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Durham Review (1897), 26 Sep 1935, p. 1

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a"? " Bord. 9, 1936 m lions all Dr {ESIDE‘ ovum ON tom. Pori NE ers .00 -. -- ”mm “I'll Ibex-fence ottter-l,iiGii"i.' In I» annex-0d by I rem on 'ruth'. M. Credit exte . Write, Run! pin-nun for A new hour wu then enjoyed and Sales Devi. The J. . Watkins Co., Meraetuste ' lunch wu toned n the do... Neutral. Quebec. f4BN At _ -- On Monday evening Knox Auxiliary met at the home of Miss Annie Tttrar buii for their Sept. mee‘ing. The devotional paper on the hymn "Mr. faith look; up to Thee", was given by In H. C. McKechnie. The study book chapter “Clo-er feiiowahip of East and West", which 'rN'.Prigqd by In W. G. Ritch'e wu rend hr weeks Lost in a swamp for flve weeks a slecr belonging to Mrs Harold Love has been found by John D. Ellis. The animal had gone in a circle en- cloning about a our." of on were where it had worn a path Ind eaten brush. " is said minds are “acted this way by eating a certain weed. When found the steer In: almost dead, In it had ttad no this" In a..- GOES FIVE WEEKS - .._-_---vl I'- on Wednesday afternoon of this week,the Ladies' Aid of Knox church held one of their pleasant was in the church schoclroom. It was a bow, er of beauty in Autumn foliage and colors and each individual table was moan ed with a centre of marigolds. Mrs W. H. Smith and Mrs Perdue waived the guests at the door and before tea was served. an hour was given over to social intercourse. Midway -n the afternoon. Miss Agnes Mscphail and Mrs W. Howey visited for a short time, and Mrs Howey was kind in contributing a delightful piano solo. Others assisting in g‘v- ing piano numbers were Misses El- sie Kearney. Jessie Grant, Mrs Earl McDonald, Margaret Sparling, piano duets by Mrs. Padtbeid and Mrs. W. , H. Krcss and the Misses Boume. A dainty tea was later served by a.- _ tentive waiters. Receipts at door I (any: to 830.00 l Radio and Election Speech... Political panics are spending a great deal of money in radio broad- (as a or their election campaign pro. puganda. But does it pay? we doubt it. The people depend upon the newspapers. in one case following a ratio duress by a political leader 26 people were asked next day whether they had listened in, and only six ac- tually d.d so. on the occasion. ac- cording to the Lindsay Post, of Mr. Kinks third radio talk, l88 telephone numbers. selected at random to a- void uninimeu. were called, with the {allowing startling result: Absent from home. 84; have no radio,8; ra- dio not in use. 65; not listening to King. 21; listening to King, 10. Knox Ladles' Aid Hold Autumn Tn B. Y. P. U. 't.atrgartixed The Baptist Young People’s Union cf Durham had tt welner rout via the church parlour last Friday evening and spent a most enjoyable Ioclahle tvenlng with games and contents. The new olllcem are Pres., Miss Eth. el Erwin; vice-pres., Misses Easel Mat-Arthur and Louise McLean; aec’y- treas., Miss Clara Thcmpson; Isn't. Allan McLean; planis'a, Misses Ed- ith Erwin and J. Thelma Prleot; Press Ro-porters, Misses Susie Bell and Jean Erwin; convenors of com mittws: Devotional, Mis, Eva Red. ford; Missionary, Mr. Anthony Hotmes; sceial, Mr. A. McLean. Prey from water. He said experi- ments are now nearing completion at Lteaside and am new form of gas will very soon supersede the natural gas ttow in Ontario. s ewart Lyon, Hydro Chairman, told the O.M.E.A. district delegates at a meeting in London lately that within tire years he expects to see the Hydro supplying hydrogen gas tc citizens or On ario towns and cit- iets for tteating and cooking purposes.f The inthunmatue hydtogen gas will be generated by surplus electrical en- ergy from water. He said experi- ments are now nearing mmntmtm. .. fl V.