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Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1935, p. 5

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RN OCH TED T. 24. 1935 DAIRY MULOCK ED MILK al Phoao 171 'tt emp- my... 5 mm: lbw Bond Med 3 and uh Box the " toe " he Mr by M and " M he The. at ber " " M is: rut M 'o " Mr rth )1! ho 'net are ent n fol ald by by - Forms, Envelopes, Invoices or any printed forms or counter check books. The 'Review' is ready any time to supply your printing re- quirements. Work is neatly and promptly done. Check up on your supply of Letterheads. Statements, Account Phone I The Review to to Jan. 1. CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. V ll 5'1)” ranking artilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. on our price. hetero naming do. who". " will pay you. l We have a full line of Choice Pastry, Fresh Confectionery) always Wedding Ca'lms A (hmis Fertilizer in stoCk I '.\'I()N STOCK YARDS '. Business Man - Dunn ik Levack Ltd Canaga'. AINCE 1293 Royal Household Flour Bran 'o Canada' " Oat Pilot " n JOHN McGOWAN keep in Stock tor Sale HENDERtoN's BAKERY THE PEOPLE's MILLS Try tienderson's Bread yr \VILL PLEASE you FLOUR 'ou reap . -- A FULL HARVEST DURHAM REVIEW OCT. " 1935 When you make use of our highly specialized sellingservice for marketing your live stock. Phone 6 y always on hand ng Cakes a Specialty Least “is Livestock , 1937, Iresh Groceries and the following Goods Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED DURHAM. ONT. Srtteamen >ubscribers only $2.00 Shorts SINCE 1393 TORONTO picked it up and laid it carefully on the wood prepared for the threshing, then went away from home. Shortly after Mrs Haw noticed smoke. and called for help which was near by. Much water was carried to put It out. Be careful when handling tire these dry warm days. From the direction of the wind, every building on the farm was in danger. Anniversary servlces were held in Salem on Sunday. Very good congre- gations attended both servicen. Rev. Mr Bushel of Maxwell was the speak- er for the day. The Home" young people put on their play Holiday ev- enlng. which wu enjoyed by those Mr and Mrs Delbert Haw have re- turned trom a week‘s honeymoon tour of Ontario by auto, looking well. Mr George Haw came very close to losing his buildings by tire one day last week. He had broken the axle of his waggon. To get the wood out of the iron, he had to put it in the stove. After aumeient burning. he put it in water to cool oft, then pick- ed it up and carried it to the barn. The wood fell out of the arm; he picked it up and laid it careniilv on time yet, if weathér permits In the Park we have had more than either Bennett or King promised in their radio broadcasts, ---a week of wonderful weather since the election. Much work has been accomplished, both in the building and the bush work caused by the cyclone. Every man has had a job, and will for some ' A Mission Band social will be held you Thursday evening at the home ot -Mlss L. Mather, when solos recita- ‘tlons, etc., will be given by the lyoung people. l Anniversary services in St. Colum- It will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27 (when the Rev. Mr. Mercer ot Hol- latein will conduct the service at 11 The tirst Joint prayer meeting held in the Presbyterian church. mm. