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Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1935, p. 1

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MENEAL RN-- xucKE“ "" 22nd Radio all 19°: MSW y $2.00 cnbers 050:: ll A Thanksgiv g dance will be held in Town Hall, than, on Thursday evening, October th, under auspices of Girls' Ball Club. Music by Royal tO'e Owls orehetstra. plus tax. ‘ The annual meetl ot the Durham Red Cross Society m be held on Monday. Oct. 28th, " p.m., at the house of Mrs P. G . A good at- tendance of the membe requested. All interested wilt be we ome. Irving Elvidge, Durham’s widely- knovn hockey star, ig opening up a genta' furnishing store here on Satur- day. Read his adet. on this page. Extension table, b at. . rug, rock- ing churn and other hair: tor priv- ate ale. Apply to Ha Mekeehnie, Phone M, _ Durham. A tom supper ll be held In Dur- ham Prettbrterian hutch. Tuesday, Oct. 29m " 6.30 . Good pro- gram following. A non 35e and Congratulations to Waite? Tucker, ban-war of Bentham. Mam, who won election there as when) candi- date by about 1700 Moray. He was born on the B. Ritchie farm in No. 9, Glenelg, section. and is a cousin of Hatch! McKechnie and Doyle Braitltwaite, Durham. A number reconditioned cream separator: for te. Will exchange for cattle, sheep trigs; Durham Machine Shop, F. . Moon, Prop., Phone 140. Quebec be: for an, hue the. burn: can or ' than! good no new. Apply " View omee. " you a in n of I stove. an “d see the afrew cook-me " the Durham Much! Shop, r. W. Moon, Prop., Phone 140. Thanksgiving services will be held in St. Paul's church on Sunday Oct. 27th. afternoon services It 3 o'clock and waning service at 7.30. On the following Monday evening a fowl supper will be served in the haw ment ot the church from 6 to 8 o'- clock followed by a humorous play entitled, "Amie: of Andy", spomsored by the dramatic club ot Dromore. Ad- miamtn--Adults 35c and children 15c. Everybody welcome. Come and enjoy yourselves. Robots». Install ofWeem. VOL. LVIII, NO. 43 Three carloads of Hanover Rebek- ah: and one tram Owen Bound, vis- ited Lady Grey lodge here Tuesdsy night, when Dist. Deputy President Mrs Duval and sum of Hanover in- stalled tho newly elected local om. cers as follows: LPAl.--Mrt' G. A. Thompson; N .W---Mrtt Maud Firth; v.G.---Mrs T. Whitman; Rec. Beer --Mra. D. McCallum; Fin. Beer-- Mrs Gertrude McLean; Treaa.--Win. nle Birth; wttrdtrrt--Mm W. Barter, conduetor--Mary Saunders; Chap- lain-Mrs J. Buck; Mutr1eian---Mrts. W. Thompson; R.B.N.G.-- Mm A. Bell; L.S.N.O.-- Mitttt A. Hamlet: R.8.Y.G.--- Mrs C. under; L.S.V.G. Eula Goodcmld; 1.G.---. Mrs. B. Punt; O.G.-- Ethel Hal-grave. Fol- low): the installation, light retreat» menu were served and a social time enjoyed. tia . iiiiPlTt!lje Jury Gm Verdict ii-iii-tiii-PAT?] l of Accident LATE THOMAS DAVIS Calder’s Drug Store The funeral of the late Mr. Thoa. “ceswnes am: mr. Davis from the Anglican church on -----_----- Wednesday afternoon was largely at- The Guthrie Presbyterian church tended. property in Harriaton has been pur- Friends present from Toronto were chased by Mr. J. J. Prltchard who Mrs Smile Mrs Brown. Mr: Butler, will diammle the building down to Messrs Herbert Gardiner. Walter the stone work which he eontemptates Gurney, Bert Brant. Mr and Mrs w. rooting and using some for tr com- Davia; trom Parkhill. Mr and Mrs munity med. Anti-Freeze Alcohol Mod 1.25 gal. CHASE’S NERVE FOOD .... 49c PhMtttf Milk a mm“; "e PWNDER’S TABLETS ..... 