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Durham Review (1897), 26 Sep 1935, p. 2

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I '0 ""'ee Ute him." The" no acme men. " um! huh. who hare the i Chum Lamb had ttto same char. autistic. “Don’t you hate that man'.'" ”neon. rk d him on one occasion. But Elia shook his head. "How can 1 info bill?" he liked shyly. “I know Ae-. " I over met. " t mutt [ Pre, ttot to stay away fr GOOD IN WORST OF MEN A group ot men, Will Rogers among them. ttttt through a long evening it the lobby of a hotel in the Cuban capital, and in the course of the con. vemtion several famous political tttnares in Europe and America were mentioned with ("amusement by one mentor or “other ot the group. In. my it turned out that Rogers new the In mentioned and had to.“ ”nothing attractive about Mn. may a. IdlllLlod with a grin: "t Just can't seem to dislike anybody] I "or not. " I wont to hate him. It..- -A h -‘-~ __ don tut un. :00. It's easier to mortgage the home to buy a car than to mar. tug. the car to buy a home. -- Bran, (In. -.. - ...r ullll’ll clay of Sanitation Ent.nee nation asserted that in tim bedroom anywhere wilt s' own bathroom. The Idea is nature or the sublime and at calculated to encm'raxe the p or n‘her the unitary engine loaned Ghetto. -- ._ - '_o One of the beautiful sights in the City of Montreal is the horse.drawn vehicle - provided always that it is conducted by a driver who has a re. spect for his horse. The horse goes proudly forward with his ears set to ca on the noises that come from in front. because he has no tear of the man with the reins. One ot the ugly sights in the city is the horse with his ears trained back for tear ot what may be coming from the man with the reins. We occupy a city that is one ot the he, strongholds of the horse. We hue snme charming. happy hors- on. and if we want to keep them. we had better see that we keep them ( with their ears expectant for what is in front and fearless of what is be- hind. -- Montreal Star. You see. it's ODD BOOK MARKERS A librarian in Manchester makes known some ot the things which he tind. used " book markers in the vol- nines which are returned, They in- clude needles, safety pins. pieces or wire, love-letters, pieces ot biscuit and slab; ot bacon. What, we wonder. was wrong with the pieces ot bacon that they were put to such use? And what it some swam left a loveJetter trom a girl and the book was next taken out by s rival? Zowie! - St. Thomas Times- Jot'rnal. THAT PRETTY TEACHER The superintendent of 501100 Rocatord. Ill., announces that he ongagp nothing hut goutiJuc teaehers. in future. We used to t there wan a pretty teacher on tenth concession. but there was van a mean look in her eye ttt certain [rigidity in her voice I she aid something about s.ayim after tour. - Strattord Bea, Herald. IN TH! trtteakru. at CURIOSITV SATIN-WED Princess Ottaboni reported to the police at Montreal her purse had been stolen, and it contained 8320. Ot Course. that't too had, but at the same time it tratlstiea a cer.ain curiosity! we have always posse sed to know how much a princess carried in her] purse. - Stratum! Ttes..-, .., .. was A WORTHY PLACE The rise at Stratford in the realm ot baseball is one or the phenomena of the age. And to choose s ttttim. Ins mark like St. Thomas mowed an audacity that had much to do who our neighbor‘s success. Next thing we will be hearing that the Chute City has developed a tootball team] --tet. Thomas Times-Journal. FIRST MOTOR CA!!! The Brst automobile owner in Can, Ida was a resident of Hamilton, a native of Malahide. Sir William Mu- lock was the tlrtrt pioneer of gasoline machinel mm in Canada. He order, ed six motor tricycle; and quadra. cycles tor the use ot the Post once Department and "soon the streets ot Toronto ware lrnntlc with the chuck- ing ot these red manhlnm" -. I Thomas PLACE or An "ttttlore, e can. for . Job trg shine is - on th, ot the pants. - , Review. MONTREAL': THE SUBLIME EASIER new red machines} Titnetcgtmrmu. " from [any I the lame char than that man'." on one amnion he Americ the group. In. that Rogers ttqtt and had "the about t with a grin: In Chanda. he " CARS Is owner In Can of Hamilton, 3 Sir William Mu. -"_ -.., w aeccre the It, lease from prison ot a Birmingham labourer who had been leotntnittea! because his ewes! son had broken bail. A wire and eight children de..' pended on this man; but omcia'dom taUd no account. of such matters. Its m haul m....