West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1935, p. 4

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F f: I"! 2;?" e L ', , ", ' . ,, I \t c:s't , N, a ' , o " fy , .d t I 3 't *‘I' n ti From January to June 1935. Canada-l -xported 6,103,449 pound. of leaf to' cacao. 5.182.961 pounds of whichf went to the United Kingdom; 238.400! pounds to British West Africa; M,-' r l pound. to British West indies: , , .680 pounds to Belgium and 7,513 [m min to other foreign countries. l To the Editor: In your issue last week, in reading the election returns, we were remind- ed ot J. A. F's. verses where the My with the double barreled gun, kills them on two at s time. wi h 1484 of snujorlty. Whew! Will there be my meant? " there is, make it 1492 or ttorhapa more, to make up for the number that were carelessly left ol the list, " were those of Mlu Mephaitt friends. “my the didnnchlsed mar feel satisfaction in knowing that the vie. tory was Wished by other: of the Indy's friends lmKenzle King 'att of the voters' lists and a involved. cmr um u published by! " zips hnve been used in the' In" on, ttouhie uising.‘ . ' he seen any time in the I once. u to whether one's! ‘s on or not. without resorting‘ private house on the heck con-I' anion. n in the case now in some whines. I i can for a simpler yet enter meth- od of voting. I The tstrove striking illutntlon rev ea]; the his mo‘or car crashed head on into Robert I engine. Death wt: practicum Inn ulnar-Al“ 'd be well “vised to Hepinnnlze Hon Act, And do may with Tragic Accident near Dornoch, when PEthi iii new on into Robert Morthrr's large steam praetiealty inst antaneous. ', (walker-ton Hemld-Times:) I The platform ability of Miss Mac- .‘phail and her genius for organization ‘were pi ted against the private cam vass and lone star method of cam.. paigning instituted by Dr. Han, and the runner won. In the Conservative sweep of 1930 she nlmost succumbed to Dr. L. G. Campbell's persuasive- neas from the hustling. but in Mm 5 Miss Arm-)5 Macphail still retains her seat as the one representative of the United Farmers of Ontario. Hers was a personal victory. well deserved and a great tribute to her popularity in the old riding of South Grey, that neither 1he rising tide of Liberalism nor a redistribution ot her riding were able to defeat her. ality and consul with her riding (Dundalk Herald:) Miss Macphail made an exception- ally good run in the redistribued riding cf Grey-Bruce and is well de- serving of being returned to herseat in the House of Commons which she has occupied since 1921. This is her tttth time to go through an election‘ commign and her substantial major- ity is a tribute to her organization Marts, her courageous stand in the interests of agriculture and social reform her success in receiving a urge Percentage of the women's votes and last ot all. her dynunlc person- ality and constantly keeping in touch Other Papers’ Views on Miss Macphail’s Election ( Walkerton Herald (Fergus News-Record : , manner in which Gordon Wheeler med by Dr. Hall. and B. In the Conservative she almost succumbed Campbell's persuasive- huaungs. but in the don Wheeler of Brantford, was killed on Saturday night, south traction engine. It will be noticed the car is almost completely Miss Macphall had kept up her pol- itical fences in Grey ever since the last election and In Bruce had out- generalled her Conservative and Lib- eral Qpponenta in the conduct of her (Ghesley Iht'erpriae:) The once old Liberal town of Han- over tor the thart time gave the la- dy member a majority. This is where the labor end of the hyphenat- ed U.5'.O.-Labor party cornea in. The industrial silk mills and furni- iture centre of Grey is now a real partner in the almost defunct U.F.0. movement. 