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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1935, p. 5

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7, N35 , ‘0 common lath-o br some In." H cards the old” - aere on the m mu n yon touched a . “as unknown. . m the church de. AWFORD mil) [who . ”I F and pnyod, - T weekly - uitterent in... Lone? away m to In “Him”. {gun‘s or m an the pub. Ill mtuuity wen Jo- ,. There were no am tons tor I“, have to want or “were people were u people M Mr John mum, In. T to mat- tho ”- matte and mm tor a paltry an Md tor than may. "ser refused to an .r stranger with I islet Men. Bho um les when I "I r aid. " the ’0.- to get - to r she would any mother and - ot ten - not srk. but did not The people hadn't kmulr-ss she {on 'mes the can!!! at en, the tate m. m. Brennan, who ml the land when m in Owen Sound. others whose nun- ned who were wor- Ite up. but In. ng Kortttqettqr. unf- rungs while Mr. as- and hatched. n In In "a , man or I“. that she didn't m Penna-r no Mtet were recent m." Mr A. Macon“. 1opp and Mr M t the weekend with ark" on And Mrs Am Pre'. Mr and in _. Ed. Bum and Mrs Alex Ema. rt" Boyce and [8.- sell visited with MacDonald, Cull“ up. mat rams. Walt... Mcnougatt and wilt her I”. visited "or “as near But- aumzso Ill-K mane-d modal ' “'11th mm. II tr milk in “I I M M DAmy border ‘3' “n 'he boy.’ M! ' vice-pro... W“ paper "mu " read try Ell" " . farm WNW" animated all“ ueetintt, “mt by Gordon - and ends“ br u " Nadia: i, M. r thanks m tttw tram , Inst. hold '0' , a' home of 3. erson would. benegttg on I" a w. Andor- wore In D. and Mr and no Wayne ot 531th! 'e extended to , danish”? " Menuhin and of Mr and - were man“ ttt Friday evol- munll. The [amnion wan puns were soeiat to " ausettt we!!! Witttur Aw I Oct. 28ttt. Wilbur Am iid read”- Rdith Mantle as“! .70... aga" for m rh - ttce- young can in Devon- She PM on Thursday lat Victoria. BeheB, ".uoved wife ot Mr. Alex McLeod ot ~unnidaie. passed SW” " - We, , the age ot " yous. For the lat mm years deceased has been in poor health and on Sunday night Hmk another bad turn. She bore he? Inwss with Christian formula. Btto :15 of B cheerful and loving dispos- ' um and was highly respected by .,v~ryono. She leaves to mourn. her rub-hand. one son, and ttnttqtstor, \wlson at Toronto. and Martoriar at humf“, also one sister Alice, In J. 1,ritrtn, Minasing: two 'rothers, Hat. .5 of S'ayner and Ed. of Amaton. “w. Mr. Conn: had than of ttsei um“- and preached a msmtortini and helpful message, making mention or her many tlne mantles. The null [warms were Non-mu McLeod. Nor- 2mm Oliver, Newman and Harry Grl- i'in, hr. C. C. Brown. Newton Scholl. lwwased was married 36 your: a. _ftt, She was born in Sunnidale, hav- .;1: may all her life in that district. ARROW BUS SCHEDULE NORTHBOUND. leave Durh’m SOUTHBOUND, leave Durh’m Travel by Arrow Coaches "For Your Convenience" 9.40 an. 3.40 p. Mt. 1113:12le PLANNED TO ALL POINTS IN CANADA United sum and Mexico. CONSULT LOCAL AGENT Hahn Home, Tet. No. 26 or 178 Central Hotel, Tolephono Na. " Centrai ONTARIO BUS LINES TORONTO PRIOEVILLE 12.50 noon 8.05 p. m. EFFECTIVE MAY s, 1935 ga, reap Dunn & Levack Ltd. SINCE 1893 UN ION STOCK YARDS. OCT. 17, 1935 When you make use of our highly specialized selling service for marketing your live stock. A ima HARVEST " [and in; Livestock Those who mended the funeral mm} Anniversary services " St. Colum- a distance