West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Sep 1935, p. 4

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H The Mist W.M.C. met on Wed nesday ht the home of Mrs J. F. Giles with Mrs C. P. Klunee presid ine. In J. A. Browne gave a pap er and con'nbuted a solo. A reading, A pleasant afternoon was spent in the home of Mrs. J. I". Giles, when the, members or Mulock and Durham Baptist Ladies' Aid Soc’eties me' to- gether. Tho program was given by the Mulock ladies Miss Lolita Might, nn told the story ot hymn, "Where is my wandering boy tonight." and Us author. This was sung by Mrs J. T. Priest with the members Join. in: in the last verse. Papers were read by Miss Florence MocLean, Mrs G. Tumbull Ind liu Rear. The hostess served "rtrmtunenta. . . uvu Inc“; an at me v e gt a.” ryiowest costh y Chm}; - - “5.. - a C H g a new Maggi? Tor Your E: hevr oletl Shaun oenertrl Moto" w, no the Canons HOCKEY BROAD- CASTS nest winter - at would you prefer some other form of “die :,let'er"iiiis,rr,ttl Help “I Amide by talking it over with “ Motors deg‘et. - L..." PRESBYTERIAN Y. W. A. The Presbyterian Y.W.A. held their Septmnber meeting at he home of Mrs J. Alexander. After prayer by Mrs K. S. MacArthur, the scrip- ture Nu taken by Mary Tobin. K. Ritchie led in prayer; a paper entitr Ni. "the Decay of Pear" was given by Jean Mttftoc; Dorothy Pickering read a letter received trom Dr. J. Mcan, Presbyterian Missionary in China. The meeting closed with the Mlzpah prayer. Next 'meeting will he at the home. of Mrs Wm. Derby on "rtober Cuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis] 's-,,,,..,-"'" see, STEEL MEET TOP Body by riaher-the smartest and safest motor car body known! And the famous, gliding KNEE-ACTION Ride! . . . These two vital features are necessities in a truly modern car. And the Master Chevrolet is the only low- prioed car that has them! The Master Chevrolet is also the only car in its price class that offers you the Blue Flume Engine for power and economy . . . Fisher No-Drat't Ventilation to: health and comfort . . . Shock-Proof Steering for safety and control. Ask to be shown all these modern advantages before you sign the order for your next car. Get them all at the very lowest coat by choosing a new Master Chevrolet! BAPTIST MISSION CIRCLE BAPTIST LADIES' AID we are sorry to say that on account of iil health, we are forced to sell out our entire stock and close our store. fverythirg, includirg fixtures must be sold to the bare walls regardless of cost. Selling ht ! Selling ht I We are ' W. Kellar, Pontiac Garage, Durham, ht A readtnr Mrs Since George Young failed t The the Rrade this year in his "g race against Marvin Nelson, (wander wherever he had the at ' to stand the twentrnve mile ' hm swim. They think he was 'ved, ed to the wlnnlng point. ( ' F. may be a good swimmer. but esid. to develop other qualities that Pr make him a nomhr barn at water the Orillia Packet and Times the first 226 ballots cast. 94 Vt King; Rt for Bennett; 27 vo Stevens and 21 tor Wmdnwn The usual business dispensed with, the meeting became a surprise party for Mrs T. C. Ritchie to commemor- ate her silver wedd'ng anniversary which takes place shor.ly. She was [resented with a beautiful boquet of glatioiio, then followed a very appro- ptlate pxogram in her honor. Mrs Howdy gave a piano solo. Mrs J. Alexander. tt reading. a, vocal solo by Miss Klsie Ledingham and a reading by Miss Alix Toto. Miss Wo-ir served a very tasty tea, assist- ted by Mrs G. McKechnie, Mrs Al- examler. Mrs Gray and Mrs Mottat. : Tho Pres! pt he hon" Fh