West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1935, p. 4

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a; I F»! t ', BEGONS NOVEMBER 1 The new 1936 black and white au- tomobilo license plans are going to be on sale at Queen's Park after Nov. l, Metals stated yummy. Purchuers of new cars, the Oneida CAR LICENSE SALE CreAeaethe'te Ohmin. 9 A” in mr8hehr. cl "(uni-'1 Meal. Leat Contest“. You In wm 81”.” lot on In; .---u-LiL=====.t'ci", 7 rm. " M; a... languid-1 mm $.35; La Sui. =Cr=-==-----'---------------=-u=V-cdr=i=.r__" oct. " and 26 ---n, om: $6.90; Monh’éal $8.00; Quebec City $112§j__§tngqgg__de Baupre $11.85 cANADIAN NATIONAL 'o Cryt.ft/ktft5iiifL- -i7i7iiiiiiiiii7itt:ymcEs “Humans WW" _"'----' 'tt"sr-r-rdiLuiaaiiiiioi7iiirA-.Aao,.ru,asa mu THE DURHAM RENEW -iiijiiiiE"iifii' aii?i"ii"'"ar'" Mmmm I" uwny'v A. expect. will be the Brat to take ad- vantage of the early issue of the 1936 llcenua. These purchasers will be lb]. to procure the 1936 license: after. Nov. I, and the platen will probably appear on the streets ahort. ly utter-ward. sum 03 LIED. ....... mantra. Noam“ ""m""'".w three was checked with a - asrtrsemrtiem 10mm. Third reunion of the 147th Greys Battalion will be held in Owen Sound, the Battalion Headquarters announced today. Reunions have been held here every three years, with the last one in 1932. Men from all over the Dominion are expected to attend. Arthur Day of Owen Sound is in charge of arrangements. The reunion will consist of a serv- ice at the War Memorial, trooping to the regimental colors. and a Nut. quet " night. The battalion had an original strength ot 1,100 but casual- ties over seas and deaths since the‘ war have lessened the total to 700. GREY BATTALION 1925 election, majority was ---1407 I926 election, majority was ---172ft 1930 election, major] y was -- 243 1935 election. majmity was ---1501 F it will be noted she is not weaken- ing, and while the Bruce end of the ‘riding was a triumph for Dr. Hall, 'the Liberal. she, as was expected, (ran second there. i, While in practically every riding lthe Liberal and Contservalive candi- dates were the serious contenders, Grey-Bruce turned these two old pan ties out and elected a U.F.0.-Labor candidate. The Review feels that the policies of the U.F.0.-Labor were forgotten in the personality ot the candidate. Miss Macphail has won the confidence ot a large part of her electorate, who stake their political "all" on her. Her tttteen years in parliament have made her a eandi-; date who is respected by friend as‘ well as toe. In fact her admirers, number thousands outside of the rid- ing, who watch and follow her car- eer with greatest interest. p, :, to sing. Certainly Agnes Campbell Macyhail went over strong in the el- ection on Monday last, and her strongest opponents, recognize in her organizing ability, a force to be con- sidered. This is her titth campaign, and her majority is still strong. tak- ing into consideration there .were thxee candidates in the fleld. Her first election was in 1921, her oppon- ents being the late R. J. Ball, the late Walter Hastle. Her majority was 2598: ( 1925 election, majority was ---1407 I926 election, majority was ---172ft) 1930 election, majorly was -- 243f 1935 election. :nnimim um. “AU GREY.BRUCE RIDING Whether the old Scotch song "The Campbells are Coming" found a place on the program In Agnes Maophail's election propaganda, we are not pre- pared to say. but it would be a. very appropriate number for her executive n.non-ooouo-ooo-gou-ooooo """".