34.00 OVALTINE ..w...... Me. 68e, 98c Jenny Lind Chooolnel. Itt....50e. Friends present from Toronto were Mrs Scalle Mrs Blown. Mr: Butler, Messrs Herbert Gardiner, Walter Gurney, Bert Bram. Mr end Mrs W. Davis; from Parkhlll, Mr and In w. G. Cameo: Shelbume. Mr and Mrs G. Brett, an» Catherine Brent Hanover, Mr and Mrs Brigham; near Mt. Forest. Mrs Gillies, Mrs C. Gil- ties, In D. McQueen. . NOXZEIA. rug. tt8r ....... The pallbearers were Maura Thou. Robert and George Whitman, John and George News", Robert "caulk nny. Wesley Amen, George Allen. The ttoral tributes were from the runny. Orange wise Durham. Trin- Ity Women) Guild. nieces in Toronto. Mr ttnd Mrs John Selma. mm. Rev. J. R. Thompum was in curse ot the ”when and spoke on St. John's conception at haven u told In Revolution. In: ottatttar. Orange Order at which doc-cued was NI an honour! member conducted their and BURIED WEDNESDAY Jtstrlort, 25c the At the inquest held last Friday, alternoon in Durham with hall, re the death ot Mrs Gertrude Maynard, the jury brought in a verdict, through their foreman, J. B. Dune”. stating she died from injuries received while an occupant of her human autom- obile. when struck by a train " Smellie’s level crossing, ' miles vast of Priceville. The jury added a recommendation that greater pro- tection than already exists should he placed at this point to safeguard the travelling public. Dr. D. B. Jamieson, coroner, was in charge, and in all, seventeen wit- nesses were heard. All evidence heard absolved the C.P.R. train crew from responsibility for the accident, as it was proven that whistles had been sounded tor both crossings and all possible precautions taken. LEDINGHAM - LAWRENCE The Queen St. United church par- sonage was the scene of a quiet wed- ding on Tuesday, Oct. 22, when Myrtle Emma, youngest daughter of Mrs Lawrence and the late Chas. G. Lawrence, was united in marriage to Mr. John H. R. Ledinghum, son of Mr and Mrs Rcbt. Ledingham of Durham. Rev. R. G. Halbert omeitrt- ed. A wedding of local interest took; _------------- lime in First Presb :erian use. :hmch street, Sault Ste. Mari:m miMISS IW," LAWRENCE PRE. Tuesday evening, Sept. M, ‘wlienl SEN ED WITH TABLE LAMP Jessie Marshall formerly of Port Ar-l Miss Myrtle Lawrence was taken thur, daughter of the late Mr andiby surprise on Wednesday evening Mrs Chas. Gadd of Fort Frances,fwhen her companions in the Evening formerly of Durham, was united inimissionury Auxiliary called at her marriage to John S. Greig, son of home and made her a presentation the late Mr and Mrs George Greig',ot a beautiful table lamp. Miss Etta of Aberdeen. Scotland. Rev. A. Su-i'l‘wamley read the address and Mrs theriand omciated. The bride woreal,A. C. Kinnee made the presentation. wedding gown of white crepe backi Miss Lawrence made an appsopriate satin and a close fitting cape ot, reply. The evening was spent in white silk net, trimmed with clusters _ social chat and contests and refresh- of orange blossoms and lily-or-the- menu were enjoyed. valley, white crepe shoes trimmed) --v --- with silver and white gloves. l When Miss Myrtle T. Lawrence le- The attendants were Mr and Mrs Howard Lawrence. muneiaterrutt1' lowing the ceremony, Mr and Mn Ledmgham left oh a. Shari 'hdtor trip, the bride travelling in a. wine tweed coat with wolf collar and mat- ching hat and accessories. For the occasion the bride wore a becoming gown ot wine chiffon vel- vet with metallic trim. _ ' ' Miss Joan McMillan of Sault Ste. Marie was bridesmaid and wore a gown ot lupin blue taffeta with su- ver turban, silver shoe: and white gloves. Both the bride and her at- tendants carried bouquets of m cbal Neil roses, thud-menu”, and maidenhnir tern. The groom was supported by " brother, Barclay Graig ot Sudbury. A wedding dinner was served