May the Mrs Gilbert r03! was given l Straw vote a given by Mrs J. F'. Giles. The tubers responded to the call of the l wiih a setipture verse on 'Hope'. PRESI‘YTERIAN LADIES' Presbyterian Ladies' Aid met home of Wax Annie Weir on the sixth of September with good swimmer. but Home 26 ballots cast, 94 virdii' for for Bennett; 27 voted for ad 21 tor Woodsworth. . Sept. let ather qualities that mu a popular hero or the Mckechnie presiding. business dispensed with, became a surprise party ?. Ritchie to commemor- is being taken by had the stamina Durham mile Catal- l Io make "grudge" t, many ' and of 5 push. George AID of the any in Outlook x: a l The Chesley Eh in; a straw vote ithe trend of VC,' i The firs: thing [going to give eve in his Orow'nco s', I The Chesley Enterprise says that the Prodigal Son in the Rrble of a- ‘bout 1900 years ago. got the parental welcome at his homecoming and many or those who have wasted their jsubstance in riotous living or did Knot pay their debts when times were ‘good. are receiving all the public at. tention these days. Rev. A. H. Fen-3 minister at Corbett: Reconstruction party Iuirerinsimeoe, at a in Alliston, prnfnann h: ion. Charlotte Acres is her name and she hails front Vancouver. The Exhibition Swim committee has paid out thousands of dollars to United states men and women and Cana. dians are glad to see the money stay in Canada. I The way Premier Hepburn is tra. ‘vrlling through Western Canada [speaking for MacKenzie King, reads in the Toronto Daily Star, as atrium- phal procession. "Mitch" always car. irfes wi h him a bag of good stories [and Jokes that go down well. I Unl'ed States may have a few ad, :vantztgos in the matter of a warmer lwlnter climate, etc., but we wager he Americans along the Atlantic icoast wish hey had Canadian cllmale "vhen thPse devasting floods and 1wash-outs take place. as for in- stance in Florida and New York States. A Canadian girl has the women's swim at the problemméf he Americans along coast wish hey had Cg when those devastin wash-outs take alarm lune trend of voting in Grey-Bruce. ' The first thing the man who was [going to give every man and woman .ln his province $25 a month does, is P' go begging for money. l Premier Benne't is we notice, not {calling upon any of the former Hen. ,ry cabinet to help him in this cam- ipaign. And neither are they otter. lng. I "__ -n...” nulcl‘prlse IS conduct. Eh in; a straw vote as an indication of . .9 the trend of vexing in ammnn-M the midst of Chealey Enterprise is C, Lrent aim of the financial solution wide-spread Dov- a? Toronto Bxh.‘ plentr.-iwew Huey at last ....-""" iiiiGcsa1r on . . . 't. your W“ C,TG--sef?, a" - seeord your maiden“ for conduct, w ad, keep their plues of business open! ----_--- inner on Thanksgiving Day there is really T wager nothing to stop them. No contractsM BRIEF SKETCH OF :istNS lantic may be made on a public holiday. HON. H. H. lmate But the question ot doing business -- and on a public holiday is for the busin- Hon H. H. Stevens, like Sir Jno. in- ess community t'self. MacDonald Hon. Robert mrke. Han. York The government has been receiv- Charles Dunning and Hon. Martin ing many representations for and ir/il,",'.,'.?; was born in the British Isles. gainst the Thursday date. most "tii/i, is 'a naive of Bristol and is in won those Opposing the Thursday giving his Gd year I gxhu business reasons, such as the oil , . immi rant boy lame companies who oppose Thursday Mr btevehs if“ 'll/gl h the The beause the long weekend means more knew what It was to gowr tgPeter-I paid motoring and more