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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1935, p. 3

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Oiis PINE}! ! If?! . zed " W88 WIS an 'dern of " em al be: Fit re- or ho to ll I! all er tn If Yirtt put this {resting in a turtts cow-rm! Pr you can keep it for vssv.tl any: or a week. or vou‘tse you knew you can change rt flavor at the frosting by using fro-rent P.avorimr extracts. For In- mace, s partietthsr'.y delicious frost- mnk Lamb steaks broiled 'medium will make a hit with the men. the steaks ect thick. Lamb chops too, are best if m cu tarty thick. ,,,.V..,...... III " Juice and a dub of cayenne. Top each hunts chop with this before serving. Lamb a In king In patty sl mnkes I company dish of let - lamb roast. For that difterertt 'laror, apt-ea bit of Rmunfort theese on lamb cl bpfurn they have been turned Minted app‘e: are an tVtrttetius garnish for the lamb platter. Bani! apples cooked in a sugar eyrnp, color- ed green. may be used to beautify the rib ends of Frencbed chops. Mint jelly in individual mold: de- corates the lamb salad plate. For variety. add a dash of onion juice to the tinte-honored caper sauce Give a flair to the party with a lamb chop grill. Mint butter is made by mixing 36 cup of butter with 15 cup ot minced mint leaves. 2 "ht--.. " '____) Dieting ote.ta- Gr, chops. Lamb has a on the reducing diet. Lamb in Imcepribie to the n of fruit accompaniments: Fried apple slices. broiled bananas, pears. or united prunes. W 'nm is a perfect from“? 'nmos the matter ot Have my not only he use of tl I, but also a perfect b% flavnur of the hast"): w he cake. tteeoat in impov- um The frosting mist fl nod and reamy. Furth [ym'fort {roving mun ho w. have a giosay appears! I mom on s'and’ng and c cracklnz. Quite a large. 01 ms:- nt'aettjxsired tttta'riti bta'mort tn several ways. st and simples! mothrd o a :lnlectable "mutiny. is t I umecmnle "mung is to “a? corn syrup with sugar. The corn , gives no rtteor to the “mung. makes and kappa it soft and th. Be sure to mom-Ire accurate- owner for too much corn syrup a tho frnmng mummy and too ling THE PERFECT FROSTING HM! cake {matings are easy to n if you under tand the part each -'innt ways and the proper hand- o.f the syrun during and after the WHITE FROSTING _d {meme}! cups of fine gran- an. 4 tahlespootts corn syrup mun, whit": 2 9523. 1 tea- " frosting: on long. As soon a y look becomes slight- read on the cake. It over. frosting will dry out and ula king in patty shells company dish otiet -over HINTs ON LAMB y. add I dash of onion time-honored caper sauce " to the party with I too, are best if they are YT ter ot ttavottr. This 1e use of tine mat- pox-fort b'ending ot rtrost'nst with that 'ttt on" corn syrup n. Cover pan and rnm honing be. and when ther.. (lnzraes F'. pour " tine constantly. and beat until to spread. Add g has cooled F U MANCHU In Importance ig must feel tine.. Ptertttermore, mm hold its at'."earanee, re- W, and out with- farce order.' ' quantum may 1 ways. but the Yrup appreciate lamb good reputation "or, spread a on lamb chops stain to the " rt tiiunt done' men. Have the flattery n Tt 40 de this just First ot " Dine- , baked lemon tt in in cracker crumb . . Cut snuaoh crrsswise. remove the seem] and strings; cut in pieces and place in dr'pping pan. Bake 2 hours until soft in a slow oven. Heat but er in frying pan, add onion, let brown lightly. added soaked bread and the squash. Fry altogether 15 minutes, tirrintt occasionally. Remove trom tire add salt and pepper and stir in egg. Place mixture in casserole, and sprinkle cracker crumbs and bits or butter on top and return to oven to brown. Squash Pie One and a quarter cup: steamed and strained squash, quarter cup su. gar. half teaspoon salt, quarter tea.. spoon cinnamon, ginger. nutmeg or halt teaspoon lemon extract, one egg. 73 cup of milk. Mix sugar_ salt and spice or extract add numb and egg slightly beaten and milk gradually. Bake in one crust just as you would a cu tard pie. It a rirher pie is desired. use one cup ot nquosh, half cup each of milk and crown) and an additional egg yolk. Pumpkin Pie One and a halt cups steamed and 'strained pumpkin. 