-..o.o...... o................... TO HOLD REUNION majority was majority was major! y was majonity was IN LIMELIGHT , waa ----1407 r was ----172ft V was -- 243 V was ----1ii01 is not weaken- l The W.I. was held at the home of Mrs R. Mortley on Wednesday with " present. Paper by Mm E. B. Der- nvel. "The doom of opportunity ere muted will end pull"; reading by Mrs Sweeney. Selected speaker we. Mn Helium of Roi-tom. who dem. onumted wool and m ditrerent uses. tidhte and toning. " the older gel:~ elation dill. Radian by mu May an.._- --= u - - family of Cheater, also 1 Webb were in attendance The beautifully decorated table was centred wth a three-tier wedding cake. Mrs A. Turner received the guests with her sister, Mrs E. Marks ‘and Mrs Charles Hastings served 1 buffet luncheon. assisted by other at. tendsnts. They received many gifts from their children and friends, Mrs ‘Twamley being presented with s lov- ely bouquet. runny good wishes were eWended to them for s. long wedded life from their eastern and Victoria friends. S., and Women's Guild, and both are members of the Metropolitan church. Victoria. Mr Twtunley who has nev- er tasted liquor or smoked, and vig- orously upholds the temperance cause. will be seventy-nine next May, his wife, seventy next April. Both of the venerable pair have been great workers for the good of humanity. Mrs Twamley is a member of ,"tte W.C.T.U., ladles' aid, WM. Twamley, two brofhers. Richard and Edward Boyce, in Durham: and sin- ter‘s, Mrs H. McDougall, Hamilton; Mrs Robert Twamley and Mrs Robert Ledingham, Durham; Mus A. Turner who recently went to Victoria; Mrs. A. McMurray, Brampton, and Mrs. Robert .McCaslin, Elmwood. The W.I Three sons, Robert. Albert and Frank, still live at Webb, the young- est son, Cecil. being killed in a car accident in 1918. Their oldest daugh- ter, Addie, Mrs Charles Hastings. re- sides in Victoria; youngest daughter, Alice, Mrs R. T. Turner, lives, at Chester, Seventeen grandchildren are living. Mr. Manley has only his brother living in Durham left; Mrs. I The former bride was the second daughter of the late Mr and Mrs W. Boyce, Bentinek, and was married to Mr. Twamley on Oct. T, 1885 by the Rev. George Hartley. Elmwood. The bridesmaid, a cousin of bride, now Mrs N. Anderson ot Crawford, is still living. Mr. Robert Twamley of Durham acted as groomsman. Living in Glenelg township for twenty-three years, where they made their home their four sons and two daughters) were born, Mr. Twamley went Westl in 1906. He bought land and armed) at Kisbey. Sask., for four years, then‘ proceeded west to Webb. Sask., where1 he and his sons took up land and} farmed there for ten years. Mr. andi Mrs Twamley lived at Salmon Arm: a few years, returning in the Pt mer to visit their sons at Webb. I An occasion of much interest to their many friends in Victoria and Grey County, Ont., and Webb, Sash. took place on Oct. 7th at the home ot Mr and Mrs George Twamley, 2827 Cedar Hill Road, when many friends gathered to extend their good wishes to the host and hostess on the occasion of their golden wedding. Golden Wedding of Mr and " Geo. Twamley RT. HON. R. B. BENNETT Who was detea'ed in the ram; for the Dominion Premiership Mundoy THE DURHAM REVIEW DORNOCH . Turner and 0 Min Elva Mitra wahw may. eat: of South Grey " well Worthy of the can: pie revoso in har, PM on herlubsh Dr. mu, when] Conservative, in 1 - ---V ""15”! vuurTm Those who hem] Mr. Burlington before, will be pleased to know that he and other singer: from Toronto will be here to take part in morning service, Sunday. Oct. 20th. tn the afternoon Ind evening. tunnel-nary services will be held a North Gland; Cumtulatlons to Ann- ft "-- “M. w nave a croklnole lochl at the home of Mr and In Methuig on Friday evening, Nov. lat. Admis- sion 10c. Bread, butter, baked beam. cake and pumpkin pie will he served. A goodly number of the congreg- tion trom this church "tended the anniversary servicel tn Durham on Sunday evening In the Baptist church cided to have a crokig the home of Mr and I on Friday evening, Nov ttion 100. Brent butt..