were.' Dr. C. C. and Mn he, Oct. 27th will be conducted by Brown, Mines Christie. Batty, 1.':Rev. Mercer, Holstein. mm. and pm. Speedy, Mr and Mrs M. Currie, Mr. ialso tine anthems try the choir. and M" Bert Jackson ind Mr Nel-i The regular meeting ot the WJ. son McLeod in ot Toronto; Mr and’ was held at the home or Mrs w. G, Mrs Neil McMillan and son Carlyle, McBride on Thursday; Oct. 3. My, Mi” Anrtettts Meutut, Mr Nett Mc- J. P. McMillan presided. was Nellh heed of Swinton Park; Mr and Mrs McLean read a paper dealing witl Wm. J. Hlncks, Mrs Henry Tucker, the kitchen as an important work Mr. Wm. McLeod and Mrs Andrew shop. Mrs MeMilian gave a timel: Hineks, Prieevitle; and a. number ot talk on the spirit of Thanksgiving friends from Brampton, Mineaing,' This was followed by a discussion 0 Waaaga Beach and Aginconrt. Her projects tor future activities. A dam casket was covered with many beau- ty lunch was served by the haste: tiful noral tributes which bore ell-land her assistants. ent messages of love. Interment was, Election results are quite Batista made in. Smyner cemetery. tory. Our worthy member is therec Sacrament of the Lord's supper was I oboerved Sunday Iatst tn the church. I Mr and Mrs Alex McLean, Mr and Mrs John Merurlane and Mr McIn- ma McLean ot Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. Colin McLean‘s. Congratulations to Miss AgnesMac- phat} for being re-eiecied with such a large majority. The funeral ot the late Dan Whyte ot Mona Road was held Tuesday ;t the home of his son Joe Whyte. Rei, was 74 years of age and died satar-" day while going to bed. Interment was made in MeNeii's cemetery. i Visitors tirtrt of the week at Stan- ley Harrison's were: Miss Flora and {Arch Clark. Dromore; Mr and Mrs Clarence Harrison and family, Swin- ton; Mr and Mrs A. L. Blacks and family. Mr, Dan Smwart returned home after visiting Mend: in Paisley. ' Visitors over the week and were Mrs J. Maltby at her mother's, Mrs M. J. Buckhsm. Mr and Mrs Emmerson Shantz and baby visited at Mr and Mrs H. Me- Lean's. the latter two remaining for a longer visit. Miss Marion Muir, teacher at Om station, was a. visitor ot her parents' Mr and Mr: Peter Muir, and inci- Ann'nl‘lv gave a vote for the beat (loam)? gtrhre a vote and Mrs A. L. Hawks and A ID VICIIITY SUICSIICII SINCE 1893 TO RO sto member we ever ttad, or ever mar have, before returning. These mm? own views. ahared by many I am Pleased to say. Anniversary Berrieett st . - ba, Det. Mth wm be conditctefxmufy‘ An “mm link * Rev. Mercer, Holstein. mm. and pan. and Sou'h Grey m. also tine anthem by the choir. on Monday, when T The regular meeting ot the W.l. eran farmer and li; was held at the home ot Mrs w. G. Ewaed ”my at the McBride on Thursday; Oct. 3. -iii.jl'le,'i'.' Mrs Charles J. P. McMillan presided. Mim Ne)11e.hm‘k arena?! McLean read a Paper dealing with:hoe co? ll f, the kitchen as an important work.) 6 bargeate ' a; _ 'shop. Mrs MeMiilan we a tiiiiirS'ler,it 'tai:,'",',)',',':',',' talk on the spirit ot Thanksgivmg.§down grade for a McBride on Thursday, Oct. 3. Mrs. J. P. McMillan presided. Miss Nellie McLean read a paper dealing with the kitchen as an important work. shop. Mrs madman gave a timely sho . Mu - - _.-.-__. i"""' --_ ...._ V 'Ill" on C,', 35;:312‘; $11: 1tJl"l,efi/,tt: male cltlzen. While on the V 3., This was followed by a alum-salon on! 