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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1935, p. 8

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til otsmea a I do not pre nd hive made eh. rs, claim never t ht them Intonuo ly. than MP. the int my manhunt. h "a. and should I I on the (ounce In her an lombor to The businea of govern- ment is Chan tr and alter having given special privi- lege: to the g Fellow for more than a neration. the sovoinment ii ds it must now prevent e small man (tanner, labor r, merchant, small mania turer) from being gobbled p entirely by the Ina-vial, duatrlal and distributive m stern of to day. The mercan le class in a conati uency uch as this, has also bee having dim- mit times. hey have been crushed bet n the mono- polistic cor tionl trom which they y and the gi. ant diatribu ve agencies. their comre tcrs, which 1";er deiem re their sel- ling price. impomntas either of th . is the lack of purchasing or on the part of the i and labor Population. Pr {onion-.1 peo- ple Mve also felt the lack of buoyancy Agricultural and Labor ei es. l hue connhtently worked tor peace ands against war. 1nd now [and against par- tieipntion in the European and African wars. unless and until 1 vote " ttll the peo- Ne twenty-one years of use and over won decide oth- erwise. tn ieh can I urge that I Cnnndlnns should receive the “mainly as the privat in the tren- ches. dummy. Bo Pndeed in the striving after belt contained units on the put of most countries ot the world. I am particularly interest- ed in "rieuttirnt and Labor woolen: and possibly at the moment capedlally in the money qua-non. place I be- lieve. that a prlva‘ely con- trolled and lune money policy is a root cause of our For (canteen years I have [consented up constituency of South-mum in the “on” of Common. During that time I;Mve sought earnestly to terve my con- Itltuency and) the internal of the rank en‘d ttte of Can- edhnl. The: party game, with Power utthe 00.1.11” never intern me. lwent rather. to lid In securing comfortable lie 3 conditions tor the roduee and work- ers who one e the wealth 0! thin countd. Your: very humanly. To the Electors of (lrerlllate: e nu never to T rtr, but i do t have and. Ily. I have interests ot before my l be elected in ot Oeter for Grey--- munuo to onstnuency rep/bail In securing i? conditions Ind work. Le the wealth On Sunday and Monday last, Var- Ber United church tt srted on a new era in church history. Lost you they marked their golden jubilee with such success and one year ot the second era has now mud. As [ special speaker on this occasion, Rev. 1G. Palconttridtre ot Drew, was chos-: 'en, and all who heard him were pleased with his exposition of Divine ‘truth. Mrs Elmer Fee was at the or- gen and led the choir in two tine an- ithems. Mrs Wm. Freeman. Teeswat- er, rendered a solo at the morning ' service. l On Monday evening the annual truth per was held in the Orange Han,‘ adjournment being later made to the church, where an excellent program; was heard. The pastor, Rev. R. I Mercer was chairman. A mixed quar- i tette trom Holstein, comprising ML; and Mrs Eric Sharp, E. Hunt and?" Mrs Clarence Penton, sang numbers I to the enjoyment of the audience; _ the Cedarvnlle trio were also enjoyed,‘ on were also, Mr end Mrs Reggie l Rsmue and Miss Alice Lennox. So t “los were rendered by Mrs Clsrence‘I chGirr and Miss Alice Lennox; In-; ‘strumentsi duets on guitar and Pri', Inn by Graydon Berry and Etta Vol- ' Ilea; recitstions by Alix Tobin. Don" {othy Bogu. In June. !” ara-lt Sharp. Mrs. Dawson osuiiiiui Sunday with her parents and at tended anniversary Bugle and Mrs Bogle Sr. Miss T. E. Byers visited Sunday at. ternocn with Mr and Mrs Joa Lennox and attended the evening service at Vamey. Other visitors at the same