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Durham Review (1897), 26 Sep 1935, p. 4

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n ___ _-.,... rum-yum nun social cred rungs have hopeful signs. for the benetit of mankind Mr. Aberhart's Proposal is to feed dictator, then it's a pity t clothe and shelter the people of his nct full of these people. province. They have been up against One last "Ord-Social C it in Alberta, and have felt the years supported only by the pct of depression more keenly than on, employed. it is an aci mr'u. He desires: (I) to leave the seientitie proposal that is rising go-neration a heritage tree from accepted by rich and poor the encumhrnnces manning from hu- means to end the parado: man folly in the past; (2) to give erty Amidst Plenty." the young people today an opportun- ity to prepam themselves to assune Shaikh“ the responsibility that will be thoir- and it looks headed for success. _ Some cocksure persons not! and say it won't succeed. How do they know? Has it ever been tried before? Then if it hasn't. how can allure be predicted? The wine-acres laughed at building railroads through the moun- tains: joked at the advent ot steun and electric trains, and declared it was impossible to build the Panama) Canal. Yet these undertakings are now real. Give social credit a chance, before you Joke too much. The-begin- nings have hopeful alarm Social Credit. new "the :ts,t,tl tion ot sci-once nnd religion," accord- ing to the Dean of Canterbury now! touring Canada, and its a very emu-l pact definition. Mr. Aberhart hue I strik’ng and charming personality. an ttttttttie manner and unusual plat- form ability. He is not only an can-I cationist but also an evangelist, undi if he can introduce some real Chris- Han principles into politics. I'm sure 1 it won't hurt politics any. The Inter I needs a little cleansing. " the peo- 1 ple of Alberta can unite common " sense and Christianity In their new!( 'rovettunent, sock! credit will be N I great success. But it 'seltuttrtetus, bit. v Yetness of .":'rit, a. narrow egotlsm' p prevails, it may be Just too bad. l o The electors of Alberta have voted 1 tl decisively in its favor, after seriously ! n studying the question tor three years I T and it looks handed fnr Int-0A.- 2= ing stowed tNtetnidorattte about Ioclal credit, kindly um me "ace to pre- sent a. brief review or m principles to your readers. . Having heard Hon. Wm. Aber. As it hart, Alberta Social Credit leader Mr. AN weak in Mitchell. In! week and hav, he tear Dear Mr. Ed'tor Dr. C. c. Range. (ionic, 'srnrresiei- 31h A Pramier. ---ttsars Aberhut in Mitchell last week Defends hlrerhart's Social Cred; ,-- "m""""""'"),.", have oecncombincd, the situation and the attitude towards her by the Liberals. including myself, have necessarily completely change d. I must never be for.. gotten that those who are not for us are against us. Since your election in 1925 our Party has had, no more steadfast upholder ofits principles and policies " Parliament than yourself, nor have I a more loyal and devoted supporter. In the circumstances. Icannot urge too strongly that all elec- tors in Grey-Bruce constituency who desire\to see the return of the Liberal administration to power andtiberat princi- ples and policies prevail in Canada in the n‘rxt five years, should givetheir support to you as candidate f the Liberal Party in the present election. Should theLibe al Federation find it possible to arrange a meeting in the co stituency of Grey-Bruce. I shall be glad “A a..