'e,wu,"e,2,tid"o'l," 12:11:22 Digit projects tor future activities. A dain-', month onl At his advanced age ty lunch was served by the hostess1 y. . ' and her assistants there wal, no particular aimsertt, Election results are quite t,at,.,,m/iijcitcjct,'/ general break-up ot tory. Our worthy member is there on‘ . . her own resources. No J','ve,',',r,','e1'y, w,1t,ey'c,'u'/dl't"l'l "idlt"t/. help and under no obligations to any! p E Ir. tirm or corporation as to her s',',',',',.],?", men knew Itts people or resourc- port or influence, and free to act Cr/,',12' “32.11:;th "p,,tttrg'.',:,r,'ir'le,Jl'l' 'streak without dictation from any In mi and in many Ways played my ileader, thath the beauty ot it. i _ I"We've voted to A . d " important part la the government o t r gg1e an will ithe township in earlier days. & - . AA .1-.. Hun I""5“va ‘VUWIH ...., “m" __V,_,, um u... ...-_-._. 17 ce",.:':,',',')')',,,'.'""",':,"' £43311!“ The life ot Mr. Davis is indelibly lteltt and under iii,' obligations to an (wrapped around that at Glenelg tp. lirm or corporation as to her any i Few men knew its people or reBourty port or influence and free t act ',','r" es so well, While a tamer.‘ he was speak without cinnamon J,',',,,' nr‘more. He had the public-spirit aspark leader that's the beam ot it ty Cin him and in many ways played an TvVv'e voted for Aggieyand w-ill Elmportant part. in the government of Bless the great day like townnhip 1n earner days. Bo When ballots were pu,t to ood ll e itew of his level remam today that Wh t . g 5 ' it is ditfieult to get authentic as P. riends of our lady united\weu an adequate information relate with Grey, __ \ing to pioneer conditions. . --- -. aft-“Aha!“ we are proud of. This Tuesday morning. 15th ot 0c- tober we are forced to be brief, as this day our mail courier goes onto winter schedule and will be along early. - . __ --..at... an”. Bo we will congratulate our worthrie member. Miss Macphall. on her fan» 1 one victory. Often you have beaten , one mam Aggie. now two, and we 1 would dare three to face you 5 years l hence. We have not heard CGI', throughout the Dominion this morn- ing yet. Radios were not very satis- ifactory in this locality last night, Boi (we went to bed. glad that only 2451 \could be elected and that Miss Mac-1 Iphail was one ot them. We congratulate Mr Delbert Haw one ot our most popular young men, . who was married on Saturday last in the city of London, to Miss Nina E. Heard of Bayfield, an esteemed teacher in Hillside academy -two years ago. After an extensive motor tour, they will reside on the old Haw farm here. nd won a great battle in Bruce." Good old Egremont the banner tp, Mr and Mrs Noble Wilson attend- ed the funeral of an uncle. Mr James Acheson of Bethel yesterday. Hewu in his 76th year. Our mail courier, l Mr. Stewart Pepper visited recent. :ly with relatives at Elmwood and O. ISound. '; Mr and Mrs Robert Crawford and ', son Jim spent the t1rat of the week Lat home of Mr Geo. Shand. m hits 76th year. but man courier, Mr J. B. Whyte, also today mourns the death of his father, Daniel Whyte Bun Au”: -v---_, Mr and Mrs Thou. Pearson. Miss Ethel Pearson, Mr and Mrs John G. Morgonro h, Tavistock; Mr and Mrs J. A. Dixon and daughters ot N. Egremont visited during the past week at the home ot Mr u Sinchir. u... Tamas Scott and son Geo. Mrs James Scott and son use. were Sunday visitors with her you I Mr. Harry Scott, Durham. ', Misses A. M. Fettes. Ruth and Ir. I ma Dingwall, Dell Scott and Mr. o. Diugwall attended the teaehers' con- 1venues in Hanover last week. Miss Fettes visited with her sister Miss C. Fettes at Durham on her way up. i Mr and Mrs Jag. Spence, Winni- ipeg. arrlved last week to visit with jet numerous relatives and to at-' "end the golden wedding celebration [of Mrs Spence’s brother and wire, KMr and Mrs G. Sturroek on Thanks- lrivintr Day. ' ,A - n.