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Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1935, p. 7

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, and Cirk, Strain 'l or ll For tarms operated by manage". 1.: mors' clubs. co-operatlvea, and thus , individual farmers who are aux. Mu to keep exact records, a column. m C". ft book is recommended. A col- umnar book may be purettased with thru do ired number of columns, or an ordinary notebook my be mied as required. The purpou of such I book is to enmity receipt. and pay- mmts into whitever graph“ "0 desired. Fuller detail and Wt- Ions of the columnar can]: book If. given in the article. "Reason. as every school girl now informs us, may be only the techni- Que of rationalism; desire." - rm Durant. _ ' mwrirt For this purpose“ "" Mr. t' "rwtl. it is highly desirable to cul- t mu- tho habit ot securing n vouch- Fl' 101' each transaction at the time it Likes place. These should be tyled In _ ‘mv orderly fashion. Statements end .‘m'Hllillf sales rendered by comm!!!” f , whom products are sold or shipped and invoices tor purchases are good \"nut'hers. A receipt should be given when money is received and the par- t cum-s entered on the stub. When‘ [hiymi‘nts are made by cheque. tl") s.ub should be convicted. Fania: ttte rnzwgoing, pencilled memoranda are rswrul and a pad and pencil in the burn ttr the time..honored kitchen ca- ivmiur have their place in' building " an adequate record but do not in lhemseh'es make up that record. From these original records, the cash Ped should ,be written up es frequent]! an! regularly as possible by the an, m 1'. his wife. son or daughter. on tue I elsewhe of ferti very de utter th , of tour Hmuld Have Adequate Re- cord Of All Cash Trans- actions l point of special Interest is that the result of the fertiliser applied to nffuifa was not exhausted the year it “in applied. We have deilnite records l',t tile both from Norfolk County and p‘swlwre which shows that results tsf torti'izintt alfalfa have shown up Tr 'y tlrmnitelr two and three years an r ‘he application was made. This. of nurse is an added presttt. , imrinz 1935 two interesting tests we .. ”inducted comparing 0.12-10, E i: l" and no fertilizer applied " the m» of 275 lbs. per acre. These were! tl,rt the farms or Messrs. IL. J. Morn- awn. Nixon and C. Fleming, Simcoe. 'l"-, average yields were.' U, n'rtilizer, 15.840 lbs, green " {.Iifl per acre; o-e-io, 19,520 lbs. r ~:x u'faifa per acre; 2.12-10, 19,040 LI, nos-n alfalfa per acre. Th.“ bears out the general caper. irv-r. of the Dept ot Chemistry mailman” the province where the, :m- we of all tests shows that min. ' ml fertilizers carrying phosphate "t' " p 'tash increase alfalfa yields ap- r. w mately 35 per cent. Complete .r , 4.29m carrying nitrogen in addi. l n to the minerals increase alfalfa in chout 25 per cent. ":o, best time of application of fer- e‘.~-r to alfalfa is not an entirely j yi, 'i'il (auction. in Michigan excel- ii»! results have been obtained from ; it zuriz'vsslng alfalfl in the tall. The . 4: i' 'No work has been done largely in the spring. It would appear that " Currie time the addition of minerals to ihis valuable crop can be made a! considerable protit. " has already in "lt pointed out. Those living in the neighborhood or the tests mentioned would do well (o "xarnine the test blocks next year “awe undoubtedly there will [ill be 2.x:v able evidence in increases. M fertilizer wan where 2.12.8 where 0-12.11 plicationn we 375 lbs. per 5.080 lbs. m from the Mt made at a l 35,00. A point of the result of alfalfa was In " of anal: lbs FARM ACCOUNTS Arordintt to recent summon, u. my; occupies approximately " m gent of the hay land of the county ot Nurfolk. It in a general manna: iti tha: alfalfa adds to "Jamaican. tr-r my the soil and by virtue of tta rm m gathers a very urge unount of n Hum-n. However, it any" - “pun the lime, potash amt phosphate of the soil, hence the neceuity ot car. to km-p up the suppllel or them ole. In. 3H. F 'hodi of recording manual r msmts relating to the farm If. , with in detail by W. F'. Charm. mutant s Examiner. Economic wh. Dominion Department of Ae- in n». in the September quarterly _. of the Economic Analyst. An luau- row-0rd of cash transaction. nu-vssify in the preparation of Income and Expenditure state- Two Interesting Tests Re- ported by Department of Agriculture i, Fertilizing Alfalfa Shows Politirian--Yes. Whatever thi form says, I subscribe to it. Minister-Do you promise to honor and cherish this woman? Day breaks but never falls, Night falls but never breaks, "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company. Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on ".7 tablet. “ASPIRIN” At all drug "or", 0:3,. al A " g Scientists rate "Aspirin" among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neuritis and neural- gia. And the experience of millions of users has proved it safe for the average person to use regularly. In your own interest remember this. He will tell you that More the discovery of "Aspirin" most "pain" remedies were advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach and, often. for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. Then treat pain as authori- ties advisi-w'tth Omege Oil. Far better than internal dosing, it works down deep to correct the cause. Three times faster than ordinary linimentl safer and enter. At all drug “or", n M cents. v - ,__ -v..-. v. '+""8UMeN is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about "ASPimN." TIE person to ask whether the preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches " (Ann . _ - Don? Guess But Know Whether the "Pain" Remedy You Use is SAFE? QUICK RELIEF? Don't Entrust Your hm or Your Family’s d1 - Being to Unknown Preparations mend and Get Oil. 'su?, g Tan Marg Mait TM UT” m F won-r unsung 1tthtctgt.ttmthtr,tt+ plat- love, Emmi Imam nun-n “T 'tetet't "LL" m can _ 1eteteirMtttttfgqS?s" about, But the guy worth while In the one who can smile When all his front teeth are out. It'ts easy enough to eat corn off the cob, When you've nice teeth to be proud Peek-My views on bringing up the family ttre-- Mrs. Peek-Never mind your views. I'll bring up the family. You go and bring up the coal. "Well, so" Icing," retisrned the host, "if you really must be going.” "Oh," said the guest, holding his hangs Pride apart, "go long." m had long outstayed his welcome. "Tell me," said his host, at last. "how long was the ilsh you caught the other day f" "LOST-MY husband. Answers to most any name. I called him every- thing before our separation. He is bald.. headed, short, fat and dumb; true American type of the "model" husband. Finders keepers. LUCY WILLCOX. - From the Burnt Chimney's, Virginia, Weekly Clarion. Now, Mr. Willcox, will you good'. Dentist-Yes, confound him! He married the girl I was in love with. Opportunity knocked on tome doors here in the city recently and the householders, thinking it was the brush salesman, went right on play- ing contract bridge and didn't answer the door-bell. Dentist's Nurse-Doctor, it took you a long time to pull that last man's tooth. Young widow-Hurts/ian': see any difference. Young Man-Darling, I love you as no one ever loved before! It is my wish to think one kindly 'thought, To breathe one simple prayer each day I wake, That I may add to those about me naught That would their own life's bur- dens harder make. If I but do one comfort-giving deed, If I but speak aloud one word of cheer, Perchance some soul, discouraged, sad, may heed, And lose its sodden weight of doubt or fear. l What service to mankind can bel more blessed? It costs so little, and I gain so much Each time I pass the sunshine to the rest, I, too. am warmed by its gentle touch. iitlllgiif,i,S,l,!,ll! Spatially mam! by union " 5’ Mocc- 8'a'l'.t"d,' ’Mqukln- 'iii9'l lid. Two kiu.