Sproule or| Durham. After the crowd had ga."h-; feted. the young couple were given a' ‘seat in he centre of the assembly“ and a mock marriage performedj with Miss Emma Mesurermrehmidt ac- :ting the part of a beautiful bride and,' jMiss Marjorie Chittick was the bash-i Iful groom. The bridesmaid was Miss: Helen Schmidt and the best mam; 'Mr. Lloyd Chittick, while Mr. Ar-i' ‘thur Adlam acted Jhe part of the! dignified parson who performed the.' jovial marriage. I After the mock marriage ceremony tt large pink and white basket was carried into the room and placed beside Paul, who unwrapped the par. cels and gave Lhem to Miss Sproule. who read the mirthful hymns. The parcels were then placed on a. near- by table by Miss Emma Menor- schmidt. Paul thanked all on behalf ot himself and Miss Sproule. A bountiful lunch was served and the remainder of the evening spent in dancing and card playing. The funeral was on Thundny [at Anon It. f. cemetery. conducted l Well attended meetings were those .of Wednesday, in Flesherton and Han- (over, when P. G. Avery, M.P.P., for (Lincoln County. was present to ad- (dress the electors In place of Hon. 'Ernest IApo'nfe. who found it im. 22,'i'il, to be present. Mr. Avery made a splendid substitute. for Mr. Lapointe and presented the is; sues before the electors to day in a! very convincing manner. At the' Flesher, on meeting, the President of the Grey-Bruce Liberal Executive] Dr. T. H. Sheath Presided. On the) platform were the Candidate, Dr. W.’ A. Hall and Secretary W. E. Har-, ris of Markdale, both speaking ai‘ short time. A fair representation ot, ladies were in the gathering. I 5 With the prospect ot tine, bright weather both days. Durham Falli‘air this Thursday and Friday. promises 'tc be the best lnyears. Judging from .the interest taken, there will be a irecm-d entry list of exhibits, and a :full hall. and weirtilied stock pens. may be anticipated. LIBERAL MEETINGS IN FLESHERTON AND HANOVER make a. start this your 4.00 p. m. !, Mrs Currie, Toma o was a quest Come out early Friday atternoonist week ct Mrs Maxgmet Knight. tor both pleasure and profit. It you! Mr and Mrs v. A. Blythe and have not been attending Durham rair,dtulrhter, Mrs A. W. H. Lauder and Besides the horse Judging below the hill, there will be special trttrtuy Iflons in three trials of speed for gcod purses, and a girls’ ball game, Durham vs, Hanover, is planned at 4.00 p. m. htltnk is for Splendid , Fair in Durham friday' BRIDE-TO-BE SHOWERED AUXILIARY PICNIC MICHAEL BURKE OBITUARY a continuous resl- him with glaring heanitarhtid forcing: one Mme after ttie him to the side of the mad and malt. wedded lamret!lng_lt impossible for hh, to see the Ito my for the damage done, which iinetuded a smashed all light, dental lender, blowout tire 1nd bent hun- ' per.--"-. Post. . Bluhm on, which he did nlk Ring;- ber hit ins. However, he admitted that be m in the wrong and agreed CRASHED LOCAL CAR AND THEN RAN AWAY An acciden: occurred here about 7.30 o'clock last Monday night when William J. hikingham of Durham crashed Into a car parked opposite Seime' Garage and owned by Mr. "Pete" Bluhm. Falkingham was on his way home to Durham and did not step after hitting the local car. but hit license number wu Iecured and a. phone all went to the Durham police. who rubbed him " he enter- ed mint town. He claimed, it in said that mother car aprronched Mr and Mrs H. H. Bowman and daughter, Marilyn, Mrs Tinker of Owen Sound were Sunday guests of Mrs D. B Jameson. A public meeting tor women will be held in the Town Hall, Durham on the afternoon of Wednesday, Dept. 18th, 1935 at 2.30 p.m. The muslcol program will feature Marguerltta Nuttall, golden voiced coloratun. no prano. well known radto ariiat. u- siated by Gladys Corntield Howey. Community singing will be led by Miss Winnie Blyth. Mm. (Pro!.)Sls- sons and Agnes Mncphul will denl with public questions from the "and. point or women in the home. Every woman welcome. Mr. C. B. Lawrence became sud- denly m Friday evening last. which caused the family concern for a time. However with Mrs uwrence on Wednesday, he was sufficiently well to take in Orangeville Fair tutti see his horse, "Prodenee Grattan" take third money ln the races. Mr and Mrs Wilbert Blythe, Velma and horse and Mrs Cameron Lauder were weekend guests of txettrivea at Churchill. Mrs W. H. Smith and Mrs T. F. House attended the United Church sectional conference at Harkaway or. Tuesday. Mr. Thus. Binnie left Tuesday to New Westminster. B.C., after tive weeka' visi: with his sister, Mrs T. McGirr and his numerous nephews and nieces situated in various parts of Ontario. It is nice to grow old carrying with one all the faculties of sound mind and body, as does Mr. Binnie. Miss Mary McFayden ls visiting with Owen Sound friends this week. l, Miss Coleen Donnelly and Mr. D. ‘Hupklns spent a few days recently lwlth relatives in Torano and took iin the Exhibition. E Mr and Mrs Angus McDonald and :llttle Isabel of Chesley. were visitors [the tirttt of the week at Mr. J. D. 1Mer'aydett'ss, Edge Hill. I Mr and Mrs P. C. Lltster, son Dcuglas and Miss Mary Taylor of [Dromore. left Friday to return 0 the Hormer’s home at Vegreville, Alberta lather a visit with Mrs L's. parents. iMr and Mrs