--, ... -- -"""q..' 1 UP MERCY I Time and time again some pri person steps forward to mitigate mechanical injustices or I pert too complicated system of just Consider the action of Lady V gall. who wired £10 to secure the lease from prison ot a Blrmlugh labourer who had been [commll because his eldest son had brol bait. A um. and -'-LA _..-- _ St __ -. """* uncana, uuu it In GLANCE AND llAMER'cAleMsOp (311113! is not removed, then Canad Slang is many things; gamma,“ will do the one logical thing--seeed ot need, asser ion ot vigour, defiance trom the terms of the Anglo-Japan of authori y, triendly intimacy _ 939 commercial treaty. it that cours most moods and situations and ex.. is finally taken then the Dominic) Periences produce some. English must would be tree to take such othe; not only borrow-when in its long steps as the national interest ma: history did it refuse to borrowe-mui require. The Anglo-Japanese com. tit is becoming a basic duty for the merciai treaty has regulated trade Briton to get on close terms with the} between Canada and Japan since racy speech ot America's plains and‘May. 1913. The Dominion regards the Miles, or else how will he under. tand Japanese surtax as discriminatory o. Henry and others, or follow Ho!- action against Canadian goods. How- lywood’g Hicks? "The English iangu- ever, Canada is earnestly hopeful age," writes Mr. A. Lloyd James in a that the government ot Japan may book we referred to some days ago, yet be persuaded of the juatness ot "is a very mum. "MM __.. in“ ... in his country. He themselves had 30,00 and it would be unfair people to come out number. Instead ot Bri ing to the overseas Do have returned home. , certainly needed to brit revival ln'Great Brita development of the Brl wealth and real slim: trade. - Edinh",.,,s M.., I ing for on lets. Tin is it; white popul; ing reintcresi. mm a standstill in the wealth which has omployment problel try. An Australian gow put his riree,. ti l -'.v ““"5‘ are Mr. Bennett 3330 made an an- 5:13;; 'mnte'l 'omt.f,e,,', aboct a ii'iir/'Jid'et' last week concerning the ' ' rea “mfn .-- a great 50 per cent. ad valorem surtax im. evelopment ot the British Common.. posed by Japan upon certain Canad.. 2/,? and real WSW" t? world tan goods entering that country. me. N Edinburgh Evening News. Canada is not going to bow to the --- will ot Jana by any means, and it the, SLANG AND "AMERICANISMS" surtax is not removed, then Canada Slang is many things; "atiataet.'on will do the one logical thing---treeede need, asser ion of vigour, detianee trom the terms of the Anglo-Japan. authori y, trtendly intimacy _ ese commercial treaty. It that course JS't moods and situations and ex.. is finally taken then the Dominion memes produee some. English must would be tree to take such other t only borrow-when in its long steps as the national interest may xtory did it refuse to borrowe-oui require. The Anglo-Japanese com. is becoming a basic duty for the mercial treaty has regulated trade iton to get on Mum) in“... ...:‘I. A. lhn’“""“‘ rt-,, ' Stamps blindly. ,,__ - THE EMPIRE'S OPEN SPACES The point raised trequently in the tour of the Empire delegates in that ot the undeveloped Imperial estates. Canada's population is in the Iteigts bourhood of 10,000,000; Australia over six and a quarter million; South At, rica, 7,000,000 (1,700,000 whites); and] New Zeaiand about one and a halt millions (including 66,0000 Maor.s).l One or two of the Dominions have their own special problems - that or Auuralia with its great Empty spaces, and that of South Africa with its millions of natives. Probably the _ (-11:40 of Australia is the most serious,” for at no great distant») "WM -., uumC problem of Hong Kong rays been the subject or much ion. We refer now to the see- the community more common. to see the name] Us in everyone, o ering ot very I Most people, have! and take longer t They are like the l clal men in one ot Every reader of Gilt, these two men, the mics, went on an e and were the tttlt their ship was wre island. Gilbert den formation thus: "They soon been in communiy ot They wrote each Ind sang each They told each “maxing their On :everal occas Saved eaeh other', ' out of the British CSmmon- nd real stimulus to world