- The ladies' aid members held their missionary meeting on Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs A. C. MacDonald when a large attendance was present. The scripture reading wat taken by Mrs Ben Coutts; mitt.. sionary readintrshriven by Mrs Geo. Turnlmll and Mrs Homer; mission-my dialogue by Lona Mighton, Ulvo. MncDonald, Alma Anderson, Morence Mullen and Erma lighten; mls~ liomry contest at the close. by In E. Fulton. Hostess and mutant- served a delicious lunch. lt we. de., cided to have a crokinole loch] It l Mr and Mrs Malcolm McKechnie {and Joan, also Mrs Wm. Gruby were {recent visitom with Elmwood friends. l .Mr and Mrs D. L. Watson, Toron- to accompanied by his mother Mrs. l,'e Watscn and sister Miss Myrtle were recent guests with the McLean ltamilies. l Miss Helen Wstson is holidaying with Mr and Mrs Archie Greenwood Durham. _ Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs James Miller were: Mr and Mrs D. Caddie, Preston; and Mr and Mrs A. Ahbs and baby, Owen Bound. ' Mr. David Watson is spending a few weeks with Toronto relatives. I Mrs Stewart McArthur and daugh- ter, Miss Jean. are spending a few days with Guelph relatives. 1 Miss Lorna Town, Durham spent the convention holidays with her cou- sin Master Buddy Iaunt at the home ot their grandparents, Mr and Mr: Fred Kelsey. Mr and Mrs James Mche and grandson, Master Vernon McCrae, were guests this week with Mount Faest friends. Mr and Mrs J. McLean and ttun. ily, S‘amlord, were weekend visitors with relatives here. His mother re- turned with them for a. week's visit. Miss Georgia Miller has returned aLer holidaying a. week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Herb Tra- flora. Heartlest congratulations are ex- tended to M136 Agnes Mmphnil. who is again the unanimous choice of South East Grey and Bruce. Miss Grant of Paisley, Mr and Mrs J. Buchanan and two daughters were visitors with Mr and Mrs Will Smith. Mr and Mrs Brown of Cheney were also visitors ot Mr and Mrs Smith. Mr and Mrs Art McIntosh are all smiles over the arrival of a baby girl. Anmvemary services were held In the Presbyterian church on Sunday, “hen it was well Med. Rev. Mr. Wilson of Paisley gave a, splendid sermon, both morning and itternoon. The church was pretuly decorated for the occasion. Mr and Mrs P. Bleach and daugh- ter of Owen Sound, Sundayed with Angus McIntosh and sisters. Mr and Mrs Lorne McIntosh and tiienO of Niagara Falls were guests of Mr and Mrs E. B. Dargavel over the weekend. MraJ. E. Hard and other friends spent the weekend at her summer hcme. H. Box-gavel returned to the city with them, after a two woeko’ shy with his mother. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs W. Smith in the loss of her only sister Alice, Mrs T. MoBeath of Paisley. She has me sympathy of the com- munity. Mrs McBea.h was one of Dornoch'e young women, before her nauriage. gavel. Mrs E. lento-h and In E. Sweeney. Next mee Inc will be held It the home ot Mrs T. O'Neil. VlsAors with Mr: E. Dar-sue] 0% er the weekend were Mrs J. H. Klein, Mn P. Stubs of Toronto. W. ROCKY SAUGEEN BU always hu the mu/ A Grey " heart, “a i. of the eoetitdeatee an,” _""""' m Human: on ing inthe Baptist church ) beam Mr. Barrington be placed to know that . singers from Tomato to take pm in morning MULOCK ,7 _........5 a winning me Oct. 20th. tn the led to hard will vening. unuvemry ferent .teama, u [em a North Glenelg Watt had watchin to Agnes C Mde-l Annual Pieniea . ’Wm. O’lua's t tanttat majority over 't A large and Dr. when. 'le',.') you for Honda'- election. a-..