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Durham Review (1897), 26 Sep 1935, p. 5

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EPT. " was Itinck Council mm; “It; beep impact»? "9 "i'"" .' been mam urinating.» amending con than”. A]. d a Reunion. um: um and y the mentors. willbe at lb. CHITTICK. Clint. Home “I," Me Delusion cement "'fll'. "vertinq ht . C. I $4.4 held tbt the b d "S l;o'o. Turning]. m 'h- .. Ram" being Gee. h. Mar-Donald. Ihtrhtq m r and Mrs Hm m ctmtlrmintt appoint- neo"strarr matting. assed. --Carrud. ll we secure - W: from the Cu- Co. through I" rr.--Carrud. That a My at tided to all up.” the mu day at " day or Doc-b- lianwnt 1 ”any per cent monthly tirst day of Ju- th day ot April. 'urs will be I.- n defaulters' loll _urer.--Carr% at we not" the MULOCK M M Adlai: as Is- t.---Carried. noluuon I” in for " I... as treasurer. my replied. h nu" returned to 2ret. My after I “May " the ”r- " weed Master , accept this an be a reminder a t the work wMet his time. H presented u. . lamp " If: g.._ following W Fulton to wtuet .l. fittmgtr my“. at " ha but" Patter“, Cor. brey PM. at h "had. hero Homer mnon teem-m t, CW1”. 1m. " Mr G. Worm remairted "of H " Rex Law- tor of um wk order dan. he schools at u! the W Aid to "PM Ib- the Work 'ruet Hing m M u! paw m at Wu bvo 't be M in 'F do in our Glitch lad to so. them we by your .3. our the lad H mm. w. Ls!" Chi m died with Mr " of "mm - Carried. rim: amin- ary rem account- In- P pascal and 'ateurer.--4ht plicatioo for rer: Martt l J. Adina. McKechnb. l, Chitttek. collector d we and W. " " we" be an- MCCorInek lock Flo-Nb e of W. o! lay. mu of Present. Tho _ was mad 17.20 3.10 t9.6tt 312 nave and I the out W. a. It. meet-r! the new And _ n 3’!" 00- mama; Milan: 00 15 10 [UNLNII'IS PLANNED TO . ALL POINTS IN CANADA United States md Mexico. CONSULT LOCAL AGENT Hahn House, Tel. No. 24 or 173 Central Hotel, Telephone No. " Central ONTARIO BUS LINES TORONTO CUSTOM CHOPPIM done every day and we turn It out while you turn around. . w v.1 H ,adarson's will deliver to your door the bestbread you can possibly bur. Tempting Buns, Cakes and Pastries On Hand for Your Selection HENDERSON, BAKERY spent weekend at Mr. Sutherlandl. Mr. Alex Carson attended the funeral of Mn bmtherlmhw, the late Sam Gilbert. on Friday " Vandolour. Miss Jena HincU went to Toron- to to start on her third year " Un. iveralty. S00rttBouNo, leave Dnth’m BIO a. m., 6.10 p. m. ITINERIRS PLANNED Tn EFFECTIVE MAY s, ms NORTHBOUND, leave Durh’ln 12.50 p. m., 7.20 tr. m. STANDARD TIME ter, Sept. 17th, m5. Miss Mania Luau Spent weekend at Mr mow BUS SCHEDULE ouwrmmmmnwm tttnut-rms Mr and Mm Alex McEnchern And family Toronto were visitors here la?! week with friends. Congratulation. to Mr tad Mm L. McKeown on the and"! of . -I---'- smog 1893 W“â€"' - UNION STOCK YARDS, Mrs Alex Cm spent the '1 end " Swlmon Purl. Mr. Cnp McLuchlan u quite ill home or his brother. Angus and i McLachlan. last week at Mr H. R. Mum’s. Mr and In Stanley Human ml Beth. .Dromore, Dr. and In J. E'. Mime and funny of Wharton, were mats Sunday u the bane or A. L. Hint-luv. Dunn 8: Levack Ltd. Why be Uncomfortable in Baking Bread in Summer Time Miss Monaco Markdale new"; - Mrs Whitehorn of 1asst week at Mr H. Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock Travel by Arrow Coaches EFFECTIVE Royal Household Flour Bran 'o Cnnadn' " OM Pilot " C Keep in Stock for Sale the following Goods "Por JOHN McGOWAN mu th mg ml tiring srtilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. THE PEOPLE'S MILLS 'Ott reap A FULL HARVEST PRIcEVILfé FLOUR Your Convenience" PRICEVILLE When you make use of our highly specialized selling service for marketing your live stock. SEPT. " the arrival of in Durham ttoerpiiii. PePertcor Toronto, McEachern has some m lending Mvestoctr sue-nu: I Patient in I. daugh- visited week I It Jno uamm proceeded him in a fine speech. Mr. Campbell paid tribute to Miss Maephan as being clever and sincene (no truer word spoken). He was honest and admitted he had not a good way‘ot putting wand his lang- cage not what it ought to be. He ad, vised voting for ones own 'utteresrta.: and not for the candidates. mention-l ing all three. There was no chair-l man. None was required to keep or. der here. Mr. Kernahan cited if,'..) " .. n- I The political meeting held try Mr. Campbell in the Tory interests here was largely attended, with 29 altogether, 3 of them ladies who re sponded to the pressing invitation, conveyed in his card. The candidate was somewhat han- dicapped in his address in not haw ing his books with him and Mr. Ker. nahan preceeded him in a fine speech. Mr. Campbell paid tribute to Miss Macphalll as being clever and sincere‘ (no truer word spoken). He was, honest and admmml in has --= _; , Ladies are asked to keep in mind the w. 1. meeting to he held at Mrs W. G. McBnide's on Thursday, Oct. 3 at 2.30'p.m. All ladies welcome. Mr and Mrs H. B. McLean and Misses James paid a viait to their sister in Markdale after service on Sunday. ‘ The WJLS. and W.H.S. held their annual meeting Thread” with a good attendance. In Sutherland presided. Mrs Boyce and Min May Stewart gave readings and Mrs Me. Meekin gave a report ot the hole. Mrs Aldcorn presided over the W. H. meeting. After the devotional exercises. Mrs D. Gumbel] gave a, paper on "The ideal hostess" and Mrs Boyce a. paper on "The ideal guests". Both were enjoyed. Plans were made tor the corn roast after which Mrs.‘ R. McLean and Mrs A. L. Hincks' served lunch. I Ont Chop Crimplod Oats to Toronto where Ibo has secured a position. Mr Punk McArthnr visited friends in Caledon Sunday. His mother re- rtuned home with him. Mm Parker. Mrs Wm. Omen And Mrs B. Hill of Humble viMted on Wednesday at Wm. J. mneu'. A com rout was held In church basement Monday night when 5 good supper, some: and contents were an- joyed. The proceeds were for the Willing Helpera' Society. H. Stevens as FEED DURHAM. ONT. Shorts SINCE 1893 TORONTO A ll) VICIIITY the greatest Re- hostess” a; ir/i Union prayer meetings is proposed The ideal guests”. to be held each alternate Wednesday plus were made tn the churches. after which Mrts.; Mr. Jas. McDougall was at Toron In A. L. iUGiii.to tor a few days last week, return- Iintr on Saturday night. ,,..V __--__.K - - - - w; Juneau Ht. mother ,9; time and time em In prose and f. jspoech. why not be honest about it. n. em." and Yes she's clever and sincere. end not we vtadted on' it rubber sum. Impound. failure Hinckg', ,to appear " the Liberal meetings, I eld in church Imagine. was a tribute to her worth, t when g good as was also the enconiums ot Mr. tests were en- Stilton Conservative M.P. of North were for the Huron. A nedounding credtt to South) by. Grey. I HOLSTEIN ............ Sept. 26--27 Harmon ............ Sept. 26--27 Menord .............. Sept. 26---27 Feversluun ............... Oct. 1-a Arthur .................. Oct. 8-4 Mtrkdnle ................ Oct. 8.--4 Chauworth ............ Oct. W-II With continued heavy receipts of begs, the market is easier, Monday's hogs selling on the basis of 8.60 to 8.75 for truck deliveries, 'roday,Tuete day the market continued slow. but prices held steady. It will depend a great deal upon supplies for the bal- ance of the week as to what will take On Monday there was about 6000 cattle arrved which consisted of al- most 4500 from Western Canada, there being only about 1,500 from lo. cal Ontario points. The stacker and feeder trade continued to feature the market under a strong inquiry from farmer buyers who are anxious tone- cure cattle enough to take care of the abundance ot feed. By DUNN a LEVACK, Ltd., Toronto Miss Viola Neely and brother Wednesday morning tor their t In South River. to come forward while Mis: Elam Jack read a well worded address speaking ot how she would be missed ‘with Mr and Mrs Herb Allen tirtrt of the week. Mr and Mrs King of Annan were also visitors at the same home one day last week. Friends and neighbors of Zion and Edge Hill met at the home of Mrs W. Thurntns Monday evening to have a social time with Viola Neely, she leaving for her home at South River. About 12 o'clock the gathering were called to order and Viola was asked‘ to come forward whlln Man mu- Send The Review to your 'tttatmt Walter Behaeter Galriiiiif. of Mr and Mm Howard Ritchie on Sun. day. Visitors at R. T. Edwards’ home this week were Mr and Mrs T. E. Blair of Durham and Mrs Leavens of Owen Sound; Mr and Mrs Will Camp. bell and Glen; Frank Twamley's two children; Mr and Mrs Cecil Mottat, Ruth, Helen; Mrs R. E. Richardson and Mrs E. Mllbume of Durham. Miss Clarameenwood 3131:.“ at present on duty in Durham hospital. ( Mr. Carrie, Toronto and Robert Peart near Durham visited with R. E. Pearts Sunday. Mr and Mrs J. Peart, Mr and Mrs. H. McArthur, Mr and Mrs A. Robin- son, visited with Henry Benton Sun. day and attended anniversary serv- ice at Glenelg Centre Baptist church. Miss Katie May Firth and friend of Durham were guests with Mr and Mrs Beg Maya on Sunday. Mr and Mrs W. J. Greenwood and Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie and baby spent. Friday with friends at Moles- worth, Listowei and Gorrie. Mrs Jan. Allen of Cheney 13 at present visiting with her daugh'“er Mrs J. C. Cook. Mr Mr and Mrs J. H. Robson and son Charlie, Mr and Mrs Bryan: visited with Mr and Mrs Walter Clark Ben- tinek the tirtst of the week. LIVE ma REPORT Mr and Mrs Rom. Barbour ot Eg- remont are spending a few weeks with their daughter Mrs o. Pearl. , Priceville fall fair passeg off very successfully with good exhibits. " tendanoe, weather, concert, and music and this looks like " all goodie ‘wme up. Too bad the president W. (G. McBride vows that this will be ,his last. Let someone else try their: hand. Without a doubt he has been} a mover and successful president. fall Fair Dates d Mrs John Newell visited and Mrs Herb Allen tirtst ZION R. E. Richardson ne of Durham. was a visitor of md brother left tor their home A. o. v.