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Durham Review (1897), 19 Sep 1935, p. 7

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','. I asked Sandy tor crackers [you are tt _ ' "mod: WrIner: 'r are they? They sound noisy " fourth of July.' What I do:- hrs said were 'tritreuita'. . Bill! on l w] print on your memo urn: !t Biscuit“. he retorted. I V. bed. but milled. 'N':y should you expect ttnt , ans would an: nu you? You mu GI talk like youmlvu.’ “one" that tiqert was still 'rin.'. I m H at tt FF Labour and Wages Chapter rm noted the Inclusion of tables up: both the occupational and dus-‘riai distribution of the gain- "ct?upied vovulation of we Do. 't as in 1931. In the Public PL Chapter appears. tor the an l comparative analysis ot we- r revenues. expenditures, on. Iiill liabilities on the busia‘ upon at the DominiomDM-I- I ti CANADA YEAR 300x "l to the improvement of the .('tinn to the External Trade I' as well as to the anal ate. of the Census of Distribution 'rvices of 1930, to which has Mud a more summary treat- rt retail trade baled upon a , p.c. sample of all retail trade wring the years 1931 to 1933.} Labour and Wages Chlpter, noted the Inclusion of tables : both the occupational um wh Tm publication of the In H: the Canada Year ,ngml by the canon ‘. A or the Dominion M 't " growing If \u-nued presentation of the of the Census ot 1931 um war in the Year Book ta to I in Chapter 4. where Rang. [ "ross-analyzed by racial or. the first time, and several ssitieatiom, are added to the h-aling with Birthplaces: 'tur closes with slatilUCS ot the " populations or countries or h Empire for the you" 191t, l 1931 and ot the countries orld for 1931. mos and Minerals Chapter, with the discussion ot the wories or economic geology t 1. will be of interest to D are concerned with this rowing branch of our eco- an may be called to perm! features ot tty mne. There its Includ l a brief diesel-1pm Tune and Time 'dom which is ot special In *~--l kr. limits ot a single volume wizu and economic condition Dominion. This new edition t thoroughly revised through- includes in all its chapter. .t information "nimble up in: ot going to press. HMS Canada Year Book ex- our 1.250 pages, dealing 1-} phase ot themational life L' 'speeially with tho-n -- than canada Year Book ex- our 1.250 pages, dealing 1') phase ot thematic“! me L' uspccially with those su- ot stat? tieat measurement. may be specially directed Mam-a! summary ot the '"it (unuda included in the In. v manor and triving a pic. :ul‘t's of the remarkable pro. :ch the country has made first census ot the Domin- taken in 1871, autraour tut: LII-IE“. 10.? Book I. “- by the General Statistics at the Dominion Bureau at . The Canada Year Book II _al statistical manual ot the and contains a thoroughly t. account of the natural re- “5 the Dominion and their mm, the history or the coun- :llstutttlunss, its demography, t-Iit branches ot production, importation, tintutee, educa. mint. a comprehensive study .- limits of a stun. qreuG.-, gain rs! time. and several ons are added to the with Birthplaces; me with statistics ot the unions ot countries or ire tor the years "ll, and ot the countries} branch ot our eco. n. attention mar be improvement of the the External Trade n ot the 1931 that Ii The average reformer can talk long and loud ot the road to Utopia, I but he always wants somebody else Travelling Man: And 1 supp you are broke? Farmer: Broke.' I’m pulverized. Farmer: See that dun cloud? There goes one acre after “other ot top soil. to build it Driver: No, it'g I brown horse, and stop Four baby talk. Man: Is that I dray horse you have there? Timid Hunter: He didn't hue the Angry Guide: Why didn't you shoot The lemon is be made into a mayonnaise. Woman: Why keep worrying about the children? Friend: I can't help it. Woman: But, my dear, you are ruining your bridge game. OH YEAH? Sign on canopy ot an Ontario the. I DEFINITIONS , Dust is mud with the Juice sneez- led out. A door-knob is a thing a revolving door goes around without. Wells' history la a veritable mlll- stone on the road to learning. The theory ot exchange, as I under. stand it ls not very well understood. Contrano is a low sort of music that only women sing. Friend: The conversation In smok- ing can. John: So you’ve given up amok- ing? What cured you? Successful men don't succeed on account or