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Durham Review (1897), 19 Sep 1935, p. 4

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L5 " " It - h) a it If (li the - -uuiirtiii; ‘k Md m m. - - -"v “a, wluclge and an but to bed In her shroud. she to and her work in the institutiOn " it ”an; unusual had happened. T'hetuereureotlc'i2",'t"r1"'! ,q-‘ yvuacluul‘ no” and knocked on the coma so violently the boner; dropped it In terror. " broke as it fell. Martha new“ on: of the wreckage and ran hat In L-A ‘7 " wu common dead arer an when aha was a young won: 06 in n coma and the lid in While she In being carried mortuary the recovered co: Collin-Lid Was Handy. For Mt years. Martha Sout who died the other day in R, imnitution, London " the age and the lid of what had once her com " an Ironing bond. _ "fr“. M":7-ie' 'FT' "Hue .uwn, seaforth. over the'cii Moffat. McGirr. Pumpkin pity--J, \u-r-knnd, and while there occupied a _ Lewis. McGirr. lemon 'lt,--?".. T. ; ut, This social Credit scheme rorl Young. Mrs Whitmore: Raisin P.'e- Tums. is yet a very hazy thing: A. McDonald. Mrs Whitmore. Meat I "ntario'tes, as well as to Albeeloar-- Newell, Weppler. Homemade N. All that dantries is that $25.Veandr--A. McDonald. Mrs Mcilraith. I :nthly. Will it dangle as well “Bread from Hanover tiour--H. Bar- , ar hence? (beta Buns from Hanover ftour--grrt, _ Davis. Pie from Hanover ttour-Me. ---- u F , - Demon Massey the Conservative or; fl/rdf,',',",',,),',',",'",',','.: 'l'lu."tg,,, ttc gunner must be becoming tittyttf,",'d2,' with M. ie 3m; 7Ju'ltf. over his party’s prospects when he tr ' " " {Mrs Honeyman. Lewis. Bread from sews the electors so gullible . Speak. ' _ . . . ‘Five Roses ttour-Mm Whitmore, - mg m Mimico last week, he said. .. --. Exhibit of mamns, cookies. In normal times such a government 1 , doughnuts. shortbread and tarts---) as either the Hepburn admmistra-g ', ' . .ers Davis. C. Mottat. Cheese digtr-- tion or Alberta's Social Credit parts . ‘Hiunilton, H. Barber. Anniversary could not be fois ed upon even ttti, k M Clark Mr H ilton most notoriously gullible state. Such a e-- rs ' t. am . political buloonery as we have aeenl DOMESTIC SCIENCE (FRUITS) lately in Queen’s Park must clearly; Canned rttuttartr--E. A. Ruttle. J. indicate the unthinking, 'er1'tti,ryriyy1irr; Strawberries-- Ruttle. W. unintelligent and uninformed desire Allan; PttPtrrietr--arenrtar, Ruttie for political change." Sterries-aienraiti, J. Hamilton; (esji.ri-irrrr"C.' Preserved Apples-g. q -----..- _ Mather, G. Bell; Plums-Davis Rut- d Get a big bundle of old paper: trtie.. peacheknuuz.. p“... n”. f the Review on“. Only lie. Tin h"- I gunner must be becoming tteeritjre,'I', New] over his party's prospects when Ir1'l'r'f,"'g,e son-s the electors so "trulltNe". Speak-3 ing in Mimieo last week. he ',jit'li.l',j-',-,vi: Ros; “In normal times such a government . as either the Hepburn :.tet'nteir1'fr1trvtit tion or Alberta's Sock] Credit otrisdle,",2t'gt could not be toured upon even the] eiiCL.iir',, moat notoriously gullible auto. Suchr political tttttrooster, as we have mnl DOME" Trenton Massey the Kanizer must be bee over his pgny'. pro sees the elector- m n William Aberhart, Alberta's Social Credit memier. was a visitor to his (Id home :own. Seaforth. over the weekend, and while there occupied a I "-it. This social Credit scheme tor 'rtans. is yet. I very buy thing I orttario'tes, as well as to Alber- mi. All that dangle; is that $25.00 , mun“ -----A _ Well, after all, Durham Fall I I 'irrttots were lucky in their ch of day for the Fair. They m have chomn Saturday. as Fergus for the second day. If Fergus the rain that fell in Durham Sa day. they probablv Imam 5.....- u-ular issue of 166 page no fewer than 155 pages sale ot land for arrears Having read it that can goes our copy In ttte W.l _ _ _-. ... (cw '" "1"“ people who would naturally be inter- ested in these advertisements ever see them. There are, tor lnuance. 11 names of rlosely set type relative to a sale ct land for taxes in Port Wil- i'am. How many copies go to Fort William we wonder? " ls really an appalling newspaper tor In this, "ar- - -.