-- W. J. Helm“, In T. Davis (Durham). Beets, turnip root- ed-d. Hamilton. J. P. McMillan. PM ---w. J. Holman. Winter raduh-- Mrs W. Glut. (Durham). Summer rad'trtt-- In Rattle. Winn. Ingaudt 1rabttage- W. J. McMillan. 0mm A. O. V. -J. P. Menn- inn. Potato onions-In Bums. In. ROOTS and VMETABLES Cobbler potatoes- W. Meade. Doe lay "potatoes-- J. Hamilton W. New. Turnips. Swede Derby--- Wm. McLeod Mangold womel, Globe-- G. Whyte, W. Mada; long red-- W. Mend; G. Whyte. Sugar beettr--W. Heath. G. Whyte; Shorthorn carrots --Mrt, Rut- tle (Dundulk). J. Hunmon. Carrots GRAINS and SEEDS Bushel tall wheat, whl'e ---John Hamilton, John McGirr; Barley, 6. rowed -Hamilton, W. Ferguson (Varney); Banner oats --a. Hamil- ton, J. MeGirr; Oats A.O.V. --.tlel- lie McLean; Lax-gs peas -w. Ptrty uson; Small peatr--J. Hamilton; Field corn -T. A. Ferguson; White beana-W. J. McMillan, J. Humil- ton; Colored beans. butter-- J. G. Whyte, W. Mews; Colored beans, A. o. V.-g. Hamilton. G. Whrte.; George Downey, Judge POULTRY Black Minorca, male--. G. McEach- ern, T. Ferguson; Female --T. Fer. guson. Butt Orplngton male--. J. 'Harrison, female--. (same). White Leghorn, male --r Hamilton, C. Watson; female --c Watson 1 & 2. pullet-g. Hamilton, 1 a 2. Barred Rock male-. A. B. McArthur, C. Watson; female -A3. Woman, G.; Whyte; cockerel ---41. Whyte, A. B. McArthur. Bronze Turkey male-- G. Whyte 1 & 2; female -AI. Whyte. Best collection --T. Ferguson. ic-l talus ---Ed. Sullivan. Best cock 1111 tshow; J. Hamilton. Best hen-- C.) Watson. , & 2; Ewe, 2 tshears-ind Bros.. lt. Dodds; Shearling-- Shand Bros.; Ewe lamb --f9ttand Bros. 1 & 2. LEICESTER All prizes ---Johtt McGirr. Best pair of lambs-- Shand Bros. SWINE Stow-.. Weppler 1 & 2; Boar Ig35-- (same); Spring pigs -H. Eckhardt, J. McGirr; Special: Best load hogs -J. MeGirr, R. .Dodds. ( OXFORD Ram-Shand Bros.; Shearling-at was; Ram 1tuntr--'tgtuusd Bros. 1 SPECIALS BY UNION STOCK YARDS Beet stper or heiter-- H. E. Eek. hardt, C. Watson. Beat baby beet pure ttmsd-H. Eckhardt. Beat. baby beef grade-- Rom. Dodda. SPECIAL by P. G. Karatedt Best herd--- E. Eckhardt. SHEEP . _ Cow beer-. C. Watson. Best alumni in class -Ah Witwn. JERSEY Bun--. H. Karatedt; Bull 1 yr. - W. Ferguson ; Cow ~Karstedt, Fer- guson; , yr. old heifer --Ptrguaon; yr. old -Pergutron, R. McConkey: Hoifer calf--. Ferguson 1 & 2; Best animal in elagtr--ktmrtedt. GRADE JERSEY Cow-W. G. Watson, Ferguson; 2 yrs.old--- Ferguson; yr. old-- Fergu- son. Karatedt; Heifer calf.-- V. Ad- ams, A. Meviear. Best animal in class --W. G. Wa'son. OTHER GRADE CATTLE Cow dairy-- A, B. MeArthur, A. McVicar; 2 yr. old-.. C. Watson; Heifer calf --c. Watson. R. Dodds; I HEREFORD Bull 2 yrs: --H. Eckhardt; Cow-- H. Eckhandt 1 & 2; 2 yrs. old heifer --Ecktumit; yr. old-ttone); Heifer tttuf-Eckhart C. Watson. Beat an- imal m eiatus---Eektumit. i BOADBTER , Brood mare ---Vietor Adnms. Dr. Milne; Spring colt-H. Hutchison, Dr. Milne; 2 yr. old-. Dr. Milne, V. Adams. 1 yr. old-G. Mchhern. lady dtiver--- P. Eagles, Dr. Milne. Double ttttatottt- V. Adams. Single turnout-R. Simpson. Spell--- Dr. ingiitte, P. Men. Bor driver-V. Adams, P. Eagles. Boy rider-P., Eagles, Don Whyte; Best horse in; eitugtg-- Dr. Milne. Beat horse on grounds, light Cittti- Dr. Milne; heavy class -D. Nichol. l Clarence McPherson, Judge. CATTLE SHORTHORNS ' Bull 2 yrB.