gasoline sold. lmm' His parents sen] a mterumwr '. by “Win; it over vim. Gena-1 Motor? dedet. “km a his ghou- -..a, Huey Long as Senator of the State or as a private omcial was a wonder. One of the tragic deaths or United States was that death of Huey Long of Louisiana. who was shot by an assassin in his own c'ty on Sunday last. He lingered until Tuesday morn. ing. The assassin passed the body- guard and soon after he fired the, fatal trhar, he himself was riddled1 with bullets. I THE END OF THE ROAD 'T PAINT ti; THE DURHAM REVIEW PRICES FORCED DOWN ices ‘than those of the bine. It is this com- is now forcing them, best interests, to give "hum Btnimn FOR HUEY LONG TORONTO “‘ “' PRACTICAL JOKES THAT MADE P. Wu. we bold enough to be ttou-, MADE THE WORLD LAUGH lea“ i An emu-1n; Ichle in the Ameri- f ----- .can Weekly with next Sunday'- De. ' I I a lendid crop of farm and mu Times 'teserthes my Dunn “get: prosaic; the local full turn pranks of humus 'rmetieat More tartlng tto you throughout On. who“ stunt. nude people laugh loud taut) would ahow Mudmt table. and often and d'teloue- anon and of the products of the farm, Men daring holxu that tap-ct the ”In aad hone. _ dignity at their "cum- -_ -uutwusneu exalt-1 eth a. nation and ttln la n repronch tol any people." Along these lines he la' throwing down the gauntlet to thei Canadlnn people and if we wt 30-} cial Jus ice and economic security It is tor us. the Nople to take up that gauntlet. 3 Harry Stevens is honest enough to be bold and bold enourh n- “A v, -"v -.wc lulu U011! ice, is making history, the form: ‘of the Price Spreads Commie: his break with Mr. Bennett and acceptance of the leadership ot 'newly formed Reconstruction m have been too well-heralded to I comment. Mr. Stevens has irre ably severed his connection with Conservative Party. He is well a Med to undertake the task of lea, ship. Like the prophets of old he cognizes that “Righteousness as all: . -.t-- - . ' ou' nonert Borden. in 1911-1917. He won election after election in Vancouver Centre-indeed, until he was defeated by Hon. lan MacKen- zle in I930 he came to be known as ithe man who never lost a tight. In 1917 he had a malcrity of 8,179, and his majority never dropped to less than a thousand. His subsequent history is better kncwn to the public. He became one, of the front benchers, acquiring a reputation for being fearless, a hard “vnrhnv .w.sp. __-- .- His first active particip Federal Politics came in tts the Reciprocity Campaign, ihad been working tor om Conservative candidates as l ’izer when it was suggested that he let his own name candidate for Vancouver Ce “on the seat with the hand: Jovity cf 3.256. He was a bat er with R. B. Bennett and Meighen. behind the Govern: Sir Robert Borden, in 1911-t , That was by no means the end of the variety in his life. When he [came back to Vancouver he worked lin a grocery store, studied and be came an accountant, branched out into a tttttut) broker. He was at one iime or another. if reports are accurate. a real estate dealer and the editor ot a military weekly. He be, gan to take a keen interest in c‘vic affairs, Joined a temperance 'banish) the bar' movement, became an alder-I man, undertook to help 'Clean Up', Vancouver. 1 “18h . - __ " r Mr Stevens as an immigrant boy Durham are 8085‘s ot Mrs P. Ledingm , knew what it was to go through the _ ham this week. (te t mill. His parents settled " Peter-I Rev. Dr and Mrs Boudreau with M borough, and his Canadian 'sdyctrttrNtu,urlter, Marlene, Chatsworth, Mr. 3Al was received there. As a boy he.and Mrs Neil McLean and son Rosri worked on a fan" there and recently were Sunday visitors with Mr and I he [ had the pleasure of meeting one of Mrs Fred Hem. lose this former employers. But his rest- Mr and Mrs Vincent Sweeney '"Tot Iless spirit» refused to be tied down I",',',',.'