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Durham Review (1897), 3 Oct 1935, p. 5

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ULOCK 3, 1935 Smith. “It! w number on a: I. ' Miss Gem Ill- form ot I m moon in " many, \rcompanled by In u-ly solo. 1.0V. di- mmz with pnygr' "slip and “slant. Hfrvshments. and '-, spertt "lather. \‘H br. at no... .. {mm on Wedm also!) PORT was hold on The tumor ', tmdrr m the Lunar one or In Met Va MacDon- MacDonud. here attend- ce Sunday 'ist church. M.A., Tor. t Tue-d3: the ma! following ling torn: 'mer, pro... Mastic ac- and Janet in Cotttrte Pun-16m- I.P.s. was y favorable a: the work connection the pupils iris' need).- udence of money in MENT rope! Ki t on the traction: spelling parade . tett it a t like to tree. but mm may I". n. com . uten- , some wk ro- 'a cop- edition m the you re . why copies. all any hey so "tret" yam 3TH). F 1 ‘{ e1 lsrson's will deliver to your door the bestbread you can possibly buy. , asnpting Buns, Cakes and Pastries i On Hand for Your Selection ARROW BUS SCHEDULE CCFECTIVE MAY s, 1935 Noll I'ttB000, leave Durh’m 12.50 p. m., 7.20 p. m. s’rxxnmo TIME 5m rHBOUND, leave Durh'm Ccntrai ONTARIO BUS LINES TORONTO mm House. Tel. No, 24 or IN any)! Motel, Telephone No. " “Ir and Mrs McKee, Mr Bert wo. Mr and Mrs Butler. trf Toronto vii' Sunday at E. Evarht’l. 1l.-s Marjorie Evens: hat, returned , Wmm attrtr spending two month. 'l Mr parents. w','s Minnie Whittaker returned to mm after spending two week: lravel by Arrow Coaches leor Your Convenience" 8.10 a. m., 6.10 p. m. (.‘(NHRIES PLANNED TO AIA. POINTS IN CANADA 1 mm! States And Mexico. .wwsrm‘ LOCAL AGENT n Archie McMillan and son of mu; Mr. C. McMillan, Holstein; m: Mrs mu Hm. Fergus: Mr. \Ir-lJ-zln, Kitchener; and Miss M. ..v.-:-, Tiverton, were recent visi- n; Mr. H. McLean. Tr and Mrs A. L. Hlncks and i', visi'ed friends in Chatsworth n'l' home here. ‘\r Sunday. Oct. 601 Rev N. Donald will take the service. in wk and Rev. Mr. McIntosh of .mlk will preach here in the nor- Sprvice will be withdrawn in -'\t‘l\lng. owing to sunken", .m- at Swinton Park. . und Mrs Geo. Melanin: and Brown returned Sunday to Ni. .. Pans after visiting friends _ w»: 1293 ', \‘ION’ STOCK YARDS. Dunn & Levack Ltd. PmGlliWllllL,LE Why be Uncomfortable in Baking Bread in Summer Time cul Mrs Alex Mela-an who has A , m.“ 010?le done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. V ct we re 1 airing artilizer kindly leave their orders as earlyas possible. Get our - - ”Wu. “who". be M" ply you PRICEVILLE 'Ott reap 0unn's Fertilizer in stock HENDERSON’S BAKERY Royal Houlohdd Flour 'O Canada' " Pilot " Keep in OCT. , , I935 T HE PEOPLE'S MILLS JOHN McGOWAN FLOUR (tundra Leading Livestock Silesia“! When you make use of our highly specialized selling service for marketing your live stock. A FULL HARVEST Stock [or Sale the following Goods Mr and Mrs W. G. family spent the wee! and intended visiting left. been in Toronto the past few week: came home and had her tonsils re- moved in Durham hoopla! and is re- cupemtlng " her home. Mrs Eliza, Burt came home Friday from Markdnle hospital. Miss Donalda. McLeod spent week end in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Harry Pedlar and Dick of Toronto were visitors Brat of the week at A. Carson‘s. . Mr. Earnie Williams spent end in Toronto and attended wedding of his brother. A number from here attended the nomination in Durham Monday. On Friday night a presentation was held in the hall in honor of Mr and Mrs Bill Hill of Fergus (nee Cather- ine McMillan) who were recently married. The evening was spent in music and dancing. At an appropri- ate time, Mr Murray Nichol, who was chairman called upon the young cou- ple to come forward. when an ad- dress was read by Mrs D. Campbell and the presentation ot a sum ot money was made by Mrs A. L. Hincks. Mr. Hill replied in a few well chosen words and thanked all kindly on behalf of himself and his Wife. for the gift. Speeches were made by Wm. Mather, A. J. Mevi- car. All Joined hands and sang 'For they are Jolly good fellows'. Lunch was served and a. good