their faults, but in tspite of them. Japanese Sea Scouts made 1 tour months' Scout goodwill cruise m eastern waters aboard a IMLton britrarttine. The Japanese boys called " Singapore. Bangkok, Batavia, Sai- gon and Manilla. There are nearly one thousand British Boy Scouts in Alexandria, and Cairo, Egypt. They co-operate with the local French, Greek and Armen. inn and native Egyptian Scouts. Ag one of the First Ch tests, two " year old memb¢ lat Chester-vine. Out, Sco hiked the 39 miles home at clunlon ot the [man‘s snmm Failure to carry Scouting Standards cellation ot the rt Boy Scouts Assoc! Africa, by the Intel tee. The 25th birthday anniversaries of Boy Scout Association: ot tour different countries were celebrated this "mmer--the United Mates, Po- land, Finland and Denmark. HAVE Some 60 boys ot an ilies were provided with outing at the third am: camp organized by an: Ont., Rover Scouts. The maJomy ot in Palestine are c While schools. MAE WEST Always Cool "'--\- walla good highway Surf: ed to natural salt Speed test on th- lure to carry on according to ing Standards has caused can- ion ot the recognition of the Seems Association ot Liberia, . i... IL; ._. _ {anions LQXRD provided with Gil the lnternationzif Commit Yoo one fruit that can't salad with a dab ot est on the Gi; Bluebird set . the First Class Scout nues home at the con. troop's summer camp. And I suppose Aucu mm a tree week’s third annual fresh air old members ot thé t Boy Scout Troops connected with the Surfaces “nemDIOyed tam.. , Scout Troop '-treatid and Preston, sated speedweivs" .5} V *w speedway of the g 1 new world's record n __. - ‘d a m by. treatment engineers and Mrs. Hussy: Yes, he does two mens work " his once. Mm. Gossipy: I understand your husband leads a double life; Is it true? The family never thinks that daughter married as well as she should, and the neighbors always marvel that she married as well as she did. Salesman: Will yo. buy a tenment dream boo? ot raw, sir? soap, razor blades. Irate man (taking a nap): What the dickens do you mean, shouting here. Just when I was having a good, com- tortable nap? Salesman: Any lates, collar but. tons, almanacs, chimney cleaners, -- - - ”ll“ "r'eMottiraiiTirt't Ab. and.“ for funny but»... and not! Nob- dlo h ounce-don and by cob. "I Ind "ll-Int. A. O. LEONARD, Inc. " m Ave., New You-k City l DO YOUR BEST Nets' do your best, and praise or blame . That rollers this counts Jes' the same; You mar have noted great success Is mixed with troubles, more or less, And its the man who does 1113 best That gets more kicks than all the rest." Customer: I want two small hack saws, a pound ot assorted nails, tt nice oak handle for my hammer, and a. pot of cleaner ' the missus. Clerk: Sorry. m'y friend, but this is an old-fashioned drug store. Older folk so frequently forget that the youngsters don't have a very good time, merely staying at home nursing their Joints and resting them- selves. right kind of expression for a rug. Scout camping games l The Niagara Falls district's fine new 55-acre Scout campsite on Chip- pawa Creek was formally opened try President H. R. Tyner ot the District Scout Council in the presence of a large gathering ot Scouts, Acting Mayor Twidale and other repre8enta.. tive citizens. The prayer ot dedica- tion w.” made by Van. Archdeacon G. B. Gordon. The campsite is well wooded and admirably suited tor Further news trom the earthquake disaster at Quetta, India, brings add- ed information ot the splendid part played by Indian Boy Scouts after the catastrophe. A party ot tio Rover Scouts came up from Lahore to otter their services, and were used, Jiiiil in; gas masks. to extricate the bodies of the dead. When exhausted they were relieved by a second lot of " 1 There were competitions tn scontcratt, athletics and archery be- tween Scouts from Hungary, Den. mark, Norway, Sweoen, Estonia and Finland this summer at the Mitt birthday Jamboree camp of the last named country. A pageant repre.. sented the bringing of the Christian! faith to Finland. l The International friendly cont of Scouting at various sea ports mentioned in a letter to a Scoutn'. er from n former member ot the Colgary Troop, now a radio _ aboard HMS. Sussex. A consider number ot young men among crew are Deep Bea Scouts. d research scientists have with cognmon salt, the Wm >. 