home were Mr and Mrs Robt. Aitken or Holstein, Mr and Mrs Frank For- rester. son and daughter of Mount Forest; Mr Earl Mead and Mary, and Mrs Mack; Mr and Mrs Reg. Millage Mrs. Dawson Marsh“! visited on Sunday with her parents at Vamey,) and a hand-4 --- . Mrs Andrew Picken attended versaly services at Vamey SI and visited with Mr and Mrs Bugle and Mrs Boeto Sr ,7‘, "nu nuns Dyers. I Visitors with Mr and Mrs Arthur il?,',',!,', on Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Tlmmins and daughter Marjorie of iMarkdaIe, also Mrs Ftukintrttam and "irii Clara Gordon of Eminent. Miss Eleanor Marshall or Shelburne spent over the weekend at her home. Misses Maud and Margaret Storrey and Miss Margaret Petty ot town, visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Petty. Mrs John Marshall Sr., Mrs Wal. lace, Mrs Mearns. and Mrs C. McAl- ister attended an executive meeting ot the W.M.S. in Mount Forest on Tuesday afternon. l icis, Galvin Non, Douglas Nou. Irr' Quite s number trom Knox attend-i Violet Moore (H.), Arnold Stnait (H.) ed anniversary services at Vamey on:John Harrison (H.). Br. Pn-Roy, Sunday. Mr Falconbridge of Drew/seem, (HO, Ross (Nylor, Royden had charge of the services. In the Harrison. Jr. Pr.--Audrey Whit- evening he took for his trtattdeet,)rnore. K. Smith, teacher.! ,“where do i tr'and" and gave a goodi ---_---- I message. We may have had religious'NEAR TRAGEDY BECOMES A _ lexperiences but by missing opportun-chMEDY WHEN HEARSE ARRIVESf iitiess to share them with others wel .....-.--. l inlay have grown lukewarm in God'sl It was a mere coincidence, but Ir :servlce and we know the contiemneledidi a smile, and what might have tion in the bible to all such. We must, been a. serious fatality was turned itrl be out and out for Jesus tor He will”, a bit of comedy, states the Cree- accept no half-hearted service. A more Star, at least for the spectst-g full choir with Mrs Elmer Pee ssjorg. ', organist, had an anthem at each ser-l The scene was two miles east or, vice and in the morning Mrs. Free- Duntroon early Monday morning. Two: man of Teeswater sang a solo. I motor can; collided and were badly) Mr and Mrs Hubert McDougaJl of mashed. Eight passengers were pick-r Holstein and Mr and Mrs MeDougau ing themselves up and were surpris-{Q Sr. visited on Sunday with Mr and ed to dtnd themselves whole and prac- l Mrs Bert Watson. {anally unhurt, when along came M": Mrs W Porter Jr and Orville View Hood, Creemore undertaker, with his " ed last Wednesday with Miss Avern ‘hmm ' _ -'"'""" uw-ueuu rurl, is a visitor with Mr and Mrs John IcHurdo. Several from here “tended Btottr area and McLean’s sale in Priceville this week. Mr. he McGlmvray shipped a truck loud ot livestock to the city this week. Amos Church a' Aid fy ml! hold a Fowl S er and J ulnment in the churc Friday. Inn. Admission 40c an 20c. in church history. Last year Because the Kellogg Company is marked their golden Jubilee keenly interested in making this _ such success and one year of contest a success. they have given a second era has now passed. As most generous group of prizes. Few ial speaker on this occasion, Rev. radio programs have appealed to a Paleonbridge of Drew, was may larger or a more loyal audience than and all who heard him were those of Kellogg’s Singing Lady. A red with his exposition of Divine poll ot radio editors for the past two i. Mrs Elmer Fee w" at the or- years voted this program the best and led the choir in two tim, an- children's entertainment on radio, and s. Mrs Wm. Freeman. Teeawat, this year the Singing lady received endereu‘ a golo at the morning Radio Stars' Award for distinguished ce. Iservice to radio. More than two mil- Monday evening the annual tnurHion tan letters have come from ehil- was held in the Orange madman themselves and many from their. :rnment being later made to the swarm parents. i *h. where an excellent program) Prizes will be awarded for the let- heard. The pastor, Rev. R. ters that are the most helpful to the' " was chairman. A mixed quay Singing Lady. Any one of three from Holstein, comprising Mr. 