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Durham Review (1897), 12 Sep 1935, p. 8

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M Good, wholesome, breezy Entertainment, something dir ferent. Don't miss it. Admission 35c, including tax. All cps-ta "an"-.. Tom E. Real red-hot Sensational Contests. th Softball ; Durham Girls vs. Hanover. Adults 25 cents a Ch Liberal Cash and Farm, the Garden Thursday and Friday Don'tMiss _ _ DURHAM’S BIG FAIR nission 35c, including tax. All seats reserved. Plan at MeFadden's Drug Store CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Grand Friday, September I ai, A 7 TRIALS OF SPEED These facts, dthough thus briedy stated, ere of tremendous importance to Canada and Canadians. They Ire here presented in the hope that - patronage wilt fella: n mid-p "ro-..'-.', -1 ALA - _ . . The C. N. R. is a large direct employer of labour, and indirectly, hyvirtue of the nature of its freight and other services, also enter! importantly and indis- pensably into the commercial and industrial activities of the Dominion . . . creating new wealth . . . distributing raw and manufactured goods . . ' enabling more employment and wages to be provided. Notwithstanding the sparsely populated condition of much of the territory from which the C. N. R. obtains its freight, of grains, minerals, forest produces. etc., its charges for haulage are very low . . . Canadian railway freight ratea are probably the lowest in the world. On an avenge the C. N. R. receives less than one cent for hauling a ton of freight one mile. Of every dollar of revenue received the C. N. R. pays more than one half to its employees as wages, and it purchases every year many millions of dollars worth of Canadian made or produced materials. The C. N. R. also pay: in the course of a year over six million dollara in various taxes. oe8r8megttq embrace passenger and freight telemphs, unmahips and hotels. _ r - . - ---_-vâ€" ... - uuyw In“ greater ”1300.59 will follow a wider appreciation of the pert this great railway system is performing in the commerce and development of the Dominion . . . end of its vast potentislities for future service. Standing u we are " the begin. using of an upwsrd swing in business generelly, renewed Ind enlarged opportunities to use transportation facilities present themselves. The C. N. R. is ready end anxious to serve . . . "icimteiv and Mere-leon- h- Great Agency of Public Service. railway facilities, - ,_ -_.-.. "mum’s-aunt. systems. '" length ot track done entitles it to that distinction, but its chief claim rests upon the nature and extent of the services it renders. While entering practically every important centre in Canada it else serves widely diversified Ind distant are“, and in very many instances is the sole agency providing railway firilin'oe ‘. is one of the world's greatest transporution systems. r A--- -_.:-IA, ., _ . .. . _ kyle and Company Town Hall, 8.l5 p Dy.titstrth-ts-thec. N. R. - riding you'd/am and mm kaM thruibUt We. The an exceptional "ml hating. 7'th N. R. Agent will}: glad to ttiseituttaetiotGh. Special Prizes for Ge products of the and the Household. September 12 and 13 . . "icimteir and cconomicd5. Td "anaportntion, “M Other Attractions er, at 4 p. m. Children l0c Its length of Stopover. sAGieTt " Port Arthur Ont., and att Mittons West thereof. NI information from any mat (a) 'tourlat sleeplng can at approxi- mately 1%c per mile, plus rog- berth tare. _ (b) parlour and standard sleeping Canadian . Pabiiic W2SrElittr.cattarta stein. MetuLuVrtAv-. MICK At Toronto on Stun-day, Septem- ber Tth, 1935, by the Rev. H. J. Pritchard, Onettn, youngest dtugh~ ter of Mrs. A. Mick, Powusen, to Murray MoGlllivruy, Toronto, non ot Mr and Mrs. M. McGIleray, Hol- tcot cement silos . Vibltora with Mr and Mrs Palmer 'Patterson recently were Mr and Mrs F. McCualg and family. Mulock. and Mr and Mrs Holstock, Owen Sound. Mr. Matthew Barber who under- went an operation in Durham hoes. mu: a. few weeks ago ls able to be moving about again. Mr. James IAseaon has completed building a short time ago. two sol this _ The shareholders of the corn tur ing syndicate held their business meeting " Mr. Mamstield Mason's. Friday night of hut week. Silo " ing commences Thursday at Mr Wm. Eagle’s, who has two 80 feet silo: to M. The corn ie m'gxcellent crop okl- ..---- SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Plunge Tickets also on sale good 'ttt-- can at apjrxuttmatety ttnts per mlel, plus mular out or berth fare. Mr. David Marshall’s threghlng machine is on the Varney line this week. Mr. Palmer Patterson is the engineer. The Ritchie brothers have been busy in the neighborhood building complete new chlhineys for Mr C. Barber, Mr. E. Rum. Mr. B. Bar- ber. The Ritchie brothers also com: pleted a. cement block silo for Mr.‘ Bert Barber. The Hum family reunion was held at Riverside Park, Guelph. with about 100 present from Hespeler, Toronto, Mitchell, Whitby, Mt. Forest, Hem. lock, Mich., New Jersey and Guelph. Sports and speeches were enjoyed. George Hunt of Holstein was elected president and the gathering in 1936 will be held in Holstein. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS taught last year. Her sister, Miss Merlle. is going to college in Toron- to when it opens in September. Miss Shirley has Just returned home from summer school in Toronto, where she took another course. Dr and Mrs Ellis and family spent the ttrat of the week with friends in Kitchener. Recent guests with the McGuire family were: Mr and Mrs Joe Crat- chley and little daughter of Durham: and Mr and Mrs A. Hincks, Toronto. Miss M. Howell of Godorich spent: the weekend with friends in the vil- ur and Mn Harris end little son ot Fergus spent the ttrat of the week with friends In the village. Mlas Brown of Hamilton ls visit- lng her sister, Mrs Henry and her brother Mr Wm. Brown 1nd d‘her friends in the village. Mr and Mn Hurri- nml In”- mu- Mr. J. Rock; ot Toronto is visit- ing Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelson and other friends in the village. The sympathy of the commtinlty extended to the Fenian family their sad bereavement. Miss Eileen end wt h her Peterborough. mu Isabel Lem: of Toronto upon; the weekend 'with her parents Mr. and Mrs J. LeJ'h. Mr and Mrs J. Duke spent the lust of the week with friends in Huntl- Mr and Mrs N. Rounding and lit. tie daughter Noreen of Grand Valley nre visiting the Arm“ family. GOING DATES: Daily Sept. 21 to Oct. 4 Return Limit: 45 darts. ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only in Toronto. Recent guest. with Mr and Mr: D. Allan and tnmlly were: Mr and Mrs Thom Johnston and daughter Phyllls ot Listowel; Mr and Mm Roy Me. Lean of London; Mr and Mr: Robt. McKenzie and son Kenneth ot Wood- land. Mine: Inez and Vera. Allan spent a few days last week with relatives TO ALL STATIONS IN WEDURI-MM REVIEW Miss Shirley Buckingham, B.A. is HOLSTEIN LEaiiiiii to teach at Holstgin, ,UU%ii LOCAL AND PERSONAL HYMENEAL VARNEY Smith spent the week aunt Mrs Sturrock in TORONTO Mr and Mrs Brown of Toronto, spent the weekend with their rela- tives, Mr and In Chan. Watson and Mr end Mrs Wm. Watson. After two months of holidays school starts again this week when all chil- dren of school Me will be any for another term. Mm C. Smith