“ _.. A TORONTO -- - -v,.. untiuuu {or 25 cents “d anti In , F3 Geo. sometimes 50 cents to drive the cot-' Jr. Fun 1810M?! tie to Durham. When they reached _ Still-r non Ulvo. Durham, other boys were so: to so 31ch 'lorence to the next town. may ot the an A r h mis~ tie would run in the river Styx on I?" by In the War end would sink in the mud pa " tk Mutant- to their care. There the excitement ' at Bttttd M tuned to get them out of the mud. Um Druid "tt de., Sometimel horne- had to be hitched lien! Kmu chi at to a lope to draw them out. otherCHowtuxt n [tsthuig would get so that! before they ruch- j vingstone I Admu- ed Durham, they would lie down on]... "m-... beans. the road. The“ -._r, ‘ -- -'- “All may your for dancing and " con. tinned m “mum and but at the night. At the Presbyterian church they would hold loin“, 1m... .1: ---, -."'.. annual picnics used to be held In Wm. O’Mua'u bush by the Cube!” people. A lute Morn m hum ".rlv Sr-.... ., _ ,V_. W mm: In compete with Music. Bognor and Strathavon. and carried " may a winning sane. These men often led to hard been“: between the dit. ferent .teama, bu:. my n good (In. Watt had watching the Marine, Annual picnics mod to he held In Wm. O'lua's bull: In “-- " _. - ,‘v_- “In Doth had m In some. and Jamar tooth old “Flying Wedge" used to compete with J and Sarathnvon. 1nd e, boys noun longer and they had u miles back to Don of rides in than: I w a lope to would get so ed Durham, I the ~a lalr. Every farmer who had cat. the to sell drove them to the vlllege.f ‘The road would be full of ca tier ' sometimes over a. hundred head would ‘he brought to the village. If they, trot the price they sold. it not the' cattle were taken home and kept till .1he next fair. the buyers came from Guelph. They wele Thomas Maren.r Ed. Cocklnn end Mr Helermn. When all the cattle were Lady they hired' the boys around for " cent; Md I sometimes 50 cent; to drive the cat-f tie to Durham. When they reached l Durham, other boys were got to so l to the next town. Hum a: nu _-__ ' " He proved his nhility as a doctor, _ for he had a practice tor 10 or 15 miles around and hnd to his credit nearly two thouund babies whom he helped bring into the world and never Ice 3 mother " child birth. The pnctice got too large for him as he grew older so he moved to Durham in 1918. He was My missed by his people and who hie place was badly mined in church. . where he played I " part u in el- (der and a staunch supporter of the dittetent needs of the church. i Domoch had It: times of fun and? pleuure 60 or 60 yam Mo. Every; mird Monday or the month they had I Dr. Smith come from Arthur to Domoch in 1890 coming his belong- ings in a homemade box with a hon- ‘(lle and in it he had a few drugs. He boarded for two yours with Wm. land Mary O’Msrs sud he was dn the village for two weeks before he got his bart cell. because people in those days didn't send for doctors for every little polo and tube. After two weeks he was allot to Dongs.“ McFarlsne's reside 14mm; school, sud sorry to any he never‘ got paid for his call. Dr. Smth tiv-l fed in and built the house Mr. WslshJ ‘now owns. tor nearly M) years. l Early Days in Dornocll Elected Premier of Canada loudly by the largest mummy ever given a Cunadiu: political leader Hon. w. L. Mackenzie King , - iiiird"'L1 m. The U Pursumzeo MILK ”we aim. iiicr,i?il'i " I " kindled modern tun-w " [or “In: . u,“ h ing milk. arm-h" W . a “a am hit with. use an: In its Irures' _ mu" I" a me form give u- . mu. Haw a, k'1ut',ve. "In.” H: an mat Wu, Met Mm . ____ DAIRY, (Concluded from last week.) By Mrs. E. McIntosh in than an; - -- “awn“! .o dnw them out. Others) to and before they ruch-‘ , they would He down on These things kept tttel longer in getting hope, had to walk the nhef 1o Domoch. No Mann- l in the river SGwi would sink In the mud There the excitement I, when out of the mud. m to be hitched wind}: IO. “m “a. the good ky .,.. " t. m. A pleasant run' :3 N " att. The young ser'rlit u - he in Datum -- can yu'lwnx Iffy 'rr'" '1 h a purse of munitions are extol - Once lwulln. daumm If attd In RMrt. Mc('Aslrr _' Beer, bum. non of Mr Ct,',', r' 3* hula-n. who