-__~_ -v. Mutual“ nun on nouns) At the conclusion of Bien- business night. when with a fair crowd pm neuion Tuesday, the Ios’ng aide of em, and the Durham-Owen Sound Lady Grey “my, lodge in the con- team itching for action, their oppon- lest closing laa. June. entertained the ems, Barrie-Allendale, failed to ap- wmncrs to a dainty repau in the pear. It 80601! the Barrie team are banquet room. After ttll had partaken in O.A.L.A. lacrosse as wen, And hoaxtuy. the draw tor the beautiful having a same in it next night they afghan presented to the lodge by Mrs declined to play a night sooner in J. A. Graham was made. Mrs. Stine Durham. a Fort Wi.liam. a vial lng Rebekah,' They should however, have nom- drew the tanning ticket, No. 180, fied the locals ahead of t'me and they and Miss Etta Twamley ot town was must now stand local expenses in} the lucky purchaser of it, to acquire curred. f the afghan. i Today, Thursday, Durham-O. Sound Hydro Gas for Cooking Purpose.. It,',": aim??? nnd next Monday I . I ' ' two games a. week is the schedule A The [mu-elm “omens Intrtitute for the four box lacrosse teams ln’gue: will hold their m thly meeting at thp T i C t til n t f B the home of Mrs . F. Giles on - r- oun y League. un rs o Kpl Thursday Oct 3rd November. in” ' . g A poor opening was the me Mr was Rmkah. Ert'ertain W ”en. vertlsed for Durham rink nu u,....a.... ts--, .8,C, L .,», - o ' l je. -,iis-)sCttrjSht1rd Alliston Meets local C Taenwatw Fair, Oct. lat and 2nd., acrosse cam ere on ayl SH- min. on page K. I rney. Jessie Grant, Mrs Earl Id, Margaret Sparling, piano y Mrs. Padtbeid and Mrs. W. " and the Misses Bourne. A ea was later served by a.- waiters. Receipts at door KNOX AUXILIARY VOL. Lon, tiiiriii Calder's Drug sia, ,__-._... '.'......... awe, Met, WAHPOLE’S COD LIVER Oth, RUSSIAN OIL..... "e, 89c. I Ph'lllpa’ Mitts or Mneneain.tga WOODBI'RY'S SOAP ....3 for LHASE'S NERVE FOOD .... OVALTINE .'....... Me, 58e, Betty Brown Chocolates ...... FILMS AND CIGARETTE- ASPIRIN . . . money in radio broad- election campaign pro. does it Par.' we doubt no water in me Hold Autumn Tea WATERLESS '" “YER OIL. " ... "e, 89c, $2.00 Mfume-h. " & "e CIGARETTES 38c.58c,98c n ...... 50c 25e, 45¢. Mk Mrs. Nelson Huntwaxd as! served a bounmul lunch and a half hour was spent together. also a demonstration on how to make a. bed doll. Miss Jennie McDonald gave a splendid reading "How grand- mother spent grandma day". Mrs W. New: gave a paper "It will last long". It was decided that the quilt- in; will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Johnston. Friday, Oct. 4th. All ladies are invited to come. The 'At Home' will be held at home of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Twamley, Oct. tsth.) The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Millinnanv 9'“ 3 tortse The Aberdeen W. I. met at the home of Mrs Nelson Hunt Thursday Sept. 18th, with an attendance of 19 members and 5 visitors. Mrs. G. Jchnaton read the scripture lesson from part ot the 78th Psalm. Sun- shine Com. gave their report. Tress. gave her report. Letters of thanks were mad from Miss C. Fettes, Mrs Archie McLean, Mr Geo. Twamley.; Correspondence was read and discus! sed. The program which had as its theme "Grandmotbers" was particulo arly enjoyable) Mrs Lamb, our oldest, grandam her present, appeared with her, beautiful Paisley shawl and quaint little cape. Mrs Noble was also, gowned very n'eely for the occasion. Mrs Roy Hopkins gave a good read-W ing on "Somebodr's grandmother". ',l_A . URA SUFFERER to who will be: Calida“ the next tive years. are themselves a bit. pa rt i, In the western and Eastern extrem- ities of Canada, as well as the cen- tral portion. the electorate are be lug well posted on the issues before them by the leaders of their respect- We parties. Premier Bennett is cam- paigning in the West, while Premier Hepburn is in the extreme east, at Sydney, Nova Scotia, for Hon. Mac, kenzie King. King himself is in Ives-, Tern Canada, Woodswcrth and Stev-' ens in Ontario. 