-- mm. pun-13mm must yield the government nearly 81,500 which multiplied by 52 means 878.000 a year. I. is a great racket. for every advertise: in it is lomd by law to hrrnr tho, ..rw--, J "mh', Lindsay, Blaslng; Potato (Midland page press) (Weppler. Mrs Davis. Table The most Profitable newspaper wtnter--D. Allan, H. Beale, publ'shed in On"arlo and at 't'iilltye. Marrow---weimur, Pu same time the least read Is the ijiiCR?..tiee,. Table Turniptr-C. tario Gazette. The Issue of August Ears table corn-Mrs W. Clg 1:. contains no less than 166 pages ,pl_er. Melontr-weppier. H. an advertising. cons'stlng of govt-rm! tPtermeiontr--wepisier, J. ment notices respecting corporations, f,Pi,te.-.-ttsy1er, J. Hamlin applications to parliament. changes for Beets, Carrots and Parsnl] of company names, no Ices to credit- in" 0"3- surrogate court notices, sheriff’s - DAIRY sales ot lands, etc: This one Issue In nts. Butter-g. Newell, at the rates published must yiiiiii?efon., A. Edge; 10 lbs. m the government nearly $1.500 w1iGiiyfreu, Wang, A. Derby; multiplied by 52 m“... "a “A ibutter--C Mun"... mun..-“ - -- ~~v~lm5 up day when he meet: his boss. At Durham Fall "ir, on Saturday, last, oiherg of them, spirited youth haunted the bakery tables. and broke away the chicken who surrounding them, .near the assorted cookie stand. .%yly the hands went under and came bark with the goods. The plates holding the tempting edtbles along one side, carried a deserted an; pumance, while at the Rocky Snug-l eon U.F'.W.0. booth, two plea were) swiped holus bolus. l MOST PROFITABLE PAPER rain that fell in Durham Satur they probably swam home. ---__- w, mom trot awny with two hunts ot Wu irult. The driver will have I settling up day when he meets his boss. ( At Durham Fall hit. on Saturday_ ple last, when of them, spirited youth.Lll haunted the bakarv um..- --= . - _ Several evidence. of the hoodlum spirit in you; manhood have been brought to our attuntlon htely. " is regrettable that there in each “hing as this in anyone'e mote-up, for once a start is made. there in no tell- ing where it will end. The lpirit of mischief is inherent in man of mm but when it damage. or interferes with some ones property. " in time to call I halt. 3 Durhnm has a it'll that will not allow heavy can or truck; to make the grade in high seer. and the shift- ing of goat's at the bottom or middle or the grade is inevitable. A truck going up on ‘low' makes so much of a burr, that the driver hears littio‘! else, Last weekend A truck load ord mm was. sinking Durhnm hill and or,il posits the Public Utilities Ottiee, (our! s. or the young men an out from be. I hind the buildings and Jumped onto - the fruit laden truck.~nil unknown - in the chauffeur in front. Each on" them Rot away with two haunts oi",E truit. The driver will tun-m .. "_-aa.. my cum. Only be. rG%ii.' more at the me rate. Butt. levenl pm. gig: Bath}. RAHAGE a THE . Pt and Tin Hooowu 3mm? arrears of taxes. that carefully here can or truck: to matte' hkh gear. no 'he shift- at the bottom or middle "t " is really an . tor In this par- 93898 there are PMes devoted to " Fergus had ,,_...v..,’n barber, Jan Lewis. Fall peat-H - _eeat's--Dttvits. Preserved AppleH- ;Weppler. Grapes-c Weppler, Clar ‘Mather. G. Bell; Plums-Davis Rut-[Robinsom ! :99": " He; Peaches-ratio,. tc1tg',?c?ae' PLANTS 1ll'l'lllllrti'criii, Pyttr.errr Jam--Rutue, Yi con. House Plants 20 Far.-- Mrs. l an. Other native trtH--Newen, H. warmth. Con. House plants, 12 var. Phtkeehnie,. Orange '/1'd',f.,ltltdtyri-rrii'; Clark, Art McDonald. Coll ot Alister. Ntweil. Black cur-rant 'el,tr-0iiiii', pltuO 6 "r.-9rm Nichol, Mm South-well. masinr, Mather; Red 1',u,rref,-tieG'.1 McDonald. Coll double geranium: in Ramsey ing, Mellraith; Apple-o. Bell, 1"Vui; adiDrmaid. Coll. single gen". age of «W. “mm; Gpute--Ruttu, H. Barber: (iuiii/Lrrr'l' Clark, Mm J Nowell. Con once been 1.yetrry--aaoLT, Rattle; Calm “and Serraetiluntr--agr, H McDonald ward. She'bined frult---H. Barber. G. Bell. Cur‘ J. “an. Coll. bosom“ tttmms _ an illrtessrned Pmatoes--Davii, Whitman; Art ‘McDonud. Mrs Nichol. Coll. be. man. Nae: Corn-Davis, Blazing; Petur--Neweti, ttoettaa ttdterottsw-,s, "-os., - - titted on. H. F. crutchley; Beaatr-m,trs "-- ied to the conscious- in handy their choice They might Whore . ' g DAIRY Cett, t"il',','f 15 lbs. Butter-g. Newell. W " we issue guson. A. Edge; 10 lbs. Butte "my li!?rkriii'i, Blas’ng. A. Derby; 5 '1,5oo “NC": butter-C. McAlister, Newell, A. "8’000 alsay; Fancy orintsr--Newen, McA t, tor "ery‘Edge. Cheese-g. McGirr, Edge 1,htwat DOMESTIC SCIENCE (Baku government Bread, white-Mrs N. w. l Few of "MIT"? J. Newell. Bread, brown-- te inter-IT. Dtwis, H. Batik} evens-elm" l" frulr--Mrs J . =rr----a===="r-r-eLeheet c'yeirPl2utt FAIR PRIZE LIST; DELI; Fair _ _-._.v - _ eyman; Cltieken--mrwed m ‘M'ince Meat--ahwis J. Kathe: 11rteinr--sewen, Mom-nth. l Pickles --Menraith, Hamilton ; liirirr-iiGui"art'l', Hamilton; I’Mulranh. Daria. Tomato cat: Davis, Moon-r. Raspberry vi Duds. Coll. jellies and Meet llnith. G. Bell. did W_r' _ _ n...