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Durham Review (1897), 19 Sep 1935, p. 6

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' G! According to on. Wt 31' Ive-an has a you eitrh'. thousand NONI, "I. “than! . "a“. " nun-rs plates are aetzed,’ or M. permit suspended. through de-f Dortmund action. the pnnllhment is I matter between the individual and: the Highway: olllchll. The general public are not adv-ed, because this Mutton does act so to the news. Dunn. The Journal suggests again that not. publicity would add In). mm to the "eetlveness ot ouspension u a deterrent cf reck- t Joanna. . i d When a driver's plates or his permit suspended. It to good that the pena Inclusion is being imposed' the Department in serious of the [rune laws. It Wttttl, ter it the added penalty of were attached. Presumably these clad. the impoum Pinter " well as t, WW vermin. of accident Intoxication mm '."-..._.... Policy cancellam hunt. to return accident) ., .e.rr.r Criminal negligence Other olences .'..mrs., Failure to mush: “I in personal or Property dam: 390001113 "w-.-r..., Dririattr. no lieem Totat Reckless dr;v JUOT IN THE RECORDS Mr. J. P. Bloke", Registrar ot Mo. tor Vehicles for Ontario. sends In this tabulation ot “suspension: m. M ttndor the various provisions of the Ontario Highway Trattte Act" during the tiptgt seven months ot this yen- Ind last: i t In a (up ot the Downs b ' -'e. - ”‘Mu'an Who a rav. Excett and Litington is Char cling in Canada there are almost no It wa,. as the name implies a uD-to.dato guide hooka at all; and tun hilt three is no sign today that is tt pity, because Canada la an Sax'on beginning except the immense country. and few of ua are up creek at its edge and its t very familiar with much of it out.. position. The present house, a: aide of our own immediate halliwicka. full use has windows graceful Here's a chance for aomo enter.. shafts, trtift-toliaged capitals prising huhdshing home to give us other features of the Transit a Canadian Baedecker._ , TI Norman style, and which tells --vietor a tmea. it was built about 1800. "Close to it and to the soul ‘ A FISH AND A BOY IWetrt Dean rectory house. ot One of the diitenmees between “about 1280 and possibly the o tl, and tt boy mend, “3" th ttt%i'l'l'lid', parsonage house in . end ot the Colyum. in that when( land you try to catch a hall it awallows Gk, third ' and a arentl n the hook but th boy friend ,rill "al‘ithe oigesf, is that 1"lJl"l,h1, tow the line alao, d " parish ot Pagham. which has n hm" tear otet. lug. gahling and other feature; wt indicate a dwelling house or 'al JUST IN THE 'tE.fortms of some Fears before the -, Norm Mr. J. P. Bickeli, Registrar ot Mo-, Conquest." tor Vehicles for Ontario. sends mi _... ,_ ...,..... want to Know? {M's} which spots are the most worth “9"Evax‘s ins, winch have the greatest hlsror. S ' ussex ical or scenic Interest, which places swer- he or she could word to miss. Gi . Yet for the Canadian who Is trav. Excm‘ ellng in Canada there are almost no It . was, nutmdste guide books " all; and tun " that is a pity, because Canada ls an I Sax’on Immense country. end few of us are up cree very familiar with much of it out- position side of our own immediate balllwlcks. . full use. _H_eres a thence for um- --‘“ A CANADIAN GUIDE BOOK No Canadian about to visit Eur, for the ttrat time would dream going without some sort or gu book.JIe or she would want to kn which spots are the most Worth m ttcly tik or rernlp; there ls little of Cong Idealism and less still of "In tooled motives." But there ls a toslty. an earnest interest in the at hand. and they meet the need us well. -"-srs_, ‘- us me " " In being lived, on nbillty to find the full and rounded tUvor of existence and to glory in it. No re. porter driven by external forces ever produced a story that was worth an inch of spsce in his newspaper. Love ot work, Joy that can be found only through achievement. the “fun of the thing." figure more large- ly in newspapering than in virtually any other occupation. Perhsp; there is little of conscious Idealism and less still ot “highly- tooled motives." But there is a our- , loslty, an earnest "new" '., “A . . A GOOD REPORTER The driving power that p a good reporter must exist him. It is enthusiasm, keen J in life " it in being lived, an to find the full and rounded th existence and to glory in it. porter driven by extern-l a.