1 The many platforms trend to con.) fur.» rather than enlighten, and it is a well-posted man who can give in, detail the tine points of each of them.; The taritt "ttPitts'-, hon ..r--, . ' With the Dominion election less [ han three weeks away, the political air is becoming warmer and Judging by the meetings being held through- out Grey-Bruce, it is not the fault of any cf the three candidates. if they don't make the grade. All can- didates are taking the hustlngs and some nights they handle two meet- ings, with the assis ance of speakers. This entails much physical enduran- ce, for besides the late evenings in-j volved, there are plenty other de-, tails to look after. As far as the 'Re- "iew' can understand, they are all meeting with kindly receptions and. election day itself will only reveal how kindly that is. . l! In the western and Eastern art-mm 9 Today, Thursday. Durham-0. Sound ‘plays in Allls‘on, and next Monday night, Sept. 30th, Alliaton comes to meet the local camblnes m Durham rink. Durham and Alliston staged some tight eonmett, two seasons ago and the old rivalry will again be ev. ident. The game is called tor at 8.30 sharp and Alliston team will be here. A poor opening was the game 1drf vertised for Durham rink on Monday, night, when with a fair crowd pres-i ant. and the Durham-Owen Bound team itching for action, they cppon-j Everytody's Grid _ It he held at the home of Mrs. on. Friday. Oct. 4th. All ' invited to come. The 'At ll be held at home of Mr. Geo. Twamley, Oct. 25th. meeting will be held at the Mrs. Millim,'Nov. 21at. alson Hunt and assistants ABERDEEN w, t. 30th, Alliston rcomieâ€"sflto local combines m Durham [than] and Amman staged Mm iiiiihitttiggt Review. i In the evening Mr. Balsdon took, id however, have notir'for his theme, "The secret of thel 3 ahead of time and they Victorious life," having tor his text and local expenses srvl'Phicopians 3:13-14, "Brethren,reount, ”not myself to have apprehended. but' rsday. Durham-O. Sound this one thing i do, forge ting those. ton, and next Monday things which are behind, and reach-I iOth. Alliston comes to ing forth to those things which are " combines in Durham before, I press toward the mark tor' m and Allitston staged the pr'ze or the high calling ot God ntiicts two seasons ago in Christ Jesus." The preacher dis-L ivalry will again be ev. _ cussed this inspiring text under three ll me is called for at 8.30 heads: 1.-Undivided concentration; " ston team will be here. 2.---Protitatge tcrtrettulneas; 3.-- l "_---..-...,... TRightml anticipation. , , . , _ i A union Choir of Glenelg and Dur- l uly 8 Dow It 1' ham singers. with Mis. (Rev.) J. - IT. Priest st the organ, furnished ex-l iminion election less cellent music. The numbers givenl 'Irs, away, the political were: "Lord I Believe"; " The Val, g warmer and Judging ley of Peace", a solo by Bert Satin-l " bang held throutrs'ders; and Mr. Baisdon sang "Have , it is not the fault you read the story of the cross”. In In three candidates, it,'?'-' evening the Choir sang, "Now p e the grade. All can-3”” sun is sinking" and Mr _.r.s,ruiiiir'it king the hostings and sang "Alcne". The day's music waslM ey handle two meet/wen rendered, and with the sermons D assis ance of speakers,lwas enthusiastically commented up- el gelt physical enduran.'on by the hearers. at the late evenings in-! On Monday evening a goodly mun-M are plenty other de-,'trev attended the anniversary enter-"v1 pr, As far as the ate- tainment and supper, and had the ., Indira Premier for ' are only fooling (38-3) happy ___- .uv-I-u I" "no.” Steinem“. was the high acorn-lame bridge content. ' A beautiful warm, bright day favored Priceville last Friday for the annual Fair. late in the afternoon it became cloudy and some rain fell before the close. but this did not at- feet the fair itself. Exhibits were securely as numer- ous as last year, while the crowd was average. The display in hall, spread out on two-decked tables placed