West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1935, p. 8

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l Peabody " Debtor-o 74 Chatsworth Dornoch Gloneden Ritchie's Glen Markdale Dornoet Tp. WI I. Johnston's s. Todd'a s. Maple Hill t Oman 6. Eden Grov C. Vesta T. Malcolm 8. Elmwood 9. Baird’s 2nd con. Elon Road Dobbimon Gillies Hill Allan’s Dromoro Holstein Yeovll Mt . Forest Drury'. Nor th East West West South North MIMmay Otter Creek Formosa lug". Unit’s Cukmhe D-ton N OFFICIAL nam FOR GREY-BRUCE : IISS IACPIIAIL’S MAJORITY G 1484 Eden Grove Vesta lanolin Elmwood Baird’s Todd's Maple mu 2, Loni-e Elmwood MI 202 FLESHERTON HANOVER GLEN Eu', 66 mama m 170 EGREMONT 267 CHATSWORTH 68 DL'NDALK 193 Dt RHAM 94 183 210 146 CHESLEY CARRICK 27 " 17 " 12 23 22 I " 317 BENTlNCK " " 224 " 57 66 50 33 " 70 128 17 59 35 47 24g 3b 40 47 " 31 TT8 65 20 67 71 288 " 35 ll 16 37 103 84 58 " " 181 37 " 70 " 34 l 4 36 30 30 66 25 53 64 31 " 230 47 45 51 2t 12 108 25 " " 59 120 368 75 111 80 102 " 684 366 4rt 125 55 138 30 84 134 118 711 101 112 " 132 .1 68 132 42 51 " 130 77 85 179 58 420 124 55 21 13 " 449 " 70 136 74 125 114 84 " 45 85 21 24 706 100 126 151 136 90 103 250 The Y.W.A. and Mission Band in the church on Saturday after] with a good attendance. Mrs Me read the scripture lesson from .‘ 14th chapter. Mm Elgin Wilton the Mission Band in the absenu Mrs Marshall Sr.; Mrs Mearns t from the' study book on Japan its contact with the new wo: Plans were made tor a special in ing to be held Oct. 30th at the he of Mrs C. McAlister to which W.M.S. are to be invited. Miss E. Byers closed the meetimr w 260 69 91 90 69 Elmer tion . 68 56 48 88 We understand Mr. Elmer Fee has sold his farm to Mr. Wm. Marshall ot Mount Forest and will be leaving soon tor the new home in Egremont. We are sorry that Mr and Mrs Fee are leaving our neighborhood but we wish the best tor them in their new home. The tarm has been under the same name since pioneer days, Mr. Elmer Fee being the third genera- Hon 434 65 45 39 91 46 32 48 Mr and Mrs Ber on Sunday with Mr McDougall and amen services at Holstein 36 _ Artemesla 319 Bentlnck mate our meetings, so ing that more will w Mrs Patterson, pres. o M.S. closed the meeti er and the Durham lunch in the baaement. present. 27 48 43 " " " 71 " 132 " Chuswonh " Garrick 79‘Chesley " Dundalk 67 ; Durham 27 Eminent " Elderslle " Heaherton " Glenelg - Hanover " Markdale Mlldmay :Normantry I Proton 6 Paisley 5 Sullivan 'l Walke'rton a Absentee voters Quite a number from here attended the sectional meeting ot the W.M.S. held in the Presbyterian church, Dur. ham on Monday afternoon. Mrs Hon. eyman of Dromore presided. read the scripture lesson and led in prayer. Mrs John Marshall Sr., Pres. presi-i dent spoke on the Prov. Executive, meeting. Miss Lamont, field sec'y, gave an address and spoke of ways in which we might increase the in- terest in missions among the mem-' bers of our w.M_s_ w. um...» 74 5100 5728 Muphail's majority over Halt .. Maephan's ma). over Campbell.. Hall's majority over Campbell... " KNOX CORNERS Cedar-vine Hopevme Swlnton Park Ventry Allan's basement. Glad W.M.S. We should stings so very Interest- ' will wish to attend. l, pres. of Durham W. :he meeting with pray- Durham ladies served' Idance. Mrs Meal-us e lesson from John rt, Elgin Wilton led I in the absence of ; Mrs Mearns read ook on Japan and the new