were mum 'ttemu, Mt Oct. 5th. On Fun gull-x Inc. a has number of I. m Ill "had. gathered at " 'deer. We tad presented ind“ . Mum border M/gs (tf, M “an. The boys' n v-tl LI'" M“ over try Vice-pre l lt? M. A "per “Hr... Hm bitch and read by L,, Vlmm all "The farm “aw. l VI! (allowed by In animalw! " “at At the Joint meeting. f . "a"! van given by Gouda. r. , or; . m. “Odds and ends" b, I "M We, tad a. reading: 2‘ 3mm. A To'e of thanks H,, V " Mt - In McDoquall "r Pt " (but home. Lunrh MA' l Mr: Ros f Eugenia . I Mr. Jack Braun or (Ell-DIN -',rr' ’Sundny at the home of “Ilka I' :derson. I The C.Y.P.S. met on Plum: , .; I'll " home (I Itut. Mchuurm‘ '1" 1011mm lesson and explanuwm w _ N by Wm. Campbell. l'lur, Ur' Ill-do for a Hulowe'en Mn 4.! 'r: :u held it Mia. Fisher's on (m L"! In Wm. unwell Ind “'11th '. dome: and! ave splendid rm: :1er W ”to: “we sung by Edith mu. I“ In Wilfrid Wright. W. lumen and Jr. Inst mm ' mum, Inuit: u' honn ',' I "M- “I. Anderson pH“ ”M. A - by [We Ebeneau on P'" PY'" . 'Me-nut border H/fr in“ GIG-t. of Mr Ind Mrs w not: over the weekend “pr-v Hellman of Fevershnm and Mr Ind In John Penner my! str' Hm at Danton were row-I'm VIF)' “I It he 1 Mr A. MHI'IWmL‘ Mr aagd In G. (opp and Mr m. In I. 0”. mt the week' M tl' friend. ttt Wm. Mr and In Edgar Boyce and my» tty, and In Mitchell mum] "ilr Mr and In Wm. MacDonald 1".» Mn Mitchell of Camm, NN 'nr', spent the put week M h hm mm- Mrl Edgi- Boyce. Woman with Mr and Mrs mm“ M at Sunday wee: Mr and Mr Chance loch-r, Mr Ed. lawn .114 [In m. nttd Mrs Alex “mm. at of Durham. Mr Ind In "mes Mclmm-n In Ankle chougall visnu: the weekend with friends mm rte. That we“ may omens who». ls, " m not mentioned who “-1. v ar of I eood write up. but, -,', will not permit at present. To Dornoch comes the mm two expert woodman. ths, Ian. Huh W, Br., “Id Ed. Brennan, Ul chopped and cloned the lam "hr' the market - M in (hum NM; I” ml " m ©0tt'grvrrit',i: le oatstnuiny flares cf p lr' .1 at” that We All the plum m at I community \\n-1-- , aad Balk My. There u. mind am or doctors to, 1 'iii ml. would have to “1.1 I so - - M where prh l very sick. When people paw F the (an ”and, John Nahum} ' ttterranneaiudotttonrr.k,. lit 1 lunatimyhemdeamw _ will black cloth tor a palm ' - what In paid for mm 1 In may never I‘PIUM-v: ', , to .. to friend or :1thng 'c'r' In! baby was expecleu. My .3 and Wk“ for miles whom rl 1.1.1 waldoonetor her aid. lt l,". "t pl. could not “loud to gel any. ' T wait on the mother she Bttii,; .. and [all after both mother m. ' ' l, t" nine cue: out of ten n. Lil s out for her work, bu: " i,tr look tor money. The mom. i.,.",'. it M tt was tor kincness ', 3n the that!!! do those things “mi: \1- Mud” In!“ home and In. 'lou', frtss um. putting it in 1w w; wank, “There wu no man m mum, in the ad‘hhrhood that sh, ',ti,,',', put the ttmt "etttty Bark" on "hr and Mr. “my tune “on. hi”. F The older I” In the chum, nu lav. " tho visiting an th, -ttttr'x to the minister. Th, on W och bully lwim- " and road a Mr And plan-q w” “.0 had the “Kidd; ; W. in the (“Hen-m L, These have been done aw.) _ ttte W! of the COtlgrs can mmf" can't so common in thos.. “I": d - me IIWHLN hu: dntBegttq and mr will the oldm p... Me my, you were on tlu. w,: you to dqtrtmetion " you nanny. _ , M, u m was unknoun om'. 17, 1935 CRAWFORD no weekend Wyn: M at "vertsum and M Smith and son Way Me I77 mom ll " Central 0 in: [failed OONSFIJT Hahn Hon“ Contra! Hot: Dam Ch. She Jervim and help! d her In; mm u man Oliv, ma. Dr. l SOL'THB NORTH“ On Thu! “lowed wt We. It the use (on: yarn - halt! not anon: ”he" witl m of a. c Mon and , everyoncx 1 haunt]. Nolan tbt W; also Grim, Mia " of S'nyn Rev. Mr ARROW Ch CUSTOWI UNION INNER” ALL Pt Travel Du Sly EFFEC onie Gu it out Roy hav he ttt VI

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