crcsswise there, was more attractive and more readily seen than formerly. The baking and ladies’ work classes were keenly contested, but roots and vegetables and especially fruit, saw! araliing on. The display was orgood' quality and outside of the stock judg-I ing, was the. centre ot attraction Honeywood band supplied the mic, for the day, and" a concert and damsel in evening wound up the event: l Ideal Weather for brought -to a" you a very neighborly evening. The I J. T. Priest, was the ch . '" re-nmrxaoie erudition with his , "Animal dictionary", and Mrs G. A. _ Thompson said some scandalous things in her "Report of the Ladies’ Aid". Mrs Priest showed "Haw the 'story grew" with the gassips, to such {a hair-raising extent that even he ’vincial Police Constable Allister Law- Pence got nervous and began to search for his service revolver. Miss iEva Redford and Mrs W. Thompson ’sang very "Sweet and Low", and S. fHughes on his harmonica made us {all homesick for "The sidewalks of [New York", while Miss J. Thelma fPriest led us in a. mad whirl in "The] [dance ot the paper dolls", a solo! which was well received. The Price-l vll'e Orchestra in which Messrs ‘Mc-i Keehnie and McLean played tirat via-j lin, were persistently encored. The ladies of the church served an' abundance or good things, in the an- I niv-ersaxy supper and the Doxnlnnv.‘ uvun wuo gave the women some timely advice anent "Keeping up with the Janeses"; Mr Andy Watson show- ul remarkable erudlticn with his "Animal dictionary", and Mrs G. A. Thompson said some scandalous things in her “Report of nu. India-3' companied him on his trip. Others who contributed to the pleasure ot the evening were Mrs F'. Cook who gave the women some timely advice anent “Keenlnp nnwhh privilege of hearing Rev. David Gow- ‘dy of Durham Presbyterian church, tell of his experiences and impres- sions of his recent trip to Ireland, which he did in a most interesting way, and concluded by singing “Kil- larney" as only a patriop'e Irishman can sing it. In his solo he was ac- companied at the organ by his charm- ing and efficient Wife, who also ae. companied him on his trio. ter?" saLh the Lord. He the making and marring, " ing ot human lives. ter?" I A welM1lled church greeted the 'guest preacher at the Glenelg Centre Baptist Anniversary last Sunday. {The weather was fine, the preaching was excellent. and the ttomt decora- lions beautiful. In the morning the preacher, pastor Harold J. Balsdcn of Paisley, ave a. very thoughtful and helpful mes- sage from the text Jeremiah 18:6,; "Cannot I do with you as this pot-; o....on A»: L -. - _ litre Weather for , _ , Glenelg Centre Anniversary BVOU ""088. In the an- er and the Doxology lotte t very happy and aimr. The Pastor. Rev. was the chairman. Ire of attraction supplied the music . concert and dance up the events. Priceville fair With DURHAM, THURSDAY: SEPT. M, 1935 I helpful mes- remiah 18:6,; as this pot-i He spoke of' I I. and nemak- I I Balsdon took; Lecret of the] 'n’ LI- b--- which is incorporated the Holstein Good milling his. G- quantit . Poo/t price for 0mm- ' __-_ .........;.. mum: nelng .Levlna Mob, Hoy. She was wedded in Wlarton to, [Mr Lunn. For a. few years they lived [at Lions Head, later moving to Shh” low Lake, where they lived for 30: years. Here her husband died 18' years ago. She has lived near Bor. noch tor the nut e'ght years. She' leaves one Ion, Ernie and two sisters! In Phyford and In White. She , Wu buried on Thursday at shallow]; Lake from the United Church. On Monday, at Dornoch. Mrs Jno. Ltmn passed away at the home other ecu Ernest. following a paralytic snake wh'ch overtook her Sunday. She was in her Tith year. Deceased was a native of Peel Co., her maiden name being Levine Mol-1 loy. She was wedded in "re.,..., =, mun-auaen. The remains were laid to rest In Amos cemetery. One son Wesley and daughter Mary have predeceased her. The pallbearers were Harold and