Edinburgh Evening News, Joy-riders are more in. the trick cyclists .5 public nuisance: ot der. - Hong Kong yum: are a constant user to the community mar not be known that Ty; EMPiRE n everyone, often _ or very unan people, however, take longer to trt are like the two man “I one at the -. -'we mu... being constantly used! F may readily be yt) even those with the. trick cyclists]: and " without exaggeration are, most ot them, i and the danger or ride a bicycle along re pronounced. The *9 knack ot mam. tttles in the even- the People are out Problem in to mitigate the of tt ”than: 'ttt ot Justice. ot Lady Wet.. totem in the Old Court. Han speaker in Glas- ger on the weak am: He said that they 30,000 unemployed unfair to ask British out and swell "p,) ot British people go- Along crowd; ' weir wives. occasions, too, other'a lives. - Vancouver Pr “Ch other "H - t of South Anion with natives. Probably the a is the must swim” a Is the most serious. distance from the ommonwealm is min. h a population cal', Mm pride of Australia ulation. It is not be, MERCY attractive , British Conn intensified the became like Dominlbns, many Two things are te at the Bab Ballads. , Gilbert wilt recall how ' the bitterest at ene- an excursion together sole survivors when wrecked on a desert '. describes the trans- In the hot But for strict. this private .'ttve qualities that ttten under a cor.. unattractive scan. ver, are suspicious to get acquainted. two London ttnan- he _ wrongs. other little odes other songs. has teen ment in the tender heart civilised soc] Referee. ‘omnwn- anecdotes Province, brothers Ln.. I have seen they Years. F., OTTAWA,-- Prime Minister Men. e nett last Friday evening lit the fuse t to tire the tirat big gun in the Feeder- r al Conservative election campaign. t Speaking to a radio audience over 3 a nationwide hook-up, Mr. Bennet ' covered a lot of ground in thirty min- "ites, taking a fraction ot that time " to defend lhis administration's en. Ideavour to negotiate a satisfactory ,trade agreement with the United States, and al o to drop a hint that ,a very important announcement con.. icerning that matter would be shoxtly forthcoming. it could be taken trom the Premier's address that realiation lot the importance ot such a treaty had not Just dawned upon the Con. i servative party. Since the United 1 Sta‘.es Congress had vested the presi- l dent with power to enter into trade t treaties, the Bennett administration 1 had been dickering with the Republic I to the south. " society. The tory Ak In Ottawa the curtain rung down and the Great Dramatist should say to me, "I am re-casting this play, what will you DR be? Here's the lot-emperors, poets, politicians and dustmen, take your ehoice;" if I were to say, " just , want to be This," he would reply, ro- "And maybe you are right." eal The Old Fashioned Kind )Ck Townsend-the name is fictitious-. fly was the typical old-fashioned country doctor. He had no saloon car; cars were coming in just as he was going out; anyhow he would not have used in a saloon-he liked weather. Two ole horses and an old gig served him for ld- his work, and the radius of his prac- is- tice, compared with the radius of the l ts, country practices of today, was very t nd limited. '. :2) His house, with its rose garden, is, 5 rt I imagine, no longer used by a doe- r. tor. That is one of the melancholy A tf changes the motorcar has brought i, t. about; for the country practitioner w 0 now generally lives in a town and m I swoops on his prey, regardless of dis- W, p tance, at the call of the telephone a and with the speed of a hawk. Yet m, ; what a pleasant house it was, espe- or . cially when seen in summer with the " roses in bloom and the apples ripen.. an i ing in the little orchard. l _ The roses Were amongst his pa- am tients, for he was i keen gardener, fiel, and he visited them Jay morning He in summer and autumn before Mart, you ing oft to visit other patients, not had roses~no, not roses by any means- love .humans. and very hdman at that; and mostly cottagers and small farmers," illm with a T/tl?, of tradesmen; the I In person an his family; the squire’s into servants and retainers, and the than Ontario tobacco growers. through a local scheme approved by the Do- minlon Marketing Board, may expect to see stabilization of prices in the very near future. The scheme applies