8-4 cup brown su- 9.9!.1 Prm‘poon cinnamon, If, tea- siphon 25mm. 15 teaspoon salt, 2 C"i"PR. 1% cups milk, % cup cream. Mix inwredients in order given and Fried Squash Cut squash in slices and soak over n'alt in co"! salted water. Drain, let stand in MM water halt an ttour, and drain again and dry between towels. Sp:"nkie with salt and pepper, dip in Irtter or tlour. egg and crumbs and try in deep tat. Pumpkins are boiled or steamed same as sqxa h. but require longer longer cooking. “Punkin Pie" in the traditional Thanksgiving dessert, but pie is not the only way in which the orange globes mar be used, and we hope you will like some ot these unusual re- cine: tor those two alters of the ve- getable world, pumpkin and squash. Squash Blscuits Half cup squash. steamed and all - ed, quarter cup sugar, halLteaspoon‘ 'salt, half cup seamed milk, quarter yeast cake di solved in quarter cup lukewarm water, quarter cup brtter, 2% cups flour. Add squash, sugar salt and butter to milk; when lukewarm add dissol- ved yeast cake and flour; cover and lot rise over night. In morning shape into bfscl'i B, let rise and bake. Boiled Summer Squash Wash mun. h and cut in thick slices or quarters. Cook 20 minutes in boil. lug salted watPr. or until soft. Turn into a cheese-cloth, placed over a co- lander. drain and wring m cheese- cloth. Mash and season with butter. salt and pepper. We in one: crust. Scalloped Squash Otto nun t mashed squash, 2 table.. mans butter, % onion chopped. % m smkrd bread, 1 egg, % table. mm salt, 13 teaspoon pepper, % cup ing tor a devil's iced cake is made by adding four or tire drops ot oil or peppermint in place of vanilla. Then it you cover the treating with a coa- ing ot either bitter or dipping choco- late. you will have a cake that is a full dessert by itself. Melt the choco- late over warm water and brush over the white frosting on the cake. Be sure the frosting has thoroughly cool- ed. Use a limber spatula. or pastry brush to spread the chocolate. "THE "PUNKm" When one thinks of Canadian cook- in; from a national viewpoint, two ot our most distinctive vegetables are squash and pumpkin. To what varied uses have we put the latter'. There; are few of us who cannot remember .he Jack-o.'antern ot our Hallowe'en nights and the fun we had in making them. By Sax Rohmer M) Write your name and address pltiinly, giving number and size of pattern wanted. Enclose 16e in stamps or coin (coin prefer- red: wrap it carefullv) and ad- dress your order to Wilson Pat. tern Service, " West Adelaide Street. Toronto. Style No. 3309 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18 years, 36, 38 and 40-inches bust. Size 16 requires 2% yards af 39-inch material for full length blouse and 2% yards of 39-inrh material for skirt. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS By the way of change, wear a sweater with your skirt. And perhaps you’d like to make the shorter tunic or blouse of satin ertye.ory?f glam angora. School and college girls are nearly always attracted to two- piece dresses, because they can be woIn as_separate items. For instance, today's model, features skirt and tunic in either length. Make the skirt of light- weight woolen and the tunic of noyelty. silk with wool effect. "No fact is received as truth until the perclpient has conformed and co- Iored It to suit his preferences."-- James Branch Cabell . Remove rind and seeds trom small sweet variety ot pumpkin. Cut into small piece, and cook until tender. Drain and weigh'. Allow equal am- ount ot sugar to that of pumpkin and " ounces ot green ginger root and 2 lemons to each pound of pumpkin. Cut lemon in thin slices and crush ginger root. Cover both with cold wa- ter and let stand overnight. in the morning cook till lemon rind is ten- der. Add the sugar and more water, if required and boil five or ten min- utes. Then add pumpkins and let sim- ‘mer until cubes look transparent. Skim. put pumpkin in jars and reduce syrup pouring over pumpkin. Seal. l Canned Pumpkin Cut the pumpkin in bums, remove coarse threads and seeds. Cut the hives in slices. pare and cut in em!) pieces. Place