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Johnston will exchange with him at his ap- pointments. Miss Olive MeMeekin paid a visit to Toronto friends last weekend. l We were born to disappointment on Sunday last when Mrs House of Dur. ham was unable through sickness to give us an address of a missionary nature at St. Columha. Rev. J. W. Johnston. on short notice ti1led the breach with interesting facts and figures, l Please hand it out before I'm t-iead It you halve rages, bless your soul Just pin one in my button hole. I When I leave this mortal shore, (And mosle round the earth no more, ' Don't weep, don't sigh, don't quar- rel, don't sob; " may have struck a better job. I Don't go and buy a large boquet For which you'll tind it hard to pay; Don't hang around me looking blue, I may be better ott than you. Don't tell the folks I was a saint, Or anything that I ain't; If you have dope like that tospread Please hand it out befnm I'm do” I Friends from a. distance wen iand Mrs Wm. Ross, Mrs lrelan i1aughter Blanche, Mr Fred J Mr. Alex Paul, Mrs Busato, all 1 ironto; and Mr Robt. McGoninl Inglewood. . Following is a. sonnett compo: the deceased some 15 years The sentiments therein exprt tind approval in many hearts. lust wish was complied with by ing a rose in his button hole. DON'T me home of his oldest son Joseph. Both spoke words of comfort and cheer to the bereaved. Interment was made in McNeil’s cemeery. Friends from a. distance were Mr. a...) In, --‘ McDonald conducted the the home of his oldest Both Spoke war-dc n: day Joseph, lra B., Fred, Sterllng, sons, and 3 nephews, J. G. and John Whyte and lawrence Irving and Mr Robt. McGaningle, a neighbor, were pan bearers at the funeral on Tues- SWINTON PARK I There died at Albion Oct. 12th. Enamel Whyte at the age ot 74 years (and 6 months. Born in Durham, be- 'ing the son of the well known miller Vol that name, an employee of the ,Kelly Mills in the early days. He married in 1887 to Sarah Ann Dune. an, who died in 1888, at the birth of her son Joseph, a resident at the townline ot Proton and Artemesia. He married again in 1894 to Mary Adelaide Bennett, who is left to} mourn along with tour boys and' tour girls. Another son James, whose’ name is inscribed on the monument) here, paid the supreme tsacrifice in) the Great War. , Rev. J, w f1B)msihiiiCLjii PRICEVILLE. NSI to Sarah Ann Dune. ut 1888, at the birth of oh, a resident at the Proton and Artemenla Johnston and Rev Wrists, Mrs Ireland and me, Mr Fred James, Mrs Busato, all of To, Rom. McGoningle ot he service at 11 . Rev. Johnston resident at thel n and Artemesia.l in 1894 to Mary! who is left toil 2t tour boys and' son James, whose! on the monument. hearts. His composed by services at expressed, soul, In the census of memttandlaingand service establishments in Canada by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics for the decade 1923-33. Ides of food produeu--Uat is, produce of agri- culturaJ origin-tOrme, the Ingest single part ot the retail merchandise trade, constituting 22 per cent of the total for the Dominion. The bulk of the international trade in canned fruits is in the hands of three countries, the United States, British Malaya and Australia, but increasing quantities are being ex- ported from Canada and South Afri. ca. -- A uselul export outlet for Canadian dressed poultry has been opened up in the British West Indies. ITCHY TOE and Smélly Foot have disappeared since Cress Corn Salve is sold by Calder's Drug Store. coaxing helps. We had with us Mrs McMurdo ot Dromore and she gave us a good talk on wool, ita care and uses. which was much enjoyed by all the ladies. Mrs Hugh McArthur moved a. vote of thanks to Mrs Mc- Murdo seconded by Mrs T. Glencross. Mrs McGinnis and assistants served lunch. Clara. Greenw.ood R.T. returned home after spending a mon'h in Dur- ham hospital. , un autumn by Mary Anderson; cur- rent even'a by Mrs Clarence Robin. son; Mrs W. Firth and Mn H. Al. len gave a report of cooking class held in Durham by Miss Gray and brought home to us a good many cooking helps. We had with us Mrs McMurdo ot Dromore and .1... -...... um. mm at home ot Mrs MoGinnls with 35 ladies present. A duet by Mrs R. T. Cook und Mrs T. Glen. cross; history or Haywnm's Falls. by Mrs W. J. Greenwood; reading J,riac.TO" 'rm'"".