R. Renwick and Mr. L's. mother n Hanover. Miss Taylor [will spend some time with friends Hn 'he West. Mr. Thus Davis is at present very poor health at the home of daughter, Mrs C. G. McGlllivray Mrs Robert McFadden returned on Friday trum 3. visit with friends in Cleveland and Flint. Miss Winnifred A. Blythe iss visit ing in Toronto. Mr and Mrs T. C. Ritchie. Upper- town, will be at home to their iriends on me occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary on Friday 20th, from three to tive o'clock. Mr. David Hincks, Priceville, Isa patient in Durham Hospital. Mr. Don McQueen and father vis- ited relatives near Smyner the tlrat of the week. Mr. Eddie McQueen is at the parental heme this week. Mrs Thos. Banks in visiting her son George and family in Fiesherlon this week. Miss Wray spent a few days in To, tonto last, week. Mrs Hattie Langley, Miss Belle Ray and Mr. Bruce Clark motored up from Toronto and spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Ray, Dornoch. Miss Dorothy Badgerow spent two days thli week " her parental home in Flesherton. M15 David Jackson visited Toronto and Hamilton friends the past Two weeks. " William and lady Hearst of Toronto were visitors on Monday of the Hon. Dr. D. and Mrs Jameson. in his The young couple left for a motor trip to Washington, D.C., and Vir- gin’s. The bride travelled in a blue tweed suit will any hat. Upon their return they will reside at New Lowell. Ontario. After receiving congratulations. the wedding party proceeded to the din. ing room, where the wedding break, Mat was served. The table. was cen- tered wth the wedding cake topped with lily ct the valley and at either side were pink roses in bud vases. The toast to the bride was proposed by her uncle. Rev. A. H. Halbert. to which the groom Iesponded. The friends assisting at Ihe wedding breakfast were Mrs R. E. Richard- son. Mrs J. C. McLean. Misses inez Twamiey, B.A., Bernice Whitmore, Olivene Yiirs, Margaret Storrey and Abbey McLean. _ 'VE9T'W. one also wore the groom“: gift. a wrist wa eh, and the groom won the bride’s gift cur gold cull links. The alanine was performed by the bride's fither assisted by her uncle, Rev. Alex H. Hubert of New. tonbrook, Ont. Mrs G. R. Padtleld presided at the piano and played 1arhentrrin's Wedding March as the bride entered the pre tily decanted drawing-room and also Me.ndeitrsohn'n March at close of the ceremony. During the signing ot the iegister, Miss Norma Gagnon sang “Until". The bride's mother wore a navy blue gown with corsuge bouquet ot roses and the bride's grundmo her Mrs William Kelso of Providence. R. I., wore a black silk gown with con- sage bouquet of roses. ding dress of white so in and lace with geomette sleeves. white satin slippers. Wedding veil with wreath L lily of the valley and carried a beautiful shower bouquet of Ophelia roses. She also wore the groom‘s Heavy Russia Oil .... Jug 89c. Purelest Bird Seed ........ 10c. Pureteat Cutou- Oit ... 16e., Me. Puretect Cocgh Drops ...... lor. Pareto-t Guam .......... 26c. Quick Ac’lng Planters .... Soc. Puroteo: Cod Liver on .. 50c.” Absorbent Cotton, 1 pound ..39c. Peptonl (great tonic) .... 81.00 Grippe Pill: ............r.. 25c. Chuel Nerve Nod ........ 49c. Bromine Quinn“: Tablets .. 25c. Gin Pllll .................. 89e. None nnd Throat Drops .... 26c. meolu Cod Liver Extract, " Cups & Saucers. Reg. $1---4Ne (new) FILMS, DEVELOPING, CIGARETTS, THE FAMOUS MEDICO PIPES, B.A.. and our: Hubert of Queen St. personage. when their only dough" Emma Kelrc became the bride of Mr Airlie Stuart Knowles. Only the im- mediate relative. or bride and groom were present. The bride who was given in marriage by her brother, William James Hnlbert. was becom- ingly gowned in her mother's wed- A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday, Sept. 7, at high noon, ttt the home of Rev. R. G. Hubert. MGM SCHOOL,\SEPT. so Durham Bays College FALL TER SEPT. 9 ONTAWi MtWatiden's Drug Store KN0WLEtr--HALBEttr Published Weekly It $2.00 I yw in advance. To United sums, 82.50 1 you In Idvuce, C. RAMAGE & SON. Publisherl SPECIALS at McFADDEN’S TORONTO PHONE 21 Kr and In W. B. Paterson Ind family "tent n few any: with rein- the. It Red Bay. Householl Furniture At his premix-A Durham, on Salutday. Sept. let " t all Several other articles too num- olous too mention. Ind ulster: In A. Alder“. V - Mr and In F. H. Rutherford and - of Owen Sound spent I day last you with Mr J. tr. Mchyden mu Dotothy l. amuse momma '0 Toronto on may to write her summer enminnuon. She was ac- oupuued to the city by In W. The business of the late D. B, McFarlane will be carried on asun- ual by Mrs D. B. McFar- lane and son Blain. We Solicit Your Patronage Calder's Drug Store TERMS Hy Property will u nine time be otrered tot we or rent. subject to reserve tid. llknllultli's Cleaners and Dyers 1 Fold over pad Me. ...2 tor t6e. 1 Letter and "e.....2 for Me. 1 hence envelopes 16c. , for 16e. VISIT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN and ICE CREAM PARLOR Ci-ttes and Chocolate. ONE com SALE 01 ITATOONERV 1Note pad "e. ....... , for 16c. Belong‘ng To w, TiNiANOV AUCNON SALE Geo, E. Duncan. Auctioneer, V Ills Lily Ruthie and of m b)

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