3 (Fleaherton Advunce:) I Miss Macphail has about seven tim. es the majority she had in the 1930 election. It was a great personal victory for her and she was delight- ed with the result as were her sup- porters. bar I Liberal sweep last Monday, she de monstrated that mass enthusiasm ‘such as is engendered by public meetings, of which she conducted considerably more than her two op- ponents combined, even introducing the innovation of lecturing the wo- men ln the afternoon, had it on the door-to.door sollci ations of Dr. Hall, probably the moat adept stilthunt campaigner that over pulled his Mutt in any “ding in Canada. engine a!most telescoped motor car ', she de. l'atfonn, advertising and general or i. --.._........ may. Inc Home on tin batman ot Grey and Bruce named after the historic place in Scotland Where king. were crowned in any: or has me. t?ottnd; umiLa,' Bentlnck township; -. n..- u. Devan letter! that we know of that spell. the same ttt the left u to the right. The Spey, . tri- butarr, ol the Sydenhun River, An. car-dine, . lineal 1sesceiiUsGt Tii, famous mum, tyr Robert Bruce. Over in Grey we hue Glenda, the only wordr of leven letters that we First ot all there no the County of Bruce, tho town ot Kincardine and the village ot Port Elgin named after a former thtrerator4snerat of Canada who billed hom "The land of brown heath and shaggy wood, land of the mountain and flood," Jas. Bruce, eighth Earl of Elam Ind Kin- cardine, . “and descendant of the famous putrid. sir Ron-m unm- Still historlcally speaking we are reading: "The Glory of Scotland". loaned us try Rev. thn MacKinnon and we have been impressed in so far as we have read with the names of places In Bruce and Grey that have come from Auld Scott. Comin. heft; Ea, we hare SCOTTISH NAMES "However. I feel certain we on the road to a permanent cur this type of can." "These cures have lasted but three weeks so tur," Doctor Mayo said. "Then the effect of the drug has worn otr, and the patients hue re- turned to institutions. Some of these patients had been confined seven years. Doctor Mayo said. Experiments with the drug are under the supervision of Dr. Alfred W. Adson ot the University of Min- nesota. Simply, the drug controls the cir- culation of the blood In the brain, Doctor Mayo said. Patients cunerhg from pxaecox are those most affected by use of the dr Mayo stated. Delusions tll chow: characterize that form of insanity. Doctor Mayo, dean of the doctors attending the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Convention in Detroit, de- ciared he had seen the drug return patients to full use of their mental Within tive year: insane persons may be cured by a drug, now in the experraetrtu stage. Dr. Charles H. Mayo predicted. CURE OF INSANITY WITH DRUGS PREDICTED BY DR. CHAS. MAYO town-hm ae, ganlzation plan of campaign. In Chesley Miss Macphail's vote was largely made up of women elec tors though she had a considerable number or ardent male supporters. in Walkerton there was a reaction in Dr. Hall's favor against the ef"; or-in-chief trr the Toronto Globe after advocating in its editorial columns the election of a supporter of Hon. Mackenzie King, coming up to Walk- eritttt a few nights before polling day} and publicly adwocating the elee'ionl of Miss Macphail. Dr. Hall polledl the largest vote in " home town.’ Monday in his tive election contests. a. summer mm THE DURHAM REVIEW IN BRUCE AND GREY those most favorably " ot the drug, Doctor Delusions and melan. ot Dcrnoch, when telescoped by the near Owen a centre of particular dementia for grape. attd 3.000 ton. at POI" --__ “a...” to Import applet but the later the young couple left on a average annual upon; at o her-truth mo'or trip to Kitchener Toronto, and into Canada (ran 1928-32 Mada! Manx-a Fans. The Bride trauma; 74,000 tom of bananas; $3,000 (on. tnaaawcrapodneu without-Ad of W; 20,000 tons dried In". Icon-aorta- to llama. On .a... -- 11,000 was of lemons; 11.000 III- " L" -- world imports of mm. Can not require to import apple: average mum Imports ot oi into