West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1935, p. 8

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fr , . Glendon l . Allan's 2. Dromore 3. Holstein 4 . Yeovil s. Mt. Po" B. Drury'r Vole in Grey-Bruce by hh Chaim " Ritchie’s Glen Mariano Dornoch Tp. Halt Gillies mu 2nd con. Elan Road Dobbinton Holstein Yeovil Mt . For”! Drury ’s North West Johnston's Todd's Minis Hiit Cal-gill Eden Grove Vela Mucolm Eimwood Baim'z Dornoch Clary. Hnttou um Allan Park Camp. Corn. numb 1 M FLESHERTON 128 GLENELG ’s 66 17 lo " a " m 47 CHATSWORTH " CARRICK I, 27 Creek " In 29 1 2 " the 22 non " NEUSTADT 48 NORMAN BY l 27 l 41 123 PROTON 248 BLDERSIJE I 47 Id 25 n 40 Itil 51 EGREMONT 343 PMSLEY 224 HANOVER 284 MILDMAY 27 8 368 DUNDALK 146 CHESLEY BENTINCK 14 DrRHAM 94 183 210 BRANT 37 " " 115 315 40 38 81 34 373 565 109 199 58 27 " 20 193 122 288 31 24 " 276 20 11 " 39 l 4 86 30 " " " 57 39 644 106 100 164 218 408 " ll " " 52 136 " 39 2t 30 " 157 21 181 179 230 160 684 84 134 118 98 125 55 138 718 25 53 101 " 58 30 112 52 136 64 59 47 45 21 12 25 48 16 40 " 135 30 21 " 22 22 16 17 " " " 133 134 " 41 " " 440 595 420 " 57 59 " 31 58 124 84 449 IM 74 125 114 61 706 100 126 151 136 250 39 260 62 366 " " 70 448 " 623 " " " " 132 69 68 gt 686 125 121 65 45 39 91 " 32 48 36 43 49 " 32 " 57 36 " 57 nouncemenu. etc. Review - [Altai-heads. envelopes. statements. billheade. invoices, no non we Mlle. dodger: and but bull. wedding invitations and In __ _‘-.. -yo;uurul. , MT! rurtunm rtold of some of the good work ac- l compllshed by Leper missionaries and a the new outlook on life for the tttnity 'ted ones who have been helped. Miss Renwick told of colporteur work in Japan. Mrs Gowdy, Mrs McFayden [engaged in prayer. i PRESBYTERIAN W. M. tr. ( Durham Presbyierian W.M.S. met Thursday afternoon, Oct. 10, at the ‘home ot Mrs McRonald. Mrs Grant :led in prayer. Mrs J. H. Mentyden Head the scripture lesson from the I5th chapter of St. Luke’s gospel; iMra McPherson read the chapter .from the study book. the subject be- ing a day's visit in Formosa. Some business matters were dealt with." ‘Plans were made tor the W.M.S. sectional meeting to be held in the 1church Monday afternoon, Oct. 21st. Mrs Gowdy prepared and read an ex- cellent paper entitled "The women of the New Testament"; Mrs Tumbull sMALL FARM FOR SALE On Lambton t., one mu. out of rwn of Ptr? 50 m. well wat. The Sunday morning service ~st Queen m. United Church was un- der the direction of the W.M.S. A large congregation greeted the speak- er, Mrs Knechtel, missonsry with her husband in Korea. Mrs Knechtel took as her text, "Ye are the light of the world. Let your light so shine." She described how the light of the gospel hsd shone in Korea through the hospitals and churches established there by the united church. She expressed regret at the closing ot hospital and mission sta- tions and the retracting of Evangel- istic work because of the necessary withdrawal of missionaries from lack of money. Mrs Knechtel also sang very beautifully the tsolo, "Open the gates of the temple." Her message? and solo will be long remembered. I Mr and Mrs Knechtel hope to re-; tum to their loved work in Koren early in the New Year. i atten'ion In the made; i '11; be appreciated. Thank you! Order your job Royden McDonald, little son of Mr and Mrs Thou. Collier, and Catherine Louise, lime daughter of Mr and Mrs Irvin Eividge. each received the rite ot baptism at the morning serv- ice in Trinity Anglican church on Sunday. How does your mbacription to the Review stand? Funds are needed to keep the gm). operat- ing and we would gain ask our readers to look at the label and if " Ia dated prior to Oet., 1935, Mr and Mrs R. Whiieiaw, Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Gonun and daughters. Mr and Mrs W. A. Matthews, of Owen Sound spent Sunday with the farmer’s brothers and sisters. Mrs J. Schultz spent a day last week with Mr and Mrs Gillies at Woodland. late Donald MoGllllvny place In Gle. nelg, where they wlll spend the win- ter. Mr G. will come later. Mrs H. Comm and tive daughters of Wilkie Sank, arrived last. week at the early home of Mrs. comm, --the Meson of Vamer. Mr and Mrs A. McCabe, Mrs Robt. Eden tad