-" . »- - 'l have been informed that my inabilty thus far to arrange for a meeting in Grey-Bruce is due to the fact that I am not desirous of having Miss Macphail tce strongly oppcscd by the Liberals. This is not so. We as Liberals intendto Use every legitimate means to elect our candidate, Dr. Hall, Doubtless this assumption arises from the consideration shown Miss Macphail from timeto time by myself and other leiberosinrnudiG yourselfwhen you were member for touth Bruce and she was member for South-East Grey. Now that these constituencies have betntrcmbii1sd, the situation and the attitude towards her by the Liberals. including myself, have necessarily completely change d. "\1t must never be for- gotten that those wbo are not for us are against us. Since your election in 1995 our Party has had, no more steadfast upholder ofits principles and policies in Parliament than yourself, nor have I a more loyal tind devoted supporter. In the circumstances, Icannot urge too stror\gly that all elec- tors in Grey-Bruce constituency who desire to see the return of the Liberal administration to power trJibertn princi- ples and policies prevail in mun-L . -' (Copy of Lettergram to Dr Isn't. how can failure bel te wine-acres laughed at I Dada through the moun- I at the advent of steam Gorrle, Sept. 21, 1935 will be theirs "W. L One last 1hord-49oeial Credit is not supported only by the poor and un- employed. It is an acknowledged tsetintitic proposal that ls now hninv -"-"e- -- ...-. .w ICBUCI is not an erratic, will-or-the-wisp type. Rather he is a Christian agen- tleman in every sense of the word. He is no; a dictator, only perhaps in the manner of dictating Christian principles and social credit doctrines for the bandit of mankind. It he lsa dictator, then it's a pity the world is not full or these people. v. He tear of want, hunger, poverty and in distress can be removed forever by a. scciai credit or in other words by as placing purchasing power in the hands of the consumer through a bas, , ie dividend. coupled with a just price “i on all products. The basic dividend is "; placed at $25 monthly and graded " upwards according to ability and in- "itiative of each person. Where the 1 money is to come trom puzzles many , but is is expiainable, not increased " taxes on property. but by taxing '. huge profits, made largely on the na- I‘turai resources or the people. Albers ' ta is the second wealthiest province l I per capita in Canada. last year I Ithe sale of her products yielded 1 $130,000,000. it is estimated it will I 'ioquire $120,000,000 to launch social ' ’cied't the first year. That's a lair l ,maigin to spare. Alberta has great I l wealth in coal. oil, timber, salt, etc. (No longer will a contract be turned a ,over to a political mu for a tew 0 , thousand to permit him to become a S millionaire. His profits will be taxed. tl These resources are a. God-given her. 81 itaxe for the people - not for a in few men. art 01 ,uau una snail make this statement Meanwhile if any can assis being a score mentioned, you ve my a11- aaaage whatever publicit ya think A: a keen a'.udent of economics. Mr. Aberhart assures the people that as the future statesmen of the try and province. Policies in Alberta end the Dai'adoxmof Sincerely yours, C. C. Ramage. .A. Hall, that Is now t"iiid Alteltl's new alike as a "Pov, coun r The tirat day of the _ typical August day an ‘cessitated leaving ttt rear doors of the To Breezes in the dayti, blew ott a sheet or a gisfration table, but according to Sec'y W was such a nuisance blowing