CM from 1928-32 74,000 (on. of hum-"- “" 1118-17 Medical Alma Oklahom City from Aug 1935 was Dr. A. E. o... Veterinary [mun m imaits Brawn, Minion ot Atrrteui'a1re. He II the the for the Dominion o, utive Board. Canada's representative " nus! meeting of the Amecu, Canadian barley and , dam during 1935 were _ those of the 1934. w, mwweu to the put decade any we welcome the coming years. titled wuh renewed courage and faith, so as to carry on our men adventure to win the world for Christ." our succeu has been due to the continued cooperation and support given by our members. also we Ire very grateful to those members ot the W.M.S. who have taken so keen an interest in our welfare. A. we say farewell to the put decade any we welcome the coming years. titled wuh renewed courage and faith. an Canada, the United madam meetings will ever be cries to all, and have live nobler lives. Also spot in our history itt never failed to meet I ’Mra Allan Morrison) and our p, leader Mrs McGirr. Min MI; :Edge, Mrs Roy Spar-ling and 'Mary Morton have been very en treasurers. Mrs Harold McKe 'has been a faithful secretary. l we look back over ten years Wt our membership roll has my c es, some have been called to ot higher service: some have I away; some have changed their es, and we have many new men: We are always glad to welcome members to our midst. Our Mrs H. C. McKechnle's mgr: “During the past ten years we have had three presidents, who have given most mum: service. Mm Cat- tca, Miss Margaret Lennox (now Mrs Allan Morrison) and our present leader Mrs McGirr. Min Mutant cake . The following is lmcetzng at the home of Mrs Thos. "Henderson, with a good attendance. ‘Mls D. McQueen led in prayer; Mrs Ht. Canon read the scripture lesson. and Miss Helen Young 1 devotional panel 'Our moments kept for Jesus'; Miss Winnie Blyth sang ‘Jesus is my nearest r.eighbvr'. Papers were read by Mrs H. C. McKechnle on 'Ten years with Knox Auxiliary' and by Mrs W. G. Ritchie on 'Chrltetian atewtrrdattip and timutee'. A social hour followed and Mn. meeung ot the Astteiiwan Veter- _ Medical Aaaoeiartiou, held in mm City from August 27 to 30 was Dr. A. E. Cameron, Chief nary Inapector. Health of An- 1...“; - - KNOX AUXILIARY Knox Evening Auxiliary met Oct. 21, for their devotional and social J. T. Priest gave an interesting talk on Bolivia. The meeting closed with hymn and prayer. Lunch was served by the Gleneig ladies. The next meeting will be " Mrs W. G. Rit- chie’s, Nov. 18th the topic being Gland Ligne. B. M. C. After a short season of ,prayer, Mrs Giles sang a solo entitled "What will you do with Jesus?" The 1coie was Bolivia and it was present- ed in an interesting and unusual way by five members, Mm. Irwin speaking Mr the church in Drum; Mrs A. Thompson tor 14PM; Mimi C. Ritchie tor Cochabamba; Miss E. _ Mount tor Quillacollo; Ind Mrs R., McLean for Fennel Hall Farm. Mrs GLENELG CENTRE B. M. G. The Glenelg Centre B. M. C. held their tttankoitering meeting at. home of Mn: J. T. Priest Wednesday, Oct. 9, with 22 present. The program was given by the ladies of the Durham gow turned the world over for its ,ihread and shawl manurtysturinm lloly.03d in Kinloss township, socal- ’led from the famous castle ot the Stuart line cf kings; Glamis, given world {amt through Shakespeare’s Machth. Dunkeld is famed in Scot- tish song and story. Lockerbfe la a burg near the Solway Firth. Garrick is a locality in Ayrshire; Aherdom. in Sangeen is also a Scottish name, and Tobetmory at the Ultima Thule of Bxuce is " Hlelan as Muu.