37 - '35 -- """"'" ulc wurluB _ their world record attm great salt desert in Utah d and bettered 300 miles friendly contacts ember ot the 8th a radio man '. A Considerable - w--.. "vlnllls Mt 2, the world's most famous I recoyd /1.tttmppr. Photo ' sea ports was to a Scoutmast- on his (ace Utah Where sir" miles per hour. .---Dean Inga. The biggest children's school in}' the world has 6,000 scholars who] have never seen their teacher. It is~ called the State Primary Corres- pondence School of Brisbane, Aus- tralia, and its pupils, who live in such widely separated parts on Northern Territory, New Guinea, Papua, and the Solomon Islands, "-l ceive their educetion by post. "Never coerce, always, conciliate. Put dowg rebellions with rotrewater." ttye. Torlting out methods of Sun-catching kit, made from one of those cotton and nautical scarves that come cheap these days. The straps button on at waist back. Another glad bedtime ratr--1% yards turquoise blue velvet makes it. The border of finery is needle- run lace appliqued on. Breton sailor hat (worn perched; --not pulled-on) with a stock and gloves-all from a good broad plaid! taffeta. (Maybe you’d better get An: experienced hand on to the hat and} gloves.) good sleeve line. “Ship of mink, ripped from the fray Of an old coat, makes a royal looki mount on a low neckline for nigh Best on a stiffish stuff . . . broc e or velvet. _ ' nrgandie makes a hard work- ing dinner jacket beause the differ- ent colored strands will link up with, most of your gowns. Wide frills! 33!:er into the armholee give a' Tainan up a pair of slick knicks, tack I dash of coffee-colored lace to that sP"1--o' ninon--or crepe rem- mint. -7“-.. 7..“ "In: La". Length of chiffon finely pleated-- neck, to "houlder deep-and mount- ed oh tb band of crepe gives you an evening wrap or something for sit- ting pretty in bed. the -_ ---_. "v...” st T In be sewn up from some of tho , delicate cut-lines. ( A nrw jacket bag, or scarf meansI will 'be Ibie to step out again. Andi --if you can't new yourself-you knyt some one who can. I no Faihion Ideas To Adviser, onetime associate professor tl of nismry at Vassar, prepared to tt sac c, University of Wyomigu for .. breath uc' contract. Ground: 'itre'i-) ine offered her a iob lu in Summer ai School, reneged when mud she" was married. . I] Adviser, Meanwhile lovesick teachers took heart from two straws in the wind.. i!' In London the County Council agreed, after holding out ior 12 gears, to hire married women " fc-av',: rs. (:4 In Washington Dr. Coraline} Ware, onetime N.R.A. Consumen’ rink: and divorce before I ' , gets around to din ty,., F'eliee Cohn, Nevada mum lawyer: "An appalli of women teachers come for 'eonvenient' divorces. them came on the day I Four of them told me tl such divorces. Most of ti at some time to rem: divorced husbands." "-'-"wr-.V "o"" According to President Lawyer Randolph of the Lawyers, it is common prac a teacher to divorce her keep on living with him. By f:, a teacher can co throu (Time) Axel Anderson, fireman, had al. most won the hand of Rita Coates, teacher, when the Lynn, Mass., school committee intervened last month to say that Miss Coates could not have both her job and Axel. "This condemns me to the life of a spinster," mourned Rita Coates. "I have no choice unless I wish to des- ert my father and mother who are absolutely dependent on me." In countless U. S. cities marriage- able teachers currently find them- selves in the some fix as Rita Castes. Recently the National Association of Women Ieawrere,-meetim/a" Los!, Angeles, was at pains to appear' solicitous in revealing that teachers, less virtuous than Rita Comes flmi, solutions less Virtuous than 1....- I MARRIED TEACHERS ARE SEEING LIGHT farious rape-drivers have iments picked up at ' ales make your I time. . . . ~w jacket, bag, or scarf means , to that old suit. sans that look like Bond is rttee-tirivers have turn? to shows: A stock car Malcolm Campbell in his Out Youerardrobe around to dismissiin; her, Cohn, Nevade's only wo- . ""'-__.- "L". ""' . of mine died some time ago and I In- ' U. S. cities mlmnge- horned some money. Now that l hare currently led them- money, my husband has cut my name tix a: Rita Coat_u- housekeeping allowance which never National y'trteu.t.ion wu more than was needed _ keep "rr,"r.meetitttr-iit LosldJ-iiiii' going re‘pcctahh. H, In at P"" to 1'lt'e't'iii,iFzi,y a meanness tht:' In very t- -evcalmg that teacher: mm“, yet I do not ant. Mr .ne tlyyt Rita Comes {1:1de. ot our two chm.