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Durham Review (1897), 19 Sep 1935, p. 1

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L It, 1935 lathe! Report Bull“ L PM“ w Nil! 'SION 'DBILI. tations .ust Isive tt 1m I back onto me threshing oumg a“. giving mum of home. owner. driver in; quite a bit or an.“ to the Ind number- imiieatinq order of " Iron! and dd. or the ear, which will at. cost about 875 to "put. The doctor CW No. l w“ on m. "y no... to “a“. 3.". "teh-Tttden and Black, n the the. of H-itao--ritden .... a 1 1 en " the re" lantern and gone to the front ot the machine to took I! the engine. Dr. Campbell happened along ttt the moment and after oom- lng over the hill was upon the Inn- (hine helcre he law tt in the dart no“. He swerved to "old tb crash but the loose gravel throw hi. at Dr. L. G. Campbell of Markdnie Conservative candidate in Grey-Bruce met with a highway accident about 10.30 9.ttt. last Wednesday night. just east of Hanover. " seems that Jack Forsythe. Hanover VII taking Bob Johnston’s threshing whine east on the Durban Red. with a lantern A" the front of the machine and another at the rent of the trail- er, but he had stopped at Mr. We. Magrwood'ts and in aid to hue tah. covery. In tune. alter cashing that din'anee. Alter receiving medical attention at the scene of the accident he was removed to Durham hospital. and is making satisfnctory progress. DR. L. a. CAMPBELL He WI! up a hydro pole, and was descending at the noon hour, when his spur pierced Into wood which broke way. causing him to drop a distance of " feet onto the pavement. His knee up; are badly traetured, tttttt wrists sprouted. elbows injured shoulder bone sprained. ond besides he ttuttered seven] bruises. He in perhaps fortunate to be alive and with good prospects for complete re- covery, In tine. after crashing that son of Mr and In. Grant McComb, who is a lineman {with the Hydro El.. cetrie Power Commission. met with a severe ucldent. which will lay him up in Durham hospital tor several weeks. Severely Injured by 25 foot Fall on Pavement Working at Chatsworth last Satur- day noon. Leonard )1wa or town, social time will rejoice all comers. Mr. Balsdon will be remembered as one ot the McMaster Evangel'atlc Trio, tttrat tenor) who were here a ecupie or years ago, and whose splendid singing and preaching were greatly appreciated by many. Every- one will be coullally welcome. Glenelg Centre Baptist church will hold their anniversary services on Sunday next, Sept. M. Rev. H. J. Balndon, B.A.,, B.Th.. of Paisley will be the special preacher. The services will be held at ll a.m. and 7.30 P.m. Durham Baptist church is closing tor the Sunday, except for Sunday School at l0 a.m.. in order to unite with the Glenelg church for the great event. There will be an anniversary program and supper on Monday evening following. at 8 o'- clock at which the usual happy and New. A. Budge in WalkertoA On Sundny inst in Walkerton Pres. byterian church. Rev. Austin L. Budge. former pesto:- ot Henover and Hampden Presbyterian churchegwas in charge or an 'Olde Tyne Service.’ There wns no choir or arm, and the minister was ushered in by the bee- die. The service or muse In: led by a precentor and the congregation sat to sing and stood to pray. Only the min: were sung end the otter- lng was taken in old square boxes with long handles. _ Chesley Town " hers Hoe Straight Course. The Mayor and Council of Chesley are going to leave the son pedal alone this winter as far as relief ,'r cases are concerned. They had hea- " bills to meet last win er, which l made mighty hard sledding tor the l tax payem. So the edict went out at their Last Council meeting, that only _ aged and physically handicapped cit- I