- van-VIE Bach o!lt',yytrcyasiv. Coll. field roots. A truck much of "'3 mun load or ... “no a. a. McIlmn ll l Mrs W. Clark; Brown loaf, nut t ro‘nultâ€"Mrs Mellraith, W. J. Allan um Buns-H. Barber, A. Edge. Tea bi rt:icuitsr-, Mrs Honeyman, Mrs. Whi "Imam. Graham gema---J. MeGirr. J r- Mather. Ccrn meal mumrta--A. Der ejs, McGirr. Tarts, Cocoanut--McGir Cli".' Hamilton. Tarts, Ietncn--Mrs. J .ixichot, Mrs Davis. Sponge Cake-- e' Mrs Honeyman, W. J. Allan. Ange (rakeL,iir. Milligan, Mrs Honeyman. [Rolled Jelly trake-g. Lewis Chan r'olate cake-Mrs Whitmore, A. Me .'l)onald. Dark fruit cake-Mrs Clark, HMrs Whitmore. Light fruit Cake-g. t McGlrr, Mrs Mellraith. Maearoons-, ng. Newell._ Mrs Whitmore. Short. 'ttread-Mrs Mcilrarth, W. J. Allan. j Doutrhnuts--sir, Davia, Mrs Whit- fmoxe. Drop cookies-Mrs Clark, Mrs ’Davis. Fruit cookies-Mrs Whitmore, /A. Edge. lee box cookies-Mrs. T. lnrown, J. Edwards. Apple pie-thr. uv-M. Barber. G. Bell. Can- 'matoes--Davia, Whitmore; win. Blazing; Peasr--Newen, utchley; Beamr--stutue, Hon- Cltieiten--Nowed McAlister. "t--ahwis J. Mather. Salad -.hr-s" .- -- ' I . HELD GRAINS , Bu. Fall Meat, Whitt-C. Wop- pler, John Hamilton. Bu. nu Wheat red-C. Weppler. Bu. Spring wheat '--werrtrier. Bu. Oats, 1omr-a. Ham, ‘mon, R. C. Robinson. Bu. Buck- "rtteat--gats. Lewis, John Blasingw 'Butt. Barier---Lewia, Wepplor. . my!' Peas. small whim_w an-.-" - --- .vuwu'suvudl, lune] Firth, J. Edwsrds, Hun-ng rett--C. Weppler. Bu. Spring wheat men. Plekles~0. Allan, C. Mont. ate, --werrtrier. Bu. Oats, 1omr-a. Ham, I. Firth, M. Glencross, G. Arth, ol, , "ton, R. C. Robinson. Bu. Buck-'Tomatoes-l. Firth, M. Glencross, C. J. N wheat-gas. Lewis, John Blasing. 'Mottat, J. Hamilton, C. Robinson. Pr-l Bus. Barier---Lewia, Weppler. . Bu. I APIARY'pRODUCTs. etc. (ton Peas. small white-W. Ferguson, L. Maple "ruth-g. Newell, J. Crutch- Dwal Hamilton; 1arge---weopier, Ferguson. ley. Maple t'utrar--arenraittt, Young, Mug! Bu. Timothy Seed-g. MeGirr. Bu. 'Eggs, _brown---rhuninon, And. Lind- Any L cver Seed, red---WmrpIer. Ears en- say. Eggs, white-AJ. Mount. MeAr,'AUtst silage corn-- T. Bell, Iarwiss. White ister. Homemade .0tur--Hamuton,N.'i Beans-H. Scales, Ferguson. Colt. "r "ruta__, flnlA ---. --. It-mrs J. S. McIlraith, 'lark; Brown loaf, nut or Mcllraith, W. J. Allan. Barber, A. Edge. Tea bis. 3 Honerman, Mrs. Whit. -...V" wa' ,.__~ ..vuc.yunul. sweet Di "“f" V”'“""'- es. lace trimmed-am, Champ, Mrs. (htgge) sr,.': 1:111:11. Zen J. Loca e. Winter iadish -- E Dickson. Guest towels emtr---Mrtr. more. rs o a. Summer Rad tShu-A. Edge-Champ, Mrs Ruttie. Guest towels, POULTRY er. Coll. Pepper-trm W. 'cross atltctt--Mrt, Champ, Mrs Ruttie.I Barred Plymouth Rock: l 'omatoea, red--Weppier, Blas'lowel. monogrammed or iet.i.tlt1-riwiiiirt 1 & 2; Hen, Cooker 1ow---maaing; Coli. of Tom‘IMrg Champ, Mrs Rattle. Curtains. let, ttsame as cock).Wh‘e _ lasing, Mrs T. Davis. Long 'handmade-Mrs Ruttle, Mrs. Nichol. Rook: Cock-- W. B. Jackson i'-rBlaaintr, B. Barber. Tur. Other style emb.--Mrs Champ, Mm. ‘W. Connor. W. B. Jacksoi ttr-Mrs H. McDonald, A. T Davis. Vanity teet--,Mrs, Nichol,Mrs erer-Connor; Pttllet--maain, Onions trom Ieed--wepmer, Champ. Tttttttttp-arm Champ, Tts/roi. Plymouth Rock Hen--ahi. rds; Silver skin onittms---A. 'Davis. Filet, crochet-- Mrs RmtlenW‘ Hayley; Coekerei--w. 1 Blaslng; Potato onions-- Mrs Champ. Fancy knitting-Mrs. " 2, Pullet (same). Whit Mrs Davis. Table Squash.lRuttle, Mrs T Davis. Drawn 1vf.et--idotii.. Cocle--w. Connor: H I Allan, H. Scales. Ptre-iarri T Davis. Italian teettite.1ing--Gii'. 1 & 2, Cockerel (some); rrow--Weppler. "',1m,iee.striiiiii Champ, Mrs E Dickson. Tapes- Connor. A. o. v. Wmndom Table Turnips--C. Moffat. try euattion--Mrs, Champ. Silhouette Ed. Crewson, Hen (same); e corn-Mrs W. Clark, Weir cross 'stitch-Mrs, Champ, Mrs Pt1tckireiii'o"ni 1 & 2, Pullet 'lonts--Weppier, H. Barber. Bedspread emb.---Mrts Nichol, Mrs E'Hthode island Red: Cock-M. otu'-Mveppler, J. Neweli. ‘Dickson. Bedspread. practical --Mrrw. Connor; Hen-wilson l t W'eppler, J. Hamilton. f,?1Nicttol, Ethel Derby. Quilt, tr'lt.'