world, tor a special meet- attended Bert Watson visited St’n SUMMARY NEUBTAtyr 48 PROTON 28 34 284 MILDMAY and Mrs Hubert eo anniversary United church. Elmer Fee has " the home which the 146 278 193 487 248 141 128 224 373 284 109 " 344 325 123 196 513 325 109 199 40 48 " 81 684 Mt 120 170 230 202 64 181 565 98 199 157 387 155 218 185 651 met to be 155 157 13 11 " 20 21 33 W“ Five sons and four daughters re tall main to mourn her demise: Danie ing Eccles of Conn; John ot Dromore; nt. Adam of Gait; Robert of Philadel 'ee phia and Bert, Holstein; Mrs Frank we Adams (May) and Mrs David Gil, 2w lies (Mary) of Fairbairn; Mrs Strong he (Euphemia) of Lambton Mills, and r. _ Mrs John Smith (Jessie) of Conn. a- Two sisters and a brother also sur- ‘vive: Mrs Mossop, Tororro; Mrs " Bowerman, Saskatoon and Daniel! >n Mclnnes, Proton. [te After a {slimy service at the home n'oi' her daughter Mrs Gillies, the re- d mains were taken to Amos church on f Wednesday afternoon, where the , funeral service was held. Rev. R. i Mercer of Holstein United] church and Rev. R. Honeyman of Amos had . charge ot the services. l Interment was made in Amos cem- ' etery the pallbearers being six grand- sons: Orville. John and Lloyd Ec- cles, Murray Adams, Robert Gillies {and Lawrence Smith. Many old neighbors and friends gathered to pay the last tribute to one so well~ (known and highlv manM--~-‘ 420; Mr and Mm Jan. 595‘ the home of Mr. IU 95"0rchard on Sunday. 63;! The destruction ot Irten house or Mr. ll 439,) Orchard, which was 607 Saturday morning an eel caused a gloom in th 626 Thls is a dreadful al 227§Mrs Nelson and they 2' pathy of the commun ----l Congratulations to l 7212’ Wilson who have a. n 1484, the family. 2112! J. C. and Mrs thus ,'112) J. C. and Mrs 62tiiMr and Mrs W. “1 MRS. JAMES ECCLES t., A sufferer for many years from "}heart trouble, Mrs James Eccles "'died on Monday at the home ot her a. daughter, Mrs David Gillies, Egre- ‘ginont, in her 76th year. 'I The deceased was formerly Cather. _ ine Mclnnes, who was born in the F township of Proton, and there lived ' until 1880 when she was wedded to _ the late James Eccles, who prede. ceased her in 1918. They settled on ,the farm at Boothville now owned j'by John Hill. which was their home ,until 1902, when they moved to Dro- ‘more and ten years later to Holstein. _ Three years ago failing health neces- sitated Mrs Eccles to so to her dau- tthter's home, Mrs Gillies ot Fair- bairn. In days of good health the deceased was a strong active woman, a devoted wife and mother and took a keen interest in the events of the times. 21 .....g n. Wilkinson, Mt. Forest. 133! Mr. Julius, Kellar returned home 114, on Monday from Hamilton where his 'l,1iiiuiiiiic,' Mrs P. Gibson underwent la serious operation. fir Miss Dorothy Bogle was a recent 3: visitor with Miss Dorothy cud-mu l 83 39 62 " I McNiece of Durham fxton with Mins, Mso. Mrs J. R. Campbell. went a critical operation in Hamilton is at preset: well as can be ”hum" stem recently visiting with Mrs Gordon Long. Mr and Mrs R. J. Eden, I Eden attended on Friday the of Mr. Nelson Camount at Forest. 'and family, Wilder’s lake; [Mrs H. Wilkinson, Mt. I I I. -- _ Mr stein - ineahenon, I Mr. Tho. " McNiece of more with M " Mm Marie " Mr and Mm I Guests of I were Mr am ‘and familv I Mrs T1 ronto, en will ape; Leonard. - -vvvuy '55. Mom with Mina Margaret Leeson. Mm Home visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Walter Clark Crawford. Guests or Mr and Mrs W. G. Blyth were Mr and Mrs Albert Morriscn and flmilu um. _ Ill-s Marjorie 011d with Miss l Hesherton, ALLAN s CORNERS or with Miss Dorothy Culdwell. 