John " Braun, Lorne Allan a1 McFadden. The remai; to rest in Amos cemete ( Mrs Baxter had spent her life, since her marriage to Mr. Robert Baxter, In Egremont and Glenelg townships and in Durham. Mr. Baxter died in Durham in 1916 and ont daughter In 1917. One son, Ernest, resides in Gleueig and two daughters, Mrs J . Durham in 1916 and one daughterin married in Florida. I I MRS. ROBERT BAXTER 1 Mrs. Margaret Baxter passed Ian Saturday morning in hospw (Hamilton and the remains ibrought to Durham and rested ;'Sunday in Mr. A. Bell's tuner: ‘lors. The funeral service on M lr/tiid',',', was held " Drt ‘church, conducted by Rev. It. eyman. ,,,, _._-.v.\,‘. .v IGIDIV.‘ I , . " V . . T Jast bunday, where Mr. Priest Wltt I A quiet wedding sch/m took place l the preacher at the Pauley and Wil ion Saturday, Sept. 14, at fit.tor,',yl'l',Q,"i' Baptist churches. lint". when Rf“ Mg. Pare-123mg], Mr Donald McIntyre of Flint. Mich, te, m marr age Mu' m has returned to his home after a vis grave, daughter of Mra Hargrave and i it at his early home in Glenelg. MI 2:, 113‘: tmi, '2,e.rt',nop,t,",t 1rly McIntyre wants to dispose of his in tl 'a', 'Per ofy:l‘oronto . The] farm at Glenelg Centre, as he feels .5 r. . ry . ‘at his age, It is better to limit his bride wore a travelling suit of blue. property holdings ensemble and the happy couple 896ml Messrs Arthur . and Harold Ram. a week at Ottawa and Pdttt.1 ukefage Thornbury were guests at the and Durham. They will reside at 5: 'iiLiii home 'Sunda Erskine avenue, Toronto. I” y. “nu upon mar return they will take up residence near the home ot the bride in Grosse Point, Detroit. Mr and Mrs R. R. Watson, Norm. anby, and daughter and son~in-law, Mr and Mrs Hubert McDougall, South Bend, Cele present at the nutrials, Saturday and returned Monday. - "H »-»-\.IMVIIJ ul about fltty guests. A buffet luncheon was served the party, after good wishes and congratulations were ex- tended to the young couple. A honey moon trip was made to Kentucky. and upon their return they will take up residence near the home of the bride in Grosse Point. Detroit. l ya twat. _ KoENm---wArsoN I Miss Ina Milne returned Friday The martian? took place in De-ffrom Toronto. . troit on Saturday, Sept. let. at tin5l Mr and Mrs John A. McGln left p.m. of Onallee Watson, daughter of on Saturday morning to attend Galt Mr and Mrs Wm. W. Watson 1tojfair and spent the weekend with the Mr William Koenig of Detroit. Res/.itotmer'tr sister, Mrs T. H. Watson. Dr. Pense of For: Street Presbyterian‘ Miss Marsala L. Hunter, leader of church. petformed the ceremony “111(an Mission Band, and members at- akni-t .14.. W . A__, l I . -- After the two hour period is oWr, lu."' meeting is open to the public a.nd isshould the Town Hall be inadequate Itor the number who attend, adjourn- "men: may be made to the rink. The In... -gaay_, - last snubs megnber, Miss Macphall would be the first with the right to make a shm t: THE ROLL OAKWANTED Nomination Day on Monday, Sept. 30th MRS. JOHN LUNN Mr. A. Bell's {unemlpar- funeral service on Monday Labor, (feylon 916 and ont daughter ion, Ernest, resides two daughters, Mrs H YMENEAL John Inning; John Baxter passed away This in hospital in the remains were held " Dromore 114, make a short' rem; r, Miss Agnes the first speaker, Messrs Fan- Lawrence Hon- over H", ._.u auvl. nouns. I Upper Town. i Mr and Mrs C. Ramge, Mr Peter Hind Miss Alicea, were guests at Dr. 10. C. Ramage'a, Gorrie. Thursday. I I(on and Alice Lockhead of sieGi,Te land Mr. Albert Lochard of Tomato Iwere Sunday guests or Mr and Mrs "II-k IMMI- i Mr. R. S. Lightheart, whc [er 90 years ot age. Messrs Ro le. Thornton, Misses Luella Iton and Alice Lockhead of Sn land Mr. Albert Lochard of . - an...» v1 Lur Ina urn Hugh Firth. Mm Mitchell ot Washington State, U.S.A., came last Friday for a. vu.. it to her sister, Mrs Thou. Young, UDMI' Truly-u Miss 1arntrtieid and Port Colborne were of Rev. and Mrs