pieces ot pumpkin in s cheesecloth bag and immerse in hot water for a. few minutes. Remove and quickly plunge in cold water. Pack tightly in hot Jars and place in rack in boiler. Fill jars to overflowing with boiling water adding 1 tespoon salt to each quart. Adjust rubbers and covers but do not fasten securely. Add sui- flefettt warm water to come to tops ot jars and sterilize tor two hours tim.. ing from when water reaches boiling point. Remove Jars, tighten covers. and invert to cool. Covering Jars with paper will prevent bleaching. Pumpkin my be cooked in cue!!! the June my. Youth And The Mode Pumpkin Preserves "Stand in the gate of Jehovah's house." In Herod's temple there were seven gates connecting the in- ner with the outer court, viz., three on the south, end one on the west. If this represented the state of We place this chapter in the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign, which was the fifth year of the min- istry of Jeremiah. B.C. 621. PLACE - At the entrance gate of the temple in Jerusalem, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING TIME - This particular pro- phecy of Jeremiah occurred, it would appear from the text itself, at the time when the great revival broke out in the eighteenth year of Josi- ah's reign,, which was the fifth year of the ministry of Jeremiah, and, therefore, about RC. 621. GOLDEN TEXT - Hearken unto my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people. - Jeremiah 7:23. There is a test tor choosing friends and it is well to know it. It a person does not ttelp us to be braver. clean- er, to have more confidence in our- When there is a choice of places do you stand back to allow your friend the first choice? Or do you trantlcal. 1y hasten forward to get the chief place? Or when the friend announces that he has been honored, do you at once think of a greater honor that came to You and tell it? It takes a big person to be a true friend. Can you really rejoice when you see an honor come to your friend? Can you truly acknowledge that in some particulars your friend is your superior? Are you willing to take ad- vlco from your friend? Even to take a lesser Beat than the throne if your friend is be ter fitted to occupy the throne. Perhaps the truest example of real friendship was that between David and Jonathan. Perfect trust. No put- ting oneself above the other. Jonathan knew that David was a rival tor his throne. But Jonathan’s friendship ne- ver wavered. He was big enough to see that David was even bigger than he. Therefore he took a lower place and let the be ter man rule. LESSON III THE MESSAGE OF JEREMIAH Jeremiah T.. 1-11, 21.23 A friend is one who brings out the best In you; comforts you in time ot grief; encourages in defeat; rejoices in victory. _ Evelyn Variable, film star, who expect: stark within a month, makes ready for his visit with her cameraman husband, Hal Hath, by practicing "baby care" with a life-sized doll. "l Had A Friend" UNDA')"""""""""'"""-"'"" cL‘LQLESSON At the entrance or TTIE SEVERED FINGER-Dr. Petrie Weakens. "For if ye thoroughly amend your ways Ind your doings; if ye thor- Trust yea not in lying words, saying." The word is often used by Jeremiah to describe the vanity and falsehood founded on the method of the teachers who opposed him. "The Jehovah, the temp.e of Jehovah, are temple of Jehovah, the temple of these." The thueuold repitition r. for the suite of emphasis. "Thus saith Jehovah ot hosts, the God of Israel Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place." Ways will mean rather the settled habits; doings, the separate acts which go to form them. "And proclaim there this word, and say, Hear che word of Jehovah, all ye of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship Jehovah." All the people of Judah could only be addressed if there was some mu tional feast being observed tit. this time. things in Solomorys temple, Jere- miah would probably have stood at one of these looking down upon the people who were assembled in the outer court, prepared to pass in. More could be found to say for words of one sound, for chains of words with few links. This should show that one