'B Tinkham left Thursday for To t, en route to Buffalo. where she spend the winter with her son "'t"ructNttt ot the barn and lse or Mr. Wm. Nelson ot , which was burned down on r morning around 3 o'clock. ' gloom in the neighborhood. a dreadful shock to Mr and son and they have the gym-J , um Ari---, - OBITUARY eu was formerly Cather- who was born in the Proton, and there 11mm Hons to Mr and Mrs have a. male addition and they have community. us uuues ot Fair- of good health the strong active woman, and mother and took in the events of the "8 Gillies, the re- l Amos church on on, where the held. Rev. R. United] church Campbell, who (our daughters re. r demise: Daniel John ot Dromore; tbert ot Philadel- lsteln; Mrs Frank Mrs David Gil, bairn; Mrs Strong 1 . McNiece VARNEY , at present doing expected. Jan. Levi visited '. Robert Lewis McCabe were in Queen visited with Nelson recently. Friday the miidG . Eden, Mr Wm z ',_il:t'i'iu:it:'i {HE NEW FORD JFll FOR 1935 were recent viz-H LOCAL AND Spent the week " her home at tor some ‘; Mr and Mr under- Mount - - .- “new. was. -- "e""-----","-.. - - “WW" - t5odan, 'ttrs. Pordor 304m. was. - __‘_____,,, we tenders are cally welded genuine steel body. 'iqtotv 'l',1t,e3ttiiifitiir;'utttg',g. larger. with a wide um. Ham are COW. Glass all aroGriiGra, extra cost." ii' In"? 'i1r,,f2,tt"ii, Wat. c...,. a and...» coded behind circular grilles beneath Tai; - have written grateful lotion be. mt; an "i','2.",t fi1l'tytttiiticii2i,1'.' Ford uphold“, - always of sterling of their hmtihUn. bum-ta m, an, “numb Je.1f.t,trtrauueGJit2ur,i7,C2l f,gvgvesvtrjese,-a, 7.0.1. Petra-. 5“...” t'ty?ttaroLiiaid"'i/'i'rl',': calamityoulihhcityorcounhy. tl2tttt d'd',t1tdii"ilte'ri;,rut 1""-ottiiaTiiiiCdiGd,1' "uaTi'uiitugaiiirpiidi"i',"'l'i '1,eagqiaeT2ref..tPt to Hot. at ot - __--- "maul-ll. “to hood is longer and sweep: forward over the distinctive new radiator grille. giving the car a length and grace that go instantly impressive. The tenders are L.-.. _-n . - -- ture "with the Ji, thrown in"-j all, it is the engine You buy w buy a car. Hence We nu! "sas A... You may buy a car on minor “talking Points"-.-, specially advertised fea- in": ".-.un ac, -.. Sympathy is extended to the fam ily ot the late Mrs. Eccles. While it poor health for some time, she was able to Join in the family gathering at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eccles Sunday for the anniversary in the Presbyterian Church. She went home with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gillies, where she had been living, but died suddenly Sunday night. The funeral took place in Dromore cemetery, " ter service in Amos church, on Wed. nesday, October 23rd. low-price car field is still the V-8 engine. Since Ford made it available to all car users (keeping it as economical as cars with fewer cylinders) the Ford 1C8 has been the newest engine on the market. and remains the newest for 1986. low, Its lines are much more beautiful. The Wednesday. for 1936 ? fbther _ Mr and Mrs N E. McGuire and ftv miiy spent the ttrst of the week with friends in Teeswater. Mrs Petrie and Mrs Dyer are at- tending a meeting of the W.1. in Durham on Wednesday. 