-No. I u hiinhnul Jirae. on (wounding and blending ae' w'usliNo.akeittt.mal (Min. sié, plus). bu'", M", hr mull!" " your lulu. No. 2 HAVE héXRD MY WISH qOO American Bantam Association, American Rose Comb White Leghorn Club, "Boosters' Club" _ Leghorn Club of Canada, Brahma Breeders' Association, Canadian Barred Ply- mouth Rock Club, Canadian Nation- al Poultry Record Association, Dom- inion Bantam Association, Dominion White Wyandotte Association, Na- tional White Holland Turkey Club, National White Wyandotte Club, Ontario Approved Turkey Breeders' Association. Orpington Club of Can. ada, Rhode Island Red Club of America, Silver Wyandotte Club of Canada, United White Minorca Club, Canadian Pigeon Fanciers' Associat- l ion, Canadian Jacobin Club, Canadian Magpie Club, Canadian National Tippler Association, Canadian Nun and Archangel Club, Canadian Pimy Pouter Club, Canadian Tumbler Club, Racing Pigeon and Show Club, Can- adian Cavy Association, Canadian and American Cavy Club, Canadian Fur Fanciera’ Atmteiritiorr, 'Domin- ion Roller Canary Association. The clubs holding their club meets and show: during "The King’s Year" are: A first class poultry show is ar. sured next month for the Royal Winter Fair and by present indicat- ions the numbers of entries may tax the 800-head accommodation to the utmost. Twenty-seven specialty clubs in poultry, pigeons, canaries, and eavies have registered up to date to hold their yearly club' tshows in the pens as part of and in connection with the eight-day Fair at the Royal Coliseum, and the list for these is not yet closed. Besides poultry pro- per the Royal Winter Fair includes shows of pigeons, water-fowl, cage birds, cavies and rabbits. In some of the classes numerous American entries are anticipated. Incidentally the total prize money amounts to over $10,000. I Royal Winter Fair Has First Class Display Assured POULTRY SHOW BIG FEATURE A copy may be obtained free of charge by addressing the Raw Fur Marketing Department, Robert Simp- son Eastern Limited, Toronto. Al- though the marketing service is limited to Ontario only, "The Dom- inion Trapper" will be sent gratis to anyone on request. Although published by The Robert Simpson Eastern Limited, the real authors of this unusual newspaper are followers of the trapline, whose articles and hints to trappers make up the greatest portion of the con- tents. The illustrations are chiefly snapshots contributed by trappers and fur farmers, along with their suggestions on how to catch the wary fur bearer. In fact, a feature of this issue is a full-page devoted to photographs coming from the trapline. Some of Ontario's most success- ful trapping sets and pelt preparing methods are described by their or- iginators in the new, 1935-36 issue of "The Dominion Trapper". Trappers Reveal Methods In New F at E "Applications are coming in now at the rate of over one hundred per week, but with the authorization given us by the Canadian National Railways and the Canadian Paeifie Railway Company to announce a flat rate of one-cent-yur-mile to and from Montreal for every Pilgrim from his or her home address, we will be swamped with reservations that may fill up our ships." "We have just returned from meeting the steamship people," stat- ed Mr. Allen, "and they have warn- ed us that boats may not be avail.. able unless reservations are in early. It will be too late if a last few months' rush develops. Unless we can definitely state within the next few months what the number will be, there will be many returned men disappointed. Ottawa-Canadian Great War Vet- erans and their next-of-kin are tak.. ing no chances on being left behind when the special Pilgrimage Liners ‘leave Montreal for Overseas in July next. Mr. Ben. Allen, Dominion Organizer for the Vimy and Battle- fields Pilgrimage, who has Just re- turned from England, France and Belgium, announced recently that- reservations to date number 2,000 and expresses fear that thousands of Canadian war veterans and their next-of-kin may be disappointed in failure to obtain passages unless ap-{ plications are filed immediately. lune No. 42 ----'3S. Shortage of Ships Vimy Pilgrimage Two Thousand Already Book- ed Passage - Railways Grant One Cent Per Mile Rate - Applications Pour- ing In. Correct this Bentenee--"He is no good," said the rich father, "though I did everything possible to make I man of him." TH! DIGIOTIBLI COD LIVER on. WITH THI'PLUI VALUES FOR CAL! " YOUR mucous? Toronto-The date bureau at the University of Toronto is functioning again, keeping lonely hearta from nching by arranging dates for shy freshmen and freshettes. It costs an applicant 10 cents to get an intro- duction. The majority of housewives, how, ever, are still apt to regard fresh lamb as somewhat ot a seasonal lux- ury and are not fully aware of the continuous monthly movement