-." The pretty " Dix. " being impésed 'Ireely --0ttawa Journal I or" writer, the aver-r lmpoundlng ot “can; 9" " the taking up ot satisfy mt." to be n license ional injury damage . . . ALWAYS oaucmc M. result ttte "may! of an "has to be and the P tttld she serious vlohtioni It would be bet.. rul THE EMPIRE But \l tit?..?,.,,, Beene lusvennlons m, ' cttae Jtds King ' ton CANADA (in 11853 or' Spare 8. though f reck- the common cold, [$50,000.000 a y! Journal apiece for the c I. "on White we iight m at 'tWh, loosed. we forge -Hamilton Hir 1590 pu bllclty ptevaricate ' accord! 167 35 " 'ttit 465 I 1904 [as " 14 58 m- we common cold. It costs the nation p1;50.000.000 a 'ear-about a pound nal apicce tor the colds ot the people. an While we ttttht new diseases, just at. ttr named. we forget the common cold " which strikes down 50,000 peoplpe anl a. “nu: 1P,-__. _ Windsor ts' visit Enron 2077 ,r.â€"v-' ... " the need In" ies, dinners, reuilions I mon Herald. social events. Beneath a I {the yards "fmuy Telegram BING [pear l drawing in 4 colors l ting to Dor. man_ In the dress of the la I an? is “m- homes gracefully to a you “went girl} wearmg a e.rlnoline. pretry'. os) F'n'o'upetml Imms are 'icate cheer: availabe a for hiz'Lhdcy. tand New Year greetings. indsor trtar.lmestratre; on Mother‘s Dav by 64 245 1935 of same to know 965 18 98 43 nt to f: "OVErcrtsHED" NEW I The time is rapidly 5 when, unless remedial n Jiuken. the value ot tron t a stimulus to the tour (ie' decline through Its Vi ity. Throughout recent ttt ticularly In the Taupo di: has been I state of Ol {that destroys the sport 1 lerage ittdiridual. The aw: .ers have been "tlogged not only In holiday perio ‘through the season. All tht era to which there Is at been overuiahed. is Don THE cur- Jobs Just raid. ot If. n .i hou I the I Eva Susse: swer: "In Exeett ava and mes I --Melbourne telegram form I the Postal Deva: form for invitat ies, dinners, re social events. Be the yards “Social pear a drawing in man in the dress bowing gracefully wearing a crinoli Five “may! 1.. "itltt., ( Machinerx and 1 have replaced Old spheres. but we d: fade trom the pictl long time yet. u to put an end to trattie by home. he doesn't wish to do so without xiv. ing the owners fair warning. in any event a percentage of the, animals will be able to "pinch-hit" on the-farm. owners can retire to meadow and pasture for well deserv- ed rest. The. occasional one may even be developed into a steeplechaaer or ttat runner for the enjoyment ot me. in; tans! olde, s in n, ALAS, POOR DOBBIN! London, England, is to be consplc uous tive years hence because of tn: absence of horses from the streets according to present plans ot the Ministry of Transport. It ls Intended to.irsaugurate a completely mechan- ized system, the forerunner of which will be in operation m the near ftt- ture. The busiest thoroughfares are to he c'osed to horse-drawn trattte shortly. While the Minister of Trans. port, Mr. Hore-Beusha, has the pow- er to put an end to trame by horse, he doesn't wish to do so without giv- ing the owners tair warnlng. a la y OLD ‘u'llich i dip of the 4 and Litlngton as the name i in st “SOCIAL TELEGRAMS" THE EMPIRE his He SUSSEX 1 ot the t Sussex, tti I" asks th, " book, “I [e supplies t to-.." nyc form will be introduced I Department. It is a so invitations to bridge p: ers, reunions and at nts. Beneath a scroll w rs, reunions a ts. Beneath a tt Social Telegram Sy T and modern Invention ‘ced Old Dobbin in many at we doubt that he will the picture entirely tor I; ‘Iney that tio,.. r injured