about that the be shut. Early next Sec'y took it upon him set ot bound books which proved quite sat don't say any sheet 0 lost In the Town "a" "u, mam-w tu- ter much dimealtr from the chair man of the Registration Com. about ten days later. For the information ot the public, a loose leat system was instituted on the iirtrt day of registration (on Saturday) and after a one day's trial this was changed for obvious rea- sons. Intending to publish all the names in the coming issue of the Re. view, Saturday's registrations were secured for a copy. Only one mem. ber of the committee was present at the time and the writer of this ar- ticle received his sanction before re- moving these sheets. The balance of the records were only secured " ter much dithrntt,, F..-..... ‘L' . " - ,_.y.. .uc mJBLcIJ. The Chronicle was informed by Reeve Hun'er, who was named in charge of registration that “these re cords kept in the Town Hall were removed without authority". Firstly let us say that every name ot the registration list published in the Re; view was secured WITH AUTHOR 1 ITY. . of registration of Old Home Week vlsltors, as published in the local Durham papers. While it is thought that the number ot omisslons is quite small, yet it In a matter of regret that anyone should have been left ott such an important record. How the error occurred has not been arrived at, though in an editor, ial in last week’s "Ohronieie" a crude innuendo is published to 1m- plieate the Review office. Thls omce is not directly named, but the nature ot the lists of names would not be of any use scarcely except to a news- paper ttttice. So we maybe can add our _,guott' to the disouss’on, though unfortunately not solve the mystery. , my.“ fi.-. . According to enquiries reamed, it is now apparent that a. few names were omitted from the ottioitu “at of registration of Old Home Week THE OLD HOME WEEK ape 'tsri."". Aetctett, c. hymen & son. manor. ma F Wm". 00058 in operation. proved quite satisfactory. We say any sheet of names was 1 the Town Hall the first day, "'==aromog=a==e, ---N'"'""v9 a sheet or so from the re- table, but in the evening to Sec'y Willis, the wind a nuisance with sheets .bout that the doors had to Early next morning the ' it upon himself to put al ving both front {Em the Town Hall open. I8 daytime frequently day and the Reunion was me nature Ild not be to a news- e can add rm, though , mystery. armed by ', named in l “these re- t {all were , '. Firstly , ot the n the Re. AUTHOR he public, lnetituted " anon (on p Iay's trial tt ions rea- In all the oi t the Re. Ct as were m Ite mem. ry resent at it: this an ht etore re- ta REGISTER wan war looming close and an el ecticn aiso as near, the daily press la eagerly read. 3, The fall season brings many de. d lights that the other seasons do not n possess. The color blending by na- J ture's paint pot is something that - has to be seen to realize the beauty , of it all. The maple tree is rich in . color, but the peach tree of Niagara a peninsula is this year eclipsing ev- . ry other tree tor quantity and "tual. '. ity of peaches. The average house-l ' holder in Durham, thinks they do) fairly well it they "put down a has-i ket of peaches." Usually they arel regarded as the special fruit, and are opened up for extra company. But this year. there are none so poor but have had a generous helping of thisl, fruit, in the raw state. The Niagara), peninsula has‘had a busy season in (, picking her fruit, and near-by citi- zens take the car to the fruit grow-3 ers and buy windfalls at 