.tilcotu/o/;' crkerri--crewaod, ' Carrots and Parsnip-Bias. Cottan-Jno Biaslng; Mrs T. Brown's“; Pullet-- Cnewson, M. M fQuilt, fancy qu'iltfntr---Mrs E Dickson & 3. S. C. White Leghorn DAIRY H. McKechnie. Quilt, applique workiA. McDonald. A. Eiokmeier,i Butter-g. Neweli, W. 1'TI--s Blaaing, Mrs E Dickson. Quiltlgcn; Hen A. McDonald 1 g Edge; 10 ths, Butter-g. any other kind-Mrs, Ruttle, Mrs E. .Wilson; Cockerei-. A. McDon las’ng. A. Derby; 5 lbs. {Dickson cornrorter--Mm Nichol, yt 2. Pullet-.. McDonald 1 & 2, 1 McAlister, Newell, A. Lind, Allan. Afghan crochet-Mrs A. Itrron. Brown Leghorn Cock~C y Prints-Newell, McAlistei- Donald. Hearth rug-Mrs Honeyman'Connor; Hen --Connor, W. J: 'Pse--J. McGirr, Edge. (Ethel Derby. Rag mat-Mrs Dickson Cockerer-A. Elekme'er, & riC SCIENCE (Baking) I, Mrs McAlister. Labor saving device Puuet-Eiekmeier. A. o. l . ""'-d . _ Davis. Article horn Cock 8. J. Wilson J: * . W. it, Mrs Rut'le, Mis T fl ' l2iett.-- 1:139.th i,r2iC,'2',t. I made from flour tracktr---Mrs JNewell W. Barley; Hen--auyiey 1 & H Bower" White loaf (Mrs Ruttle. Clfld's dremr--Mrs Rut-rr. Wilson; Sh_rer-Bayiey Jr-sic, J ' R snmriiiii.' tie. Mrs Davis. Baby jacket. bonnet 3; Puller- Barley 1 & t, S. .1 link Brown-loaf nut or and booteetr--Mrs, Champ. Mrs Davisison, Mincrca cock --gacktsor . . ' Child's overalls-Geo Bell, J Mather. nor; Hen-s. Wilson, Jackson Mcilraith, W. J. Allan. . . -. Baby rcropers---Mrs Champ, Mrs Rut- Eickmeier; Cockarei- s. V Barber. A. Edge. Tea bis- _ . , . . tle. Apron-Mrs Champ, Mrs Davis. (Jackson; Pullet_ S Wilson, , Honeyman, Mrs. Whit- . l, Hhttrss--Mtts. Champ, Mrs McAlister. 'don, Connor. Butt Orphurton iam gems-J. McGirr. J.'. . l F . Pyltuntus-Mro. Ruttle, Mrs. Nichol. M. Wilson. s. Wilson; Hen- :rn meal mumms--A. Der- Tarts Cocoanut--McGirr Slim-Mrs Clark. Collar and cut! set nor, S. Wilson; Coekever-- or. "n Tarts Giiiir-sii."i, J l---Mrs Nichol, Mrs Dickson. Handker- s. Wilson, M. Wilson; Puller "Davis ' Sponge JiiCrehiets, astr't'd--Mrs Champ, Mrs RULiWilson, M. Wilson, Crewson. ’mm iF J tllan Angel tie. smoey---Mrs Rattle, Mrs Davis. cons. Coeh-cremson, s. Wilson Milli an. M”; iLLyiii2," Sport shirt-Mrs Davis. Pyjamas IT; -Jacksron, S. Wilson; Cocken g ' . _ ' . ers Ruttie. Mrs Davis. Gloves-Mr, Wilson, Jackson; Pullet--. Jacks cake-J. Lewis Choo. . l I . -Mts Whitmore A Me.. Davis. Socks, heavy-Mrs. Dans. Crewsan, S. Wilson. Hamburg i tr it oiriUio., Diarlt Socks, fine-Mrs Davis, H 1'yfeyye---sr. Wilson, Crewsca, Hen (sa _ u. I' ' Mitts, double---Mrs Davis, Mrs Clark C'cekerel-. M. Wilson 1 n 2; F ire. Light fruit cake-J. . . . g N . Coll. of articles snitable for Christ-", (same), Brahma Caockerer.- i Mcilraith. Maearoons--, I . . mas gltts--Mrs Champ. son. Production Rock: Cock-- Mrs Whitmore. Short-f l F . , FINE & MISCELLANEOUS ART son. Blasing; Hen-- Hayley 1 I Mcilraith, w. J. Allan.l '0 ke l Jackmn t a-" TEr Mrs Davis. Mrs Whit-, Batrketry--H Scales. Poster ‘Safetv oe rel--.. Cookiea--Mrs mm. "..., “1.....v -- -- _ Fl ng; Potato onions-- Davis. Table Squash. an. H. Scales. Vege- -Weppler. Pumpkins-- sing; Wortzel. A.0.V. f, Edge. Field farrtttr--/ I8. Coll. field """"-id 2r. I tl VEGETABLES (l/ an VunOnLI-n_ In 5 ' vhitmore, -ll FRUIT 05. cookies. co mtu Apples-.. James Le and tarts-Vol) Winter apples-gas Lewis Iii:- beese tttrr/rt',.",',;.,', Lewis. DueheLLuTrir'i7ta, i Anni I indsa . J ' Il,",.,".?.!'"'"':,',, r ',"ll.rce!Put Rutstset---A Lind- W t. Barber. Tur MCDonald, A. I "ed--WepNer, skin onictmr-A. -vuuw. you. 'soteutr-9etn, Nichol, J. Imam. Coll Caeti--aera, Mollralth, A McDonald. Con foliage plarttsr--Mrx. Clark, Mm H McDonald. Coll. bat, 'tuna-Mrs, Young. Double gamma whiter-art MeDonatd, In H Melba- ald. Bumble serum my othgtr-.A ,, ,,,_ v '"ae""'dME" N10] "t. McDonald. Coll double gex t-Art McDonald. Coll. single iiumts--Mra Clark, Mrs J Newe scented .eraniumtr--hm, H Me H. negate. Coll. begoniu fthe luuusay, J Lewis. Btsowa--Bert Bar-, Drake- (ber, J Lewis. St Lawrence--., Edge.‘and Du Wealthy-g Crutchley. Talman '"ytttake, -Art Edge, H Barber. Crabs-mer, trmmtn Baker. C P Kinnee. Winter pearrr--:'M. W: H Barber, Jag Lewis. Fall Peartr--C9aeioon Weppler. Grapes-c Weppler, Clan! _ 'Pesto.,,-.. aay, J Lewis. Russets any Lindsay, J Lewis. Baowa-- ber, J Lewis. St Lawrence- Wealthy-g Crutchlev Tut. - -_. luau. blunt"; C. Wop! Supper dish - C. Robinson, Il Wheat ,' Moan. lube] Firth, J. Edwards. rg wheat men. Ptekterr--o. Allan. C. M J. Ham, I. Firth, M. Glencroea, G. F 1. Buek-"rotnatoes-u. Firth, M. Glencroa Blazing. 