utter the ceremony to immediate friends at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomp- son, Queen street. Mr. and Mrs. Greig left after, by automobile, for Sudbury, where they will reside at. 414 Eva street. the bride travelling in a tailleur of skipper blue rodier wove with silver tox lur, matching accessories and hat. Mr and Mrs. Rom. Barbour have sold their {arm on the 2nd con. of Jihrremont, to their son-in-hor, Mr. Elmer Fee. of Normanby, and are moving in‘o the Whelan house on Mill street. Mr. Wm. Marshall of Mount Forest, has purehaaed theWe tam in Nomanby. Good Concert, Poor Crowd. . The Red Cross concert last Tues, wuliun Wet-ten Corbett, son or In. day alght was but dimly attended and Mr: John Corbett. l and the Society has a deficit an al n,,..,.....,.,,-.,,-,,,,-,-...,.) nesult. The program presented was! l PROP TY high class; and much enjoyed by those present. Idrie Hopkins, is J FOR SALE OR 0 RENT. wonderful pianist Ind poueueu il One mile eat. at ' connin- rich soprano voice. while Pun Bal- intone acre lend. brick red- hour, the tuned lyric tenor revealed deuce. Good hm, vi em tmm. his splendid voice in -ratte, chute (lotion and cement ttttor. Apply to and (auntie numbers, some being my or Bert Ritchie, . I, Dur iiht _ HYMENEAL of Accidental Death GREIG--GADD Mr 3 First place you to R. L. Saunders local merchant, whose guess was the even 1500 majority tor Macphall over Hun. Bob first placed his guess a 1150, but a few days before the close. ,he said, “I want to change my guess. i The wide-tspread interest taken in ”be contest was manifested by the weaves of guesses received trom all over Sou‘h Grey, Tomnto and other points. Moat or the estimates gave majorities from 3 up to 100, then thinned out up to 800 and 900. Only ten or a dozen of the entrants placed [the majority over 1,000 and all pick- led Macphall except one. I or the numerous guesses received. '87% picked Miss Mammal] as the ,victor; 48% of these placed Campbell 'iin second place and 39% put Hall second. 5% chose Campbell as win- ner over Macphall and 4% Hall win- ner over Macphall. Had we receiv- ed entries from the Bruce section 'of mung. doubtless moat there would ‘have picked Hall as the victor. Only {1% left Miss Macpball out in the lcold, by giving Hall a majority over ICampbell, or Campbell over Hall. Closest Guess Was 16 on! Brandon! " Killed as In Review Contest Car Crashes Steam Tractor Now that the omeia1 majority for we: Mtrephail over Dr. Hell in Grey-Bruce has been declared as 1484, the Review can announce the winners of the guessing contest. l was out ln Elderslle near Pauley, and tind that the tanner: out more are all voting Macphnll. white down near Mount Forest, things are pretty much the same way. Make It 1500 majority instead." It was a shrewd guess, only 16 above the actual fig- Second prize was won by Reeve A. A. MacArthur of Glenelg. whoae guess was 1340 majority for Mae, phall over Hall. He wins the Ite- view tor 6 months and a. 32. cash prize for having sub. paid in ad- vance. I Mr and Mrs D. McCallum and song" ‘have moved from the J. J. Smith re-l, isldence an Queen St. trouth to the house on Lambton street. vacated by? Mr and Mrs Geo. Myers. Mr. and: Mtg Myers moved to their lot south' of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Simonal, _have moved to the Smith residence.| When Miss Myrtle T. Lawrence re-l turned home one evening recently! she was surprised to find the living! room full ot girl friends. They hadi decorated the room with streamers' and wedding bells and a decorated; chair was offered to the bridetmbeJ and she was seated before a table ot' lovely gifts for which she expressed sincere appreciation. A social hourI followed. 