Mr Wm. Long visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs D. Long. Mr and Mrs J. Kellar visited their daughter, Mrs Ad. Noble. Mr. Elmer Pee has sold his tarm to Mr. Win. Mmhall, Mt. Forest. Mr sud Mrs B. A. Hooper, Mt. Ptreat spent Tuesday with Mr. and In. Jan. an and Mrs E. wmon mitocho- and] with Mr and Mm W. Blyth. Mrs Jno. Maniac visited Wednes- day with Mr and In Ferguson, ot Fergus. Gueata of mGTiii In C.M.1aser nu on Sunday were Mr and Mrs tk . Hooper, Mt. Forest; Mr Ind Mrs emcee. Mr and Mrs A. Wtuon. NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS ADDITIONAL PERSONALS VARNEY printing from the with Margaret The meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home ot Mrs Mearns on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 9th, with an attendance of M. The roll callwws answered by scripture verses on "magnify." The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Honeyman, who also gave a paper on Formosa. telling ot the beginning ot the work by G. L McKay and ot its wonderful progress. Mrs Wallace read from sudv hank _ Mrs. Wm. Marshall of Egremont, visited on Thursday of last week at Mr Duid Marshall's. Mrs James Petty and Miss Margar- et visited " the Thompson home on Sunday afternoon. Miss Helen Young of Egremont, spent over the week end with Miss Irene Petty. Mr and Mrs Geo. Hall and son Wallace of Grand Valley were guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Elgin Wilton. Mr: Thompson Br. visited on Mon- day at Mr David Martshall'ts. Mrs James Picken visited Tuesday with Miss T. E. Byers. Mr and Mrs Alex. Smith and Mr. and Mrs A. c. Marshall and children visited recently with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Backus, Hampden. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Harold Watson on the birth ot a ha.- by boy on Monday of uhia week. _ Mount “new and all enjoyed hearing the Jubilee Singers, and also the tine message by Rev. C. B. Baggett of Listowel, his subject being "The world’s greatest need." A number from Knox attended the anniversary services in the Baptist church in Durham Sunday evening, wile; Mr and Mrs F. Ferguson and children, Orangeville; Mr and Mrs J. Alles, Marjory and Lloyd and Islay Seaman, Holstein. Miss Margaret Ferguson, Clifford, spent last week with her sister Mrs Mrs W. P. Horatrurgh. John T. Ferguson lost one ot his work horses last week. Mr and Mrs Clark. Durham and Mrs Wm. Brown, Holstein, visited Sunday at Thos. Brown's. Mns Geo. Love and family, Dromore visited Sunday at W. Love’s. Mr and Mrs Alex Calder and son, Kenneth, Mt. Forest, spent Sunday at H. Watts. Recent visitors at J. A. Ferguson's were Miss Jean McCannell. ot Booth. I Under auspices of -the Met iid In! Amos church a. very successful ‘rowl supper and entertainment It: :held in the church on My even- Ung last when a large grand was present to participate' in a. mu] mp- iver at fowl and plum pudding and 'other good thing: to eat. After sup- Messrs Wm. Ferguson and Colin McArthur spent a couple of days last week in Toronto and returned home with a. new radio and car respectively . To-day being election day and the weather very favorable, no doubt a. great many will be out to poll their vote for their particular candidate. Mr. Elmer Troupe who has spent the last couple of months in Seek. returned to his home here last week. Many are taking advantage of the tlne weather ‘we are having these days and getting their po‘atoes, roots etc., up. can. Mrs. Bradshaw or Conn also gave a number of recitation. A quartette from Durham was present. two Bell brothers, Misses Priest and Winnie Blyth, with Miss Hunter sup- plying the music. The two former ladies each sang a solo and gave a number of readings. All who assisted took their parts well, and we hope to have the pleasure of hearing them again. Rev. Mr Gowdy, gave a very interesting talk on his trip this sum- mer to Ireland with his wife. He told of visiting his parents as well as taking in interesting sights. per being served, an went up to they main part of the church. R ev. R., Honerman was chairman and called oft a good program. The Con male quartette was present, comprising; Messrs Bishop, Small, Small and Dum KNOX CORNERS FLOWER? FLATS DROMORE us ,____ ....