izens will be recognised es relief 3 (uses. " has come to such a stage J now, that Town tinanees have' to be h tightly guarded it the municipality expec a to keep above water. l er, chair, and unw blow . Priced for quick sale. Delivered ee. w. B. HANNA & Sons, 80 Done" St., Guelph. Ont. (I) L. O. L. 00mm Ma. The Durham Dia‘ri L.O.L. breth. ren will hold a spec meeting in the Durham Iodgeroo ' Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 8.15 p.111. Important Ina-mesa. Keep date of ting in mind. One used threshing ntor rm small power. complete w nelHeed VOL. Lvm. Fir-iii' Teuwuer Fair. so advt. on on Calder's oAirsii"i."e coeauniGm mém" iiiiii, 'Aiii'iiiii, {Immune .....__, All for .98c and . String or Poul: IN HIGHWAY CRASH TREASURE CHEST 'Yue tor "e.. cool 'OPI 7--- ........ ,w Total Value $4.00 lat cream 5041.50 his: hririiiiiriaTiiiir" "3,5 Had Splendid Exhibits value ttin , STRUCK A SNAG IN T.HE WEA, rater for THER, HUT DIREC'ORS ARE The trials or speed on the noel course were watched keenly by the: crowd, and several very close been: were run. Every heat counted anon.“ The result. of the two events follow giving name of home. owner, driver and number: Indicating order of am: The concert at night by the Tom E. Kyle Company, was well received by a full house. There were tive ar- tists in the company. who presented two plays and numerous mullet] numbers. Mr. Joss. Grutchley. Pres. or the Fall Fair Society, made the opening announcement. and told at the ttrati'ude of the Executive. for the support. given them that day. They were not discouraged but mat. ly pleased at tintuteiat results, con- uaenng the brand of any it won: I Durham Band dance " good l evening. had a display at his L103. and Sutherland d'splny. E. Kteety and Son 1 their Marshall Mattre on (nanny as well as her draw for one of went to Mrs J. Cain There were several special prizes offered by various Toronto tlrrm, and these were keenly contested. Espec- ially the repuumion of Durham and district for good baking. The members of Edge Hill Junior lnsti me had an attractive array of canned vegetables on display, as well as a hot supper dish accompany- ing the recelpe. The prize list will tell the winners. The Rocky Sangeen l'.F.W.O. Club also had a display ot pastry. the first place honors go-) in: to Mrs T. G. Lauder. It was too' bad she couldn't sample her own pie as it was snatched from the show table before cloaing .ime, by some hccuiumss. ! On entering the Hall, one could not but be impressed with the Bne display of the fruits ot the garden and field. There were many excellent root specimens. especially in view ot the dry weather that prevailed dur, in July and early August. The needlework and ar: departments ex- Perienced a falling ctr, while the writ. ing and map specimens by the school children were a credit to them though on one map of Grey County," the youthful artist placed Elmwood in Sullivan township and Holstein in) the eastern halt of Egremont town-l ship. , The Pout ry exhib‘t was good and entries were numerous. coming from Arthur, Mildmay and Harrlston. gus and Walter Ferguson of Egre- mom, in the Jerseys. The names of Fleming of Tarts; Lembke of Chesley; Metzger ot Mild- rnay; Jackson, Harrieton; McGirr, T. Bell and George Bell, Durham, were the principal exhibitors in the sheep classes. Eckhardt of Glenelg; Gardiner of Mt. Forest were the main winners in the Hereford classes. while Mc- Bonald of Guelph and Lantz of Ay- trn, were winners tor the Foiled An- The boys' swine club had exhibi"s, the first prize ttoirt MeG'rr, also capturing the cl ship. Second prize was w01 Allen; 3rd, David Aljoe. 