time spent by all. Mr and Mrs G. A. Black and Hel- en and Andy Black of Swinton Park, visited Monday at A. L. Hincks’. A meeting in the interests of Dr. Campbell, Conservative candidate in coming election was held in the Hall last Friday night. lift those precious potatoeé. What a change in their value since last year.' And no government to blame tor it. This September 80th is very cold and disagreeable, yet undecided whe- ther to rain or now. But we are looking for nice balmy days yet to w: _ {A On Saturday morning we had a ter. Bran Shorts Oat Chop Crimpled Oats SWINTON PARK FEED A ND VICIII'IY SINCE 1893 TORONTO ovum». Weekend up north Shorts the quintup- McBride and week the Mr and Mrs James Kennedy and Margaret and Jack ot Shelburne. were Sunday visitors at Aldcorn's and Ed. Head's. Mr and Mrs W. J. McMillan also dined at Head's. John Lowe and Delbert Haw spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs Hardy Sr., has gone to Strat- ford for a week’s visit with Mr and Mrs W. J. Blakeston and other rel- atives. Misss Dorothy Tressider, teacher in Toronto, spent the weekend at her home here, accompanied by a friend, Mrs McRoberts ot Toronto. Some progress is being made on repairs to Hardy’s barn. The mot is being laid on Aldoorn’s rebuilt house at present. The cold disagreeable weather makes work slow. McKinnonp' and Ferguséna’ build, ings have been fairly well repaired since the storms. Neil Clarks attended anniversary services at Ventry on Sunday and re. newed old acquaintances there. Mr and Mrs James Hardy attended anniversary services at Inistoge on Sunday. Miss Jean McCormack, Rm., of Toronto is enjoying a holiday with her parents here, Mr and Mrs Wm. McCormack. rible (mama! vegetation turned black. Next Sunday anniversary servces will be held in Swinton Park church. Rev. Mr, McIntosh of Dundalk will conduct services at 2.30 and 8.30. also apeoial music by the choir. On Monday evening Oct. 7th the Dromore Dramatic Club will put on a play in the hall here, entitled 'The Antics of Andrew." Mr and Mrs Alex Spence of Goder- ich spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs Thos Spence. Pleased to hear Mrs Thos Spence is making a steady improvement from her recent illness. Mr and Mrs Peter McEachnle and daughter Shirley, Toronto spent last week at home of his brother John and other relatives. Neighbors have been assisting Mr. Wm. Scott replace the root which was tom " during the cyclone, on his barn. The work has been greatly hindered by wet weather. Oct. 9th is the date of the month- ly W.l. meeting at the home of Mrs Chas. Wale. The United w. M. S. meet Wed- nesday, Oct. 2nd at the home ot Mrs Thog. Walton, Dundalk. BORN-Ah, Sunday, Sept. 29th to Mr and Mrs Earl Walton a datrghter. Cold blustery weather during the weekend is a. gentle reminder ot something much worse ahead-a long cold winter which everyone dreads more or less. The three candidates tsave' each duly held a meeting in Stewarts Hall to try and enlighten as poor creatur- es who faithfully turn out and listen in amusement to the great merits of their respective parties and leaders, and the wretched blunders ot their opponents. It is amazing how they stand there and tell us how their one concern is for our welfare. As far as I can see the people are in a pol- itical badge Dodge. I have never heard one political argument this campaign. Oct. 14th will tell the story. Send The Review to your absent frienda.--They will enjoy reading it. Finest light oney, new crop at 8c a m., in your wn container. Wm. Cutler, Elgin S , Durham. FARM on SALE Lots 5 & 6 - concession " Pro ton, containing 2 0 acres. the prop erty of Donald ampbell. Swintor Park. Good Buildings. Applr--gnes A. Campbell, Road 810, 137 Waning ton Street, West, toronto, Ontario. 200 acres, Lot 15, con. lg and M, Township of Egremo t. Good com- fortable house, tr water, near school and church, st re, blacksmith For particulars, apply to Jas. Lath- ian. R.R. I, Varney. at. (25-35) WESTERN CANADA SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Passage Tickets also on sale good "c-- (a) Marin sleeping can at approx}. manly lyke per mile, plus reg. berth fare. ' (b) parlour and standard Unplug ' an it; :3 ian Pacific StwOven granted at Ptr; at, ad " union: wen m momma GU at! “an! Special Bargain EXCURSIONS mid, plus fare. TO ALL STATIONS m GOING DATES: Daily Sept. 21 to Oct. 4 Return Limit: " days. ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only HONAY FOR SALE HOPEVILLE FARM FOR SALE tr and standard alum-19 at approximately ty'att per i The Durham Baptist church is plan- ning a. big day for their 82nd unit vex-nary on Oct. 13th um 14th. Rev. 30. Stanley Baggett of Listowel is to 5be the anniversary preacher. He has a deep musical valve and will also ‘aing. Another attraction will be Mrs (Gertrude Williamson Hall, soloist in qthe Timothy Eaton Memorial church, ‘Toronto. Mrs Hall was with the Fisk Jubilee Singers whose musical fame spread over this continent and Europe and her rich contralto voice will be ‘heard at both services. 3 On Sunday evening the Virginia colored Jubilee Singers, sight in nums her. will sing. This will be their trust appearance in Durham. On Mon- ‘day evening they will give a dramatic ‘concert ot Southern Melodies. They :are a. highly cultured musical groupl [The mininer of the Timothy Eaton Memorial church says, " Each mem- ber of the company posmséa a char. ming personality. and makes a dis- tinct contribution to the evening's entertainment." Rally Day was observed at Bap- tist church Sunday morning last and the pastor gave a young peoples' chalk-talk sermon on 'Whither bound'. During the address Mr. Priest drew an old time sailing vessel in full sail with sky, and sea and sunrise In col- ors. and spoke ot the shlpowner, the captain, the compass, chart, cargo, pilot and port. Both sermon and picture were greatly appreciated. C,iiiiiiiuiis GLENELG CENTRE B. M. c. l The Glenelg Centre B.M.C. tsetd' their meeting at the home of Mrs J. Benton, Wednesday, Sept. 25th. Mrs. A. Benton gave the bible reading. After a season of prayer, Mrs W. Ewing read a paper on 'Transmitted money'. 'With a price', was an inter- esting reading given by Mrs R. J. MacGHlivray. Mrs N. MacFarlane read the Family Budget; Mrs Jno. Beaton read the topic on Stewardship of Time. Mrs J. T. Priest sang Take time to be holy. 'Churchrnemrhip' was read by Mrs Jas. A. Brown. A dainty lunch was served by the host- ess. The thanlrotrering meeting will be held at Rev. J. T. Priest’s, Oct. 9th. The postponed meeting of Queen Street United W.M.S. was held on Wednesday, Sept. 25th at the home of Mrs J. McLean. The president Mrs Halbert was welcomed after an absence of nine months through ill. ness and presided throughout, and gave the can to worship. Mrs Gag. non read the scripture lesson, Mrs. Yum the devotional leaflet ‘F‘rlends THE DURHAM REVIEW QUEEN STREET w. M. S. Tale of Heroic Achievement _ Marks C. P. R. 's 50th Anniversary Cr,',tr:,'e,f,e, Dar, November 7, next marks the fiftieth ml- veraary of the driving of the last spike. final completion ot the Canadian Ptueitie line from Mont- real to Vancouver and the final .consummatlon of Canadian Con- federation. Arrangements Are now being made for its mung celebration so tint Canadian Pacific people and the country in xenon! may be reminded of the part this Company bu played in national development. A It is particularly fitting that the Company's jubilee yen:- Ihould be marked by the upsu- ance of m important book bur- ing on its history and the new volume by J. Mum: Gibbon. who" picture In shown the". will bathe more welwmo on that amount. It ts entitled $81031 of forever' the Int of the series “The circle of trieatdtrttip" which hue taught that mend: of Jean would be strong. unbltloua. gracious, unsel- fish, hopeful, outrageous, joyous un- derstanding, notlonally and interns. normally minded because He had all these characteristics and only as we allure the some outlook can we have His friendship. Mrs Halbert led in prayen and conducted a questionalre on the work of the W.M.S. through- out Canada, In Japan. China, Korea. Trinidad and Africa. Thirty questions were asked, the answers given from the annual