-_._-__ haarm SW INTON PARK THE DURHAM REVIEW ems took up lots 1 am a, wu. .., N.D.R., Glenelg, being amongst the earliest settlers on that line. Here he spent moat ot his Me. The farm In now! owned by Mr Hermie Bur- nett . 'IH, Motttrt, Mrs em (both ot Durham; Mrs 1aii.GG and Mrs Jo GiiG7. He was married in 1881 to Miss Mary Ann Whitmore, who died in 1930. Their home and family lite was' very happy and the children to-dar' regard their home bringing-up on the old farm homestead as a sacred heri- tage. Three sons and tour daughters survive: William and Percy, Toronto. Arthur of Edmonton, Alta.; Mrs C. ‘H Moftat. Mrs Chas McGillivray. historic link with early Glenelg bum Grey history was broken, many, when Tums Davis, vet- tarmer and license Inspector d away at the home of his dau- , Mrs Charles McGinivray, Dur- Deceased may 'tte likened to a ; of corn fully ripened, ready to "vested, as he was in his 90th He was often termed Durham's I At her home on third con. WAF. R., Bentlnck. on Tuesday. the death took place of Mrs. Elijah Armstrong a lifelong resident ot Bentinek, in her Mth year. She has been ill for two months, her trouble arising from 'a healing ear which developed into eryalpelaa. She took treatments from Dr. Brown or Neustadt and was 1e'le) to be recovering, but compli- cations' set in which culminated in moans DAVIS OBITUARY MRS. ELIJAH ARMSTRONG mtteutomAm'tt"t""t,',i irs W. Games. ot John Mch‘m-ny. deeply beloved by her family and friends. As t neighbor. she Wu held in the highest esteem, and 1 wide circle of friend! and mumm- will mourn with, the hen-wed ttutr friends. As t neighbor. she In: new in the highest esteem, and & 1tti circle ot trtends and mummy will mourn with: the hen-wed ttturl band and funny, the loan of the‘ .ttm.. ---" nu; homemsker. when lil prime ot life. She wu a, member , Presbyterian .church. all will be held at 2.00 p. conducted by her pub Gowdy. Interment will Durham cemetery. Taken from Review Me, _ When it come: to Winning no..- [ races there are none to equal Botr Scott. Last Thursday in GiiitnGie,l, driving Minnie Belt owned by ii) Dundee of Morkdale‘me came tirtstil on Friday he won two more, winning; one with his own horse Paddy McKin-E lay. and the other which was to de- cide a wager on the speed ot two Hanover horses. l Court of Revision tor the town of Durham was held on Wednesday he tore Judge Hutton. A number ot names were added and some removed at the instance of parties represent- -- - I _-_i nanny. IN DAYS OF YORE ing (is two sides ot This we presume is a campaign tor rep sure . Under ideal conditions ot wet Prloeville show on Friday was best in a long series, not only gate receipts which save about above the highest previous year in the quantity and quality ot exhlblu. we. Miss Lizzie Lauder left this week _ -S-t-.