?,',",",.? by Misses Marguerite and u lon, an Ontario farm. He heard 'le'),)',','?,,?,', Lister motored to Toronto this int icalt of the Great West, and went Tuesday morning. l l through to B.C., in the ninetim.’ Mr and Mrs Morrison of Maxwell Lu when gold and glamour and advent- were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Du ure were still richly mixed with ar- Neil McLean. iot duous drudgery. He drove a stage i coach, he prospected for gold. iii I'.'.'! (,,ij,'iiii, a locomotive for awhile, it is HAMPDEN P" said. But his thirst for adventure. . . . ' A .was not Batistled by these expert! With an exceptionally high Wind rt ments. The Phillipine revolt came,‘IaSt T.Psday "mini“ a spark {marten along. and he joined the Ifnited‘lhe chimney ignited on root or Mr. Mr: Sta'es army. Later he went to take 1 Andrew Fulton's house and was hav- last part in quelling the Boxer upriiiing:mg a Perry ttme at the noon hour M in China. It was during this period . when " was “noticed by some of the of i in his lite that no travelled i,xtdi./t"'aitrttlrors. With a my working buck. and sively in the romantic South Seas. let brigade, it was teoon checked, but, That was by no means the end of not before a larva hcle in, roof was, the variety in his life. When he Pred. Mr. Futon was lucky in' came back to Vancouver he worked havmg only a new covering to Put in a grocery store, studied and be /'"lf, tor his dwelling house. i N came an accountant, branched out Mrs John Little Sr" Mrs Jameslnit into a tttttut) broker. He was at Pe of Ayr, together with Mr. J. tttive one iime or another. if reports are H. Little of Dearborn, Mich, motor- l i lccurate. a real estate dealer and the ed. up and Spent lhe day with the ed t' aditor ot a military weekly. He be, Byers family, last Tuesday. Mrs Bod- of tl {an to take a keen interest in civic dy and daughter Isabelle returned to and Iifairs, Joined a temperance ‘banishiAyr with them for tt few weeks. Will he bar' movement, became an alder-'l Some twenty in number turned out , even nan. undertook to help 'Clean Up', an ll ednesday Ifternocn to cleanliness, I rtuteouver. (and scrub the church. 'tre s] Hitt iirtst wave Participation i/,re,"e,y,',ii,iee" 'uut Anderson Byers w. 'edernl Politics came in the year of M I',',','," Fulton. Harold Fidler. and‘ Mr he Reciprocity Campaign. 1911. He He” Kreutwr and Mito Evelyn‘son 1 ad been working for one ot the enderson took advantage of atmck ‘mer's ‘onserva'ive candid-tn: '.- .... -._.----, ride to Toronto R'vhituo.,.. h“ ..- . Hon. H. H. Stevens, like Sir Jno, MacDonald. Hon. Robert mrke. Han. Charles Dunning and Hon. Martin Burrell, was born in the British Isles. He is a naive of Bristol and is in his 57th year. F) To a great many, he m the epi- Hem and daughter, enjoyed an even- ;liome ot all that was tmd in politics. ling with Mr and Mrs James Crumb- Iand to countless thousands too, heller last week. ;was an economic savior, crying in, Mrs Charles Shewell. Owen Sound the wilderness, his slogan of “shar-jspent a few days wi‘h her daughter (int: the wealth." ’Mrs J. Walsh. recently. I Taken as a whole, the man was Mr. O. Bailey, Toronto, spent 1 almost incredible, his exploits trreattt-licoupie of days with his farm stew- iless adventures in which he frequent- ard, Mr. Mel Petty. . jly sna‘ched victory from