'rtrttea can Win: (1) a let er With,I Mrs Eric Sharp, E. Hunt maildeas for new stories; (2) a letter) Clarence Fenton, sang numbers'teuintr what kind ot stories children' a enjoyment ot the audience; I like best; (3) a letter giving con-i edarwlle trio were also 'srorreu,1trutt"e sugestions and ideas tor. ere also, Mr and Mrs Reggie the Bintring Lady programs. “A " ttnd Miss Alice Lennox. So suggestions submitted become the , ere rendered by Mrs Clarence property of the Keiioaat Comoaar. , ' and Miss Alice Lsnnox; m-l Be sure 'ou W! your grocer’s 0!"I ental duets on guitar and vto.iatore manager’s me on your letter." . Graydon Berry aiut Ella vor' It you win one of the big prizes he t mm“. by Alix Tobin, por-lil! win one too. Send your letter? Basie. In June- Leeson, Mini to the trinsing Lady, Keiioar Conn}, I ; duet by Mr and Mrs Erte,"troeNatada, but. London. mum. ‘- Fowl Sunk at Dromore VARNEY ANNIVERSARY KNOX CORNERS way with Miss Byers, , Mr and Mrs Arthur ay were Mr and Mrs, dautth'er Marjorie of Mrs Fulkintrtttun and Your absent ' Ntadiatg It. Aid Society I and Enter- ' Oct. "V ,---, - u...“ v; 'YVU. av more prizes of $100 each, 20 moreot $50 euch and 1,900 prizes of $5 each. l The scene was two miles east of Duntroon early Monday morning. Two [motor cars collided and were badly mashed. Eight passengers were pick- ing themselves up and were surpris. _ ed to ttnd themselves whole and prac- {ti‘cally unhurt, when along came Mr Hood, Creemore undertaker, with his ( hearse. A passenger in one of the cars saw the humor of the situation and remarked, "This looks like real serv- iee." Incidentally Mr. Hood was on his way to Collingwood for a body. NEAR TRAGEDY BECOMES A :some time in Shelburne. . COMEDY WHEN HEARSE ARR-IVES' Mr and Mre R. J. Arni0 visited "heir daughter Mrs Nolan Rounding It was a mere coincidence, but it in Grand Valley the last or the week. B.B. No. 13. BOREMONT l, V-Alex McMurdo, Lorne Beebe. Sr. IV-Muriel Watson (H.), Dorm thy McNalty, Ruth McKenzie. Charles Watson. Sr. m--June Small. Jr. m-Colvin Geddes (H.), Dorothy Harrison, Annie Dixon, Betty Taylor, Kenneth Lelth Alex MoGillivray. II-- Hector McMurdo (H.), Hazel Fran- cis, Calvin Nott, Douglas Nott. I--' Violet Moore (H.), Arnold Smil (H.) John Harrison (H.). Br. Pr-Ror, EocLes (H.), Ross Taylor, Royden Harrison. Jr. Pr.--Audrey Whit- VARNEY SCHOOL Sr. nr--Jorea Keller, Onle Bryan ’11-. Iv-Edith Keller, James Wilton. (Sr. m--4tshtr Bower. Marion Kerr, "Vilma Bogle. Jr. m-49taniey Pick. [en' Olive Brynns.- Br. Ir-utr,", lBlyth. Robena Grant, John Eden. Jr. It-ey' Kerr. Erma Bogie, Cavell .Bryans. Eddie Bryans, Irene Finni- gan, Mervyn Rawn. I-mil Barber, ('ijptiok Bryans. Br. Pr.-uorrenee ‘Finnigan. Jr. Pr.--Bmee Keller, J. Flnnigan, Jean Bogle and Allie Stew-' art (equal), Jean Kerr, Violet Mad-' den. H. E. Heard, teacher.’ 8.8. No. 9. EGRBMONT i .HV---Mary Reid; Florence Reid; Alice Drimmie, Douglas Williams, Richard Irvin; Willie Drimmie. Br., III-Glen Aberdein; Carmen Love.f Jr. IU-Dorothy Drimmie; Raymond Bilton; Myrtle Horsburgh; Charlie Irvin. Sr. Ii-Alex Reid; Alice Reid Elwyn Nicholson. Sr. I-IJ. Drun- mie; Anna Irvin; Elroy Williams; Pearl Love; Hugh Dodds. Pr.