W Knox Manse. Miss I. med two solos at th ice in Knox church. Dr. Gaby, Toronto, was in Wednesday and operated up Leonard McComb'a knee ca; was put out of Joint very t the hydro accident he necen tered at Chatsworth. Rev. J. T. Priest, B.A. and dau ghter Mi'ss Jean, motored to Paisle) last Sunday, where Mr. Priest war the preacher at the Paisley and Wil, liscroft Baptist churches. _ Mm Arthur Ritchie, siiL Gladys and Mr Nathan vimted friends in Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr Robelt Aljoe was the lay deie. gate from Queen Street United to Grey Pretsbytery this, week. Mrs R. G. Halbert and Mrs A. McClocklln were Owen Sound visitors Thursday last. . Mr. Wm. Bovington ot Sault Ste. Marie, 0nt., is visiting with: Mr and Mrs Thos. Collier. Miss Margalet L. Hunter, leader ol Knox Mission Band, and members at tended the rally in Elmwood on Sat. urday. " Misses Audrey Belt and Inez Twam. " Icy have left «I attend Faculty of Ed. , ucation, Toronto. Miss Bonnie Grant lilii km to attend her third year at Fiririiri",' while Donald Young will ienter his final year in Medicine. f Miss Sadie McEachern left Sunday ito commence a. tive years' special Hat's course in Arts at Tomnto Uni, Iversl y. Though scaxcely of age to enter, Sadie's tine standing In her tlttal year at Durham High School secured her admission this fall. l Mr. Frank 'rwamiey underwent an operation in Durham hospital on Fri- day. Dr. MacFarlane of Toronto was present. I Mm Pete” ot Saskatoon. arrived in itown Monday, on a visit to her dau. lghter. Mrs David Gowdy. l Mr and Mrs James Rutherford ro- lturned Tuesday from a trttttttttet"s vis- 'it at Mrs R's pamntal home at Ern- 'told, Sask. t] Mrs Wt "waa 9. " I but espec' {child at I) Hunter" H, I Mus Pet, ,town Mom Miss Jean Dewar leaves this week to attend Owen Sound Business Col- lege. Mrs Wm. A. Lawrence. Toronto. was a visitor with friends in town but espec'ally to see her tinc grand. child at Durham hospital, “Alexander Junior" Henderson. Jack T. Priest 1110de up trom Toronto to visit his parents. Rev. and Mrs J. T. Priest last Friday. letdct Lightheart, who Is ov ', Messrs Rotrt a ad Mrs Lawson orl 8 weekend gueug| W. H. Smith, at 1amgiieid contrib-I the morning new» ted upon Mr. we cap, which very badly In ' MEDtly suf. town on TI. orn- I Mr. Wm. Grant of Mt. Potent, an- nounces the engagement of his dau- 1iirii.',' Florence Isabel to Willard F. lWalker of Windsor, so" of Mr. and I Mrs Frank W. Walker, of Walkerton the marriage to take place the end at September. PRESBYTERIAN MODERATOR . TO PREACH AI KNOX CHURCH Mr and Mrs Edwin Allan. Toronto, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daugh'er. Hazel May, to Mr. W. James McLean. son of the late Mr and Mrs Wm. H. Mc- Lean of Palmerston, the wedding to take place late in October. (The bride-lobe is a granddaughter of Mrs Thou. Alian ot Durham:) FILMS, DEVELOPING, CIGARETTS, THE The etttratv'tnettt is announced of Leta Maude. daughter of Mr. Thomas Mercer and the late Mrs Mercer, ot Mukdule. to Mr Ellerby G. Farr. son of Mrs Fan and the late J. T. Farr, Wes‘on. Ont. The marr'azo In tum . nieces use Kennedy Ind Kathleen‘ A: ‘n some previous, campaigns the . Milne "Ital on the M“. in ttseiRevettw will ngun otter prim. open ' dining room, whlch wu- deoonml'to Anyone for musing the correct ‘wlth uter- and race- And . thmimjorlty of the succeestul commute storey ulna centred the table. Dir-um (hey-Bruce (netting him or her.) Milne and Mm Kennedy Mm m‘over the next highest opponent. tea. In Ritchie wore a. my“ or Simply mail in or give to the Re- blnck am; With . pretty 00m tsou/view o slip worded sinr'lnr to the quet. {following "Brown -- majority over " Outing the evening the "eietaorifFth", Ppt. in instant the gathered and spent . pteasaat ”En-nice of two ct the three local cun- clal time. Miss Cochrane gave . ':tif1/,t"C: 1?"epbellr."o “M Mactrhtrit .ciutlon “a Mm w. J. Young Sue and the tigurm, ". majority you he- " abort an, The Kennedy brothers! lleve he or she wili have. Then sum 5:11; to the Wmmlment of theIyuur home to it. Future, Many gifts 3000mm! The contest is open to anyone. ted the good wishes ot the “an. [anthem 16 years ot age or own. I1nd “all close at It! Ir.etr. Saturday. ----.....