-.. -v-.-'V-- v- -r In“ 1T.ll Anon; Bee.-treaa., Mr. J. A. Magee, Harold uwnnee gathered " their] Hanover; delegates to O.E.A., leu- home and spent a plenum time in'. an. Geo. Brown, Hanover and Min daneing and ehat, aido [Hunting R. mung]. Mount Finest: wanton. them with '9'“ “In It be” the) “in H. Multan and G. H. Brown; 10th memory at their weddhx- 1irt1t/onc;iiiiiii).iiiii C. 2tt A large tttamber tmatt hem eele- flu',:. 'lllll'T/. 31mm 3: I: 1 mm In Damn on election man. i Luau.'. friends we! neuhbornvol' k, Li Mrs Harold Iawreneo gathered " their to L thy. always made good use at his vote. He never threw it may. Mr. Roy Lawrence In busy timesh- mg in thin bum at present. A number (m here intend loin: _ Mr and Mrs W. P. Watson's, and Mr and Mrs Chas. Watson’s names. somehow or other, were left ott the list of Electors. Result wu, no vote for them. Charlie la in poor twist a- bout lt. We don't blame him as he always made good use or hla vote. He never threw it any. but the truth. And shoulder to shoulder gave there to any. Bennett, he added part ot Bruce, It was quite ascheme, but of no use; U.F.0. and labor listen to nothing What’s the matter with Aggie; she's alrigh'. She's the lasale from South E. Grey, Never been defeated on election day, And it she attends to business, she's Miss Agnes Macphail is to be com granulated on her fifth successive el- ection to 'the House of Commons. She endeavours to serve her riding faithfully, and the electors show their appreciation ot her work when potting day comes. Mr and Mrs Art Lee visited with Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie ot Zion on Sunday. The Thanksgiving services‘ will be held in St. Pauls church on Sunday Oct. 27th. The afternoon service wil be at 3.00 o'clock, with the ad. ministration of Holy Communion and the evensong service at 7.30. On the following Monday evening, a hot supper will be served in the base. ment of the church followed by en- tertainment. Admission 35c, and 15c. The Kerr family visited relatives in Hanover on Sunday. The A.Y.P.A. met at the home of Jae. Hargrave. on evening ot Oct. 9, with a splendid attendance. Speechea singing and contests, were indulged in. The chief Item was a. talk and demonstration on corn and by-pro- ducts by Miss'Ruby Morrison. Lunch was served by Mrs Hargrave and as- sistants. The next meeting will be held on Nov. lat at the home of Mrs Milford Matthews. I Mr and Mrs Nolan Rounding and 'mtle daughter Noreen ot Grand mu. :ley. spent a day last week with her iparents, Mr and Mrs R. J. Arnlu. , The annlve ry of the Presbyter- "an church will e held this Sunday, 'Oetober 20th. T re will also be a ,fowl supper on th Monday evening following. Mr and Mrs Matthew Hooper visit- ed a few days recently with their son Mr Wallace Hooper of Toronto. Mrs Adams and Mr Barber of Ha.- milon, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs E. Smith. Mr and Mrs Wm. Long spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. George McMillan and Mrs. Kaufman of Palmerston, snent the (hit ot the week with the Watson family. Miss “aye! Leith of Toron‘o spent the Week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Leith. Congratulations to Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Ross on their recent mar. daze. Miss Isabel Hague left on Saturday to attend Macdonald Hall at Guelph. Mr und'Mrs R. B. Long and family spent last week with friends in Grar venhurat. Mr and Mrs Alex. MePhail ot Dun- date, spent a day this week with friends in the village. The concert given by the Virginia Jubilee Singers under the auspices of the United Church choir, wan asplen- did success. Dr. and Mrs. Mountain and little eon Harold of Desboro spent a, day this week with friends in thevillage. Miss Violet M. John spent the ttrest of the week at her home near Hopes ville. Miss Ruby Kerr ot Toronto spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Jordan and the Buller family. Messrs Frank and Earl Dingwsll spent the tInst ot the week with friends in Hopeville. NORTH EGREMONT HOLSTEIN LEADER ALLAN 's CORN ERS THE DURHAM REVIEW LOCAL AND PERSONAL m here intend going' much next Wednes~l 3 number of Aggie I In