---chets. Icy Enterprise. ', Gi,iiiiiiiiiim:s Cuutlre of the fourth of Elderslle, afer the large nghlnnd penlnlull at Argylleshire; Arran from the ite land " the mouth of the Clyde; Greenock called after the port of Glasgow. and Paisley after that in- dustrial city about 6 miles from Glas- details. a corruption of Ila-Illa. the birthphca of Sir William Wallace, u Ton nave been very etBeient . Mrs Harold McKechnic a faithful secretary. When at: to dis United 1(1an- the first six months ot vill ever be plenum mem. I. tad have inspired us to IAmtinioet Department . He h the representa- Contarnrnenta work, Mn more than double eorretoonding period of Austria no . Aiao 'mother bright cry itt Am: we have meet our “location. a been due to the enuon and support provided the birthday - “mm-much. can: :11MMdtnrnthoywmu-Moonthm’l vapours. ttum-xr-LLL' “We at the an. Amecusn Vcter. "ttou, held in August 27 to so . Cum doe; a. quotation from OW members . welcome new have moved TORONTO as study a lite "m...” u. bunt two.lht Review 0am The youthful bride wore n lovelyI "than; ares, gown of Alice blue triple sheer crepe --- with my woes-ones and carried . W bouquet of Race mn mu, my of the valley and tem. Local Agent I Following the ceremony a wedding Hotme, 'mat b dhner um served to the wedding a: to honesty sue-u at the home of the bride', E41543: mute. The m w" newly “‘1th m. A outed m pink and white MN“... lf mu en and wedding hem. The tattujsa. was centred by the braw- ...__-' a... "WU" place on Saturday. Oct. 19t noon at the United church use, Hanover, when Rev Cooper united in manage, Bleman. oldest daughter of Mr: Wm. menu of Benin L. McKelvie only non of In. Ed. McKelvie of m, In“. -- .. - Mr am Aberdeen Frank TV; --e. W’L‘I Min Lizzie Henderson ot T spent the weekend at her hour Mr and Mrs Clllfond Hones: Mrs John Homes; of Mover recent visttom " the home ot tad Mr: T. sun-m Mr and Mn Wm. funny of Omit-hum with Mr and In Ed: Mr and Mr: Bob! Enter Evelyn of To the weekend with by Miss W. Hopkins of is a visitor (Nth In W Messrs McKechnle and ed their threshing out!!! neighborhood on Saturdu this Monday morning are Mr Sharp's. Mr and Mrs P. be!!! Mr day , Ions Illness or M for him tt speeds day last. Mr and Mrs A. C. MoDmul. daughter. Crawford, It and I W. Hem. were guest.- of Mr Mrs P. Maugham on Sunday. iprotrperity In their new Home Mr and Mrs Crutchley were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs James Led- ingham, Dornoch. Mr and Mu Sharp, Mu P. Leding- ham attended the runeru of the Inte Mrs Armstrong, Hutton Hill Thurw _.__. ., . Mr. and Mrs Bert B Graham, Mmkdale. Mr McAtthur, Mrs T. Cote guests of Mr and Mrs on Sunday. I Mr and Mrs Arthur Robertson, of .0wen Sound, were visitors at D. A. Campbell's Tuesday of last week. Master Mnc McDougnll returned to his home near Paisley on Sud" " ter spending almost two weeks with his aunt, In D. A. Campbell. ( Mr. Neil McLean and (may mov- ed to Clarkeburg last week. We are sorry to lose such tine neighbors, and wish for them happiness and New waned with Mr and In; l Twamier the that of the week.‘ h"'rELviE--estEot, , pretty tuttuttut wedding took a on Saturday. Oct. 19th at high It the IY..n-J . Mrs B. Cummings, WilHarntrtorxi was 1 welcome vittitor.with Mrs P. W. Hem last week. lost. We have Just lent-nod that the victim was Gordon Wheeler of Brantford. The cause of the accident was failure on the part of the motorist to obey trattle rules end keep on his own side of the road. We are sorry tor Mr. Manley whose engine end separator are badly damaged, but are thankful that no more lives were Dr. Phillips, Chatsworth and Dr. D. B. Jamieaon, Durham, viewed the wreckage, the former taking charge of the body which was re- moved to the undertaking parlors " Chatsworth. The front wheels of the 'engine were torn on and the burned boiler shot forth cloud. of scalding noun. making it a spectacle not soon to be (argotten by than who wi‘nelaed it. ' A terrible accident occurred on No. 6 Highway one mile south of Domoch " 7 o'clock. Saturday night wh.en Robert Hartley who was pro- ceeding homeward with " threshing outfit was crashed Into by a Brant- fcrd cm can aining one man, and travelling at a high rate ot speed. So severe was the force of the im- pact, the motorist was killed instant- ly, Mr Mcrtley and his assistant be- ing huuied from the engine into the darkness, but beyond s severe shak- ing up, they are none the worse. [ CRAWFORD tom " the home of Mr . summon. Mulock friendl. .7 r. Hopkins of Hutton Hill, .