3 Mrs Herbert Sills; Elizabeth Jenn McGowan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wallace McGowan; Marjory Dora Henry, daughter of Mr and Mrs S. iHenry; Lorna Augusta Park. daugh- iter ot Mr Ind Mu Wilfred Park; Witiiam Wm Corbett, non ot Mr. and Mr: John Corbett. Rev. W. H. Smith took the morn- ing service in the United Church. in Meaford Sunday morning, and Rev. A. L. Atton, of Wesuide United, ot Owen Sound, took the service in Knox United, Durham. Rev. Sidney Martin of Meatord, supplied for Mr. Alton. In the Presbyterian church on Sutr. day morning, Oct. 20th, tive children were baptised by Rev. D. Gowdy: Donald Ritchie sum, Ion ot Mr and One mile out of ' contain- ln¢_one acre land, brick ml» deuce. Good bun, wt none foun- anion and cement Bottr. Apply to Inn-u or Bert Ritchie, 11 . I, Dub but. With which is incorponted the Holstein DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCT. M, 1111 and a mile from Dot-noon. It was osst at the foot of the long down Spade from Mar-Jay's gate. and Baht. Manley, with his helper, Alvin Cas- well of Durham, 'was driving his lsteam traction engine home, hauling ithe threshing separator, utter hls week's work. At Domoch corner they [had lit the lanterns, attaching (me to front of engine and the other to xthe rear ot separator. and it was bust a few minutes after 7.00 o'clock when the collision occurred. Mort. iley was driving his engine well a- !long the west, or right side of the iroad, when the doomed car speeding (north appeared at the top ot grade When his speeding motor car embed head on into a. steam tine tion engine, owned and driven by Robert Manley. of Dornoch, Gordon Wheeler ot Bnnttord was instantly killed and his car, . 1934 Ford vp coach. totally wrecked. Bo gran was the impact that the car broke on both front wheels Ind axle of the engine, allowing the holler to crush its way through to the back seat of car, squeezing the unfortunate drivs er back there to his death. The accident occurred Saturday night an Prov. Highway No. Ir, eight mnes north of Durham, about 50 yards south of Crutchley'a corner, on its left or wrong side of load. in a flaah it was upon them. Wheeler; apparently never noticing the light' or if he did, too late to avoid the crash. Mortley had no time or op- por unity to dodge the ""eyee.'i:i and the terrific impact, heard two' miles away, lowed the car below the), boiler ot tractor and punched a hole: in boiler, allowing 150 ms. or steam to escape. This alone would have‘ tim'tshed the doomed mm below, but: he was already dead from a broken? neck, several fractures ct arms and legs, and the broken steering wheel, piercing his body. _ I l, Some ot the men earliest to arrive latter the accident tried to release (the body ot the dead tntui,whlett was awedged into the rear seat of his car by the front of the tractor. it was limpcssible to move it however, until .Mr. W. J. Running of Dornoch, a ‘house mover happened along and (some Jacks he had with him were 'placed under the boiler. inking it in, so that the wrecked car and mangled body could be removed that!) in under it. On the Coroner's [instructions, the body was uken to :Snell’s undertaking parlors in Chute Mr Movuer was pitched on the pavement in front of the separator wheels, while Alvin Caswell with him; was jolted into the ditch on his‘ right. Both were bruised but other-) wise uninjured except that Caswelli has a. cut wrist. The severe jolt to tractor broke the tongue of geparat-' or attached to it, and one of tractor'a heavy iron wheels was broken in: several places, and lay in east