seemingly Miss Lucile Sharpe returned to (inevitable defeat. Toronto on Saturday serv1ce be rendered the [mister of Trade and Ct naking history, the tor, Price Spreads, Comm 'tut man. Book Agent, luwyer. legis- lator and f1nally supreme power in Louisiana State, be curved s cureer unique in the annals of American poll ics. "OO ne was one of the ettee. ca cf MacKenzie King ad, on. When 1930 came along, personally defeated, he was r the responsible post of " Trade and Common-0L us unstory, the formation '.e Spreads Commission, with Mr. Bennett and his of the leadership ot the ed Reconstruction Party. too well-heralded to need Mr. Steven has irrevoe. .nvc cauuxuues as an organ- n it was suggested to him let his own name stand as to spring the charge; ong powerful address facts and tururetr. Vancouver Centre Manuel: and Arthur the Government of nd Commerce; resigned in Oe the handsome ma. was a backbench- in manner and a talent as an th a ftttir for and Commer. F with the well qua]. of leader- mama; P and his ‘ of the An I Fwy-j Dmdi to need veter; irrevoe. ther MM. 1L- filed " Peter-l Rev. Dr and Mrs Boudmu with diam ed.uctrttrnfu.urlter, Marlene, Chntaworth. Mr. As a. boy he,and Mr: Neil McLean and son Roy, e and recently were Sunday visitors with Mr Ind ieeting one of Mrs Fred Hem. But his rest- Mr and Mrs Vincent Sweeney u" be tied down Icompanied by Misses Mnrguerlte and He heard iialkai'r, Lister motored to Tamnin an. exalt- count _â€"vu un: red for T .muermel migrating south a monthlwhree shad of thne. Robins going south our t early; squirrel. “menu; hickoryn Mr, and walnuts with "he mu green. Warm Gulls coming buck c month thud of ram”) time to winter here (mm Ontarto in.. in land lakes. His tct butternlu Shem of early; " Dmicted to Veteran rlver ther forecast or Bonte men been forecast weather. He could no ground . gion trnd an views have not good ea he had to ot the non-Farm were originally 3171mm. They but imbued with tils and fundnnm from Missouri, 1 other Central u wat, the land of of the non-Part ---Why does Alberta go tical tangents? Here is t lion as given to us by ' Alberta publisher: He " tween 1900 and 1910 the enormous iantni-s., I- The tar about the will be on week. Mr. Will Little. The fall fairs are school fairs, with Du at jhe end of the we claims the Normanb) day. Mr. Harry Roti, Spending his holid Mr. Will 1.",In nenuerson took “vantage of I ride to Toronto Exhibition Inst nesday. Mr and Mn John Laidlmv le Geddes home Tuesday morning 'heir home in Pittsburg. Penn. are taking in the Exhibition o way. PREDICTs ' came from m of this u me member or foreman]; the tomcat Mr and Mrs £10er of Maxwell were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Neil McLean. early and Mrs C. Lawrence and was Myrtle Durham ire we“; of Mrs P. Led!”- htun this week. Mr and Mrs Gordon Goldsmith and son Vernon visited with Mr and In G. Miller, Wiltitunatorxi, the Brttt d the week. Mr and Mrs Colin McIntyre, Dor- noch, Mr and Mrs Arch. McIntyre. Flesherton, Sundayed with Mr and Mrs James Cmtchley. Miss Lucite Sharpe returned to “no" the tirst of 1 Toronto on Saturday. "tr and Mrs L. Mr-l, Mr and Mrs Tim Casey en'ertained' Mrtt John Vessu. ill a number or neighbors and friends are holidaying tgi h h. on Thursday evening Int. Hle McKechnio, Glen, a today by I ”Verna in t count. Ftrr 70 ave permeated Alba: at it this explmu I (Inc-ugh the only o to give Watt the I." win such that the 'L keep their feet -"""""W.0r"" m Poli. fundamentalism in religion. Vood. president of the L'.rr'. e from Missouri and was I, this type--. mystic in reli- nn idealist in politics. Their ve permuted Alberta. He tt it this explanation Wu enough the only other one 0 give was the altitude of m. Inn'- -E___. __ farmers are am: Here is the explana- van to us by a prominent stMsher.. He said that be. i) and 1910 there was an Immigration into Alberta mu! Ila-”r --, Parthun Mame. , Llly large followers They were tine set: threshing as the move e'er cr the week and Aytgn Normanby schools, Tues- ,_ - ruvclul ' Kansas, Nebraska and Western States. This of popuoltsm. the home ".ttr..