4th McCulin. ly. Our own James Picken was the main winner in the heavy classes; Taylor, Markdale. and Milne, Flesh- erton, were the lucky in the lady drivers' contest. er, with the rain coming at m/Orattan oTasarr-t. B. Law- I " tervnls to put a damper on rtah/ner1"/'ye'redud'1t'r-irdtin ac' 3 , n events. Thursday was a very lair, 't2',,U2f, . e ' l 3 _ ', sample of a nice September dar, and "l'f'ii1'l1'.,' Gr, '0'3"20§"' ' t why rain had to come on Friday, is! Starter-g ii"'RG 'titi I bound the comprehens‘on ot the‘verton' Jud ac R l", 2'lt IPI.?' Directors. But despie the Jinx thal‘wln L, h Ie."--- H “numb?" P. Ir. Durham Fair appears to travel withgo , ”ram, Hug Matheson, 0" the Directors are not the least 1t"i1',Q' ' mer--- . W. Wilson. Dur. heartened, and like the Westerners,I . always look to "next year". It wasi ----- A wonderful Fair, and a wonderful . . crowd that gathered, he exhibits be- severe fileetrie, Wind and in: the bestseen in the hall tortsorne; . years. Any exhibitor who carried 8., Ram Shim Saianlay rec Ceket home, had reason to know -e r they earned the honor. The horses SWINTON PARK RESIDENTS BAD. and livestock entries were also thei LY HIT. ROCKY HOME ALSO best for several years, and the Pod-, HAD NARROW ESSAPE _ ern mode or trans't. brings exhibitors: -. l many miles to show their stock. i One of the worst wind, rain and! Th beaudeau and Taylor from electric storms there has been tor, Markdale, were promintnt exhibitors some time in this part, was that ot lit the general purpose and light Saturday afternoon last. It y.'..',"..?,': horse class tor roadsters, respective- ed to approach Wrth little warning _ Durham Agricultural Society'e ,,rt),ret1stti,-.,e1i,'t ... nual fall Fair last Friday was again, he Admiral-C. B. again marred by cold, wet wasi_Durham--ctuomtu, " well as a lucky mun-g ur one of these, which; a J. Cain. Harry Scales] 1y ot his let ering and! Sutherland a lampshade' eono prize was won by D. I, David Aljoe. 4th, Henry NOT DISHEARTENED l gupplied an abun. muszc afternoon and Mattress conatrGion Ascouraged but real-; ancial results, con. w, d ot day It wu: lo; speed on the me in; shed keenly by ".9de ml very close has} no; hon. urn-"AA _ __- first prize going to A. capturing the champion- We iliirttttiggi t had a sample ot TI eleven - 4-.....,.n........ "we a gown or pale ' .ags of the strongeat politician lniblue silk organdle. Her picture hat "Canada. It was more of a nice after- , was pink mohair with pink and blue ' noon party, with beautiful flowers velvet ribbons. The ttower girl, little 1 gracing the Platform, community sing-TShmey Ness, were. yellow orWutdie ling led by Miss Winnie Blyth, de-lnock and carried a basket or now- ligmful solo: by Marguerite Nuthall, ere. During the signing of the reg- radio colonura artist. and piano IOIOS‘lster Miss Lon-um Marquette and by Mrs Wm. Howey, Owen Bound. lulu Marjory McIntyre song "I love, .Mlss Margaret loGlrr we: chairlmdy you truly." Mr Alfred Wellece em and introduced the artists in turn. (tended the m, Following the ; With Miss Mm" as speaker. ceremony a. reception was held at? was Mrs. H. We!” Pence. ot {the bride’- perentu home, mot! lOwen Sound. Mm. Peace is a pleu- Peeute. Mm Great. mother of my ling speaker end told in a well-muon- brid- -= - u..