- ', _ stir up virtuous than hers. Ignite in the home. Can you advise! o President Percilla how t act for the begt?" IInl-n at AL- 1" Inc o lph of the Women fommon, practice for appalling nimber I Dr. Caroline A. Commmera' ociate professor ', prepared to 'f Wyom‘mr for go through mar: ome to Nevada wees. Five ot V I left Reno. we they wanted of them intend Temarry their ', the end clothes do creating her school husband, working NOTE: The writer of this column is a trained psychologist and In nu. thor of several works. He Is willing - ---- M-'"'-"". '"-""r, d: e " wife happens to come it! into little money on her own, has he ta en to cutting her hottskeepittg 1t,tt;,! A woman is entitled to {if have ' little money ot her own. Be- sides. since she works tor her huts “‘band in the home, she has also a} right to her share or what he earns. - so th hlnband ought to allow his, 'jwlfe l houakeeplng allowance gen-I Hercu- enough to give her a small "margin for herself. The chances are. [that wen that margin will be used} l tor the home. i I I drift wonder that my cty?.1ei,peyyil ent t,r brsrlnning to reel aggrieved, but A e, zeal that she will never be! ,able to do a thing about it until she {has hat. a perfectly trank and oven! conversation with her husband. She 1 I‘t'loes not seem to have had this.‘: Perttnrr ttet husband is quite uncom": Incubus of d lng anything wrong. Hm! my be carrying some trvdcn "my. {the have nothing attotr. UV may t' ,evc't be nnxioua to talk things over’t lwlth her. but ttttdis. it hard Tas. t {filly In “trying some hwdm "Iv. 'she knows nothing abou. In may 'errrt be auxicus to talk things over with her, but tiadiac it hard. Le: my friend make the approach to her husband. and let her do It in a kind, but than and frank way, and it that _doel not clear the air I will be slid to hear from her again. She may‘ have something more to tell me that will give me a clue as to the mall trouble. .! "me ens men." ‘ r F what both husbands and wives , All remember is. that marriage is k .' sump. A worthwhile wire In alwgy anxious to Ihare, not only her ihtt ,, dit Joys and successes, but use I: care: and burdens. The (tpr, a who denie- hls wire that ‘prlvll so may be doing her, not only in i u ce, hut u very serious in.." Jury. I in . " particular case it is no use up; " ting why this husband is so retice t about talking busineu with his w te, The real question itr--wtty, oitier men don't talk business with their-1 wives because they feel that ma: n. don't know anything about buain as. They are certainly wrong. Ther ar" many women who have my bitter business ability than some men it" pride themselves in being win we} trusted to their Intuitive wisd m 'hey might have been saved "my t1ourtdering on the rocks. In" how to act tor the best?" Ot course. there is more to this "etter than I have quoted. But i have quoted enough to show the prob- lem. I have profound sympathy tor this good woman. But I am Just walwierng what motive promptl the hunt n".s behaviour. Some men, youi 1303: no not talk business or money‘ mace” with their wives tor this good reuon that they do not want to worry their wives. They may be Indeed. I think in most cases may are. I have known such men ind mmeives in trouble, and in man k the: that have come to my at. tenti n, ,3. they had confided in their matters financial. He would never discuss his business attaira with me. Sometimes it hurt me, but I tried hard not to let him see it.--A relative Here is an extract from one such letter. The writer is a married Wo- matt--t fancy a devoted and faithful wife and mother-stu, 'writec: "I have been titteen yea.” married. Until now, the only complaint that I could ever make against my husband was that he never seemed very will- lag to take me into his confidence iii) A lawyer friend ot mine once told me in conversation that it was his considered opinion, after many you: lot practice, and during which he had handled some thousands ot 'domestic' cases, that ninety per cent. of do. mastic troubles, many or them lead. ing to the Divorce Court, were inspir-I ed by some monetary problemi have come to believe that he was pretty near right. My own post-bag reveals the truth ot his statement, tor 1 am frequently being asked for advice on