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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1935, p. 5

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p in Canada also wind Stat” noon: :lnesday. Ort. " hursday. Oct. '" “in: deaths“ 'ar. Oct. ss, 1!“. been! Fare: Children arse. and Ono-Quark! ND TRIP . EGIVIMi , FAR! om my um. Town has". NOCH 10. 1935 Pacitiet M ed with Mon-'- expects to move in Bantinck. an ht I m Minn/em" , and evening. r Thanhotrortrtgr nfterndon wk). Mrs D. prodd- K was taken by Ira E. MY“ ioudroau “v. . mksxiving. iss Bolen - Mrs E. MW " of bridge. Af- served. M 11:9 party "on now tilt ”11-8. spent at In . mt and Rev. h, , Honan. Cumc, ham to laden. hr also Rev. WI. Akene and I". who passed DUI, Ago. The church with Mr III] few am. and his MD- uster In R. " M lled awayu rlrs Meson. d taken . another FH- be able to ood can. - ith ot VII- E at "whack ‘Lpied by J. he barber” " value at 'r in In... " named the we." alter I on ma of will- nd us whnt us, but glad I still looks ell In, too dd _ the at” turn sold It Becker a. t, Prlel nu who sold It Sullivan m ”or Ix you-g, the prom: water's “In. burnt tho tcp Which s and h I Frances. i also do- mt of u. ol and the ma new. -ntinck and mine, went HIE Ive on”: and Alt. )uple or rerred it Holland a Dre-ant h tum. J. “Vixen for he vilhu as on tho and earl [ of no. rim): I“ as placed . Watt ablie or , gutted Donnell. men won non could of“ 111), the amaford, n Parke no): “do Who I‘ll l to Cab 'iends in built Smith. le been new Vote "no he Shop in men quite Thu at ein Hol- t to the now " as the In his C N. Poop“ mums The the Central ONTARIO BUS LINES TORONTO We would strongly Wand our waders of the" Item. to the nude in Saturday's Globe. Oct. 5th. In: column of editor" use, by (kyle In we-ll, re the shame to Grey- nruco it Miss Maephait should bede teaten try a Dr. or anyone also, after her noble efforts of reform. Mrs. J. E. Dob-on after a pleats. ant visit at the harm! M h-. "““' SOUTHBOUND, leave Durh’m 8-10 a. m., 0.10 p. m. I'PINERIES PLANNED To ALL POINTS IN CANADA United States and Mexico. CONSULT LOCAL AGENT Hahn Home, Tel. No. 24 or 173 Central Hotel, Telephone No. 30, In Saturday’s 010k. column of editomt H well, re the t Bruce if Mia: Mncpl hated by 3 Dr. or: Mr noble amm- M EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 1935 NORTHBOUND, leave Durh’m 12.50 p. m., 7.20 p. m. STANDARD TIME e_ - vuvllll'l. The anniversary "when in con- rmmon with St. Column. church “in be held on Oct. 27th when the Rev. Mr. Mercer of Holstein will conduct the service: morning Ind . mung. The choir are Anthem Minded, and are Ion] to pmuco " far as eonnieting laureate will " lo v. There will be no fowl feed this‘ year with its unlnlllng waste, work and worry. The congregation nobly ”spending otherwlee to the expense thus saved. w.) n H aniarson's will deliver to your door the bestbread you can possibly buy. Tempting Buns, Cakes and Pastries On Hand for Your Selection ARROW BUS SCHEDULE CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out white you turn around. _ pu' at M es were The recent t Messrs H. B Stewart, m rattle was Inra SINCE 1893 . - -- UNION STOCK YARDS. Dunn ik Levack Ltd. on our price. More musing mm tt will pay you. Travel by Arrow Coaches Why be Uncomfortable in Baking Bread in Summer Time Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock "Por Roral Household Flour Bran '0 Canada’ " Om Pilot " C Keep in Stock In Sale the following Goods HENDERSON’S BAKERY 'Ott reap THE PEOPLE’S MILLS JOHN McGOWAN recent auction ale held 5 H. B. McLean and rrt, Friday hat ot horse: was