the afternoon the sanding Com.. ‘mmee brought in their slate of ot- Beers and list of resolutions, which I were tempted. The new amour: no: Hon. President, Mr. J. A. Graham, lburhun; he... Mr. George Noble. Durham} singer. Friday's session opened with de- votional exercises by Rev. E. P. Stem of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Addresses during the morn- ing dealt with school subjects, "Mal. tiplication and Division in 3rd class work," by Miss Emily Hunt; "New regulations re teacher's eertit1etr'ea," by Mrs E. A. Ruttie; "Indoor games for Iturat Schools: by Miss Florence Macinnes and the report of the O. E. A. delegate by Mr. W. J. Mes- 5:50“ Grey Team; L, “I iidlaimrer last Week a vocal solo by Walter Buck; sm- phone solo by Bobbie Mann; vocal by Katharlne Magee; recitation, by Fred Glebe and Junior Mole Quam tet. Messrs E. Bell, V. Wendorf, H. Quigley and v. Harms. Mr. H. Cor. bett also ave a short address while Reeve A. E. Ball welcomed the teachers to the town on behalf ot the town council. l The Thursday evening session took the form of a banquet in the ttttae- ment of the United church. " which the teachers enjoyed I. humorous and spiri‘ed travelogue by Mrs Wm. Rut- tle on her recent trip to Ireland, En. gland and Switzerlnnd, " a. Canadian delegate to the Guide Conference. Other numbers on the prop-um were: I A paper by Mr Herb Corbett of Dundalk on "What the section should expect from the teacher" was ey. ceptlonally good and gave the trus- v’ees' side or the question. An equally interesting address was the teachers’ side ot the question delivered by Miss Arlie Montgomery of Holstein. on “tht the Teacher should expect from the section." She declared the only wsy to be I successful teacher is to get the section on your aide. She divided her subject into tour paru--The mental problem, proper rest, ethics and economic. A splendid paper by Miss Donalda Sloan on "Some thoughts on School management" brought out some ttne iletug on ditterent phases of the work. The afternoon session opened with many splendid suggestions trom the "ecretatttretusurer, James A. Magee on devotioral exercises. He declared too many teachers hurried over the morning devotional exercises, also the teachrs should prepare for the morn- ing scripture reading the same as they prepare their day's lessons. and where possible every pupil should have their own Bible and indulge in alternate reading. Some teachers use the Bible, others prefer ditterent books, of youthful Bible stories. Mr Magee attributed much of the good qualities and success of his ex-pupilsi Io his regular morning devotional exercises. A splendid paper by Miss Damian The secretary-treasurer was in- structed to write letters of condol- ence to the parents ot the late Mien, Willa Paterson and Mr. Lorne Rios. who had passed away during the term Just ended. The opening services on Thursday morning were conducted by Rev. A. N. Cooper of United church. The president’s address by George Brown of Hanover was "The Teacher " a missionary of Peace." He sta‘ed that in spite of the teachings of expert. ence, philosophy and religion, war has continued to ravage the earth. and the thirst tor blood and the lust tor conquest seem to be as keen as ever. He argued that it men knew before hand the awful consequence of wrong doing they would retrain even from entertaining evil desires. All school education is based upon this theory, and parents are anxious that their children should be so in- structed in regard to these -lhings that they may escape as tar as pos- sible the disastrous consequences ot ignorance. While the press. the home and the church are educational in- stitutions of importance, he believed the school to be the essential place for peace to be taught. Mr. Adam Lsidisw delivered a tine address on oral reading. Two young pupils from different schools gave a good example of child reading. Mr C. R. Chapelle presented a tine paper on: "The use of maps." He stated that maps developed obser- vation and deduction and showed how) maps helped in the teaching ot the, majority of subjects taught in the‘ younger classes. I The 58th annual convention of the Public School teachers of South Grey, held in the Hanover High School on Oct. 10 and 11, proved one at the most succesqu conventions ever held in this imrpeetorate, both in quality ot addresses and attendance. or the 115 teachers In South Grey, only one was absent through illness and sev- end teachers from other busy in- spectorates were also present. ought in their are of or/L5. I list of resolutions, which I oted. The new other: no: 0 sident. Mr. J. A. Graham, he... Mr. George Noble. vice pro... [In D. atoan, 2c.