50c, 600, I and 75c a bushel. They are not con-I . tent with a small basket. The iiir, crop has had its, influence in Durham; l and we are safe in saying that motelf peaches have gone down the throats of citizens here than for many years'e back, it ever. In With war looming close Although no party has placed al candidate in each of the 245 federal! constituencies, nominations in the (Dominion general election campaign] today reached 719. topping all tormerl records. The previous high GA! was 644 in the 1921 election. Liiii,% a]: with 222 candidates lead the list.) with Conservatives second with 200. Week Souvenir booklet",and felled to be printed. The Review had nothing to do with that job. so at least no blame can be turned in this direction for that omission. But mistakes can be made ln newspaper ottieeg as well as in moat every other kind of oftiee,i, so all we say In to repeat our regret! that any names should have been' left " the Old Home Week records. ! {but we do know that arch! preem- "ions were taken end none lost while records were in the Review once. Why did the Chronicle suggest, "It is thought some ot the sheets were mldnid in another oilice," when they had an equal chance of committing the error? Surely they hadn't forgot- ten about the missing advertisements that were ordered for the "Old Home, THEDURHAMREVIEW FILLING UP ON PEACHES LIUERALS LEAD G. H. Cambridge, sheep . . _ "rm“ ”W" 1yjiTairiiiC, "IIT Rome" fdhut,tgieidc Pttrvie, tsheep 'i"' _ afternoon and evening services with aid Lunch m and " the do" H. R. Ridden, sheep ”1er o: special music for the occasion. ', . "4. Hopkins, destroyinz don W“ I A mum on the lollo‘Ving Pet' Lm'u.--4trm- mum. f rying sheep ......... ., ‘night from 6 to 8 van. is being at- tht Saturn; mm . m, J. H. Chitiick. old use Pension FT lii'ii'td with e mun-m in unaudit- tttPre-Gaia','," mutation” fee '."...... .... .-..r y' lot-tum. Rev. A. L. Budge Will It piano at the home at their meanwhile: hvnvenoe. auditing Pt 3 rF "12 over-O H In Win Andaman. with 1 mod f-P"" Mervyn, waning ...... ,' tr LE. . Wmhtndlmotmboumthdrhm- (iit, early in the Week tom the tlies. Saw you mu udévovcum NO. 8, ,7; Puterat of m mt. the my be!“ me- "to w. 13ttmmtstrl_Urstadt, Eimwood ....r. Prt f) ', conveyed to Station! for burial. singing nun who. (Guard. [11,”?- Bailey, treading “WWW. mu. Home. W! of Tomb) Fat. “I?“ in mud c. Pnuamtsoes,' cement .. hr u Trd9trarmoiiiiii ulna. at I'tttttesViTair. homer H. Putter-on. - . ".,'L.', 'M L, her maul-ecu Mr end In Noni: at m he he and [in Council “Named to meet 1'lt,1,il' hunger. twiddle. oath. Pttmstettt,?1ttturkiretiiireriy'rfiCt'ci-r 1t,',Y,'ttt.ttrye.emrs-,, t"Pc,eeEfii'iiLl"h"llde'f,',t; trtaainma. holding their I'll! Mr. the Mum." He m I in“ . m. mum; your hvorite make --. -. ""'H5 -', o: plough and a dismalon on this 'M.A., ot Hagersville Prabyterinn and on fodder com followed. Bull ‘church and Moderator of the Synod ( also prodded over the Joint Meeting. of Hamilton and London is to be the Current events wens given by Hor- ‘pecm Btreaker both at Durham and ence Mchonnld n humorous recita- Hampden United Chum" on thpt. i' tion by Aim. Andaman duet try 29th. it being the annivemnry "riiiiu'i' and Bounce Indium vio. trelee ed by the Hampden W" A ttat and guitar mm by mm mm lugs turnout will be expected forth Witt “I...“ and 1tmsatt Humour emu-noon and evening services with aid Lunch m m“ _, ' _., speclnl music for the occasion. ' . A Ilium -- -. - fl - Lon. or Christian Citizenship Cam.