- “N: M l, " vans AGO Iii; 9e unv tuctlon on Fe:: from Review tyle. Oct. TIM. l October. " _ Muster Lloyd McClockltn. eon oro'etoek on IE. D.. while waged in srmtuusurcossemsioa work in the High School baaetnentduraxts Ro :made a slip and falling heavur) Bentinck, broke his leg at the ankle. Clark: l Friday, the " ttay of Durham Bedroom , Fell Fair. opened dreamy with rtrtmlmaetrine ( "turning early in the torenoon tohatsres, a snow, and snow it did all day, a soft l quilts Piet r heavy snow, that put all thought. of I numerous 3 showing or sightseeing oompletelyi TERMS , out ot mind. it was lard luck. “Haunts ot t e there was no one to blame and hath-1 es over ' in; to do but settle down to the _ proved 50 hope that 1921 would he more prom-3 cent. per Rising, for 1920 was clean knocked out. count for 1 Mr. Ernest MoGirr returned home For tut I lthis wee} alter a summer in aunt-‘3. Mch V" chewed. and left Friday to enter his ( for the h second ya: at 'vtuartty. Clark R "' Congratulations to Miss Reta Torry ' i in of Window. mange". daughter at or Mr. R. Torry. Whom. who wuw==§= m Wedded Wedneedny in Windsor to e to young man now employed in the Bor. Finest m. der City. - -4. " “d , I. m., it man " :56. ii. McPhll being ttoneer. . um VA»; . The unwantod snowtlll of Oet, 1.! when some live or six inches ounow fell, did more than knock out shrink that day. Ombudl suttered countd-i embly, the wet clinging now “may on branches in full foliuge, nom‘ tunes bevy with fruit, broke them on and oeausionOr ruined the tree. The snow was gone In a day but It left in math. The untrue of mashed: Mime!- b. member “at Durham church. and the funeral at 2.00 p.m. Thursday, YEARS AGO "WWW. it Local Option. 1. the titat sun itt little past the Co., ot.Durh l. Pac. MN “or of the pl the We Mon: ot we: mqtrtrt (unmet ot Bum. who W“ ltr in Windsor to a employed in the Bon 35w .Durhun. Runway . Lhe plun- me ttt 6110. home weather {as the in Locals lad Tri-Couuty II by defeating Caledon East Durham-owen Sound tum their best form Tuesday at: to defeat Caledon East-Or 11 to 6, mm alumina the h ot the Tri-County [Amuse Durham this time had the a in $50 but the Dunmatt-ubre. Sound team were tn l their but form My night here, l to defeat Caledon East-Ayr-ttie 11 to6, thus assuming the leadenhip of the Trrcounty Danae may». Durham this time had the nuisance or only three Owen Bound men - Conch in goal, McConnachLe and Harden, but every mun played uncut we, Durham players were Wilson‘ on defence; Snider. rover; Murdock, centre; Dean and E. KcDonnld. aw tack; Lauder Ind 0. McDonald, tu- temam. The more was tied 1--1 M l . J he I _9 far nurhun-0. B. at end of let. H for ourttam--O. Sat but. and t--2 at end ot Std. The visitors “god . nlly in 4th. and counted t, to 2 tor the locals. BtMy LOST AT ORANGEVILLE, 12--4 The Cdedon Eut-Orangevine cm blues were too Beet and shifty - - _. “um... I. The Culedon mat-or-me oom- bines were too Beet and shifty in their tirtst club ot the season lust Friday at Omngevule in the Tri. County lacrosse league. After Orvul McDonald had scored tor Durham in " nuances. the home team put on a dew/Mung stuck. scoring 6 in titat {mu-1nd. a more in tnd, while holding a dew/Mung attack. scoring 6 in ttrat I o.