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Durham Review (1897), 26 Sep 1935, p. 8

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, (l Reserve yeur seats at Telephoneomee GRAND frt,!,tttti:RT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER \2 7th SEPT. 26th ig zit}. Thursday arid Friday The Best Township k,,, in Ontario COUNTER CHECK BOOKS 7//ee! us (If IiillllilIIOgT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FALL\FAIR Holstein Pius}, Oct. “In - Paisley Town Man Saturday, 'tet.gttr-oeo,mt Forest for: In" All Meetings except Nomination begin 8 p. m. "outlay. sept. " - (lamination in Durham, "teenoon): Glenelg Centre, evening Tuesdny, Out. l, Columbus [all end Cedarvttte Wednesday, ttei. 2nd - Cheeky Town In" Thundny, Oct. ?td-mtttrna, and Yunnan Paris]: In]! “Milly. Sept. 30 _ "teenoon) Duplicate - Triplicate Carbonized " Carbon Leaf Every Book guaranteed a perfect book The Durham Review and all popular Styles and Sizes U.F.O.-LABOR Political Meetings “QUALITY BEST” SPLENDID PRIZES for in ofthe Farm. Garden and Ho An item of importance that we can supply promptly in Agricultural Hall at 8.30! Agnes C. Macphail Place your orders at home. in the interests, of ASK oducts sehold >Istein ""--'_.e_r [um may shall not then have received notice. DATED this tttth My of September A.D. 1935. . K111101111 t GRANT. Mount brat. Ontario, scum-ton for the “id may] Han and Jerome J. Harm I ‘AND TAKE NOTIC that after the ia, ot October, A.D. 1935, the said Rachel Haas and Jero e J. Hergott will proceed to distrib e the assets of the stud deceased 3. ans the per- sons entitled thereto, vine regard only to the cialms of which they shall then have had not e, and that the said Rachel Haas Jerome J. Hergott will not be 1 le for the n...) _-__._ I Village ot .LSTEIN. in The County of G Y, Gentleman, De. ceased. NOTICE is her by given that all persons having aims or demands against the late illiam Wilson who died on or about he twenty-fourth day of August, 193 at the Village of Holstein in the C nty of Grey, are required to send b post prepaid or ito deliver to the u ersigned, solicit- {on herein tor Rach l Haas and Jer- ome J. Hergott, ex tors and trus- tees under the will the said Wm. Wilson, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing ot their claims and stat ments ot their accounts and the nat e of securities it any. held by them In the Matter f the ESTATE of WILLIAM W ON, late of the Village ot .LSTEIN. in The County ot G Y, Gentleman, De.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS , S.S. No. 2, EGREMONT I V-Helen .Llndsay. Sr. IV-Norma ‘ Lindsay. Jr. Iv-Minute Webber, V. Campbell, Vincent Campbell, Stuart Pollock, Harold Alcheson. Sr. m-A. ,Tucker, Clam Gordon. Jr. m-L. ‘Atcheson, Renniaon Andrews, Evelyn IAtcheson. May Marshall, Goldie, Har.. igrave. IG-Jack Atcheson, Thos Har- ggmve, Myrtle Marshall, Don Camp (ren. l-Russel Andrews, E. Lind. may, Corrine Pollock., Sr. Pr.-Ben Woods. Rose Harris, Billy Marshall, Luella Hugrave, Sneath Hargrave. Jr. Pr.--hne Andrews, Bmee Mus shall, Nellie Harris, Edith undeay, Alice Webber, Albert Webber. Beg.--. , Irene Harris, Ivy Hargrav-e, E. Weir. pler. M. E. Reuben Teacher: We heard the Jae Iasuitr-.-/, tight over the radio Tuesda This Joe Louis is a regul: wind. Mr. Milford Matthews tell " a. load of sheaves about two weeks ago and his neck has been rather tstitt and sore since. I Threshing is the order or the day !in tins burg. Bennett & Co. at M. iAllan's; Roy Lawrence at Wm. H. 