report by Mrs Knechtel. with Miss Charlton and Mrs McClock? lin supplying much information of appeal to all who are interested in this country. It is published by the Bobtm Merrill Company in the United States And by McClel- lnnd & Stewart in Called: and Appears to an extremely hand- some volume. Sixteen full colour illustrations and over two hun- dred in black end white help cer- ry the interest throughout, Aided by A series of explanatory mops. It trents at $8.50 a. copy. Despite its wide reuse ot intonation and the not amount ot reading and research that clenriy bu gone into it: making, it in full of hum interest and in an absorb- ing record of the human desires end Ambition: that have become the {nonunion stones of Candie: nationality. Hinton of the Canaan Paine n it may be, it h I “new; and imporunt book long baton COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Duplicate - Triplicate Carbonized - Carbon Leaf and all popular Styles and Sizes Every Book guaranteed a perfect book MeCASlitEY The Durham Review “QUAIJTY BEST” An item of importance that we can supply promptly Place your orders at home. Ask for Samples and Prices. SMALL PM!" FOR SALE Ort Lunbton m., one mile on: of town ot Durtuunl 50 acres. well wat- ered, containing agar bush and mir. ed timber, heml and cedar. Good brick house and e barn. Apply to Wm. Thompso R.R. 4, Dyr- " EY FOR BALE Finest ligti Honey, new crop at 8 cents a pound In your own container. W. A. MaeDo d, Durham (3M our work. A short mum period followed. panama for future mach lugs and the new study book 'Afrias'. Mr. Gibbon very largely ignores the common-piece history book stories ot early nettlement end 11y: before us new incidents end hitherto neglected movements that led to the exploration end final conquering of the Candies wilderness. Than, he recen- that in the tune of Queen Anne the new demand for tee and the tre- mendous vogue tbr Chinese por- oelnln and for Chinese house dee- oration: turned gtterehattt eye. toward. the Orient and [WM- ed the desire to find the North Welt pause. In n large sense and: for sad the alumna bund- m of s new road to tho Mic. and ultimately the opening up of the country ”than! for mu.- nut each plum their big put In the development at Cult. tmtitmtath-tttttrthem" to the "mat" an am "e ) 50 tom. well r lush 1nd and cedar. l a bun. A pm R.R. 4, w J. L. SWITH. M.B., M.C, tMice and Residence: Corner Coun- ten ma umbton Streets. Durham Ollice hours: ' to " mm" 1.30 to G mm. 7 to ' mm. Sands" except“ Lumuon St., Durham, Ont. om Noun: no to 4.00 pd: I.” u no p. In. now in. Priced at $2.25 to $3.00 Hanan. 03m Bpeeatiat, Ere, Eu. Nose um Tums! In Durban our: other wake-l We hue still tome sizes of those Richmond Oxfords. " your site is here, don't min the chunce to get a pair " Prices are likely to ndvunco noon to wholesalers report. Bo Vii-0 and buy now. W. C. PICKERING, 005. L08 Honor ammo: Toronto University. Gruduute Ron] Con. Dental Surgeon ot Ontario. Rooms: Over Boyd Bank, Dull-II. Domini-y In all It. lunch. X RAY GAO EXTRACTION. omen: um Street. DURHAM. Ont. Licenced Auctioneer for any County sue. taken on mantle tom. Dues arranged u Herald once. Dun- aux. use through Durham Radar and newer-ton Advance. Goo. E. Duncan, Dunddk P.0. Phone " rea I s' School Calf Ties Ontario A Domintou Land Surveyor Registered Proteulonu Engineer Surveys, Report. mantles, Plum Telephono M, ORANGEVILLE, Ont. try" Chlrrrpraetle ailments. an. and um: Viol“ My. Bee your load Chl-ma manna-Imam mtaradvno-CIWJM'I“ “Madam-o I. murmur-caucus- mun-“mm..- clum'nmnunlui I. F. GRANT, 0.0.8.. L.U.S. Fila ikGrati non-u, A. A. c a All legal locum.“- «new and ”fully m. Richmond Wards New lines of on“ our Royal Bank. Duo-Mn HOURO: 2--6p. m. C. 6. AND ROYDEN BURNETT. M. o. P. fr. heM1'lltllt J. S. MclLRAlTH Omee: Over Vollett'a Wore. Your when“. all.“ GEORGE E. DUNCAN J. n. momma». ts. A. A General And hands! Blaine“ Truncated. REPAIRING " USUAL T. ti. SNEATH. M. o. M. CHARLTON, A. A. G. M.t F, M. EM LESON CHIROPRACI ' DR. C. P. PARK BESSE tttSt '0. r m "

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