some domestic problem, and almost invariably there is money connected with it somewhere. CUTTING THE EVERY Air um} A WEEKLY TONIC by Dr. M. M. Lappin THE HOUSEKEEPING ALLOWANCE Mon n~wny, I ens to come Pat her own, bu fen _ houskeeping her a entitled to chi! her own. Be- of 1 for her hug- cola has also a nint tat he earns, ken: to allow iiiiilii'ii owance gen.;Wh( her a 1:.li 4tr,er, to deal with your problems and give you the benefit of his wide experi. once. Questions regarding problems of EVERYDAY LIVING should be addressed tot Dr. M. M. anpin, Room 421, " Adelaide Street West, Toron. to, Ontario, Enclose 3 (3c) stamped, addressed envelope for reply. do not point like the usual hunting dog, but titttth their game. They make tor the woodcock'l nest and ttugh the bird straight up, no that the hunter can has it. You remember tn "The Bureau of Wimpole street" Eliza- beth'l do; was named Flush, from t1 in Most hobbies are exanslve luxu- y ries to those who indulge in them. s But Miss Gertrude Shanks’ hobby t pays dividends. In tact, it paid her a way through college, for her hobby I is cocker spaniels, and tor the lost I tive years she has devoted her spare 1 time to raising the silken-ttaired, . long-cared little chaps and selling , them, at her home in University i Heights, o., suburb ot Cleveland. _ Last. June Miss Shanks was gradu-‘ ated from Western Reserve law school, fourth in her class. She was elected to the Order of Colt, honor- ary law fraternity and to Phi Beta Kappa. [he will attend the Universi- ally of Minnesota when the autumn term begins continuing her study ot political science begun at Reserve. "ii, won a scholarship tor this ad- vanced study, which not only paid her tuition for a year, but also gave her 8600. She has been selected also as an alternate tor a $1,300 scholarship to Yale University law school. [ UNDECIDED ABOUT FUTURE Gertrude is undecided about the tu. ture, whether she will make law or political science her life work. She " working this summer in a law ottice, i and likes it. She would like to be a , regular lawyer, she states, pleading I her own cases in court. Girl's Hobby Pays Dividends turn envelope. HOW TO wm u In article to our monthly "nice, the l pear. other information wii, OUR MONTHLY BULLETIN SERVICE on "WHAT AND WHERE To SELL" list. tho "cream" of International Contest. offering thousand. of cash prizes for Articles, Bright Sayings. Canoe... Design, Essays, Houuhold Hints, Jokes, Letter., Pan-n- gL“-LA- .t_, "* . By 't Letters, Poems, sLLc, ONTARIO WIN t tt IN PRIZE CONTESTS Way. . Thrgugh _ _College BIG L'i3jifif,'] THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco 39 LEE AVENUE, TORONTO, ONT, ulna] hunting 1e. They make TORONTO lutumn study ot Reserve. this ad. be ”Wu... 33:33. 32.30 per will be “It for . 3:1“an no all to V SI-, Stories, 6 Column siu. Must be in good Should S'Ou have one or to A. M. (Domain. 627 MI Montreal. VOUNG MOOSE NEEDED Fun 7,00 BSTSHP. .10 t'P; AUTOMOBILE tires, " up. trtnrrportation paid. Free catalogue. Peale". 195 Dundu Wat. Toronto. :1 Lin, of wanted “Hummus and lull Information non! tree. In my My. World Patent Auorncyu. 273 Bunk Street. Ottawa. Canada. Classified Advertising In order to discover truth, we munt be truthful ourselves, and must welcome those who point out our error: as heartily as those who opprove and confirm our discoveries. --ahur “ulnar. Mita ----- of chi/Gr, who died several yen-a Mo, will be maid of honor.--tbrintrfieid (Mum) paper. Every evening at this t'me of the you a special tmin is loaded with rhubarb from the West Riding of Yorkshire. Rhubarb pulled in the oftemoon is on ale in London early the following morning. The ex- cmiu 800 to 400 tons of rhubarb to Covent Garden and other mar- kets each week. Newspaper Press Wanted ”are“ All) Tilt IAIGAIII Cocker Innate“ are quiet dogs, In" Blanks teill me. They do not bark, even " “rangers, but they Ire very intelligent, ntrtrct'iortate, 'totnttaniortatrto and excellent watch don. They are tttte playmates tor children. Price. range from $'20 up to 850 or $60 for the con-ken mu: the best points. this ttabit of nil-hing game FRANK J. POND " Adelaide Street W. Toronto all yegrly puma To EVERY txvw.srosi Pun... In Spirit ---- of Chivagro, who II "VIITOII I than. AND WAI'I'BD when '8" Cd M, ”'94 a, il r7

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