to Burley tobacco, and is another of the many that have helped producers of other commodities in the past. By negodatlons between producers and buyers, the tobacco Industry will no doubt benefit to a great extent, an- talks with Japan, the Canadian gov- we ernment reminded that courtly of an the very substantial concessions ac- ,m. corded to imports from Japan by re- er ducing the exchange compensation et duty which made full allowances tori n- the extent to which the competitive no advantage arising from the deprecia. n. tion of Japanese exchange had been 'y ottset by the relative increase in the yd price level in Japan. it With election day not so very tar 1- away. voters nalurally are thinking y of the march to the poll-. it may be n to some advantage co them to know u that a number of changes have taken i y place in the election law. Heretofore, , - in rural polls, in person who was i l known to be eligible as a voter but . whose name was not on the list. I a could vote by making an attidavit. t i This, no longer is possible. It he is d r not on the lists he cannot vote on a October 14. Another innovation con. P sist; in provision tor absentee voters. tl Fishermen, lumbermen, sailors and ly miners who are on the list tor a _ certain constituency but away trom 2 it on election day can go to a polling S: booth where they are, an out a bai- . lot and have it sent to their own 'J, home to be counted. This is possible t ’oniy within a province. An Ontario th man, absent in Quebec tor instance, could not have his ballot sent home. he Another new provision i; that every th voter-urban or rural-is to be non. ye fied by the returning officer as to the les precise location of the poll at which an he is to vote. Heretotore the parties wh have done it. "Y' "__- r..- ' he mis ii keen gardener, Isited them emy Porning ' and autumn beforé start- visit other patients, not; not raises by any meansâ€"l nd very hdman at that, in floating her, clustered on her bottom like a group of German battleship scuttled by her crew in Scapa Flow in after being raised from the bottom by Scottish salvage”. a great extent. Salvage Triumph than Pomimii: ,‘ --......, years of age whenI knew hlm, ti/ had brought into the world all tter lovely old thatched roofs of P.entieul and we: attending them in their last illnesses. The place is tslated now,l I hear, with council houses coming into 1?eirtr-c-ruindi more effectively] than Pomm-ii --N _.._-\.-uu5. I Which reminds me that anoitgt dpctor practising i field district, John Fry, tlu He only attended toott, years of age win-n! bi..- ' Well, maybe I don't, maybe I do. Anyhow. the thing would be next-to impossible for you and me, for it would imply the art of doing pretty much the same thing day after day without tiring of the job, of leading a full and busy life without fussing‘ over it, of doing good without desire or hope of reward. A complex ik,! even rarer today than the almost lost I art at thatehinr. l You, see, he was a shepherd, not F a sheepshearer. and if not blind to t values was sometimes blind to value, , as when, for instance, a scrsggy old goose would be brought to him at Christmas time and accepted, instead of the settlement of an unpaid bill. Income tax u shilling in the pound, tobacco fourpence an ounce; hedged and bird-haunted highways and by- ways instead of tar-rnaetuiamued shambles, no petrol pumps. more a far away and unfeurful picture - these and many other attractions would induce one to take a long holi- day in the far swsy land of old Dr. Townsend. "But," you will “y, "to be him, to lead his life; surely you don't mean--" .- Prussic Acid. ably followed, under L the banner of the old Pharmacopoeia, d by those doughty warriors, Strych- a nine, Tartar Emetie, Laudanum, 1 Aconite, Hyoscyamus. Salieylate of ' Soda, Calomel and Jalap. No finiek- , ing coaltar products, no pilules. Pills ' the size of pistol bullets and boluses ; the size of bombs-nearly. With this horse, foot and artillery l he fought the Great War--t mean the Great Influenza Epidemic of the year-when was it? - and many a lesser war with voctories forgotten and unrecorded on his tombstone. which stands a bit crooked and a bit weathered in the pleasant little churchyard of Penfield. Battles with the Guardians over extra relief for paupers. battles with the Relieving Officer over the same