largely attended. on! 500 by some. Fairly good re realized on u] ohm... V ll Ct , . a '31 tiring artilizar kindly leave their orders as early as possible. eNGEviiJLjii FLOUR Your Convenience" the home When you make use oCour highly specialized selling service for marketing your live stock. auction we held by . McLean and John " hat ot hone: Ind My attended, otrtimat. Dme' Fairly good pric- 2d on m offerings, WY services in con. it. Column church A FULL HARVEST '. lo ' 19M " lending Livestock Sultan:- after tk pleats. of her brother. ‘Mra Art Richardson at Bwinton Park underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis In Toronto on Saturday. Mr and Mm T. Nichol; Mr and Mrs Wm. Blocks and others attend- ed anniversary services at Swinton Sunday. When Rev. McIntosh, Dun. dalk was the speaker. He also took) the morning service here. I A large crowd attended the sale of horses and cattle at Mr. J. t?tottr. arts, Friday. Geo. E. Duncan, auc- titmeer. Mr and Mrs Geo. Hindu and Ivan of Etrremont, visited Monday " Mr. Sam McDonald's. Mrs McDermid is gradually improving. Mr Ralph Ough returned Wednes- day after spendng & week in Toron- to. Recent visitors at A. L. Hlncks' were Mr. E. Neun; Mr and Mrs 0. Ough; Mrs, Ray Ough and daughter June, of Toronto; Mr and Mrs Har- vey Farrow and two sons Jimmie tnd Elvin and Mr. Russell tarrow of Chatsworth. ur and Mrs Thos. Nichol with Mr and Mrs Dan L. McArthur visited friends in Owen Sound, Thursday. Mr and Mrs Bill McKenzie, Dro. more, visited Friday at his parental home. -- v. .-.. "Ill nulu their monthly meeting on Tuesday. Oct. 15th. Congratulations to Jack Carson and Miss Bernice Harbottle of Vudeleur who were married on Wednesday in Flesherton. Mr. David Hincks left. Thursday, to visit his sister, Mrs D. McKinnon at Invermar, Sash. Mr and Mrs Thos. Nichol with Mr and Mrs Dan L. McArthur visited friends in Owen Bound. Thnrndnv i contributed to -itsGciir, and mined to than by the secretary; old ottleem were re-elected. oThe W.M.S. and orlal the evening gem” At a recent mam bride, Mr A. B. leArthur. turned to her home in week. Mr. Wetson, his sister ot London were relatives here, tthe He attended service " St. ited, Sunday morning. Mr. I. B. Whittaker Oat Chop Crimplod Oats FEED a recent meeting of the Mem. Organization, a hearty vote of a was tendered to all who had _---~uul. """ume, rs her home in Toronto last . Watson, his wife and her London were visitors with here, (the McKinnons) and wrvlce at St. Columha Un- were pleased to meg: at Shorts SINCE 1893 TORONTO A In VICIIIT' W.H. will hold his fair The The Council adjoumed to meet on Pad-y Nov. 15th. 1985. N. No. 16--ail; U. No. 18--niP, D. P.B.-g m.; M.P.te.--11 m.; Sen. tr. No. 8--8 7-10 m.; Sop. B. No. tr--7 6-10 m.; Sep. B. No. 2--q #10 ( Met in Township hall on Oct. 5, !with all members present. The min- Iutes of last meeting were read and :passed. By-laws were passed as fol- llows: No. 801, To levy rates to meet meet current expenses and liabilities of township; No. 802 eontirming the Appointment of Chas. Moran, Jr., as _, collector of taxes at a. salary of 8100; 3N0. 803 appointing Friday, Nov. 22 at 1 p.m., as day for holding nomin- ations and appointing Deputy return. ing otBeers, poll clerks and polling places. , The following accounts were pass- Mrs J. McNally, 1 sheep killed by dogs ...... .. .......... $5.00 Willard Wilson 1 sheep killed and 1 injured '.............. 8.00 Jno. Quillinan 1 sheep killed ..6.00 Wm. McLeod, 1 sheep killed ...6.50 ‘Geo. Black, 1 sheep killed ....6.00 A'. Connor 1 lamb," 1 sheep do..9.00 Jae. McCarthy, 4 inspections ..4.00 Colin McArthur, 1 inspection . . . .l.00 Archie McKechnie, 1 inspection 1.00 Trees. on salary ...... ......20.on Relief account .. ........ .....2.48 The road sup't presented Voucher No. 10 for road work amounting to $348.65 which was passed and pay- ments made accordingly. The General Rates for 1935 are: County .... .. .... ..10 3-10 min: Township .... .... .... 5 5-10 mills Genera] School Rate ... 5 3-to mm: Trustees Rates are as followaz: 8.8. No. r-it-lo mills; No. 8---1 F10 In; No. 4--rtil; No. tr--nil; No. tr-mil; No. b--t b10 m.; U.S.B. No. s-- 1 7-10 m.; U. No. 8--1 5,10 m.; U. No. Mr-a 3-10 In.; U. No. 18---4 m.; or those ashamed to appear before the home folk on Nomination day, would be of little use in the House. We will stick with those tried, true and capable. and the majority will be between 25 and 2500. Next Monday is the day that tixet, the fate ot some nine hundred citi- zens. There will be many failures, and anyone who can foretell the re- sults in the Dominion or even in one riding, with so many candidates, is no canny. But we hope the beat will be elected in every riding, and surely the people.ot Grey-Bruce will have no trouble in choosing. Figure heads There Is also much threshing to be done yet, and those potatoes walt- ing for the children at the end of the week during the Convention. But nowadays so many homes are with- out a youngster to pick potatoes. l There is no one idle in this locality: at present. The weather has been " color tor some time and work on rconstruction and cleaning up after the cyclone has been held up, but some progress is being made. The bush which was so badly blown down is mostly sold, and quickly being trucked away, we believe going to Mount Forest, Teeswater, Formosa, Hanover and Harrison's mill Mr Joe Watson also is at present suffering from a form of paralysis in the race. We trust that Joe may soon and relief also. Mrs Anhur Richardson who has been in poor health tor many months underwent an operation tor appendi- citis in aToronto hospital last Satur- day, and all are wishing for her a good recovery. On Monday evenlng the play "the antics ot Andy," put on in the hall by the Dromore young people, was Must what it was supposed to be-a ‘howling success. Everyone enjoyed it aloud at times, and the actoraned their places splendidly. Even our old face fell wide open at times and we feel none the worse of it. We can imagine the tricks those young folk wul play as they go along life's way, and hope they may always end as happily. i ,I Anniversary services in the Park on Sunday were well attended, not- I withstanding the cold, disagreeable . weather. Good congregations were 1 present afternoon and evening and jenjoyed splendid sermons by Rev. Mr , McIntosh of Dundalk. The choir also was ably assisted by' a male quartette land Mrs Harrison, their accompanist 'also tram Dundalk. We noticed many old friends present from neighborin;,_ _'ontrretrtrtiomr. Among them was Re"? Mr Sutherland otPrioeville, our cher- ished minister ot troublesome times. iMr. McIntosh was somewhat late in falternoon. He blamed it on our bad lProton roads, yet he had come only 'a mile and a half in Proton. It was (,iiiriiiii; and Glenelg he had travelg (led trom Pricevllle. I ,,,_ --_.vw.,. Mr. Walton of Ventry has been plowing with his tractor for D. Camp- bell and Henry Tucker, and others around here. v,‘_--.v, cw“ All and Eli Ostrander. Interment made in McNeil’a cemetery. u- WIF_I, - -- --- - 'i""rBvrRF.9U preached a. comforting lemon. de- ceased was in hie 55th year and died very suddenly while at the breakfast lable. He was married 17 years go to his now