-- , Mrs, E. Bangavel entertained tm'iido, McDougall; Con. of Chriatian dinner on 8tsturday, Rev. Dr. and Cuiture--anotenee MacDonnld; Secy. ers Boudreau and daughter Merle, --Anna Anderson: Asa't t%e'y-Rmr [also Mr and Mrs Duncan Morrison. ald MneDonnld; Tretur.--ttuneron Me [ Miss Roland of Kenilworth visited Dougall; ortrtrtitrt-Lynne Fisher awith her sister over the weekend. ' 'Crawford United Church Anniversary ( Mrs Robert. Corlett and grand- Lama congregations were present Jtl11teuf,etr,etc.ti,f J22: 1293: for the anniversary services held in i ll' h It d M W Eel Crawford United Church on Sept. 15. I' 'd',"","),!']',"",';,.,," rammgmltlh spent In the "ternooet Rev. S. Stokes of la . . . _ Mr and Mrs Brown ot Cheney Bun.. f?"e,t'Crylttt mach] speaker end ngM w}. an B-w, . I Miss Cartherlne Meuan was a guest ot Mrs James Ewen, Aberdeen, lat the supper hour Tuesday evening. I Mr and Mrs Allister lawrence of Tilbury spent a. few days with his, "attter Mr. James Lawrenon father Mr. James Lawrence. Mr. Silvester Iarbsinger of Kitch- ener, ls holidaying with his uncle Mr. Tammy Timmy. Mrs Jack McKechnle spent a few days recently with her aunt Mrs J '; Brunt, Mulock. .; Mr and Mrs Cecil Noble and two daughters from Mulock were guests this week with Mr and Mrs Claren ce Thompson. L,' ’1 ----- ---'. "_..v """':3 Mr and Mrs Gordon Goldsmith (liltinweek with Mr and Mrs L. Me Bpent Sunday “moon with Mr and I . Mrs Arch. Watson. . Mr and Mrs Barclay Thompson of 'Tomnto were guests recently with f Mutt 2"ilt, “in; ',,',t,he,"e,/12g (Mr and Mrs Clarence Thompson. l ormer pos on n own th Mr and Mrs Fred Kelsey enjoyed a day, having 5091:: the M six man _ pleasant week with their daihdsrii)with her paren . l ia'tt Sal-Jun and Detroit. J ---_---- Visitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Neil McLean were: Mrs James McGirr, son Wm. and daughter Miss Maggie, 11150 Mr and Mrs Gordon McCracken and daughter 1hrHeen of Darkiea’ Corners. i The Mulock Met Aid held a pro- I‘gmuive crokinole " the home of IMr and Mrs George Tumbull Thurs- ,day evening last, when a most en- Moyable time was spent. We had the pleasure of hearing so Macphail speak last Wednesday the Separate Schoolhouse. Quite a Mr and Mrs borne Livingstone and family. Townsend Lake. were visitors this week with Mr and Mrs L. Me- Lean. I We are sorry to report Mr. John Alexander of Durham, action.” ill with pneumonia. We hope for a ‘srnedy recovery. . Mrs Knlaley ot Hutton mu spent a couple ot day: last week with her daughter Mrs George Turttttuti, , An excellent time was spent " the home of Mr and In Win. Mo. Culloch on Friday evening Int when the U.F.W.O. club 1nd families gathered and spent the evening. Min Grace Rear In recuperating after a bad attack of the Bu. Mr and In Robert MeGiluvmr of Giana-lg spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs H. W. Hunt. Mr. James Hopkins bu compared 1 ROCKY SAUGEEN DORNOCH in. Wm. Smith. _-"' Brown of Chesley Sun- be later": parents. Mr --- “an sville hqumn Jondon is to be the tth " Durham and churches on Sept. , 'autiveraar, day Livingston slum, . '- "e"rW By-lnw No. 1R2 (-onlnm'u; _ In the “tumor: Rev. S. Stokes “Fluent received the "H.,._\>n,5 , Cherie: was the specie] Ipenker end and w“ ttnatty may“, 'l; in the evening Rev. W. H. Smith ot Mturwomrtuiie.v: That li,, i. 'l Durham had eharge. Special mueiclrence be "pointed mum-m: ir T ;wu supplied by the Hanover Trinity --4huried. _ United Church male quartette in the: ny-taw No. lh0 crmfirmmc “y r' ',larternoon and by I mixed qttartette ment received the t"'rv"stiasy lr... _ (trom Elmwood Unmed Church in the and w“ tutsIly Passed, - (u:' ' V'Ievening. On Monday evening Rev. 