- ioet. mu. ENGAGEMENTS f For the closest cstlmntr to the oil t1einl majomy, the Review wilt give The eugarnment is announced of a. year's free subscription and teast Lett Hulda. daughter of Mr. Thomas closest, six menths free subscription. Mercer and the late Mrs Mercer, ot If the person mum“ the winning Mukdale, to Mr Ellerby G. "rr, Bon guess is a puld-lnadvunce whiter-her of l?? nur and the late J. T. Farr, old or new, or the Review to end at We: on, Ont. The mtueture to take any man h in I936 or later, or a place In October. membet or such subscriber's house hold, an adultluutl cash pt ire of $4.00 “me-em, 1l,r,'2tg,f,e',,'rop'ci','trcgi wlll em ttttd t2.ott flt,runae ghfcr Florence Isabel to Willard F. cats-h prlut' tor second closest. Every . ' member at subscriber's household. 16 Walker of Windsor, son of Mr. and vars or over may submit a Name M" Mk W. Walker, of “ulterton and be elegihlc for with pti'zee, it .he marriage to take place the end sub is in advance tt September. I . . 1' During the evening the nets] [gathered and spent a plmant cial time. Miss Cochrane gave I ‘ciumon and Mrs W. J. Young ,a short talk. The Kennmiv hm 7â€"â€" t 1 A very pleasant Hermon and eve-,"""" "pt", .I . ning w” Bpent by "W ttueBu in, Successful Candidate ithe home of Mr and In T. C. kit-i chfe on Friday on the amnion or ----r-- their twetttrtttttt wedding umiver- REVIEW OWE" Two PRtEEtt . Bar). In the afternoon Miss Cochmne' FOR CLOSEST "TtMATEs received with Mr and Mn: nimble.’ -.-- Misses In Kennedy and Kurd“... A: ‘n some pronoun campaigns the Milne united on the truetrta in lbelReveim' wilt Mum all" primes. open dining room, which was decanted to tut.vone for tttttstung the "1'T"" with utters and rooes and a three majority of the IIT?""'".". candidate stony Caro centred the table. 1"st entry-Bruce Pty" tue him or tter,) Milne and Mrs Kennedy poured thetov?" the '"'1 highest .opponvm. tea. Mrs Ritchie wore a gown of! Simply mail In or can» to the Re- LI_AI_ ... . _ The satisfaction ofthe wc man in Detroit. Mich.. who suffering from hyperacidity of the stomach, was unable to eat many feeds and lost 22 pounds, then took SEMI-Ill, is now able to eat sufficient amounts, and gained 7 pounds in 8 dart! Can You Imagine l? SILVER MteB'atiden's Drug S17... g [0 the 'MNNanpautlment of the an. Many gum accompan- the good wishes ot the guests. Sold at 1tearait Drug Stores, "e and 1.50 TORONTO Published Weekly at 82.00 82.50 1 your in adv-nee. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY PHONE 21 I The ins tion ce-remony ot (Urdee No.1 ,i.o,o.F'. will l1 onext Monday veiling. Sept. 31. Imam-mg pmmp at h o'clock :full attendance the brethren [quested and ho for on this Iaion when the om s tor lhe a !tem will be mulled. In Detroit, Nick. on August 26th, Guam, Carson, beloved wife of Thom. " E Elliott. daughter of Mrs J, Cur-on. Wham and niece or Mars uret ItcCall. Icwulluns. MeKEOWN-ro Mr and Mrs Leon. tttd checmn, Glenelx, in Durham hospiul. Tuesday, Sept. 17. a dam skater. Renew or slhocribe tor the Review before (la-cum day, submit your guesses and thus be ttunlitted tor u ugh prime as well u an extension ct' subscription. . hes Majority of Successful Candidate Ast in your Winter -i- Coal Supply Now; FAMOUS MEDic W. Calder Estate Phone 298 - Durhm LOAF. INSTALLATION All Kinds on Hautd-... "-tilUY COAL ALBERTA COAL --sroeE COM... and COKE u- In Advance. To United Rut... C. RANAGE Q SON. Palm-hon tion ceremony or Grey y 1.0.0.F. will beheld BORN [MILD :or on Lulu occa- I for the coming Durham is" (‘Onl WI. MW' I UI,

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