-Al. Dodds, E. Sullivan; Bun Calf-- H. E. Karatedt. Cow - (same), 2 yr. old. heifer -0uune); yr. old heifer --R. Dodds; Heifer; eau-H. Knrstedt. Beat animal inl eiturg--- Robt. Dodds. I _eusts-ay. Nichol. GENERAL PURPOSE Brood mare-4h Mom-hem; Spring colt--- G. MeElaeheru. W. Burnett; 2 yr. c1d-2. B. Thibadeau l & 2; 1 yr. old-'rhittadeau; Tettat--- Thun- deau, R. Jackson. Beat horse in Class --Thibadetut. I AGRICULTURAL Brood mare-D- Nichol. W. Bur non; Spring eet---D. Nichol, W. McLeod; 2 yr. old---'. Shortreed, w. McLeod; Yr. old-Flon McEachern Priceville Prize list THE DURHAM REVIEW C . Randall, Judge HORSES Mrs Dnvis. Rug, hooked 1rag)--Mra Rattle, Mrs Nichol. Rug, hooked 1woo0--D. Campbell. In Nichol. ‘Rag mat, braided-Mm Clark. Bod- spmd emtr.---Neitie Helicon. In. McCauley. Bedspread. my other-D. Campbell, In Mchuley. Quilt. Nee- ed cotton-- D, Cunpbell, In. Me- Caulcy. Quilt, pieced eottmt--. D. Cunpbell. New. Helm. Quilt. ton-l cy quitting--. New. new, Mn. Nichol. Quilt. applique mtgh-- In. IcOauley. In Nichol. Comforter-- Nellie Nolan. D. Campbell. Alum: --D. Campbell. mm wool mallow er, girts'--Mrtr. Champ, In Blame. Hanan“ mitts, doqgttte.-- In Cloth. D. Campbell. Mrs Nichol. Vanity set -arra. Nichol. Mrs McCauley. Tat- tttup--. Mrs McCauley, Mn Champ. Filet eroehet--Mra Champ, Mrs Nich- ol. Hematitehirur-. Mr: Davis Mm. Ruttle. Silhouette. cross trtiteh--Mm Champ. Mm Rattle. Shopping bag-- Mrs Champ, Mrs Davis. Maude article for kitchen tttte-MN Rattle. I Table centrepiece, colored-- Mrs. IL. C. Champ, Mrs H. MoCauley. I Table runner-- Mrs Ruttle, Mrs Nich. ‘ol. Emb. euahion- Mrs. Davis, Mrs Nichol. Chesterfield tnuntiott-- Mrs Ruttle. Mrs Nichol. Tea cloth. enttt.-- Mrs Champ. Mrs McCsuley. Ten cloth. crocheted- Mrs Champ, Mrs. gimme. Tray cloth. emb.--arrt, Champ [MI-s. McCauley. Centre piece, white iurntr.-. Mrs Champ. Luncheon set. emb.-- Mrs Rutile, Mrs Champ. Buf- tet set, lace trimmed- Mrs Nichol“ Mrs Champ. Buffet set, emb. r-yrs." Nichol. D. Campbell. Hmd-hemmed' tsheet-Mm McCauley, Mrs Rattle. Pillow cases, emb. colored -Mra. Ruttle. Nellie McLean. Pillow cues eutwork-- Mrs Champ, Mrs Devil. Pillow cases. emb. white- Mrs. Dav- is, Mrs. Champ. Pillow mes. lace trimmed- Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Champ. Pillow cases, hand hemmed --Mrs McCauley. Beth towelF- Mrs Rattle, Mrs. Davis. Towels emb. -l lune claims of which a shall then Canned peaches --D. Cunpbell, J. ‘have notice and will not be liable for Hamilton; Raspberries - (acme); sud all?“ lo my per I of whose Cherries-J. Hamilton. Mrs. Watson. hum, notice shall not In e been re Currant Jelly, red-- Mrs Ruttle Mrs. I , _ Davis. Apple Jelly--. J. “ton. l, 31:33:! at the Line of such dlstrlbu if“ J. McLean. Gm” Jelly -rttrl DATED at Durham. Ontario, this T uttle. Salad dressing -J. Menu-198m da ot Au at 1935 Ian, J. Hamilton. Mixed pieiriea/" 'tft 'Ile! ' i . 8weet--- Mrs J. McLean, Mrs. Davis.‘ a iii 'il 39' Mustard piekiea-- Mrs Rattle. ..eg.:,i; S I an In tho, Davis.' Coll. canned "getatties--Mrt, I 'ill c or or e 9 Ruttle, D. Campbell. Coll. preserved: xecutrix. tlt raspberries, strawberries. iherriets--l----,-,,--L, D. Campbell, J. Hamilton. 