- --a--, . --- I me um!" um mm In a well-mom bride woie ed address why electors should sup-[mm my, I port Miss Human. She and tthe sweet pea: came from :Libenl funny with Pttl Af er a I: an] traditions. yet she would beghdzted sate: to hue " opportunity to an a vote I n... 4.. a--. A nicely filled Town Hall greeted Miss Agnes C. Macphall and her as- sis ants. at her women’s meeting in Durham on Wednesday. It didn't savor much of a political meeting, and nothing was said to Jar the feel- Agnes Macphail’s ladies' Meeting in Durham l A new brick house is in the course I'd erection on the farm of Mr John ‘Aldcorn to replace one destroyed by Pre a short time ago. Here half of the new brick wall was blown into the cellar. A barn on the farm of Gor- don McKinnon on con. 14 was badly shattered and the wreckage strewn for a distance of 80 rods. On the farm of Archie Ferguson. in the same conceaslon, part of the root ot i the barn was blown oft and a small} driving shed was demolished. TheI entire root was blown on the ham" ot Wm. Scott near Hopevllle. ' ,f' A storm of cyclone proportions al- s so hit Swinton Park locality leaving ”much damage in its trail. Starting Z. in Egremont Township the. storm . swept its way through Proton, fora k distance of about ten miles and cov- F |ering a territory approximately 80 i rods, wide, wrecking buildings, up 1 rooting trees, demolishing rail tei/ ‘es and creating general havoc. The! / most serious damage was done on] :-the farm of James, and Richard Har-l _ dy,at Swinton Park, where the large} t frame barn containing the entire? {season's crop was shifted from its, :foundation, the roof blown oft and: . one end blown out. A small imple“ ' ment shed at the rear of the house 'fwas completely demolished and Gil ’wcodshed had its roof torn off. A number of shade and fruit trees were. (uprooted, a chimney blown oft the house. and a cultivator was picked ‘ ‘up out of the barnyard by a 'sudden/ Iswirl of wind and carried a distanced [or 20 rods and smashed to pieces. '1 ir'cur geese were also mum! an» we... sued at the rear of the house fwas completely demolished and the ‘wcodshed had its roof torn off. A number of shade and fruit trees were uprooted, a chimney blown " the house. and a cultivator was picked up out ot the barnyard by a sudden swirl of wind and carried a distance or 20 rods and smashed to pieeea., Four geese were also killed. The} damage on this farm is considerable. A new brick house is in the course, rf --b.'-. - _. - s SWINTON PARK RESIDENTS BAD. ?i LY HIT. ROCKY HOME ALSO '1 HAD NARROW ESSAPE l ' 7 . ; One of the worst wind, rain and I electric storms there has been lor [ some time in this part, was that of Saturday afternoon last. It appear- ed to approach with little warning. though the day had been cloudy since neon. While the rain, which 'was, extremely heavy, was general, 'some localities appeared to get "l 2ry. deal in resul‘s. The home of J.‘ 'Miller, Rocky Sauseen, power house! overseer. was a marked target, and, fin mid afternoon a bolt of lightningi entered the front room splitting the window sill and burning out the m- dio. The ten year-old daughter ET sie, was in the room " the time and! was knocked down by the force oi’l the bolt. Mrs Miller saw a '.1a.er' but thought it came trom outside,' the house. They are thankful they came " so well. I A storm of cyclone proportions al- 1 ”A " n.._:_. - _ l 'rrME--2.00, 2.03, 2.03 Starter-Jack Rainsbottom. Walk- erton; Judges-at. Campbell, F. Ir- win, Durham; Hugh Matheson, of Guelph; Timer-H. W. Wilson, Dur- ham. I rence, Durham-Chapman ...1 2 ’John FYancia--rtitz, Hanover f ---r'ria ...... .... ........3 ' Partizan---mrrouu, ot Collins- I wood-Sprouts, .... .... ..4 4 I 'riMlir--2.03, 2.02. 2.01% Classaitled No. 2 Lady McGregor-g. Hints, ot Prudence Grattan--C. B. Law- noun-"w, ? front room splitting the and burning out the ra~ ten year-old daughter ET the room at the time and With DURHAM, THURSDAY. SEPT. 1:1935 eu- Pense. Uri c Mtn- bride woie a bl 'l,l,tttt navy wees . e meet Dean. Lib-l Af er a motor Itditeo sum and which is incotporated the Holstein [can t _ --. _ --- unna- "Quiet: " ltended the groom. Following the ‘ceremony a reception was held at gthe bride’l parental home, south of Penn. Mn Grant, mother of the bride woie a blue mud lllk suit [wlth navy neceuorlu Ind we of Betteniat--sprouL GGG" “mood on Thur-day. live in Toronto e The Pause, Sask., United church, eiwas the scene of a pretty wedd‘ng "-{when Hazel Cecilia Grant only dau- rltthter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Grant, xfand Mr Edwin Smith Findlay, the I , youngest son of Mr and Mrs John , M. Findlay, were married by Rev. f! Mr. White. Plants and flowers form. lieded a. background tor the ceremohy.