of Tam will be in charge of 8.8. No. " for the com- lng year on her second term, I ‘Some ot the unner- are through harvest and others will tiniett this week around our burg it the weather stays dry. Mr and Mrs Brown of Toronto, spent the weekend With their rein. ronto, spent the woeeGrGui' rel; ttveg in these puts enrou'e (omen- erton ttrday, Monday. Mr and Mrs Knapp and fondly. Mr and Mrs Arkwell and family ot Tots onto spent the weekend with ther mo her Mrg Robert Small. Mr and Mrs Joe Mclety, Mr 1nd Mm Frank Hopkins, Mr and Mrs c., Watson and Mr. M. Eccles were some of the ones who attended the Exhibition in Toronto. Mrs Robert lane and daughter Margaret also her son June: ot To- Among the many 1 were wreaths from R and family, Winnipeg McKein and Germnd, I Mrs J. Stephenson, H, a -.. -. can: an! n. Hardy, Swinton Park. There ure left to mourn the loss of a very dear sister. three brothers, Thomas, Drinkwnter, Sash; Richard, Eaton, Bask.; Jacob, Holstein; a niece, Mrs Thompson, Barrie; and: nephew, Wm. Atkinson, balmy. The Pall bearers were Messrs Inc Main, Thou. Kirby, Geo. Brown, Joe Hilton. Geo. McMillan. Rom. Lewis Among the many Borat tributes Paisley; Mr and MEGS}..- Pm Horrevine; Mrs Mary Hardy, Mr Mrs James Hardy, Mr and Mrs sept. 5th to Mt. Forest cemetery. Rev. Mr. Mercer, minister of Hoi. stein United church, conducted the service stunted by Rev. Mr Kerr of Paisley. Friends from a distance were Mr and Mrs Wm. Atkinson and Thou. Atkinson, Letmy; Mrs Percy Thomp-i son. Barrie; Rev. and Mrs Kerr of Paisley; Mr and Mrs Geo. Persian] u-____..., -- - Sept. 5th to sit Rev. Mr. Merce stein United chu Mr and Mrs Stephenson went on to Winnipeg and returned with the body. The funeral was held on Miss Stephenson had held busin- ess positions in the West for over twenty years and was spendlng holi- days in Winnipeg when taken ill. Her unexpected death was a great shock to her many friends. She was a daughter ot the late. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Stephenson, Normnnby, and visited her old home and relational two years ago. I and Mrs Jacob Stephenson. Holdall received word ot her death that day in a Winnipeg hospital. While en rou'e to Winnipeg, Pri. day, August 30, to be with Miss B. Stephenson who ind undergone an operation the previous, Friday. Mr. Death of Miss B. Stephenson ot the hope of the" tadrtGCtia place which God has prepared for Hits people. ed into Allentord Unfed Church, where service was held, service be- ing conducted by the pastor of the deceased men. Rev. W. A. Fosbury. assisted by Rev. Rcbert Mercer of Holstein who offered prayer. He spoke The funeral on Saturday to Tara cemetery, was a marked tribute of sorrow for the living and of respect to the dead. Some 300 people crowd. and the news of their death cast 0. pull of gloom over the en‘ire count- ryside. Mr. Crawford is a brother. in-law ot Mr. Sherriff Br., the int- ter’s wife being a sister to Mr. Crawford. Mrs' Geo. Fenton, Hol- stein is also a. sister ot the late Mr. Crawford. All three men were prominent re+ ldents ot the Allenford district, high-' ly respected by All who knew them The three men had left Allentord I! 2 o'clock Thursday morning In T. Cmortord's car en route to Sarah. there Mr. Jame: égtterritr intended to purchase some part: for his thresh- ing machine. Who was driving the car at the time ot the fatalifty ig not yet known, but presumably it was Mr. meford himself. The car In which they were travel- ling was struck by an eastbound Canadian Nnt'onul motor train from Sunk. on n level crossing two miles south-west of the village of Thed- ford. The 4 farmer Sherri tr, atorekeeper . A shocking tragedy struck the viUrtge of Allentord only Thursday morning last u n Canadian Preu deupntch from Sunk revealed that three Allenford men had been killed In a levererotsaing trin crash not: Thedtord, 30 miles north-out of Bar. am. at 6.30 o'clock Thursday. 