the T] which 1200. to the w” ungland, is to be consplc- rars hence because of the horses from the streets, )present plans ot the Transport. It is Intended I ‘e a completely mechan- THE WORLD AT LARGE 4 colors ot the l the hundred till inhat M om HOUSES Indred of inhabited Rev. A. Saunterer his own Another special - Windsor Mar, ll " between I Charleston. ‘n siticna]- tells y0u south of t la tttt of Hg Chris and and Y of its silted. hidden , still in, I nootc! , and} , age oldest Eng. ca Herald al r a social tre part- l other all with will ap- a young I ('cntl‘l'y W arl's ‘eady tmas for An. I in an. -"----------- . .. ....‘. - m 10);” “SPURT y, Betterment In soc a , ---_ part-. I a T 2lfllllilBt Trade Is Seen other} , r. With“ Montreal. m Evidences of con. lap-f m, KEN. EDWARDS tinned upward movement in ('nnadi. (lung; an business despite mid ummer (mit- “11"."; (litions are given in the monthly i'.l_'.rlt A business summary of the Bank at _. " Mll5lgiMirtp, r w 1" 'd5%i Montreal. jist released. " tly P, , q . Buildingr construction was lli;:li(‘i‘ in In.“ I ll, [x rl 115/1, Jun.- than it you ago uni higher lor P, , girl - . ' P. IM, Tu :'r,iein in July, the rcport says. The An.f ' 511,79) w, . ' cC,,',jlr,"ii','1/Ci,y,"',,t,,r,th,..e,, Dominion. Ir.- ruld' I. 'M I] ' TI A], at). K u out.” its. A H,'il in Jum, “.15 l I. . .. h.:'h-»r lil J11} thun a ymr :1sz and I I h M tll " ialiit; for title first ::ix month: of _ir,' ji'i'm‘ l [i W . " " Wily Lur pm- (mitt, 11")0H‘ tho it‘ll J "l"; I. gt [‘9 lk) hulf-.sial. record. I I“. , L f _ Gold production in t-i1.~ Dominion _ P, ' P. re " is reaching new high levels and ex. t m. I F, , / pansiun is being shown in sew-mi in). li "1 'ilRRRl5Bil!5ll58l . I poi-taut lines of the manufacturing b , , indi'utry. The automobile output tor T L'); the fitut six months is well above that lu 1,5" CN of the 1931 period. in tsl ,7 An increase in trade with the in (Ll ,y'e""" / _ British Empire is also noted, with mt m: “Q f corresponding advantage to Canadian tic in, Ol A producers. The tourist trade, “which but t I has become so important a factor in is , VA“ , h, the general international balance, mo I- tiii. OF Nc gives evidence of materially increased la; u \ 7’33”,» volume duiPng the present season." am . of IN: I according to the bank summary. The row , i,1it.ji'iti5tfsi' gain is well distributed among the tab , V ' provinces. the F -----------, to l I , KING OF THE TURF Electric Farms I A. Man O' War, that giorious stallion, Trr-r post Hon ot Fair Play was hm”... ‘---- fun,, "' Fr,, U" a ”V "n... yvyunal .5 only public de- opinion has been revised. Even Boil a in 1919 by Harry can be warmed try a series ot resin. Upcet, ridden by, tance wires placed at various levels, by a neck. according to the crops required. Her and Man w THE TURF Llectrnc Farms _ $01302: 1&1]:th One of the biggest expertments ot arisen]; :a‘ce. c its kind is being tried In the NEH-in Kane In 1916, sent ot England. More than 600 tarms kn m L' the court ot Durham, Northumberland, and Jy.lt Play to breed her shire are being completelv “a 'nu-v-ni,, K H is found in found In milk. yeast, 1 er; value not yet deter I are doubtful starters y In claimed but not I British Empire corresponding a producers. The has become so _ the general It gives evidence ol volume duets _ according to the gain is well " provinces. Gold Produ, ’13 reaching n Damion Is bei Durtant lines industry. The the first six m of the 1934 Pl An increase ditlons al business t MontreaL Building xterm] lite a a then. in 1' the fi as tcur. ILyear ‘st six mo 1934 pe increase I Empire It July, ,1 trade slight _ in my 'eal. - Evidences ot upward movement In Ca mess despite tttidnttuner are given in the mo :summa'ry ot the Bar !, just released. lg construction was Itight m a year ago and hi July, the report says. trade of the Dominion. light recess ion in Juno new high lev wing shown in 95 ot the ma he automobile months is well period. tables, and is said United