‘ i White bows marked the guests pews.) i',The bride entered the church to the strains of wedding music played by (Miss Helen Nichol. on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage. Her white satin gown was fashioned in princess style ending in I. peacock train. Rhinestone clips emphasized' the square neckline. A white net [veil arranged in tiara effect with a I 'wreath of orange blossoms fell to the ' Moor over the length ot the train. 1 'Her shower bouquet was of sweet-5 heart and bridal roses with sweet I ire. .Miss Mary law ttf Weyburn. 1 Ibridesmaid. wore a gown of pale ( ’blue silk orgsndie. Her picture ML] uwaa Mr H. Sprmhe, brother of the! bride. i I After a reception which followed 'the ceremony. the bride and groomi “an by motor for points in the Stay, es, the bride travelling in a suit or sandeen made in swagger style with. ‘senegal brown hat, shoes and our“! The hetst wished ot Durham friends go with this young couple tor a happy married life. u": wreiuuny, me bride and groom: Mrs Charles Greenside. Mount For- left by motor tor points in the Stat- est and Miss Wilheqn'ne Manta, Dur- es, the bride travelling in a suit of ham, are patients in Durham hospital sandeen made in swagger style with! Mr and Mrs John Newton and Mr senegal brown hat, shoes and pursegand Mrs Wm. Newton and daughter to match. On their return they will of Stratmm. snent in a". no 'c-, reside in Durham. iBolwell omeiated. The wedding mus-i Mr. Edgar Brown is with his lie was played by Mitm Muriel Steph- parents, Mr and Mrs T. E. Brown, enson, L.T.C.M. latter aevexal months spent around Given in man-m by her trro'her,lFort Lauderdale, Florida. The recon: the bride was trowned in white satin'hOIOCaMt in that State, did not af- and Iaoe, cut on long prineem, lines" feet the Port Lauderdale District. with cowl neckline and long titted r His aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs A. sleeves. Her veil was ot white new lime, who have spent the summer with msepuint lace, caught in or-,lnarnths with ttyta'r rela'ivea here and azure blossoms. She carried a bouquet I their niece in New York, purpose of regal lilies and baby's breath. @110le to return to their home at She was attended by Miss Ettajort Lauderdale. Twamley, who wore a pretty frock! Mrs T. King, Montreal, and Mr and of daffodil crepe with bouquet of re T Mrs 1.0. Newton ot Emporium, Penn,‘ tral lilies and mu_ma. The best man!werp vim"... in... um-.. ....-.L .. -. was united in marriage to Mr. Paul! Schmidt. son ot'Mr and Mrs Philip, Schmidt, Hanover, Ont. Rev. John) Bolwell omeiated. The wedding mus-l ie was played by Min Muriel Steph- enson, L.T.C.M. I A pretty Au'urntt wedding tookl place at the home ot Mrs Sarah A.,l Sproule, Colr'tttrwoolt, Ont. on Thurs-f day, Sept. 12th " 4 p.m. when her; youngest daughter, Martha Louise,‘ l The annual convention of the South 'Grey Teachers' Institute will be held in Hanover on Thursday and IFriday. Octeber 10 and ll, and plans [are now being brought to completion 'to provide the convention with an excellent program. There are about 5115 teachers in the inspectorate, with ng. George E. Pentland, ot Hanover serving as inspector. Mr. George [Brown of Hanover is president of! ‘the