'rorrrBauer. That we so-ttlra w IA. J. Shula of Mount Wheat gnVe In for collector of taxes from HM ' I lillustrated nddreu on "The Jungle! solidnted Bonding Co. mums. .' for Africa." The ladies of the where will. Wm. Hunter-car, lgntion served lunch. The anford; 1estewood-weiu.. Thar a P' “a!" income momma very much the " one per cent be added m "ll u: .w i nuisance given them in my wny ton“. on um after the Hill! 4m ' help make their anniverury services 'Deeeenrlir to the 31st day ol 1.. l. , _ I B.mteoeras. fer. By not of [minimum a t'"l,t i The " Farmer- end Jr. lutitum'of one halt of one per (will mu! g met " the home ot Mr P. Runner. is added from the first rliry r' L Alena Andemoes Pm“ over thelunry to tho seventh tiay o! "," girls' DW- Roll call W“ mggi'hen taxes in arrears xslll 1.. I "the most. enjoyable trip I had thinjtumed as unpaid in demulv t I summer". Plans were made for n to the county treasurer, (unw- social evening. I!" Beulnh Rims] Tony-Bailey: That Mt' an“; V then ave a very mimic "eotmtoritxystunatam or w. J. Adlam " her trip through the Saul! and io‘senor of the townships Hum , Thunder Bar. A paper on pickling‘ Before closing a resolution I'll. Swell br II" Reid. M '/i'r7it,,l';';,',1 to Mr. Has'ie for h " , V "er, Weeeres of the Jr. "rmers wu l, and eillcfenl services as It't ity "' in ere,e tor their meeting which} to which he very munm WW when With the theme . Boll! an m mm. your an. m. ACCOUNTS . ', o." mm]. m . am,“ a: tiiiilttt meeting of council .. t _ an on fodder m rum“. hail June. Hewiuon fees E9 weed T' - 'gu,r'rt,e.t.firN"iiirl'a'lrl1. inspector“... ....w. .__ e Current "at. we]; girert br “or Relief ”counts cr'.', .. em Hm. . hm metta. Dr. J. L. Smith, unending Colt ttttet by Allan, Ana--. L - - I --.-at-, --- an“ uy uly Reid. But! Cot. ter, Wee-Plea of the Jr. Funnier: was in the Chair for their meeting which opened with the theme song. Roll call was naming your favorite make of plough and 1 amnion on this and on fodder com mun-ru- .. .- (or Africa." The ladies Igntlon served lunch. lpeople appnsciato very slstance given them i help make their annive gunmen. . In the atternoon Rev, Cheney was the meets I In the evening Rev. W. Durham had charge. 1 ‘was supplied by the Ht United (munch male qm iarternoon Ind by s. mi ttrom Elmwood United C yawning. On Monday 1 IA. J. Shultz of Mount m Hllustrated address on ' for Atrial," tha. I-.u-_ -A --- pav’luw o, girls' meeting. Roll call wus "the most enjoyable trip I I Bummer". Plans were made social evening. was Beulah l 1 Mr Frank Twanley who underwent a serious operation in Durham hos- Ipital In: Friday In getting along as swell " on be expected. Mr and Mrs Rom. Hustle and dau- ghter Min- Evelyn of Toronto spent the woekend with Mrs Hu‘ie'o par. emu Mr and Mrs John Shauna-n. Crawford Y. P. 8. ' The, Crawford Y. P. B. held their Misses Reta 1nd Grace Hodgson of Chatsworth spent a day last week with they grandmother In T. Ball. ey. Miss Blunche Boyce of Durham spent part ot Int. week with friends nrwnd Crawford. Mr and Mr: Alex Canning and dan- ghter Marjorie ot betray are visiting with the former: ska-mum Arehie MeDougtut. I CRAWFORD Mr and Mrs John Leslie and tam. lly ot Toronto spent the weekend at the home ot Mr. T. salmon. um Nellie returning home with them nt- ter a. month's visit with relatives in Toronto. was Sarah And Mr. Dunun Mehr. thur were guests of Mr und In H. Ridden on Sunday. A Mr and Mm