'Lodge’s and Matt Hooper at George l Wilson's. ton Mr and Mrs Will Moore are spend- ing this week with Intends in Bramp- On" visited at this week. Mr and Mrs David Hooper Jr. and daughter Velma, visited the first of the week at Windsor and Detroit. Mrs Mabel Lawrence of Toronto The funeral of the late Mrs Robt. Baxter, a. former resident ot this " cinity was held Monday " Amos church, interment taking place in Amos cemetery. We extend the sym- pathy of this vicinity to the bereav- ed. Mrs Geo. A. Watson and son Joe visited with us Friday last. Mr and Mrs Thou. Harrison Sr., celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding last Saturday. Con- trratuutr'ons . Mr and Mrs A. Morton at the lake are celebrating the 10th anniversary of their wedding this Saturday even- ing. Evelyn Love daughter of Mr and Mrs F'. Love is indlaposed at present wi'h an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Wm. Pollock is visiting a few days with relatives in Toronto. Nurse A. Matthews who has been recently in Oshawa is at present vis- iting her mother Mrs Robert Mat- thews and other relatives. St. Pauls A.Y.P.A. enjoyed acorn roast at the home ot Mr Walter Fer, guson on Friday evening last. A tine attendance was present and the evening was spent in contests, gam- ea, speeches, singing, etc. Threshing is the Mr and Mrs Wesley Andrews at- tended the wedding anniversary ot the formers parents Mr and Mrs T. Andrews ot Mount Forest. Mr. W. H. Hunter 15 engaged a.- mong the various runners silo Ming. Mr Ben Woods Jr. spent the week end with relatives in Toronto. Mm Allan Patton of Smithcvllle and also Mr and Mrs Ritchie Camp- btll of Renegall are visiting atthe home of Mr. John Campbell. Sunday . weekemt with renting at Klwhener. Mr. Cum J. Queen has commen- ced his fourth theological term " Western in London. Some of the youth: of this vicinity enjoyed a. motor trip to Owen Sound SCHOOL REPORTS NORTH EGREMONT or my ottrt ALLAN 'S CORNERS tMr. Matthew Hoaxgr’s illiam W Lt he twe 93 at the C nty of b Dost p u enigma ach l Haas ex tors ill the a nes and 2 ars in wt stat meats nat e of I them TIC, that A.D. 1935, Jero e J. '3 at the Village of . nty of Grey, are b Dost prepaid or ll ersitrned, solicit- ,ch 1 Haas and Jer- ex tors and trua-i ll the said iii? :es and addresses radio Tuesday nighi: is a regular whirl- [claim they Max Baer Btopovem 'mnted " Port Arum Ont, “d att “mon- not them: M Nomad: "Tam my aunt (b) pal-tour and (a) tourist sleeping can at up: "lately lyke per mlle, plan berth fare. "‘" “mm mm my - Canadian Pacific WESTERN CANADA New fences wni"iui,' view of track events. ROBT. J. IRELAN l larger prizes for orsea. including class for Percheron: and Belgians. SPECIAL ATTR CTIONS Trials of Speed 8100 purses, Running Race, Gen eman's Road Race, Auto Race, Clo a, Two Bands Hurdle Jumping; Pig Race, Freak Convertuseetr, Milking ontest. Etc. I tttlain Prizes Ekhibits Galore OCT. Ist bud 2nd Ontario’s urgeit Twooa y Fair fare. SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Passage Tickets also on all: good Int--. pal-tour and caudal-d duping can at "proximately Itne per mid, plus regular "ttt or berth Teeswater Fair Mr and Mr Listowel, Mr. of the Royal 9811in by his Ian of Durhan Mr and Mrs J inome ot Mrs. J. Switzer Friday or {last week there being a goodly num- "rer present to hear the splendid pa- pper on canning glven by Mrs Wm. a“--- I The W.I. mee Pome ot Mrs. J {last week there Mr and Mrs Egbert day recently in Guelph Mrs John Sharp and In Rogers. Mrs W. ghter Mrs friends in Special Bargain EXCURSIONS Mr and Mrs N. Rounding and little daughter Nansen who have been visit- ing her parents Mr and Mrs R. J. Arnill lent Wednesday for Grand Val- ley. we anniversary of the Presbyter- ian church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 20th, and there will be a fowl supper on Monday following. Mr and Mrs McKince ot Proton are visiting their daughter Mrs W. P. Ellis. Daily Sept. 21 to Oct. 4 Return Limit: 45 days. ONE CENT PER MILE Mr and Mrs Thou. MeC norm, spent last week wll that Mr. George McCall. The anniversary of the ian church will be held 1 Miss J. Christie spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Wm. McDougall and daughter Loretta of Peterborough spent last week with his brother Mr. Charles, McDougall. TO ALL STATIONS IN mm arcane McMillan and son of Minnesota are visiting Mr and Mrs Colin McMillan. Mr. Bert a few days the village. ' Mr. Brownie Irvin left the tirtrt of the week tor Kingston where he will stay with his sister Mrs Charles Pea. cock and attend High School. Miss Jean Ellis-0t Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Tr. and Mrs. W. P. Ellis. Miss Ruby Kerr of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Jordan and the Buller family. Mr and Mrs Merton Reid ot Sea- forth spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Henry Reid. Mr and Mrs McMurdo of Dromore spent the tirst at the week with the McGuire family. Mr and Mrs L. B. Nicholson of Toronto spent the tirat ot the week with her sister Mr: Alex Brown. Mr Jack Irvin of Lambton Mills. spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs R. Irvin. Mr and Mm Joe Ellis and tnmlly of Kitchener spent the weekend with his parents Dr. and Mrs W. P. El- 113. Ion Paul of St. Thoma visited her father Mr Bilton tutd the J. o. Drin- mie family a few days last week. WEDURHAMREVIEW HOLSTEIN LEADER Mr. and Mrs P. Kimw and little GOING DATES: ccnuy In Guelph with Mr and thn Sharp and tamlly. md Mrs Thos. Johnston of srl, Mr. Arthur Allan, manager Royal Bank, Montreal, accom. L__ Ke, A by his mother Mrs Thos: Al- Durham, Waited recently with l RI-, " A-- 'ENT PER MILE in Coaches only LOCAL AND PERSONAL Speed $100 purges, Mr and Mrs Albert Marshall and lace, Gen eman's Road Mr. and Mrs James Petty visited on Race, Clo a, Two Bands Sunday with Mreand Mrs M. Petty mping. pig Race, Freak at Welbeck. t s, Milking cutest. Etc. Miss Jennings but over the week, 393 will all a better end " her home near Owen Sound. i Lek events. We received an announcement of! J. IRELAN , President. the wedding or Miss Onnalee Wammn.I l. McKAGUE, Beey.-Treass. daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm. Wat-1 son of Detroit, to Mr. W. Keonlg.f v.. ...." we-, h --- Bert Warling vat Toronto spent days last week with friends in Archie McMillan and Brown is visiting her dau. John Manary aim; other Toronto. Mrs Habennehl spent a. M1 £5 E hit as for em :herons and ATTR CT teed $1 9. Gen en ce, Clo a, as. Pig R Kllklng OI will all events. D. Allan and Lia; meeting was held at the can at approx“. Thoa. McCall. Budge- it week with his bro- w... pm. W. m. We extend our In Hemmer 3nd all -.. nun-tor Br., received the nu news My of the and: of her brother, Mr. Mel-lord in Ore. mn Mr, --=--, . Visitors with Mr and In David Marshall, Sunday, were Mr and Mrs James Mush]! and children of Win- tan, use Mr and Mn Alex Aberdein Ind family, Mr and In Wm. Mamie all and sons of Mt. For-eat and iii) and Jim Irwin We.) and child.. ” " “-7. ter Sr., Mr. Walter McAllIter, Mr. and Mrs Albert Hush“ “tended the funeral of the late Mr. Chas. Munster in Galt on Tuesdnv. Mr. C. ter Br., Mr and Mrs .Dawso children visited on SI. and Mrs Weber near Mina Dinah Thoma Tuesday ct last week E. Byers. -0... was-mumuona and many good wishes for a. happy future. Mr and Mrs Symonds and son Har- ry, Mrs Traynor and daughter Blanche. all of town visited on Sun- day with Mr and Mrs G. Smumm - ___ --w....,. Mr and Mrs Bert Watson and Mrund: Mrs Hubert McDougall were guests; at the wedding on Saturday. We er" tend Corttrratuurtioms and many good! wishes for a. hanov Ntatrs, l The Mission Band and Y.W.A. met In the church on Saturday utemoon with a fair attendance. Mrs Mearns presided and read the scripture les- son. Mrs Marshall Sr., led the Mis. sion Band. Mrs Mearns read from the study book on Formosa and Mrs C. McAlister, on Japan. ', ot Wont: h; Mrs Robert Taylor and three child. ren and Mrs Alex. Henderson, Dro- mone, returned the first ot the week from a week’s vacation at Wasagn Beach. wucr “Ln. Admission 40c and 20c. The Dromore W.l. will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Jno. Eccles on Oct. 2nd. A dem- onstration on basket making will be given by Mrs R. Honeymn. Mrs Robert Taylor and three child- Amos Church Ladies' Aid Soe'ety will hold a, New] Supper and Enter- tahunnt In the church oh Friday, oe. tober llth. Admission 40c and 20c. Mr w. o. PindeGiatT' few last week with friends ot Alma " “we“ or Uurham.’