--alttF el Irvin. mien Kellogg a. offer Prizes SCHOOL REPORTS M. B. Sharp, Teacher. ne on Your letter. the big prizes he Send your letter ly, IWINES Gunp- Mr. and Mm Don McIlvrtde spent Sunday WM: her sister was Hoeftlrt. Min Annie Ruttle of Toronto spent. a few any: but week with her tum. Annie Stuart. Mr and Mn Walter Crispin treat- ed the young people to a. weiner roast on Friday evening. Mr. Kenneth Kirby came home tram the hospiul last Saturday, mewhat. improved. Mr. and Mm Don Merlvrido Ina-n. Mrs Robert J. salmon of Crichton Sask.; st W. B. Ard of Allenford, meat a day my week with their sin- ter Mrs Nelson. There was no service on Sunday evening owing to the anniversary in Varney. Mr and Mrs Bert Dickson, Mr and M13 John Dickson and Wm. Dick. son spent Sunday with friends in Hespler. --e- v- "F%F%P an" “WNW" Mvutt' "I Council met Oct. 7th with memb- "Ill, soggndxfmvfdujn tish,, era all present. Minutes of last PB rt tr e 0 e a meeting were read and adopted. at present visiting her mother Mrs; Aldcorn-MeDmurau: That the re- Alexander Pouock who is over M) port ot the road sup’t be Conitrmed years or age and is hale and hearty. and adopted.--tarried. ---_---- l Aldcorn-Patterson: That a grant of $25.00 be given to the Egremont ORCHARD I Plowmen's Aasocution.-<auAed. I -.--.-- T Patterson-Cowan.. That Wm. Me, We are having some nice bright Dougnll and Wm. Aldcorn meet with days again after our young winter. fthe cet'. sup’tvat . McArthur bridge Mr and Mr: Hart man“... u.- ...." M Aasa, “ ‘- Mrs Robert Bogle of the States is at present visiting her mother Mr: Alexander Pollock who is over M) years of age and is hale and hearty. Mrs Jno. R. Campbell has been very ill and has gone to Hamilton to undergo an operation for goitre. Hope to see Mrs Campbell home a- gain soon and improved in health. Mr. Marvyn Reuben téacher is tending the teachers' convention Thursday and Friday in Hanover Miss Pearl Gordon ls assisting with the household duties at home ot Mr. Gordon Grant. Mrs Grant is indisposed with tonsmtis. Don't miss hearing the Virginia Jubilee Singers in the Agricultural hall. Holstein,‘ Oct. 15th at 8 p.m. Special numbers. - "ie -_i-_-._r.. "“3 “m” The anniversary of Varney United tainment will be "OWEN I,',',',',",;, was held Sunday, October 6, 1 Rev. Robertadn Millar, oderator and 7th. A splendid congregation The W.M.S. ot the United church gathered at each service to hear are holding their thankoifering Sun- , Rev. Mr. Falconbridge of Drew. day evening Oct. 13th, at 7.30 p.m. I Special music was rendered by the Miss Mina Half ot Toronto will give local choir and by Mrs Freeman ot an illustrated interpretation of the Teeswater. The church was nicely otrerammergau Passion Play. Musi- I decorated for the occasion. Monday ical selections will be given by Mr. evening the ladies of the congrega- Ralph Bailey. soloist of College St. tion served a hot supper. A splendid United church, Toronto. Everybody program was given in the church.‘ welcome. _ i Rev. Mercer was chairman. 'Ali en- Don't miss hearing the Virginia Joyed the Holstein quartette, duet Jubilee Singers in the Agricultural I by Mr and Mrs Eric Sharp~ solos hv kn" u-u-.-:-‘ #"s_= .._.. ' __ The Annive ry Services ot the (Presbyterian C rch, Holstein, will be held on Sun y, Oct. 20th. Ser- ‘vices at 11 a. m. nd 7.30 b. m. con- dlcted'hy Rev. . Killers, Drayton. Special music by ount Forest male quartette. On Mod ay evening Oct. 21sst, a fowl supper ll be served in 'the church basement mm 6 to _ o'eloek, after which Re Devil Gow- dy of Durham will give talk on his lecent trip to Ireland. ther enter-l tainment will be provide . Rev. Robertson Mlllar, oderator The W.M.S. ot the United church are holding their thankotrering Sung day evening Oct. 13th, at 7.30 p.m. l Miss Mina Half ot Toronto will give an illustrated interpretation ot the Mr and Mrs N. E. McGuire and family visited his parents in Belgrave the tttst ot the week. Mr and Mrs George McCall and family visited friends in Markdale the last of the week. Mrs D. Coleridge entertained the members ot the Woman's Association ot the