can talk long though he uses short words, and he may say less in long one: and more of them. And such words speak well in small groups. From start to the full stop need be but a few sounds-each scund like trees and grass and lakes and the a word, each word a punch, and the whole a cause won. Things for which men feel awe may be held each in a small word. Things they love, too, sea, the blooms in the yard by the door. Things they hate need not be told, nor things they fear, but these, too can be felt in the sweep of a short string of short words. Avers the Christian Science Moni- tor, small words are best. Leave the long ones to those who need to show they have been to school. Short words have force. Most of the strong thoughts and acts and hopes of men take short words to tell them. Might and right, strength, faith, are words of just one sound each. selves; to dare more, to do better deeds. to think success thoughts, he is not the best friend tor us. "t had a friend." Can those who know you intimately say that ot "totr-Georiria Moore Eb- erling. Small Words Best "But this thing I commanded them, saying, Hearken unto my voice, end I will be your God, and ye shall be my people; and walk ye in all the way that I command you, and that it may be well with you." From the fact that obedience to the moral law they: ranked first, it follows, and this is Jeremiah', spe- cial point, that tsacrifices were wholly worthless when offered by the immoral. i "For I spake not unto your ,fathers, nor commanded them in [the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt- offerings or sacrifices." The asser_ tion here made is a very difficult one to understand on the surface. That ttaerifiees were instituted in the wilderness, the Pentateuchnl books clearly reveal, and some have concluded from this that those par- ticular passages in the Pentateuch speaking of wcaerifices were inserted centuries later. The correct explana- tion of this passage is well stated by Professor A. W. Streane. The phraseology of Jeremiah proves that, he had in his mind the promulgation of the Ten Commandments on Swan Now, among these, we find no di- rection concerning sacrifices and they were the only precepts which had the honor of being treasured up) in the ark. l "Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Intel: Add your burnt-of. ferings unto your nominees, and eat ye flesh." Burnt offerings were consumed whole, while of saerifieeis certain. portions were reserved to be eaten by the priest and the of- ferer. The scene here is - Add one sacrifice to another - multiply your victims Id libitum; it win " feet you not. "And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are deliver- ed; that ye my do all these Ibo- minations ?" Jeremiah actually charges these people with believing in their minds that, by the discharge of the duty of offering stterifiees and worshipping in the temple of Jerusalem, they were set free for a return to wickedness. "And burn incense unto Bul, and walk after other gods that ye have not known." The sins here re- ferred to belong to the first table of the decalogue, and, in reality, are those which are generally first in- dulged in before sins against one's fellow-men are committed. "Will " Ital, murder, and com- mt adultery, Ind swear falsely." All of these sins Ire referred to in the second table of the deealotrue. How deeply Israel was guilty of each of these sins at this particular time, we do not know. "Then will I cause you. to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, from of old even for evermore." As a great German scholar, J. B. Kurtz, has said: "Thia bond still continues, ev- en though Israel ha. been banished for seventy. and again for eighteen hundred, years from the land of its inheritance. " the body is adapted and destined for the soul, and the soul for the body, so in Israel deatin_ ed for that land and that land for Israel. 