'Mottat, J. Hamilton 4". DAM-"- H. Cmtchley Dam": E? Mm I News". Coll IHM": H McDonald begomat, itbrous - " Nichol. Coll. be. “I Mather, John es ( Productic . ( Hen-.. J. [ICATIONAL i Hamilton y Co.-. Bcbbie Ilmlth-I I, 2 & 3, McDonald, Helen Psn-i'Jacktdm,' McQueen. Fourth class I son; Coe a Edge. CatherineDyer let-tsam lune McDonald. Third ‘Crcwson. --4na McLean, Stellajson; Cool 2m; McMeekin, pe son, Jack, noond class writing "cole?,','.',',': J, Robin Lowe, BerniceI Blazing. ' Simmons, MM.“ u-.. - lite-Geo Bell, J Mather. r-Mrs Champ, Mrs Rut- m5 Champ, Mrs Davis. Champ, Mrs McAlister. I. Ruttle, Mrs. Nichol. -arm Nichol, Mrs d.trutt? geraniums Hill Jr. Fancy knitting-Mrs. Davis. Drawn work- Italian hetmstitching- rs E Dickson. Tapes- rs Champ. Silhouette V. Rocky Club Exhibit and”. L. McLean. J, B. Poster 'Safety Framed enlarge- other-A "-- Intst. Exhibits in" 12 var of '"""-""uMer, Mllr or Gelding, one yr. old-Ed. Cmaon; Filly or Geld- lng 2 yr oid--crewson, W. Adams 2 & 3. Sm Home. stacked to wagon --a. Menu, A. Huuday. AGRICULTURAL I Brood Hue with {on " foot-w. 'ru-..., - _ year*(Nlme); will; yr. old-Ed. Crown Hallway, A son. Best Cooker; --E. Crewson. Be: tion Fowl~ J, Han I Best coll. in any one v Barley. Best pair of fowl can Clatrtr-, Ed. Crewson. of fowl in Mediterranean McDonald. Beat four bin --s. J. Wilson. Beat pair and beat pair of Geese-w "V0.5, gunner (young) - i Busing l & 2; Goose tyotmtrr--.mas, ing 1 & 2. A. O. V. Gander-- W Jackson, 1 & 3, Blasing; Gootre--Bpu, ing 1 & 3, Jackson; Gander (youngl '--Jturloon 1 & 2; Goose tymmtrr--,r, Blazing, Jackson. Pekin drake - W. --Jaektson, Blaming; Duck--- (same); Drake trountrJ--. Blazing, Jackson; Duck (rountrr-- (same). Rowen 1h1ure---Buoiu,. Duck, Drake (young) and Duck tr_ountrr--outme;. A, o. v. Drake, and Duck-.-. Bluing; Drake (young). and Duck (rourw---saeuon M. Mmson. Pigeons-te. Wilson, Jarknnn c. (ton tern-A. Mei) Crutch. Pwtrt Boston Fern. ”1, 'tA0el-- Marley 1 & 3, T. Bell. 1atntr--tsamc). iProduetion Leghorn Cock-- Jackson,) SI'FFC (Hen-- J, Hamilton 1 & 2; Coeketel-) Shearling ram-HI [Hamiltom Jackson; Pullet--Hamuton Ram lamb-- w. " 11.2 & 3. A. o. v. Fowl: cock---,,??"?----'. It. “who! (Jackson, A. Eickmeiez; Hen --Jaek. ling ewe-- G. Bell, son; Coekerel-,racksG 1 & 2; Pul- latntr--T. Bell, 1 & let-ttsame). Bantam Cock-. Ed.) ORA] Crowson, M. Wilson; Herr-... M. Wir; Ewe---A. Eickmele son; Cockerei --a. Wilson, M. Wll- laantr-AIr. Elckmelel son, Jackson; Pallet --s. Wilson, M. lamb-- W. Jackson, Wilson, Jackson; Turkey, mtue-- J1 swn Blazing. Toulouse gander-- Busing; Goose- Blulng: Gander (young) ly er_H 'leg,',? Blazing 1 & 2; Goose teel-_-ers,,',',.',": Gris-.... H Sin ing 1 & 2. A. o, v. Gander-- w. " . Jackson, 1 & 3, Dining; Goose-Blank! b YORK in; 1 & 3, Jackson; Gander (young) 1tT,-e,t Wepplex ‘Jackson 1 & 2; Goose trountrr--J. 'pw-c. Weppler, Bhalnr T-.., - _ _ cona Coet--cremson, S. Will u-Jackson, S. Wilson; Cool Wilson, Jackson; Pullet--. Jae Crewson, S. Wilson. Hambu ---M. Wilson, Crewscn, Hen C'cekerel-. M. Wilson 1 & 2 (same). Brahma (mains-u“ L. C . Nichol, ,_ .-. _'BvtlN I2. Pullet-.. McDonald 1 & 2, Ison. Brown Leghorn Ccck-. (Connor; Hen --Connor, W. l Cockeret--A. Elckme'er. , Pullet-Eiekmeier. A. o. horn Cock-m. J. Wilson, W. Barley; Hen--Bayiey l T J. Wilson ; ShMikerer-Bawey 3; Puller- Barley I & 2, S. son. Minorca cock ducky nor; Hen-s. Wilson, Jackm Eickmeier; Cockarel~ S. Jackson; Puilet- S. Wilson, son, Connor. Bun nrn‘nn” - -. ‘_._.W., "cuter tttrote tor GWEN to comment up -"'e _--.. u... uewson Calf-_Eckhardt, Hallway, Gardiner. "nr-kindly or otherwise, but month ‘W. Hayley; Coekerei--w. Hayley 1 POLLED ANGUS Mildly. It in "Clearing .in the West" " 2, Pullet ttrameJ. White Wyan-, Bull, 2 yrs. and dver-0. Lana; telling of pioneer condltlona there, (dotte: Cocle--w. Connor; Hen-con. Bull yr. old-- A McKinnon & Son; Perhaps few know that Nellie Me tnor 1 & 2, Cockerel (same); Peltr---a'il', Calf-- o. Lent: 1 & 2; Cow-- Clung la a naive of Grey County, Connor. A. o. V. Wyandotte Cock-. o. Lantz 1 & 2, A. McKinnon & Son. but with her parents left this part ‘Edc' e,,',',',':,',"",':? "ggi,) (fockerfl Two yrs. old heirer--Mekinnon and tot Manitoba. when quite young. " - rewson ' e same ', . F . - c. in .AA 5...: L-, _ .. . Hthode Island Red: Cock-M. Wilson, ttre. Pe"; Yeiter yr old M W. Connor. Irs., "r.. A. McDonald, AMER)! son; Hen A. MeDe Wilson; Cockerei-. A, _. "'""-IN. WU“ W. Connor; Hen-wilson l & 3, V Connor; crkerri--crewaod, M. W son; Pullet-- Cnewson, M. Wilson & 3. S. C. White Leghorn Cock A. McDonald. A. Eickmeier, M. W son; Hen A. McDonald 1 & 2, I lIYKIArr -. .vauulvl. nu IMrs Honeyman. Mrs ‘Allm --Mrs Honeyman. Sweet Hr-neyman, st Allan. " Whitmore, Mrs Mnmo rr-.. J, Hamilton. Houses HEAVY DRAUGHT him with foal at A. Moyer; M d ---A. Edge, J. Mather. Table orni- ment-Mrs Honeyman, Mrs Mellmlth. Aaters-am, Honemn. Mrs Whit- mcre. Dahliatr--agi, Honeyman, Mrs. J. Newell. Glttdfoli--Mrt, Honeyman, J. Hamilton. LarkspuMMrs Clark“ Mrs, V'nuvu- "i" .- 7 . -_-_-.._..., 0. 1405516.! ROADSTER 1ltet Boston Kern-g. Lance. Hang-' Brood mare with tog: at toot--W. gins basket-A. McDonald, Mrs Nichol Clayton, Dr. lune. J. Anderson; ’13:;th plant not on 1.'iet---Mrt, Me. Foal ot present Fear-Anderson, H. 1, er, rs H. McDonald. {Claytom Dr. Milne; FT1iy or Gelding ‘ CUT FLOWERS " yrs old-- Chyton. Dr. Milne; tein. Dlsplay open " flowers-am, Hon. 'sle driving hc-Currie A Tevlt,J. eyman, Mrs Mcllmth. Bouquet, large Taylor, H. Clayton: SM of home! VtuMr---Mra. Honeynan. A. Edge. attached to vehiehr--T'ttricr, Currie & Bouquet, hand-Mrs Allan. Mrs Me- Tervll. Clayton. , llraith. Bouquet, house ftowem only‘ COACH and CARRIAGE I ---A. Edge, J. Mather. Table amt-3 Brood mare with toat " mot--- W. ment-Mrs Honeyman, Mrs Mellmlth. Adams; Foal of present "rear-ttsame) Aaters-am, Honemn, Mrs wmpfilly or Gelding , yrs. old-- Mama, mere. nahliats---aei, Honeyman, Mm'Clayton: Single arming hor- Mu J. Newell. Gladioli--Mrt, Honeyman, H, Cormack 1 k 2; Spun driving L. Hgmllton. LarkspuMMrg ClarVhorses-- M. H. Cormack. Adnmsr mun 505101] Fern-g. .u-gnte. iitng- ing bashet--A. McDonald, Mrs Nichol Any other plant not on L'tet---Mrt, Me. Aliater. Mrs H. McDonald. CUT FLOWERS Mr. Nichol . THE DURHAM REVIEW dra H. McDonald. P1uaromt-g. Log- te, In Clark. Bprimreri--am, Nich- I, Mr: Brown. Rose In bittont---Mrs. . Newell, A. McDonald. die, Begon. '---.Mrts Brown, A. McDougld. Bos- m any (me varfety--W. It pair of fowl in Ameri. Ed. Crewson. Best pair Mediterranean Ciaas-.-A. Beat four birds in show ; Pullet-- S. Wilson. Jack. mar. Butt Orplngton Cock son. S. Wilson; Hen-., Con- Wilson; Coekever-- Crewson. SPECIALS Mollnlth. irs Honeyman. Phlox peren- ' H. McDonald, Mrs Clark. -Mrs Honeyman, Mrs H. Me- Single Iretuniair--Mrs Allan, ales. Double Petuaiasr--Mrs ea cock Hackson, Corr; Wilson, Jackson. Alf. l, 3988! 'te Cockerer-- s. Wilson., . - .1. Pl , 2; Hen, Cookerel & Pul- as cock).Wh‘e Plymouth _ W. B. Jackson; Hen--- , W. B. Jackson; Cock- r; Puuet--maairu/. A, O. 1 Rock Hen--aihi. Crewson e---W. B. Juk- t English cm. pair or Produc- I. Wilson, Jack;(;; -Bayley l & 2. S. pair of Ducks urewson, An- S. Wilson. Hen Cockerer-s. yt--. Jackson, E. Hamburg Cock _ (same); ' Jackson; Rowen the (young) Present McDonald 1 & ek--Crewtson W. Jackson; ', Jackson; o. V. Leg. w-Bltur-) ' young) Boar-Alt. ttrr-J. Bow-c. Wep - W. I Spring Pigs-- sune); f TA ckson :1 Boar-C. H: Rowen , (same); Sprlnl In a wire cage. I the light} 31m ' eloctrocum who: wire We. Ttu contain. trtutatm electric Mar to p, the lighted co TORONTO (to the mseetGesi ,VV.... my I“! ' insect pests of tield and (and then electrocutea them I ,cewful use in orchards.. ,plaata, slaughter houses ant [room nurseries u the result experimentation try Prof. [Reruns ot the Univeratty ot (nix. he color ct the Hun . Legate. Wil, er] Wir Load baconnh;gvgu_1 Motru, C. Barber; 1 hogs. any breed--H. I INSECT W spring pigs-- (same), TAMWORTH . Boar-c. Hallway 1 & 2; (same); Spring mi-Hama, _ SPECIALS GRADE Ewe---A. Eickmeier l & 2; Ew laantr-AIr. Eickmeier l t 2; Butche lamb-- W. Jackson, Emke Bros. SWINE BERKSHIRE Boar-H. Smyth; Bow-- (Mme); Spring pigis-- H. thnrth 1 '& 2. b YORK Boar-Alt. Weppler. C. Weppler; "sow-C. Weppler. Alt. Weppler; hprine nioa_ f..---. Lam: . 8975th H. Eckhardt. o l Milk cow, dairy-- Ferguwn 1 & 2; Milk cow, beet-E. Gardiner,. Heifer yr. old-. McKinnon & Son 1 & 2; Heifer or steer el-- McKinnon & Son, J. Lewis. C. Barber. Steer, 2 yrs. old-C. Barber. SPECIALS Best milk 1eow---Walter Ferguson 1, Ar 2, n... L..