---------'""'""""'"""" period, 8 more in tnd, while holding o--r-eree.eeeeae-reeeetreeeeee= the visitors wlzhout mother count. In taat halt. Durham-Owen Sound J. L. smut, $Lik, M.C.. PS. held them even, each tum [corms 3, making total mre on “no Cate 0150. nnd Residence: Cortter M- don Easvorangeviue It, Durham) ten and umbton amen. Durh- Sound 4. The gun Wu rough, C, mama“ being handed oat, 9 of once hour-z ' to ll LIL. I.” to ' .mem to the visitors. Mn. 7 to ' on. Bundli- em ----- FOR PURC ASE of LUNNEV FARM Lama St, Mn. on. Will be r eived by the understgn- - - L. h " p... ed up to-und xncludlng Tuesday. Oct. t.0tt " II . _ 29, 1935. Com' rising bot Number 28 M and the East t of Lot Number 27 on c . in the 6th Con mum ot the Towtt- . . . PARA ‘ship of Bentinc ' 150 acres more or . Kantian, Ontario Mess. Specaliat, E e, Ear, Nos d Turn. a Good brick hon and bank barn y e “I t 'wlth stamens and ‘raw shed. Spring In Durham "err other 7"“ creek. Over 80 GB of workable / land, good posture nd bush. For further portion is apply to the Wu th P'CKERI'B. BBS, un undersigned. The ghost or my Honor Gnduote Tomato Univenlty, other tender not new wily accept- Graduate Royal Coll Donut S ', ed. Dated um 15th day ot Oct., ot Om'mo "em. . A.D. 1985. . ' HENRY 391337.. Ere tor of the Rootng: Over mm Bank, m- _____.â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-"'â€"'_’____________.*.~ , estate ot wmum Dunn , decus- T=====--------" t ed. do )1le & PA mason, a l Hanover. om . L F. RANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. . o----------""'"'""'""" ,1: new m all a. mu...- 7 ' A RAY “I EXTRMZTIONI s Animus mas 5m 0...; Mill m... am a... 'tt M m In the latter the ESTATE of Wmfiw. c- MARGARET [INA CLARK. DE CEMED. GEORGE E. DUICAI --- """m‘" mod- and chattels Liconud Auctioneer for any my“, iriii"iFA'Tii6'-iiii5iiiVttB TORONTO imchine, 0mm. cum tables, rugs, tlower Bl ‘qullu. pictures. and oi inumemus to mention THE following goods will be ottered f r uh auction on N“ the October. 1935. n he tt will be ottered f r sale auction on N“ the October. 1935. n he ttt o'clock on Lot N ber Concession Thme, retst aft-an. Road. in th 'iiiiiifiteiTG prem of Clark : Bedroom (mum. butre (”mans for wove c ttew. A“ -r--eiteee.ee'-"-eh"--"r---===-==-- _-_-N. ‘sum of $10 and under, h; on 58.1- zes over 810 nix mature it on trp- F. . EAGLESO' iprov-ed Joint notes beam: tlve per cent. per mum. Three pe cent ditv ontario a Mink” Land Sunny: wt for out: on sums ove 810.00. Registered Protection.) Engineer For further particulars up y to J. Surveys. Reporu. manna. PM ‘u MnnITARmE. Durham, HOW)? Tolephono M, ORANQEVILLE, Ort, TENDERS WANTED Cutler Township ot mmom' {arable home. good mm ot mm that weekly let. m- to (than: Moods. why not In" the new" all than an new: ot the ill-Mot. Btu yourself the trouble ot __ _ A ___, HONEY FOR SALE Pinegt light honey. new crop u 8c tb., in your own conulner. Wm. ', Elgin Bt., Durham. tere"-'."-"----"-'---'------" ---- -- ___- " CHIROPRACTIL Canadian Poole FARM FOR SALE ix} ber "'rtsirtrrtirte, we. rest of the Gu- in th Towuhin ot goods and chattels ' me by public L the 18ttt My of xe hour ot W. In" still com. In” of than Richmond Oxfords. U your size is here, don't min the chums to get a pair at now in. Priced at Prices no likely to 3dvnnoo soon BO wholoulers report. Bo win“ and buy now. REPAIRING " UIUAL Richmond Oxfords Grls' Shel Calf Ties New line: of J. S. McILRAlTH omu our loyal Barttt, HOURI: 2 - . P- m. ROYDEN BURNETT. . tt. SNEATH. M. B. $2.25 " $3.00 Honor PM q"""""" -'"" Pup" a! Pam." - A. A C. 0. Mo. Vow. M7, Mon; lo- am» and ”in“ w. 8m“ can!“ lot uh“ ppm, than.“ and cum. M An ouch» " W I men-w. manta-ul- no“ for anunl a! mum-nag. In" on“ - wool- . P. nun-G'- can. - a C J. H. MSQUARRIE. B. A. mum» - an 30"“ at new“ Ouch» " mun-M

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