Borrowing wife Mary Frock. The Pall bearers were W. Watson, Walter Aldcorn mm In... ,V___. - uni m ata. White of Toronto, wu held on Mon- day at the home of hitt brother-in- law, Mr. lam Frock. Rev. N. Me, Donald had charge of the service and Glenda Council l Robert Pal-sh}; SWINTON PARK funeral 'arerqt were W. 3rn, Neil Mc- , Jul! Meuan "Irryert AMeorrt 73; Evelyn McDonald 78; Mule Mcmhhn 70; Jack Mc- Arthur Mr. Form I-Amshtt Stunock 42. Sr. rv-aaturie Sutherllnd MP, ;Gwynnet.h McLean 80; Tommy Math- ‘er Ti); Emmerson Watson 79; Bill ,McBrlde 78; Winnltred McConkey " _Gartieid Teeter 77; Donald Nichol 'trt. Jr. "r---Dortrthy Watson 86;: iBerniee Carson Tl); Ross McConkey' 74; Bobbie O’Dell 78; Doreen Teeter! Ti); Kenneth Nichol 65; Douglu Weir; 63. EM: St “Mb “--‘-‘- , Br. Iv-Margaret Williams. Jr.IV --Biliie Anderson; Danny Edge. Sr. Ili-Alvin Vaughan; Stephen Brawn; Beatrice Kenny. Jr. Iir--Jean Wil- Hams; Michael Kenny. tl-Audrey Maolnnis; Archie Brawn; Margaret Sheldroth. I--Bruee Maclnnls. Pr.--. Ruth Mount; Isabel Walker; Jessie The Issue is King Or Chaos PRICEVILLE SCHOOL, te. ROOM Bonn IT-Jamie ' Either!“ 86% Then Why Elect a Member for Grey- Bruoe who will only sit in Opposition p THEDURHAM REVIEW Agnes Macphail herself says : MacKenzie King will be the .3. No. 3, GLENEIA} SCHOOL REPORTS VITE Next Premier of Canada BENNETT CANNOT WIN That would not be all. The Liberal trade policy would attempt to start the wheels of industry moving again, and provide the basic remedy for, unemployment --putting men back to work. This Combination of long-term and short-term methods offers substantial promise of ending unemployment. It itr, the only con- structive proposal in this field before the Canadian ....--5, _L A. . .. people at -thdpresent" tiiife. In other words the Liberals will call together as soon as possible after the election, representatives of pt ov- inces, municipalities, community welfare organiza- tions, labor bodies. employers and all interested parties, and an attempt Will be made first of all to see how jobs can be provided for as many as possible, and second how those unable to getwors can be maintained as comfortably as possible without burdening the com- munity with an impossible relief load The present lack of policy leads tohit-and-miss methods which are wasteful and extravagant without being comprehen- sive. A constitutional method of unemployment in- surance would be worked out, and consideration given to other social reform measures, such as health insur- ance at an into rprovincial conference. '1‘ne leeral policy as laid down by Mr. King in 1933, and restated many times during the campaign is simple and straightforward. It reads ; The L,ibeelpyies as laid dpwn by As permanent m:asures the Liberal party is pledged to introduce policies which will serve to provide employment by reviving industry and trade; and to introduce a national system at unemployment insurance. . The Liberal party believes that unemployment is Canada’s most urgent national problem. It would deal with the present emergency conditions through a representative national commission which would co-operate with the previnces and municipalities in the administration of unemployment relief, and in " endeavor to provide work tor the unemployed. Rosa McConkey ; Doreen Teeter 35; Douglas Weir Frook, teacher. l B.S. No. IO, BENTINCK i Br. Iv-len. MacDonald, J. Chap. man, Leonard Davey, Margaret Lynn. In. nr-u. G. Goldsmith, Clarence 'Lynn, Jack Loundn. Sr. III-sin Davey, Velma Goldsmith, Ruby Mll- ler. Jr. m---getsaie MacDonald, How- ard Grierson. Oliver Goldsmith, Cliff Noble. Br. Ir-Della hounds. I-EI. at: Ewen, Ralph Davey. Pr.