- . EARLY with nuruii Fifi f the Week and holidays with. John hidiaw left the Tuesday morning for Pttuburtr, Penn. They the Exhibition on the Cold tur'umn f Johnny Tl “C"? nne settlers Mlullsm in pan. {era In “in; Nhanr. be getting AUTUMN nny Thom Innual Wen. on ot Detroit on, also the TIr anxious silo filling long. -1" ut-, Mr. J. Sweeney ol I " few 4.73 with his ttirr' ittsem and returned Sum-I "ADE matted by his slslvr 3115 OH willow“: Sound. ' . Ind In True-sunl- ttt Nil went 1 day win l MI E. B. Dlrnvel, leaning: m" to take tn the Exhib'tnu m m 'mp M... ctr at poti border etrott is his uncle People I the They 5 of Fad r --9v “my“!!! or Durham “W r.. MVOI Ment Thursday .1' mnuou h 0'00 Sound. 'urmrirt-irii',, family Friday Hod Mrs tau,,, of 9 members present. M led in prayer; Mrs Ca Robertson red text boos In W. Smith. W.M.S. held their tiny but in the chun- K A short program toll of community singing by Mrs George. Tux Lenore Ray. The l will be held at the h Batter. [of Mrs. Grat Wise t with a fair alwndnm- bus‘neu was disrnw of thanks were mu! In FM. Bailey and M [hon for fruit Kent uh Dmuuon of an an her lnvnlid chair “as Who. to which slw tit Those amending our burg are Edith rver and Marjorie Rear in Durham. Mrs John Bail»; In Toronto last “m The U.P.W.o. , Mr and Mrs dawn; with thr, London. I!!! [not Twamlgy friends around Crawrm Mr and Mrs Will A Ions Elrl and Maurive ley friends the first ot In. Forest. Mr And Mrs Will ('it son Glen spent Sunday l mer's puma In Elmum l Next Sunday. sept [Unilt‘d will observe :nlvorury sorvlovs 'Al B. Stokes, Pastor ot ed church. Chesley, of the ant-moon ser', Ind Rev. W. H. Sn will be tho special evening at 7.45. 0 ing It 8 o'clock lam be shown by Rev. A Pttdar evening, J. Sweeney or I» (In). with his mon In returned SmuuLn by " sister Mrr l ll Bound. In: luv. w. H. s" I vutor' At home " lunacy In: Week ss dunner Ind Miss u. of Toronto: Mr and and Mr and Mrs Jar), over. Mr 1nd Mrs A A of Dunn!!! vittited at A Roodly number of the ladies' AM tended I. L.A. am In Giles of burhu In.“ week. Angus Met n 'osh Service will be h: here Sunday morn” service Sunday m, of anniversary so“: " Crtwtornt. The g In Rev. W. H. s: Mr and Mrs Bert ter Meta, anemia] In. Davis' Imam Arm: of Hurrismn. Mr and Mrs A. ' (launder Viva, Mrs and Mr. Donald Ma the funeral of the k Phonon of Ht'sho-l thin week. In Ind Mrs Dan. M visitors the tirst of tl Mr and Mrs L. htcl.,, l Hailed to report M Qurrle much improm- tumed home an” Fl" tn Durham hospital, Mr. James Miller at. attended the funeral u Mr CM. in Chmuvr 1: Mr and In McKnn ftted we" sue-ts this and In Gordon Mrr, Mr. Wm. Hlll has spending a few werk.t, tor In Guelph. Mrt: Spence Ho DORNOC H guests ol CRAWFORD ROCKY SAUGEEN Exhibition VICKERS SEPT. 12 19,35 Durham " M ULOC K H ante M M ank no” men! visitors " On M M Th on M N n; ‘ any their Mk! mp " mtt I with tr "_t"ttq um h "H: If M lid m. I Central Hahn " CUSH SOC) KURT kllll Phone tt an and can; Tra v when All! Wh (i EFF hit

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