-) _. . A new electric ,u_-.. - - a. i yls. old heifer --Ptrrgutson 1 & 2. M, Wilson; Heifer .'i'ffrytmy,. Yearl. ing heiter-mmrutron l & 2. GRADE Milk cow, dairy-- Ferguson 1 & 2; Milk cow, beet-E. Gardiner,. Heifer vr nlrlÂ¥ h-__, -- - The Review uwgmer houses and muah. rsertes u the result of long nation try Prof. W. B. r the University of Califor- color ct the light my be to the one most unnum- . rue held of the 1.11;]; tun-(omen which aunnlr PESTS ELECTROCUTED "--tmarte? SHEEP OXFORD DOWNS 'Emke Bros., W. B Best herd oriier' Beat beet steer I MI 1 & 2, oardiiier;-msiiisi.t Nellie 1100]ng bu written 1 new Eckhardt. Hallway, Gardiner. book for Can-Mum to comment up- POLLED ANGUS 'l/IGP',? or otherwise, but mostly ' , Yrs. and dver-o. Lanlr . P. y. It is Clearirur Jn the West . V,_ mun-II to the 'rfro we and -N.. "an". Insects, firing board I eoil, a"'. human In they ftrike the W Jackson; T. Elli; Jackson, G. Bell; She". SI'FFOLK "H . Smyth. 'RI uroa.. W. B. Jackson; t--. Emke Bros.: Ram ' Emke Bron; Ewe - Elckmeler;r Shegrling L, Fleming; Ewe and under 2---C. p, Premaon; Bun ctut--W. '-.. Ferguson 1 a: 2. 2 -F‘ersuson 1 & 2, M. ' ."flfrirttPttri Yearl- Euaon 1 & 2. Lantz. l Memrr, C T. Bell that attracts nd orchards Bell, T. Bell 1:2; Shearllng Fleming; Ram Shearling ewe, nttrnctl've _ compliahed by our min ,hcspitals. schools, etc. i 2; Ewe McFuyden followed with t 2; Butchew'he tttFon to [sperm in ke Bros. Min Elsie Iasdinghnm 1 "The Old Rugged Crou" l jterson 1nd In Gowdy h ._, _ _ ‘for peace that nnr Ina ' "-. (same); the light pecking _ cattle-AJ. or helrer-- Ewe-- The Presbyterian W.M.S _ ,, ~--w-; wuen the executive committee, after I hurried meeting, ditrquuitiod them be. came they had payed with ham lest. 'Their opponents in the an]. who-e leg: had been deeormaasr covered .“th canny: --A-~ w, . were celebnung the axe-cunn- . Wales, Ire tori); ,_. ."-.e... an] In: 'HIV. ed from war and destruction. Mrs' Grant gave the missionary meanings? 5 telling of the ttmt convert in ann-' on. won by the pioneer munimry,f G. L. Mekar. Mrs Gowdy rem a leaflet entitled, “Mr. Mnmn'. nu-.. ', 8toekint"s-or. om: turorta girl. taking tuntrteur competitions ter." _ V. ._..,-4 “art II home of the president Mrs S. Pater- son tcr September meeting, Thursday afternoon an. Prayer by Mm. A. Derby; Ming E. Cnlder read script- ure lesson from the 4th chapter of St. Muir's some]. Mn IcCannel read trom the study book on Form- ou, telling of name of the work Att- away trom the Ontario farm is beau.. tifully described. The nrrival It Brandon, Mam. then at the other ‘end of the world, is naively p‘ctur- ed...."0utside the store: fur can": and fur robes hung, horse-callus and sets of harrtesa.....rhe sidewalk- seemed to be full of merhandiae.unc tuba, wheelbnmwa. ue haatttes....: the people had to atop into the street." mung is a nwive or Grey County, t. but with her parents let: this part d tot Manitohs when quite young. " "ls too bad her earliest impressions . of Grey County are those of snow and cold weather, tor it gives An er- 'ro-neous impression to a reader who ' dos not know Grey u yesr-by-yenr L resident. do. The first sentence of ' the book is 1 good sample. of the ' style and atmosphere: “Show comes early and often in Grey County. In 1873 it tell heavily on Oct. 20th in thick met blobs that sent the mtt's'le in to the strsws‘ack. The horse-l power threshing machine at Lowery's near Chatsworth Wu forced to give.‘ in to the storm " tour o'clock tre-', cause the shelves were. too wet to go through the sepsre"or." I The {smily went west. The pull- away from the Ontario farm is belu- , tlfully described. The srrlvsl It l Brandon, Mam. then at the other end of the world " uni-"d.- --r_= Patton. were .' Nellie McClung’s New Book}? BUYS AN the am. I will line up in the nous; 5 heIil with anyone who brings down the 'ot I right measures." linagu, [Labor “mention received a letter laying I would not be opposed by 1 {Reconstruction candidate." Mill Mncphnii stated. "last night the committee wavered it in substance Pnesavremm in thin way: We appreciated their wuon in refraining from putting a candidate in the tteld and uncured them that I had long worked for re eontttrttettht policies end would con- tinue to do so. My platform In still awn VI." - annulus-u. In". I, mvurilry ”WICPH are ., have nothing mum it. But I "te" In the newly dPomav-ut I' not endoned it. I have Joined no shortly and Rev. A. L. lh, 1, party, beceuee I cNutot and millennium