-" VIM“, U19- "... on. man. :Taken from Review fyie, Oct. It; CRAS-' '. Mr and Mm Allen Brown tuui Gor- Dr. Furquharnson was In Claude tl,gi"e, 'tltig"Urttt, T: tse, don ot it,"",',"):'., visited with Mr yy, Monday evening of this week Wag uuctioz; on Pthttrr, the 18th a” ot ',5g,f W. Robitumt the am ot the part in the celebrating ot the 60 tCdiiiii7r, 1935 " the hour of Two wee I . I . . :anmversary of the attenuation ot o'clock on Lot Number Thirty-nine. Congratutntiom, to Mr aad Mrs J. , his former congregation. {Concession Three, West or the Gar, C. Cook on the birth ot a “by Iriri.l The Newen farm 2% miles north,fraxa Raul. In the Township ot born in Durham hospital on Oct. 13.;01 town owned by Mr Arnold Noble Bentlnck, the premises of John L. (Shirley Elizabeth). ichantred hands last week when he Clark: ', The W.1. held their meeting on sold it to Mr Johnston ”m " Was., l Bedroom mum“. 5...... _-__. Oet. 10th '" ham. " ll- ll_n!77l don ot Egremont, visited with Mr and Mrs A. W. Robinson the tirat of the and Esther. visited Sunday E. Milburn of Durham. Ariat, Katie May Firth w: the tirttt of the week wit Mm Ben Mays. Mr and Mrs W. J. M Gladys, Orange Valley; W. J. Cook visited S Mrs Cook's sisters, Mrs Ibough of Aberdeen and Cook of Elmwood. Geo. May of Saskatoon returned to Toronto with them after spending a week with their brother and other friends. Mr Wm, Robson Toronto, and J. Robson ot Edmonton. who has been visiting friends in Montreal and To. unto, mo‘ored to the home of their uncle. Mr J. T Robson, on Wed- nesday returning on Thursday. Mrs Agnes Clark of Edmonton and Mrs Mr. D. Currer and Elva Toronto were guests with tt parents Mr and Mrs Jan. H Mrs Johanna Hooper and Mrs Victor Adams were gm Mr and Mrs W. J. Greeaw Sunday. A number from here attem versary services in North Baptist church. Mr Mr and Mrs Stewart Jackson visit. ed with J. C. Cook over the week end. -'-"'"i"""'"----F lMary Galbraith ot Cum. Man.),l. g number of the girls and boys of fifty ' _ years ago. A very pleasant evening , was spent recalling happenings of . long ago. Mrs. Galbraith has asplen- " did memory, and talked of all the l old neighbors whom she had left here ‘Il when going West years ago, and of It the changes that had taken place. I We were pleased to meet her socalm land cheerful after the death of her (husband, killed in a cyclone, which iwas mentioned in the Review some 9 months ago. She will leave for home I at end of week. [ I Miss Annette. McLean of Southern “Alberta, who has spent a. year with her aunt, Mrs Neil McMillan and oth. I er friends in this part, is returningto 5 Alberta at end of week. . moerta. at end of week. Mrs John Aldcorn enjoyed end visit from a niece of Sh Sash also her brother, hit from E'lora, and Mr and Mr son of Salem Mills. PUBLIQ NOTICE JBLI NOTICE picture of one. Next morning nil ex- l cantone borudaomsthetotr.as under. ed march-ma of teacher'- demnnd for an explanation of ville 13m to drew this reply; . thou of m“. " ' p. "You toe teacher, I «In. 3 no" - mm: "W mum at 1 an and no it mm; on “Hm" M'moum. butwhcnleunodwn THE DURHAM REVIEW may Firth was i, we" the week with Mr and . Valley; Mr and Mrs visited Sunday with guests with the latter’s ZION . J. Greenwood tllhm, IN DAYS OF YORE AND here attended anni- In North Glenelg and Elva Hague of Trn enjoyed a. week. niece of Bhaunavon, Peart Willie, McFadden and Jas. Hastle her, Mr. Brown and Mrs Jamie, Sun Pater. M rs William ind Mr and guests with 8 ga ve Dromore corn: Mr mid Mu Isaac alter a six weeks' .our l Wes”, arrived home Wednendly ing looking hale and hen-1y. ; Word has been received trom Sack. ithat owing to the death ot teacher- Imt West, Miss Catherine McDougnll is starting to