sort of thing; battles with Stupidity as when none of his sheep-faced flock would swal- low a liniment instead of a mixture, or a whole box of pills on the prin- ciple that thirty would do thirty tim- es as much good as one; all these minor engagements if they did not add a zest to life, at any rate served as vents for 3 none too perfect temper that, however, black in- gratitude-in the form of unpaid bills-left undisturbed. Without it I think he would have lost half his power to heal, despite the power of his drugs-and such drugs! Real old Victoria. knights in! armor led by Brigadier - General! Prussic Add. ably followed, "mim- bol of his reuiio/iiii/Aiiiit" his wide- snread family and so regarded by them. All these were the doctor's family --he was a baehelor--and with the roses, the "Morning Post," "Punch," his pipe, a book and an occasional rubber of whist at the rectory. they pretty well made up his life. A life undisturbed by sound of telephone bell or hoot of motor horn. . Wore A Top Hat He nearly always wore a top hat-- think of that, ye medical spectres in motor gogles on motorcycles, who think nothing of a fifty mile journey 1 before luneh--atrt he wore it on hisi: rounds, or sometimes even in his» surgery as he stood with it tilted“ back, his pipe in his mouth, unpack- g ing bottles from a crate or marking items in a drug list. It was the sym- - squire himself when brought . back from the hunting field on a hurdle or when port wine had laid him out with the gout. practising in the" msmg in the Pen.. Fry, the thatcher. l on his tombstone, bit crooked and a bit the pleasant little Penfield. Battles with over extra relief for 112b, of leading without fussing l without desire A eomplex art,’ the almost lost I that there was §eventy - ""'wbce" now posed at the shoulder) I Wool-like sllk, woolen novel- ties, satin-beck silk, etc., would also be good to curry out this simple to sew model. Style No. 8849 is designed for sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38 and 40- inches bust. Size 16 requires " yards of 35-inch material with % yard of 35-inch contrasting and 59 yard of 35-inch lining for sleeve. . WW TO ORDER PATTERNS. rlte your nun sue more“ plsinfy. living number sud size at PPrvty_ttets.asneiod Ilie In stsmps or ehtn (coin preferred); wrap it carefully, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Bervsce. " West Adelaide Street, Tannin. Black 1nd Fhite---lot of it in what Paris does for every hour " the day, too'. This simple smut dress was "ginally in black And white. It was of satin with a velveteen bog, posgd at the should-i '. Unless exception be made for [ Dunmow flitehes, and I few similar bequests involving public competi- tion, the powerful lever of the pres- ent is not used until 25 years have passed. Cotton and wood weddings, which come much earlier, have some- (he never caught on, and Lancashire and the timbered Empire should turn their attention to the opening that exists for 1 skim” .uu.».--:-_l campaign. , Yet it cannot be pretended that there would be gratitude for the wise and helpful giver who an- nounced that his presents would mature year by year, and that he, for his part was not in favor of prizes in advance. The presents trade at any rate will be quick to deny the parsimonious logic which says presents must be given either now or in the future, and will de-, mand that "and" be read instead off "either . . . or." i It may be the wisdom of the West that attaches such importance to a bride's trousseau, so that not till well after the honeymoon will the dressmaker’s shop be able to loom large. It is explained that Putiver and friends desire to give the mar- riage time to take root, and it is] undoubtedly true that people who give wedding presents like mar- riages to last a reasonable time, at any rate until the presents are broken or pawned. lin the married state would be to buy his bride all manner of delight- ful and valuable presents. He had not really meant this, and high words followed. ending, tt I dress- maker's, in a return to the registnr‘ and a request for n swift cement-l tion of the marriage. so much when the marriage la hap- py, but unhappy marriages alao take up the attention, even when little ia actually thrown. So there may well be eonttratula- tions for the Moslem couple whose married life has just come to an end. It