3 Alla-foul Men Killed . when Train Hits Car DROMORE and are: James snows, " ot near Allentord; Austin M, non ot June. t9herrdtt; D. Crawford, 65, Allentord R. J. Campbell . and Messrs , Melville, Sash, Holstein. 334i: Picken and In Swain-n. Mrs Hubent McDounll (nee Mal-g. Watson) ot Holstein vit0.ed Thum. dny of last week with her purenu Mrs MchugtII Sr. accompanied her and visited with In J. Mgr-hull Br. Mr Barry lted over the r .m_c;m.uwomw;fi?a:uz 'i)ihs'"'ii"ii"iit'if'jtiii NATIONAL '-----c-c-iLv-hl'd?21 Miss Jean Pleken of town last week with her aunts. It Picken ind In Samba“. ithe study book on Mon: iritr, -"--_--- ing as well as healing for their bod- but Wednesday Grey Count . "ts. Formosan women put u. to l . shame by their consecration to God 2r'c,',t,e'ag"et it? I‘ll]; 1.31:1- an: :22: It1tl, 12,l'c,"ll'i,,,2't; or ohm number of entrleI. the girls h 'W' ' stood 9th. They Judged house dress. ospital for leprosy. lira. learns es and le button hol Th read further on the same subject. The members of the te w _!'..'",, CF Roll call wu wavered by bible ver- Ridden Dam. 'tIll. 3;", Iran; sea on make . Rev. Mr Honeynun Wattoru MI; and m" Evelyn u". closed the meeting with payer end ”M” Mrs Honeymn served lunch at the of I e. Ilia Lhn mm“ ol eiotee. ' Honor enlisted the open mmtilinn CANADIAN NATIONAL ail-"min. " --__ --.. - .. - '-.5.i.FiVi,CEg':C-T.a'l'lh8t'agt--m FmelanhhTublMThmnuv-cm sun-nu. - GOING DAILY-391'. 21 to OCT, 80mg: -iGiii;iirr'. "Al-1mm T,eele., Hus Fi',ii',ir,ttli'at om Ramada?" 2att'li'liii; m MM. Joule“. y. tf,!,?:,,!',,.?. “.1- 32.32 TORONTO am r“... WI. 2” to WWW Mom-burg. Cornwall, U Linda, fyglieriu%.ii'. Aurqn, now-mm, Afl-SH-ihm an"... tflil1itlti'lejiifEiiiiiiiiiiiii, 1... mmmmmgm 'rfi'ittiitliiiiiilyi; 8m Cacti-1%.; Kill-hair... Lough: WESTERN diii' 1.] iji D A' ti1i1tTumsiri"iiii", may» The meeting of the WJLS. was held at the Manse st Amos on Wed- resday aftemoon, Sept. 4, with " plOSf‘nt. Mrs Wallace led in pray-2r and “rupture was ran! trum Mark-1: M-MI, and from link 9: 86--4t by Mrs C. Hemmer. She alto readtrom MeDougtu1--- Cowan: That Council adjourn to meet Monday, October T, at one o'clock p. MI., tor general Inu- mesa. - Curried. CENT A MILE BARGAIN EXCURSION Mt-ora-, Auusc. nun- Battle’s mt re gave] Wat, Aldcorn. meeting at Hattie“: pit re mvel Rom. Christie. use ot room.... W. Hunter, tiiiing in 2 tytd Age pensions ."............ Neil Calder, an. 1 OldAge pen Wm. McDougnll. meeting It Roads and bridge: .......1 Supt.'s salary ............... Meghan of Council, meeting to Insumnce ....... ........ 206.25 Treasurer, stamp sect. to date. 8.38 Dr. H. E. Mountain, one month M.O.H. "tar,'............ 12.50 Pay sheet No. 9, expenditure on "ttera-Cowan.. That the tor lawlng accounts be paid: Elrnie Roth, sheep claim ......89.00 Anarew Lindsay. sheep cm... 4.00 Ernie Robb, sheep claim ...... 8.00 John T. Brown, in”). chum... .75 Jno. McPhee, Inspecting sheep...1.00 Bert Eccles. premium on road E. Wilson Co. at a can of 8205.25. -43arried. OtgwaIt--A1deom: That the Trans. be unmanned to want . refund of 81.00 from Reeve Hunter and Foe. trom N. cadet re over paid re tut. mg in Old Age Pett.too.--A3arried. a. 6. TOWN, 1...... "tterson--.MeD+: That the Clerk be instructed to notify the ponies intent“ In the M. Burke ditch tad that 'they meet the Reeve ttnd Road Supt. a . date not by the The regular monthly meeting was held loudly Sept. 9th with all the members present. The minute. ot the Int Inc-tins were read and adopted. Aldarm--MeDmtgnli: Thnt the Re port of the Reed Supt. tor worn on roads and bridges be adopted.