1 ..- - - 'w. Meads. Dark trim cake-- Mrs. Clark, J. McGirr. Light fruit cake-- Mrs Clark, J. McGirr. Dark layer cake-- W. J. McMillan, D. Campbell Light fruit cake-Mrs Clark, D. Campbell. Homemade bread, white- W. Burnett. W. McM'llnn. Parker- house rolu-- D. Campbell. G. Whyte Tea biscuits plain -4Mrs. Duds W. Meads. W. Meads. Jog. Harrison. Ginger Cookies-- W. Heads. Mrs Clark. Arr- ple pie-a. Hamilton. J. MeGirr. Pumpkin Pie-- Mrs Clark, J. Hamil- ton. Lemon pie--- Nellie McLean, D. Campbell. Mince pie --Mrt, Davis J. MeGirr. Raisin pie-- Mrs Davis D. Campbell. Date cake- D. Campbell, Lillian Rutherford, Judge. ’ DOMESTIC SCIENCE (Baking) Homemade bread, brown- Mrs T. Davis, J. McMillan. White btetui-- W. Aldcorn. Mrs. Davis. Bran gems --Mra Davis, W. Burnett. Butter ttttttr-. J. Hamilton, Mrs J. E. Nich- oi. Lemon tarts-- Mr! Davis, Nellie McLean. Oatmeal Cookies-- Mrs. Nichol, W. Burnett. Plain cookies--- DAIRY Hens’ eggs, brown-- Ed. Sullivan. A. B. McArthur. Hens' eggs, white --a. Hamilton, Ed. Sullivan. Maple "nur-- W. Heads, Wm. McLeod. Maple Sugar- W. Meade. J. Hum- lllon. 5 lb. crock butter ---Ed. Sul- livan, W. News. 5 tb. butter in printtr--W. Aldcorn. G. Whyte. 5 m. roll butter tist-Eaton prize, of silver eomporter-- J. G. Whyte., Ed.1 Sullivan. DOMESTIC SCIENCE (FRUITS) D. Campbell, J. Hamilton. Dahtitv.- Mrs H. Mchley. Aatertr-- Mu H. McCauley, D. Campbell. Bouquet, large PTMMY- D. Campbell, Mrs H. McCauley. ls. House fern A.0. V. --Mrg Clark, Pitehinu-.. J. McMillan, Mrs J. E. Nichol (Durham). Begonia-- Mrs H. McCauley, D. Campbell. Hydrangea-- Mrs J. McLean. Coll. of foliage-D. Campbell, Mrs J. McLean. 1Madioti-. ( FLOWERS Table centre pieee- Mrs W. Wat. son, Mrs Clare. Double or single teltium-- J. Holman, Mr: T. Duv- '_’“"3;°‘ Downer, Bolton. suasesi NOTICE TO CREDITORS I mm? IN THE MATTER or THE ESTATE M ttttNest A.0.V.-g. G. MIN”: or RGARET "any“ CLARK. Crab apples. medium --Mm T. MW We o the Township of Renaud. FLOWERS I in the ounty of Grey, Widow, do Tam. M...“ .4--- .. - -- -- . ---, ' . LADIES' WORK F3T?lye9 , in»? ', Judge Mr . Wat. FARM FOR CALI Lots 5 l q - concession " Pro ton, connining 200 new. the prop- erty of Donnie! Cunplnu, 8mm: Nth. Good Buildings. ApNr.--gno A. Cupbell, Room no. 18T Welling ton Street. Went. Tomb. Ontario. Finest light oney. new crop " tre 3 m., in your n container. Wm. Cutler, Eigin Bt., rum. ‘ed up at my omee, in Clone]; on the Met day of Aucu ' IOM, the “at ot all persons entltl to vote in the said municipality r members of Ptihhunent and It unkind Elec- tlons. and that " h list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon w voter. an immed- iate proceedings to e my error. or omissions corre lccordin! to law, the last day for pal being the 21st duy of Septem r, 1036. _ DATED " Glenolc, Se . ,4, 198ti.) Voters' Lint Act Vit iiliirhi,i; pout MONEY FOR lALI “not light Romy, new crop at I "W pound in your on manor. Mu-acer or THE TOW SHIP OF GLENELG NOTICE is ereby given that I have complied h Section 9 ot the the claims of which a .mu then have notice Ind will not be liable for and assets lo nay pa 3 of whose clnlm. notice shill not " 9 been re celved at the t'me of such distribu- tior. . AFTER such date he Execumx will proceed to dumb te the use“ of the Saute. haying rd only to In the matter of the ESTATE of FRANCES A. JOHNSTON, late of THE TOWN OF DURHAM, in the COUNTY 6t GREY, MARRIED WOMAN, D BASED. I NOTICE is ereby given that tll; persons having him: against the Ees- tate ot Frances . Johnston. late or “he Town of Du m, in the County 'ot Grey, Married Woman, who died on or about the rut day of August. 