States manufacturers, man} preventing anaemia ot whom have established Dunc! . plants in Canada during the pan: and C, which are tour years, still haw confidence in :, butter, and many the future ot Canada, and are exprea. promotes growth sing intention of either adding to germs. Vitamin B, their Canadian plant; or eltabiiahing Yeast and etrtr-yollr, new ones. Some United States inter. Vitamin C. which eats have dettnitetr stated that they nit and vegetables want to establish branches or addi. curvy. tion in Canada in order to receive [etrserurnown vita.. tteeltegltg.1,.the British Empire ii) Canada is making trade cone”. moat wean“! giona to two Dominion, " w” an- it, Mee"p"t animal noun“. " ----_, kne- {0 Important a factor in International balance, a of materially increased ir the present season,” he bank summary. The distributed among the , In trade e is also n advantage ta a tourist trat I Important a international of materially More; their l [man not proven. tinues Attend Jamboree the Dominion levels and ex. in several lm- manufacturing ing year ,_......... trace 1 , alone to two Dominion, it w I nounced in ttorerttrttetttal last week. Mont-favoured ' treatment, extended " or! council to New Zealnnd end AI in. places these Dominion- ttl same footing as foreign count: which Canada has given this f.eei0tt---notatur France. it I that the lowest treaty mm it ed on imports trom countries on the Empire will now be applie similar imports from Auntrnlin New Zealand, it that tam! in l than the British preference or intermediate rate. in MM“ .- rher In higher The n, de. K- gmuuu to 36.000. As a result of publi- 'i.. cation of the available -positlons in- " thserttial persons have been besieged n with applicants. Whether or not it " will do them any good " question- tf able, because it has been stated that d no Civil Service Commission will e have much to do with the selection v of men tor the Comtnituriort's oilices. . in spite of the tact that the gov- ' ernment'a Housing bill has been the target tor some very scathing cri- _ ticlsm, the Finance Department last week issued a report to the elect that lending institutions were being swamped with applicants for loans. and inquiries as to the working ot the act. It looks like all ot fifty mil- 'lions of dollars will be involved by the time the scheme gets under way properly. About halt ot the applicants are from private individuals who wish to build homes and the bslsnce by contractors who intend to build for sale. According to th, positions to be till; pfoyment ahd Boer mission. there are to be picked. Sal 84.000 to $6.000. As cation of the avail mtential persons ha with applicants. W will do them any I able. because It has no Civil Service 1 have much to do w of men tor the com to these ""-_'___9. nu“ md. it that tarttt In lower British preference or the to rate. In shot, it con- hese British Dominion: the ' were are a. few Juicyr picked. Salaries range n (a AAA . savernmentll circles Iotrt-thvoured nation Med " sugarst Zealand Ind Austral- t Dominican on the‘ as to the list ot eieeutive to be filled In the new Em- and Social Insurance Com- hm... .v-, - - In countries outside now be applied to ram Amstrtuta Ind that tarttt in lower, -- -- w" haw eontidenee In da, and are expres. _ either adding to mt- or elubmmng‘ huh..- h‘ - ONTARIO - ARCHIVES TORONTO countries GiaraT, "m“ m... 'fd! “a "c'iiieiiu2iit Ple: ll 3 Williams made 0 o O a tow in the It. colony P" looked I newly 9,3...ng department of "ee " . “on“ ttttatie. journalism at the University of Ilia- Solitude hurts. The ertteutrt court, the academically-minced Were that too- with it hum. too. 1HtGiiik Why.' Williams had not ot Garbo. I Wttttdetr it much ot her even a bachelor's degree the pro- ian't due to that very lone- ' y ' 1.13:1 tested. They were right, he hadn't “Actors" she continued “are in More than that. he had never at- such tb wdrl d . rt. The ik on”. tended college. m. formal instruc- ed by mood “they of" tt