in the sneaky, 7., discipline. " is the bane of mulled-.7. Services to be held , 't life in Claude." [and evening. "The executive committee of the Quite . number from hm. . been! or directors of the b.F.o.Uled the school fair in Avtro, l, _ l ‘ “It In quite the other way," she'lr end In Andrew Fulton :41 declared. “They have endorIed me Sly Saturday. to the extent of not 0min; IN. I Threelling bu common.».:.: ... “The Becca-auction pm a a line. good one," was Hoopla“ "id. "rl Anniversary services aro- ' have nothing min-t it. But I "te" In the newly dPt'mal-wt . not endorled it. I have Joined no My and Rev. A. L. In. A committee 'r-ttng o! the U.P. s. attatMed the Prelbytorial s,.) o.--Eabtr oe-tHet II Guy-Brio. II hold at Crawford last Th,,, we. held In Dum- My out Mr M. w. Byers was m v.” Ins. when the recent dtteHgttttttq of on Tuesday. the It-tmet" out: of not or! The mm. .Devldaon of 1..., pom; mu new we: dine-d.!-, over the weekend m ' Hood-y the um and was m;mcwu funny. an: A, Mm, liehed o deepetch stem eh. had eat-turned to her daughter',,. “m . darned the Reconstruction Mom} Mr and In W. Gmmhw and lined up with the put], whiett"ettitdron with Mrs John s:.»;.,.v story she he. tuanir denounced. (tuusttter Betty of Toronto y SHOWS UP GREY COUNTY” SNOW ‘ENDOROED IV .TEVEN. PARTY’ SAY. M“. MACPHAIL the city ”was” “118 . solo. waxed Crou". Mrs Pu- Mrs Gowdy ted in Prayer tat our had my be av. our misstonulea In 5- etc. Mra J. H. Pioneer munimry,f In Gowdy rem ., In Morgan':, Qua-i “fit read . "pen! AUSTIN _ “um-- 7., ..... “In!!! over 55 you“: ia; - Ito. Mu. Mary Pepper, who surw' "rtth two long and one dnuzhm _ " Ite" “I Mug. namely, Mat", w lira. Bailey) at St. Thomas. IV M laden and Herb of the mm tur' When-lone! Munch. Three otht' null-whining as New, John uh" In. hears. did them. two you. after comm Int iil'ti'i?i', from m "nice In FYanre, It? tttbe Str, My C.N.R. onenlor 11' in viii-Juj- I .- “gt-imam over 55 "’ " "m” from m}; ta--.. Paper on work ae- met ttt And (can moan; md ‘Ihlmd poultry to the let, but Ind [nod retir HMALCOLM LIVINGSTDNE -l succums n unwoo l m WI. born in Baum.“ .00 0f the Inte Mr and Mrs Ai, qum of the 8th cont-ww- bet 't.tteqtd to Elmwood as a you: m I“ Md lived there ever mm 30 one loud I. . buyer of mm yet “in Wm Ind for a timo , - "'----n wucu mr. ‘l 11"”an "a.“ awtw hue in “wood- He m "It you Ind though suffer liuofl‘e.beh1d( continua to bed {orabout thr death bednq m by heart The death of I lite-long and looc’ed resident of Bentlnck and I wood CMettrtmd about ll o'clork 2etttr norm; when Mr. Mm” I.".--, ( Mr and In Herb Chittick funny ttf Mullah. Mr and Mn juamm. Durham, were Kuush It and In A. C. MacDonald. , thy, lilo attended the unnin-w let-vice- In anford United Chu, hay [Hands In this Section ten no In extending sincere an: thy to the friend! of the la'e l [Ileana “mm of Elmwomi Que., an holiJn Bum“ manage Mr Ind In Alex Madiilliun} hunter Joule attended the Fr'l hole Sunday momma also tht. nlvemary services at (‘rautmvl the Chanel!!! Ind Were run“ the We of In Fulton heard In nttdtmcttoms. Grain L ine out well. Farmers arr “W with their ymr's work feel they on nettle down tor Winter In the near future. Mr and In Vincent Sum-n.- daughter mound to Detroit, " mm! by the two lines List-r Int’er will remain for a res llit MrNtuteragitu Cl Windsor ls tttng for a week with his um-|-~ Wm. 8mm. sud funny. Mr and Mrs mu Rea Manda spent . Woek with he: In J. K. Plan! and Mrs Cl Toronto spent the week end _ Plani- uunlner home here. A number from our burg I Owen Sound (Air Wednesday, Mr W. H. Dunn-l and sin. I. H. Klein of Toronto “up N on Slinky with their menu-r. E. unravel. P, Maugham. Mrs J. Wals J. Crltchley. In V. Swen-n. meeting Will be at the Immu- R. Henley on Oct. 9th. - - um! llulu now I“ d the mthoot (Mr in Ayton lam " dar. "M" Jean Henderson tl., out “no. for ”In singing “my in“ lute held the mm p. other pup“- won several , lwhlle the son bull team Mr-r, " mu the Winners. “I! of the halo: of thr. w M ll of the threahors my attdimeuoets. Grain 1.~ r In Fulton. " Arthur Homer, v, holtdny visitors a’ MULOCK SEPT. 19, IMS DORNOCH IN” at Be Watt, In altering In I Ind only te but tttree we, Bahia mar d for tum a: Friday Hence ' Elnnmod mother Bweem troubl In; Tue M morning an I lacuna. hand-y Toronto landon the. ' Ind ' Ind Hum the at the h " cus HM Gem ot,

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