1935, at the Town of Durham, in the said County of G ' Ire hereby re. quired to send or liver to the un- der-mentioned Solid r tor the EN, eoutrix full particuln of their chime duly proved on or be e the Twenty. eighth day ot Betr'ern r, A.D. 1935. NOTICE TO CREDITORS DATED at Durham, th 27th any ot August, 1935 J. H. McQunrrie. Durham, Ontario, Solicitor tor the Administrator. AFTER such date the Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the " Bent ot the mute ' having regard only to the chime ot which he shell then have notice, and will not he ll:- ble for said unet- to my person: ot whose claim notice shall not tsavel been received At the time ot "t ditstribution. for the Admin tutor full particula- ot their claims uly proved on or be. tore the Twent aeventh any ot Bets tember. 1935. I NOTICE is hereby given that ell phenom Vin; chime nun-t the ‘Eltete of are: Jemima Clerk. late of the Tuneup of Bentlnck. in the Conn of Grey, widow, who died on or a at the Seventeenth day ot June, A.D 1986, At the Township of Bean the County ot Grey, ere hereby hired to send or deliv- er to the tPdtranentioned Solicitor ONTARIO ARCHIVES lClPALI‘b OF Tl TOW amp c “CE is ereby 1 Tenrrued h Bee mud. NOTICE In bent mom vine cm lute of gm: he ot the Town“: the Conn of Gr ad on or a at the June, A.D 1986, 1 Voted list, 1935 HONQY FOR SALE I- hereby given that all ,eing chum nun-t the are: Jemima Clnrk, Township of Bentlnck. _ of Grey, widow, who , at the Seventeenth dar, Clerk cl Gleneig. L. Ontario um (29-3) try Chinmcuo amt-ii - W UM VI.“ In” In your Ion-l m c. a. All) Surveys, Re Telephone 81 Ontario t Dominion Licensed Auctioneer for any County B. a. cannon, _ A. Honor Graduate Toronto Unlvonky. Graduate Royal Coll. Donal am of Ontario. Boon»: Over Rom Bank, Darla... Bpeealitrt, Ere, Ear, Non and Throat In Durban our: other - century In " It. lunch. ' RAY 0A0 EXTRACTION. on“: mu Strut, DURHAM. on. Lamina: St, Durham. on. OfBoe Hours: 1.” b 6.tttt p... 1.80 to no . u. ROVIIEN BURNETT, M. D. on“ our loyal Inna, Dudl- HOURO: 2 - 4 . m. J. L. SHIT". M.B., M.C.. P.S. one. and Residence: Comer Ocu- teu And umbton Streets, Durh- Omce bout-u: , to 11 'ran., 1.80 to C p.m., 7 to ' pan., Sunny-em L F. GRANT, 0.0.3, J. It M-QUARIIE. a. A. ’. c. PICKERIIG. DDS. un GEORGE E. DUNCAN All up: coca-nu adhe-dtr. and may -. Omce: Over Vollett'l Btom. Pricou no likely to sdvu noon BO wholes-lor- report Be win' and buy now. REPAIRING " UCUAL new in. Priced st CHIROPRAC I It We have still son). that of than Richmond Oxfords. lt your line in here, don't min the chum. to so: u pair at "My! ye, Convoy-nut. BESSIE IoGlLu "" Gris' School Calf Ties J. S. MclLRAlTH A Genenl and 'tnn-t Bush”: Tm. ', M. EAGLESOI New lines of P. F. MRTIIUR Richmond Oxfords . ti. SNEATH. M. D. , onAuoEVILLE, t. c. P. PARK Profs-clonal 'iamtnsir 82.25 to $3.00 c. 8.3 ndvunco W 5‘

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