smock] tion ended with grad nation from a talent for what they are doing, which “if" thy: :55 g,',',',',"), ; are; his gt doesn't necessarily mean that they f? “m . . . pp ' . have other talents. it doesn't “uh tinned in printing office and fit an tr that they can meet the public, talk “:22" Je,tait,,2,1 Jrt,'d,.Piamt' to the press and have all the various . th' c his job w“ to turn. out contacts with people outside the pro- P. e _ . fesslon practical newspaper men, the object, . . ed their doubts and Wil- "Ther are expected to say- things f'." rcserv that are impressive. And when they In”. Wtlut appointed head of the don't, people are disappointed. Per. Journalism course, even though he sonally, I am so dreadfully afraid ot could not wear . cap .and gown in boring Maple "that throughout my commencement proceedings. career I have always sought to avoid That w" . quarter I'.'... century outside contact. ago. Today Walter Williams, dead "How often it tn" been said ot at 71, " honored_as a successful players in motion “mums: "0h educator and a ditrtinttuiahed leader We met her and my. got so much} in Journalism instruction. .He did or heh very disappointing when you so well as dean of Journalism that know him.' " they later made him university pre- "------ sident, still minus an AB. In time . he collected enough honorary de- Bridge Of Sill!- grees to meet the costume require- This is a true bridge story: She merits of academic processions. 232$»;i°£"3§".:lt$hihi"°$3§ hME'mevhll” the We“? training , w ie iinms ad o mined in “3:132:41 atraahed when her Dying: rural and urban newspaper offices 't_".'.':')..,')',',,';:,.',',:':,,,"":,',:','."?',),?,','",'"; 2"c2",,k,'ig tt, ',',1,'J,nth/u,t",t,st . ' . ' ' a. " one o 0 mos but impressive pause, Ith" of it? successful in the nation. Williams . . . . I had my reasons. knew the "how" as well in the - _ "why" of the stuff he was teaching. Trained in the practical school, a""""""""'---------, "r.'ttr.-, -- . _ "How often It has been and ot players In motion pictures: "Oh, I've met her and she's got no much,’ or he's very disappointing when you know him.' " ’ “They are expected to any- thing- that are impressive. And when tiny don't, people no disappointed. Per. zonally, I am so dreadfully arr-M at boring poems "that throughout my career I hare always sought to Avoid l outside contact. I Hollywood. -., Katharine Hem shuns the public, especially inter. were", because “you are expected to say things that are impressive." And this from an actress Whom not I. row tn the ill. colony have looked upon as a “Garbo mimic." ' “Solitude hurts. The criticism that. goes with it hurts, too. Mink; at Garbo. I wonder tt much ot her appeal isn't due to that very lone.. linens. I "Actors," she continued. “are in such a world apart. They are govern- ed by mood. They hare a special talent for what they are doing, which doesn't necessarily mean that they l have other talents. It doesn't slgui- l ty that they can meet the public, talk ' to the press and have all the various I contacts with people outside the pro- fession. I _ may can meet the public, full: press and have ttll the various 3 with people outside the pro- ,,,,- .... a.“ wanting. I Trained in the practical school, """"----- Williams recognized its limitations. He wisely urged the fullest Possible academic educntion for newspaper ktawa workers. This small town editor who entered academic halls with the 'smell of printer's ink on him made a ’a lasting contribution to the cause _ - -- of a better-informed and more ably- the lowest rates es'Iedited American press. other countries since Boring People - -m...“ Induces his stud- (enu to relax and after giving sug- gestions of 'ahtutem, strength and power he start: I phonomph re. cord continuing nothing but pea]: of bot-(emu. laughter. Soon the en- tim du- h exuding hilarity. That and. the _ Laughter is becoming St pupils of Dr. Pierre Vaeh, in “laughing therapeutics" stitute of Psychology in l attendance It the Sunday clau- is growing. Ciel chum, housewives and r Min-L - to be m2"; of thh, v...