- 1,“. -- sorry to hear of the speedy recovery. Mrs Bert Rusk. mu I George Toronto visited over ith friend. Imam: A. C. McDonald Ind Edgar Boyce. Saturday night um Mer of Mr Bentlnck t son of Mr Corlett spent Sun- Brunt twp. are bus, home here t, Zion, were J. CrutchIey Muletu Toronto, Sundny and hope oval, -"". um. um under ccrrvetd, w --- ad I tthe . ITED ' Iateat Agent or I Toronto Bond lditte Home. must b highly recommended ml! at to honesty d aggressiveness and “a beer . not we mm in his district. I Woo ll neocunry to the “ mm In. A museum pouu'on in inn-M If an] In woven. Box I“. nor mov- the u u Remy ottice.-%rt" "ruins ttrea, lulu l It Rim: Eher farm l F be may were Mt: of the I on t%ssday momma, Mr and In funny visited um: ur De out of the boapltnl and will about! a to" days with her moth er at the Rocky before mtumim: Inn-n. wishes to thank the p kindness to her while Ave Vlah her the best and luck. I Mr. H. J. mm a We friend. of the of days at their am"- “Joya! a hunt, um , ther while here, new elty on Sunday night. Gtad to know In At title to. be out of the Will spend . I... a--- -, a "I." come home B “It! nu mu mve met a terrible death The engine of the'threching outfi' drove almost thwart the an Whon accidel We hive had beguuful w the M week. We hope It to null up the Mason's work. Some of the (“on have taken “mm of the "ttqrmMrus, crop of - in the Georgia-n Bay diatrim and Inid In their mum'- -r.. I Mr and In tHraeid Monger at Toronto visited over the weekend IG h the farmer’s ”rents. to tlniatt up the Mr. Louis YIndl'a threshing outfit has been cleaning out some of [hr Mrs John Run of Elmira who har. men whiting her sister In Noah Monger the put few weeks returned to her home Saturday. Conn-mutton to Miss Aamos lmcphall the My M.P. of South eut Grey. Mr and In Thos. Hancock of To ronto and In: M. Watson of Peru us. were mu of Mr. w. and I!“ Nollie ”demon of the Map!” recently. A well Mud church greeted Mr 'Burlngton and other singers from. Toronto Sunday morning. Those “In. an; tn the marten were Messrs T Wllocn. Rom. Simpklul. Mieses 'l and Peggy Pmdl'oot, their tnther bo lng n Baptist [watcher trt Dunn; and um none years no. Mr Stun. kins nod Ila Leona Johnston sang n number of duets and Mr. Bar-rim ton I solo. “that Wu Ilsa Mary Heldlng. All were guests at the Bap- tint name over the weekend; al so Mr. Vie Jarvis of Toronto. A goodly number of the member, of this chum]: (tended the Innivw ury mice. In North Glenelg Bay. an church on Sunday. In Fulton. Janet Puttezscn. Mis, Christan: Livingstone And Miss Mary Millivny visited with Mr and could ttive In Alex Wlmy of Chum-om. Thumdly of Int week. Inn week with " member- present Scripture man; nu taken try Mr. Hugh Km and prayer by [“1er Homer. After the Miners was (um and roll call mpondod to, Miss Lol, " “mm took charge of the lol lowing program: reading by Plowma- Ilcheun, solo pun being takan by In Homer; reading by Mrs Thos, Admin: mouth organ selection by Eran lighten 3nd In Thos. Adlam The B.Y.P.U. members held thoi, renun- meeting in the monage or I 'VON" the corner while Mr. . Johnston's whine is expecth r shortly to do . few more, and 1 than will be mother whim I tlhner Hatton and l 'MI Mr um Mrs E PM” night. OCT. " 11-35 HAMPDEN I Vondedul wea~ man“ to tho I dumber arm I.“ McIntosh Art Megntoesh is Of Toronto Ind ettr lien! (hm but. only " ttte thing for ot health and weather for Bay district ‘I simply. unveil. They ' qurremen time to Forms. printed books. promptly Letterbe Mr. I We haw Choice "on. I The GUSTO“ C On our prion Confec Gun SINCE UN“) JO Keep Che leave to Hit I 'l 0

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