Institute and Mr. J. A. Magee, principal of Hanover school is sec'y.' SOUTH GREY TEACHERS TO MEET IN HANOVER lyric voice in such old favorites as . t 'the glow worm' and Nevin's ‘Mighty . '. lak a rose', was captivating. Miss l Mncphul and Miss Nuthsll were my . mailers together on a Chautauqua {program tor ten the“ in the West Miss Flcrence Rumba" of the High in few years "o. Mrs. Howey In School staff, Chatsworth, visited ever iGladys Corattield, is a native of Flesh. the weekend with Miss Ines Twam. .erton, and her musical abilities are ley. 7fully recognized in Owen Sound. l Mrs Wm. Lawrence of Guelph,spent i Miss Mupluil's Iddtess was based a. few days with relatives last week. 'on the evolution of women, and the! Mr and Mrs Willard McDonald of lhard struggle it has been tor them Hepwcrth were guests on Sunday of to stand Where women do today. She Mr and Mrs Arthur McDonald. .. ,pleaded tor women to take more url Mr John H. Rocks of Toronto, vis- ion themselves in matters that per- tied his 'ritster-in-lvv, Mrs D. beith ltained to the welfare ot the country. this week, end other old friend.» here [Wcmen are the erntuutipatorts of the and in Egrémc,nt. His son-in-Iawand race, and until they take a personal daughter, Mr and Mrs Cain (Marjor- responsibility in matters outside the ie) of Toronto. trail ttua week tor a four walls of a building, there will month's holiday with Mr. Cain's Peo- not be progress made or results so ple in the ncrth ot Ireland. ,; compiished. Don't be in the band-' Mrs Thos. Banks spent last week wagon that runs behind: be one of in Flesherton. She “as uccompan'ed the band. . [home by Mr and Mrs “porno Rnnbo FINDLAY-GttANT otor trip through the Un- “d Ontario, they will 8CHMl0t.-6PRouLE HYMENEAL Mr and Mrs Gordon McLean and three children. Aurora, were guests of the farmer's aunts, Mrs McClu- nel and Mrs McPherson over the 1 Mrs Goettlet, Toronto, was a week ‘end guest of Mm Robt. McFarlnne. Mrs Goettler is better known to the ;world at large. an “Loulse” 0("Home- maker" fame, broadcasting over CF RB.. three times weekly. Mr. Wallace Langley ot Hallburton and Miss Bess Clark of Toronto Trigg., ited the past week with his mum, Mrs Jack Ray, Dornoch and Mrs W. J. Moran. I _ - _-_- ... w,”- vine,Altrerta, having visited with Mrs Water's parents, Mr and Mrs Robert Renwlck Sr. Misses Helen Gertie and Marjory Pickering spent the weekend in To rcnto. W, _~_ “-5...“ of Stanford. spent the that ot the week with Mr Newton's sister, Mrs. G. Sparllng. Mrs Sparllng accompan- ied them back to Struford. Mr and Mrs P. Ulster and son Douglas and little granddaughter left on Saturday for their home in Vettre- will- ARE.,--, . . Miss Robinson is in Toronto for a few days. Mrs T. King, Montreal, and Mr and Mrs J.0. Newton of Emporium, Penn, were visitors last week with Mr and Mrs W. A. Glass. . i-l Mrs Thos. Banks spent last week tf in 5'letrherton. She was accompan’ed home by Mr and Mrs George Banks land family, who spent the day here. Miss Belle M. Weir and three nie, Ics. of Priceville spent the weekend t,witt Mr and Mrs R, Renwick Jr. i M‘aaes Jean Harding and Jean 1; Webster have returned to Macdonald _ Hall, Guelph, tor their second year in l , Household Eccnomica. l M Mr and Mrs Chas. Padbury, Mr and I Mrs Gordcn Padbury and M’ss Lillian l Padbury. all of Chatham, were guests ot the former couples daughter, Mrs Donald McQueen the ttret or the week the mother remaining ever for a two weeks' visit. I I Mr and Mrs Ednon R. Tucker of ‘Cochrane announce the engagement of their daughter Mildred Helena to iMr. James Wallace Hepburn, son of Mrs Hepburn and the late Mr. Hep- burn. Durham, the marriage to take {place early in October. I Mr Gordon Grant will enter Dent- al College. Toronto, " 'a first you student. Mr. Robert Webster um c:.nmence an academic course " Queen's University. Mr and Mrs Arthur Allan, Montreal are visiting the former's mother,Mrs T. Allan. 