-treu.. Mr. J. A. Itasca, delta!” to O.E.A.. Ila- TORONTO Mr George H. Brown was appoint- ed a delegate to the Ontario tench- era’ council to be held in Toronto about Chrutmaa. He stressed the importance of good reading and the teaching of spelling in primary chases and (“and mu:- ie being taught in whools. Mr. Pentland, school inspector for South Grey, closed with a few my gutlons for the good ot his Impac- torate. He would not advise any pu- pils to go to normal next you u there is already a big waiting “It of teachers. ' A thu, paper on "Art" in Rural Schools" was given by Mr. Reginald Adlun and the lemon ended with I short address by the new honorary president. Mr. Graham ot Durham. He and ttt attended hll ttmt con- ventlon In 1885. He upped than teachers who under-bid other tench- ers tor their places. He declared their names were known and some "me would come out. He urged the teachers to be faithful to one anoth- er. ed the honouring: That the mill-Ill! salary of teachers be raised and that salaries be paid an a ttxet sale ac- cording to ttttwet-,' That the health book he revised to better teach the evils of intemperanoe and smoking; that government nuts to public schools be restored instead of being further reduced; that the de- partment pass deMite regulation eon- eeming the qtmlitieattons of public school trustees; that teachers having permanent second class and academic first class eertitieateg after ten years successful teaching; That all Boards ot School Trustees and Boards at Education dehnitely state the salaries of the positions when advertising tor teachers. Forms, Envelopes, Invoices or any printed forms or counter check books. The 'Review' is ready any time to supply your printing re- quirements. Work is neatly and pramytiy done. e Kevnew to to Jan. I. Check up on your supply of Letterheads. Statements, Account Mr. Business Man - Tuesday, olst. 22nd Presenting a delighfful prom-u: Semi-Classic nnd Ye Canadian Artists AMERICA'S tttu-Y MALE ”PRANO and colebntod Conan 'tttrot, Oran "ut and Accompanict at 8.00 p. rn.h Admission 25c plus tax '. Chjldrel Mic Plan of Hull now open " New den's Drug Store Under Auspices of Rel Cross Society in Durham Town Hall Noted Lyric Tenor/et Stage and Radio PAUL BALBOUR DURHAM REVIEW IDRf6 HOPKINS . 1, 1937, only iiiin Fambns Welsh Artist Phone m- T HYMENEAL Id that ---- l a: "ermnirt--rtMrtt" better The home of India“ and In , and Edvard P. W m Cochran was nu to the - of I pretty wedding. when and of their daughter, ludrod - was be de. united In w to James Wallace n eon- Hepburn con ttd In In.“ Hepburn publlc um the late Mr Hepburn of Durham My!“ The house was decorated with plnk demic and white uteri. gum: and blue you: delphlnlumr, Rev. Mr Sanford per- Sourd- formed the ceremony and It“ Cora " .1 Elliott clued the wedding Inn-1c. e or 17th Century satanic Selections use of noes. The bride's table wu beautifully decorum with I Vene- tian hcecloth. oenued with the bride's cake, the color aéheme being worked out in shades ot plot white and gil.. ver. later the couple left by motor for Montreal and New York, the bride tnvellng In e ,rine.oolored Rodier tweed ensemble trimmed with mole, with hat and We. to much. They will live in Cochnne. Will run Ttmir" And Mrs, boiling every My. The bridesmaid was [in Florence Young, of Town. (owned hmnch cold he: with 'ttft'" turban and Shirley wu but In mower chose I Sown velvet with hat to II Ipmnlumf. AYTON Cl DER MQLL '. l7. m. The bride's VAL HAHN. tulip told In Revehu The remun- we Trinity cal-emu Ora-u on" cl " May a. mum ”who M Tl ATE THON M M M Recent" M hm of Honda y MI Pt M Mr " ll en The Rett ttt know 9 It% M Dari he Mimi n 000C R Irv m

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