of the farmer’s product to the retail mar- ket, it is claimed in the statement. A great many housewives also do not appreciate the tremendous nutiitive value ot lamb and its suitability as a staple meat in the family diet, and the committee is confident that its er.. forts will be of substantial benefit to thousands of Canadian housewives as well as to thousands of Canadian farmers and sheepbreeders. SGOTT’S EMULSION The object of the campaign. the statement continues, is to effect a more even balance between the pro- duction and the consumption or fresh lamb in Canada. Its work has been necessitated becau:e within recent years the finishing and marketing methods ot fresh Canadian lamb have been improved to such an extent that this meat may now be obtained It moderate prices during any month in the year. The committee consists of W. H. J. Tisdale, Canadian Co.operative Wool Growers, chairman; R. W. Wade, Ca. nadian Sheepbreeders' Association, secretary-treasurer; S. E. Todd, in- dustrial and Development Council ot Canadian Meat Packers, L. E. O’Neill Live Stock Commissioner. Onlario Department of Agriculture, and A. A. Macmillan, Associate Chief Live Stock Branch, Dominion Department ot Agriculture, directors. An appreciable benefit to the Can. adian tarmansbeepbreeder is antici. pated from the work being carried on by the recently organized Canadian Lamb Commit-ee, which has under- taken to conduct a campaign to en- courage the consumption of fresh Canadian lamb and to inform Cnnad. inn housewives of the economical and nutritive advantages and the year- round availability ot this type ot meat according to a sta ement just issued by the committee. , i Among the sixty different indus- trial groups which comprise these figures, two in particular stand out like mountain tops. One is silk ! You might not think so by watch- 'ing relief rolls and coats. but if you would aearch out the good news. analyze the iitttrgm, prepared and tabulated each month by the Dom- inion Bureau of Statistics. The bureau receives returns monthly from over 9,000 buineaa ttrms which (employ normally almost a million, workers or about " per cent of the total industrial working force of Canada. Assuming this “sample" is still proportionately the some, what do we find.' In short that there are now about 2,770,000 people back at work, a gain of 4 per cent. or 115,- 000 compared with the same month a year ago. Compared with the Au- tumn of 1982 this means employ- ment at the present time for 460,- 000 more Wtbtre-etu'ttertt. Fresh Lamb The Year Round Is The Object Of The Newly Formed Canadian Lamb Committee Billed with ttfe" bone and body building mine ral all: li - phosphim of Lime and s'tlll! PLUS VALUES you get ONLY in SCorrs EMULSION. and sound teeth are built from the mineral salts Ind vitamins in Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is vitamin rich Cod Liver Oil emulsified for Rsiek. my djtrettion ant) m- oICOD LIVER OIL PLUS The Body-Building Qualities Additional Bone-Building Minerals Wage-earners in Canada m find. Date Bureau ONTARIO ARCHIVES Thousand More A handy farm rem- ent mixer. Mixes bet- ter, easier. quivkrr. in lower mmt. Only tttt cash FUJI. Brant- ford. m IWOID 072'». no: 00. Ivirn-it-ed ' V Inland onus-to V Cuthbert, vouur,iiG, 1iiGifi varieties. Two dollarl mr hundn Anxun Jackson. Bartonvllle. Ontario, List of wanted inventions and run Information sent free. the My Oct-my. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canaan. Classified Advertising In order to prevent lone: to neigh- boring property by unprotected sum. merfallow. the Legislative Assembly of the province of Alberta passed an Act in 1936 known " the "Control ot WONDII 02.2" AN stand the combined action ot wind and drifting soil trom adjoining areas. These facts show the necessity tor community action it a muimum de. gree of success in the control ot soil drifting is to be obta.ined. While the control of drifting on any farm is primarily the concern ot the individ. usl farmer, his succes; may be aided or hunpered by the action or his im- mediate neighbours. While individusl alert ls usually very elective in Controlling soil drift. as. sud every tamer should adopt the best known control measures on " own farm, the most successful re. suits. says the “Soil Drifting Control in the Prairie Provinces" bulletin is- the sdoption of community action. sued by the Dominion Depsriment of Agriculture, will undoubtedly fottonr The importance of this community action will be readily understood from tho fact than an area of unhin- dared, drifting soil usually expands very rapidly. Moving particles of soil are not always brought to rest by col- lislon with stationary soil particles. and in many cases the latter are caused to join ln a general movement under the influence ot ttig/t winds. under the int1uenee of high wlnds. The most carefully planned and ex- ecuted control measures may be en- tirely ruined It the soil has to with. :ERTIFIED RA SPBERRY Two important group: show amal- ler employment then at this time lest you. Logging camps ere see- Ioually quiet end employing 9 per cent. less than I year ego, but are looking forward to an utive season in the bush for 1935-36. Construe. tion is 6 per cent. less active than " this time . year ego, due to con- Iiderably less government work on the highwnys. Building and railway construction ere thud of this time last yettr.--rinaneint Post. ls Needed For A Maximum Degree Of Success For Amiga: Artist. (That in any- one who " not "hung a living from Art). GRAND FIRST PRIZE ot a Com- ,merclu Art Course or 3 Water Col- our Land-ape Cour-o valued at “0.00 for the best copy, tour Inche- widc. and. from this portrait of the mo" popular young. man In tho Brian mm». Entry cc: Twenty- ttents. for pack entry submitted. Community Action In Soil Control 2trt. silk plent- ere now employ- ite 5 1-4 men for every one they employed in the walled "normal" you, 1926. They have two men em- ployed for every one in 1981. And the new "ttres show that the "metal mines" - ll epert from coal mining end non-metallic minerals-- have now doubled their mm as compared with the low point of the depression; are employing 28 per cent. more men than " this time I your ego, and reached a new record level of employment on Sept. 1. A viUdt%- Tri; "for :52 r373}: . :31: one" an. content. which closer Combat " "M. an BAKER MONTHLY PRIZE CONTESTS OFFER TO EVERY INVESTOR lu‘IliY ITO“ “In" I STOCK, Brighton hundred. I. Por Add res- Name Town I would like to try MM send me a Flu-2E Sunny-h thin .dverturement. SASKASAL LIMITED, Sales Office; 102 Atlantic Ave., Toronto, More and more the marwllouu heritage ot an.“ In Impressed upon L‘anadlana. More and more, Canadian: talk about the wonder. of Little lanttuu Lake .-- whou curative water- abound In health {Mug mineral. - more potent than the amoua water: of Carlsbad In Isarupe-- ‘lllulted near Watroua, in the Province of Saskatchewan. Tom of Halt Crystal: gathered from thin Canadlan lake -- solentmvnlly re- ttned and presented in hitthly com-entra- ted form-non-tttre-tist -r.rt= are sold through your retail Drugs!“ under ttto name of SASKASAL. Like the (amnus water- of Carl-bad. Sukunrl In Invalu- able tn the treatment of "heutnatustn-- Noun-m. - Ind stomach Disorder: - Kidney and Liver Troubles - Impure Blood - Skin Eruptions and t‘mmtlpu- tion. " you are not pnjrylng ”Kurt-us health. or If you antler from Hriy "tte or the complaints - try a "Fitment of "Hu- kull." One the markup h tine |brll'(‘. le. J.et, " Bend you a FREE ”mum. of SASKASAI.. WATERS OF LITTLE MANITOU RICH IN NATURE'S MEDICINES HEALTH-GIVING MINERAL SALTS IN SASKATCHEWAN LAKE Sou Drifting Act." Thin Act camel eertatn penalties tor failure to pro. vide proper protection to adjacent property. No chin tor danger any be mode by my person. however, un. leu the clumlnt himself In comply. In; with the Act In regard to Bott drifting control meuum. The Act come: Into toree on the Ut day of March, 1986. FOUND MORE ABOII’OANTLY HERE THAN IN OTHER WORLD FAMOUS SPAS I Saw the "lab“ Poker Hands I With better times why not ioin the movement back to Ogden's and complete satisfaction? Buy a package of Ogden's Fine Cut, and to" it with "Chantecler" ot'Notwe"Npers. This is a “no recipe for smoking pleasure. It's High Time for Ogden's OGDEN’S UrPipe Km 0.4mm Plug Matt m Coupo- foal! try t4.urKAs'AI rm mu- m "runner" We -. I l'l Ml

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