United Church and others at her home on Thursday afternoon ot last week. The Executive of the W.M.S. ot the Presbyterian Church met in Mt. Forest on Tuesday. Mrs W. Aitken, Mrs Alex. Ahken, Mrs Christie and Mrs Hustle attended from Holstein Branch. Miss Beatrice Smith returned home the last ot Pe week after spending Recent guests with Mrs. Hustle were Mrs T. Allan and Mrs S. Ritchie ot Durham; Mr Arthur Allan ot the Royal Bank, Montreal; Mrs. McKen- ry and Mrs Findlay of Toronto. a Mr and Mrs W. I. Robertson and flu and Mrs B. P. Windmm ot Tor- onto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs D. Allen And funny. I Mr June. and Miss Belle Lothlan "rt Dromore visited recently with Mr and Mrs D. Allan and family. I Mrs Alex. Brown and Mrs Richard I Irvin are visiting friends in Toronto! Rev. and Mrs larvetrrove, Mr and Mrs Rudd or london, and Mr. and? Mrs J. Orchtrd, visited friends ml the village the tirat ot the week. i Recent guests with Mr and Mrs. . Geo Burrows: Mr and Mrs. Archie. McKechnie and son Nelson ot Hope! ville; Mr and Mrs Roy Dingwall and Wily and Mrs James Dingwall of: Cedarville. 1 The Misses Morrison haveaa their guest their sister from Montana. {gmsm THE. DURHAM REVIEW Mr and Mn w, LOCAL AND PERsONAL at- on ' Pttertson-MeDoumui.. That the l following accounts be paid: John Nelson, sheep claim ......$5.00 In In. Wilton do ...-.....6.50 Joseph Bowling do .--......6.0t', Arthur Lelth do .............7.50 Walter Hanna do ..........ll.00 John T. Brown Inspegtlng sheep .75 llym, Althea do T‘.............501 Gordon Lem: do .-.........75 Clerk, postage account ..........5.58 |Clarence Fenton, Grunt re Egre- moat Agrn Society 875. W. A. Trim- ble. Grant re Mt. Forest Am Bo, to decide oi .J T. Leeson is assisting D. law. rence with the threshing. Mr and Mrs George Cupskey, Hep. woxth, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Jno. Morrice. Mus Winnie Blyth spent Sunday at her brother's Mr. W. Blyth. Miss Margaret Leeson Calgary is visiting In the village. try Mr and Mrs Eric Sharp; solos by Mrs C. McGirr and Miss . Lennox; trio by Miss Lennox and Mr and Mrs Reg. Ramnge and the Cedarville trio. Instrumental music was given by Miss Vollett and Mr. Berry. Read- ings were given by Miss Alix Tobin, Miss Heard, Miss D. Bogle and Mrs Jas. T. Leeson. ', EGREMONT COUNCIL Mrs. Cecil Barber has returned [home after nursing in Durham hos- Ipita] for a couple ot weeks as a. special nurse on an operation case. I The threshing and silo tuling is about all over on the Varney line lthis week. The granariea and silos are well iuled. I Mr and Mrs Cecil Barber and nurse Fetus ot Durham hospital, spent ov. er the weekend with friends in Oril- E lia and Bracebridge. M: Miss Bessie Moore 71'; friends around the village. I A number from here took in the nomination tn Durham last week. ‘Three candidates were nominated, ,"but only two appeared. We wonder iwhy one candidate made himself so conspicuous by his absence. A per- (iiiiiil explanation might help to clar- 'itr the situation. The election ia' rather too close for any doubts to exist without creating an adverse et. feet. 1 Mrs Clayton Witiick and little daughter ot London is visiting her [sister Mrs J. D. Drimmie. Mrs. B. Ritchie has been visiting her daughter, Mrs Wm Bogie. Varney. church -heid anniversary Sunday and ning of last week. Miss Margaret Leeson has return- ed after spending a. year in Calgary. nursing her aunt. Mr and Mrs James Allen, Salva- tion Army Leader, Winnipeg, In via- iting his sister, Jean Allen (Mrs Ro- binson) and other frlends around Yarney. Thomas Henderson who has been in Toronto for the past your returned home last. week. Jock Long of Orangevme spent a few days Inst week with his parents here. Russell Drlmmle, Archie Kenneth Allen spent the weel Toronto, Russell visiting his Edith who is nursing in a hospital. Lorne Henderson and throw Hilton on! up to Clarksburg to help harv- eat the apple crop which is very good up there this year. VARNRY spent the weekend in ot tuune.