--gean Grierson, Florence Goldsmith, Mel- ville Goldsmith. Br. nr-'Howa" Hey. Br. m-. ‘Wenley Burma, Wilfred Wise. Jr. m--'Netmtt My. 'Dorothy Mather. Br. ll-Illn Brawn. Helen Andre". Jr. "--.oada Andrews. I-Suite new 'Kenneth McCulloch. Pr. -'Mary Andrews, ‘Cheeter uwrence. Inez Brown, Elsie Wise, Jenn Torry. . denotes perfect attendance. Helen M. Hansen, teacher. " NO. S, C . laden), teacher Bummer: ' rtoreeuoCirihe Int chance LIBERAL KING HALL oetEii'iiirji Signed: A. J. Kev r, Ray Mac- Leln, Fred G. Kantedt. I 41-3) the vllhge ceville agree u cioae our place- business at 6 p. m. on Tuesday d Thursday even tags of and: week beginning Oct. 21, 1935. 'rmwittttaitoeaahirsmtttterte - content." no chance to get mama; for . new guess. does not occur often, and upechlly ls it a an opportunity to lave the Review free or nuanced mr 3 year. with no outl-y. By an time, all contestants would have a fur ' u to which mndldnte will land highest in votes accorded them. Simply forward youl esthmte thualy: So-and-So (Candidnte’s name) fol lowed by majority over Campbell PUBLIC NOTICE The last Chance snlgned merchnnts of Irieeviiie agree to Surveys, Reports, banal“. Phl- Telephone 8t, ORANOEVILLE. thet. Ontario C Denim": Ind lie-berm Advance. Geo. I. Dunn, Dundalk P.0. Phone " r6-2 GEORGE E. DUNCAN Licenced Auctionocr for any Canny sues taken on whit! terns. Dues mod n Hen-dd omee, mm. Room: Over Ron! Bank, Durham. X RAY GA. EXTRAC on“: mu Strut, Dunn“; Honor Graduate Toronto Univerruitr. Graduate Rom Coll. Donal Surgeon. w. c. PICKERING. 005. L " Bullion. Ontario Speculum. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat In Durham every 0th.- Indeed J. L. SKITH. M.B., M.C.. P.S once and Residence: Comer Cour can and "rnttton 8M, Durh- Omce hours: , to " LIL. 1.80 to 4 Fm., 7 to , p.m., Sudan em HOUIO: 2--6Fm. J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. u.u S ROVDEN BURNETT. m. o. J. n. maximum. TERMS tor abov ', chattel-z All sums of 810 and und , cub; on IAI- es over 810 six mom 'credlt on up- provod Joint notes tive per cent. per mum. Th per cent su. count tor and: on " over $10.00. N further mnlcul “may to J. R. lcQUARRIE. Dur ' 801ch for the Administrator. a lame cure, ELK. 2, Durhun. Pricos are likely to udvance soon so wholosnlerc report. Be win0 and buy now. REPAIRING " UBUAL mchlne, organ. “Pu. couch. Mom, tables. my. [lower "Audi. Mum. quilts, pictures. undkther article. too numerous to menu . now in. Priced at In the lot of the ESTATE d KARO JEIIIA CLAIR. DI- CEASED. , . THE folio good. and “than wlll be otte for me by Mlle auction on y. the 18ttt day of October, 1935“ t the hour of TWO o'clock on um umber Thirty-ulna. Concession T ' Wert of the Our- nfrun Road, In he Townuhlp of Bentinck, the p he. ot John L. Clark: t We hue still some sin- of those Richmond Oxfords. D your size is here, don't miss the chance to get t pair at one!“ of opium: on k , ti NISIRAWR’S nlli GIs' KUd Calf Ties J. i. MclLRAITH New lines of Lambton St., Durham. Ont. D Noun: 1.” to 6.06 pm. I.” to I.” p. m. Richmond Oxfords T. H. SNEATH. M. I). '9tiortmerttsnti.oruest- ammuhucondphco.) Ttounomme.'rtuamatt- '. . EAGLESON DR. C. P. PARK Robert Brigham, Auctioneer. $2.25 to $3.00 Proton-loan mums in all It. lunch- CAI EXTRACTION. turuiuW. Inlet, sewing L JEIIIA CLARK, Dc ,i Booths and chattels . for sale by public y, the 18ttt by at :5... t the hour of TWO um umber Thietrasine, T ' West of the Our- l . v ', chattels: m " , M; on .1. mt 'cndlt on up- Ilve per ' Per cent Sta. " over $10.00.

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