was not happy, but neither was it long, being, in fact, under -rather than over the hour. The quarrel began as soon-as the knot was tied, because it was the bride's idea to go shopping straight away. and the bridegroom had apparently said things before marriage, imply-1 ing that his first and gayest actions.I Keen business men hsve been known to complain that marriage has tended to distract their minds from business snd even to divide their attention. This may not matter lihlltliliM' any rate will be qiiieCd, parsimonious logic which ants must be given either ht on, and Lancashire ted Empire should ttion to the opening I skilful advertising '., Toronto." made for few similar e competi. rf the prep " love it', open window, and mm: 1'. I gr um, And the no} " tuli cf slum“. (In! And duh 3nd chm; When I'm and in wan with my. tng, and my heart ti ml ot mm. When " my cuties wonde\n:ll hate gain“ an": min. I VIII We? hie II! courage. for them'. on. thin; I can do,--" t will on. no. .7 window and let _ the with. tArmmh.' - “0 Ivy I“ the Jasmine 141M l (“It to and fro; t "to to watch 1 spider or to Wave ' clean-1n; thread. And ttng him ta a web of pearls n"- hind a Men bed; on! I love the open window when we like. wet with dew, WI the morning's full ot trlury and m In. I: swam; through! t love the open window a: nblow And the ivy and the , I lore the ttowery curtains all tint- tertn; in the breeze 1AM dntrpUd by the sunshine coming through the swinging trees; Move the open window with a glimpse ot - It]. A velvet. In". I blue ot Bowers, a (lunch; tmtterttr; Oh! I Ion the open window, “JD lupin pink and blue; The Open Window Soak gelatin in cold water ct.rl, dissolve in hot water. Add strum nit and gel-tin to peach pulp :m" mix thoroughly. Let stand Hm} cool and fold into cream which ":11 been Whipped until firm. Turn into mold or froerine troy and frtwro. If frozen in I freezer, pack in x?! M ice to one part ice cream uh and freeze without stirrinz. {lending to the table. PEACH MOUSSE One cup whipping cream, 1 spoon gelatin (granulated). 2 ta spoons cold water. 4 tablespoons “tar. 56 cup Bug“. 1% cups pr pulp. few grains salt. r'erously and well. The ribs aw "t . outed at the back bone and I' - trimmed and scraped as for Firm ' chops. Shape in a circle, havin;: tl ' ribs outside, and tie firmly. Th l . the ends of the bones evenly, cur ' being taken that they one not t, long. Wrap each bone with a tln' Itrip of "tt pork to prevent tr, bone from burning. FILL WITH CHOPPED MEAT Fill the centre with finely choppc/ laettb--trimmirttr, from the roast ' end finely chopped Veal mixed um; I little “it pork for flavor. Adi a well beaten egg and mix thorouch, Ir. Round the filling up, letting it Come Within two inches of the trrp, of the rib bones. Roast two and one-half to three hours in a moder- mte oven. Remove salt pork and cover bones with chop frills before Bending to the table. td I friendly greeting u Inn in “thin; through! TO PLANK CROPS I To phnk. first boil the chops t one side only on a hot, well-nil l bullet. In the meantime heat 1 , punk very hot and rub it with in _ m " other fit. Place chops, Coo ed side dorm, on the plank and n range miffed tomatoes or stuff, Mp." or both nround the (in); and put the whole thine into a it't' hot oven to finish cooking. saw with plank. seasoning the ting; well and garnishimz with sprig .. pulley and Ipnys of walmnuw Potatoes au gratin ere good In Ft'l'rt with thin meat dish. If you it. both tomatoes and peppers, st,.!" the peppers with succotash an! 1 1 toluene. with a mixture of .w-Y. I) and almonds. , Get the butcher to take our , bone in one piece and put mi; F bacon or the hmb' kidneys in centre of the meat and roll n Faun it manly with small _ ea or bind with I cord, tht-n into slices about one and 0m inches thick md wrap ench shu- l a strip of bacon or landing ;, Allow one chop for end) perm}; [In mod. Most cock: like preparing n for men became there's some .mce to the things they like. became. too, they don't bother It diet. and fads. A favorite dinner with mm. tron mud thick mutton , plunked. For there, you um: chop- off you-ling lambs. Serve Planked Chops ()r Crown Roast Followed A Creamy Peach Mo, " -E-uy Sandman stirring, with the when the rue ll I very tuffed cook rve 3p: ff " tr I! n " SO Wr ll

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