--cit . a successful Monday eve- Archie Ravi, TORONTO visiting sister, private The Review to Jan. 1 1929. im- a Gone from us, but leavl memories.’ Vinita Death can never ate T; they can Memories that will alwa linger, .SOOdI." While upon this earth e nay. j Mimi ADAMS-in loving emory of dear husband and father John C. Ad- NrII=oN--tn ving memory of W. _ J. Wilson, o poured away. Oct. 10th, 1934. In the silent hides of evening When we are I. alone. There comes, h, such I longing, It daddy only co d come home. Deeply mourned by bl: wife, Elk, Margaret and Bob. discuss the issues of th at 8.00 p. m corneVnd hear Liberal Candidate in Grey will be held in he I Agricultural p,)/t HOLS PUBLIC MEETING Vote liberal- Voté Dr. Hall Ton. To an enquiry into rodent government; To To retrenchment of public The Liberal Policy To a. balnnced budget To To the reuserlion of Speech and free In To the tetttorattimt ot mp+uble government; To the democratization at industry, through patch: which will seek to give to workzi'wd consumer: a large share in the sow/eminent or in Y: To the maintenance of wk integrity ot the Canadian Notion“ Railways; f m ammonium To the establishment of h Investment contml bond; To To the development of t - industries, by mdttettittet In the costs of instruments of production; To policies which wi liberate and cxpud our external um. upon which depen Industrial and more!“ recovery; To the liberation of vernal trade, by ending "tlbttnt price control and price n as, which rootrlctl we have" We Internally; l To To regard unem mom as Canada'- noat amen! protrMm. to am with muoymmt u . Mow problem. Ind through the a ner of . npnoenutve notional who“ to cooperate ttt the provinces and lawn-1°C In the administration t unemployment relief and In In end-or to provide 'vorkltor the unemployed; Grey- W. A. Hall, \he Candidate ', Klein, K. C. tnd J. A. Paterson d to a more equitable distribution‘ have regard to human needs, to I jus‘ice. and the promotion of the a furtherance ot international League of Nations; fl/tei/l/ill),' HOLSTEIN Fridai/0ctober llth measures ot electoral mt ' to ensure I any representation of the , and 'to ot election alumina; reduction of the prineipat and) interest "t MEMORIAM the restoration of no! by the sum over cum-lacy and credit, thzough the natrucuon of the Bank of (hands; the enactment a emtrtttxttionallr VIM In“!!! ot m“ ployment [DONE-L. and, a rapidly as the ttn-tat 'tttsi- tion or the county warrants, ita emu-Ion Into . ”a" scheme of soeiat' insurance. including hum: [alumnae us well as Old Age Lennon; W. E. Hirris, 3ee'rs GOD SAVE THE KING 1.sstvitlr memories,i ‘_ WORN. "Oh, Bruce Yirrrai Association in the interests ef to New Subscribers ' ' 1937, only $2.00 mm needs, to t furtherance of cock! promotion of the lam randy Inter perm)?! liberty, and the right at free It :,I --Prmtd Km; "t "r, {mom of can Are he, an th In Toronto The wtrru- hum - are over for another year. and the hon. or: so for the ttrat an to Detroit. 0.-.“..- .._, . . . The election news In craving to a close ttnd after next' week. will be 1 main; (we tor another live you". What will be the next even' to an the We! of the duly pun? resent olecticn Manace., "What! Vitsitxc, "We m .HALL eguldn't hold i -Bruce "mun: men. OCT. 10, "" on the public debt; tttey're nu will? but Treat. Row'. tint?” ' “new“ . PV r, tuat't there." trt..- a"? Madam: Elect Mt Hr VOL. Thea We! Cald Premier NOXZEI Kitt SCH GIN PHu Craro lik CHASK't PFCNDI' (Jun; 1 "VAN” fi " you following Agail the Inn

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