- m run-wuuthh is I see how well this be applied in pine and complicated in “In I gonad d that sex was no tion. The antr, value between 1 18. Dr. Perez ' tal tests to thes and found that highest in the te angles. Tum: !"parately. there in mental rating, Fermentation i. "He therefore m menu on 400 perm,“ ed between children youths and sdultu, 1 in these 400 one. the :between " and 1m class 'ni..iiiiiiiri; Grows "Low in the zoological scale the angle between the brain and the stalk from the spinal column is al- most a line, or in other words an angle of 180 degrees. The antle. called the .eephalie-meduur' angle of the cranium, bends, more and more closely in the higher animals until in man it ia almost a M-degree angle," he aaya. "This fact suggested to Dr. Perm a relationship between cerebral de- velopment and the size of the angle. He thought that the angle might be .an index of mental development in individual human being, " it is in [the zoological Icale. this GG. - Manuel [cart 1ttthmsroidstit, 1 try this method on t can Nationnf SehooI, Mexico, the Writer. il- Ire enrolled. hi; . r. Packet induces relax and n.-- -5 _ _, ..._,.. ocience Service. Studies indicating that this cranial angle may prove a good method of rating intelligence have just been completed by Dr. Salvador Perez Alvarez of the Mexi. can National University Medical School, Mexico, D.F., according to the writer. "Low in the BoologieaI scale the nude bah-n AL, . . jgglgatmrjijij) ;/ I/Playm Intelligence Of Both M: ed By Angles. Says "" . -, Mexican The height 0: indication of the angle " w tached to its E Science Service. h metizoa see if tl ' -_- tenda 22; tion d mm: at: ‘21:: than“ talk editor', 'lotm . my. mm Sago praetie lug. 9n re: be, hum , per. Journal I or could I common a: That "tt. l ot at Tr, Nt educate: L' in jourl on so well they lab was making the at Columbia, Mo, Fuccessful in the racial ted i"“uisence l w “Mannie in Mexico in gem under the direct Gamio, Well~l height of fl...“ mace mensure~ M) persons equally divid- t children, adolescents. Idulu. Re found that , one. the ungne varied Ind 104 degrees. and I no tutor in this var-in. eagle reached its final an the age. of " and ex applied regular men- oI.--A - ' 'FAMOUS EDUCATOR I HAD M) DEGREE "Eieo in September (er the direction of Info. 'Pell-known ologiat, Dr. Peres bod on tmrupe of .nd 'rtntes in or. is 'rrrulie-moduii,. euraeterutie- u _ - - -.Vr, " "o of his intelligence, but " which his brain is ab. its stalk may be, my: m...', n. u Weber-"5hr" Men” at the In. , in Paris that ”u, morning Clerks, mer.. " minu- un A.B. In time od enough honorary de- neot the costume require- Wemic Proeeastons. Md to Dr. Perm bween cerebral de. 5 “a of the male. he male might be al development in beings " it is in Cl‘evolnml Plain Dealer made a man's brow dnrienii hu ltud- inn old “(My for oWI’I editor "I With the him mnde the cause more ably- "IV-mum“ Wen “Hams had not agree. they pro. right, he hadn't is no U r- “Why Mm “Grimm; w don‘t talk lik "t'nerd VII (~11 er.'hr,t tik and I minis dents com y ‘01]. ottxu It th to all Ida y 0 " Born y mm Doss! "Rn '" In “WI Dos em am " "In ter In clam or t Beta Ill " the My In Chowm the Ind “My m minim: 'Mutee I “no a Vlncial it!!! an "HRH! qu' N m "ill ttying u ot lent n " to 71: Ind om It tut .cs and s The “walk new d, In (‘ha those qutridly Ionic directe ”tradu Chapte low cl, Mon Chapter are“ a the Brit M2t an of the t Iona lion mun 'l’l g theat, or m h Chum I. enluu bl table II 1981 0: districts , “Ives to ' II; gene: Atlantic - tho up qeett volu “Inter 1 Ward made]. u- in” " mutate Atuuuon to the am - of l Wuclory [In In " froc- wht [lace the The Mt - to with eve the laws Bo the da with": u d the " of the I In been out and try, tta he ditto We, tr out” “to-ant gout-cc: (envelop!!! ”ti-tic; th in more on in

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