1 i "tf ye oppres- not the odour-nor, the tether-lea. an! the widow. The Home law we: stronger in it de- nuncietiona of these tine (Ex. " :21 ff,; Dent. 24Mff.). "And shed not innocent blood in this place." That is, by false necuntionl and unfair trials and the persecution of the in- nocent. "Neither well: after other gods to your own hurt." It should always be remembered that the laws which God gave to Isrel were given for their good (Dent. 6:24), and any violation of a law, the olredienee, to which would certainly bring good, must result in hurt. I men end his neighbor.” The emph- Ii: here is upon righteous living, i.e., upon right and just rehtionahipe between e man and his fellow-men. oughir exoeuu made. between I TORONTO ' be enquzh to convince .eeerMrody of the aunt of unions striding up Ind down the {all and u the teeth." --oeeterat John 3. mm. - "Perhaps Mark Twain’s advxce Nu prety sound. When in dub! tell the truth."--'- Jun-ow. It is these scars which linvc helped to name this tree, the remaining part of the name arising because the seed (resemble, in appearance the familiar edible chestnut. The leaves which ac- tual? fait are very dry and have lost their activity; they are in a sense the uhes of the summer work. They form s thick carpet on the floor, burying many a deed animal and provinc a blanket for the seeds and resting underground shoots they cover, and thus protect from some of the frost and cold of winter. Let us not consider that their work is en. tirely done. They are the starting point of further life processes and activities concerned with the making of new mould for future generations asuwell as the rarrnt from whieh they fell “The baton; ot the last Im- mould John Darch Toronto youth paper when h thing down. H somebody writ the wrl ing tat form If a welt I Mutual: yeln' research. Dr. Jone! Dallas bu found a means ot [placing lame: on (lie eye: and so ‘obvlntiug the use of aspect-den. A mould II taken from the eye, and can- tut gluten coating two pounds pre- ' pared. A new way of selling beer has been Introduced st Dsllss. Texas. The [inn chaser pays st the rate of M, M an hour and is showed to drink as much " he likes in the period. The mighty Jones clan brought sh- out the present system of Army num. be". r, it said. because. ot the con. stant misdellvary ot letters contain- in; posts) orders to soldiers named Jones in the Welsh regiments. An undertaker and a barber in New South Wales have entered into I strange contract. The barber cuts the underuker's hair tree of charge on the understanding that the undortsk- er will bury him free of charge. A clause in the sureement protect: the barber in the event of tho undertaker dying first. Hundred: of lhorunds of wild can have been making mused attacks on Aultrnlian poultry firms. An nbser. ver I' one watenhole nw about titty of these tortoiselhell furies fig/ttttte while hundred: more were snarling In the trees. l A petrified fish. nearly two end I but feet long. hm been found in a Fiii layer in one ot the Kaukst'ln I nines. Bones of prehistoric birds ttt o have been found in the mine. I Crabs ole-l golf ball. on the new Jungle course ot the Darwin Gott S"? AuBt:a1iti. A rule In: been made that It A player's drive lodge: in I Icrnbhole. be [In the right to pick up .nnd drop without penalty. A night of gras hoppers has been encountered try I pilot ttying at n height of 9,500 feet over Innings, m Montana. The Vlluge that OvouIem: Every mint)! wt ot the villnge of Greitrett- berg (Germany) wns lute tor work recently because the churuh clock had ceased to chime. Thieves had am- len the pendulum. I 1.1M umbrella were Ion In blues. when, and tum. during the week-end following the August heat wave. Pre.. Ieioo “heat" vu 901 in November. 11934. Ind the daily Henge I: BOO. 1', Strange But True! ' Bricks of airaw are being made in a Prague factory. The airaw ia prom. ed into aoiid Mock- which are in- premium will certain quuida. aid to render them fireproof. Grapes Ire grown In the rky " In. Steven. of New York. She trans. ported ten tom ot top loll before the pllnted her vines on the "Haitian" of I akyacraper. ham mud to build twelve ot the [must pyramids In Egypt. or I nouuln but u huh u Summon. bu been dredged from the Thine: channel during the last twenty yarn. Autumn Leaves , wild cam attach on An obser- About tttty as “mung

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