1 Messrs R. J. Am!!! and Wm.,' made a business trip to Toronto on' "r-a-__, Mrs Jas. Eden visited Mrs Pollock and Mrs Bottle recently. Mr Jack Irvin of Iambton Mills, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs R. Irvin. l brother Mr Geo. Pollock recently. Mrs Jas. Eden Geo. Bradley and Mr and 1 Aberdeln In Mount Forest. Mrs Bugle visited Mrs G other friends, In the village ot the week. She also vh _,V -- nvllw' ll |vislting her mother. Mrs Pollock, her brother, Mr Itotrt, Pollock and other friends, in the vicinity. Mrs Pollock and Mrs Bogle were dinner guests of Mr Joseph McCulin in Durham on Sunday. They withMr Geo. Pollock. called on Mr and Mrs. Geo. Bradley and Mr and Mrs. Wm.‘ Aberdein in Mount Forest. \ {’HOL‘STEIN LEADER; ,M What is new about it? Of course. the newest Why do we sgy The a (on: tut. THE DURHAM REVIEW e engine you buy when you Hence we put the engine first. lay night. The funeral Dromore cemetery, " Amos church, on Wed. Geo. Pollock rt Bode of Montana, is mother. Mrs Pollock, her Itotrt, Pollock and other Points about the K Ire. Eccles. whuem some time, she was the family gathering Mr. and Mrs. Bert - - my - m. 'ttrs. rar. “was; t In. render: an cally waded genuine steel body. Sdoty gfuwamgzhm-‘fl'm hare. Horns are con.. Gian all many at no extra cost. Hun- $710. 'rf21t,t' lt, . Mudguutrn‘iM' lar grilles beneath duds have watt-n grateful letter- bo. P"h8tus.rua,.r, 'Cd1','il't y atee1 which. cause this glass has planted the My h I lo, m. fauna"? Bean (with always of sterling of their hmtihUs. . . . built-h may), an, I I "asu--urichang 'f-tSteves/tresets,-,,,.,, P_Ibm-m_, mu a the a... "ar"Crr.Ce.t-carL-r-u7e='Pf2EP_Cd also visited her anniversary in h. She went t'8. D. Gillies, PERSONAL New Ford V. 8 Greer and engine in the S"2.e?imentir hut, after fam- . -'--.. out: in Mount Forest Tuesday. Mrs Kilty died suddenly Sunday morning. She lived In Holstein at one time, ”was qulte well known by some of the old- er citizens. Rev. Mr Schultz of the Baptist church. took charge of the} funeral. funeral of Mr. Dyer's aunt, ia Mount Forest T‘llnndnu : The anniversary of Presbyterian I church last Sunday was a. splendid y success. The feature of the program lat the fowl supper on Monday was {the tine talk by Rev. Mr. Gowdy ot l Durham, on his recent trip tolrelsnd Mr and Mrs John H. Sharp and dun-1 lghter Miss Alma Sharp ot Guelph,‘ spent a day recently with Mr and" ‘Mrs Habermehl and Mr and Mrs t2rxt, Mrs Habermehl and I eridge. ; Miss Lavina Rawn was a. recent guest Habermehi. Mr and Mrs A. ht dalk spent the tlrat 0 his parents Mr and l Ian. Mr and Mrs Albert Sturrock and family of Peterborough are spending a. few days with Mr and Mrs E. Smith. I Mr and Mrs Melvin Reid of Htun- Iiiton spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Henry Reid. [ Miss Ruby Kerr of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Jordan and the Bauer funny. I Miss Jean Ellis ot Toronto spent? the weekend with her parents Dr.! and Mrs w. P. Ellis. l Mr and Mrs B. f Messrs Edward mechanical design. funeral on Thur-3:0; brakes - shorter distance. The two qualities you 1 -r'--e--uLuTa2=ilvl WWII water louvres permit the engine, ,__ """'".'