“‘“ u would almost take I spun ot -... "a“ . . a - elephants, to work it. This w... 1:121:31: day last week with Mrs Vi 'iabout 42 years ttgo and he will re. Mr aha Mrs H. Holldin, ot Hammlmember that he could mu In old ton visited on Sunday with the Carl 'g',,trte, Pt',' 33:13“ng f,',',,,',',,'.' mount family. l M1 . Miss Clara Hoettin spent .i,'i1,1/"hriiii"otu)',eld. tl"."2/i/g,'ot 2: [81:5- itei . . . 'lt, :1: 2.ttt'/,',,.n 'i'd2't'e,t Sumion their Egremont farm of " "rea, day last with her parents. Mr and, hf: over 1000 butrheh, of out: Ind Mrs D. Davis ot Aliens Corners. C ertr accordingly 11.. “r n WSf__x, ---- ‘son. 7 I Pricoville corr.: It ' Mr and Mrs Robt. Carmount treat-’E‘onmd that ie.t.r.odurd ed the young people to a. corn Magi? "ut', loga'Lty- Itm last Tuesday evening. I' ' e st, 'ce.?,'. asl Ioned Mrs Wm. J. Vollett of Durhamiand t would almost ta spent a day last week with Mrs w.1',1telyu1tr to work it. Nelson. about 42 years ttgo in Mr and Mrs H. Holldin, ot Hamil-[member that he could ton visited on Sunday with the car.Hasrhioned binder then . mount family. icould teach tho mun... Mrs Baird and Jean Spent Saturday with Mr son. Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelson visited with Mrs James McGirr of Gknelg recently. Mr Kenneth Kirby was taken to Mount Forest hospital on Saturday, for treatment. We hope for a. speedy recovery. Mr. E. Hahn spent Sunday with his parents of Varney. Mrs Buckles and children of Toron- to are spending a few weeks with Mrs Bell. been of great benetit to the milk and root crops. Mr and up. Joaéph Robinson of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs R. J. Eden. Mr and Mrs Chas. Maha and son Eldon attended the {uneml ot Mr. Hahn’s brother-in-law, Mr. Fisher of Neusmdt on Monday. Mrs Thos. Stewart and family hue returned to the village for the win- ter months. Mr and Mrs Walter Barley und son Bruce visited on Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs W. G. Blyth. Mr and Mn "a. Polley of Burtord spent a few days recently with the Meson families. evening. The nnnIverury ot Vamer United church will be held on Oct. 6. Rev. Mr. "leontrrtd.e of Draw will have chute of both morning and evening The recent showers ot late haw KNOX CORNERS McAHster um In Home ma Mrs G. Smallman. Dawtsor, Marshall and I tttl Sunday with Mr. r near Mt. Forest, Thompson visited on DROMORE ORCHARD VARNEY Who mam. with Mias T prepared for Monday TORONTO of Durham, The Review to to Jan. 1. """""r"te=m"aee=saa=a. =='21"e""'_q.Mrt 'fre-rr-i-ia" “I Mmmmvficnsznrzhbli‘fim rm. sum-g Car nut-aim. all all .wo. In. any lot-4. ASE Pon HAND! CANADIAN NA'rlnuA g GOING DAILY Special Bargain 1rll8ilrllilllm cAiiiiii"i7i" LiG7iiiiUikTd'ld'trl'feeP1tit 1'tatatgrEiiiiiiii.ii, .'8tptgattiiiiieers.e, hula 9e.ftuFGirai'ir"i and.“ . (”DIEM-{Madm’fii’t'nl‘ommutum m IL Hopeville corr:. ..The my lthreshing outfit nrrlved on the scene [Monday and commenced opentlona int Mr. D. Nclnnea'. Mr H. Scott has been engaged " engineer. I North Egremont corn: The new ‘bridge u Ramage'l is now completed !and reflects, credit on the builders. 