3.9mm. of the l Mrs .105. Edwards. Mrs J Hamilton 'Mrs Cecil Mount. Mlsa Isabel Firth. [Mrs C. Robinson. [in D. Ritchie. l, Miss Gladys F'ith, Ilsa Myrtle Glen- ‘cmu. Mrs Oren Part, Mrs Gordon G. Ridden, um Sarah McLean. Miss Olive Allen, Miss Margaret Edge, Iii? Agnes Anderson. Mrs Clark 1 Watson, Mrs Clifford Cook, Mrs Ralph lSmples, Miss Mary McNmb, Miss Mae Bell. H EN DERSON. - - "___-- v. u" ”my ing of the garden: grown by thogirls " Edge Hill: t Durham-owen Sound is in the , southern group of the TrlCounty 1 League with Camp Borden and three . other combines. Cniedon Eart--or. , angeville. Barrie--Atumuie, end Al. , 1i'tston-Beeton - a nve‘eam group. I A double schedule will be played. and the tttart game will be next Mon- day, on Sept. 23. The schedule will be released in u few days time. There ! will be group playoffs and the group .wlnners will meet winners of the northern group, ccnsfsting of Graven- lhurat, Or'llia, Huntsville and Bruce- bridge. . Following is the i On Monday night the tirmt Practice I was held in Durham rink, when sane 15 players were out, and 4 more are expected. While the Owen Sound contingent were here, organization was effected with the following om. cars: Pres., Allin Bell of Durham; vice-pres.. E. J. Creeper, of Owen Sound; sec'y-treas., J. N. Murdock, Durham; manger. Jim undead. o. Sound; executive, Harry Blake, Mac Saunders and Bert McDonald of Dur. ham, and Dick Yeo and Bill Gill"ttan. Owen Sound; coach. Red Rowe, Dur- 1...... PHONE 21 FILMS, DEVELOPING, CtGARErTs, ENDERSON-ort Monday, Sept 16, to Mr 1nd Mr: Alex. Henderson of Fleaberton, a son. Edge Hill Garden a Canning Club The satisfacticn ofthe wcman in Detroit, Mich., who' suffering from hyperacidity of the stomach, was unable to eat many feeds and lost 22 pounds, then took BISHI-IIX, is now able to eat tsufficient amounts. and gained 7 pounds in 8 days:! - Durham and Owen Sound will u- nin this season piles I combined team in the senior series of the Tti. Coun y Lacrosse league. playing all the games in Durham. Batitrtturtory terms were reached with C. Lauder. manager of the local rink, mud local fans will see box lacrosse of the top-notch hand this tall. 5Teamsin J'ri-Gmiruaore, Stevens te imk hte? Dutham& il Sound Cabin: Hon. H. H. 2"z,,"r" 1..,art.a, est" rb,. Can You Imagine , Mc)ii'adtien's Drug Store ONTARIO? STAN DING OF GARDENS Sold at Ken." Drug Stores, 75c till 1.50 Ff Published Weekly at 82.00 . 32.50 t yen in adv-nee. BORN result of the Jude. L, THE FAMOUS MEDICO PIPES. Saturday, Se Household Furnitute We Solicit Your Patronage Property will altered for - to reserve bid. will be carried on as us- ual by Mrs D. B. MeFhsr- lane and son Blain. Sacral other clout too meat Becca-Uneth- urty, will nuke tt. bout 100 speeches. In a 2000 mile arm or Ontario the non mm weeks turd-g Sept. am. He will address , to " My. duly. Durhnmnnd Mount Poms! are on his “horny on October In. Md Durham and Hum ver on Ort, tnd, beendes other yucca. late llknlluliii's Cleaners and hers Belonging A. TINIANOV At his premi es. Durham, on AUCIION SALE ftrder's Drug Store 1 Note grad lie. ....... , for 16c 1mm over and 85c. ...2 for 26e l Loner pad tse. .... , for Me. 1 hence envelope: 16c. 2 for 16c. VISIT OUR SODA NUN'I‘AI'A ed ICE CREAM PARLOR ONE Cont BALE of .TATIONERY ' In cameo. To United tetatm, C. RAMAGE B. BON, Publisher- The business of the D B McFarlane E. Dunda. Auctioneer. of Art lclea too num- t. list It I pm CASH sune time be rent. “Meet

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