- (are)! made- Steering is made easier by a new a?” ing gear ratio. The cooling system Cir. culates 41/2 gallons of water through a new. larger radiator. Natural thermo.. syphon action is assisted 1w 0--- --- Safety - at alwayc - i " no question about the i beauty of the Ford V-8 for 19 Easier. In jun"... uncut me increased y of the Ford V-8 for 1936. more practical matters, manv ---a-aL='r -__ Brakes that stop the car wit . C"""-.--...---".; f-1t9..te,tz: Ford Super-Sale! quieter shil‘ing of Ford gears Dyer attended the McMillan of Dun, of the week with i, Mrs C. McMil- ot South Bend of Mr and Mrs. . "r-"---- Blah lever now TORONTO mans ot water through a ,diator. Natural thermo.. is assisted by two cen- pumps. New style hood a rapid air-flow around and Mrs Cor. Mrs Kitty 1i7iarn; aelphJThe and ' from ' Cor to 3. I W11 Bend lamb: Mrs.'ing t Iday a Ito Mi, bonen, 3 to Mi. Slackers “(Hand feeders held steady, than of dmg'select quality selling from 4 to 5 E. ’centa, common and medium from" Ito Mi. The cow trade mu, "tive, ’rm.and steady. choice fat com, ulllng‘ “d‘dgtrom 3% to 3%, an to good 'Iii'; "mullet to 3%, common and medium " 72:1“; Mi, cannen and cutteu 1% tol (o I: nL-V-r -- - I With continued light numbness ot 1 lambs. ulesmen were active in run- line the price, best lunbl selling to [day at 7% with bucks It from 6 ml 6%. The sheep trade wu active and; steady, choice light cheep {mm , to 3%. cut prices eased mewhnt an: (der a liberal supply, choice val; nel- 'llng from 8% to 9, fair to good from 7 to 8, common and medium 5 to 6% :grass calves 4% cents. ecu Hog supplies have been exception- ally heavy " all centric: with the result that prices commenced to one " during the latter pan of last week and continued to do so Mon. day, sales being made to day, Nes- ioorsmsoi, {from 3% to 3%, thir to good reiet'ft,t, " to 3%, common and medium " "do” " to Mi, cannen and cutter: 1% to,” ahatmi 2.15. Choice much cow: held wave. wot-ken and strung at from $50.00 to "o.iro,! a" “d others at lower prices accor,iilor.'lting the l The hull trade wu mater, choice ate. Our from " to Mi, bologna trom 'tS great I .I The cattle market oontlnued active ‘snd steady on Monday under a mod- erate run. Supplies from Western ere eased ott considerehly end this helped the trade for the local Ontario cattle. A few of the best ,heavy steers held ct from 6 to 656.; l with tair to good hom s to Mi. In I Ithe butcher section there was e lim-I ‘ited number of good to choice butch- 'er cattle which sold readily at from! 4% to 5%, fair to good ringed tmm 4 to 4%, common and medium iii! in!!! in By DUNN a LEVACK, Ltd., ' many LIVE ma REPORT sod driver's touch like a well-trained hone. You don't have to "push" or "tight" the my Ford V-8 - driver and cor easily get at on terms of good understanding with ar. each other. ir. In engine has much to do with the a a roominas; of a car. Very much indeed. IO- A long engine uses up cor space. The !n- compact V-8 engine pennits much of the ad ordinary engine space to be need by ad passengers. It really in a great car in every way. to this 1938 Ford 1r-8d.-iiri" linen. latest. 7. moot dependable Ford car "- "_... r1-- -- . TENBODY'rm C ”(3 oak“. Tudor “In. 'ttht. P..J_, - - This to the Electors _ / of Grey-Bruce - dar, on the but. of ttll t.o.b. and 8.65 for truck detteqtgfg.. It I. like]: that prices will work lover if up plies continue heavy. OCT. " "" Tuesday M or VOL. M Cald PFI‘NDI AVA LTI NOXZI not W4 Anti-Pu CHASE Phiilttrss ttny om. M

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