ditch.', ‘w0.th. and the car to I. Chatsworth ‘garage, where hundreds viewed it on Sunday. The big wrecking car of (the Owen Bound Motors towed the disabled traction engine to Mr Mort. ‘ley's home close by. A large crowd was soon on the scene and on learning of the accident Highway Tramc Omeer Orvai Storey ot Owen Sound with Prov. Constables Noble and Cook arrived and patrolled the highway in that vicinity to pre- vent further accidents. Coroner Dr. M. Phillips. Chatsworth took charge and directed operation. The victim of the accident. Gordon Wheeler was " years old and a tor- mer resident of Owen Sound. His parents had moved to Owen Sound trom Plctou nine years ago, Mr. Wheeler being in charge of the Can- adian Canned Heat Co'a. plant there. When it closed dawn 15 month: Mo, they moved to Hampton, where he was in charge of the rational Can- ned Foods Ltd. The young man was en route to Owen Sound to viait friends there over the weekend. when his tragic death took place. Hi: on- 1y sister’s hound was killed In a motor on accident in Toronto sever- al month Mo. Dr. Phillips of Chm Coron- er, has ordered an haunt to be Miss Tllen limb.“ of was . weekend visitor n Mr3tthnDertrrotottttrtt, was: visitor our may with his mu Mr and In. A. Derby. '1:fo 11an “can: HmplulJon- , dort,oetoet, 1tth,toMrandNm h, w" " DmtntetetIamett-MArrrli. " ____‘_ KW. . dnarghitar (Ian lu- i was Jessie T. Priest, ILA. Belle-1 ivtile Collegiate made a tlying visit; Ito her parents {or the weekend and; tMI‘ss Jean T. Priest motmed up! ifrom Credit Forks. ; l Mr. J. D. McFayden and Isiés'era,l l Misses Mary and Kate, of 2nd con”: fGlenelg. spent the ttrat of this week‘ with friends in Chesley and Paisley! l Mr and Mrs Allan Bell and daugh- _ ter Susie visited their daughter and sister Thelma in London on Sunday. l Messrs John McKenzie, Stewart l McArthur and J. A. Graham attend- 'ed the provincial plowing match at ', Caledonia last week. a Mr and Mrs Bert Barber accompan- lied by Mr and Mrs Cecil Berber. i spent a few days recently with their friends in Detroit. in Toronto thin week. Rev. J. Trunx and In Tron and son, Hamilton spent Saturday with it and Mrs T. E. Brown and were accompanied home by Mia: M. Brown who spent the past few weeks with her brother. Mrs A. Begg Is visiting with her} son in Woodbridge. 1 Mr and Mrs Carter McLeod, male" wood, spent a day last week with " and Mm John Morrison. Mr Angus) McLeod ot Caledon Eat and Mr andi Mrs Thompson Nesbitt and John andi Helen ot Caledon were also recent, visitors of Morrison relatives. l Mrs. T. A. Lauder has arrived this week tn Canada. after a few years spent at Brighton, England with her parents. Mrs Lauder, will we are sure, look on Canada now as her real home, and her friends: here will welcome her back. Her husband went to Montreal to meet her. Mr and Mrs G. H. McMeekln and daughters returned on Sunday even- lng from a visit with friends in Tor. onto and Hamilton. Mr md Mrs T, Henderson and dau- ghters. Isabel and Betty spent Sun- day with their son and brother ha. in London. Miss Lamont, tield secretary in pro- vincial Presbyterian W.M.S. organiz- ation. was a guest or Mrs W. C. Pickering while in town. Dr. and Mrs C. C. Manage and son Jim, Corrie. were Sunday gnaw; of his parents. Mina Alice Ramage returned with them for a week. Messrs Arthur and Harold Ramage of Thornbury, also were Sunday vis- Itors with their parents. Mr and Mrs S. A. Knowles, who were visitors at Queen street par. sonage the ttrtrt of the week, were accompanled home to New Lowell by Mrs Kelao. Rev. and Mrs R. G. Hubert and son, Billy, will spend kasglvlng at New Lowell. Mr and Mrs Pred Torry and