lchregor of London, iwere week end mu at Miss My jSkene. I Mr and Mrtt Hnrry Jones. o. Sound Wm Crucchley and non Will, Durham 'visited with Mr and In June- Crub .chley lust. week. _ Mr and Mrs Norman Mconnld nnd Howard, Alhut Park, Sundnyed with Mr md Mrs John Corlett. Mr and In F. Hem and answer spent, Thursday evenlng with Mr Ind Mrs John Hem, Durham. on with Mrs P. Hetft. um Floren- ce Robeluon spent I. couple of days It the “no home. Mrs R. Corlett with her granddau- ghter, Helen Proctor, Owen Sound In John Corlett were Friday vttit- Mr Ind Mrs P. mum and hm- tty were recent new of Mr and Mrs Howard Lawrence. Hutton mu. Mr and In June. Crutchley went a. day hut week with friends n Aw Mr tad In John Coriett. Mr Md Mrs G. Goldsmith and Vernon. mn- ed with Mr and Mrs J. Gold-mu: of Unwed Church In the Monday evening Rev. Mount Forest trave ln was on "The Jungle: w. H. Smith ot Speech] music Hanover Trinity quartette In the mixed Quartette P. .. ’clerk be authorized lo .wll 1:. -..~ 8. held their half of lot 4, concession 2, w l, I My even“. to l. W. We and har" , v~~~2u an had given III-pen oamrteted.--Carrir.o. ark carried on? Wells-My: That clvlk 'r,'tir' -....x the following'tF-r “can for each of thr, Mm}: (r " the ensuing the tomtahip.-Carried. Rooney; Pres; _rorrr-wemc That all :u-u...-:» , , - - 'lie de , ACCOUNTS I on m. 3 One moeung t. Bandun- Hewit meeting, “Wetter . by Hor- Priiet Iccom J. H. Chlmck, on . lux km“. and]: “an“. mam venuon MA-od-Bailey: That l‘P‘dr be n3 theteid to have Chas. Mr-(onmm mm "on Woodstock "orpir- at " any County House of “an: m. Council met on Monday t%ttt., with members all pre, Immac- of last meeting \u And adopted. 1 In Geo. Tony, Mum-r Ham little I!" Audrey visitmi "uh Ind In Will Henderson t,f Hum] glut week. Mr and In W. H. Palm Ion, Mr and Mrs Aubrey l “we. visited with Hm on Sunday. Mr and In Homer - rmm‘nw] m their Mlle In Quebec Friday hY'H' it mat WOOK'I holiday at Ihr [my I Mr nad Mrs MacKinnon am-nmpay‘, ted " Anon kalin. ('hrslm Mere M " the home of Mr G, “mun My. Mr Jacklln remam,sul (no-r our for I brief holiday. ' W. a newborn of the 14ml...»- m I a” an evening to Phlrrrvss 51p" can; made for the “nth “hit-h III. M done. painting and (“war In?!“ the church and parsunauv and we no alluded that yuu haw w - no “mat be mm» m I». (an. We an a pride in our 'hurrn building! and the glad to No ”mm km In Mr. Hay WP by w.“ W W19 - devov: our mm mm menu to the Master's 'allst. ir, we nun; you to accrpt Hm ull' - tm1t tt will be a trump)»: of our -etrtttan of the Mark “NHL ha been done " this time, hum mam lamp m Mis c," MM” and the followup mum.» m M by If! Fulton In “1111'“ Mr and In Honor ttttingly ”1.1M. Door Mr ad In Horner. I On Thursday evening law a (‘rok ‘holo new VII held In u... home of It all! In GA. Tumbull I}... Wlt, I” m m me being “on ”WHAL no! Uln Inbound. mm”. m? “I... Mr M Mrs “tum-y “I,” and (WIN, “a DI‘PSPXHIM “”h a -atgned on behalf or thar I I. K. CHI'I'TICK, Clerk, and " the members. TM -ttnq will!» u. Miss Mn. vote of “.411... r. “up Inspector 3 SEPT. 26, 1935 MULOCK Council h K 10 Alden“ The Nat I lunch n lunch 'II The theater Mildred lies. M " idiot And Mr ttetttk. C [If Ntttxtii Central o in Hahn Noun Contra! H01 Mr. Al mneru of " 50H" K NORTttty Mr family htck ARROW I r homo Meta H B M GUSTO“ M PM" I M UNIUN‘ M Mr SIN M tt Travel INNER" ALL Pt Du Mm Mei Why If and 9th. hm. hue and M Ira wht t week t Gu EFFEC "It“! in Et kdale Rem emu 12.50 Kee - of O led Mo, Sm rt

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