-4ht last week with her amm- “Und- Bar, and reamed the ttmt of the By-hw No. " authorized the mall- Aldeortt-cowan: That the town- EGREMONT COUNCIL KNOX CORNERS CETT A "I“ - EACH luv mum“ ot Acton vu. Week end with m. tter. I M EEE “vs-nu... fr'S', If fl!.!1reras,?tet Hon-LG»... David Alitut, Clerk Attent--rtt- no -- "" Hogmtr entered the open competition. ‘She was quite neonatal In her work. "ent l Four boy- trom Grey County also " A. mended the Judging Competition in divest/och. The following attended: Marg. Ioonud Taylor. Renae. judging Thurs. hogu; Earl Living-tone. end Wilfred ,renu Kramer. Elmwood. indent homes; td her Norma mace. at 8mm lake. ll ter. Judged beef cutie. At the of writ. a vu. “In no Intonation rounding “and. a nu- In; bu been received. In mucfc'u'ud DURHAM 172.96 " . " .1569" WAY 12.50 The has whet held active and sum; on loudly sales being made from 9.50 to 9.60. Today, Tuesday, the market held steady under moder. ate ottertngn. It will depend a great deal upon applies a. to what prices will be for the balance or the week. The but market - held ttrm with but “be new“ at 7 cents and backs ' cents. The sheep trade wee cancer. light uheep bring- ing from 8 to8%. our prices manna ed on Monday to . top ot 10 cents. but and nightly today, Tue-day. choice ealvetg selling from I to tHs, rm to good from 8 to 9, common and medium " to 7%, [rue calves 4 cents. . Choice bony ween sold from 61i toTomtuwithmtrtoetdhirsd " from 6% to 61d. In the Mueller lec- Clon. itchy been. min not with a strong demand, top sues being made from 8 tn 8%. other- lower mora- lng to ttuality. Choice handy weight butcher noon and heifer- Iold at from " to 6.15 with the bulk of the “le- ranging from 6 to tus. Butcher cattle or medium quality were fully " cent: lower, tselling horn 4 to 5 oenu. The cow trade wu " Ive and stung. beat tat cows making from " to ' can, fur to We, excepting for cutie of choice quality and 3034 butcher cowl which held steady. while stacker- and feed, en new the 'atttat division. pric- ee advancing from " to " cents. The olerIna counted at almost 8,000 ct‘ue (mm Western Canada which were mostly of the nocker and feeder clueee. September IO, 1935 With um'her very heavy supply of cutie of mm 7,000 hold for Mott. Ihy'l Inn-hot. the We as not us who mound to the put few Mr and In M. Donna", and Mr. Della... of Allan Puk and In My of Hanover visited Wain-day with By DUNN a LEVACK, Ltd., Toronto I!“ mum qtrEgmsmatett upen‘ the ttrgt of the week with her sister [but Ila-riot Wilton and Gladys McVean Ire standing Dal-Inn High Uartn. Mr and In a... W. Mr has Bunny and about of Durh- vi-iwi My with Mr and In Andrew my." uni runny. Kill T. R. Byen - I plenum m Hominy with In A.Betttn town Mr and In June. Plckon nudity- mond visited on may with [rand “I "on. 1.. a; “d“ u. livestock lath! Report “M m- lovlns named: Knuth, Juana; tone, and Winn-d will homes; ttt Shallow Luke. At the of writ. '. n. 19;: tntr over the hil thine borm- he It“. He "verve " the loose I" beet onto in... th N (like a bit that and side of out that 875 to VII m " WI, " the time. the the “on M [IN nd Into-r DR “It ot d or tte " ll Severely h 25 foot f H M " M cloulng (or Smithy Sc to unlu- u- hold that Sundny Bunion, " the thr G. CAMP. L'h Chest. lot n, M IT Bud: mom. Ree mm I) his“: Sept ll the 00". by M SI for UK mull rash of J the l 'eiM bod The [In ttext Ih" "

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