son Ross of Toronto, were guests of Mr and Mrs Donald Woman over the weekend. Miss Pearl Watson accom- panied them to the city. where she will spend the winter. Mrs J. C. McLean of Shel-Dunne spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Thos. New". Mrs Muir and son ot Toronto are valuing with Mr and Mrs Colin Keir nody. Miss Margaret J. McGirr spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs J. Stev- enson. Holstein and addressed the Holstein Women's Institute. Rev. and Mrs J. T. Priest and daughter Thelma are attending the Baptist Conven'lon ot Charm sud Quebec at Windsor. trom Monday to 5'ndtrr of this week. Next Sunday Mr. Priest in to be the guest preach- lendcr Mrs Cole and In: Marie Cole ot unmon were weekend guests with er at Harrow Baptist church where m: son-ln-law. W. John MacDonald is pastor. Mm Norma Gagnon spent the week end in Sudbury. Mr and Mrs Hugh XcCrae spent the ftrtst of the week with relatives In Coulnsvood. Mr and Mrs .133. Robertson of Domoch, wish to mnounce the en- gagement ot their Magnet. Violet any, to Minna“ Stun loloekln, non of Mr and Mn Wm. B. Malco- kin, the weddfng to we place in early November. - - E. M spent a few days BORN ONTARIO ----_ ANNUAL COMMUNITY PARTY DREW LARGE CROWD Wttht home. in town were thrown open last Thursday night for the I. O. D. E. community My, bridge being played 1n three home. 1nd enclme in tive. About 800 oarteipat- ed In the phy, the wlnneru being: Mr an! In Clnrence McGirr " Mrs R. Burnett'l; It” label McKenzie and W. McDonnell " mu J. M. wan; Mr amt Mrs r. Simmonds ttt Mrs Pickering; um E. Hunt uni Geo. any at in W. Caldera; Mim, Christine McCulloch und W. Crutch. Ray " In G. B. Ken-nevi; Mrs. J. Lloyd 5nd G. A. Thompson at In: E. J. Schenk’s; In A. A. Al- Joe um Alex Hay It In T. Hender- son's; Mr: J. C. Howell md Roy Wiggins at In“ M. Hunter's. All mommi- other“ It Wm: and community are loath to lose. Hail, whele lunch was served um eseueesersseerueer-ee-r-ee"e"'""ee""e"-ere-'e dancing enjoyed to nude truptriiod by _-__- W -- -- - V A» the Teeter orchestra end In D. C. 'dt? 1'yCff Town. The society will clear over Gott",, $312: g,ert,',Lt,r"""" I . c ' ’80 from the evenings etttettainmeett. T. W. Ewen. Phone 114, Durham we: I am opening up a Gsnts' Furnishing busi- ness in the Calder Block, and solicit the pat- ronage ofthe citizens of Durham and community Opening Day, Saturday, October fliith . An Expert will be here for a week to take measurements for Overcoats ard Suite. QunL ity Goods sold at lowest, prices possible. Call in and view our Stock---) now, up- to-date Merchandise. Calder Block Published Weekly " ".00 a you In “moo. To United mun. 82.60 a you In “moo. C. RAIAGE In SON. Pannier. New Furnishings Store I. W. ELVIDGE Calder's Brut Store Cluum generally will mm to [out tttat Mr D. C. Town and lun- " are to remove from Dal-hum this tut. Ir Team in purchased . ”our! Maine-a la Orlllh from Mr M, with when he lent-nod " true ovu- uventy-ave you: no. the latter desiring to retire tmm hula- eu. Full Iva-session will be given About Noe. lat. ind meanwhile D. C. will probably dispose of his jewel- lry and gift shop ttere, tt In manly- Dr. West tattftt m ....Me which my win I Sunbeam minu- ter 82715. Davin he made Nov. 2. three you: no shoe Mr. Town commenced human here, and while he and In Town and family - regret lowing they feel it on - tng tor a much larger business than it possible here. Both in civic and church lite, Mr and Ira Town hue been vowed dunno whom the town and community ore loom to lose. Bath tar "e. With _ par Towns are Leaving Tun DURHAM 75d

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