'Messrs Carl Harrison and Herbert (Hooper. It was repaired none too Fsoon. as one of the old ctr-lagers Ibroke in two on being pulled out, iwhile another was badly decayed at lone end. It is nearly M yew; IU) ‘lt was built. Ioror.nptly done qurrements. and cheap way ot suturing them up and distributing than among the but year there was I glut lurc- ity ot apples and malt of us had practically to do without them tor a year. Now there in such tn thun- dance ot summer and (all apples tint they are going to wute by the ton. What a pity there is not some quick Check up on your supply of Letterheads, Statements, Account Forms, Envelopes, Invoices or any printed forms or counter check books. The 'Review' is ready any time to sunnlv vnn- ---'“' ‘ In Toronto on Sept. 18, 'by the Rev. G. Waugh, uncle at them. Georgina. Alexandra Lawson, youn- est daughter ot Mr and In It. A. Lawsan ot Durham wu united In marriage with Mr. J. mace Bumble son or Mr John Rumble ot Huhdde. Ont. Miss Mary Helium: leaves Tues- day next for Toronto where in en- ter: the Presbyterian Deaconess Training School to quality for l Deaconess. Men from Review Me, Sept. ”ISO Sunday [at the we closed over the mortal rennin: ot Mr. Jules Mchy. who died " his home on Lamhton tn. the Friday previous. Mr. Rom. Campbell'l " month old son Donald, weighing " pounds took ttrtrt prize in his clus It the Owen Sound Exhibition. Mr. Business Man - IN DAYS OF YORE l', summons F, mat introduced the ttrst ttin. this locality. It wu something eEi10Ciii'i"irrc: DURHAM REVIEW " YEARS AGO fashioned weavers *â€" “VII I GOOD IN COACHES own 2"i"AraacThe5EEcrt-7'-hSehe 1.fieeeetaFit%%7ii '“mhw‘L_Lu . - 7---,w. .uVUICCS or any Terms or counter check hs, 'Review' is ready any supply your printing re- 5. Work is neatly and It In: Professor -sEPr. 21 to OCT. Return Limit.. 45 a.” , 1937, only/$260 _ ,___-.. -u not. up lime In. any lot-4. ASE Pon HANDBILL "'"---.-, 569" my burned to the ground. Friday night together with all this man's crop and over any ton of by. Mr Rid- dell had only mired a short time when he noticed the méteetion of a. tight and on lnveadgutlng was horri- tted to use " bun a seething mass Mr. Bryce Dnrgnvel who ir Nation?- ing at his home south of the burg deer " eighteen monthl' absence in Bunny Alberta and other parts of the Grant West......1‘he tine mam- moth bun belonging to Mr. H. R. Ridden of the Md. con., Bentinck. Rttd and“ only in June Int. was burned to the ground, Fridny night I Priceviile Corn: We hnve been sil- ent tor the Int couple ot weeks but we will try and nuke up for lost opportunities in the future. Our town bu s dilerent appearance tor now 'we have beautiful sldewuiu which will compete with my town or city in Ontario, and nil the business pine es in town hnve their platforms made now of cement which is quite an improvement on the old rickety platforms in use since the days of olden times. Sn bscn berg Mr Geo. Still-on has been around town for some den. He likes the West end he I preference for Sour- itt or Swift Current. Mr M. Black ha rented the bar of tho llddnugb Home to the Ryan Bram, but will as usual keep the dininrrooen' and the upstairs to no. commute the while. extended t annulment all by the 'ustterton, Pricevllle and Male Bunk: churche- md will one" up- on his hbors the mound Sunday 1n October . ‘ " my be Interesting to know that the C.P.R. climb. a nude or 772 feet in going from Welter-ton (08w- geen Junction, an avenue We of 20% feet for - mile. This is a higher hill than Jack and Jill climb ed to ttot . ml ot water. Durhun Road. out of tomt, when their daughter It“ Mary Ellen Hur. ley was wind In lulu-1mm bonds to Mr. Thou. C. Ritchie of Mark- Domoch gout: A popuhr youth is I um A“ Taken from Review (yle. Bept. Milo Out of the In“ sock! even'. of the Be'SStNt toot plwe on Tuesday. Sept. M, at the home at the bride's SEPT. M, "" in All Stations in the East al lave and: (Mir move I WI 0! h l Sm A on

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