teach next month _ bout , miles from home while Mm Lizzie ls in training for nurse. Hanoveea biggest tire slnce the Knechtel factory went up in smoke. ten years ago, occurred Tuesday of Ian; week when Eugen tine genernll store burned down. The lone wul 830,000 and the cause unknown. I Suddenly and unexpectedly death visited the home of Mr and Mrs 121 Young last Tuesday morning. “km! the lite. of their oldest daughter. la-‘ bet Helen, a child sen-eel: fourteen. years of age. I It was learned in town morning that Mr. Min Traverttton, had that mor away. Mr Darcy was abc of age. Monday last Mr A. H. Jackson red ceived a telegram from Werlrurm, Sask., per Dr. Cook, that Mr "t Gordon Jeweller for many years of; this town was dead. Four and I: half years ago he and hit, familyf moved to Saskatchewan. I __ --_ '"'... the weather has been ideal, allowing; the progress with fuming operations) and suggesting adaptibility for out-1 ing: and picnics. The glorious fulli weather and gorgeous coloring ot ui/ vegetation makes this Ontario of ours u cheated land. I The class had been studying --.--.. .... um, numoer Thirty-l hls former Congregation. [Concession Three, West or the The Newell farm 2% miles 2utrth,Ifraxa Road, In the Township of town owned by Mr Arnold Noble Bentinek, the premises ot John changed hands last week when he Clark: l, sold it to Mr Johnston also of tti Bedroom fut-allure, bullet. an tinck. The consideration was "Jei7lt./it,t"'id'rtatat'igtaiji; For the past week or ten days 2Gi.T'.i,Cr'l, - _ ' Holstein corn: While cranking his car on Saturday evening, Rev. Mr. Lovegrove had the misfortune to get his arm broken. Mr. James Klein sullered the same fate a w...» --‘- MW. J. Ritchie, the latter getting pos- ‘session next spring. though Mr Edge ‘may retain the house tor a longer jperiod. The farm is a splendid 125 acre one, and has always been kept in first class condition. Mr. Oliver Hunter accompanied his brother, Dr. Arch. W. last week to Lachute, Que., where the latter is being wedded on Wednesday of this week to Miss w. Ridden of that: place. Dr. Arch. and his bride are; expected home on their honeymoon‘ tor a couple days this week end, be- fore leaving to resume practice in Vancouver, where he was located be- tore going overseas. Mr. Dan Eds at Edge Hill to G.T.R. station also. by certain un- known but suspected pu‘ies. whose main object was apparently to se- cure booze. by Earl Meade, Florence Kerr and ,Winnle Blyth; reei'trtiona by Miss K. Kerr and Mrs Jas. Lennox. Suitable addresses were given by Rev. Mr McLelland of Drew and G. M. Lee- son, M.P.P,, of Varney. Both on Thursday and Saturday nights McFadden's drug store was hrs-ken into, and the latter night the‘ by The induction of Rev. W. H. Smith, B.A. Into the charge ot Dur- ham Presbyterian church will take place Thursday 28 h Oct., at 2 p.m. under the authority and auspices of Saugeen Presbytery. In drawing up the Deed of Snie of the right of way tor the defunct Ce- ment Co's track to Wilder's Lake. Mayor Grpnt has had incorporated in the agieement that Ute Town re- ceives the privilege ot ins:alling waterwozks from the lake. if the oc- casion tor such " any time should arise. F " YEARS AGO Taken from Review fyle, Oct. 21,20 " YEARS AGO FISHY men. Mr. James Klein same fate a. week ago. in town on Monday Mr. Miles- Darcy of that morning passed l to his son-ln-law, Mr. It, the latter getting pos- spring. though Mr Edge the house tor a longer farm is, a. splendid 125 Edge has sold his farm wu to draw a ttadiieked the arid Mrs Rom. about 80 years of the ' 'even.. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO i Finest light honey, in m., In your own 1 ,Cutler, Elan in., Dal Central ON l'ARIO BUS LINES Instead ot writing tint weekly let. ter to distant friends. why not have the Review tell them an new. of the district. Save your-ell the trouble ot worrying over win! to any each week for 82.00 tor 3 whole you. too 1cm. Ian 15. can. " and " Township of Egnmom. Good com- fortabte house. good water. neu- achool and church, More, mama. For 9rvrtiesulara, apply to Ju. both- ian. R.R. 1, Vmey. Ont. (25-35) soo "WOUND, leave Durh'm 9.40 um 310 p. m. NOR “WOUND. leave Durh'm ARROW BUS SCHEDULE United sum and Mexie CONSULT LOCAL AGENT Travel by Arrow Coaches "For Your Convenience" ”THEMES 12.50 noon 8.06 p. m, In the Matter of the ESTATE of Du MARGARWI' JENIIA CLARK, mir A “Y CEAS-. ' A.D. 1935. HENRY SHESZ. E utor estate ot William Lu ner, d ed. c'o MlLLs & TEI Hanover, On rio For further part1 Ian, apply to the undersigned. The highest or my other tender not n trtu%y weep!- ed. Dated this 15 day of Oct., A n -n-- EFFECTIVE MAY Good brick babe and bank barn with stable: and Ir'raw shed. Spring creek. Over go' es ot workable land, good pasture‘cnrnd bush. Will be lved by the undersign- ed up to and Including Tuesday, Oct. M, 1935. Co dung Lot Number 28 and the “33:" ot Lot Number 27 in the 6th C salon of the Toww ship at Bentlnck, 150 lcres more or less. I _ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE FOR PURCO‘ASE of LUNNEY FARM Don't Trait until he ll dead before you praise him. A prosperous fool I: I pain In the neck, How does your subscription to the Review stand? Funds are needed to keep the g.i.J. operat- ing and we would again at our readers to look at the label and it it is dated prior to Oct., 1985, then you are in m-. Your atten‘ion in the matter will be apprecictsd. Thank you.' A day without a good deed II a day lost. After til. your'- In only one point of View. A do! mind I. better thin n tull purse. Happiness Is I “no ot mind Nnturo never duplicates use PLANNED TO POINTS IN CANADA FARM FOR SALE TENDERS WANTED a, FIRESIDE; PHILOSOPHER" own container, t., Durham . Volt 90. at or 173 Telephone No. I " ALI!!!) BIGGS ESTATE ofl .4 ADM-"arr In att at. If“ crop st 8c cutor of the Pei. decal..- (than . ”acuity. madam method to: dum- of pro sound on. In" mood Min; 81ml. ov- c P. lama-’3 m. Hour. , u g cation not! ”YIN-bum"! ua, course for nttmteod pupua. mam-g Hum 01mm And Arm Gauche. Be To no." the an. of can” try Chimp-cu: “moments. "at I... and um. VIoM my. 800 you [on] OWN". {char Poet Climate Aim. COMO. Pupil of Pam.“ Morris, A. A. C. O. F, l. EAGLESOI Ontario a Dominion Land “any" Regulated Proluaiml Engineer Surveys, Reporta. Estimates, Pha- Telephone 8t, ORANGEVILLE, Ont. B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. C M.; C. a. AND Licenced Auction.» for any County Sales taken on "stumble “In. Data. lmnzed a Herald 0000. Den. aux, the through Durham Rom. Ind Nether-ton Advance. Goo. I. '"tttr Mb. “can," Rooms: Over one. our long noun: 2 - 4 Honor Graduate Te Grudttate Boyd Coll DR. c. P. PARK Human. Ontario Speculat. Eye, Ear, Nose and That In Damn "an an... --a.-- ROVDEN BURNETT, J. u. momma. L F. GRANT. o.n.s.. one. Noun t P. F. MRTHUK OtBee uni Residence: Corner Con- ten and umbton Strata, Dum- Olllce hours: ' to " um. 1.80 to ' p.ln.. 7 to , Fm.. Sunday. elm-MM J. L. SNITH, M.B., M.C., P.S '. C. PICKERING. BOS, un GEORGE E. DUNCAN The Down Town Shoe CHIROPRAC I BESSQE Heb. Rubbers and i Raiuettes It 'emuar prices, to meet nonhuman. Call “a thém over. BE PREPARED WITH YOUR SUPPLY OF RUBBER FOOT. WEAR to KEEP your Feet Dry l S. MclLRAlTH Just a Reminder-- Ln. SNEATH. REPAIRING As We have a good that wet, cold weather is near Jute Toronto University, mt Coll, Doom 8mm of Oneida. every 30mm “I EXTRACTION. D to 11 um. 1.80 to G p.ln., Sands." em I.” to 6.tttt In " h "tt . m. I " meet your Call and look USUAL wpply of Store

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